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  • 7/27/2019 The Finish Line - Asia - 2011 Wycliffe Translators


  • 7/27/2019 The Finish Line - Asia - 2011 Wycliffe Translators


  • 7/27/2019 The Finish Line - Asia - 2011 Wycliffe Translators




    Hooting, chanting, and dancing, Ketengban

    men and women in Southeast Asia greeted

    translators Andrew and Anne Sims as they

    returned to the rural mountain village afer

    a long absence.

    Although Andrew and Anne were responsible or the Ketengban translation

    project, and this was Annes first visit since the New estament dedication

    eleven years earlier, they hadnt expected such an exuberant welcome.

    At the edge o the crowd, Andrew and Anne saw a small group o young

    men. Covered in white mud rom head to toe, they stood silent and

    expressionless, in stark contrast to the rest o the crowd.

    Village elders explained:

    oday we celebrate your return, Andrew and Anneyou who broughtGods words to us in our own language. But we dont want to orgetwhat lie was like beore we had the Word, so we asked these youngmen to cover themselves with mud and to stand apart, silent andsomber. Tey represent the lives o all o us beore we understood

    Gods words to us. We were like dead men walking. We didnt knowGod or His Son. We lived in guilt and ear and constant warare,always under the power o the evil spirits who terrified us and causedus to ear one another.

    Now we are alive in Christ and ree rom our dark past. But ourchildren dont remember what it was like to be outsiders and walkas dead men, because they were born afer the coming o Gods words.

    We want them to understand our past so they will ully value whatthey have with Jesus and always give thanks to God.

    What a privilege it is to share Gods Word with millions o people like the

    Ketengban, in a language and orm they can clearly understand, and to see

    the hope and transormation it brings to entire communities.

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    Te people groups represented in this issue o Te Finish Linewill soonshare this lie-changing experience as their translation projects are

    completed. Tis important time requires much prayer as projects ofen

    experience significant setbacks leading up to the completion o Scripture.

    We stand at a pivotal time in the history o Bible translation. Te currentrate o Bible translation is truly unprecedented. God has sanctified His

    Word and, I believe, is multiplying our efforts. Faithul partners like

    you stand with us and are paving the way or Wycliffes mission: to see

    a Bible translation program in progress or every language still needing

    one by 2025. Tank you or your dedication to the Bibleless people o the

    world. Tis year, lets continue to pray that God will bring new hope to

    communities as they receive His Word or the first time in a languageand orm they can clearly understand.


    Bob Creson

    PresidentWycliffe USA

  • 7/27/2019 The Finish Line - Asia - 2011 Wycliffe Translators



    We were sitting on woven mats in the central room o the village pastors home.

    Tere were thirteen o us, mostly media proessionals on a trip to Southeast Asia,

    gathering stories, images, and video ootage o translation projects in the area.

    Several village women had prepared lunch or us: taro ried in coconut oil,

    tou and garden greens served with chili-peanut sauce, and sweet coconut

    tea. We paused, waiting or the pastor to bless the ood.

    What language shall I pray in? he asked.

    Your heart language, we answered in unison. Afer all, thats what our work

    is all about; thats what we love to hear.

    No, I cant. I wont, he answered solemnly. Ill pray in the regional

    language. And he did.

    Later our translator told us why the pastor reused to talk to God in thelocal language.

    Te people in that obscure, wooded place are ofen ridiculed by others in

    the region or being poor coconut armers. As a result o the derision, they

    have become ashamed o their identitytheir cultureand they blame it

    on their language. While it is the language o their ancestors, it is also the

    identiying eature that makes them most obviously different rom others,

    and so it is the one thing that causes them the most shame.

    Consequently, they speak the local language only among themselves. Tey

    are uncomortable using their language in public, and they are particularly

    embarrassed to use it when they speak to God. Tey believe their language is

    too rough, too lowly or Gods noble ears; it would pain Him to have to hear it.

    Te person telling us this ended by saying, Tereore no one will pray in

    the local language.

    Yet! interjected the young man working on the New estament translation.

