Download - Robert A. (AIt. to T. L. Jilg) - NFPA · T. Hugh Talley, Hugh Talley Co., TN [M] Rep. Upholstered Furniture Action Council ... currently used within the National Electric~ll Code


Report of the Committee on

Fire Tests

JesseJ . Beitel, Chazr Hughes Assoc., Inc., MD [SE)

April L. Berkol, Iq~f Sheraton Corp., NY [I1] Rep. American Hotel & Motel Assn.

John A, Blair, The DuPont Co., l-)E [M1 Rep. Society of tile Plastics Industry Inc

Wilham P. Chien, State of New York Dept. of Fire Prevention & Control, NY [El

William E. Fitch, Omega Point Laboratories Inc., TX [RT] Sam W. Francis, American Forest & Paper Assn., P A [ M ] Thomas W. Fritz, Armstrong World Industries Inc., PA[M}

{~ mes R. Grlffi th, Southwest Research Inst., TX [RT] arcelo M. Hirschler, GBH lnt'l, ( '~ [SE]

Alfred J. Hogan, Reedy Creek Improvement District, FL [E) Rep. Fire Marshals Assn. of Norfla America

Karl D. Houser , Gypsum Assn., DC [M] William E. Koffel, Jr. , Koffel Assoc., Inc., MD [SE] James R. Lawson, l I.S. Nat'l Inst. of Standards and Technology,

MD [RT] Gerald E. Lingenfelter, American lns tmmce Services Group Inc.,

NVtI l William S. Metes, I hlderwriters Laboratories Inc., IL [RT] George E. Meyer, Wamock Hersey, Inc.. CA [RT]

J ames A. Milke, University of Maryland, MD [SE] ohn Roberts , Underwriters ' Laboratories of Canada, Ontario, t2mada [RT]

T. Hugh Talley, Hugh Talley Co., TN [M] Rep. Uphols te red Furniture Action Council

David K. Tanaka, Factory Mutual Research Corp., MA [1] Richard P. Thornberry, The Code Consortium, Inc., CA [SE1 Kay M. Villa, Americ~m Textile Mfrs. Inst., DC [M] Robert J. Wills, Amerman Iron &: Steel Inst., AL [M] Pe terJ . Gore Willse, HSB Industrial Risk Insurers, (IT [11


Kenneth G. Adams, The Society of tile Plastics Industry, 12)(; [M! (/kit. toJ . A. Blair)

Delbert 17. Boring, Jr . , American l r o u & Steel lnsL t)H [MI (AIt. to R.J. Wills)

Tony Crimi, Utlderwriters ' Laboratories of Canada, Ontario. (2tnada [RT] (Ak. to j . Roberts)

Philip J. DiNenno, Hughes Assoc., Inc., MD [SE] (AIt. toJ . J. Beitel)

Richard G. Gann, I I.S. Nat'l Inst. of Standards and Technology. MD [RT] (Alt. to J. R. Lawson)

Marc L. Janssens, Soutbwest Research hast., TX {RT] (rot. to j . g. Griffith)

John W. Michener, Milliken Research Corp., SC [M] (/kit. to K. M. Villa)

Gene V. Paolucci, Yasuda Fire & Marine Insurance Co. of America, NY ill (Alt. to G. E. Lingetffelter)

Nigel IL Stamp, Intertek Tesdng Services NA Inc., WI [RT] (Alt. to G. E. Meyer)

Kuma Sumathipala, American Forest & Paper Assn., DC [M] (Alt. to S. W. Francis)

William A. Thornbeng, HSB Industrial Risk Insurers, (IT [11 (Alt. to P . J . G . Willse)

James j . Urban, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., IL [RT] (Alt. to W. S. Metes)

Robert A. Wessel, Gypsmn Assn., DC {M] (Ah. to. lL D. Houser)

Joe Ziolkowski, Anlerican Furniture Mfgrs ASs,... N( 1 M I (All. to T. H. Talley)


Robert H. Barker, Panerican Fiber Mlrs. Assn.. [)tl [MI (AIt. to T. L. Jilg)

James F. Hoebel , II.S. (,OllSHnler Prlldtlct Salety (~()ilnlllSSlt)lJ, MD [C}

Tod L. Jilg, Hoechst Celanese Corp., NC [M} Rep. &merican Hber Mfrs. Assn.

Rohlt Khanna, U.S. Consumer Product Salety (i(mmnsslott, MD [C] (Alt. toJ . F. Hoebel)

Herman H. Spaeth, Novato, GA

Staff Liaison: Waiter P. Sterling

This list represents the nwndwrship at the time the Committee was halloted on the text of this edition. ,Since that tim,', cl~anges in th, membership may have occurred. A ke~ to classifications is Jound at ttw Jiont of this book.

Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents on fire testing procedures. for reviewing existing fire test standards and r ecommend ing appropriate action to NFPA; lot r ecommending file application of and advising on tile interpretation of acceptable test standards for fire problems of concern to NFPA technic~d committees ,tll(l members; and for acting in a liaisorl capacity betwrell NFPA and the committees of other organizati,uJs wrHing fire test standards. This Comnfittee does uol t.llVel tilt ~ tests th;u are used to ewduate t'xlin~tlishmp~ ,t~t'lll.~. devices, ,,¢ svstenls,

TilLs portiou ol the Technh:aJ ( ;onmlme- Rcp.r l . t rhc ( ;O l l l rn i t t ee till Fire Tests is [)resetued t (u ,utot)li(Jll

Tilts Report oil (;OnllnellL~ wits prepared hv die Technical Committee on Fire Tests i i l l d f lOCtlmellhg Its acl!iOl| ~lil t i l t ' cornnlellts received on its Report on Proposals lul NFPA 262-1994, Standard Method of Test for Fire and Smnke Characteristics of Wires and Cables, as published in tile Report on Proposals for the 1998 Fall Meeting.

Tiffs documen t when adopted will be redesignated NFPA 262, Standard Method of Test for Flame Travel and Smoke of Wires and Cables for use in Air-Handling Spaces.

This Report on Comments ll:~ been subnfitted to letter ballot of the Technical Commit tee on Fire Tests, wbii:h consists of 24 voting members; of whonl 90 voted :fffirmatively, and 4 balloLs were [lot re turned (Messrs. Fitch, Francis~ (;riffith, and Roberts) .


N F P A 262 - - F9 8 R O C

(Log #1 } 262- 1 - (Entire Document): Reject SUBMITTER: Marcelo M. Hirschler, GBH In(I, Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: This comment recommends putting dfis proposal (and the new edition of NFPA 262) on hold for six mondls until the results are available from a research program that is currently in progress at Soutbwest Research Institute (SwRI). The SwRI program is an investigation of the effects of tbe proposed changes to NFPA 262, by testing cables with file 1994 and new proposed protocols of tile test medlod. SUBSTANTIATION: A research program was initiated at SwR1 by a consortium of companies in the wire and cable industry to evaluate tile effect of certain changes in the proposed f rom the current version of NFPA 262. The results from flits program are expected to be available in September, 1998, :rod will support or not suppor t tile significant changes dlat were recommended in this proposal. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee Action to reject is in accordance with a reqnest of file submitter that this comment be rejected in favor of tile action taken on otller applicable comments.

( Log #3 262- 3 - (Entire Document): Reject SUBMITTER: Marc L. Janssens, Soudlwest Research hist. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: This comment recommends potting dlis proposal (and tile new edition of NFPA 262) on hold for six months until the results are availal)le from a research

that is currently in progress at S o u t h w e s t Research lstitute (SwRI). The SwRI program is an investigation of the

effects of the proposed changes to NFPA 262, by testing cables with the 1994 and new proposed protocols of tile test method. SUBSTANTIATION: A researcb program initiated at SwRI by a consortium of companies in the wire and cable industry to evaluate die effect of certain changes in tile proposal from tile current version of NFPA 262. 'Tile restdts from dais program are expected to be available it) .%~eptelllbt'l 1998, and will suppor t or not snpport tile stglfili{.:uJ! cb.tHges dial were recommended in this proposal. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Tile {;,,mmitw,'e', ~,'ic, wi,,~L ~s I,,~ coordination of action ~L~ it relates l~, th-s," c./ttmClllS whi , It the Committee Ills accepted.

(Log #2) 262- 2- (Entire Docnment): Reject SUBMITTER: Larry F. Miller, Nat'l Electric~d Mfrs Assn. (NEMA) COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: NEMA believes that the NFPA Technical Committee on Fire Tests should include dae additional control, calibration, conditioning, and maintenance information from Underwriters Laboratories into NFPA 262 and accept dais ,amended method "contingent npon data (generated by an industry reference sample) yielding acceptable interlab consistency .and that a good precision and bias statement can be documented on tills correlation." SUBSTANTIATION: NEMA is concerned d]at die mefllod revisions proposal 262-1, approved by die NFPA Technical Committee on Fire Tests, has not included many of the control, calibration, conditioning, and maintenance procedures required to test wires and cables with adequate consistency. It has been brought to tile attention of NEMA dlat recent evaluations by 13nderwriters Laboratories have produced important parameter correlations and recommendat ions on each of dlese items to reduce file standard deviation of smoke generat ion and flame spread results.

NEMA is also concerned dlat tbere are not enough test method characterization data between different laboratories to show necessary consistency and correlation of results. While dais test medlod revisions proposal more accurately describes tile practice of Underwriters Lahoratones for a mnnbe r of years, other laboratories who list cables with this test method will need to make major changes to their apparatus compared to die current NFPA 262 test method. The effects of dlese changes on tile fire performance results of existing cable listings are uncertain.

For tile sake of consistency between laboratories and to assure that cables are being designed to meet the same requirements, it is vital that different versions of this method do NOT exist in tile indnsu-y. This test method revisions proposal 262-1 should not be published nntil barmonization of metbods (NFPA 262, A~STM [)09.21, 1JL 910) has been agreed upon and proven at laboratories other than UL. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Tile Committee Action to reject is in accordance widl a request from tile National Electrical Manufacturers Asst,ciation to withdraw d]eir commerlt.

{l.~}g #4t 262- 4 - {1-3): Accept hi Part SUBMITTER: Pravin [}. {gandhi. l it~derwriters Ldl,~ral.nes Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: Revise text of 1-3, Purpose. as follows.

In 1-3.2 replace "Flame travel distance" wida "Flame propagation distance."

Replace 1-3.3 with file following (more detail): 1-3.3 This test mefl]od does not cover the construction

requirements for :my cable, or die electrical, optic&l, and other performance requirements for any cable.

Add die following (more detail): 1-3.4 This test meflaod does not investigate tile toxicity ot tile

~ rodncts of combustion or decomposition. UBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test f~)r Flame

Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional c{}llstructioll and operational details on the test chamber that is n,,I referenced in the draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). ttowevel. dlese details are critical to maintain consistency i . deveh,plng test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 wa.s originally based on the Ill.. '}IH tesl apparatus, it is important that tile same deutiled inlorm,ttit~t, on the test chamber be included in NFPA 262 t . matntaiH consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with tile NFPA 262 test chanll.,ers located at ,uty lacilitv. Fhc attached test apparatus details iltclttded I I I t h i s t'4}llllllt'lJl {it} riot involve changes to tile t es t apiKu+;Anls llKtl h~ff. be 'el l Ilnt'tl for UL 910 testing from its origin. The attached , t,mmt'tll> provide text consistent with revisions to I lL 910 t,, pf uv ,Je additional detailed information on tile test app.tratus alld it.~ operation. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept m Part.

I)o not accept proposed colnnleiltS except for a ttew I-+4.4 which reads:

1-3.4 This test method does not investigate tile toxicity ,,I the products of combustion or decomposition. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: In 1-3.2 tile {2onnnJttee wisilcs to maintain the current yet'bilge of "flame travel dista[tce" ill lieu of "flame propagation distance" because this ts tile term currently used within the National Electric~ll Code ,rod other documen t s . .The revision proposed to 1-3.3 w~Ls not accepted :L~ this provision is not appropriate for a testing docolnetlL NFPA 262 does not address the constrnctiou requirenlents of c~tbles.

See also { 2omlnittee Comment 262-~5 (Log #( ;{ :1 ).


N F P A 2 6 2 - - F 9 8 R O C

(Log #4a) 262- 5 - (1-4): Reject SUBMITrER: Pravin D. Gandhi, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: In 1-4, Summary of Test Method, replace "The apparatus is similar to that described in 11L 91(Y' with "The apparatus is ,as described in I3L 910." SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Sumdard - 'Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Der~sity Values for Elec.tric;d and Optical Fiber Cables I ~sed in Spaces Transport ing Environmeutal Air, 1JL 910," includes additional construction and operational details on tile test chamber that is not referenced in the dr.~t NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, these details are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specintens.

Since NFPA ")62 was originally based on file UL 910 test ap.paratus, it is important dlat tile same detailed intormation on die test chamber be included in NFPA 262 m maintain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with the NH'A 262 test cbambers located at any facility. Tlte attached test apparatus details included in this comment do not involve chmlges to dae test apparatus flint ills been used for UL 910 testing from its origin. The attached comments provide" text consistent with revisions to I.IL 910 to provide additional detailed information on tile test ~ p a r a t u s and its operation. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee does not wish to bare dae NFPA 262 document dependent on another document for rite description of the testing apparatus.

SUBSTANTIATION: 13L's "Standard - Test tbr Flame Propagation arid Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air. 13L 910," includes additional coustrucfi .h and operational details ou tire test chamber that Js not refierenced in tile draft NFPA ")62 (1999 Edition) Howew-~, these details are critical to maintait~ COllSiSlellCV ill {{eVelll[llll~ t e x t data o n cable t e x t specimells.

Since NFPA 262 was originally b,L~ed ou rltt' l]l. 91o ~es~ ,tpparatns, it is important that tile same detailed Ill|()11111,illtlll on tile test chamber be inchJcled ill NFPA 262 h, Ill;lllltitlll consistellcy of test data lot cables tested ill ;;tllle Wllll die NFPA 26") test ch;tmt)ers hw~ited ;it :tin/lacilir~. l'lw attached test apparatus details imJuded in tiffs t'Ofl|lllelll .1(, not involve changes to the test [tppar;,tttts that hlu~ been used for LIL 910 testing lrom its origin. The attached cOlllnlell|~, provide text consistent with revisions to UL 910 to provide additional detailed information on tile test apparatus :ufft ils

.0 ~e ratio n. MMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part.

Accept the proposed comment and replace "with respect to" with "greater than arnbient" so that 2-1 reads:

2-1 Fire Test Room. Tile fire test room in which ti)e test cbamber is located shaU have provision lot a free inflow of air to maintain O)e room at controlled pressure of 0 to 0.05 ill. (0 to 12 Pa) of water column ~reater than ambient barometric pressure and at a temperature of 73 4- 5°F (23 + 3°C) and relative humidity of 50 5:5 percent throughout each test i"un. COMMH['rEE STATEMENT: The Committee revision is to provide a clarification for tile reference of tile barometric pressure.

See also Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI).

(Log #4b) 262- 6 - (1-5 Flame Travel Distance): Reject SUBMITrER: Pravin D. Gandhi, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: In 1-5, Definitions, replace "Flanle Travel Distance" with "Flame Propagation Dist~mce." SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density V,alues for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, I.IL 910," includes additional construction and operational details on the test chamber that is not referenced in the draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, daese details are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on the UL 910 test apparatus, it is important dlat the ,same detailed information on file test chamber be included in NFPA 262 to maintain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance witil the NFPA 262 test chambers located at any facility. The attached test apparatus details included in this comment do not involve ch,'mges to the test apparatus that has been used for UL 910 testing from its origin. The attached comments provide text consistent with revisions to UL 910 to provide additional detailed information on the test apparatus and its

eratiOno MMITTEE ACTION: Reject.

COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This action was taken for consistency with file action taken on Comment 262-4 (Log #4). Hease refer to Comment 262-4 (Log #4) for additional information.

(Log #4c) 262- 7 - (2-1): Accept in Principle in Part SUBMITTER: Pravin D. Gandhi, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: Replace Section 2-1 witb ti~e following (the new text has a tolerance on tile room pressure) :

2-1 Fire Test Room. Tbe fire test room in which the test chamber is located shall have provision for a free inflow of air to maintain tile room at controlled pre`ssure of 0 to 0.05 inches (0 to 12 Pa) of water cohmm with respect to barometric pressure and at a temperature of 73 + 5°F (23 4- 3°G) and relative ltumidity of 50 + 5 percent throughout each test rut).

(Log #4d) 262- 8 - (2-2): Accept in Principle SUBMI'ITER: Pravin D. Gandhi, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: Replace a l l of Section 2-2. Fire .qest Apparatus, by tile following ,as more derails and updated drawings are included:

2-2.1 Air Inlet Cllanlber 2-2.1.1 Tile air inlet cb~unber prior to tire lille1 end ,d lilt'

fire test chamber consists of an L-shaped gal~lttized sleet unit secured to the air inlet end of the fire t e s t chamber. A schematic of the air inlet chamber is shown m Figure ~-2. I.

2-2.2 Air Inlet Shutter 2-2.2.1 A vertically sliding shutter extending the eunre width

of the test chamber is provided at the air inlet end of file fire test chamber. Tile shutter is positioned to provide a . ;tit inlet opening of g + 1/16 in. (76 4- 2 ram) high measured l?om the floor level of the test chamber, as shown in Figure 2-2.1 and 2- 2.3. I (a).

2-2.3 Fire Test Chamber 2-2.3.1 The fire test chamber consists of a borizonUti duct

having tile shape and size shown in Figure 2-2.3.1 (a), and 2-2.$,. 1 (b). The sides and base of the duct are lined with refractory firebrick I , as illustrated in 2-2.3.1 (b). One side is provided with a row of two panes of 1/4 in. (6 mm) thick high temperature glass obserwation windows with the inside pane mounted flush with the inner wall [see Figure 2-2.3.1 (b) ]. The windows .are pressure-tight (exposed area: 2-3/4 4- 1/4 by 11 _ 1-1/2 in. (70 + 6 by 280 + 38 ram) and located so tlmt tile gas burner and tile length of tile specimens being tested, from the point at whicb tile ignition burner flame ends, can be observed from outside file fire test chamber.

2-2.3.2 Tile top cover suppor t ledges are to I)e /abricated ol a structtJral material capable of wit'[islanding abuse o1 continuous testing, level with respect to len~tb and width ot die chamber and each other.

2-2.3.3 To provide air turbulence for clhnbustion, six 9 hv 4-1/2 by 2-1/2 in, tltick (230 bv 115 by 65 ulln) i-elriu'lol'V lhe bricks (long dimerision vertical and 4-1/2 ill. diiuellsi.n ,

parallel to tile wall) are positioned along the side walls .[ Ilu- chamber at distances of 6.5. 13, and 19 4- 0.5 It (2.0. ,'2,.9. ~tl](I 5.8 4- 0.2 m, respectively) - u tile wi .dow side ;tJl(I 4.5. 9. r< ,Uld 16 + 0.5 fl (1.4, 3.0, and 4.9 __- 0.2 m), on the opp.s i le sl(h-. ,t.~ m e a s u r e d f roul tire centerline of tile gas burner.


]~ 33 un. (840 ram) 18 m. _ ~ l

(460 ram) I

18Y4 in. qP-1464 mm) "-~

"i I' 11~/,~ In. 1300 mm)

NFPA 262 - - F98 ROC

F( 2m.

50 ram)

i 19 in.

(483 ram)

<--15~f= in..--= ( 3 8 5 m m )

S i d e v i e w F r o n t v i e w


Air inlet end of fire test chamber

Air In le t C h a m b e r to F i re Test C h a m b e r

Figure 2-2. I Schematic of the Air Inlet Chaml)er

Draft gauge tap

I 29 ft 3 In. (8.9 m)

- ~ 1 5 in. (380 mm)

< Test chamber opening 111&in. (242 ram)

~nL I u n

A,r i i "~I llr'~l IV--J r'~l IF'] fit'-If llr'~l IF-~ IF-JI IIF-JI IIF-~I ur-J IIp-~I llW--J IF-J IIP-J IIP--J IF-J Inlet / • , end / I 1%.

