Download - Sword Points...2018/08/16  · Someone once said that knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing that it does not belong in a fruit salad. Wisdom is distinct

Page 1: Sword Points...2018/08/16  · Someone once said that knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing that it does not belong in a fruit salad. Wisdom is distinct (203) 775-9587

† A Gift from God Among All Ages

"Wisdom has built her house" PROVERBS 9:1

Dear Friends,

Someone once said that knowledge is knowing that a tomato

is a fruit; wisdom is knowing that it does not belong in a fruit

salad. Wisdom is distinct from gathering information.

Wisdom knows how to apply it.

This Sunday we will hear of the origin of Solomon's gift of

wisdom, a concept as relevant today as in ancient times. In

fact, with so many voices in our modern world vying for our

attention, biblical wisdom is needed now more than ever.

Speaking of wisdom, please join us between services for our

youth mission breakfast as we glean pearls of wisdom from

our younger parishioners sharing their experiences from their

mission trip. As wisdom is

a gift from God among

all ages, let us give

glory to God as we

see wisdom

building our

household of faith.

In Christ,

August 16, 2018

Sword Points Transforming

Lives Through

Jesus Christ

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† Revival Happened Here! by John Tuthill

"Light shows up everything, just as the Scriptures say, 'Wake up from your sleep and rise from death.',

Then Christ will shine on you.”

- Ephesians 5:14 (Contemporary English Version) One verse prior and the context of our epistle reading this Sunday!

Y ou could say there are two kinds of great revival; there is a kind that is an

"awakening" of the individual, when Jesus' call to a sinner finally gets through.

And another kind of revival is the call that gets through to someone that was

redeemed, but who has been spiritually napping and that call is to wake up - again! It is

only the supernatural light by God's grace and always for God's glory that gets through in

either case.

On a much larger scale than only these two kinds of individuals being in revival, the

Holy Spirit has moved at times to awaken huge crowds all at once to hear and to receive the

Gospel / Good News (See 1 Corinthians 15:3-6). Here in Connecticut there was "such a

time as this" which is now sometimes referred to as the first "Great Awakening." Nearly

everyone dropped what they were doing in their every-day lives to rush as if their lives

depended on it to hear God's saving message. The preaching was given in fields and from

outdoor make-shift stages set up for famous itinerant preachers. One of these was George

Whitefield, a man who ignited enormous followings which were compared to those of the

Apostles themselves. A brief and first-hand description of what it was like to be in this first

Great Awakening follows below written by a typical farmer named Nathan Cole. As I read

Mr. Cole describe what it was like to be in the midst of such a massive movement of the

Holy Spirit. I cannot help but think (and pray!) to see and experience this today!

"Now it pleased God to send Mr. Whitefield into this land...and many thousands flocking

to hear him preach the Gospel, and great numbers were converted to Christ; I felt the Spirit

of God drawing me by conviction, longed to see and hear him, and wished he would come

this way. And I soon heard he was come to New York and the Jerseys and great multitudes

flocking after him under great concern for their Souls and many converted which brought on

my concern more and more hoping soon to see him but next I heard he was at Long Island,

then at Boston, and next at Northampton.

Then one morning all on a Sudden, about 8 or 9 o’clock there came a messenger and

said Mr. Whitefield preached at Hartford and Weathersfield yesterday and is to preach at

Middletown this morning [October 23, 1740] at ten of the Clock. I was in my field at Work. I

dropt my tool that I had in my

hand and ran home and run

through my house and bade

my wife get ready quick to go

and hear Mr. Whitefield

preach at Middletown, and

run to my pasture for my

horse with all my might

fearing that I should be too

late to hear him. I brought my

horse home and soon

mounted and took my wife up

and went forward as fast as I

thought the horse could bear,

and when my horse began to

(Continued on page 4)

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† This Week at St. Paul’s

Sat, Aug 18 - 7:30 am - Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Crocker Hall 7:30 am - John 21:12 Group, Theo’s Diner, New Milford Sun, Aug 19 -- The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 am - Traditional Holy Communion (Livestream) 9:15 am - Youth Group Mission Trip Breakfast, Crocker Hall 10:30 am - Summer Sunday School 10:30 am - Contemporary Holy Communion (Livestream) Mon, Aug 20 - 7:00 pm - Men’s Bible Study, Crocker Hall (Livestream) Wed, Aug 22 - 10:00 am - Holy Communion & Healing (Facebook)