    Yes, yet, indeed.

    Too Ashamed to Speakby Dawn Kruger


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    How will their situation change when they discover the high value Christ

    places on them or who they are? How will they eel about their language

    when God Himsel speaks it through the translated Word? What impact

    will that have on their sel esteem and on their prayer lie?

    And one day this pastor and others rom the village will stand beore theheavenly throne, praising God in their mother tonguewithout shame.

    How will that eel?

    Dawn Kruger is the director o Monsoon Communications, a Wycliffe Asia Pacific

    communications hub based in the Philippines.

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    How to use this prayer guide

    Te language projects listed in this guide are arranged first by location, then

    alphabetically by language name. You can pray through the projects one by

    one, or ocus on a particular country or area or a given time. Te map on

    the next page serves as an index or the languages listed by country.

    Tere are a number o components included in each project listing to help

    you pray more specifically.

    NAHUAL, SOUHEASERN PUEBLA; Americas; 92,000; Ralph and Judy.

    Prayor the audio recordings o the 22 different voices in the New estament.

    Prayor the typesetting o the New estament in 2010 and or subsequent

    publishing and recording.Ask Godto use His Word to enrich the lives o the

    Southeastern Puebla speakers.;

    Language name

    Web sites or additional inormation




    Suggested prayer topics

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    How do I Pray for TranslationProjects Nearing Completion?


    Every translation project is unique, but many ace similar challenges and obstacles.

    You are welcome to use this list o prayer points to help you begin and ocus.

    PRAY FOR THE PEOPLEranslation teams and their amilies are vulnerable at this time. Pray or their

    stamina and health. Pray that their ocus would remain on Jesus, despite the

    challenges that will come. Pray or their hearts to be encouraged by one another.

    PRAY FOR THE PROCESSPray or trained consultant checkers. Pray or the involvement and

    consensus o church denominations on the wording, writing, and printing

    o the translation. Pray or the final prooreading process, asking God to

    correct any errors that would mar the translation. Pray or the technology

    involved in every project so that it would not hinder the finished product.

    PRAY FOR PROTECTIONPray or those involved with translation projects operating in secrecy. Pray

    or peace in areas affected by subversive political orces. Pray or provision in

    the event o hurricanes, cyclones, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.

    Pray or the courage and strength o mother-tongue speakers in the event

    o persecution.

    PRAY FOR THE PRINTINGPray or the typesetters, who ofen work in a language they do not understand,

    that they may be accurate and maintain the integrity o the translation. Pray

    or availability o paper. Pray or the printers as they work to ensure that

    inking, pagination, and binding result in clear and durable books. Pray that

    the published books will be delivered in Gods perect power and timing.

    It is the same with my Word. I send it out, and it alwaysproduces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and itwill prosper everywhere I send it. Isaiah 55:1011 (NLT)

    For more tools to guide you in your prayers or projects nearing completion,

    as well as other helpul prayer resources, visit

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  • 7/27/2019 The Finish Line - Asia - 2011 Wycliffe Translators



    NOE: Te Finish Lineis a quick-access resource to help you pray more effectively

    or translations that are within three years o publication or arrival to a language

    group. For deeper prayer points and updated inormation, visit a Web site(s) is listed

    under some language group. Unless otherwise noted, each project is or a complete

    translation o the New estament.

    ASHAK; Asia. Prayor the effective distribution o Old estament Scriptureportions on DVDs. As the translation team prepares or final publication,

    prayor Gods perect guidance in every decision. Praise Godthat His Word

    will soon be available to this people group in a language they can understand.

    BROOKE; Asia. Te Brooke translation team is working in partnershipwith Faith Comes By Hearing to record the New estament in an audio

    ormat. Once recorded, digital players loaded with the audio Scriptures will

    be distributed among the Brooke language community. Prayor productivetimes together and or saety in travel or all the members o this project

    team, especially since most o the work takes place outside the language

    area. Praythat the translation will be published in 2013.

    DK; Asia. A read-through o the manuscript is in progress; prayor goodconcentration or team members during this process. Praythat the meaning

    o the text comes across clearly and naturally, so that it can be prepared or

    publication in 2011.