/ A52~In. 2 "~ B~- Gas burner for IgnitiOn flame

J A r (1.32 m) 27 in. Draft gauge tad ~ I '~ (686 mm) l' I

Adjustable air Inlet shutter ~ 1 I ,177 I n~,

1!o (432 ram)


(451 ram) 1 irl. .


Fire brick J Sect ion A - A



Exhaust end

Figure 2-2.3.1(a) Details of Fire Test Chamber


NFPA 262 - - F98 ROC

)nl board

"n) mineral

qemovalole top cover

Observation window

Fire bricks 9 x 4V= x 2½ in. (230 x 115 x 65 mm)

Figure 2-2.3.1 (b) Details of Fire Test Chamber Section B-B

2-2.3.4 t )ne end of the fire test chaJul~r, designated its the "air inlet end" in Figure 2-2.3.1 (a), is provided with a dual port gas burner delivering flames upward that engulf dae test specimens. The burner is spaced 11-1/2 _+ 1/4 in. (292 + 6 ram) from the air inlet end of die fire test chamber and 7-1/2 :t: 1/4 in. (191 - 6 ram) below the removable top cover. The bnrner is located 52 +_ 2 in. (1320 +_ 51 mm) downstream of the ,air inlet shutter, as measured from the burner centerline to tile outside surface of die shutter. Gas to the burner is provided through a single inlet pipe, distributed to each burner port througb a tee-section. Tbe outlet is a 3 /4 ill. (19 ram) elbow. The plane of the ports shall be parallel to tile furnace floor, such that die gas is directed upward tow,~d the specimen. Each port shall be positioned with its centerline 4 + 1/4 in. (102 +- 6 ram) on each side of die centerline of the fire test chiunber so that the ignition burner flame is evenly distributed (see Figure 2-2,3.1(b)). Controls shall be used to maintain a constant flow of methane gas to tile burner. A gas meter calibrated to read in increments of not more than 0.1 ft ~ (2.8 liters), shall be used to record gas consumption.

2-2.4 Removable Top Cover 2-2.4.1 The rentovable top cover consists of a metal and

mineral insulation composite unit. The insulation sh.all be nominal 2 in. (51 nun) thick mineral composition material s. A cross-section of the top cover unit is shown in Figure 2-2.3.1 (b) and shall completely cover tbe fire test chamtler.

2-2.4.2 The entire top cover unit is protected witlt flat sections of high-density [ nolninally 110 lb/f t ~ ( 1760 kg/nt ~) 1/4-in. (6 mm) dfick] inorganic reinforced cement board. While in place, the top cover resLs on a l / g in. thick (3 mm) woven fiberglass belting positioned on the top cover support ledges. The top cover sbaU be completely sealed against the leakage of air into the fire test chamber during the test. A water-filled trouglt its shown in Figure 2-2.3.1 (b) has been found suitable for this purpose.

2-2.5 Exhaust Transition 2-2.5.1 The exltaust end of file fire test chamber shall be

fitted with an exltaust transition consisting of a steel unit composed of a 3N1/2 long by 27 wide by 17-1/4 high ± 1/4 in. (902 by 686 by 438 + 6 mm) rectangular section and a 18 + 1/4 in. (457 + 6 mm) long rectangular to a 16 _+ 1/8 in. (406 + 3 nun) round transition. The rectangular end is secured to the exhaust end of the fire test chamber. The round end is secured to die 16 + 1/8 in. (406 _+ 3 ram) diameter exltaust duct. The outside of the unit is insulated witb nominal 2 in. (51 ram) ceramic fiber blanket. The shape and size of the exhaust transition are shown in Figure 2-2.5.1 (shown on following page).

2-2.6 Exhaust Duct 2-2.6.1 Tile 16 _+ 1/8 in. (406 _+ 3 ram) diameter steel exhaust

duct shall extend a minimum of 28 ft (8.5 m) horizontally downstream from the vent end of the exhaust transition. The outside of dae duct shall be insulated with nominal 2 in. (51 ram) ceramic fiber blanket from the exhaust transition to the smoke measurement system location.

2-2.7 Smoke Measurement System 2-2.7.1 A light source 4 is mounted on the exhaust duct at a

point at which it is preceded by a straigi~t run of duct at least 16 ft (4.9 m) and not greater daan 18 ft (5.5 m) from tlae vent end of the exhaust transition section. The light beam is directed upward along the vertical ,axis of tlae exhaust duct. A

s photoelectric cell baying an output directly proportional to the amount of light received is mounted over dae light source with an overall light-to-cell path disumce of 36 _+ 2 in. (915 + 51 ram). The cylindrical light beam is to p:~s.s through ?, +_ 1/~ ill. (76 + 3 mm) diameter openings at dae top and bottom el flw 16 in, diameter duct, wid~ the resultant light beam ceuteled ~,n die photoelectric cell. The cell is COlmected to r e c ~ r d l l l g devices for indicating the a t te .nat ion of in'cident ligl. due ~, the passing smoke.

2-2.8 Exhaust Duct Damper 2-2.8.1 A single blade nominal 115 in. diameter duel v.lmm.

control damper shall be positioned ill the exhaust ducl 5.5 + 0.5 ft (1.7 -+ 0.2 m), downstream . f the smoke m t . ' , t . ~ u r e n i e l ~ l

system. Tile relative Ioc~ttiollS of tilt + ¢'xh3nlSl lf;tllSililln, t'x.ll,nlsi duct, smoke ii/etLsuretnent system ;utd tilt" t.xllallsl <tll~ i d,tllll~t.i are shown in Figure 2-2.8.1 (shown on following p:tgc).

2-2.(,) Fire Test Chamber Ailllow System 2-2.9.1 Tile movement of air through tile fire test ch:mlhcr

and exhaust duct is bv induced dr:fit. A dfall g;ttlge tap. m indicate static pressure, is to be inserted d~rough tlae l op ,It lhe midwidth of the fire test chmnber, 1 -+ I / 2 Ill. (25 ± I3 ram) below the ceiling, and 15 +- 1/2 in. (380 ~ 13 llln/) dowlly, I ie;tlll front the air inlet shutter as shown in Fignre 2-2.3.1 (a)

2-2.9.2 The exhaust duct damper shall he controlled hv ~L closed loop feedback system with respect to the air inlet draft gauge sl~ttic pressure to maint:fin airflow c-ntrol throughout each test run.

2-2.10 Exhaust Blower 2-2.10.1 The exhaust blower shall be located a minimnnl el 0

t: (1.8 m) downstream from the exhaust duct damper. The blower shall have the capacity to develop at least 0.15 in. (37 Pa) of water cohmm at the draft gTmge tap with the spec.nen.~ ill place, with tile air inlet shutter positioned tu provide an air inlet opening of 3 +_ 1/16 in. (76 _+ 2 mm), and witb tile exhausl duct damper in the wide-open position.


N F P A 2 6 2 ~ F 9 8 R O C

18 irl. . / ~

,..,X / II / "'2 / IL/

,q 27 in. i, I (686 mm)

16 in. (406 mm) I.D

T- 17z"~ inl I T ¥ I

(438 mm L

I 27 In t (686 mm)

Exhaust Transition End View

_ 35Z ' , , x In. _ I_ I- (9o2 mm) - I-

Exhaust Transition Side View

18 In (457 mm)

l J -I

Figure 2-2.5.l Schenmtic of. tile Exhaust Transition

Exhaust transition - ~

i I

D _l_ J_

I ~ , ~ . - r 18 in.-I- (902 ram) (457 mm)

16 It (4,9 m) minimum

~ N 18 ft 15.5 m) maximum

ominai 2 m. (51 ram) ceramic fiber blanket insulation

. . . . . .

• , . \

" Ligh( source -~--= Exhausl "koamper~

16 in. (406 mm) I.D. Cl

C-C E x h a u s t s e c t i o n damper

Figure 2-2.8.1 Loc:ltion of Exhaust Tr,'msition, Exhaust Duct, Smoke Measurement System and Damper


N F P A 2 6 2 - - F 9 8 R O C

2-2.11 Ladder Cable Tray 2-2.11.1 The ladder type cable tray used to suppor t die cable

test specimens is shown in Figure 2-2.11.1. Tile tray is fabricated f rom cold-rolled steel. The solid bar stock side rails are nominal 1-1/2 by 3 /8 in. (38 by 10 ram) as shown in Figure 2-2.11.1. The C-shaped-channel rungs ,are 1/2 by 1 by 1/8 in. (12 by 25 by 3 mm) structural channels a,s shown in Figure 2- 2.11.1. Each rnng is 11-1/4+- 1/8 in. (286-+ 3 ram) long. The rungs are welded to the side rails 9 +_ 1/8 in. (229 +- 3 ram) on centers along the tray length. The tray shall have a total assembled length of 24 ft + 2 in. (7.3 m + 51 nun) and is supported with 16 supports spaced along the length of the t~ty. The supporrs (see Figure 2-2.11.1) are fat)ric~tted from bar steel.

2-2.12 Fire Test Chamber Temperature Measurement Instruments

2-2.12.1 A 19 AWG (0.912 ram) chromel-alumel dlermocouple with 3 /8 in. (10 ram) of the junct ion exposed in the fire test cbamber is inserted d/ rough the floor of tile test chamber. The junct ion shall be located 1 ~" 1/8 in, (25 _+ 3 ram) below the top surface of the fiberglass belting ,and 23.0 ft-+ 1/2 in. (7.0 m + 13 mm) from the centerline of the gas burner, and at the center of tile width of the fire test chamber.

2-2.12.2 A 19 AWG (0.912 ram) chromel-ahunel thermocouple embedded 1/8 in. (3 ram) below the floor surface of the fire test chamber is mounted in refractory or i)ortiand cement (dried to keep it f rom cracking) at distances of 13 ft-+ 1/2 in. and 23.25 ft + 1/2 in. (4.0 m + 13 mm and 7.1 m + 13ram) downstream from the centerline of the gas burner, and at the center of d~e width of the fire test chamber.

2-2.13 Data Acquisition Equipment 2-2.13.1 A digital data acquisition system shall be used to

collect and record light attenuation from die smoke measurement system and the fire test chamber temperature measurements at intervals of 2 seconds or less.

t Tile operation and calibration ot tins equipment is t);uscd ,m tile use of refractory firebrick. The physical ,tnd the:rm,tl properties of the brick ~tre:

Density = 51 Ib/ft 3 (0.82 g / c m ' ) ' ,Specific Ileal = 0.25 Btu/ lb "F (I.O5 k~/kg-"(.) Thermal conductivity: = l.X Bm in/t1 he ~K (().~h V~ in-

°C) ~ 400 ° F (205%;) 2.1 Btu in / t ' t ~ hr °F L0.3(} W/m-~'{J eL, B{}{}"F (425"(4 2.3 Btu in/ f t ~ hr °F (0.33 W/m-°(.;) ~ 120(Y'F ({i50"C} 2.5 Btu in / fP hr °F (0.36 W/re-°C) ~ 1600"F (870~C) 2.7 Btu in / f t 3 hr °F (0.39 W/m-%2) ~ 20(}O°F (1095°C)

Water-cooled structural-steel robing is suitable lot this purpose, also, high temperature fl~rnace retractor ' /such ,~, Zicron have been found acceptable tot this purpose+

The mineral insulation shall have physical characterisitic~ ,t.s follows:

Maximmn effective teml)erature: 1200°F (650~C). Bulk density: 21.0 -+ 1.5 lb/ f t s (3335 _+ 20 kg/mB), Thermal conductivit~ 0.50 -0.71 Btu . in. per horn sq 11 .

~F (0.072 - 0.102 W/m.K) at 300 - 700°F (150 - 37(}°(") + A General Eteetric Model 4405 12-V sealed-beam clear ,tutt} spot lamp (Part Number 4405) has been found suitable for this purpose. The light source may be procured from any electrical supplies vendor. 5 A photoelectric cell suitable for this purpose is a Westou Instruments No. 856-9901013BB photronic cell.

½xl x~in. (13x 25 x 3 ram)

o t+ o Section A-A

structural channel


I 11 V4in. 1 (286 ram)

Specimen Placement Reference


12 in. i (3o[ ram)

. . . . . [

3%in. L 195 mm) l"

F 1½x % in. (38 x I0 mm) bar stock

' I I , I



l "F Rungs 9 in. (229 mm) on center


Cable Tray



% x ~ in" (18 x 18 x 3 mm) angle

t<--V4in. --~ ~-2 ,n I(6.4 ram) | [{50 ram)

e ~i,. I I (2o~ ~ ) 1 1 (+~)11 V, in. I I I

.;il IU 046 mm) '

Tray Support

Figure 2-2.11.1 Details of Ladder flable Tray ;rod Supports


N F P A 2 6 2 - - F 9 8 R O C

SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard -Tes t for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional construction arid operational details on die test cilamber flint is not referenced in d~e d r ~ t NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, these details ,are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens°

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on tile IlL 910 test apparatus, it is important dial the same detailed information on Ore test chamber be included in NFPA 902 to maintain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with the NFPA 262 test chambers located at any facility. The attached test apparatus details included in dais comment do not involve changes to tile test apparatus that has been used for UL 910 testing from its origin. The attached comments provide text consistent widl revisions to UL 910 to provide additional detailed information on die test apparatus and its operation. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

See Committee Recommendat ion on Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CC1). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee concurs with d~e submitter 's intent and has incorporated tile recommendat ions in Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI ).

( [ .~ ~ #4t - , I 262- 9 - (3-1): Accept SUBMITTER: Pravin D. (;andhi, I)nderwriters Lah<~rao.'i~+~ Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: Replace 3-1 with the Iollowing (change in tolerances on cable specimen lengt[O:

3-1 Specimens. Test specimens shall consist of 24 ft ± 0 inches (7.32 m + 152 mm) lengths of cables installed in a single layer across tire bottom of the cable tray :m shown in Figure 2-2.3.1 (b). SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional constrnction and operational details on the test chamber dlat is not referenced in file draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, dlese details are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on the UL 910 test apparatus, it is important that the same detailed information on the test chamber be included in NFPA 262 to maimaitl consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance wi11~ dae NFPA 262 test chambers Ioc~'tted at any facility. The attached test apparatus details included in this comme~tt do not involve changes to tile test apparatus that [I~Lg heetJ tlsed for UL 910 testing from its origin. The attached i-olnulents provide text consistent with revisinns tO 1 IL 910 to pr, wide additional detailed information m| the test apparauls ,uld iI.~

MMITTEE ACTION: Accept. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The (;OUill/iilet ' t.tHIt tllS will1 t i le s u h m i t t e r ' s in te t l l and has iul 'or l )ol ; t te( l lht" r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s in (~ommi t tee (~Ollllllelll ~1"1~-~.~ (t,+)~ #CCI ).

Top cover support ledge

~ Liquid seal

Inorganic reinforced cement board

,--- Nominal 2 in. (50 ram) mineral / composition insulation

Test specimens --7 I A ~ I"

Removable top cover


Observation window


\ ~ - - Fire bricks

9 × 4;h x 21/z in. (230 x 115 × 65 mm)

Figure 2-2.3.1 {b) Details of Fire Test Chamber Section B-B


N F P A 2 6 2 ~ F 9 8 R O C

(Log #4t) 262- 10 - (Chapter 4): Accept iu Principle SUBMITrER: Praviu D. (;andbi, I Inderwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 962-1 RECOMMENDATION: Replace Chapter 4, Calibratiol] of Test Equipment, witb file following :Ls it provides more details ou the equipment calibration:

4-1 Frequency of Galibration 4-1.1 The test apparatus shall be calib~tted as described in

Sections 4-2 d~rough 4-6 at a nlinintum of one mondt intervals. 4-2 Airflow 4-2.1 P l a c e a 2 4 + l / 8 i n . wide b y l 4 + 1/8 in. long by 1/165:

I/?,2 in. tJnck (610 by 356 + 2 mm by 2 4-- 1 ram) steel plate on the top cover support ledges at the air inlet end of the fire test chamber over the gas burner. Place three 1/4 in. (6 ram) thick by 8 It (2.5 m) long by 2 ft (0.6 m) wide inorganic reinforced cement boards on the top cover support ledges to fill the remaining length of the fire test chamber. Place die removable top cover in position.

4-2.2 Maintain the air supply temperature at 73 -+ 5°F (23 + 3°C) and the relative humidity at 50 5:5 percent.

4-2.3 With the air inlet shutter open 3 -+ 1/16 in. (76 _+ 2 mnt), an airflow is to be established to produce a static pressure of 0.15 in. (37 Pal of water column at the draft gauge tap, by manually adjusting tbe d.'unper as a characterization of fan performance. Then the air inlet shutter is closed and sealed. The static pressure reading shall increase to at least 0.375 in. (93 Pal of water column, indicating dlat no excessive air leakage exists. Record the static pressure reading obtained. A downward t rend indicates leakage in die fire test chamber a n d / o r the exhaust system.

4-2.4 Conduct a leakage test by activating a smoke bomb in the fire test chamber while die air inlet sbutter and exhanst duct beyond die smoke me,xsurement system are sealed. Ignite the bomb and induce a positive pressure in tile fire test chamber. Seal all points of leakage observed in the form ol{ escaping smoke particles.

4-2.5 Establislt an air inlet s tat icpressure at the dr,'Lft gauge tap wiflfin the range of 0.075 to 0.085 in. (17 to 19 Pa) of water cohnnn. The required static pressnre reading shall be maintained d l roughout the test by tile controlled exhaust damper. The air velocity shall be recorded in the fire test chzmlber at sevenpoin ts 23 ft (7.0 m) from the centerline of the gas burner a n d 6 + 1/4 in. (168 5:6 ram) below dte pl,'me of the top cover snppor t ledges. These points are determined by dividing the width of the tunnel into seven equal sections and recording the velocity at the geometrical center of each section. During die measurement of velocity, the turbulence bricks shall be removed and 2 4 + 1/8 in. (670 + 3 ram) long by 12 + 1/8 in. (305 + 3 ]rml) high straightening vanes are to be placed 16 to 18 ft (4.9 to 5.5 m) from file burner. Tile straightening vanes divide the chamber cross section into nine tmiform sections. The determinations shall be made using a velocity transducer I. The velocity, determined as the arithmetic average of file seven readings, shall be 240 5:5 fpm (1.22 + 0.025 m/ s ) . If deviation exists, ad.iust tile exhaust damper position to obtain a velocity of 240 5:5 fpm (1.22 + 0.025 m/s ) . Note dae air inlet static pressure. This pressure shall be maiutained to widlin 5:5 percent for all testing following calibration.

4-3 Smoke Measurement System Calibration 4-3.1 The light source and photoelectric cell shall be

calibrated using 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and i.0 neutral density filters . Each filter is positioned in front of tile photoelectric cell to cover the entire width of the light path. The atteuuation of incideut light using the neutral density filters shall be nsed to calculate tile optical density as follows:

OD = Iog~o( l o / l )

in which:

OD is optical density, I o is the clear beam photoelectric cell signal, and I is photoelectric cel/signal witlt the uentral density filter.

4-3.2 The calculated values of ()D for each filter shall agree within 5:3 percent of die cMibrated neutral density values. The average deviation of all the measurements sball be within + 1 percent.

4-4 Methane (;as tor Ignition Burner Flaml' 4-4. l The ignition burner t];um' is luele, t with I),,lll('d

, I , e thane g~LS o f l u l i f o r l l l q l laJ i tv a l l d w , ,h (hi- h iRl l t ' r IIt ' . t l l l lV. va ine o l 1000 _. ~(l ~ t i l ] l t . r ( ' l l l l i { I oo l (:*,7 Z u 5 M.] nl ' i d e t e r , l l i n e ( I |isiEig 4 g:L "#, i a l l ) r l l , l e , t ' i "~ .