Fri, Aug 24 -- St. Mary, the Virgin Sat, Aug 25 - 7:30 am - Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Crocker Hall 7:30 am - John 21:12 Group, Theo’s Diner, New Milford 10:00 am - PraiseMoves, Crocker Hall 11:00 am - St. Paul’s Quitlers, Crocker Hall Sun, Aug 26 - The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 am - Traditional Holy Communion (Livestream) 9:30 am - Rector’s Forum, Guild Room 10:30 am - Summer Sunday School 10:30 am - Contemporary Holy Communion (Livestream)

“...S inging and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything...” We are not asked to

be thankful just when it is easy or convenient; that’s simple. Rather, we are asked to undergird all our lives with trust and gratitude for God’s vision for us through the highs and lows that come to all of us … a spiritual challenge indeed!

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be out of breath, I would get down and put my wife on the Saddle and bid her ride as fast as

she could and not Stop or Slack for me except I bad her, and so I would run until I was much

out of breath, and then mount my horse again, and so I did several times to favour my horse,

we improved every moment to get along as if we were fleeing for our lives, all the while

fearing we should be too late to hear the Sermon, for we had twelve miles to ride double in

little more than an hour and we went round by the upper housen parish.

And when we came within about half a mile of the road that comes down from Hartford

Weathersfield and Stepney to Middletown; on high

land I saw before me a Cloud or fogg rising. I first

thought it came from the great river [Connecticut

River], but as I came nearer the Road, I heard a noise

something like a low rumbling thunder and presently

found it was the noise of horses feet coming down the

road and this Cloud was a Cloud of dust made by the

Horses feet. It arose some Rods into the air over the

tops of the hills and trees and when I came within

about 20 rods of the Road, I could see men and

horses Sliping along in the Cloud like shadows, and

as I drew nearer it seemed like a steady stream of horses and their riders, scarcely a horse

more than his length behind another, all of a lather and foam with sweat, their breath rolling

out of their nostrils in the cloud of dust every jump; every horse seemed to go with all his

might to carry his rider to hear news from heaven for the saving of Souls. It made me

tremble to see the Sight, how the world was in a Struggle, I found a vacance between two

horses to Slip in my horse; and my wife said law our cloaths will be all spoiled see how they

look, for they were so covered with dust, that they looked almost all of a colour coats, hats,

and shirts and horses.

We went down in the Stream; I heard no man speak a word all the way three miles but

every one pressing forward in great haste and when we got to the old meeting house there

was a great multitude; it was said to be 3 or 4000 of people assembled together, we got off

from our horses and shook off the dust, and the ministers were then coming to the meeting

house. I turned and looked towards the great river and saw the ferry boats running swift

forward and forward bringing over loads of people; the oars rowed nimble and quick, every

thing men horses and boats seemed to be struggling for life; the land and banks over the

river looked black with people and horses all along the 12 miles. I saw no man at work in his

field, but all seemed to be gone.

When I saw Mr. Whitefield come upon the Scaffold he looked almost angelical, a young,

slim slender youth before some thousands of people with a bold undaunted countenance,

and my hearing how God was with him

every where as he came along it

solumnized my mind, and put me into a

trembling fear before he began to

preach; for he looked as if he was

Cloathed with authority from the Great

God, and a sweet solemn solemnity sat

upon his brow. And my hearing him

preach gave me a heart wound; by

Gods blessing my old foundation was

broken up, and I saw that my

righteousness would not save me..."

Source: George Leon Walker, Some

Aspects of the Religious Life of New

England (New York: Silver, Burnett, and

Company, 1897), 89–92.

Thanks be to God!

(Continued from page 2) George Whitefield

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T he sermon follows the Gospel and its purpose is for the preacher to comment and

expand upon the lessons heard in the scriptures that day, particularly the Gospel. Any ordained person may be a preacher, and any lay person who has had

special training and is licensed by the Bishop may be a lay preacher. Some call this a “homily,” but believe it or not there is a difference. Sermons are researched and prepared, usually in full text format. Homilies can be spontaneous commentary immediately after hearing and proclaiming the Word.