    M; Asia. Prayor spiritual growth and strength or new believers inChrist and or them to boldly share their new lie in Christ with others.

    Praythat the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts o the people so they will

    see their need or a Savior and realize the importance o Gods Word in

    their language. Prayor translation team members to reach their goal opublishing Scripture in 2013.

    MADRIGALcluster; Asia. ranslation teams working on this project aretranslating the Old estament or one language in the cluster and the New

    estament or another. Prayor these team members as they continue to


    11One o the 20 countries with the greatest remaining translation need.

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    listen to Gods guidance and receive His daily encouragement to reach their

    goal to publish in 2012. Prayor good ocus and attention to detail as they

    begin to assess their work in light o its upcoming publication.

    MEEJAKE;throughout Asia. Praythat the Meejake Bible will be readyor publication in 2012.Ask Godto give this team one heart and one mindconcerning their work. I have given them the glory you gave me, so they

    may be one as we are one (John 17:22, NL).

    NAVA; Asia. Prayor endurance and encouragement or the Nava Bibletranslation team. Te team has aced numerous difficulties and trials over

    the past two years, causing an extended delay in the project. Prayor the

    Lords strength or each team member to keep moving toward the finishline, which could be two years away.

    NGOCHANG; Asia; 35,000. Prayor the unding needed to support thisBible translation project so publication o translated Scripture can take place

    this year. Praise Godor His promise: And this same God who takes care o

    me will supply all your needs rom his glorious riches, which have been given

    to us in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19, NL).

    PAZE; Asia; 20,000. Dedicated on September 18,

    ROM; Asia. Praise Godthat the New estament is scheduled to bepublished beore 2014. Te team also plans to add Old estament portions,

    sopraythat they can complete these in time or the publication. Prayor

    continued momentum to move this project to the finish line.

    SIYA; Asia. Prayor accuracy and attention to detail or those making last-minute corrections to the translation during the publication process. Praise

    Godthat unding was available to cover extra printing costs involved in

    some changes to the layout.

    TD;Asia. As the October 2011 target date or submitting the Newestament to the publisher draws closer,prayor the translation team as

    they work with a consultant to finalize the translated books. Prayor good

    communication between the consultant and the team.

    Arrows denote translations that were recently completed.

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    ET; East Asia. Project team members are very busy with accuracy checking.Tey are revising where necessary, choosing pictures and maps to include,

    and checking book introductions. Praise Godor doing great things tobring the project to this point. Prayor the team as they visit local villages

    to conduct literacy classes and train new teachers and supervisors. Some

    translators have suffered rom health issues;prayor Gods complete healing

    or all o them.


    AMARASI; imor, Indonesia; 80,000. Prayor the Amarasi translationteam as they work with an advisor who is preparing them or the next

    phase o their project: a consultant check o their most recently translated

    Scripture portions. PraiseGod that six New estament books are now ready

    or printing. Praythat this team achieves their completion goal o 2012.

    One o the 20 countries with the greatest remaining translation need.

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    DHAO; imor, Indonesia; 7,000. Praise Godor providing a consultantto check the Dhao translation. Prayor the team as they do the exegetical

    checking. Teyre also preparing a glossary or the New estament. Pray

    or accuracy in all o their work. Some o the translators have struggled

    with health issues; ask Godto protect them and keep them healthy.

    HAWU;imor, Indonesia; 110,000. Praise Godor His help in completingmany o the translation tasks.Ask Godto continue providing more people

    to help with the remaining translation work. Praythat the translation

    team will agree on an ideal time to meet with their advisor to begin the

    consultant-checking process.

    HELONG; imor, Indonesia; 20,000. Te project team is motivated bytheir great anticipation o the Scriptures publication in 2011. In act, they

    have already written songs to sing at the dedication ceremony! Prayor

    team members as they make final revisions and prepare the manuscript or

    publication. Prayor Gods perect timing o the Scripture dedication

    and the production o the Lukevideo, which will accompany the printedNew estament.