4-5 R e i n f l J r c e d l n o r g a l l i ( - (,~ell,~'ll l Bo , t l d [ i 'M 4-5.1 The tire test chaml)el shall hv illehczt,e{i iirl,n h,

co,iduc[ of (estJ,lg. lqace tile steel Ill;tie .is (ies(-rihmt u, Section 4-2.1 aud place one I / 4 in. (6 imu) thick by S t, 12.5 m) long by 2 ft (0.6 m) wide in(lrgamc reinlorce(l ccmenl board on tile top cover support ledges tit (iverlap the ~.|L:t.I [)late a i n a x i u l u n ] o f 3 it1. (76 [uu l ) . P l a c e tile relnoval)le (,i t, cover in position. Widl the air inlet shutter open 3 _+ I / Ill uJ (76 _* 2 ram) to provide tile airflow reqinrements (it .Secmm 4. 2.5, adjust tile gas supply using ,nethame, or uan,ral g;LS. tl, produce :t 300,000 ± 7500 Btu per ilour (88 ± 2 kW) igxnu(,t, burner flame. The preheating is continued until die temperature indicated by tile floor thermocouple at 2:4.25 It (7.1 m) reaches 150 + 5°F (66 ± 3°(i;). During the preheat. record the teutperamre indicated by the thermocouple. "l'ht' preheating is for tile pur[iose of estab[isl/ing tile couditio]Js that exist following successive tests and {O i(Idicate con,rill ol file heat input into the fire test chamber.

4-5.2 Allow the fire test chamber to cool until tile floor ti]ermocouple at 13 ft (4.0 m) shows a temperature of 105 -4- 5°F (41 4- 3°C).

4-5.3 Place the steel plate as described in Section 4-2.1 Place three 1/4 in. (6 mm) thick by 8 ft (2.5 m) long by 2 t, (0.6 m) wide inorganic reinforced cement boards (u} the ,()p cover support ledges to fill the remaining length (it the thc test chamber. Place the removable top cover in i)()sitmn.

4-5.4 With tbe air inlet shutter open 3 _+ I / I 0 in. (7() ± 2 , nn i ) to provide the airflow re(lui,'e,lit:lllX (~1 N('C'I()II 4-2.5 adjust tile methane g:,u~ supply to pr()[tuc{-' ,I ~a, O0,1}l)l) ~ 7r)l){l Btu per hour (88 + 2 kW) ignition burlier tialnE l'ht- iRIdd(u= burner flallle shall exteI~d d o w n s U ' e a u l t~l .t (iista.ll(-e ill 'l.q II ± 3 in. (137 cm :1:75 tom) with negligible upsu-eam, ,iw'~ap~ The exhaust duct damper shall l'le c().n-(llh.d Ilv a ,-I,,svd loop feedback system with respect t() thv ,tit iHle, dral, gauge static pressure to i l t a inu t in airflow conn(d th, OI,~h() l , , Iht" teSL

4-5.5 The duration of the test is 1o minutes The temperature history of the thermocouple in the tire tes~ chamber air at 23 ft (7.0 m) is shown in Figure 4-5.5.1




I l l l l l I I I I I I

I l l l l l | I I I I I I I ] i l l l l l l I I I l ~ I I I 1 ~ t l I I 1 ~ 1 1 1 } I 1~1111 } ~ l l l l l l

I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l I l l l l l l l l n l l i l l l l l l n l l l l I n i l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l i l l l l l i | | n | | n i n | l | n | | | i i | n ~ l i | | i i n | | i | | n i p u ~ a m i | | i l I l l l l l l i l P ~ k | g i l l l l l l l l ] i | | P ~ t | | | | | | i | l | | | | | l J P 2 d l l l l l i l l l n l l l l l l l l ] l l n l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i ] l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l m l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

il ] 316


2s2F ,

" P l l ~ J l l ~ J l l l l l t t I l l l l l l t l l r l i t r t t t t t t I I I'T" 30el I I I I I 1 1 1 t l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l [ l l [ l [ r I [1149

0 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 ~0 ]ime{mmj

Figure 4-5.5.1 Tempera ture History ot hnu-ganir Reint.i,_e,I Cement Board at Tllernmcouple in Air (23 It)


N F P A 2 6 2 ~ F9 8 R O C

4-6 Standard Insulated Conductor Test 4-6.1 A standardized insulated conductor ~ shall be tested

witll dte same procedure a.s described in Section 6 to determine flame propagation, peak optical density arid average optical density. The insulated conductor is a nominal (I.225 in. (5.7 nmt) diameter specimen of extruded PVDF widt a No. 14 AWG annealed copper conductor. A total of 50 specimen lengths shall be used in die test.

4-6.2 The represi~ntadve performance results of fl~e standard insulated conductor ltave been found to be ,as follows:

Performance Average

Max Hame Distance fit) 2.0

]Peak Optical Density 0.28

Average Optical Density 0.11

1 A T h e r m o Systems Inc. Model 1610 velocity tr,'msducer (thermal anemomete r or equivalent), using a readont device accurate to 0.001 volt, has been found acceptable for tile ~nrpose.

Wratten filters from Kodak Comp:my have been found to be suitable for the purpose. The filters may b e p u r c h a s e d from a professional photography supplies vendor. Filters nmst he calibrated to a set of calibrated filters traceable to national standards. s A Cutler-Hammer gas calorimeter has been found suitable for dtis purpose. 4 A suitable insulated conductor is manufactured by Lucent Technologies and designated "(;able 910ST', Part No. COMCODE 108210568. SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "St,'mdard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electric,a] and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional construction and operational details on the test chamber tltat is not referenced in the draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, these details are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on dae UL 910 test apparatus, it is important that the same detailed information on the test chamber be included in NFPA 262 to maintain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance wifla tile NFPA 262 test chambers located at any facility. The attached test apparatus details included in this comment do not involve changes to the test apparatus that h~,s been used for UL 910 testing from its origin. The attached comments provide text consistent witll revisions to I IL 910 to provide additional detailed information on the test apparatus and its operation. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle,

See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CC1). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee concurs with the snbmitter's intent and has incorporated the recommendat ions in Comnfittee Conmlent 262-25 (Log #CC1 ).

(Log #4g) 262- 11 - (Chapter 5): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Pravin D. (;andbi, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. " COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: Add Section 5-1 as follows (provides test specimen conditioning):

5-1 Specimen Conditioning 5-1.9 Prior to testing, all cable specimens sball be

conditioned for a min imum of 24 hours in a controlled environment of 73 4- 5°F (23 4- 3°C) and relative humidity of 50 4- 5 percent. Samples whiclt are supplied on reels shall have any wrapping materials removed for conditioning.

Renumber old 5-1 as 5-2, old 5-2 as 5-3, and old 5-3 as 5-4. Replace new 5-3 (old 5-2) wiOl tbe following: 5-3 Estimated Number of Cable Specimen Lengths 5-3.1 Galculate tile estimated number of cable specimen

l en~bs to be used in tile test, rounded to the nearest lower integer ,as follows:

Estimated Nnmber of Specimen Lengths equal I 1.25 inches (widdl of tile cable tray) divided by diameter of specimen (inches).

5-3.2 The actual number of cable specimen lengths used in tile fire test varies depending upon specimen shape.

Replace new 5-4 (old 5-3) widl the following (provides additional detail on cable mounting)

5-4 Cable M o u n t i n g 5-4.1 Lay dae specimens into tlae ladder cable tray in parallel

straight rows to fill tile widdl of die u=ty without any space between adjacent specimens otl/er tllan tllat needed for the cable fasteners described in .Section 5-4.2.

5-4.2 Use bare metal tie wires not larger titan 18 AWG (I.024 ram) to fasten cable specimens to tile rungs of die cable tray, Test specimens are secured to die I:tdder cable tray using ties at die first rung of dae tray at tile air inlet end, :rod at any rung widain 3 ft (0.9 m) from dae exhaust end of d~e tray.

NOTE: If necessary, additional ties should be used to minimize movement of the test specimens. SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test tot Flame Propagation ,and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional consn-m'li.l~ and operational details on tile tesl cbaulber d/ai is nc~l referenced in the dr:fit NFPA ")62 (1999 Edition). Howewu tllese details are critical to maintain ('onsistel~cy in deveh~t)Hig test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on tile IlL 910 lest apparatus, it is important that tile same detailed inlorrnatmlJ on the test ch:unber be included in NFPA 262 to mamuun consistency of test data for cables tested in accordaHce with the NFPA 262 test chmnbers located at any facility. The attached test apparatus details included in tiffs comment do not involve ch:mges to the test apparatus dtar has been used for LIL 910 testing from its origin. The attached comments provide text consistent with revisions to 11L 910 to provide additional detailed information on file test apparatus ;rod its operation. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CC1). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee concurs witll the submitter's intent and has incorporated the recommendations in Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI).

(Log #4hi "262- 12- (6-1.1 through 6-1.10): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: pravin D. Gandhi, l lnderwdters l~tl~oratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 962-1 RECOMMENDATION: Replace current 6-1.1 to 6-1.1o with rite following (greater details in tile test procedure are provided):

6-1.1 At file start of each day of testing, preheat the fire test cltamber as described in Section 4-5.1.

6-1.2 Allow tile fire test chamber to cool uutil tile flo,I lhermocouple at 13 ft (4.0 Ill) shows a leml)erature . f I tS _+ S"F (41 + 3°(i;). Place tile cable tray and supl)orts i . tile lire lesl chamber as shown in Figure 2-2.3.1(h) and descril)ed m Section 9-2.11.1, with tile tray etid at the air inlel e . d ot d)t" tire test chamber, I inch + I / 9 ulch (25 nun + 13 lure) (h)wnslr,~:tm li-om tile ceuterline of tile burner

6-1.3 install the test specimetJs at.,; described in Sectio~l 4-5. I. 6-1.4 Place the steel plate as described in Section 4-2.1 and

place one 1/4 inch (6 ram) thick by 4 ft (1.2 in) hmg by 2 fl (0.6 m) wide inorganic reinforced cement board on the top cover suppor t ledges to overlap the steel phtte a maxilnum of 3 inches (76 mm). Place the removable top cover in position.

6-1.5 Place the air inlet shutter m position to provide an opening of 3 4- 1/16 inches (76 4- 2 ram) and adjust tile exhaust damper to establish and maintain the airflow requirements of Section 4-2.5. Tile exhatist duct damper shall be controlled by a closed loop feedback system wida respect to the air inlet dr:fit gmtge static pressure to maintain airflow control throughout the test. The air supply dlroughout tile test shall be maintained at 73 + 5°F (23 4- 3°C) and die relative humidity at 50 4- 5 percent.

6-1.6 Verify ti~e smoke measurement system to ensure zero optical density.


N F P A 2 6 2 ~ F 9 8 R O C

6-1.7 Verify the fire test chamber temperature of the floor thermocouple at 13 ft is 105 4- 5°F (66 4- 3°C). If the temperature is below this range, remove the test specimens and preheat the fire test chamber as described in Sections 4-5.1 and ,allow the filrnace to cool until the floor thermocou~le at 13 ft (4.0 m) shows a temperature of 105 + 5°F (41 + 3°C).

6-1.8 Simultaneously ignite the methane gas ignition burner flame (Section 4-5.4) and start the data acquisition system to start the test. The test shall be initiated no longer than 5 minutes ,after the removable top cover has been placed in position.

6-1.9 Observe and record the distance and time of flame front propagation at intervals of 6 inches (150 mm). Fkune flftropabration is measured ,as the distance beyond the initial 4.5

(137 cm) ignidon burner flame. Record the photoelectric cell output at intervals of 2 s.

6-1.10 Monitor the methane gas pressure during the test. 6-1.11 Terminate the test 20 minutes ,after the start of the test

by shutting off the methane gas supply, and stopping the data acquisition. SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910/' includes additional construction and operational details on the test chamber that is not referenced in the draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, these details are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on the UL 910 test apparatus, it is important that the stone detailed information on tile test chamber be included in NFPA 262 to maintain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with the NFPA 262 test chambers located at any facility. The attached test apparatus details inclnded in this comment do not involve changes to the test apparatus that has been used for IlL 910 testing from its origin. The attached comments provide text consistent with revisions to UL 910 to provide additional detailed information on the test apparatus and its

Poeration. MMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee concurs with the submitter 's intent and has incorporated the recomntendations in Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #(3C1 ).

COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #25).

COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Cornmittee concllfS wilh d~e submitter's intent and has incorporated the recommendations in Committee Comulent ~62-25 (L,, R #c;c I ).

(Log #4i) 262- 14- (7-2): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Pravin D. Gandhi, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: Replace 7-2 with the following (consistent with UL 910 Standard):

7-2 Clean Windows. Clean the windows after each test. SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test for Hame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional cortstruction and operational details on the test chamber that is not referenced in the draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, these details are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on the 11L 910 test apparatus, it is important that the same detailed informatim~ on the test chamber be included in NFPA 262 to maintain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with flae NFPA 262 test chambers located at any iacility. Fhe attached test apparatus details included in this c.mmeNt d . not involve changes to the test apparatus t l /at hlts b e e n iJst'd for I IL 910 testing from its origin. The attached coHnnetu.- provide text consistent with revisions to I IL 910 to provide additional detailed information on the test :~tppafatt|s ,ttld its operation. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI ). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee concurs with the submitter 's intent and has incorporated the recommendations in Counnittee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI).

(Log #4i) 262- IB - (7-1): Accept in Princil?le SUBMITrER: Pravin D. Gandhh Underwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: Replace 7-1 with the following (additonal detail on debris removal is provided):

7-1 Debris. Remove the test specimens and all debris from the fire test chamber~ If molten debris which adheres to rite fire test d~amber brick cannot be physically removed, place scrap hnnber in the chamber, place the removable top cover in position, and ignite the lumber with the gas ignition burner flame until all the molten debris is consumed. Remove all char and ash from the fire test cbamber. SUBSTANTIATION: l lL's "Standard - Test for Hame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables I lsed in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, IlL 910," includes additional construction and operational details on the test chantber that is not referenced in the dr:fit NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, tltese details are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally b ~ e d on d~e UL 910 test apparatus, it is imporumt that the same detailed information on the test chamber be incJuded in NFPA 262 to maintain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with the NFPA 262 test chambers located at arty facility. The attached test apparatus details included in this conunent do not involve changes to the test apparatus that h;Ls heen used for 11L 910 testing from its origin. The atgtched comments provide text consistent with revisions to UL 910 to provide additional detailed itttormalioo on the test apparatus and its operation.

(Log #4kl "262- 15 - (7-3): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Pravin D. Gandlfi, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: Replace 7-3 with the following (title of the section consistent with description in the UL 910 Standard):

7-3 Cable Tray Cleaning. Clean tile cable tray ladder and supports of debris. SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Trans ~ortiug Enviromuental Air, UL 910," includes additional constrm tioiJ and operational details on the test chambe," tltat is not referenced in the draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). HoweveJ, dtese details are critical t o ntaintairl cottsistet.',¢ iu devehq,itt~ test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on tile I Jk, 910 test apparatus, it is imporutnt that tilt' same detailed inhwm;tH~ij on the test chamber be i n c l u d e d in NFPA ~(i~ t . inaim;tit~ consisteocy of test d;tta for cables tested in itCColTl;,tJlte wllh lilt" NFPA 262- test citamimrs located ,tt any facility. Hte :uta. hcd test apparatus details included in this continent fill n o l ilD, t~[kt' changes to the test apparatus that it;ks beer~ used {n~ l ~L 9[{I testing ~l'ont ItS origin. The attached colnments provide tex~ consisteiJt with revisions to UL 910 to pvovide actditiotml deutiled inlormation on the test apparatus .ttJd its i~peratl,uL COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

See Committee Comment 269_.-25 (Log #CC 1 ). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee concurs with the submitter's intent and has incorporated the recommendations in Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #COl).


N F P A 2 6 2 - - F 9 8 R O C

(Log #41) 262- 16 - (7-4): Accept in Principle SUBMITq['ER: Pravin D. (;madhi, lhlderwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: Replace 7-4 with die following (description of boards consistent widt description in tile UL 910 Standard, ~md new text has additional detail):

7~1 Damaged Boards. Replace dm damaged inorganic reinforced cement board protecting die removable top cover and discard the 1/4 inch tlfick by 4 ft long inorganic reinforced cement board placed on the top cover support ledges after each test. SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional construction and operational details on the test chamber dlat is not referenced in dae draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, d~ese details are cridcal to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on die UL 910 test apparatus, it is important that die same detailed information on die test cbamber be inchtded in NFPA 262 to m,aint,ain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with the NFPA 262 test ch,'unbers located .at any facility. Tile attacbed test apparatns details included in dfis comment do not involve changes to the test apparatus that has been used for UL 910 testing from its origin. Tile attached comments provide text consistent wifli revisions to I IL 910 to provide additional detailed information on the test apparatus and its

eration. MMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee concurs with the snbmitter 's intent and has incorporated die recommendat ions in Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CC1 ).

(Log #4m) 262- 17- (7-5 ,and 7-6 (New)): Accept in Principle SUBMITrER: Pravin D. Gandhi, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: Add 7-5 and 7-6 as follows (additional details):

7-5 Next Test Preparation. Place cleaned trays and supports in the fire test chamber, and place die removable top cover in position on top of the top cover support ledges.

7-6 Cleanliness of Smoke Measurement System. Inspect tile smoke measurement system for cleanliness. SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electric,'d and ()ptical Fiber Cables l]sed in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, IlL 910," includes additional construction and operational details on the test chamber flint is not referenced in d-m draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, these details are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on die UL 910 test apparatus, it is important that the stone detailed information on the test chamber be included in NFPA 262 to maintain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with the NFPA 262 test cbambers located at any facility. Tile attached test apparaUts details included in dfis comment d - not involve changes to the test apparatus that has been used tot 11L 910 testing from its origin. The attacbed comntents provide text consistent with revisions to UL 910 to provide additional detailed information on file test apparatus and its operation. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle,

See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee concurs with tbe submitter's intent and has incorporated tile recommendat ions in Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CC1 ).

1 l,~,g #4hi 262- 18-(S-1.2): Accept in t'rincrph' SUBMITTER: Pravin D. (;al,dhi, [in,lerwrlters l~.tb, w:n~rJc~ Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 21i2-1 RECOMMENDATION: Replace 8-1.2 with tile fnll,wm~ (to be consistent with the ilL 910 calculation practice},

8-1.2 The peak optical density is tile maximum opucal density determined by using a three-point running average of opticat density w.tlues recorded during die test. SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional construction and operational details on tile test chamber that is not referenced in dae draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, drese details are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on dae UL 910 test apparatus, it is important dmt d~e same detailed inforntation on the test chamber be included in NFPA 262 to maintain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with die NFPA 262 test chambers located at any facility/. The attached test apparatus details included in this t.onmleltt do not it+volve cbanges to tbe test apparatus that has been used lor UL 910 testing from its origin. The attached C.nllnems provide text consistent with revisions to UL 910 t . provide additional detailed information on the test apparatus ~tl|d Its ~Leo eration.

MMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI ).

COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The ( .omnuttee c,)n,'m~, with die submitter's intent and has incorporated the recommendations in (]ommittee Conlment 262-25 (l,~)g #CC I ).

i Log #4o, 262- 19 - (9-1): Accept in Pnnciple SUBMITTER: Pravin D. (;andhi, I lnderwriters Lah~,lat.ries Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 202-1 RECOMMENDATION: Replace the current 9-1 with the following (inclndes terms consistent wid/ tile I TL 910 Standard):

9-1 Data. The report shall include die following t or each test:

a) Description of die cable specimen tested. b) Number of cable specimen lengdas used for die test. c) Maximum flame propagation distance in ft. d) Graph of flame propagation versus time for the duration

of the test. e) Peak optical density. t) Average opdcal density. g) Graph of dm optical density of die smoke generated

du r ing tbe test versus time for tbe duration of the test. SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, LIL 910," includes additional constru, l,,m and operational details on the test chamber that is not referenced in tile dr;fit NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, dlese details are critical to maintain c~msistencv in devel,,pm g test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based . n the I IL 9 [o Ies~ apparatus, it is important that tile same detailed inlornmn,,tt on the test chamber be included in NFPA 21i'2 to I|l~l.lll[;tlll consistency of test data tot cables tested in accordance wilh the NFPA 262 test chambers located at any tacilit~. l'ln. attached test apparatus details included in this (.ommem d . not involve changes to the test apparatus that has been used for IlL 910 testing trom its origin. Tile attached comments provide text consistent with revisions to UL 910 to provide additional detailed information on the test apparatus lind its

OO eration. MMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI ). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Tbe Committee concurs with tile snbmitter's intent and ha.s incorporated the recommenda t ions in Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI).


NFPA 262 - - F98 ROC

(Log #4p) 262- 20 - (Chapter 10): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Pravin D. Gandlfi, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: Remove Chapter 10 as tbese items have been included in Chapter 4. SUBSTANTIATION: 1 lL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical ,'rod Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional construction and operational details on the test chamber d]at is not referenced in die draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, these details are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on die UL 910 test apparatus, it is important that the same detailed information on the test chamber he included in NFPA 262 to m~dntain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with the NFPA 262 test chambers located at any facility. The attached test apparatus details included in this commeut do not involve changes to the test apparatus that has been used for UL 910 testing from its origin. The attached comments provide text consistent with revisions to 1 ]L 910 to provide additional detailed informration on the test apparatus and its ~fPO eratiOn-

MM1TTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI)+

COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee concurs wifll the submitter 's intent and has incorporated the recommendat ions in Committee Comment 262-25 (Log # C C I ),

(Log #4q) 262- 21 - (B-3-2.3): Accept in Principle SUBMITrER: Pravin D. Gandhi, IInderwriters Laboratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: In Paragraph B-3-2.3 replace the equation widl tile following (correction):


Tota, Smoke: A tZ O.5(SRRi+ t + S R R i) i=1

in which:

At is the scan time in seconds = 2, N is the number of data points, i is the data point counter, and SRR; is smoke release value from , = 1 to i = N-I.

SUBSTANTIATION: UL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical arid ¢)pticM Fiber C, ables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional construction and operational details on the test chamber fllat is not referenced in the draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, these details ,are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on file I+IL 910 test apparatus, it is important that the s,'une detailed information on the test chamber be included in NFPA 262 to maintain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with the NFPA 262 test chambers located at any facility. The attached test apparatus details included in dais comment do not involve changes to tl]e test apparatus that has been used for UL 910 testing from its origin. The attached comments provide text consistent with revisions to I)'L 910 to provide additional detailed information on the test apparatus and its

eration. MMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CC1). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The Committee concurs with the submitter's intent and has incorporated the recommendations in Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CC1 ).

(Log #4r) 262- 22 - (B-4-2.3): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Pravin D+ Gm~dhi, l lnderwriters Lal)oratories Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 RECOMMENDATION: In Paragraph B-4-2.3 replace the equation with the following for clarity and correcnon:


At 0.5HRR~+~+H /180

in which:

32785 (kJ/m "~) is the beat p r . d t , ed (l~J) I,t'r m . i v, ,h , l , . ~) u-, (m 3) of methane at .5 (+,

is the nlethaue gas th)w rate ~t Pt- l ied. ~ d w I;m I I r l ( n ? / s ) .

~ t is the scan t ime in secouds = 2. HRR is the heat release rate as calculated It.qillg t he etlll,tll(,ll

in A-4-4.1 with Ct= 1, i is the ith data-point, N is the number of cktta points trot]] 60 s to 240 s, HRR+ is heat release value from ~ = 1 to z = N-l, and 180 is center 60% of test time (st dur ing which the burner is

at steady state.

SUBSTANTIATION: I lL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional construction and operational details on dae test chamrber that is not referenced in d~e draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, daese details are cridcal to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable test specimens.

Since NFPA 262 was originally based on die IlL 910 test apparatus, it is important tllat tbe same detailed informatiotl on die test chamber be included in NFPA 262 to maintain consistency of test data for cables tested in accordance with the NFPA 262 test chambers located at any facility. The attached test apparatus details included in this comment d . not involve changes to the test apparatus that has been used for UL 910 testing from its origin. The attached comments provide text consistent with revisions to IlL 910 to provide additional detailed information otl the test apparatus and its ~2pO erati o n.

MMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. See Committee Comment 262-25 (Log #CCI ).

COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The ('olninittee ~,)tWHt ~̀ wllh die s t l b m i t t e r ' s i n [ e l l [ a l l d l l :k +, i t i c o r p o r a t e ¢ l t i l e r ecomn ie l l da t i o l i s i l l ( ]Ol][Jl l i l lee ( , l ) l l l l l le l l l ][)~_~r) (I ,(;g # C C l ),

(L,,g #4st 262- 23 - (B4~, .I) : Accept ill Principle SUBMITTER: Pravin D. Gandhi, lh]derwriters Ld,,)ratorJes Inc. COMMENT ON PROPOSAL NO: ~262-1 RECOMMENDATION: In Paragraph B~I-4.1 replace etluatiotl its follows (correcdon of the denomrinator):

H R R = E'CrM (0.2095- Y)

SUBSTANTIATION: I TL's "Standard - Test for Flame Propagation and Smoke Density Values for Electrical and Optical Fiber Cables Used in Spaces Transport ing Environmental Air, UL 910," includes additional constrncuou and operational details on tile test chamber that is not referenced in the draft NFPA 262 (1999 Edition). However, these details are critical to maintain consistency in developing test data on cable "test specimens.


N F P A 2 6 2 ~ F 9 8 R O C

Since NFPA 262 was o r ig ina l ly based on rite I IL 910 tes t appa ra tu s , i t is i m p o r t a n t t h a t t he s a m e d e t a i l e d i n f o r m a t i o n on t i le tes t ch&mber be i n c l u d e d in NFPA 262 to m a i n t a i n cons i s t ency of tes t d a t a for cables t e s t ed in a c c o r d a n c e with the NFPA 262 tes t c h a m b e r s l oca t ed at troy facility. T i le a t t a c h e d test a p p a r a t u s de ta i l s i n c l u d e d in th is c o m m e n t d o no t involve c h a n g e s to the t es t a p p a r a u l s t h a t has b e e n used for 13L 910 t e s t i ng f r o m its or ig in . T h e a t t a c h e d c o m m e n t s p rov ide text cons i s t en t with rev is ions to I ~L 910 to p r o v i d e a d d i t i o n a l d e t a i l e d i n f o r m a t i o n on the tes t a p p a r a t u s a n d its ope ra t i on . C O M M I T T E E A C T I O N : A c c e p t in Pr inc ip le .

See C o m m i t t e e C o m m e n t 262-25 (Log # C C I ) . C O M M I T T E E S T A T E M E N T : T h e C o m m i t t e e c o n c u r s wi th the s u b m i t t e r ' s i n t e n t a n d has i n c o r p o r a t e d t he r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s in C o m m i t t e e C o m m e n t 262-25 (Log # C C I ) .

S ince NFPA 262 wa.s o r ig ina l ly ba-se, I ,)|J t i le I l l . 910 ~es! appara tus , i t is i m p o r t a n t t l tat the s a m e ,'let~ulert inl,)rn~,tll,Jn on the test c h a m b e r be i n c l u d e d tn NFPA 262 to nhtln/ i t l l l cons i s t ency of test dau t for cables t e s l e d Ill , lccl)l 'dall{:e WIth rite NFPA 262 test c h a m b e r s Iot~Ttted at ,uw tadl i t~ " I'ht a t t a c h e d test apparatus deta i l s |r}~:lude,,-I iii 0~is ~ ~11111tettt ~1~> t int involve cllaFll~es tO t i le test ,LppalafllS that h;L~ t)een lINt'I[ for I l L 910 t e s t i ng fronl its or ig in . The ,nr:t~zhed ~ ~lnJ|~erjl~ p rov ide text cons i s t en t with r ev i smns Io I lL 910 r~) pt ovlrte a d d i t i o n a l d e t a i l e d informat io t~ ~l | the test a p p a r a t u s aKJ(l J|s

e ra t iou . M M I T T E E A C T I O N : A c c e p t |n Pr inc ip le .

See C o m m i t t e e C o m m e n t 262-25 (Log #CCI ). C O M M I T T E E S T A T E M E N T : T h e C o m n n t t e e c o n c u r s with d ie subtlai t ter 's i n t e n t a n d has i n c o r p o r a t e d the r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s in C o m m i t t e e C o m m e n t 262-25 (Log #CC1) .

(Log #4t) 262- 24 - (B-4-4.2): A c c e p t in P r i n c i p l e S U B M I T Y E R : Pravin D. G a n d h i , U n d e r w r i t e r s L a b o r a t o r i e s Inc. C O M M E N T ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 R E C O M M E N D A T I O N : In P a r a g r a p h B-4-4.2 r e p l a c e "HRR i is

h e a t r e l ease va lue f r o m i = 2 to i = N-I" wi th the fo l lowing: "HRR i is h e a t r e l ea se va lue f r o m i = I to i = N-I."

S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : UL's " S t a n d a r d - Tes t for F lame P r o p a g a t i o n a n d S m o k e Dens i ty Va lues for Elec t r ica l a n d Op t i ca l F iber Gables Used in Spaces T r a n s p o r t i n g E n v i r o m n e n t a l Air, U L 910," i n c l u d e s a d d i t i o n a l c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d o p e r a t i o n a l de ta i l s on t he tes t c h a m b e r t h a t is no t r e f e r e n c e d in the dr~fft NFPA 262 (1999 Ed i t ion ) . However . these de ta i l s a re cr i t ical to m a i n t a i n cons i s t ency in d e v e l o p i n ~ tes t d a t a on cable tes t s p e c i m e n s .

(Log # C C I ) 262- 25 - (En t i r e D o c u m e n t ) : Accep t S U B M I T T E R : T e c h n i c a l C o m m i t t e e ot] Fire Tests C O M M E N T ON PROPOSAL NO: 262-1 R E C O M M E N D A T I O N : C o r r e l a t e t i le ac t ions of' t i le ;u, e p l e d c o m m e n t s on NFPA 262 in to a c o m p l e t e p r e p r i m s h . w n ,ul d te fo l l owing pages. S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : Due to the ex tens ive revisiotLs .t.~ .t l esui, of the a c c e p t e d c o m m e n t s , the C o m m t t t e e wished to sh,)w ,di of the a c c e p t e d revis ions in it Sul~le d( icI l l | |e lU |O1 e;tSt ')1 review by the user. C O M M I T T E E A C T I O N : Accep t

1 1 3

N F P A 2 6 2 - - F 9 8 R O C

NOTE: The following draft of NFPA 262, Standard Method of Tea for Flame Travel and Smoke of Wires and Cables for use in Air- Handling Spaces, 1999, incorporates the Committee Actions on the Public and Committee Comments which make up the Report on Comments and which appear on the preceding pages. The draft is preserlted only as an aid to the reviewer.

NFPA 262 Shandard Med lod of Tes t for Flame Travel a n d Smoke

of Wires and Cables for use in Air-Hm]dling Spaces

1999 Edition

1-3.3 Tills test med lod does not iuvestigate circuit i[Jtegritv characteristics or odle t such hmct ional i ty performat~ce dmin~g or zffter tile fire tesL

)-3,4 This test me thod does not investi~ate the toxicity ol the products of combos t ion or decomnos i t ion .

1-4" Summary of Test Metltod

1-4.1 This test m e t h o d shall use the apparatus described m Chapter 2 to deternf ine f lame travel distance and opti~=d c|etisltv of smoke f rom insulated, jacketed, or botl~, electrical wires attd cables that are to be installed in duc~s, p lenmns, and o ther spaces tha t are to be used to t ranspor t envi ronmenta l air withoul being enclosed in raceways. T!./e appara tus is similar to that descr ibed in IlL 910, Test M . ~ for Hre and Smoke

NOTICE: An asterisk (*) following the n n m b e r or letter Characterist ics of Electric.~.~]~cI:'~.ptic~d-Fiber Cables Used in des ignat ing a pa ragraph indicates that explanatory material can Air Handl in~ Spaces. Tl~;.-"~t m e d l o d shall expose a set of wire be f o u n d in Append ix A. . ~ . or cable soecirnens, 2 ~ ] i~(~i:.O0 long, installed on a

I n f o r m ] n o n on referenced u b h c a u o n s can be found u] mmzont~ f t P • " 1 ' a ladder-tvl~.e'::~ble / ~ o a contro led air an d f lamin~ Chapter t-2-11 and Append ix (L fire exposure in ~ e t ~ c h a r ~ i ~ , . A.:special spec imen holder"

- - . : . : . . - . : + : . . , , - . ; . . . : ~ . ~ : , . . . . : . : - - - - - - ,

is used to exposf::'{h'~..'.:..~, st specime~.'~.:.'~:lqe bolder 11 1 /4 in. (286 Chapter 1 General ram) wide and appro'~.~.~, ately 4 l / . ~ n . ( 1 0 8 ram) down from tlae

I-1 Scope. ceiling of t h ~ . . : ~ t c b a m ~ , is filleci' with one layer of test s p e c i m e ~ @ ~ i ~ . ~ . . ) a l l be exposed to a 300,000

1-1.1" This s t andard describes the med lodo log T to measu re Btu/hr.-:('g7.9:~_IN_) fi~:~":~:::~:~-~t (1.37 m) long, for a period of 20 fl,'une travel distance, and optical densi ty of smoke for insulated, m i n ~ , widl ~!i.'.ta)itial draft of 240 f t / m i n (73 m / r a i n ) th rough jacketed, or bodl, electrical wires and cables d~at are to be t h ~ i i ~ l p e r . D u ~ d:t¢ test f lame travel distance an d optical installed in p lenums , a n d o t t e r spaces used to t ranspor t densit);'::"6.'~Ll,-~, oke sl"{'~'~'e measured , and peak ;rod average env i ronmenta l air widlout being enclosed in raceways. ..:.::~:~.tical d~ '~y. , of s ~ k e shall be calculated. ()ptional

.::~.:i.(::"'~ureme"~ii'.~...~tl be permi t ted to include beat and sm,}kv I-1.2 This test medaod does not provide informat ion on tile fire .::ii#" r e t i e rates ~ : ~ d~e bu rn ing santple. pe r fo rmance of insulat ing mater ia ls conta ined in electrical or : ~ 3 : ; :~:-:.~:a:::::.:... :i~-: .ii -/ optical cables in fire condi t ions pallet d lan the ones specifically ....... :~..-%'~:.--::l%''~i~ons used in dais s t andard nor does it measu re die contr ibut ion of th~:-~<.~:. ":'~.:. " .......... cables to a developing fire condit ion. ..::i# ............. !-i~iiii- "::::i::i~}~e Travel Distance. Distance that the l lame travels I , e v , , , ~ , l

.:ii~ii~. ~:" t l ] : : ~ t e n t of tile gas bu rne r flame. 1-1.3" Al though this test uses e q u i p m e n t similar to dlat tl~ltiIB. ~¢::" :iiY" NFPA 255, S tandard Medlod of T e s t of Surface Burni.B~:. "":~)-:::i-i::: Optical Dens ty of Smoke (OD) Smoke obscnrat on Characterist ics of BuUding Materials. and/LSTM. ES..~i.:~dard... >- . .~:::. "::!~iiiii::......#~:~,:. descr bed in te rms of og,aridml c ratio of ill t ,at gh t ntensity, n ,

Tes t Me thod for Surface Burn ing Character tsucs ~'-'Buddlisg "::':.:~:-::::.:...:~::" ins tan taneous l ight intensity. Materials, sufficient changes have been made t.9:..:...~.e cI~..~., her ~? iiiiii!~::" thin a test conduc t ed in the appara tus used f o ¢ . . ~ 2~,~ii~r :~ii]."..~!::. ::-:: Shall. Indicates a manda to ry requ i rement . &STM E84 canno t be cons idered identical or pro~...~<-..:!!::" "::':: "~i~:- comparab le results. ::..-:~:~:~::::. "~i'!::.. ..#::" Should. Indicates a r e c o m m e n d a t i o n or tha t which is advised

,;:'i.:.':i':::":':":~i~: ""~%~!~!::~/.:!!~:" but not required. 1-1.4 The values s ta ted in inch-pou.r~...~mits ~ tile s t a n ' ~ . When a value for m e a s u r e m e n t is ~ d b ~ e : ~ . 6~ te r uni ts in parendaesis, t he first s tated v M ~ . ' ~ e ~ e n t .

<,...:.::~!:i:.,'.~:'..~:i:: '<'.:.::~::.. "" Chapter 2 Test Appara tus 1-1.5 This s t andard does n ~ u q ~ t o a f f ~ , . . ~ . l of die ~,'~eW prob lems associated w i d ~ : u s e . It ~ l e r e s " ~ t b i l i t y of the 2-1 Fire Test Room. The fire test room in which tile test user of d~is s t andard to .~'~t'~.~a al~'ropdate-:~ifety a n d healdt ch,-unber is located shall have provision for a free inflow of air practices. ,and de t e rmi ne d l e . " ~ t b i l i t y o f regulatory l imitations to main ta in the room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _~'~':~ . . . . . . _~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at control led prior to use. "%:~!::.. . pressure of 0 to 0,05 inches (0 to 12 Pa~ of water co lumn

• . . "::~...:.i-:" . ~reater d tan ambien t barometr ic Pressure and at a tempera ture 1-2" Significance. This test is c t e s l ~ ¢ t to provicte comparat ive ~ .- . . test data on insu!ated, jacketed , or:-~oda, electrical wires and o f 73 ~ + 5°F (23 ° + 3°C) a n d relauve huml&ty of 50 percent + 5 cables dlat ,'we to be instal led in ducts, p lennms , a n d odter spaces used to t ranspor t env i ronmenta l air wi thout being enclosed in raceways. Such da ta are used to evaluate dae potential for die spread of fire a long electrical cables or wires or a long optical fiber cables a n d die potential for the d e v e l o p m e n t of h igh smoke levels in these spaces if the wires and cables are e x p o s e d t o fire.

1-3 Purpose

1-3.1 Tile purpose o f this test is to measure and record the fire a n d smoke characterist ics of insulated, jacketed , or both, electrical wires a n d cables that ,are to be installed it] ducts, p lenums , a n d o ther spaces used to t ranspor t env i ronmenta l air widlout be ing enclosed in raceways by measu r ing die f lame tl~W¢l distance, ,and ondcal densi ty of smoke, when a spec imen is exposed to the ' t e s t fire. Optional measu remen t s include lteat a n d smoke release rates.

1-3.2 Optical densi ty of smoke a n d f lame travel d i sumce shall he recorded in dlis test, However, the re is no t necessarily a relat ionship between these me~Lsurements.

pe rcen t t h r o u g h o u t each test run.

2-2 Fire Tes t Apparatus. The fire test appara tus shall consist of the following:

(a) Air inlet c h a m b e r (b) Fire test chambe r (c) Gas burners (d) Mc;,=v.L-!c Removable top cover (e) F~r-c tezt cha:P.bcr Exhaust transition (f) Exhaust system

2-2.1 Air Inlet Chan/ber . The fire-test chand>er 7tit irfiel transit ion shall consist of an L-shaped galv~tnized steel unil secured to the gtr-~Bir iBlet, end of the fire-tes~ chamber . T b r uni~

conudns a l 1.7.~ 11 3 /4 in. -+ 1 /4 in. (300 m m + 6 rran) high by 444

18 1 /4 it]. + 1 /4 in. ( 4 6 t 4 ~ ram) wide recumgular open ing to allow air to enter the fire-test chambe r ~;r:.:~r ~:; Olron~h.. the chamber "'~'"#" . . . . . . v~ '~" . . . . ~fir inlet shut ter . A schematic of die ,air inlet chambe r is sbown in Figure 2-2.1.


