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Study on the Kinetics andTransformation Products ofSulfur Mustard Sulfoxideand Sulfur Mustard Sulfonein Various Reaction MediaSTANISŁAW POPIEL, JAKUB NAWAŁA, DANIEL DZIEDZIC, DIANA GORDON,BARBARA DAWIDZIUK

Military University of Technology, Institute of Chemistry, Kaliskiego 2, Warsaw, Poland

Received 13 April 2017; revised 14 October 2017; accepted 14 November 2017

DOI 10.1002/kin.21141Published online 25 December 2017 in Wiley Online Library (

ABSTRACT: Considering postulates of the Chemical Weapons Convention, this article is an at-tempt to improve the decontamination methods of mustard gas (HD) and studying its productsof decontamination. It is widely known that mustard gas sulfoxide (HDO; O═S(CH2CH2Cl)2) andsulfone (HDO2; O2═S(CH2CH2Cl)2) undergo further transformations to another compounds,but so far kinetics of these processes have not yet been investigated neither carefully nor thor-oughly. This study is focused on determination of kinetics and mechanisms of transformationof HD oxidation products. The primary objective of this study is to assess the impact of selectedfactors on the kinetics of the HCl elimination reaction and to determine the conditions in whichcyclization reactions of divinyl sulfoxide and sulfone proceed. The HDO and HDO2 decay kinet-ics were monitored in an aqueous solution of the desired pH. The rate of HCl elimination fromHDO and HDO2 is strongly dependent on pH. For example, with pH increasing from 9 to 12 therate of HCl elimination from HDO increased over 1200 times. In solutions of pH 9, HDO loseshydrogen chloride at approximately 100 times slower compared to HDO2, and the difference isreduced with increasing pH. In pH 12 solutions, the rate of hydrogen chloride loss from HDO2

is only 20 times higher than the HCl loss from HDO. Divinyl sulfoxide and sulfone undergo afurther transformation in a strongly alkaline environment, leading to cyclization and formationof 1,4-thioxane sulfoxide and sulfone, respectively. Elimination of HCl from HDO and HDO2

goes with a rapidly increasing rate with increasing pH if alkalinity of the reaction medium isrelatively very high (the range of pH 9–12). Furthermore, the conversion of divinyl sulfone and

Correspondence to: Stanisław Popiel; e-mail: [email protected].

C© 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


sulfoxide to sulfoxide and sulfone thioxane, respectively, occurs at a measurable rate when thepH of the solution is in the range of 12–14. C© 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Chem Kinet 50:75–89, 2018


Sulfur mustard (SM or HD, this is military designationfor pure sulfur mustard) is a highly toxic and persistentblistering chemical warfare agent (CWA). It is one ofthe oldest and most important CWAs, presenting cyto-toxic alkylating properties. Hence, decontamination ofthat compound seems to be of considerable interest [1].Chemical decontamination of HD immediately aftercontact is still the best method of protection. An effec-tive decontamination process should cause a completeand rapid chemical decomposition of the target CWA,and reaction products should demonstrate a signifi-cantly reduced toxicity or be completely nontoxic [2].A decontaminant is required to immediately convertHD into nontoxic products. Various methods for HDdecontamination are reported in the literature [3,4].Among them hydrolysis and oxidation are preferred.The most common and widely used process is the oxi-dation of HD using various oxidizing agents, which areable to achieve its rapid decontamination. With regardto the chemical decontamination of a highly toxic com-pound such as HD, it is necessary, for obvious reasons,to know the nature of the products formed by the de-contamination reaction. As it was said earlier, methodsof decontamination of HD used are very often based onoxidation. The sulfoxide formed (Fig. 1) is relativelyharmless. However, oxidation can also create the sul-fone, which is slightly toxic [5]. A method for rapiddetoxification that promotes the production of the sul-foxide is thus required. Oxidation in a basic reactionmedium can also allow the detoxification of mustardgas; elimination of HCl from the chloroethylsulfoxideor the chloroethylsulfone leads to the correspondingvinyl sulfoxide or vinyl sulfone, which are harmlesscompounds [6].

The reason of this article is based on two premises,namely:

Since the Convention on the “Prohibition of the De-velopment, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chem-ical Weapons and on their Destruction” (ChemicalWeapons Convention – CWC) [7], came into effectin 1997, there has been an increased importance of sci-entific research related to analysis of CWA and theirtransformation products [8]. Considering postulatesof the CWC and a constant development of analyti-cal methods, methods for development of increasinglysensitive and precise procedures for analysis of CWA-

containing samples and of related compounds shouldbe sought [9]. For that reason, a careful analysis of reac-tions of analyzed CWAs and their degradation productsis extremely significant.