† About the Service

† Art in the Christian Tradition

Solomon praying to the Holy Spirit

Early 1460’s Guillaume Vrelant, 1481

J. Paul Getty Museum

This page is taken from the lavish book of hours, Arenberg Hours. It contains over eighty miniatures, and the texts included in the book indicate that the wealthy patron was almost certainly English. The stiff figures and unusually intense colors identify the artist as Willem Vrelant, who was an active member of the artisans' guild in Bruges. He led one of the top illuminator's workshops in Bruges during the third quarter of the 1400s. At that time, Bruges was one of the leading European centers for production of illuminated manuscripts, especially books of hours. The person who commissioned this book may have been a member of the large community of foreign merchants living in Bruges or was perhaps a patron who lived in England

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† Greeters Needed

Greeting people in a warm way makes them feel good about their presence in church.

At St. Paul’s, we are always looking for people who feel called to serve in this important ministry. If you are interested in becoming a greeter, please

contact Pam Szen ([email protected]) or David Szen

† Scripture Reading Course

W e are pleased to hold a Scripture reading seminar on Saturday, September 8th at

9:00 am in the sanctuary. Our own Tim Huber, a professional presenter, among

many other gifts, will lead us in the following:

Significance and role of public Scripture Reading in Worship

Why does it matter and why should we invest time in doing it well?

Preparing the text

How to read, process, and seek to understand a passage in the Holy


Includes a practical process for preparing

Delivering the reading

Using the body and the voice to communicate God's Word

Includes exercises and practical suggestions


Preparing a passage - working together and individually

Reading a passage - practice and feedback

This course is open to all with particular focus on further training our

current lectors/servers. Please sign up by contacting Beth Miller at bethmil-

[email protected]

† Happy Birthday to You!

R ay Ferro celebrates tomorrow! Bake a cake for Christ Barrett

on Sunday. Brittany Chengeri will be blowing out candles

on Tuesday. Have a blessed day everyone!

† On Location: David’s Tomb

T he Tomb of King David is a recent (mediaeval) site in Jerusalem which could not be the actual burial place as King David was buried in the City of David which lies

further east and south. As it is, the tomb is strangely situated in the same crusader building that houses the traditional site of the “Last Supper” upper room. The constant trickle of Jewish pilgrims to the site increases significantly on the religious festival of Shavu'ot (pentecost), traditionally the anniversary of the death of King David. After the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, it fell on the Israel side of the border. Through 1967 the Old City was occupied by Jordan, and Jewish pilgrims, without access to the Western Wall, went to David's Tomb and climbed to the rooftop to pray.

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Follow Us Live The best way to participate at St. Paul’s is to attend our worship

services and join in our various events. However, there are still times when you might be unable to partake because of weather or illness. Many of our services are available on Livestream or Facebook Live. It has been used by our “Snow

Birds,” students away at college, parishioners on vacation and former members who have moved away. Why not introduce it to your friends who may be looking for a church and don’t know what to expect? The services can be watched live or later for up to three weeks online. Just click on the LiveStream button or tab on our website for more info.




T he Rector’s Forum meets every Sunday in the Guild

Room between services at 9:30 am. It is currently

studying the Book of Esther led by Jay Trott. Esther is the only

book in the Bible that does not mention God directly, and yet no

book demonstrates the presence and providence of God more

clearly.Come learn more about this fascinating woman of God.

.through the pages of the Bible

Name Tags - Please be courteous to your fellow parishioners, to newcomers, visiting clergy and guests by extending a warm welcome to them and by wearing your name tag. And remember to wear them to coffee hour as well.

† Men’s Bible Study Packing Them In

Find out why more than 20 men gather each week to discuss the Bible. We start

promptly at 7; and end at 8 pm. If you can’t make it person (Hint: Ladies this includes

you), follow us online on Facebook Live or Livestream.

O ne translation of the word “manna” is “Bread.”

“Bread” has been used as a slang word for “money.”

Kind of gives a whole different slant to our weekend gospel,

doesn't it. Having money won’t allow you to live forever.

But, having Jesus (“The bread of heaven”) will!

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† Ladies Tuesday AM Bible Study to Resume in Fall

T he Ladies Tuesday AM Bible Study will be studying, The Book of Isaiah, starting Tuesday, September 4th at 9:15 am in the Guild Room.

ISAIAH His name meant "the Lord is salvation" and this was his message for over 40 years. Through him the Lord pronounced judgment on the proud who sought to save themselves. But through him God also comforted the humble with glimpses of a Prince of Peace and a Suffering Servant...a desert blossoming...the prisoners set free....the hungry fed....and the homeless sheltered.