N F P A 2 6 2 1 F9 8 R O C

g m

~ ( 4 1 3 3 in. (840 ram) it I

I' flaY,= in. (sOO ram)

t - - 1811 In. (464 ram)

I I .I--1 StAI Into)- ~ (385 m

Side view Front v iew

.••Alr inlet shutter

1-(~o ~ &

Air *nlet *no Of tire test

...... ~::~!~:-. "~:,:~i::.., ,. L "::::::::::::'- .!~::" A i r Inlet Chamber to

.::i?7~[ii!'!:'iiiii~ii~iiiii " : : '~. . .~. : : . :':" Fire Test Chamber

Figure 2-2.1 . S c h e m a t i c ~ . e Air..:i~[.e.t CI .__________________.~n~r

..... - ::.:..::.::.:..::.:i ........,:.... 2-2.1 .i Air inlet shut ter . A verticallv-slidin~ shut ter , extendin~6-':~!!~!":.:,i~i}~. ":~i~.',}~: * "'~'iae fire test c h a m b e r shall consist of a horizontal

' " " - " -:~'~" '":;~$~:;" ~ : : ~ v i n g die shape a n d size shown in Figure 2-2.2.1 (a) and the enlare vadfll of file test chamber , shall be Drowded at dl~;~Alr .,-::.-::: inlet e n d o f d le fire test chamber . The shu t t e r shall be .,:~{i'!i:. .-'i~ }: ~_~e2-2.2.1(b). The sides a n d base of dle duc t shall be in. pos i t ioned to orovide an air inlet opgpin~z of 3 + 1 / 1 6 iD,"(7;::~::.:-:.', :#" ~6: m m ) d~ick h igh t e m o e r a t u r e ~lass oressure- t iah t observat ion m m ) high. m e a s u r e d f r o m die f loor level of the t e s t i e r , a~;~-~}-'..::., window~, 4with d ie inside prmcl pane m o u n t e d flush with shown in Figures 2-2.1 a n d 2-2.2.1(aJ . . . . :?:" . . . . . i nne r wall; see Figure 2-2.1 ) ~rc~;urc ~g!It oE;c_.~::.or; ilii y ....... :: o + ,mm 2-2.2 Fire Test C h a m b e r i: x4~O~80_+ 38 m m ) ] located so that it ~3 pop, fElt to oSac_.'c

die ent i re lengdi of die spec imens be ing tested f rom i~ ii!ii observable f rom outs ide the fire test chamber .


Draft g a u g e t a p .:-.~::..::~:'ii::.i~i::-:. ::~"-iiiiiiii;?:. " ......

L /':~' ...... ::~il %,,,,"< 2g.3n ,.g~, ~ 1 5 i n . " ' : ~ i ~ )

I I I I "':::®-_::* ~ s it (7 6 mJ / t l I ~];: ..... Test chamber opening -

I ~ ~ r - I r - I r - I r - I r - i r - - i r - I r - - I :

" - I ! l" (1.32 ml - I 27 in ! / Draft gauge tap ~ ~ (686 ram) " - - t "

Adjustable . . . . . let shutter ' ~ ( ~ 1 ~ )

,,n % . L I (25 mm)

l i 1 1

i l 17 ,n (305 mm) (432 ram)

.~' l l I:lre brick J

Section A-A

Figure 2-~2.1 (a) [)etails of Fire Test ('.halnl~el


N F P A 2 6 2 - - F 9 8 R O C

F a/,, ~n. (6.4 ram) Inorganic relnlort~d eern~nt board

[ Nom,nal 2 m. (50 ram) mineral ] / " - composition insulation

I - - Liquid seal ] |

\ / l + ; u+

E- -~ I~..:.~t,2,.-~..+ ,.,~+++:~-~+ 2. +L+.+...~ ~ ----1 E l / : : ~ rest spoo,r.on~ 7 I

i :! ' ! - ; ' i i . . . . . . . . L . . . .

L--:" ~ I < ' - ' (~:~ ~ ) _ ,.u

/ Top cover . ~ - - Observation support ledge wmclow

. . . . :¢iiii::ii-~: ....

Cable tray ~ " ":":" ""'::. :~-" ~: "(': .... f : ' i:'i . . . . " : c:,.," .. . . . . . : - : i i ~ . +..; j . :

support • i" '::" ":":;.~:'.-::.,9 × 4Ya x 2'~ I~-~:'" i ~+: + Y : ? . . . . . . . . ~l ~ ~ ; ~ , . . o . "%ii~:~:+ ....

::,~+:::+ iiiiii::i~?:i::i::iii~)ii!iii~+:

Figure 2-2.2.1 (b) r)etans of Fire Test 9 ~ . b e r Se({'fi~} ~13

2-2.2.2* The tot) cover supnor t ledges shall be fabricated ot a .--'iiii~.~.~.~.:4 ~ Re~"ovable top cover. structural material capable o f withstanding abuse of continuous .... i.:..'i;;:: . . . . . . ~!::ii~::i .... ::;::!::!::~ii:!iii::" testing level with respect to length and widd~ of the chamber and .:~i~i .... 2-.~_.~.* T:he : ~ removable tup cover shall (.onstst el a each other. @""%::::::i~:. ~:~'t'~'."!~i~itaeral insulation composite unit whose msula t , ,n

.:::i:i:.i:-i~3~.'::. ":"::'::~pnsist.~;":":"':'~31~mminal 2 in. (51 ram) thick mineral ,:umpusitmn 2-~2.2.3 To provide air turbulence for combustion, turbulenc~..::;..'-:"'"::::!!~iiiii::i:: '::~.~er~.a.l. The top unit is sbowu in Figure 2-2.2.1 (b) ~t[J(t shall inducing b,-fffles shall be provided by positioning six 9 in. l~.~ by '%~:: ({~'~i~te|y cover the fire test chamber. The metal :tnd tniner:d 4.5 in. wide by 2.5 in. flaick (229 mm long by 114 mm wi4 . .¢ -~4 ..iii."-::: c~ :pos i t e mater al shall have phys cal character st c.~ ts mm thick) refractory tire bricks [long dimension vertical":~ncP::~.~.:....:i: i . . . . follows: in. dimension parallel to d~e wall] along the side ~ ! ~ i i ~ . t b e "-{{{!!iiii:.. el]amber at distances of ~-6_~% ft 5:0.5 ft (2.13 m ~ ' ~ i } " 442r 13 '%iii?::,, ..:...:- M,-tximum effective use temperau~re of not le~ than: 12OW'F

( ~ - - - ..... ~ ..::i.iii!::~!~.::.- (650oc) - tt ± 0.5 ft (3.66 m __. 152 ram) and 192-Oft _+ 0.5.:~[~:i~.10"~1~i..5: 15,~:. .i:i: . . . . ~ " ". , ,

- - ,.:ii:::'~ ~.:. . %, -.i-" 1Sulk density: 21.0 5:1.5 Ib / f l ' (335 5:20 k ~ / m ' ) . ram), on the window side and 4.5 ft 5:0.5 f~ (1.37 ~ - i i ~ ) . ~ i i i i i i i : Thermal conductivity: 0.50-O.71 Btu * in/il * ti ~ ° ')F) at ~400- 9.5 fts:0.5 ft (2.00 m +-..]..5..:~J!l~), and 1 6 : i ~ ~ ft (4 :~ i~ : + 1 ~ " 700°F (150- 370°C) (0.072-0.102 W / m - K) ram) on d~e opposite side. as measur~ ' : ' } ' rom~e c e n t e ~ f kpc product: 1 to 4 Btu ~ • in / [ f t 5 * h • °Fz} (1 x 10' to 4 x 10 ~ the ~as burner. ..::i~!:.-.. ,:.-':i~. ......... :~.. ::!ii -'':'~ W ~ . g s e i / I r n 4 * K~]).

2-2.3 Gas Bnrners. One end ~ : : . : , t e s ( : ~ g p . ber,":~"~gnated as 2-2.4.2 The entire top-panel unit shall be protected widl flat the air inlet end "fire ~:nd" i ~ : . 2 . - 2 . 2 , ~ ) . ~ s.l.~ll be provided sections of high-density [nominally 110 Ib/f t ~ (1760 kg /m s) wid~ =:'c g ~ _'-:'met= a dtt~/ti:oort uag't~urner ~ e r i n g flames 0.25 in. (6 mm) dfick] mineral-f iber/cement board upward daat engulf the t ; 6 s t z . " ~ i ~ s . As sh:O'wn m Figure 2- maintained in ,'m unwarped and uncracked condition 2.2.1 (b), the 5 u r n c r : . b u r n e r " ' ~ ' b e positioned transversely to througb continued replacement. Wlfile in place, tile top each side of the center line of ~ i ~ . r n a c e so dmt the flame is panel rests on a nominal 1/8 in. (3 mm~ thi(;k wov¢I~ evenly distributed over the widd] ~.~i: ' :specimens. The b n m e r fiberglass beltin~r positioned on the top cover suppor t ledges. shall be spaced 11.5 in. + 0.5 in. ( ~ : m m + 13 lnlla) from tim fife It sh~l be comple'tely sealed against dae leakage of air i n to the

fire-test chamber during the test. A water-filled trough, as end of the test chamber, and 7 1/2 in. + 1 /4 in. I 191 mm + 6

ram) be low the removab le t on cover. T h e b u r n e r shal l be

located 52 in. + 2 in. (1320 m m + 51 mm~ downstream of the ai!r inlet shutter. ~ measured from the b n m e r cemerlir~e I,o tile outside surface of die shutter. Gas to the burner shall be provided through a single inlet pipe. distributed to each port burner through a tee-section. The outlet shall be a nominal in. (19 mm) elbow. The plane of the ports shall be parallel to the fl]rnace floor, such d]at the tras is directed unward toward tile specimen. Each port shall be positioned with its centerline 4.0

i._n. + 1 /4 ira. (102 mm 5:6 mm~ on eacb side of the centerline o oi the fire test chamber so that the i~nition burner flmne is evenly distributed lsee Figure 2-2,2.1 (b)1. The controls nsed to maint~fin a constant flow of methane ga.s to the burners sh~dl consist of a pressure regulator, a g ~ meter calibrated to read in increments of not more dlan 0.1 ft s (2.8 L), a gauge to it)dimte gas pressure in Pa (or inches of water), a quick acting gas shntoff ~tlve, a gas metering valve, and an orifice plate in combination with a manometer to assist in maintaining uniform gas-flow conditions. Alternative control equipment, if shown to be equivalent, sh~dl be permitted.

shown in Figure 2-2.2.1(b) has beep found suitable for this purpose.

2-2.5 Fire Tc~t Cha:nbc:" Exhaust Transitiun.

2-2.5.1 The exhaust end of the fire test chant)or shall be titted with ,'t transiOon piece. The exhaust tr,msitiol! shall c~)usJsl ,)1 an ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ~,,~a ~tainless steel ........ ..,..U.~r~ ...... unit ~nmposed of ,t i~5

1/2 in. +0.25 in. (902 mm ~ t) ram) IO,~ by ~.7 m. + 0.~5 m. (~t3

mm ± 6 Ilun) wide by 17 1/4 itJ, ±0.25 in. ('t38 mm -+ t) ram)

hi~:l] rectan~dar section and c:;;;:;:h;+z:g a I x m. -+ o.~5 m. (44+44

4.57 nnn + 6 IlUn) long rectttngular-tt~-ronttd tr~msiti<m sect~iou

coOTl+cted to the 16 in. ± 1/8 in. (4()6 [llnl + 3 Innl) diamelel exbanst dnct. The outside of the transition section shall be insulated witla a nominal 2 in. (51 ram) ceraofic fiber blanket them|hal density 8 Ib/ f t + i130 kg /m 3) The shape and size of tbe .~ect.".ng'.:k~r u,qit :u:d exh:kust transition i~iece are shuwn itt Figalre 2-2.5.1.


N F P A 2 6 2 - - F 9 8 R O C

18 In. A

/ )

1 6 in. ( 4 0 6 m m , I . D .. .~:i!:!ii:!iii!i!::~::iiii~ii::ii::ii::::i::~:::i::ii~::~::i::i:ii::i::i:iiiiiiiiiiii:i[~::::::~:~: ":~::..

centrally located " ~ ::::i~!i:- ":::!i:iii::. . . . . :io::.,::::%. -i:i:.::: ....

1 7 z ~ , , i .... :~ k-':: ':~:.j~i~ . . . . . :~ ....

(438 mm'l ~ ~ :ii:#i '':ii~::'] "::i~i~7~i~:'~'iiiiii "{J::"'iii{~{i "::"'::~'!'::':!::':::i-':::'i:!:iiii!i" N

[ (686 mm) [ ..::i~.::" :':~it [ "::~':-~:'.'.~&-':",:':::" (902 mm) [ (457 mm) [

Exhaus t Tr~nsi t ion 4::'" "::]ii{{~.:::-.. :i~ i::" :i::" Exhaust Transi t ion End View .... i:~ .... "::~:%i::.':#" S ide View

2-2.5.2 The unit shall be secured to t h ~ end ~@:f~::" 2-2.7 FJcbaust Blower. The exhaust blower shall i, ave the test chamber. . . ~ :.~" ~-i' "::.":~-~'Y" Gapacity to provide an average velocity of 240 +-5 ft /rain (I,22 ± . . . . . . . . . . ":-"~';':s'~i.k.'.'. . . . . ~ : : : x . ,~ '% ":::: -- . 0.025 m/sec) at the inlet of die fire test chamber durin~ die t e s t . X-Z.o ~xnaust ~ystem. l n e exhaust sys't :--gOnsls~k~...glae exnanst ~ duct, smoke me~urement s,~t,~--"t~A,~i~l°ct d,"a':'r~:er. ,and a Th.~ e~haust blower shall also have tl/e capachv to develop at blower . . . . ~i !'i:'::" --':':{{iii{il" '%71::lii: ........... " least 0,15 in. of water column (37 Pal at tile draft ff',,tu~e Utl>,

!:.ii} <%:# 2-2.6.1" Exhanst Duct. ~i{:~i~.j .~i!-"~'l/8 in. I~'b6 m m _ 3 ram} diameter exhanst duct shall I )~ { ~s t ruc t ed from stainless steel and shall run 12 dimneters hori~:"~.lJy;:.-in sufficient length downstream from flee vent end of"~:~ecmngular- to-round transition prior to location of ins t r .~en ta t ion to provide for a fully developed exhatist g ~ flow. It sball extend a minimmn of 28 It (8.5 ml from die vent end of the exhaust transition section. The duct shall be insulated widl at least 2 in. (51 ram) of high temperature mineral composition material f rom the yen: -,rod ,,ff tl:c cha:~:~cr end of the exhanst transition piece to the photometer location.

2-2.6.2. Exhaust Duct Damoer. A single blade duct volume control damoer, for a nominal 1~ in. (406 mm~ diameter ducts,

shall be positioned in the exhaust duct 5.5 ft + 0.5 ft (1.7--. 0.2 m), dowpstream of the smoke measurement system. The relative locations of tl~e exhaust transition niece, exhaust duct. smoke measurement system and exhaust duct damoer are shown in Figure 2-2.6.2. The exhaust duct d:tmner sl~all be controlled bv a closed loop feedback system with resoect to the ,air inlet dr,'fft g~iuge static t)ressure to maintain airflow control th roughout each test pun.

.&n :2tcr:;ati'.'c c:d;'v,:a: ~uct la;,'cut :~-,:;ig;-; ,s!;r'-!! bc pcr:nlttcd if it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I;" . . . . . . . ~l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

with the specimens iq niece, with tile air shutter oositioned t .

provide a0 air inlet openiPg o t3 .0 in. + 1/16 in. (76 mm ±'2 mini. and with the exllaust duct ¢ktmoer (see 2-2.6.L )) ui tile wide op¢0 positiotL The exhaust blower shall be located ,l miltimum of 6 ft (1.8 ml downstream of tile exll~iust ducl damper. (See

2-3 Ladder (;able Tray. The ladder vvpe c,tldt, tray ilSt'd It, sl.appori tile open c a b l e t e s t sp~'c ' lant 'aas tll" l i l t ' i ~ t h l c s i i i i:l.i UxA',i'~ test specimens is shown in Figure ~-3. The tray shall lit. fahricated from go d-re led steel uf 50,000 psm (350 MPa) minimum tensile strength. The solid bar stock side rails shall be nominal 1.5 in. _* 1/8 in. by 3/8 ill. -t- 1/8 ira. { 3 8 anm X 3 lalin by l0 turn + 3 mini, as silown irl Section ,¢~S ira Figure "-)-3. The

C-shaped-channel rungs shall be 1/~ ira. + 1/8 in. bv 1 ira. + 1/8

i r ! . b y l / 8 i n . + l / 1 6 i n . (13nun + 3 n i m by25 r a m - 3 mm by3

mm --- 1 ntml strucuiral channels, ~ shown in Section ~-Q m

Figure 2-3, Each rung is l l . 2 5 i n . ± l / S a n . (286mm ± 3 m i n i

long. The rungs shall be welded to the side calls 9.0 in. ± 1/8

in. (229 m m ± 3 ram) on centers along the tray length. Tile lra'r shall consisi of one or more sections having a total assembled

- - ~7 ¢ K I " lengdl of-2-g~ 24.0 it +4-2 in ( . . . . 7.3 m + g51 ram) and shall be supported with 16 supports equally spaced along the length of tile tray. Tile supports, :ts shown ill Figure 2-3, shall be fabricated from bar s teel

1 1 7

N F P A 2 6 2 ~ F 9 8 R O C

,qv.-- Exhaust transition ]

- . . . . . .

r" 35½in. " r 18in.'l- 18 It (5.5 m'i maxtmum (902 mm) (457 ram)

in. (51 ram) ceramic fiber blanket ~nsulatlon

16 in. (406 mm) I.D.

5 It 6 in. L q (1.7 m) [-

7,oEo2r,Eo,L_-,~Q. i i ~ °

, I.i i~l

L.0= =°rco ../i--~%,=ao = 0am,e,~

.... ~ii=il i/i{{ii(iiii!iii"i"!!!!i{iiiii~i~ '-#. ...... ~Ct ':£:'::

= • :~":'+%){iii~;-.--+. ~ "%~!IIi:::: ~e

x ¢ ¢

/ - - ½ x l Xt4 n. (13xa5xa ~ t u r a l : ' ~ L 11 ¼in., J'l

/ l/.~,N;~:... :'!:% %,. 7 • ,

..::~-'#" t E:.I:~- " : ~ .... .;i.:.:::#iiii.Sectio.~!~.A :ii..:iiie:" specimen iii;;~17 ~ii ...o.=ent

::::':::iiiii Reference ..... :#.:-~q ..:@:~ ..

.,,0.o iil ..... ...... IIII -)'i'" 21i 12 in. t

II I! III II 6 6 ½ in. I I (2o6 mm)l I

I I (lSS mrn)ll 'a,n. I I I

' ~ ' ; 1 1 .'°;°=' l__gl I'==miP T 1 r" (146 ram)'1

Ceble Tray Tray Support

Figure 2-3 Details of Ladder (fable Tray and 5upporLs


N F P A 2 6 2 - - F9 8 R O C

2-4 Fire Test Chamber Air Flow Rate System.

2-4.1 An air intake fitted with a vertically sliding shutter extending tile entire width of the test chamber silall be provided at the fire end. The draft plate shall be positioned to provide an air inlet por t ,as shown in Figure 2-2.1.