Another serious problem is the chemical munitionsare dumped in the Baltic Sea [10]. Chemical agentsreleased from rusting projectiles pose a great threatto marine ecosystems. Hence, constant monitoring ofdumped ammunition and of CWA degradation productsis necessary.

After World War II, large amounts of chemicalweapons (CW) were dumped in the Baltic Sea [11].The dumped CWA’s were sulfur mustard, phosgene,chloroacetophenone (CN), adamsite (DM), Clark I(DA), Clark II (DC), nitrogen mustard (HN3), tabun(GA), and arsine oil. CWA still present in the Baltic Seaconstitute a serious threat for both the marine environ-ment and for people. For these reasons, it is essential toknow mechanisms of possible transformations of sul-fur mustard. It is also important to determine the timeof occurrence of individual decomposition products,because that would allow a preliminary estimation ifliquid HD has leaked from the sunk ammunition, and—if yes—when. For that reason, this study is aimed at de-termination of the kinetics and mechanisms of transfor-mation of HD oxidation products, namely HD sulfox-ide (HDO or O═S(CH2CH2Cl)2) and sulfone (HDO2

or O2═S(CH2CH2Cl)2). The primary objective of thisstudy is to analyze the effect of selected factors on thekinetics of the hydrogen chloride elimination reactionand on circumstances in which HD sulfone and sulfox-ide rings are closed, and to determine the kinetic dataof those reactions.

When analyzing solutions obtained as a result ofdetoxification of sulfur mustard with various oxi-dizers, it is important to know how the productsformed depend on pH of the solution, where the pro-cess goes on. Therefore, there is a question: Underwhat conditions does HD oxidation lead to forma-tion of divinyl sulfoxide (or sulfone), and under whatconditions is 1,4-thioxane sulfoxide (or sulfone) theproduct?


Oxidation of sulfur mustard follows the scheme pre-sented in Fig. 1.

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141












Figure 1 Sulfur mustard oxidation scheme.

Products obtained from HD oxidation (HD sulfox-ide and sulfone) may undergo further transformations.Literature data presented in Tables I and II indicatethat there are many, often contradictory, opinions onthe course of those transformations. Products result-ing from HD oxidation may, for example, lose hy-drogen chloride according to the scheme presented inFig. 2 [12].

These reactions result in the formation of divinylsulfone and sulfoxide, respectively, and of some inter-mediate products. The loss of hydrogen chloride fromHD oxidation products may occur under the influenceof various factors. Reaction conditions and resultingproducts are presented in Tables I and II.

Elimination of hydrogen chloride from moleculesof HD sulfone leads to various end products, depend-ing on conditions of the process. In some cases, evenin the medium characterized by a moderately al-kaline pH, thioxane sulfone is formed. For ex-ample, in pH 8 solutions at 38°C, 96% of HDsulfone disappears within 2 h (determined on thebasis of formed chloride negative ions) and after3 h the disappearance reaches 99%. When HD sul-fone is present in a solution of pH 7.35 at 38°C,its disappearance after 2 and 3 h is 58% and 75%,respectively [13].

Elimination of hydrogen chloride from HD sulfox-ide is much less rapid: In pH 8 solutions at 38°C, only

Table I Literature Data on Transformation of HD Sulfoxide Depending on the Reaction Medium

Parameters of the Reaction Medium

Reaction Medium pHTemperature


Time Product YieldIntermediate orSide Product Main Product Reference

NaOH(aq) hotsolution

8 38 2 h <2% – 2,2-Dichlorodiethyl



5 h 12%

H2O – 20 10 days 0.0% – No reaction [17]100 – The inability to


12g NaOH in120 mL H2O

Alkaline Boilingtemperature

2 h 38% – 1,4-Thioxanesulfoxide


30 g NaOH in300 mLEthanol–H2O(50%–50%)

Alkaline Boilingtemperature

12 h 22.5% Thiodiglycolsulfoxide,




10 g NaOH in250 mL ethanol(95%)

Alkaline Boilingtemperature

16 h 63% – Diethoxydiethylsulfoxide


2% HDO Alkaline – 5 min None AgCl afteraddition AgNO3

– Not identified [18]3% NaHCO3 indistilled water

2% HDO Alkaline – 2 h Very faintcloudiness of

AgCl afteraddition AgNO3

– Not identified [18]3% NaHCO3 indistilled water

2% HDO Alkaline – 24 h The test of AgClpositive


– Not identified [18]3% NaHCO3 indistilled water

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141


Table II Literature Data on HD Sulfone (HDO2) Transformations Depending on the Reaction Medium