This will be an 18 week study of amazing discussions and enlightenment. Please join us!!!

Please join us in study on Tuesday's from 9:15 - 11 am. Please register by August 21, 2018, by emailing Debbi Pomeroy at [email protected]. Workbooks are $12.

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Aug 19th 8 am - Mission Trip B’fast 10:30 am - Nicole O’Connors Aug 26th 8 am & 10:30 am - Sunday School Ministry Sep 2nd 8 am - Mary/Ken Perry 10:30 am - Connie Williams

Contact Mary Allen at

203-775-6633 or

[email protected].

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† Elder Abuse: A Clear and Present Problem

A s I have said in my opening statement last time; what did our parents do for us as

we grew up? Fed, bathe, educated, clothed, fought our health battles, etc. We as

children or I should say adult children should honor our parents as to what they did for us.

But there seems to be a segment of society that just does not see things that way. Perhaps

the parents were alcoholics, drug

addicts, angry people, mentally

ill. We are now adults and must

take care of these people, our

parents, and what do we do?

Yell, hit, hold food, take their

money, throw them into nursing

homes, perhaps worse. What did

I say in my opening statement?

Honor thy mother and father.

That comes directly from God

who created us and is found in the

book of Deuteronomy. The New

Testament says, “Do not rebuke

an older man harshly, but exhort

him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers and older women as mothers

and younger women as sisters with absolute purity. 1 Timothy 5:1.

Elder abuse is in every community and neighborhood whether it be rich or poor. Elders

are three or more times than their peers to die. Abuse increases the longer people live.

Between 1986 and 1996 the number of abuse cases increased 130%; this is according to

Protective Services for Adults. Believe it or not, by 2050 the population of Americans over

the age of 65 will double to over eighty million and the “oldest old” (85 +) will be over 19

million. The frail elderly has the highest amount of elder abuse.

In Proverbs 23:22 it says, “Listen to your father, who gave you life and do not despise

your mother when she is old.”

The types of abuse are 1) Physical 2) Sexual 3) Emotional or psychological abuse 4)

Neglect 5) Financial 6) Self-abuse/neglect.

Father, I pray for the person or persons who cannot help themselves with their parents

whether it be Physical or Emotional abuse. I pray that you will intercede with getting them

help and their loved ones help also. You are our first parent and through your Word you

taught us how to live and how to treat each other no matter what our ages may be. Father I

ask this in Jesus name. Amen

Susan W. Balla, BSNAC

Ministry on Aging , the Episcopal Church In Connecticut

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† You Can Help

T he second Saturday of each month a group from St. Paul’s

volunteers at the Jericho Food & Clothing Pantry on Spring Street in

Danbury. Please consider signing up by emailing Laurie DoBosh

[email protected]. The pantry is also looking for donations of reusable

grocery bags and plastic bags for the clients to put their food in. We are

also looking for coloring books and crayons for the children who come

with their parents to the pantry (gently used is accepted) and travel size

toiletries you usually find at hotels are also needed. Please place

donations in Crocker Hall bin marked Jericho (left hand brown bin).

† Pray It Up

N otice the Red and White prayer request cards in the pew? Each Sunday, fill out your request, put it in the

red bowl on the table on the way to communion. Then take a card from the bowl either right then or after service. Pray for that request for one week. How comforting to know that your request is being prayed for and that you are praying for someone else’s! You might just be praying for the person sitting next to you! Or, if you’d prefer - please send your request to St. Paul’s at

[email protected]!

Summer Sunday School meets each week at 10:30 am. Join the fun!

St. Paul’s has started a new ministry

… in Portuguese! Our own Joe Bernardo

prepares a timely message that is

available on our website, our Facebook

page and our YouTube channel. You

might want to check it out. Be

sure to “like” it and share it with

your Portuguese friends.

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† This Sunday’s Readings

Receive His Life

1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14

I n our Hebrew Bible lesson Solomon assumes the throne of his father David and asks for an understanding and discerning mind to govern God’s people.

Because Solomon’s request is not for riches and honor, God, in this dream vision, grants him a wise and discerning mind. God promises, if Solomon will walk in the ways of the Lord, to lengthen the days of his kingship.

