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Name: Putri AmandhariNo: 1464093Startup and Growth_Assignment 1

What factors did create the opportunity for Bob Reiss? *

Bob Reiss been a player on toy industry for more than 10 years. He definitely see plenty "Toy Industry" that could survive in the short cycle life of existing, at first toy industry works on Trend and second is about how much money to spend to promote it.

Bob Reiss see this opportunities to incorporate with TV Guide with all advantages. Because, of course TV Guide can "create" the trend with their known-reputable-brand that makes this Trivia games can achieve their goal and prevalent easily.

And to create awareness of Trivia Games that imitates Trivia Pursuit (that also achieved success in Canada) may also perceive differently on US situation. Reiss have to understand and modified the game and introduce it with the right way “how” US citizen like to perceive it and of course with the lowest-possible-cost to maintain.

What were the barriers/obstacles/risks that had to be overcome? *

The obstacles to overcome from the TV Guide it self of course about the "what company will get" in return. This also related with the financial risk with uncertain and short cycle trend on Toy Industry, finding the right low cost channel to maintain the operation management (esp. supply chain and networking) and how Reiss could create trend (or at least awareness) in US within the products. Lastly, how Reiss can break promotion boundaries without involving much money on it.

How did Reiss overcome these obstacles? *

FINANCIAL RISK:What Reiss did is finding the right supplier to maintain the supply chain of the product and to lower cost using it own connection (because most of the supplier were Reiss's friend) and so Reiss can get low price. For more advance in collaboration with TV Guide, Reiss made two possible option for TV Guide with their own risk that give TV Guide more option to overcome any (financial) risk. And to cover the massive promotional plans, Reiss tried to boost the sales with really smooth flow of promotion within TV Guide channel and collaborate with other media.

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HOW REISS CREATE AWARENESS IN US:What Reiss did is collaborate with TV Guide, that been known as reputable media with enormous audience in US. By using "big name" within new brand, it just easy to reach the targeted market. For selling the brand, Reiss well known-upscale store to build brand credibility to the create consumers empathy and awareness. Creating positive association through the brand is the most important thing in making first-good impression.

HOW REISS CREATE TREND (plus Promote it):I think this part is the most interesting because Reiss tried to use TV Guide promotion channel to promote it self. He use different kind of approach in reaching consumer mind and make his brand "desirable" to public. Reiss also tried to create mutual-relationship using the media to boost their promotion using printed media and use whole price discount in exchange. He neither could create the promotional mix (at least) for free in exchange with retail price to boost the Trivia Games sales