2-4.`) The movement of,air th roughout tile exhaust duct shall be by induced draft, Tile draft inducing system shall bare a tot:d draft capacity of at least 0.15 in. water (37 Pal with tile specimens in place, wida dae shutter at die fire end open to its normal position, ,and with the damper [see Section G-C in Figure 2- 2.2.1(a)] in the wide-open position. A draft-gauge mmmmete r to indicate static pressure shall be inserted through dae top at the mid width of the tunnel, 1.0 in. -+0.5 in. 125 m m + 13 ram1 below

the ceilin~z..-rod 15.0 ± 0.5 in. (380 + 13 ram) down-stream of the air intake shutter as silown in Section G-G of Figure 2-2.2.2. ! (a).

2-4.3 An automatic draft-regulator controller shall be mounted ill the vent pipe downstream of the mmmal damper. Odler manual, automatic, or special draft-regulation devices sh,'dl be permitted to be incorporated to maintain air-flow control througilout each test run.

2-5 Smoke measurement system

2-7 Data Acquisition Equipment. A digital data acquts in-n system shall be used to collect and record light atttenuatiolt and temperature mez~urenlents. Tile speed ;nld capacil', ~1 the data system sh:dl he capable ut collecting the d;tJ.t .tl intervals of 5 ac~:t:;;dr. ~:" ~caa 2 set. File data ,ti:qlliSllltill systeln shall llave ; i l l ,~ ,C( :UIa t 'v c o r r e s p o l l d i l l g i~i ,~,l I~,,tsl I i ,

(0.5"C) for the temperamre-measurit tg chmmels .o .I H.III percent ot full-scale instrument OUtI.IIII 1OI all OIIw~ i l l s t r u l l | e n t c b a u n e l s , a s u l o o t h i l l g I o l l t i l w s l l a l l u o l h i , ux~ .d

to process tbe data.

Chapter 9, Test Specm~ens

3-1 Specimens. Test specimer~s shall consist of `)4 ft. +_1- t~

in. (7.3") m ± -2e~ 1._~ mm) l e ~ ' i ~ " cables installed m it single layer across the bo..~.:4~, of tl{e cable tray :hs sbown ,n Figure 2-2.2.1 (a)....:!:: iii ii::ii! ....

...... -:" ":*:, "%::i~ . . . . (2hapter 4 C a ~ | g ~ o n " a n d Ma{'~{~i~ce of ' les t Equ,pment

-.-.-... :..

4-1 Freqn.eL.~:y.:-o.£.;.93Jj.b~..o.n. Tile" test apparatus shall be g M i b r a t e d ~ ? : i i ' f : ~ t i o n s 4-2 through 4-6 at a min imam o f ~ e nlont'h:'%:i~:~:~ls.

shall be taken up by tile smoke in the e x b a u s f , : i : : ~ ' t ~ . . ~ idi!iiiii:. " .... Section C-C of Figure 2-2,2.1 (a). Tile ligilt..s.ource':~photoc¢::[i::" shall be located such that they are opetl.&@{~?..~nviro{{~..~t .og;..!~/]'~e test room. Tile cylindrical light beam:...#t:ikll 18~ th rou!g~ : : i~ (76 ram) diameter openings at the top ~?bottoti~::q,f the:::I 6..j~i[ (406 ram) diameter duct, with tile r e s n ~ r l ~ . l t , : ~ ~ r : e d on tile photocell. The cell stroll b.e. . : . .~one~i~o rec'6~.~.~:g devices for indicating tile a t t e n n a t i o ~ ! ~ : ~ e n t " l | ~ . d u e to particulate matter, arid by other e f f l u ~ , in t ] ]~ipassin~i~.~e. Tile optical s tern shall have an ove~-$~ ":~" l v t o ~ ] l ath l~:"dl of 36 + 4 -9 in , y s , , , : : : ~ . ...::. p , , : : g , _ = .

mm, %E: • .-.-...-.-.-. ,,.-.

2-5.2 The pllotoelectric cell out l~i~i~Jl be connected to a data acquisition device as specified in S..~iion 2-7.

2-6 Fire Test Chamber Temperature Measurement lnstrnments

2-6.1 Art t4~19 AWG chromel-ahnnel thermocouple (nominal wire cross section of 0,0359 in. (0.912 ram1 I§29 c'rcu!ar a-!!a ;;r

0.82~ mm*) with 0.375 _+ 0.125 in. (10 -+ 3 mm) of the jnnc t ion "e×posed in tile fire-chamber air shall be inserted through the floor of tile test chamber so that the tip shMl be 1.000 ± 0.figl

0.1~5 in. (25 +t -3 ram) below tile top surface of tile fiber

belting and 23 ft _+ 0.5 in. (7010 + 13 ram) from tile centerline of tile burner ports, and at the center of tile width of the chamher.

2-6.2 An/-81_20 AWG chromel-alumel d~erntocouple (nominal wire cross section of 9,9359 in. (0.912 mm~ 1629 t i t u l a r m~l.~ :~r

().$23. :n;n ~) embedded O.125 in. -+ t / I 6 in. (3.2 + 1.6 ram) Imh~w the floor surface of tile test chamber shall be mounted in refractory or portland celnent (c.'lreflflly dried to keep it from cracking) at distances of 13 ft + 0.5 in. and k,~ ~3.~5 ft. _+ 0.5 i~.

('3,.9'5 4.0 m ± 13 mm ,'rod 7.01 7.1 m ± 13 nnn) from tile centerline of tile burner.

~l ...... ~ . . . . . t...u L~ placed on tile led!ge o| tile turnat~ e chimlJml as shown in Figure 2-2.2.1(b). Tile material lor tile board simil be as defined in 2-`).4.2. Tile rentowtble lop o1 lhe ,esl citautbel shaU then be placed in position.

4 1.2 4-~.~ Ti le air supply shall be maintained at 73 ° ± 5°F (23 ° -+

3°C) and ti le relative humidi ty shall be kept at 50 percent ± 5 percent dur ing f i le test.

I 1.3 4-2.3* Air leakage test. Widl the board in posit ion and with t i le remo~tble top in place, the d r ~ t shall be established to produce a static pressure 0.15 in. water column (37 Pa) reading

on the draf t manometer with t i le f i re end shutter open 3 ± 1 / 16

in. (70 ± 2 mm) and with tile manual damper in the wide open position. Then, the fire end shutter shall be closed and sealed. The manometer reading is to incre~e to at least a 0.375 in water column (93 Pal, indicating that no excessive air leakage exists. Record tile static nressure readinu ohtained.

~ 4 - 9 . 4 Sunolemental Air Leakaue Test~ In addition, a supplemental leakage test shall be conducted ~:; rcq',:red i:: ~ . . . . . . m by acti~lting a smoke bomb io the: fire chautber while file fire shutter and exhat,st duct beyond die differential manometer tube are sealed. The bomb shall be ignited and the chanlber pressurized to a ',..5,~ . . . . . . ;,. ~ in. water column

(93 + 37 Pal. All points . f teakagE ,Jl)served In tilt h)|Hi *,I escaping smoke particles shall be seai¢.d.

444*4-2.5* Velocity traverse test. A drall r ,ading shall hv established within tlle range of a (,~ (,~g; f!. !C~(, ' 0.075-0.085 m water cohmm (lE.7 "21.'2 ~ kPa) File requu'ed drgtfl-~,tUgE reading shall be maintained tllroughout tile test by reguhtlil~g

I tile :nzal;v:a.. controlled exhaust damper.


N F P A 2 6 2 - - F 9 8 R O C

Tile air velocity at each o f seven points , each located

iq. (7,0 m -1- 3 IOta) f r o m die center l ine of die gas b u r n e r ! ff + 1

in. m ~ ~ a - o = ~ , # . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . a , d " . + . ~ . t , . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ,

(152 toni + 6 ram) below die p lane of the ton cover suPPor t . o

ledges, sball be recorded . Tbese seven poin ts shall be d e t e r m i n e d by dividing die widdi of the tunne l into seven equal sect ions and r eco rd ing the velocity at file geomet r i c cen ter of eacb section.

[)t ir ing tile m e a s u r e m e n t of velocity, die tu rbu lence blocks shall be r emoved and 24 in. _+O..2g 1/8 in. (670 m m 4-44_3 ram)

long, by 12.0 in. + 1 /8 in. (305 nlrn + 3 ram) hi~zh. s t ra igh ten ing wanes shall be placed 16 ft to 18 ft (5,25 .m ::: 5.9/.. ~ 4.9 m to 5.5 m) f r o m the burners . The s t ra igh ten ing ~ m e s shall divide the c h a m b e r cross sect ion into n ine u n i f o r m sections. The average velocity shall he 240 f t / m i n 4- 5 f t / m i n

( 1.22 m / s e e 4- 0.025 m / s e e ) , d e t e r m i n e d us ing a velocity t ransducer . Record the air in le t static pressure . This n ressnre

sllall b¢ 01aintained to within 4- 5 ne r cen t for all test ing fo l lowing cal ibrat ion.

4-4.4 Allow the fire test c h a m b e r to cool unti l the f loor

t h e r m 0 c o u p l e at 13,0 ft; (3.96 ml shows a t eu lpe ran , r e of 105°F ~*

5°F (41°C +_ 3°C~.

4-at.5 T e m p e r a t u r e ]-tisto W Test. Place tile steel nlate, tile m i n e r a l - f i b e r / c e m e n t board , and tile removable too ill plat.e, a.s in 4-4.1. Tile fuel supply shall be adjusted to the re tnnred flow to

p roduce a 300.000 B t u / h r + 7500 B t u / h r (88 kW + '2 kW) tlame,

with the air inlet sl intter providing an .pe tmq~ ,~f ?,.0 its. _* 1,. I 0 m.

(75 m m +_2 mlrtl , for a t~est per iod of [0 rain. [)urutg_ tile pte[leat test, the tempera. lures indicated by the thermocou~fle irJ the fire test clla~lber air at ~3.0 tt (7.01 in) shall be lecot ded ,it 15 ~;e(;ontl

.-:::::. i n t e r v a l s . :.:i::!i:i:i:iiii:::ii::...

:,i:i:i "":':* 4.4.6 T h e t e m p e r a t u r e t ~ r ¢ ol the t he ru locouo le in tile c h a m b e r air at '23 ft ("/-~] n~'$i~all be c o m n a r e d ' t o tile temnel : t ture h i s t o r ~ i ~ [ ~ at ti~"~ii~me in te~a ls f rom tile ~gpreserltative cu r i a :o f te%oeratt~:i'~i::im:i~i. " f imct iou of time sltown in Figure 4-4.2. If a ~ : ~ c i a b l e variation f rom die t empe ra tu r e s shown in the . represen ta t ive n rehe~ t curve occurs beca;.use of ~ r i a t i o n . ~ ~ ~ c s of tbe gas used. ad insmlen ts shall be made'orio~!-xo oroce~:~] :~ i:"

4--g 4-3* Fuel. The test fire, which p roduces 300,000 B t u / h r + -'::':~:" " ;:'ifi::.." - ..::iiii:i:ili~i:::.. ' :-;:::. 7500 B t u / h r (88 kW -+ 2 kW), shall be fueled widl bott led 4-~,~:ii.".:~:n0ard r ~ . u . ! ~ d C o n d u c t o r Test S p c c ' m c n

W ".:-::::::::.,., ~::v:.:~ m e d l a n e g~as o f a m i n i m u m 98 p e r c e n t pur i ty and ifll a h igh ..... :...~.. "~i:i:.-'~ .::~::" , . . . . . . . . . - - - s . . , ~ ? . ~ 4-.~.1 ""~'~e furifface suau ne allowect to cool a l ter eacu test.

bea t ing value of 1000 Btu/ f t " + 15 B t u / f t ~ (37 M J / m 4-0.5 ..::.::~;.::" "~:.-{~-. " ~ " . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . + ,~ MJ /mS) , d e t e r m i n e d us ing a gas calor imeter . Tile gas supply . ~ i msii...~on as..t l l~ii~or tne rmocoup~e at 13 .It , u.:~ m. t,~.~o in _ I~

. . . . - ~ . . .::"~;.'--',-~.~:., ~}.'~i:.~..e,~... r~{t t r o m tile center l ine o t tile n u r n e r snows it shall be mmal ly adjus ted to approxmla te ly 5000 B t u / m l n 4- 125 ,. %':':t-.i:'.:.:::, :,~ . . : ~ - : , ~ . . . . o - . -o . . . . o~ • -o . . . .

.... :':~i].'~i'~empe~;~ o t ltJa t , a : a l~(ql L. 3Z3 L , ) ,me n e x t s e t o t B t u / m i n (88 kW 4- 2 kW). Tile gas pressure the pressure ~ . ~ . " < ~ . ~ : ~ = ~ . ' o l . . . r.~ ~ l . ~ . a ; . . . . ; * ; ~ ~ . . . . . . differential across d ie orifice plate a n d the vo lume of gas u ~ . . . . . "{~$. "*':'(,~i{~{9~.:'::' t" shall be r e co rded in each test. A lengtil of coiled c o p l ~ e r . . ~ l J ~':: ~ : ' 4 - 5 . 2 " A verification p r o c e d u r e shMI utilize a ca!.;!e shall be inser ted into die gas line be tween the supply an d:"tl~ii.v,..::::~i::" $ ~ d a r d i z e d insulated c o n d u c t o r witi~ known characterist ics , , f ' m e t e r i n g c o n n e c t i o n to c o m ensa te for ossible error: i" the ": . - : : : '*i : i ( . . . . tp Ip .:.:.:.:-:.'.~. ".::::::::::.. f lame travel dis tance average OlOUcal densi ty and peak ,~OtlCal ind ica ted flow because of r e d u c t m n s m tile gas te~t'at~.-~..e "%".:!$ii.:::....<:::- density. T h e s tandard ized "i'nsuhted c o n d u c t o r to" lie used is a associated wifll file p ressure a t o p a n a expansior~:.i~izro~ the ':-'i:~:i:~:i:.:::" , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

O " a ' " e f co c " :':::Maall':':'::" " ":':'+' p o m m a l u.zzD in. /D I lnml ou te r m a m e t e r Ol Sl)ecunen Ol regula tor , the r a p p h c ore m a n s o rre t t ~ . ~ , I~... '::::-.. .....v.- • . p-ermitted to be usec~ -rovidedp e~uivalenceq h , ~ : " ~ ' , ~.*~:::....:::::+"::i:.:-;'~:~Z:::; %:i-::.:..::::::.. : : : " e;~tru~ed no|y(vinvlidene. . . fluoride~ (PVDF~. with. a No. 14 AWG d e m o n s t r a t e d by reachinl~ tim a p p r o p r i a t e rue leve]:~':'~ill.".~ith "dle:!~illi::" a rmealed c o n n e r conduc tor . A total of 50 soecmmen l e n ~ h s shall d r a ~ a n d ' d i e gas supplie.~ adjus ted a s in~::.. ~ in 4 - i ~ d i#J .... be used in 6 e test. T h e c o n d u c t g r shall he ' t es ted will/ ihe Same tiffs pa rag raph , die test f lame shall ex~.~d d 3 ~ s t r e a m : ~ # : " orocedl , re as descr ibed in Chap te r 6 to d e t e r m i n e f lanw travel dis tance of 4.5 ft. (1.37 m) over d l~ . . . : c ime~!~w! . th ~g ,@~ble clistance, average optical densi ty of smoke atnd peak optical Upstream coverage. " ....... "-iiiii.:..:i~i::.....:,~i;-:::":~!':::ii~i~.:.:..:':..,~ili densi ty of smoke.

• , Z* 4 4 C h a m b e r Tempeca~Tg. ' : - "~ i : "::i!::iiii!iii ....... 4-5.2.1 The tr(preseotative p e r f o r m a n c e result~ of th~ s tandard .::--{i~i~:. ~':.i~i~ ~ ':::,';"~-: .... insulated c o n d u c t o r have been d e t e r m i n e d to be ,as follows:

4.4.1" T e m p e r a t u r e P r e . ~ i ~ e s t . ~:.:-~le file_ t ~ { c h a m b e r shall be p r e h e a t e d wmti~ die ~teel ~"l~/~,:~e~cnbed in 4-2.[ allfl 910e M a x i m u m flalne travel distance: 2.0 ft [;~,yer of nominal ly 0.25 i n c h ( 6 " ~ ) thick mineral- Average ontical densi ty of smoke: 0.11 f i b e r / c e m e n t board , bo th wide e ~ " : ' a n d Ion~ e n o u g h to Peak onti~-al densi ty of smoke: 0.28 goyer tile ent i re chamber , placed o ~ l e ledge of the fil~rnace char0ber a,s shown in F igure 2-2.2.1 (b~. with the lpateri,3] for tile b o a r d as de f ined in 2-2.4.2. a n d with the removable top in place. Ti le fuel supply shall be and ; ; ' ~ d:c f':c! aupply adjus ted to the

reqtf ired f low t~O p r o d u c e a 300.000 B t u / h r --. 7.500 I~ tu /h r (88

kW + 2 kW) flame, with the air inlet shu t t e r providing am

o p e n i n g o f 3.0 in. + 1 /16 in. (76 m m -1- 2 m m ) .

4-4.~ T h e p r e h e a t i n g shall be c o n t i n u e d unti l the t e m p e r a t u r e

indicated by die f loor t h e r m o c o u p l e at 23.9 ft + 0.5 in. (7.28 m

+ 13 m m ) reaches 150°F -+ 5°F (66°C + 3°C).

44 .3 Dur ing die p r e h e a t test, die t empe ra tu r e s indicated by the b u r i e d t h e r m o c o u p l e at the vent end of t he test c h a m b e r , located 1 / 8 in. below tile brick surface at 23.25 ft (7.1 m) , shall be r e co rded at 15 s econd intervals a n d c o m p a r e d to tile p r ehea t t e m p e r a t u r e s taken at tile same intervals f rom the representa t ive curve of t e m p e r a t u r e ,as it func t ion of t ime shown in Figure 4 4 4-4.1. I f apprec iab le variat ion f rom tile t e m p e r a t u r e s shown in the representa t ive p rehea t curve occurs because of variat ions in the characterist ics of the g ~ used, ad jus tments in tile filel supply shall be made pr ior to p roceed ing .

4 6 4 - 6 * Smoke Me~tsurement System Calibrat ion Test. Tile p h o t o cell and p h o t o de tec to r shall be cal ibrated us ing ten neutra l densi ty filters with values of 0.1,0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.b, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, a n d 1.0. Each filter shall be pos i t ioned in {rorlt of tile photoe lec t r ic cell to cover the ent i re width of the light path. The l ight obscura t ion us ing tile neutr,'d densi ty filters shall be used to calculate the optical densi ty of smoke its follows:

O D = Iog l0 ( l J / )

where :

O D is optical density, It is die clear beam p h o t o de tec tor signal, and I is p h o t o de tec to r signal with the neutral densi ty fiher.

Tile calculated values of ( ) D for eacll tilti:r shall agree wiOliH 3 percent o f t i le t leutrai density w,t]ues, Ti le total tolerance ~JI all f i l lers shall be widt in I perceru.

4-7 Maintenance . T h e m a i n t e n a n c e for tile appal 'at~s, whicll shall be conduc ted wifltin 30 days of CO[l(~llCtill~[~ it test, or iLs reaui red , shall inc lude fol lowiug inspec t ion aud rnahitet lance n r o c e d u r e s (with r e p l a c e m e n t as uecessarvl:


N F P A 2 6 2 ~ F 9 8 R O C

(a) l n s n e c t i o n of t u n n e l a n d wall b r icks (b) G l e a n i n g of w indows (c~ l n s n e c t i o n o f the i n o r ~ , m i c c e m e n t b o a r d (d) I n s o e c t i o n of t i le cas tab le b lock mix,

5 g , 2 5-4.2 Bare c o p p e r tic wires IlOt ff, r ea t e r t h a n I ~ AW(; ( n o m i u a l wire cross sec t ion of 1 620 c i r cu l a r mils ol o.~27 ~, m i n e ' ~

shal l be used to t~Lsten cab le s p e c n m e l l s t ( , t i l t " r u l l g s ~ d l i l t • ~ , t h l c

tray at twl~ posi t ions, i l an | e lv t ied t~, the lirst ruat~ , e , , lhc Id t- e n d a n d to tl~e last r u n g ilem ti le exhaus t eli(I.