    TETUN BELU; imor, Indonesia; 300,000. September 2011 will be declaredHoly Bible Month as the community plans to hold a dedication ceremony or

    this translation. Prayor the translation team members as they make final

    revisions, prepare a glossary, and write some etun hymns. Praythat the New

    estament will be well received.

    TII; imor, Indonesia; 14,000. eam members are excited by the dynamicScripture theyve already translated into their language. Praise Godor the

    completed portions o Scripture, andprayor His provision as translators

    continue to work on more Scripture. Members o the team are armers;pray

    or sufficient rainall in this area rom November to March so their crops

    produce much and earn the income they need to support their amilies.


    ARAMAIC MSOUTH; Mediterranean; 15,000. Members o thistranslation project expect to publish their work in 2011. Prayor team

    Arrows denote translations that were recently completed.

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    members as they check the text and review all that has been done so ar.

    Pray, too, or progress in translating Old estament portions.


    KIMYAL; 8,000; Papua; World eam. Dedicated on March 16,;

    MOMUNA; Papua; 2,000. Dedicated in September 2010.


    BALANGINGI; Philippines; 80,000. Praise Godthat a preliminary editiono the whole New estament was published, along with Old estament

    portions. Praythat the people will use them extensively. Prayor the

    translators as they draf Psalms.

    One o the 20 countries with the greatest remaining translation need.

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    BOLINAO; Philippines; 50,000. Prayor translation team members asthey check the accuracy o key terms and prepare introductory material,

    outlines, headings, and ootnotes.Ask Godto lead the team throughout the

    project, andpraythat the Bolinao Scriptures will be published in 2012. Pray

    or a hunger and thirst among the Bolinao people or Gods Word in their

    language. A Scripture Use and Distribution Coordinator is needed;prayor

    the right person to fill that role.

    IFUGAO, AYANGAN BATAD; Philippines; 43,000. Bible dedicatedon October 29, 2010.

    INAKEANON;Philippines; 395,000. Praise Godthat the Scripture

    publication is scheduled or 2011, a year earlier than expected! Tank himor blessing the team with a promo room, an extra space to produce

    Scripture promotional materials.Ask Godto protect and strengthen the

    team as they continue through this final phase o revising to their work.;

    KALINGA, BUTBUT; Philippines; 8,000. Prayor divine protection and

    good health or team members and their amilies as they continue to workacross denominational boundaries. Praise Godor the promotion o literacy

    and music in local villages. Praythat the people o this language group will

    assist the translation team by checking the Scripture translation or clarity

    and naturalness.

    KALINGA, LUBUAGAN;Philippines; 14,000. Prayor encouragementor the translation team. Due to major snags in translation work over the

    past ew years, the team now anticipates completion o the New estamentin 2012. Praythat literacy and Scripture-use training will help the

    translation make a lasting impact on the entire language community.

    MAJUKAYONG; Philippines; 10,000. Currently, team members areexamining their Scripture translation by sharing portions with the

    community;prayor good eedback rom everyone who checks the

    translation. Praythat a translation consultant will be available to helpthis project move orward. Te team needs consultant approval o the

    New estament letters.

    Arrows denote translations that were recently completed.

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    MANOBO, OBO; Philippines; 60,000. Praise Godor the developmento audio materials using translated Scripture portions. Praythat these audio

    programs will promote spiritual growth among local people. Praythat this

    translation will be ready to publish in 2011. Pray, too, or a production

    o the JESUS film or this language group.

    MATIGSALUG; Philippines; 30,000. Praise Godor the triumphantculmination o 21 years o work on the Matigsalug Scripture translation!

    Ask Godto protect the printing process, which begins in December 2010.

    Prayor those who are planning a dedication celebration in 2011, and more

    importantly,prayor the spiritual strengthening o this people group as

    the Word becomes available to them in their own language.

    PARANAN; Philippines; 15,000. Several churches in the area began acampaign to raise and sell pigs to help pay or the printing o the New

    estament. Praythat sales will increase so more community members can

    receive their own copy when the Scriptures are ready or distribution. Pray

    or the motivation needed by the nine translators to begin a translation o

    the Old estament. Praise Godor church leaders who support this project.

