Download - "The Bridge between Eastern and Western Cultures" All empires from sunrise to sunset have been given to us, and we own them. -Guyuk Third Great Khan of.


"The Bridge between Eastern and Western


All empires from sunrise to sunset have been given to us, and we own

them.        -Guyuk Third Great Khan of the Mongols

The Mongolian Empire

Who were the Mongols?

• Nomads who lived on the steppe

• Central Asia• Tribal with strong clan ties• First united together under the

great Mongol ruler Genghis Khan

Who was Genghis Khan?

• Mongol leader • Great military


• United the tribes • Gained control of a vast empire• Instilled fear in the conquered

• All who surrender will be spared; whoever does not surrender but opposes with struggle and dissension, shall be annihilated.--Genghis Khan

Mongolian Empire at its height in 1200’s CE

Largest land empire

• At it’s height, the Mongol empire was the largest land empire the world has ever known!

• Bigger than the Persian Empire!• Bigger than Alexander’s Empire!• Bigger than Rome!• Bigger than Byzantium!

• When Genhgis Khan died his empire was divided among his sons and grandsons: khanates (like separate states or empires)

• His grandson Kublai Khan gains the khanate of the east including China

Kublai Khan

• Grandson of Genhis Khan• Ruled in China• Government: only Mongols and foreigners…no

Chinese in high positions-why?• But respected and were interested in Chinese

culture• Got rid of Civil Service Exam• Postal/communication system connected

Beijing to Vienna using horses; 1400 postal stations; trade flourished; merchants converted their $$ to Chinese paper money

Kublai Khan Continued

• Marco Polo the great Italian explorer:• From Venice• Served in the Khans court for 17 yrs• Wrote about his travels to China…no one

believed him

• Increased the status of artisans/actors/merchants

• Kublai’s successors were weak• Divided the empire among various

generals • by 1350, most of the empire was

reconquered by other armies

• The Khanate of the Golden Horde invades Russia and controls eastern Europe

Mongol Impact

• Pax Mongolia• United large territory for about a century 2

continents were united under one rule; safe trade; etc

• Cultural diffusion• Gun powder• Trade of food, tools, ideas• $$ for traders (esp. in Venice and Genoa)• Bubonic Plague (AKA Black death)• Killed 1/3 of W. Europe and 50% of the population

in other areas• Ended feudalism in W Europe


• Began as nomads and challenged the sedentary peoples for control

• Often portrayed as barbarians; destructive conquerors, but they brought peace, religious toleration, laws and unity to their empire

• Empire included Central Asia, China, Persia, Tibet, Iraq, Asia Minor, and Southern Russia

• Bridged gaps between East and West