Psalm 111 This psalm is an outpouring of praise for the majesty and graciousness

of the Lord, who redeems the people of God. Ephesians 5:15-20 In this reading the new Christians at Ephesus are bid to live wisely

and, glad with songs to give thanks for everything to God. Instead of following drunken ways, symbolic of all kinds of foolish behavior, they are to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Because the time is in the grip of evil, opportunities to do the will of the Lord must be used to the full.

John 6:51-58 In the gospel lesson Jesus speaks of the flesh and blood of the Son of

Man as the bread from heaven which must be eaten in order to share in the life of the eternal age. Previously in this gospel the bread of life had seemed to signify Jesus’ teaching and his presence. Now it is given still more significance with the understanding that the believer may share deeply in the life of Jesus and his self-offering. This experience is enacted in the Holy Communion.

† Pick Up Your Copy Today!

Synthesis CE Study Guides for each weeks readings will

be available at the back of the church.

† Sermon Shorts

"O f Hills and Valleys.” To replay all

our sermons, audio and videos follow

this link for the Sunday Sermons. Check out

our Sermon Archives as well.

John 6:51-58

The crowd has looked at

Jesus through the distorted

lens of their longing and

seen "king." Jesus is asking

us to reverse our gaze. To

look through the lens of

himself at our longing.

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† Your Prayers Are Requested For…

I t is such an intimate time when praying for the health and well being of others and such a privilege. The people that we lift up to The Lord are part of our hearts for all

time. Please pray for… .....Fr. George Hall, Brenda Darling, Jean Stauffer, Lorraine Estok and other parishioners convalescing in extended care facilities. .....Fresh expressions of the church in Connecticut; missional experiments. .....Revival at St. Paul’s and the greater Danbury area. .....Students preparing to enter schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries; school, college, and university chaplains; all campus ministries; the Higher Education Ministry Network. .....Ginny Beck, Clayton Ferry, Gary Stein, Joe & Barbara Hock, Sue Balla, Rose Barrett, Jim Megura, Jay Lawrence, Alex, Teresa Stacchiotti, Mary DeAnzeris, Anthony, Paul Kovacs, Denise, Lee Rybos, Sandy Chaleski, Pam Altemus, Stu Terrill, Jennifer, Susan & Rhonda continued healing. .....the people of the Commonwealth of Estonia; the people of Democratic Republic of the Congo; Diocese of Gahini - (Rwanda) The Rt Revd Alexis Bilindabagabo; and our sister and brother members of the Independent Assemblies of God, International. .....Christians in the Middle East facing persecution at the hands of ISIS forces. Pray also for radical Muslims throughout the world to come to know Jesus Christ. .....Michael for protection from mortar attacks in Somalia with the UN peacekeeping service. .....Victory Christian Center, Danbury and their Food Pantry, which is the recipient of our food basket collections for the month of August. .....Maria Ordonez, State Farm, a marketplace partner of the Jericho Partnership. .....The Right Use of God's Gifts. .....Cathy Schrull, healing, and peace and comfort during her treatments. .....Bill Beattie, founder and chairman of the Jericho Partnership, complete healing of Multiple Myeloma. .....Anja, a young mother, healing of breast cancer. .....Katie, healing from MS.

† This & That & Links (Click on pictures or red links for more info)

Links We Like

Things That Make You Think

Back Issues of Sword Points

The Printer and the Preacher

Who knew that a preacher from

England and a printer from Philadelphia would become good

friends, and two of the most influential men of the eighteenth

century? Both George Whitefield, the revivalist preacher, and

Benjamin Franklin, the printer and politician, knew the Bible well, but

they came from different perspectives.

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† It Takes An Editorial Board

Contributors to this Weeks Sword Points:

M ary Allen, Susan Balla, Chris Barrett, Justin Doty, Steve

Hemming, Lois Hunt, Susan Iverson, Beth Miller, Nicole O’Connors, Patrick O’Connors, Mary Perry, Ken Perry, Kirsten Peterson, Debbi Pomeroy, Joe Shepley, Tara Shepley, Pam Szen, David Szen, Ron Switzer, John Tuthill, Don Winkley.

Just For Fun ! (And Christian Fellowship)

Random Fact of the Week!

Did you know … that the Dancing

Plague of 1518 was a case of dancing

mania that occurred in Strasburg, where

people danced without rest for a month?