    One o the 20 countries with the greatest remaining translation need.

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    SUBANEN, NORTH; Philippines; 85,400. A final consultant check othis translation is underway, and soon it will be ready to typeset. Praise

    Godor providing the unds or printing and publication in 2011. An Old

    estament translation will begin in January 2011;prayor strength or the



    KHAKAS;Russia; 20,000; Institute or Bible ranslation Russia/CIS.Completed in February 2010.

    UVIN; Russia; 244,000; Institute or Bible ranslation Russia/CIS. Praise

    Godor providing the unds needed to print the uvin Bible. Prayorspiritual ruit among members o this people group as the Word o God

    is made available in their own language.

    YUPIK, CENRAL SIBERIAN; Russia; 300. Prayor the team as they revise

    their work and complete a final read-through o the translation. Teyre also

    working to complete audio recordings o the New estament in both Cyrillic

    and Roman scripts. Praise Godor the opportunity to make His Wordavailable through multiple ormats and in different languages!


    DAGRIA;South Asia; 10,000. Dedicated in May 2010.

    GUAN; South Asia; 700,000. Praise Godor the eagerness o Guan peopleto learn His Word while the translation team works through revisions othe material. Prayor strengthened literacy efforts and Scripture promotion

    within the community.Ask Godto allow team members to accomplish their

    goal o completion in 2013.

    ISOMA; South Asia; 150,000. Dedicated on February 10, 2010.

    KHASI;South Asia; 865,000. Te Khasi Old estament translation wasalmost finished when both translators died. Tey had worked or 20

    years, almost completing the project. Prayor those who have taken on

    the remaining work, and ask Godto reward their commitment to seeing

    His Word made available in this language. Prayor the project to finish

    by December 2011. Pray, too, or a good partnership between Te Seed

    Arrows denote translations that were recently completed.

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    Company and the Bible Society o India or the benefit o this project and

    many others in South Asia.

    KUTCHCHHI; South Asia; 866,000. Tis translation team is working on

    multiple projects: the New estament, a Childrens Bible, composing songs,and producing Scriptural tools in oral, audio-visual, and print media.Ask

    Godto protect this team and inspire all that they do. Prayor them to finish

    these projects in 2011.

    MAGU;South Asia; 400,000. Prayor good results rom the teamstranslation and literacy efforts. Praise Godor providing more people to

    help with the translation. Praythat the teams equipment will be ree o any

    technical problems so they can ocus on revisions to their work and movequickly toward publication.

    MAL PAHARIA; South Asia; 111,000. Mal Paharia believers are a tinyraction o the population. Prayor those who remain indifferent to the

    message about Christ. Praythat when they have Gods Word available in

    their own language, their hearts will be open to His love and salvation.

    Prayor Gods provision o every resource the Bible Society o India needsto complete and publish the New estament.

    One o the 20 countries with the greatest remaining translation need.

    One o the 20 countries with the greatest remaining translation need.

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    MALAYALAM; South Asia; 35,894,000. Prayor the Malayalamtranslators as they work to finish the remaining twelve New estament

    books within two years, which will complete the Malayalam Bible. Praythat

    the message o Christs redemption will pierce hearts and minds as it speaks

    clearly to each individual.

    NAGA, NOKTE; South Asia; 48,000. In this project, the translation teamexpects to finish our remaining books o the New estament and to publish the

    whole manuscript by the end o 2011. Praythat church leaders in this language

    group will use these translated Scriptures. Praythat the members o their

    congregations will apply Gods Word to their lives, andprayor open doors or

    urther translation work to begin in this area.

    PRIAU; South Asia; 301,000. Prayor spiritual enrichment in thecommunity as the number o believers increases and Scripture portions

    are made available to local people. Publication o the New estament is

    expected in 2013.

    RIVALI; South Asia; 600,000. Dedicated in 2010.

