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TCFlow 2.5 Installation Guide

Revision 1.3 July 07, 2011

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Licenses This manual is the exclusive property of Prometric Inc. This manual is licensed for use with restrictions to authorized centers and Agents. Information herein is proprietary in nature and may not be disclosed to unauthorized persons without the expressed consent of Prometric. Copyright© 2011 Prometric ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution, or information storage and retrieval systems, or in any other manner—without the written permission of the publisher.

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TCFlow 2.5 Installation Guide 4 General ...................................................................................................................................... 4 System Requirements ................................................................................................................ 4 Preparation Before Installation .................................................................................................. 5 Special Instructions for Sites Running TCFlow 2.0 .................................................................. 6 TCFlow 2.5 CD Installation ...................................................................................................... 8 

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TCFlow 2.5 Installation Guide

General Table 1. General Information.


The purpose of this guide is to provide additional information and screenshots that may be used to assist the individual installing the TCFlow 2.5 software on the site server. The installation is accomplished by inserting the CD provided into the server CD ROM drive. It is critical for the successful installation that the server, admin and workstations be configured to the proper operating system and basic requirements

System Requirements Table 2. System Requirements.

System Requirements TCFlow 2.5

Important: The site infrastructure such as DNS, Active Directory, and Internet access should be established before running the Prometric IT 10.0 setup. The server machine must be running one of the following operating systems:

1 Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 4. Note: IE 6.0 must be installed prior to setup.

2 Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 2.

3 Windows 2008 32 bit

Testing and Administrative Machine Setup and Requirements Note: When performing the install on the server all workstations and admin machines must be powered off.

1 Windows XP SP2 32 bit version

2 Windows 7 “32 Bit versions only.” Applies to workstations only Not admins.

Pre Requisite Applications Installed During the Build

1 Windows Installer 3.1

2 Windows .NET 2.0

3 Adobe Acrobat reader 9

4 Internet Explorer 7.0

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Preparation Before Installation Table 3. Preparation.


Before beginning the installation:

• Ensure that the machines at the testing center are all running supported Operating Systems (OS)

• Ensure that the printer is installed on the server as network printer and shared on the network, as well as on all testing machines. The printer should be set on all as the “Default.”

• Make sure that the Domain Administrator account is used to log onto the server and that the Domain DTS2 account is used to log onto all workstations and the admin.

• If your site is running TCM to deliver exams: • Run Pulse to upload pending results and other files.

• If your site is running TCFlow version 1.5: • Run Close Test Center and make sure Pulse launches and runs to upload pending results and other files.

• If your site is running TCFlow version 2.0: • Run Close Test Center and make sure that Communications launches and runs to upload pending results and other files. • See “Table 4. TCFlow 2.0 Removal.” for special instructions if your site is operating on TCFlow 2.0.

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Special Instructions for Sites Running TCFlow 2.0 Table 4. TCFlow 2.0 Removal.


If your site has already upgraded to TCFlow version 2.0 it will be necessary to remove this version completely from your server before starting the installation. If this is not done the installation of TCFlow2.5 will fail. IMPORTANT! Be sure you follow these steps exactly in the order explained below (Seats and admin first, then server). Failing to do so may require a complete re-installation of the OS. 1 Beginning with the workstation, go to the Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.

2 Select the TCFlow Activity Manager 2.0.4 and click Remove.

3 Follow the prompts. When finished, turn the workstation off.

4 Continue this process for every workstation and admin station.

5 The next step in the process will be done on the server. From the Start menu, select Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.

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6 Select the TCFlow Server and click Remove.

7 Follow the prompts and when finished, reboot the server.

8 Log in as (Domain) Administrator.

9 You are now ready to begin the TCFlow2.5 installation.

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TCFlow 2.5 CD Installation Table 5. Installation.


Important: Before installing the TCFlow 2.5 software, ensure all workstations and admin stations are turned off.

1 Insert the installation CD in the server CD-ROM drive.

2 The Auto Run feature will display this screen. Note: If Auto run fails to start, you can launch the CD manually using Windows Explorer and double-clicking on the setup.exe file for instance.

3 Click 1 INSTALL TCFLOW to start the installation.

4 The installation wizard will begin by presenting you with an installation key. You must contact the Global Help Desk for the password. Use iSupport at

5 Type the password given to you into the available field and click Next.

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6 The Licensing Agreement screen appears. Click Yes to continue.

7 The Welcome screen displays, click Next to continue.

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8 Input your site information if it is not already displayed. Click Next. Note: The site code must be entered with no spaces, dashes or underscores. For example enter GB20, not GB 20 or GB-20.

9 The Destination Folder will display. Click Next to continue.

Important: The C:\DTS must be selected (see red box). If different do not change.

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10 Next you must select the Client Drive Letter. This drive letter is the same drive letter as the testing and admin workstations, and must be used for all TCFlow machines. The drive letter must be consistent across the network. It is usually the F: Note: It’s possible that after choosing the F: drive letter, the Next button is not available (grayed-out). In that case, click Back to go back a screen and then click Next to return to this screen. This time you will be able to click Next to proceed to the next screen in the process.

11 Click Start to begin the installation. The installation will continue.

12 When prompted, click OK to reboot the server.

13 Log on to the server with the Domain Administrator account.

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14 After the Windows Desktop has loaded, the verification and installation of the APTC and TCFlow essential updates will start automatically. This is called SiteSync. The process is normally running in the background, but after a first-time installation, the system must be allowed to complete the update before you turn the admin and workstations ON.

15 Click on the SiteSync icon on the system tray by the clock (shown in the red box below).

16 Click Show Current Status and then Service control.

Both buttons must show green before proceeding.

17 Log on Admin and then the workstations.

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18 The new Prometric Testing System Activity Manager screen will display. Verify the correct version is installed (red box).