Download - The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.

Page 1: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.

The Great Gatsby Vocabulary

Ch. 8 & 9

Page 2: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing.

• It was inexplicable how he fell off the roof and didn’t hurt himself.

Page 3: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Definition – (adj.) unable to be explained or accounted for.

• Synonyms – unaccountable; unexplainable; incomprehensible

Page 4: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• A lot of adults pretend to be children but really join chat rooms under false pretense.

• Because Frank stutters, he makes no pretense of being a wonderful speaker.

Page 5: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Definition – (n.) an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.

• Synonyms – make-believe; putting on an act; acting

Page 6: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• The defense attorney could not find anyone to corroborate his client’s alibi.

• I prayed my friend would corroborate the lie I told my parents!

Page 7: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Definition – (v) confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding).

• Synonyms – confirm; verify; endorse

Page 8: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• She was ecstatic when she learned she won the election.

• The students were ecstatic when they found out school was closed.

Page 9: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Definition – (adj.) feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.

• Synonyms – elated; overjoyed; blissful

Page 10: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Jan was tactful in telling her boss his breath smelled bad

• Juan is not tactful and always offends people.

Page 11: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Definition – (adj.) having the ability to do or say things without offending or upsetting other people.

• Synonyms – diplomatic; considerate; thoughtful

Page 12: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Jim’s mother became exasperated when he dropped out of school.

• Raider fans became exasperated and lost interest after another losing season.

Page 13: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Definition – (adj.) irritated or annoyed to a high degree

• Synonyms – annoyed; irritated; provoked

Page 14: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Because Jake is garrulous, asking him to keep a secret is impossible.

• The garrulous man held up the line as he rambled on about his pet squirrel.

Page 15: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Definition – (adj.) excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.

• Synonyms – talkative; loquacious; voluble

Page 16: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.

Ch. 9

Page 17: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• It is superfluous to have 20 pairs of shoes when you only wear the same 5 pairs.

• Sandy had a superfluous amount of candy, so she shared the rest with her friends.

Page 18: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Definition – (adj) unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.

• Synonyms – unneeded; redundant; excess

Page 19: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• He was a 'Reverent' man in the presence of royalty, showing great respect.

• You should be reverent if you ever meet the president.

Page 20: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Definition – (adj.) feeling or showing deep and solemn respect.

• Synonyms – respectful; reverential; admiring

Page 21: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Although Chuck wanted an 'A' in the class, he was complacent with a 'B'.

• After they won their first game, they became complacent and stopped trying.

Page 22: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Definition – (adj.) satisfied with how things are and not wanting to change them

• Synonyms – confident; satisfied; pleased

Page 23: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• If you look at Mr. Abdul’s hair, you can see where his hairline has started to recede.

• The animals will recede further into the forest as developers continue to cut down trees.

Page 24: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Ch. 8 & 9. Inexplicable It was inexplicable when the shy child stood up and started singing. It was inexplicable how he fell.


• Definition – (v.) go or move back or further away from a previous position.

• Synonyms – retreat; go back; withdraw