Parameters of the Reaction Medium

Reaction Medium pHTemperature


Time Product YieldIntermediate orSide Product Main Product Reference

NaOH(aq) hot solution 8 38 2 h 96% – Divinyl sulfone [13]3 h 99%

Ringer phosphatebuffer

7.35 38 2 h 53% – Divinyl sulfone [13]5 h 75%

HDO2 + 1.05Na2CO3

Alkaline “Hot” – – Small amountof thioxane




38 g HDO2 Alkaline Heatedunder reflux

1 h 80% Thioxanesulfone (2 g)

Thiodiglycolsulfone (26 g)

[13]23 g Na2CO375 mL H2O

38 g HDO2 Alkaline Heatedunder reflux

1 h +next 1 h

– Thiodiglycolsulfone (9 g)

Thioxane sulfone(14 g)

[13]23 g Na2CO3 in75 mL water + nextportion 23 g Na2CO3in 90 mL H2O

42g NaOH in 600 mLH2O

Alkaline Boilingtemperature

6 h 70% Thiodiglycolsulfone



20 g NaOH in 250 mLethanol – H2O(50%–50%)

Alkaline Boilingtemperature

3 h – 1,4-thioxanesulfone



6 g NaOH in 100 mLethanol (95%)

Alkaline Boilingtemperature

16 h – – Diethoxy-diethylsulfone


1 g HDO2 100 mLBoiling water

– 100 – Partialprecipitation of

AgCl afterAgNO3

– Probablythiodiglycol



1% HDO2 7.8 – 5 min 27% – Vinyl sulfone [18]1.68% NaHCO3 indistilled water

1% HDO2 absence ofNaHCO3 in distilledwater

5.5 – 14 days 0% – Lack of products [18]

2% of HD sulfoxide disappears after 2 h and only 12%after 3 h [13].

Cashmore [14] observed that the reaction of HDsulfoxide or sulfone with sodium hydroxide in alco-hol or aqueous medium leads to formation of thioxanesulfoxide or sulfone. That is surprising, because bothHD and thiodiglycol do not react to yield thioxane inthe same conditions. A strongly activating effect onthe halogen atom of the sulfoxide or sulfone group iswell known; therefore, the assumption is justified thatdehydrohalogenation of HD sulfoxide or sulfone leadsto formation of divinyl sulfoxide and sulfone, respec-tively. Resulting products may easily undergo a reac-

tion of partial addition of a water molecule, resultingin formation of vinyl 2-hydroxyethyl sulfone or sul-foxide, respectively, that may transform into thioxanesulfone or sulfoxide according to the scheme presentedin Fig. 3 [15].

HD sulfone in aqueous solution of sodium carbon-ate is transformed mostly into thiodiglycol sulfone, andonly in a minor extent into thioxane sulfone [13]. Incomparison, in diluted aqueous solutions of sodiumhydroxide, HD sulfone is transformed into thioxanesulfone in 80% yield [16]. In the course of heating,the aqueous solution of HD sulfone solution withan addition of Na2CO3, thioxane sulfone is formed,

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141




















- HCl - HCl

- HCl - HCl



Figure 2 Hydrogen chloride loss scheme for the molecule of (A) HD sulfoxide and (B) HD sulfone.







+ H2OS







Figure 3 The schematic reaction of divinyl sulfone transformation into thioxane sulfone.

with formation of divinyl sulfone as an intermediatestage. However, it is much more probable that vinyl 2-hydroxyethyl sulfone is an intermediate product of thatprocess, formed in consequence of partial hydration ofdivinyl sulfone, according to the scheme presented inFig. 3 [15].


Chemicals and Materials

Pure sodium hydroxide (NaOH), hydrochloric acid(HCl), dichloromethane, hexane, acetone, ethanol,magnesium sulfate, phosphoric acid, acetic acid,boric acid, and sodium chloride were purchasedfrom Chempur (Piekary Slaskie, Poland). N,O-Bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide was purchasedfrom Aldrich (St. Louis, MO).

