Download - The monitor.pptx chry 1 wk 2


PowerPoint Presentation


WE ARE LEARNING TO:Define a monitorIdentify the various parts of the monitorState the uses of the monitorState the types of monitor

The monitorThe monitor is the display unit of the computer system: The monitor looks like a television. The television is usually larger than the monitor.

Uses of the monitorit is used to display text,images or pictures,videos, games, etc.


Screen: The monitor has a screen which is the display area.Shape and size: A monitor is rectangular in shape. Monitors are available in various sizes. The most common ones are the 14,15, 17, 19, 21 and 22 inches.A stand: The stand helps the monitor to gain balance on the top of a desk or table.The power button: Is used to put on/off the monitor.

The screenThe powerbutton button.The stand

The monitorThe information displayed on the screen of the monitor is called soft copy because it is not on paper and we cannot take it to other places. It is also known as VDU, meaning Visual Display Unit.

Types of the monitor

Black and white monitorColoured monitor

REVISION QUESTIONSThe information displayed on the monitor is called ______ .A monitor has a power button to put it ON and OFF true/false?A ______is used to display text, pictures and videos.The full meaning of VDU is ___________The display area of a monitor is called ____________________are generally larger than monitors.Define a monitorIdentify the various parts of the monitorState the uses of the monitorState the types of monitor