C h a p t e r 5 Tes t S p e c i m e n P r e p a r a t i o n

5-1 S n e c i m e n C o n d i t i o n i n g . P r io r to tes t ing , all cab le s p e c i m e n s shal l be c o n d i t i o n e d for a m i n i m u m of 24 h o n r s in a co r l t ro l l ed

e n v i r o n m e n t a t a t e m o e r a t u r e of 73°F -+ 5°F (23°/.; _+ 3°C) a, t ld a

re la t ive h u m i d i t v of 50 p e r c e n t + 5 oe rcen t . Samp le s wh ich are

s u n o l i e d on ree l s shal l have a n y w r a n o i n v m a t e r i a l s r e m o v e d for c o n d i t i o n , ng.

.-r~1-5-2 D e t e r m i n a t i o n of Spec imeu . D i a m e t e r .

1.1 5-2.1 T h e s p e c i m e n d i a m e t e r is d e t e r m i n e d u s i n g e i t h e r a d i a m e t e r t ape , v e r n i e r ca l iper , or a m i c r o m e t e r with an accu racy of 0.001 in. (0.025 ram) .

5 1.2 5-2.2 Ti le d i a m e t e r t ape is a p p r o p r i a t e for s p e c i m e n s tha t ,are u n i f o r m l y r o u n d . E n s u r e t h a t t i le t ape is w r a p p e d t i ghdy a r o u n d the s p e c i m e n , b u t n o t so t i gh t t h a t the s p e c i m e n is c o m p r e s s e d . An a r i t h m e t i c ave r age of t h r e e r e a d i n g s over 1 ft (0.3 m) l e n g t h of the s p e c i m e n shal l be u s e d as t i le s p e c i m e n d i a m e t e r .

I.~ 5-2.3 T h e v e r n i e r ca l ipe r sbal l be p e r m i t t e d to be used for

( ; b a p t e r 6 l'est P r o c e d u r e

6-1 P rocedu re . A tes t p r o c e d u r e sila]l be lo l lowet l at,~ de sc r ibed in 6-1.1 to ~,} l .!f) O-1.12.

" " T ' I . . . . . . 1 . 1 ~ * . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . , 1 1 I . . . . . I . . . . . . . I : . , t l . . . . . . . . 6-1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . v r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ I . . . . | . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . i ¢ . ~ i . . . . . g) I : ) O I I k \ . . . . A . l . . . . ; k . . . l i . . ~9 ,2 1

. , . : * 1 ~ * l . . . . . . 4 ~ 1 . + . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . I : . ~ / o K . . . . . . \ A . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . + h , ,

6 I72 T!;'c At t i le s tar t o .f . .5~: . f lay the f u r n a c e shal l be p r e h e a t e d as d e s c r i b e d in c~.,^,:,:-a 3 ~-~t::..tlarou~h 4-4.3.

..::!!;: ":%: .... "~!:!:!:::" -.:.:.:.:.:.:

.fi I.Z 6-1.2 T h e l~tl~-~ce"'~all be '%~e . a : - a s d e s c r i b e d in 4 4.1 5: 4.4. ............ ~::~i-~ .... ":::::"":>:#~::"

• .::i:i::.. :~i~::" "+:.:..

6~I.~ 6-1.3.:::.:-.'~:'-"~-t~l&:.~.a'~.::-~nd s u n o o r t s shal l be Dlaced it] t i le test c b a m b e ( i ' : ~ ~ i i ~ - 2 . ~ ) . l (b) a n d d e s c r i b e d in 2-3. with the t ~ " e n d a ~ ' ~ a i r in ie t e n d a n d n o t m o r e t h a n 1 in. (25 ram) d ~ ' = ~ . m fror~ili~:te c e n t e r l ine of the bu rne r s .

"::~-!~!~:. ::~iii~ii-i#:: .::-i..~.:~t~4 TIi~ii~'~-Je sng~i 'mens shal l he ins ta l l ed a s d e s c r i b e d IX,

.~:-ii'#"'"g~o n 5 4 . "::-::-::i{::::ii::.-ii':" al l sizes of cab le s e c i i n e n s a n d sha l l be cons d e r e d for smal l ..:i:i'-: ?'i? ":i~!!::" d i a m e t e r cab les w h i c h a re n o n u n i f o r m in cross sec t ion . :¢:':""::-:.:::{i::ii'-:.:. ~i~i~i..'.T.'.tae'~e'~l p la te shal l be , l a c e d iu the t i re test t h a i , b e t . . i s

..~-.'..:..-. "::ii::iiiii~escri't~i]~?] 4-9"1. ( ) n e 0.25 i'n (6 ram) th ick 17v 4 f t (I ."" m) a . . . • -~.4 If t i le sam le is r o t m d t i le call er sha l be c osed =.==..============::. .:: ..... • - - , • P ' P .::.'::..'." "..::::::::::. --i'~ilag by 2.0 ft (0.6 un) w,de sec t ion ol m m e r a l - h b e r / e e l , e l l 1 h~,Lrll gen t l y a rounc t t i le cab le careflf l ly so as n o t to c o m n r e s s it ~ i ~ :~:!!:~ s ' i : ~ ' ~ e I ~ - ' - ov ] , ~ ~ ~d.. . . o ' t~'e

• ~ . . . . . . ' . . . . F . , ........ _ ::::::: n ~ : : p a c e o o , , r u e top C e r s t p n o r t l e a f f e a W J H t i l e r e a o , u g S l l a l , D e t a k e n . I n e m e a s u r e m e n t s n a l l n e r e l ~ i ~ i ~ . ~ c l a .:::::: :::::" . . - " .

• - e ~ . t ' m o e ~ t , I d ¢ I ¢* /n ~ ~ ¢ ~-"i"~"::i!i~ 4-':" f t l . '~ace c h a m b e r , to over lan t i le s teel n la te a maxun lint, ol 3 in. m , n , m u m o i ilV~ d . . . . . . . e r a , e n l ~ l o , , , . ~ . ~ m I o , canle--::!~] ...:::-" ,4. , • . ~ " ~ • , .~'. , = , .~, ( 1 6 , n m ) a s s n o w , i n / ~ , u r e 9 9 l { D ) i t t i l t l i f e e n l ] l i l t a r i t i l m e t i c ave rage of t i le five r e a d i n g s shal l be nsed ,.~. i ~ e cab[~-~ii- . . - " g z - _ . z . : . " " .

s n e c i m e n d i a m e t e r ===================== %'.i!!i:.. r e m o v a b l e t e s t - chan lbe r top . P ro t ec t ed )v a I t n I l e r a ]

.~:.i.:..':i:" ~: .... ":::..:i:j:i~i::ii::" f i b e r / c e m e n t boa rd , shal l be p l aced in ? o s i t i o u . , l, L, -1 ~hv 5 1.5 5-2.5 If t i le s p e c i m e n is n o n n n i f o r m in :..~:{~ s e ~ . . ~ , w.i~l .:~::" f u r n a c e s ide l edge . t i le w id th to t h i cknes s ra t io less t h a n 2: i , m r e ~ : : ' m " : ' ~ * t s ":{{ii::.. .... sh,'-dl be t a k e n a t wide p o i n t s :rod t h r e e m e a z ! u r e ~ " ~ii~]all be ~-{'~ .... 6-1.6 Place the a i r in le t s h u t t e r in Pos i t ion to n rov ide al l openi t t l !

o t~l?e a t xt 1 ~ Sd~n ° 7s ~ t n ~ e °fs tel~e ~ a ~ ] : ~ i U ~ i ~ e of 3.0 in. + 1 / 1 6 in. (76 m m + 2 m m L Ti le ex l taus t d u c t ~ u n p e r gs .... I~:: p . ' o ~ "~{iiii::" sh~dl be c o n t r o l l e d bv a c losed l o o n f e e d b a c k svstem with r e spec t

..::i~:i:i:~:i:i::.. ..:::'-%.:.:.:-::-~ % ~-:~ • • " • " • - - " 5 ! .6 5-2.6 ff t he w id th to th i ckne~" i'[email protected] ~ ' ~ i l "*--'~ 2"1 t h e n to the a i r in le t d r a f t g a u g e s t anc p re s su re to m ~ n ~ t c f l a l f f low t i le wid t i i o f f i l e s e c i m e n sha • ~ j ~ l e s ~ n ' ' con t ro l t i l rou~rhot , t each tes t run . T h e a i r s u o o l v t h r o u T h o u t t i le

P ~ i . - " . ~ • ~i~g~e p " ; o " o d i a m e t e r . T h e wid th of t h e . : p j ~ g ~ , ~ shall~,il~,m..e.gsured a t six tes t shal l be m a i n t a i n e d at a t e m o e r a t n r e of 73 F _+ 5 F (~{3 (2 +

l a ~ , ~ s ? p l a "":i~ t "^ - " " ' - - " ~'"~ - - " : ' : " : - - ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _,_.______~a~i~.~a~l:]b°~e2edCaa~."':.?~lec~mrn~met~c 3°C, and" a rglgltlve hum,dntv of 50 p e r c e n t --- 5 perce~lt,

d i a m e t e r . "~a{~.~.~...::#"::: • .... '-~!'-, 6-1.7 T h e s m o k e m e a s u r e m e n t sys tem shal l be c h e c k e d to

B 1.7 5-2.7 T h e m i c r o m e t e r shaJ~J'~-!~:..~mitted to be u s e d for a e n s u r e ze ro op t i ca l dens i ty . cab le s p e c i m e n witi] an u n i f o r m c /~ '~"sec t ion . Five m e a s u r e m e n t s of t he s p e c i m e n dia,i~fieter over a 1 ft (0.3 m) 6-1.8 T h e f i re tes t c h a m b e r t e m n e r a t u r e a t the f loor l e n g t h of t i le cab le shal l be t aken . T h e a r i t h m e t i c ave rage of the five r e a d i n g s shal l be u s e d as the s p e c i m e n d i ame te r •

.-r~--g 5-3 N u m b e r of Cab le Leng ths . T h e n u m b e r of cable l e n g t h s u s e d in t he t es t sha l l be c a l c u l a t e d as follows:

T h e n u m b e r of cab le l eng th s sha l l e q u a l 1 t .25 in. (wid th of the cab le tray) d i v i d e d by t he d i a m e t e r o f s p e c i m e n ( in i nches )

T h e n u m b e r of cab le s p e c i m e n s sha l l equa l the m e a s u r e d ins ide w id th of t he rack d i v i d e d b y t i le cable d i a m e t e r as d e t e r m i n e d u s i n g a d i a m e t e r t a p e or eq t f iva len t (Sec t ion 5-1), wi th t i le r e su l t of t i le d iv i s ion r o u n d e d off to the n e a r e s t lower w h o l e n t n n b e r of s p e c i m e n s t i l a t fit in t im tray c o n s i d e r i n g t i le p r e s e n c e of cable fas teners .

~r+-g, 5-4 Cab le M o u n t i n g

5 ~.I v~-4.1 T h e s p e c i m e n s shal l be la id in to t im tray in par, d i d , s t r a i g h t rows w i t h o u t any space b e t w e e n a d j a c e n t s p e c i m e n s o t h e r th,-m t h a t n e e d e d for the cab le f a s t ene r s d e s c r i b e d in Sec t ion 5 E.2 5-4 .2

t h e r m o c o u o l e a t 13.0 ft (3.96 m) shal l be c h e c k e d to e n s u r e it is

a t a t e m n e r a t u r e of I05°F -- 5°F (41°C ± 3°C). If the t e m n e r a t n r e is be low tilts r ange , r e m o v e tide cab le tes t s p e c i m e n s a n d p r e h e a t t he f i re tes t c h a m b e r as d e s c r i b e d in 4-4.1 t h r o n ~ h 'l-4.3, a n d a l low the f t t rnace to cool tmt i l t i le f loor t h e r m o c o u n l e at 13.0 [t

(3.96 m] reg i s te r s a t e m p e r a t u r e of I05°F +-5°F (41%" + 3°(:). If

the c h a m b e r h a d to be coo l ed d o w n a n d rehe : t ted , instal l t i le cab le tes t s p e c i m e n s as d e s c r i b e d it! Sec t ion 5-4,

6-1.9 T h e e x b a n s t shal l be ad jus t ed m es tabl i sh ,at ;~;'~::::?.;~" ,~;

fie.;;' c.f 2¢9 f : /mk~ + ( 1.22 :na,/ ,~cc + ',,V,.~25 ::::::/::~:~-) In the ,ur

f low requirel~mr~ts of 4-2.5 in the tes, c h a m b e r . The imli .d pho to - e l ec t r i c cell o u t p u t shal l be r eco rded .

6 1.7 6-1.10 S i m u l t a n e o u s l y t i le The test g.'~s t l a m e shal l be , g i l l e d (as pe r sectj01"l 4-4) a n d the d a t a a cou i s i t i on svs tem sl/all be s tar ted . T h e d i s t a n c e a n d t i m e of m a x i m u m f l ame travel d is ta l ]ce shal l be obse rved a n d r e c o r d e d . T h e p h o t o e l e c t r i c cell ou tpu t , the ~as n ressnre , the o ressn re d i f f e ren t i a l across the or i f ice nlate . d i d d l e ' v o l u m e of ~ used. sh,'dl be r e c o r d e d a t in te rva ls o f acc.~n~a c.r l c ~ 2 sec c o n d n u o ~ s l y t h r o u g h o u t t i le ~¢s~.


N F P A 2 6 2 - - F 9 8 R O C

6-1.11 T h e tes t shal l be c o n t i n n e d for 20 minu te s . T e r m i n a t e l~he tes t by s b u t t i n ~ off the fue l s n n n l v a n d s t o o o i n ~ d a t a acqu i s i t ion .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 I " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . ++,:~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p , . . . . . . . + . . . . i+ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 1 ~ + + ~ n A 1 , + 1 . . . . . C . . . . . . ~ . I . + i l I , . . . . . . . A ~ A + ' ~ + . I . ^ I . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . ~ o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 1.10 6-1.12 Af te r dae gas s u p p l y to t he i g n i t i o n f l ame is s h u t off, s m o l d e r i n g a n d o t h e r c o n d i t i o n s wi th in t he f u r n a c e shal l be o b s e r v e d a n d r e c o r d e d , a n d tl~e s p e c i m e n s shal l t h e n be r e m o v e d for e x a m i n a t i o n .

C h a p t e r 7 Post-Test C l e a n - U p a n d I n s p e c t i o n

7-1 Debr i s . All d e b r i s f r o m tbe f u r n a c e shal l be r e m o v e d . Any m o l t e n deb r i s s tuck to t he b r i ck w h i c h c a n n o t be nhvsical]v r e m o v e d shal l be remc-*cd d e s t r o y e d by p l a c i n g scrap h l m b e r in the c h a m b e r . Dlacin~ tbe r e m o v a b l e t on cover in nos i t ion , a n d ign i t i ng it-tl~e i u m b e r wi th t he b u r u e r un t i l all t he m o l t e n debr i s ~w-eis c o n s u m e d . Remove all c h a r a n d ash f r o m ~|le f ire tes t c h a m b e r . An a l t e rna t ive m e d m d of r e m o v i n g a n y m o l t e n deb r i s shal l be to r ep l ace d~e a f fec ted br icks on d~e c h a m b e r f loor.

C h a p t e r 9 Repor t

9-1 T h e r e p o r t shal l i n c l u d e t be fo l lowing i n f o m t a t m n for each test:

(a) A d e t a i l e d d e s c r i p t i o n of the wires or cables tes ted (b) T h e n u m b e r of l eng th s used as s p e c i m e n s for the test. (c) T h e m a x i m u m f l ame travel d i s tance , in ft. l d ) The g r a p h of f l ame t ravel d i s t a n c e versns t i m e for the

d u r a t i o n of t he test. x ~ (e~ The values of the p e a k opt ica l dens i ty ot" s m o k e a n d

ave rage op t i ca l dens i t y of smoke . +e-)- (f) T b e g r a p h of t he op t i ca l dens i ty of d te s m o k e g e n e r a t e d

d u r i n g fl~e tes t versus t i m e for d~e d u r a t i o n of d~e test. ~4~- (g). O b s e r v a t i o n s of the .c..~ndition of the tes t s p e c i m e n s ~ffter

c o m p l e t i o n of file test. ..::i:!i""~iii'i::.:.. /tg")" (h) T h e da ta a c q u i ~ n e ~ i p m e n t used a n d the scan

u s e d shal l be d e ~ : ~ : ~ . p e r i o d (D All o t h e r i n f o r m ~ o n ":"':::t::'~ired to be r eco rded ,

.... # -%:+ :]::::':':'::?-::-. '::i:!:i:i:i:i::"

" ~ , t . . . . . . . . . . : . ' 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:.:.:.. .:.-

. + : . :

~ r ~ ~ t . . . . . .~;~; ] : '~: ; ;$~.x. . - . . . . . '~. l . : ; ' :~. . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . : , . . . . . . ~. . .

. . . . . . . . . "::.':t. . . . . . . . %1£ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ : ' : ~ . . . . . . . . . r t . . . . . . . . . . . . ...::i-:i: -'.::::..

• ~ . , . + ? . " @ ~ , , . . . . . . . . . ~ t ~ . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . i J l ~ . . ~ i ) . u , t n | b , . . . . . . . .

%2* T b e windows shal l be c l e a u e d :ffter eaclt test; uslr :g a:: o ; ' ca . . . . . . . . . . . . :..-c~:: . . . . . . . ~.*.~ . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . - .:::~:.'..v.:..Xl . . . . . . ' " . ~ . . ~ . . . . ~ " - ~ - + ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " " " " . . . . . . .

..::::" p : . . . ~ . . . . . . . . ~iE.~:.".~.." ; . : :-*" I ~" . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . ' / ' ...... -:- c-: "::':~F" %3* T h e l a d d e r a n d s u o n o r t s sbal l be c l e a n e d of deb r i s ,.:s!.qg a ....:-"iiii: /.:~i( , . .:::::-. ," , ., ,, , .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t " ' ~ 7 . . . . . . . . : ' * " : : i : : i : ! :~ ; . . . : : i : : " " " : : : : : : : : ] : : . , . ' : i :

.............. % i ~ i # . , , - , ~ t ~ : . . . . . . . . . ~ . . , . . . . . . .

7-4 D a m a g e d Boards . T h e d a m a g e d m i n e r M - f i b e r / c e m e n t .:::::¢-'.::~:~:i~!!iiii::iiiiii.. "::i~!i::!~ii~. ~ . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .

b o a r d n r o t e c t i n ~ t he r e m o v a b l e too ~;qver shal l be r e p l a c e d . : ~ e r ":i.":'::i~!~! ""-'-"~:..,-:#;. . . . . . . . : . . . . ~ . , . - : . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . r. ...... e a c h tesL T h e 0.25 m. (6 mm~ t lnck bv 4 ft (1.22 m) Ion~#~!.~. 0 .:-::i-:: .:.::~" ft (0.6 m) Ide s e c u o n o f na lner , "d- f iber /cemer i t b o a r d n a c e ~ i ~ .-- , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b . . . . . . . . x

the t on cover s u n o o r t l edges shal l be d i s c a r d e d after..::i~:~a test. "::iii~i:.