Sulfur mustard sulfoxide (HDO) and sulfone(HDO2) were obtained in the Institute of Chemistry ofthe Military Technical University (Warsaw, Poland),and their purity was verified using gas chromatogra-phy with mass spectrometry. The purity of synthesizedcompounds was 97.5% and 98.2% for HDO and HDO2


Britton–Robinson buffer was used for providing asuitable pH of the reaction medium. Britton–Robinsonbuffers were prepared in a usual way, i.e., by mix-ing a solution of 0.04 mol L−1 phosphoric acid,0.04 mol L−1 acetic acid, and 0.04 mol L−1 boric acidwith the appropriate amount of 0.2 mol L−1 sodium

∗ Warning: Mustard and some of its transformation products are apotent vesicants and must be handled with proper safety precautionsin a closed system or in a hood with good ventilation.

hydroxide solution [19]. Chemicals for the preparationof the Britton–Robinson buffers were obtained fromChempur (Piekary Slaskie, Poland).


Analyses were performed using an HP Model 6890gas chromatograph with an HP Model G2350A atomicemission detector (Hewlett-Packard, Wilmington, DE).Separation of analytes was completed on an HP-5 cap-illary column (30 m × 0.32 mm × 0.25 µm) fromAgilent Technologies. The analysis was carried out us-ing the following temperature program: The columnwas heated from 70 to 250°C at a rate of 10°C min–1,and the final temperature was maintained for 12 min.Helium was the carrier gas, with a gas flow of 1 mLmin–1. Injector temperature was 270°C. The detectortemperature and transfer line temperature were 270°C.HP Chemstation software was used for the GC systemcontrol and data acquisition. Identification of reactionproducts were taken using a gas chromatograph (Agi-lent Technologies 7890A) coupled with a tandem massspectrometer Agilent Technologies 7000 GC/MS triplequadrupole (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA).The analysis was completed using a BP-5 capillarycolumn (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) from SGE andwas carried out using the following temperature pro-gram: The column was heated from 70 to 250°C at arate of 10°C min–1, and the final temperature was main-tained for 12 min. Helium was the carrier gas, and thegas flow rate was 1 mL min–1. The injector tempera-ture was variable at around 250°C. The temperatures ofthe transfer line, ion source, and quadruples were 250,230, and 150°C, respectively. During the analysis, theinjector was in split mode (100:1).

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141


HD Sulfoxide Synthesis

Sulfur mustard sulfoxide was obtained using a modi-fied procedure [12]. In a round-bottom flask equippedwith a mixer, thermometer, reflux condenser, and afunnel, 50 mL of condensed nitric acid was placed.Then 10 mL of sulfur mustard was added dropwise,maintaining a constant temperature of approximately20°C. After the whole amount of HD was added, mix-ing was continued for another 60 min; next the reactionmixture was poured into a flask containing ice/water.When the ice melted, the whole solution was trans-ferred into a separator and extracted three times withmethylene chloride. The resulting solution was driedover anhydrous magnesium sulfate. The next day, themixture was filtered and the solvent was removed us-ing a vacuum evaporator. The sediment obtained wascrystallized from water with the addition of ethanol.

HD Sulfone Synthesis

Sulfur mustard sulfone was obtained according to amodified procedure [12]. Fifty milliliters of glacialacetic acid was added to 12 g of anhydrous chromiumoxide (CrO3). The mixture was heated to 100°C, and2 mL of sulfur mustard was added dropwise. Afterthe whole volume of HD was added, the reaction mix-ture was mixed for another 2 h, maintaining a constanttemperature of 100°C. Then the flask contents werepoured into a container with ice/water. When the icemelted, the whole solution was transferred to a separa-tor and extracted three times with methylene chloride.The extracts obtained were combined, and the resultingsolution was dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate.The next day, the mixture was filtered to separate theMgSO4 sediment, and the solvent was removed usinga vacuum evaporator. The resulting sediment was crys-tallized two times from the acetone/hexane mixture.

Reaction Methodology

Ninety-nine milliliters of buffer of desired pH and amagnetic dipole were placed in an Erlenmeyer flaskwith a ground glass neck. The prepared reaction setwas placed in a thermostated vessel with a magneticstirrer. The contents of the flask were mixed for 10 minto stabilize the temperature, and 1 mL of acetone with acorresponding amount of HD sulfoxide or sulfone wasadded; so that the initial concentration of HD sulfoneor sulfoxide was 1 mM. The reactions were carriedout at a temperature of 25°C. This is different from thetemperature at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, which is 4–7°C. In case of sea conditions, the reactions studied inthis experiment would be very slow and could even take

a year. In contrast, a temperature of 25°C allows fora quick and accurate investigation of HDO and HDO2

transformations. The pH is in the range from 7 to 8.5 inthe Baltic Sea, whereas the experiments were carriedout in a wider pH range from 8 to 14, because for pHbelow 8 HDO and HDO2 reactions time are very long,which may create problems during the monitoring ofthese reactions.