    SADRI; South Asia; 1,970,000. Prayor a small group o believers in thiscommunity as they testiy to the power o Gods Word in their language.

    Praythat this New estament translation project will finish in 2011.

    TARGHA;South Asia; 15,000,000. Tank the Lordthat a consultant hascompleted a final check o the New estament. Prayor the team as they

    make final revisions, conduct a read-through, and look to finish in 2011.Prayor peace and perseverance or team members in the ace o adversities.

    TIVANTI; South Asia; 500,000. Prayor accuracy or the translation teamas they prooread their work, part o the final process o preparing the

    transaltion or printing. Prayor endurance and strength or each team

    member, and ask Godto bring this project to completion in 2011. Pray, too,or sustainable literacy training in the area.

    TRABHAT; South Asia; 600,000. Prayor the team as they aithully worktoward their completion target o 2012. Prayor encouragement or each team

    membermuch work remains to be done.

    Arrows denote translations that were recently completed.

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    WALMI;South Asia; 1,100,000. Praise Godor the cooperation o manychurch denominations in support o this translation. Prayor accuracy

    and endurance or translation team members as they complete revisions

    and prepare or typesetting and printing in 2011. Praise Godor Walmi

    radio programs broadcasting Scripture in their mother tongue.


    AMBAI; Southeast Asia; 10,100. Dedicated on March 30, 2010.

    BALANTAK; Southeast Asia; 30,000. Dedicated on June 4, 2010.

    ENULA;Southeast Asia; 17,200. Tis translation team must contend withlimited electronic access to their work as they make final preparations or

    the publication o the New estament in 2012. Prayor them as they check

    the consistency o key terms, styles, and discourse markers. Also, they are

    editing glossaries and prooreading all 27 books. Prayor Gods help in all the

    details o recording the JESUS film script in the Enula language, and in the

    ormation o a Scripture-dedication committee.


    One o the 20 countries with the greatest remaining translation need.

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    INOAWA;Southeast Asia.Ask Godto encourage the translation teamas they work through the final revisions o the New estament. Pray

    specifically or the team advisor, who works remotely, and or his amily.

    Praythat translated Scripture portions will be read by people both within

    and outside the church. Praythat believers will find natural ways to share

    the good news with others. Praise Godthat believers are looking orward to

    their dedication ceremony in 2011.

    IYARU; Southeast Asia. Praise Godor a committed team o mother-tonguetranslators who have a vision to see nearby language communities receive

    Gods Word. Tese nationals have ormed an organization that enables the

    production and ongoing use o translated Scripture or their region. Pray

    that the Iyaru team will persevere in their work and reflect Jesus as theytrain mother-tongue translators and complete the New estament. Praythat

    computers, satellite phones, and other equipment will continue to unction

    properly so that communication stays open between team members.

    KETNING; Southeast Asia; 15,000. Praise Godthat the team is makingexcellent, steady progress on an Old estament volume. Tank the Lord

    or a resolution to visa issues that allows translators to return to their work

    location. Prayor this community to experience deeper ellowship with God

    through Scripture use and music programs.

    MANMALcluster projectJOMANA, NUNE, WOLOLA, and

    KOKOAN; Southeast Asia; 2,260,000. Praise Godor the teams goodprogress in translating Scripture or each o these languages. Also, thank

    himor the additional team member who was added to their ranks. Pray

    or the teams as they test Scripture portions in local villages and receiveeedback on clarity and naturalness.Ask Godto use these Scriptures to

    touch the hearts o each people group.

    MANTIVEcluster projectEJE, ERE, GEST, GOM, IRO, RABA,

    UCHU; Mainland Southeast Asia; 307,000 in seven languages. Praise Godthat the Eje and Gest teams have finished their New estament translations.

    Prayor the Ere and Uchu as they continue their work and hope to completeit in 2011. Te Gom and Iro teams are projected to finish in 2012. Prayor the

    Raba team members as they translate the Old estament during 2011. Praise

    Godthat by working together in a cluster project, these translation teams are

    mutually supporting and encouraging one anotherand that, as a result, they

    will produce high-quality translations much aster.

