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Search Engine Optimization- SEOClass -3

Topics Covered: To find the best keyword for SEO Idea from Search Engine Obtaining the killer concept to analyze the market competition to research keywordsHaving the positive Impact of EMD in terms of ranking Measuring Keyword Density using some tools & its Calculation formula   Identifying Long tail Keywords.

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Keyword Research and Selection

Keep in mind, SEO is built on keywords, not on niches

So what can be done?The answer lies in Google’s Related Searches feature

You should target smaller, narrower sub-topics within your chosen niche

But How ?

Trying to compete in the natural search rankings for a general term like “Insurance” is going to be an uphill battle

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Simply copy the related search terms onto a spreadsheet and enter them into Google’s external keyword tool or any other keyword research software program to find more information on their search volumes and overall competitiveness rankings.

simply navigate to Google and type a general keyword

Then scroll the mouse down to get “Related Searches”.

This will bring up a list of several keyword phrases that Google considers to be related to your main keyword

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Suppose we decided to target the keyword phrase, “Insurance”

Now, we know that we want to build a website around this keyword, but we want to find other keywords that Google thinks are relevant from a latent semantic indexing (LSI) standpoint

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Discussion on Long Tail Keywords In search engine optimization (SEO),

however, a long-tail keyword is a phrase which contains three to five (normally) words that are searched by a number of Internet users as they seek information.

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Finally go to adwords keyword plannerto get the proper & details Idea…

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Repeat this process for every site listed in the natural SERPs for your target keyword phrase and make a special note of any keyword ideas that overlap between URLs.

Searching in this manner will return SEO keyword phrases that your competition is targeting and that Google believes to be relevant to each other.

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Lets Recall Figure out how many keywords you are

trying to optimize for Come up with a list of initial keywords that

you think are most obvious See what your site is currently ranking for See what your competitors are ranking for Use keyword suggestion tools Keep an eye out on the progress and make

keyword changes as necessary


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The first step is to start writing your list of keywords.

Take down the different keywords that you believe would be most relevant to your website.

Think like your customers/visitors – how would use those keywords to search for a website that has the same information as your website

However vulgar and politically incorrect terminologies may destroy your websites reputation or ranking, so don’t use them as your keywords

Do not include stop words as your keywords

Stop words are those words that are commonly found over the different websites but are not recognized by search engines.

Source “Stop Words” -

With these strategies one will be able to short list their initial list of keywords

Things You Should Consider

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What Are Long Tail Keywords?Keywords can be short tail or long tail or better to say ‘short phrases or long phrases’

Let us take the keyword ‘Sports Car’. This is a short tail keyword which can cover a wide range of Sports Cars.

The LTK version for this Kw would be more specific and something like: BMW Sports Car , Latest BMW Sports Car , Latest BMW 135i Sports Car , which will cover only the particular BMW 135i

Are you now clear with the idea and difference between STK & LTK ?

Benefits of Using Long Tail KeywordsLess Competition – The long tail keywords face less competition – Lets Prove ItWhen I search for the following terms in, I got following results.

1. Have a look: 2. Sports Car: ?3. BMW Sports Car : ? 4. latest BMW 135i sports car : ?

5. Latest BMW Sports Car : ?6. What do you notice?

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Targeted Traffic from LTKIf you are thinking that using one long tail keyword will bring you tons of traffic, you are mistaken.

The truth is long tail keyword will bring you the substantial and targeted traffic. Only people searching for that long tail keyword will land on your blog but to get a good amount of traffic you have to use numerous long tail keywords in your blog.

Try using one short tail keyword as main keyword and use many relevant long tail keywords as the secondary keywords for the post.

Your On-page SEO will be easier for you if you are using the long tail keywords. How? you can fit 1-2 long tail keywords very naturally in your post content. Whereas more usage of short tail keywords is considered as keyword stuffing and Google don’t like it.

Long-tail keywords include many short keywords:

If you are using the keyword ‘Latest BMW 135i Sports Car’ in your post, that post will be in search engine for short keywords like BMW 135i, 135i Sports Car, sports car and latest BMW sports car, beneficial isn’t it?