Sampling and Sample Preparation

Samples for chromatographic analysis were preparedusing the liquid–liquid extraction method. The tech-nique allows relatively rapid extraction of analyzedsubstances from the reaction mixture, and thus stop-ping the reaction. Selection of extraction solventsdemonstrated that dichloromethane offered the bestproperties. That solvent allowed high recovery of ana-lytes and had a low boiling point, thus making it easyto separate from the analyzed mixture during the chro-matographic analysis.

Two milliliers of the reaction mixture was drawnwith a pipette in defined time point. The sample wastransferred to a screw-capped test tube containing 2 mLof methylene chloride and approximately 0.1 g ofsodium chloride. The content was shaken vigorouslyfor 15 s. To achieve a precise separation of phases, thetest tube was centrifuged for 3 min at 2000 rpm. Thenthe lower phase was transferred to another test tubecontaining approximately 0.5 g of anhydrous magne-sium sulfate. It was shaken for 5 min at the rate of1500 shakes per minute, which allowed removal oftrace amounts of water from the organic phase. Thedried solution was decanted from over the sediment ofMgSO4 and analyzed with GC-AED.


Kinetics of Hydrogen ChlorideElimination Reaction

With increased alkalinity of HDO and HDO2 solu-tions, reduced concentrations of both compounds wereobserved, along with the appearance of some uniden-tified substances in the solution. Using GC-MS, theywere identified as mono- and divinyl derivatives of HDsulfoxide and sulfone, respectively. It was determinedthat the hydrogen chloride elimination reaction in al-kaline solutions of HD sulfoxide and/or sulfone is atypical consecutive reaction, which means that productof a first reaction is a substrate in another, proceedingaccording to the scheme presented in Fig. 2.

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141


Figure 4 Kinetics of HDO2 loss during elimination of hydrogen chloride with formation of HDO2 monovinyl derivative(intermediate product) and divinyl sulfone (final product); reaction medium – aqueous Britton–Robinson buffer solution, pH10. [Color figure can be viewed at]

Figure 4 presents an example graph of kinetics ofhydrogen chloride elimination from molecules of HDsulfone. The consecutive character of the reaction isdiscernible. In the alkaline medium, the concentrationof HD sulfone (HDO2) decreases exponentially. Theloss of HDO2 is accompanied by an initial increasedconcentration of the monovinyl derivative (monovinylHDO2) reaching a maximum, followed by a gradualdecrease of the concentration. Elimination of the sec-ond hydrogen chloride molecule leading to formationof a divinyl derivative (green color) may be evidencedby a gradual increase of its amount in the reactionmixture.

Examples of chromatograms obtained during theanalysis of the samples containing sulfur mustard sul-fone or sulfoxide and products of elimination reactionsare shown in Fig. 5. The mass spectra of all compoundsidentified during the experiments are shown in Fig. 6. Itshould be mentioned that the mass spectrum of divinylsulfone and vinyl chloroethyl sulfone are not availablein any MS databases.

The Consecutive Hydrogen ChlorideLoss Reaction

Elimination of hydrogen chloride from oxidized formsof sulfur mustard is a typical consecutive reaction. Itsgeneral scheme is presented in Fig. 7.

While determination of the reaction rate constant(k1) for conversion of compound A into compound Bis not problematic; the determination of the k2 constant,corresponding to transition of compound B into com-pound C requires some mathematical transformations.

The rate of substrate, intermediate product, and finalproduct concentration changes may be expressed withdifferential equations:

d [A]

d t= −k1 [A] (1)

d [B]

d t= k1 [A] − k2 [B] (2)

d [C]

d t= k2 [B] (3)

If at the starting point t ═ 0, there is only the sub-strate A present in the system, then [A] ═ [A0] and[B] ═ 0 and [C] ═ 0. Based on the law of conserva-tion of mass, in any moment of the reaction the sumof interim concentrations of all reagents is equal to theinitial concentration of the substance A:

[A0] = [A] + [B] + [C] (4)

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141


Figure 5 Parallel presentation of chromatograms obtained during the analysis of (A) alkaline HDO solution, (B) alkalineHDO2 solution, and (C) n-alkanes C5–C17. [Color figure can be viewed at]

Following separation of variables and bilateral inte-gration, there is the following equation for temporaryconcentration of the substance A:

