Download - Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Page 1: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Bible Study MethodsSession #6: Application

Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660)State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia

Page 2: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Bible Study MethodsSession #6: Application

LU Session #6: Application

Class Outline• Homework Review – 2 Corinthians 4, Correlation• Lesson: Application• Practicum: The New Man in Christ

Page 3: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Bible Study MethodsHomework Review

Have you had…• A new understanding of the text after seeing the

methods in practice?• Any cross references come to mind (parallel, idea,

corresponding, or contrasting)?• An opportunity to outline the passage or look at

the historical context?

Page 4: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

Application is the point where information turns into action.

"Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy.'"1 Peter 1:13-16

Page 5: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

Application is the point where information turns into action.

The way we apply Scripture is:• Rooted in our concept of God.• Determined after careful study of Scripture, guided by the Holy Spirit.• A life-long process rather than one time event.

Page 6: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

What is your concept of God?

“And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man and said to him, ‘Where are you?’“Genesis 3:8-9

Page 7: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

What are the characteristics of God?

In considering God’s characteristics, I think a good analogy is looking at a married couple. One of the great things about being married is the ability to get to know one person in an intimate way, potentially, for the rest of life. This growing knowledge enables us to learn how to better serve and love him or her daily.Similarly, Scripture teaches that we are the bride of Christ, and we will be married to God for all eternity (cf. Eph. 5:23, Rev 19:7). Since God is the bridegroom of the church, we must devote ourselves to knowing him intimately; so that we might please him and effectively serve him in this loving union throughout this life and the next.

Greg Brown, PhD, Characteristics of God, Oct. 2014

Page 8: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

What are the characteristics of God?

• God is love, 1 John 4:8, 16; 3:1; Ps. 36:7-8• God is good, Ps. 31:19; • God is merciful, Ex. 34:6-8• God is gracious, Ps. 86:5, 15; Eph. 2:4• God is jealous, Ex. 20:5; Deut. 4:24; Ps. 78:58; Nah. 1:1-5; 1 Cor. 10:22• God is justice, Heb. 12:25-29; Ex. 32:3-4; Is. 5:14-16

Page 9: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

Application comes from careful study, guided by the Holy Spirit.

“Blessed are the placemakers for they shall be called the children of God.”Matthew 5:9, Geneva Bible, 1562

“Printers have persecuted me without a cause.”Psalm 119:161, KJV, 1612

“Thou shalt commit adultery.”Exodus 20:14, KJV, 1631

“To deliver you from the adulteress, from the sexually loose woman who speaks flattering words.” Footnote contained a 1-800 number.Proverbs 2:16, NET, 2001

Page 10: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

Application comes from careful study, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Ways to identify applications are to ask questions of yourself.• How does my personality relate to the characters in the text? Are these

good or evil qualities?• Where have I noticed people who need to be shown God’s compassion?

How can I participate in showing them?• What spiritual gift has the Holy Spirit given me? How can I use that gift? • Have I sinned against someone and need to restore the relationship?• What is my attitude toward conviction?• Is there a ministry that I find exciting?

Page 11: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

Applying Scripture is a lifelong process.

The Woman at the Well, John 4:1-44

• What do we know about her?• What do we know about the customs of her

time? Was divorce common?• Is she an adulteress or prostitute?• Why do her people immediately trust her

testimony?• Why did Jesus go through Samaria?• What is the ultimate lesson?

Page 12: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

The Woman at the Well, John 4:1-44

She was a Samaritan.“The development of Samaritanism and its alienation from Judaism was a process that began with the division of the kingdom of Israel, and continued through successive incidents which promoted antagonism, including the importation of foreign colonists into Samaria by Assyria, the rejection of the new Samaritan community by the Jews, the building of a rival temple on Mt. Gerizim, the political and religious opportunism of the Samaritans, and the destruction of both the Samaritan temple and their capital of Shechem by John Hyrcanus duringthe second century B:C. The Samaritan religion at the time of Jesus had become Mosaic and quasi-Sadducean, but strongly anti-Jewish. Jesus recognized their heathen origins and the falsity of their religious claims.”Grace Theological Journal 5.1 (1984), pg. 47,

Page 13: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

Page 14: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

The Woman at the Well, John 4:1-44Jesus provides clues."Meanwhile the disciples were urging him, saying, 'Rabbi, eat.' But he said to them, 'I have food to eat that you do not know about.' So the disciples said to one another, 'Has anyone brought him something to eat?' Jesus said to them, 'My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. Do you not say, "There are yet four months, then comes the harvest"? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoicetogether. For here the saying holds true, "One sows and another reaps." I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.'"vv. 31-38

Page 15: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

Application: Transforming the Mind

The Woman at the Well, John 4:1-44

What do we learn from this woman that we may apply?• Preach the word• Do not be discouraged if you do not reap• Be prepared to reap what others have sown• Find joy in working the fields of ministry

Page 16: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application


Page 17: Session #6: Application Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Claude Gellee (c. 1660) State Hermitage Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia.

LU Session #6: Application

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