Use your Google Analytics data to get more ideas on LTK searched by users who finally lands on your pages.

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Tips If you sort it by Global Monthly Searches (in reverse) you

see a different story – use ‘hot gossip’ for example

Take as much LTK ideas that your get from reverse result and use them in your content/articles/blog posts

These longer keywords lead to a higher click-through rate.

Benefiting from longtail keywords is a long-term goal. You might not see results right away, so keep writing your content and see the results as time passes. By the end, I bet you will be happy with your effort and its outcome.

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Discussion on LSI KeywordsLatent Semantic Indexing LSI keywords is really just a dressed up name for synonyms or related keywords.

For example, if you were to write an article on Microsoft Windows, how would a search engine know your article was about an operating system and not home construction? Through the concept of LSI, the search engine would scan that article and find terms that would be computer-related, and classify that article accordingly. 

For example if a website is focused around food the main keyword phrase would be food but phrases or words similar to food are LSI keywords such as 'recipe', menu, meal, diet, cuisine, etc.

It’s much more effective and natural to mix in a number of LSI keywords with your main keyword and the rest of your content. This looks more natural for your readers and it looks more natural to search engines

Simply think about your topic and then write down all the words related to it. For example, if you had a website about "fruit," some good LSI keywords would be "apples," "pears," and "bananas."

You can also try some tools for a bit of help:


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LSI SAMPLE Primary Keyword: Search Engine


Secondary Keywords or LSI keywords: Search Engine Optimization Tips, Search Engine Optimization Guide, Search Engine Optimization Techniques, Google Search Engine Optimization, Affordable Search Engine Optimization etc etc.

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Optimize Your Keyword Density

Some of the things to keep in mind when incorporating a keyword are to include it in:

The title of your content The first sentence of your first paragraph At least one heading within the content The page’s URL The page’s meta description The alternate text field of any images you’ve included

Aim For One Keyword Per 100 Words1% to 3% KD looks natural and reasonable.

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Keyword Density calculation formula and checking tool http://www.seocent

Divide the number of times the keyword was used with the number of words in your article. Once you discover the answer, multiply this number by 100 (Example: 40 / 1000 = 0.04 * 100 = 4%).

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SEO Friendly Domain Selection Process

Try to use your main keyword in the domain name. If the goal is to sell baseball cards in the San Francisco Bay area, try something to the effect of BayAreaBaseballCards.comBe sure to prepare for brand recognition. In all businesses, effective branding is essential; choose a name that is precise and exciting and that will also leave a memorable thought in your customers mind.Avoid using unwanted characters. Underscores, hyphens, dashes and other special characters deduct from your SEO score.Forget using numbers. Numbers are treated like special characters, search engines don't like them - difficult, try obtaining a short name.Choose a credible name. In link building efforts, you'll want to have an attractive name so your link affiliates will be proud have it on their sitesGo with a .com extension. It seems as though the search spiders favor .com over all other options. The only exception to the rule is if you're eligible for a .org, .edu or .gov extension. Buy the additional .net, .biz extensions for the sole purpose of linking back to your .com site. It fights off potential site copiers and also assists in building inbound links.Register your domain for over three years at a time. The engines prefer longer registrations as they believe the site will be around for a long period of time.

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Exact Match Domains No Longer Rank As WellMatt Cutts announced on Twitter that Google is going after "low quality" exact match domains (EMD) to ensure they do not rank well in the Google search results.

Minor weather report: small upcoming Google algo change will reduce low-quality "exact-match" domains in search results.29 Sep 12

Example - quickly weight loss tips

Matt said this algorithm update only impacts 0.6% of English-US queries.

New exact-match domain (EMD) algo affects 0.6% of English-US queries to a noticeable degree. Unrelated to Panda/Penguin.29 Sep 12

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A true Fact – Back in 2003

Anchor Text - Miserable Failure Liked to – (


Lots of bloggers linking using the anchor text Miserable

Failure to the above webpage - clearly shows the power of

anchor text

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Project Co-ordinatorM. Towfiqul