[A] = [A0] e−k1t (5)

Equation (5) may be substituted into Eq. (2)

d [B]

d t= k1 [A0] e−k1t + k2 [B] (6)

Following integration of Eq. (6), with the assump-tion that [B]0 ═ 0, the following expression is obtained,describing the change of concentration of substance Bduring the reaction:

[B] = [A0]


k2 − k1

) (e−k1t − e−k2t


Then, using Eq. (4), (5), and (7), it is possible to de-termine the relationship that describes change of con-centration of the substance C as a function of time,considering the initial concentration of the substanceA and kinetic constants of individual reactions:

[C] = [A0]

(1 + k1

k2 − k1e−k2t − k2

k2 − k1e−k1t


[C] = [A0]

(1 + 1

k2 − k1

(k1 e−k2t − k2 e−k1t


Following integration of Eq. (7) and equating thederivative to zero ( d[B]

d t= 0), it is possible to determine

expressions describing the maximum concentration of

the substance B and the time when it is reached:

[B]max = [A0]






[B]max = [A0]






tmax = 1

k1 − k2ln




Following experimental determination of values[B]max and tmax, values of both k1 and k2 may be calcu-lated using the system of two Eq. ((11) and (12)) withtwo unknowns.

The correctness of these transformations may beverified by comparison of theoretical results with ex-perimental ones. Figure 8 presents a comparison of thereal course of the reaction of hydrogen chloride elim-ination from molecules of HD sulfoxide in the pH 12Britton–Robinson buffer with data obtained theoreti-cally, based on the previously mentioned mathematicaltransformations. The comparison indicates that theo-retical curves obtained from mathematical delibera-tions and transformations are consistent (with a certainmargin of error) with experimental data. Therefore, ex-perimentally determined k1 and k2 values are correct.

The Effect of pH on the Rate of HClElimination Reaction

The hydrogen chloride elimination rate from both sul-fur mustard sulfoxide and sulfone molecules depends

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141


Figure 6 The resulting mass spectrum (EI ionization) of (A) divinyl sulfone, (B) vinyl-chloroethyl sulfone, (C) divinylsulfoxide and (D) vinyl-chloroethyl sulfoxide. [Color figure can be viewed at]

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141


Figure 7 Flow chart of consecutive reactions.

Figure 8 Experimental data and the best-fitted kinetic curves in the example of hydrogen chloride elimination from HDOmolecules in aqueous pH 12 Britton–Robinson buffer solution. tmax and [B]max were read from the graph and then used for thedetermination the theoretical curves. [Color figure can be viewed at]

on the pH of the reaction medium and increases (ex-ponentially) with increasing pH of the solution. Therate of hydrogen chloride elimination from HDO andHDO2 molecules determined experimentally for thealkaline medium is presented in Table III.

Figure 9 presents a comparison of all determinedreaction rate constants, converted to half-lives. Uponapplication of the logarithmic scale to half-life, a lin-ear character of HCl elimination is clearly visible forboth the first and the second branch of HDO andHDO2. Moreover, reaction rate constants k1 and k2

dependence on pH are parallel to each other, both forHD sulfoxide and HD sulfone. Therefore, the mech-

anism for the release of HCl from the chloroethylgroups of all compounds in the studied pH rangeis not changed. The graph suggests that HD sulfoneand its monovinyl derivative loses HCl much morerapidly than the sulfoxide and its monovinyl deriva-tive in analogous reaction conditions. Therefore, itmay be stated that HD sulfone is much more reac-tive than HD sulfoxide. The difference is more evi-dent for lower pH values. For pH 9, the ratio of therate constant for HCl elimination from the sulfonemolecule to that for HCl elimination from the sul-foxide is approximately 83.5, but for pH 12 the ratiois 19.2.

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141


Table III Kinetic Parameters of HCl Elimination from HDO and HDO2 and Their Monovinyl Derivatives Depending onthe pH Value at 25°C


pHk1 (HDO)

(min−1)t1/2 A



(%)k2 (HDO)

(min−1)t1/2 B



(%)k1 (HDO2)

(min−1)t1/2 A



(%)k2 (HDO2)