    Arrows denote translations that were recently completed.

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    MELICHI; Southeast Asia; 20,000. Praythat many local people willrespond to the salvation message ound in Romans. Praise Godthat the

    team expects to print the New estament by the end o 2011. Prayor team

    members as they prepare remaining books or consultants to review and

    or more testing among the community. Prayor valuable eedback rom

    the people regarding the translations naturalness and clarity. Also, in this

    area there are problems with pest inestations that threaten crops and bring

    diseases; ask Godto protect this people group rom urther inestations.

    SISU; Southeast Asia. Prayor team members as they conduct a read-through o their work and check or any final corrections to the translation

    beore it is typeset. Following publication in early 2011, a dedicationcelebration is expected to take place in June or July. Te JESUS film has

    been well received, butprayor more opportunities to show it.

    SOBA; Southeast Asia.Ask Godto encourage Soba translation workersas they begin final revisions to the translation. Praise Godor the good

    responses received when team members shared the translated Scripture in

    local villages.Ask Godto provide unding so that more Scripture copies

    can be given to community members in order to get additional eedback.


    One o the 20 countries with the greatest remaining translation need.

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    Te team believes they could complete the work by 2012. Prayor consistent

    good health or the project advisor, as she also checks material or five other

    translations in the area.

    TOBELOlanguage, TUGUTILpeople; Southeast Asia; 2,590; New ribesMission. Prayor the availability o a consultant to check the translationteams work, in order to complete the project in 2011. Praise Godor His

    gracious power every day in bringing more o His Word to remote regions

    o our world.

    VAGAS; Southeast Asia. Te New estament is on track or publication in2013. ranslators are dealing with noisy rogs that keep them up during the

    night. In spite o the noise,praythat they will have peaceul nights o sleepand renewal. Pray, too, or a good location or the team to work that will

    not require elderly colleagues to travel as much.

    YAKAH;Southeast Asia. Dedicated November 27, 2010.

    YAWA; Southeast Asia; 6,000. Dedication scheduled or June 28, 2011.

    Arrows denote translations that were recently completed.

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    Whats Next?


    Choosing to spend time in prayer or the language projects presented in

    Te Finish Lineis hard work as well as heart work. Once people make thisinvestment in the building o Gods kingdom, they are likely to ask the

    question, Whats next? Many want to expand their involvement into the

    areas o donating and serving.

    For those individuals able to provide unding or a language project,

    online giving is available by writing [email protected] can also contact us at 1-800-WYCLIFFE (1-800-992-5433 ext. 3705).

    Some o our prayer partners have rallied their Sunday school

    classes to organize a undraising event. We never cease to be amazed

    by the creativity o Gods people.

    Interested in taking a short-term trip to witness translation work up close?

    We encourage you to visit www.wycliffe.organd click on theGosection.

    Youll find a variety o programs, all designed to help you dig deeper intothe world o Bible translation and literacy work.

    You might be ready to take the first step toward membership. Go to and click on Go. Ten click the button titled Ready to Serve.

    Your continued prayers are always welcome. Wycliffes Prayer Ministries

    department can equip you to pray or a language community where there

    is no work in progress. You can sign up or the Bibleless Peoples PrayerProjectonline by visiting www.wycliffe.organd clicking on the Pray

    section, or by calling 1-800-WYCLIFFE (1-800-992-5433 ext. 3870).

  • 7/27/2019 The Finish Line - Asia - 2011 Wycliffe Translators


  • 7/27/2019 The Finish Line - Asia - 2011 Wycliffe Translators


  • 7/27/2019 The Finish Line - Asia - 2011 Wycliffe Translators


    Wycliffe Bible TranslatorsP O B

    1-800-WYCLIFFE( )


    The Bible itself is now clearly out of

    control in many parts of the world....

    Once people get the Bible in their own

    language, you can readily expect what

    in most cases will be an explosive

    growth of faith movements to Christ.

    Ralph Winter, ounder o the

    U.S. Center or World Mission,

    Mission Frontiers, Sept./Oct. 2006