(min−1)t1/2 B




8 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.0024 289 6.8 0.0006 1175 7.89 0.0002 3014 7.6 0.00008 9279 8.1 0.0194 367 7.3 0.0072 97 7.310 0.0016 433 6.9 0.00025 2740 7.6 0.1727 4 7.6 0.0458 15 7.511 0.0121 57 7.2 0.00257 270 6.9 0.6061 1.1 8.0 0.1994 3.5 8.211.5 0.1229 6.5 8.1 0.01906 36 7.8 2.048 0.3 8.1 0.7007 1 6.912 0.2879 2.5 7.9 0.08595 8 8.2 5.531 0.1 7.2 1.478 0.5 7.5

k1: The reaction rate constant for the loss of the first HCl molecule.k2: The reaction rate constant for the loss of the second HCl molecule.t1/2: HDO, HDO2, and their corresponding vinyl derivatives half-lives.n.d.: The rate of hydrogen chloride loss form HDO is very small, since that the determination of k1 and k2 is very difficult because the t1/2

for the first reaction is more than 70 days.

Figure 9 The effect of pH of the reaction medium on the reaction rate constant of HD sulfone and sulfoxide during the elimina-tion of hydrogen chloride from chloroethyl groups of these compounds. [Color figure can be viewed at]

Closure of HD Sulfoxide and Sulfone Rings

Divinyl sulfoxide and sulfone, formed as a resultof elimination of two molecules of hydrogen chlo-ride from sulfur mustard sulfoxide (HDO) and sul-fone (HDO2), respectively, undergo a further trans-formation in strongly alkaline environment, leading

to cyclization and formation of 1,4-thioxane sulfox-ide and sulfone, respectively, according to the reac-tion equation presented in Fig. 10. Reactions of thatkind are long known and may be used for produc-tion of 1,4-thioxane sulfoxide or sulfone [13,16]. Dur-ing the study of these reactions, we have found that

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141






























Figure 10 Schematic presentation of cyclization of divinyl derivative of HD sulfoxide and sulfone in alkaline medium.

Figure 11 Mass spectrum of (A) 2-hydroxyethyl vinyl sulfone after BSTFA derivatization and (B) 2-hydroxyethyl vinylsulfoxide. [Color figure can be viewed at]

the intermediate product is vinyl hydroxyethyl sulfox-ide and sulfone, respectively. As a result of the ex-periments, we were able to isolate and identify theintermediate product of the divinyl sulfone and sul-foxide cyclization reactions. The intermediate prod-

uct was identified by GC-MS analysis after derivatiza-tion. Derivatization conditions were as follows: solvent−1 mL CH2Cl2; derivatization agent −10 µL N,O-Bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA); reac-tion temp.: 40°C; and reaction time −30 min. Mass

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141








0 10 20 30 40 50 60



r re



Time [min]

Divinyl sulfone Vinyl hydroxyethyl sulfone Thioxane sulfone

Figure 12 Kinetics of cyclization of divinyl sulfone with formation of 2-hydroxyethylvinyl sulfone (as an intermediate product)and 1,4-thioxane sulfone (a final product); pH 12.96. [Color figure can be viewed at]

spectrum of vinyl hydroxyethyl sulfoxide is shown inFig. 11.

The rates of reaction leading to formation of 1,4-thioxane sulfoxide and sulfone were studied. Basedon the results shown in Fig. 12, it can be concludedthat the mechanism of the reaction is very similar tothe elimination reaction of sulfur mustard sulfoxideand sulfone. The cyclization reactions of divinyl sul-foxide and sulfone also proceed in two stages as itwas in the case of HDO and HDO2. This reaction alsoallows the application of subsequent reactions kinet-ics, which is described in Section 3.1. The theoreticalequation for these kinetics can properly be used inthe cyclization reaction of divinyl sulfoxide and sul-fone. The solid lines in Fig. 12 represent the theoreti-cal kinetic curve, and the points are experimental data.Based on these data, it can be assumed that the ap-plied mathematical model is correct. Because of thelong-time duration of the divinyl sulfoxide transition,it was impossible to draw the same curve as for divinylsulfone.

Figure 13 presents a relationship between the half-time necessary for transformation of divinyl sulfoxideor sulfone into thioxane sulfoxide or sulfone (respec-tively) and pH of the reaction medium with stronglyalkaline pH values.

The half-time of transformation of divinyl sulfox-ide and sulfone into thioxane sulfoxide and sulfone,respectively, presented in the logarithmic scale, indi-cates a linear decrease with increasing pH. The analysisof data presented in Fig. 13 demonstrates that when pHof the medium increases from about 12 to about 14, therate of transformation of divinyl sulfoxide into thiox-ane sulfoxide increases by more than two orders ofmagnitude, whereas the increased rate of transforma-tion of divinyl sulfone into the corresponding thioxanesulfone is only one order of magnitude higher with thesame pH range.


In natural conditions, sulfur mustard may be oxidizedto the sulfoxide and subsequently to the sulfone. Com-pounds formed in these reactions may, in appropriateconditions, be easily transformed into divinyl sulfoxideand sulfone, which may undergo a subsequent cycliza-tion to thioxane sulfoxide and sulfone, respectively.Based on results of the present study, it may be statedthat the summary reaction of hydrogen chloride elim-ination from HD sulfoxide or sulfone is limited bythe second stage of the reaction; that is, by HCl loss

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141


y = 3E+12e-2.039x

R² = 0.9938

y = 4E+23e-3.521x

R² = 0.9822









10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5

t 1/2




Figure 13 Cyclization reaction rates of divinyl sulfoxide and sulfone (formed from HDO and HDO2, respectively in thedependence on reaction medium pH). The dashed line extrapolates the relationship between the half-life and the pH in range11–12.5 for divinyl sulfoxide. [Color figure can be viewed at]

from the second chloroethyl branch. That hypothesisis confirmed by experimentally determined reactionrate constants. For example, in case of hydrogen chlo-ride elimination from a molecule of HDO2 in a pH 9medium, these constants are k1 = 0.0194 min−1 and k2

= 0.0072 min−1 (the rate constant is reduced approx-imately 2.7 times), respectively, whereas in the sameconditions for HDO the rate constants are k1 = 0.00023min−1 and k2 = 0.000075 min−1 (the rate constant isreduced approximately three times), respectively. Therate of hydrogen chloride elimination reaction fromboth HDO and HDO2 is greatly influenced by pH of thereaction medium—with increasing pH, the eliminationreaction rate increases; for example, with pH increas-ing from 9 to 12 the HCl elimination from HDO reac-tion rate increases over 1200 times, and with the sameincrease of pH the rate of HCl elimination from HDO2

increases only 200 times. A similar relationship maybe determined for the divinyl sulfoxide and sulfonecyclization reactions. The rate of these processes alsoincreases with increasing pH of the reaction medium.Elimination of HCl from both HDO and HDO2 goeswith reasonable speed in the pH range 9–12. In con-trast, conversion of divinyl sulfone and sulfoxide tosulfoxide and sulfone thioxane, respectively, occurs ata reasonable rate when the pH of the solution is in the

range 12–14. For example, at pH 12, the total reactiontime of HDO is 17 min and HDO2 is 42 s. While at pH9, this time is 13 days for HDO and 3.5 h for HDO2.

However, it is doubtless that in solutions of pH9, HD sulfoxide loses hydrogen chloride at approxi-mately 100 times slower rate compared to HD sulfoneand that the difference is reduced with increasing pH.In pH 12 solutions, the rate of hydrogen chloride lossfrom HD sulfone molecules is only 20 times higherthan the rate of HCl loss from HD sulfoxide.

The study suggests that analysis of environmen-tal samples, including sea water and bottom sedi-ments demonstrating a low alkaline reaction, productsof HD oxidation present in that environment will betransformed first into monovinyl and then into divinylderivatives, and the presence of cyclic compounds willbe unlikely as they are formed in a very slow processand at pHs much higher than those encountered in themarine environment. In pH 12 solutions, HD sulfoxidebecomes completely transformed into divinyl sulfox-ide within 1 h, and divinyl sulfoxide formed in thatmedium becomes transformed into thioxane sulfoxidewithin approximately 11,000 h, which is equal to 458days. In the case of HD sulfone at pH 12, transfor-mation into the divinyl derivative occurs within a fewminutes, and the further transformation into thioxane

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141


sulfone occurs within approximately 5 h. The con-version of vinyl derivatives into cyclic compounds ismost affected by pH. As the pH increases, the amountof these compounds in the final products increases.However, at pH below 11, cyclic products were notobserved.

This article provides evidence that as a result ofthe hydrogen chloride elimination reaction the β-chloroethyl sulfones are converted into vinyl deriva-tives much faster than β-chloroethyl sulfoxides. Thisfinding contradicts the reported statement: “In a ba-sic medium the reaction of elimination run faster forsulfoxides than for sulfones” [20].

Studies described in this paper have been partly financed byEuropean Union Regional Development Fund in the frame ofBaltic Sea Region Programme project #R013 Decision Aidfor Marine Munitions (DAIMON) and by Military Universityof Technology project number RMN 08-682/2017.


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International Journal of Chemical Kinetics DOI 10.1002/kin.21141