7-5 P r e n a r a t i o n for n e x t test. P lace c l e a n e d t r a ~ : i t n d ~gionort~ i l l "iii#"::" " - ' : * " I C l + / 1 A : ~ I . . ~ l . . . . . T ~ * T I . . . . . 1 ~ I . . ~ 1 . . . . . . ~ ¢ , o + o l . . , l l l . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . I

the f i re tes t c h a m b e r , mad p lace t he removabl¢i::~:N~!]~..:. "iiiii!?:.. : ..... 2"{ 5 2 " . Z ; T & X S T ' ; % % " 22";, 2 ; ' ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . pos i t i on above t h e t op cover s u p p , r ¢ ledges . "%::i::!i!~'.i . . . . . . .i:::::# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

_ .~.:..~ ;_.~i'i!~!~!~!iiN::.. "%iiii!i_.~.~::!iii .... 1O 3.2 Vclccl t) ' Trz-,;' Tczt. T l ' c : ' c lcc! ty t rx- 'cr :c t'czt a!zall bc M e a s u r e m!,,ys<er~ C l e a n : m N i q ~ e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 .o a++..:~....+ :..~ ". 1.5. 7-~ C l e a n l i n e s s of S m o k e

m e a s u r e m e n t a n d c o n f i r m t l l a t 1 0 0 + : ~ c e n t l i ~ x t + t r a r m ~ o n is ..-:::-- ..-~:~..x.-..:. .:~:::.-.~:::~:,. ::-., - o b t a i n e d . +:."+%:~iiii+~::." . . : . ? i . + + + ] + : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

+ - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ r (31, 8 C a l ~ I a t i o n ~."i~ii~ f:" o , . - . , . . ~,~.+-, ° : ' ~ , : ' " - ' - " " ~ " r . . . . . , - , " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

8-1 Opt ica l dens i ty of smok'~i~]+?::.s#::" - - ::-.-.- ...:... ~..:........

8-1.1 T h e s m o k e o b s c u r a t i o n sl~i:"..~.g::;~--dcuiated as op t i ca l dens i t y of s m o k e f rom the p h o t o c'N~":'~am as follows:

OD = Iog~0(Io/ l )

8-1.2 T b e p e a k opt ica l dens i ty is the m a x i m u m oot ica l dens i t y d e t e r m i n e d by us in~ a t h r e e - p o i n t m n n i n t z ave rage of ODtiGal dens i t y values" r e c o r d e d ".z:!::c o.v;t~2r;-.:d d u r i n g the test.

8-1.3 T h e ave rage op t i ca l d e n s i t y sha l l be c a l c u l a t e d as lol lows:

/ V - l

+ ) A v e r a g e O D = ' =~

1 2 0 0

w h e r e :

At = scan t i m e (sec)

N = n u m b e r of d a t a po in t s i = d a t a p o i n t c o u n t e r OD+ = opt ica l dens i ty va lue a t each scan f rom i = ~ l to i = N-I 1200 = tes t t i m e (sec) (20 ra in)

8 I . I T h e i nd iv idua l op t ica l dens i t y of s m o k e va lues u s e d in the e q u a t i o n shal l be fl~e va lue m e a s u r e d a t e a c h i n d i v i d u a l scan.

oe~ . . . . . . v, c+ xt'~,--°c~ . . . . ~-~, ~s +,,~l . . . . . . . . . . . . ":: ~g ' , : rc A 3, a ; :d t!~c :c::-i3crat-:rc . . . . . . . u: . . . . . z .~t t!;e t ! :crmoc~.u~]c ~:? t[-c ch:'.,..ber a i r ::t 2S f: (7.0! ,,,i is

I 11 (1 el +,2 . . . . . 1,.. F~ . . . . . ; + , , +1- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . .

10 3.n..l T!~'c s:z:akc de::al ty :'c::t :;h;dl r c q ' : L c the !::Hzz:vh)g

I ~ , ~ 1 7 1 . . . . + . . ; ~

/ , - x ~ ' + , , ~ 1 . . . . I C t I I : . . . . I ¢1 I I . , ¢ / I

l 0 ~ . ! .2 T!:e tc::t xpp'arxt':.~ :!:x!] b'.: cc::'21ti'or;e:! :'.s d'c~.cri!:..:d h~. S ~ c t ] ~ = n 3.

; 7 , 2 2 " 2 ; ' ~ . L ~ 2 . ? ; ' ; . T \ ; . ; " , £ ~ . L ' ; ~ . , 2 ~ . % . S . " < ; A 7 , ; " ? ' L ;.2".,L.',"22.~,..


1 2 2

N F P A 2 6 2 - - F 9 8 R O C

V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b . . . . . . 1 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . U " . . . . . . . . . . .

approxlmatcmy I / E i=. (g . . . . . . ~--\,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m._ m:~..:.~._l..~ 7.u,"fc.ce.

IO ?,/..7 Thc flo-v r~,tc t l :rougl: t!:,: :z::mzl .~!w21 t;c cz:~Hi.~l:cd ::.~

10 3.4.8 The l=cp~nc ~l;~l Uc :~ :+~a " ' - : ~ " . . . . ~ . . . . :~ :F : rk

l0 3.~..9 Th',; tczt ~ha!l ~e tcrmk;'~tc'2 ;;'l;cr; ~'2! ~::rz;ir, g .zc;~;c:;,

. . . . . . . . . . . . ~n ~ ~ ~n T( . . . . . . . . V ..... )" oi;dcal dczzlt7 z, ha!! !;c c.-2c::k:tc2 :z:

I / 3 " / A 11 "1~1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1~ . . I . I . . . . . 1 . , , . l . . . l l I . . . . . . . I . - , , I . . * . . . 1 . . ~

dc~criS-cd i:~ ~ I.?,.

1P . " / 4 l q T l . . . * - . ~ . . . . . l+~ ~ ( . ~ 1 1 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . , : d . 1 . 1 . + ~ . 1 ~ . . I A . . * . .

r'; "Act'.:r.~:]ne wlict!Ycr t[~'." :gH?ar;::"~ i~ u : :der ca!i!::rado;;.

are addressed when test ing by use of a t empera tu re - t ime curve, for example as descr ibed in NFPA 251, S tandard Methods of Fire Tests of Building Cons t ruc t ion a n d Materials. P rocedures descr ib ing test ing of fire resistive cables are descr ibed in ! IL 2196, S tandard for Tests of Fire Resistive Cables.

A-I.1.3 T h e changes made in e q u i p m e n t for this test were d e e m e d necessary in o rde r to obtain p r o p e r precis ion f rom the test when us ing the e q u i p m e n t for small qu,'mtities of wire and cable, which p ro d u ce m u c h smal le r quant i t ies of beat release and smoke obscura t ion .

A-l-2 1t has been shown tha t results f rom tiffs test nletbo(l rank wires and cables in the same way as do tbe results of tesU~ on wiring exposed to fires in s imula ted plemm~s (Relerencc~

..... ¢:::::ii .... A-2-2.2.1 Tile opera t ion ak.~F':'~|:~t~T..;ition o1 th~s eqillt)Hlelll )~ b:Lsed on tbe use of i n s u ~ . ~ g firel)rick. 'The physical and thermal proper t ies ot d:.l.~" t 3 ~ ! . ; u e

:-!!:..'.i~. '::ii!]!i'i::.. Density: 51 I[ / ft'L:*~.8"~]::~/cme~ii::::::::ii .... Soeemc h eat: 0 ~ : ~ t . / i L °(: ( l ?~i::~,:?k~ "F) The rma l conduc t iv i~ id .8 Bm in/f~*'o hr "F (0.26 W / m (.) At

4o0°F (205~: . : . . . . . . . . . " % ~ : . . "

2.3 I~,O in/fi'¢ii~., br °F (6~J'~;:'~/m °(;) at 1200°F (655°C) 2..~! a gi~i~ °F (0.36 W / m °(7) at 1600°F (870°CI

Clmpter 4--1-1(_..2) Precision and B i~ 2i:~/g:~::::~'a/ft s * 1~:~i~.::~'0.39 W / m °C) at 2000°F (1095°CI ......... >~ddit io:~ | i i ;ufform~:on on inside ~lass Dane. A hi{zh-

4 4 4 lOz, l Applicability. The precis ion a n d bias of dfis test .... :¢::::::~eratnr~::i~]Ea,s,~::,~t'ccentable for this n u rn o se sboul~l contain 90- m e t h o d has no t been d e t e r m i n e d . . ~ . . . . . . . - : J ! .... n e ~ e n t s i l i c a : ~ 3-oercent bor ic oxi(te. " (BOO,.._.,) art(] has thermal

:...i:~:';;:i~iiiiiii~::. c ~ - ~ A J v ~ 0~'6.9 Btu x 10 -4 in . / f t s * °F (1.00 x 10 .4 W / m o °C) a t .... "::'~iiiii::~]?:.$."~"48°'~C): 8.7 Btu x lO -~ in . / f t a * °F [1.26 x 10 ~ W / m . ~C)

Chap te r -122- l l Refe renced Publicat ions .... ii#:i::i:::'.-':".-'iiii .... ":(i~::32°F (()3C). and 9.8 Btu x 10 "~ in . / f t z * °F (1.42 x 10 4 W / m * :'i~!iii ............ i::iiiiiii::' ~i::]kt-':'~l 2°F {100°C). has a nomina l tltickness of 6 m m (0.25 in.)

11-1 Tile fol lowing d o c u m e n t s or por t ions the reo f a(..¢.ii~ii::, :::i::iii: ar~:::should wi ths tand t emoera tn r e s uo to 1652°F (900°C). r e fe renced widt in dais s t :mdard as m a n d a t o r y r e q u i r e m e 6 ~ ' ~ : : . : ..-'i:-::" ':" shall be cons ide red par t of the r e q u i r e m e n t s of dfis .d.~ument!5':!~iiiii::ii [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g , ~ m - . . . . . /¢'*-)-t T h e edi t ion indicated for each re fe rence is the cur t . .~f ' : '~. t ion ~':..:::::. . of the date of die NFPA issuance of tiffs d o c u m e . ~ " of "::ii::i::::::::iiiiiii::" these m a n d a t o r y d o c u m e n t s ,are also referenc¢~.:,.~..thig':-Ijt.~.~, da'k~d.. .:ij::ii .... for specific i n fonna t iona l pu rpose s and , therd"6~.~i!'.~...e:!~:lisf ~ . ":7 in Append ix C . .. ">%~f:..'% " .!ii~i:::

....::i:iii~iiii?ii::.. "::'ii:.'i'~i:::, ..::~;::"

12 2 11-~ NFPA Publicat ions. Nation..aJiii~re'%~tectio~:~i~-:..%!. :~¢ .... Association, 1 Bat te rymarch Park, P~.'~:..Box 9.~!~., Qu, i4a@'MA 02269-9101. :i'::""::'~iii'~::.....::iii~:~::!:::"%i":-'.'ii~i:3:.:..~::::::i. ""

NFPA 255, S tandard Me thod 9..~..-::' 6t~-~.face B ~ h g Characterist ics of Bui lding ~ i i i : : ":%i?:i'i ........

• ::i-'.:: "!:i:i:i: "::i:i:i-iii:::::?:" 12 ,$11-3 ()d~er e u b l i c a . ~ . . . . iii:: i:: ":.i::]::::ii::"

,o ,~ ~ 1 1-3.1 ASTM Pnblicati~i~-ZMnerican Society for Test iug a n d Materials, 100 Bare H a r b o r " ~ : : i : W e s t ( . ;onsliohocken, PA, 19428-2959. %::::~: ....

ASTM E 84, S tandard Test Metho/ff"for Surface Burn ing Character is t ics of Blfilding Materials

12 3.2 11-3.2 13nderwriters Labora tor ies Publication. Underwr i te r s Ltbora tor ies , Y;33 Pfingsten Road, Nor thb rook , IL, 60062.

I TL 910, Test Metl~od for Fire and Smoke Characterist ics of Electrical a n d Optical-Fiber Cables 1 lsed in Air Hand l ing Spaces

Append ix A Explanatory Material

Append ix A is no t a part of the r e q u i r e m e n t s of this NFPA d o c u m e n t , b u t is i n d u d e d for in fo rmat iona l pu rposes only. This a p p e n d i x conta ins exp lana tory material , n u m b e r e d to c o r r e s p o n d with the applicable text pa ragraphs .

A- I . I . I This s t andard is re fe renced , inc luding r equ i r emen t s for f lame travel distance, peak optical densi ty of smoke and average optical densi ty of smoke, in sect ions 725-2 , 760-2, 770-2, 800-49 a n d 820-49 of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code¢r). Wires and cables with a f lame travel dis tance n o t exceed ing 5 ft (1.52 m), a peak optical densi ty of smoke no t exceeding 0.5 and an average optical densi ty n o t exceed ing 0.15 are descr ibed ,as having adequa te fire resis tant and low smoke p r o d u c i n g characteristics. It s hon ld be no ted that the fire resistance descril)ed in NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, does no t address the same issues (ha~

T h e r m a l co:;~:ct': 'itT: 0.26 W / m ° C (I .S g t ' : i ; ' / f t s " I:;" °FI ::: ~ t ~ K o l , ~ I a t~ t~oFF~

t~ "1"1 ~A~ I ~ o f 1 0 ' t b + . . : ~ l e d & . I ~ . - dE " , . . . ~ K K o t " t l O~/ IoE \

. . . . . . . . . . . . F - ' ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . t~ ~ f l 1 A / / . ~ . o ~ D* . , : ~ /C *~ . ( . ~ o . . . I t ~ , c i K o ¢ , 1 0 1 - 1 £ ~ t ~ o W \

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~, . . . . . F i ; ; ; c A I . ; ~ l . . . . ~ . .

t e . , ~pe ra t I l r c b . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p ' : ; ~ ) c .~ ; : a l ?o l l ! f ! : ; ; ; ; ; . * : ~ ; ; i g " . : / I ) ~ . . . . . I I . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . I

1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

• 9 ~ l O ~ ' l £ 1 0 l ' ~ . . . . A { I ~./ D + . . . . 1 1 1 4 1 . . t 1 * - ~ - 1 o F [ I A ~ ; ' ~, I i~-~* I A [ / : I i , at . . , . ~ . . . . /, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °C) ::: 212°F (I .~,°( ') , l':'m a ;;omi;;a! :hlcl'::c:::: ::f fi ;:':;~',~.~r: h;.) aud gl3c::l?. :':it!;a:;::;,~! :cm[;c;'a:uTc:: ":i; 1:; l fi52~>F ( 9!)c~)(ii"

The tol lowing is provided lor ndor ina t loua l pm'l),,sl-~ -ol'~ .itid htl.s no t been independen t ly verified, cer t i f i ed , or etJdorsed I)~ NFPA or arly of its technical commit tees . Vycor gl;u~s a~zlilal)lc f rom Fisher Scieutific, 711 Forbes Avenue. Pit tsburgh. PA. 1521'J- 4785. t e l e p b o u e (412) 562-8300, or its equivalent, has beell ~lt()w|l to be sl,itable for this purpose .

A-2-2.2.2 Materials acceptable for this p u r p o s e shou ld be suitable for very high t empera tu res . Examples include water-cooled structural-steel t ub ing and h igh - t empera tu re fu rnace refractories. for example those based on z i rcon ium materials (such as Zicron) . This in fo rmat ion is being provided for in format iona l pu rposes only and has no t been i n d ep en d en t l y verified, certified, or en d o r sed by NFPA or any of its technical commit tees .

A-2-2.4.1 -I~P-G]:~C is equal to d~e tbern/al eonductivity t imes tile densi ty t imes the specific beat.

A-2-2.6.1 Tbe bigll t e m p e r a t u r e minera l compos l t iou materml shou ld have the same physical cbaracteristic_s as the material descr ibed in 2-2.4.1.

A-2-5.1 T h e following is provnded lor tnlornl;ttlouaJ purported. ,, only and has no t been inde[)et}detltly verified, certified ¢)1 endor sed t w NFPA or any of its 1eclulic;d COlllll|in('es.


N F P A 262 ~ F 9 8 R O C

A Genera l Electric Model 4405 12-V sealed b e a m clear au to spot lamp (Part N u m b e r 4405) has been f o u n d acceptable for dfis pu rpose . This l ight source can be p r o c u r e d f rom any electrical suppl ies vendor . A me te r sui table for dfis p u r p o s e is a Weston I n s t r u m e n t s No. 856-990103BB p b o t r o n i c cell, wbicb can be p r o c u r e d f rom Hnygen Corp. . P.O. Box 316, W a u c o n ~ t , IL 60084.

A-4-2.3 A downward t r end in static Dressure indicates leakaae ill the fire test c h a m b e r or exhaus t system.

A-4-2.5 The fol lowing is provided for in format iona l ourDoses only a n d has no t been i n d e o e n d e n d v verified, certified, or e n d o r s e d bv NFPA or any of its technical commit tees . A T b e r m o S~stems inc. Model 1610 velocity t r ansduce r ( tber lna l a n e m o m e t e r or eauiva lentL us ing a r e a d o u t ~ccurate tO 0.00l V, has been f o u n d acceotable for flue ouroose .

A 4 2 A-4-3 The ignit ing fire length of 4.5 ft (1.37 m) is cont ro l led by due total gas i n p u t (300,000 B t u / h r ) ,and tile air draft (240 f t / m i n ) darough the tunnel .

B-2-1.3 The ,axis of d~e p r o b e is located at tbe center l ine ot rite duct. The p ressure taps are c o n n e c t e d to a p ressnre t ransducer baying a m i n i m u m resohl t ion of 0.'25 Pa (0.001 ill. wyttefl.

B-2-1.4 Ti le t e l l / p e l ~ d t t u r e O l t h e t ' x b a u s t g~L'~ i s I I I C , L ~ ; I I I t ' ( I t J l ) S l n C . t l D

152 rain (6 in.) f rom tbe p robe ,rod at die celtlt~rlitle ,d tht. ,hlcl witll a 98 AWG Type K t t~eruiocouple havilig ,ill tilt {u~tq sbt..tlll

B-'2-2 Air Flow Cahzulations

B-2-2.1 Tile linear velocity ill the ducl is calculated :is hdh,ws:

v =k ~4--~-T

wh ere: ..::ii~;:.. ..:.:;i:::-::;:'~i::-_.

V = linear duc t velocity .~:~'/sec'1% k = cons tau t for d~e ~ o n a l p r o b e t m / s e c Pa ' '~ W '~')

zip = pressure dit~..~..f:~..ce r e " ~ e d across tbe bi<lirectit,nal " p robe (Pa) ..:.iiiiiiiil . . . . iii~. "::ii::!::::::::ii ..........

T = airflow t e ~ . . t u r e (K) "%iii!¢ v

Tile fol lowin~ is orovided for in format iona l o u r n o s e s only ,and The c o n s ~ - g is d e t e ' ~ i n e d exl~'erimentallv by calibratint~ the bas n o t been i n d e p e n d e n t l y verified, certified, or endo r s ed by b - d i r e c t ~ ~ i ~ ! ~ d a r d flow m e a s u r i n g device. NFPA or ;my o f its technical commit tees . A C u t l e r - H a m m e r ~ a s .::i::" "%i::.. ........ :::::"::":::~:" ca lo r imete r has been f o u n d suitable for m e a s u r i n ~ dais ~,-ts B-9~!~ii:..Tbe vol:~.).etric flow rate ill the exhaus t is tben calculated beatimz value. " . . . . as " ~ . . "::%-'-'-.. ,..':i::"

A ~ S A-4-4.1 The p r e h e a t i n g is for the p u r p o s e of es tabl ishing .::~.-:.:'iiiii~, = VJ~5~-~ .......... ::i .... tile condi t ions daat exist fol lowin~ successive tests and to indicate ..::.:(~'::" ~::i!i~'i "::~i~i'iii? s:"

• • ~ ..::::.:.:::', Wl ".'/~'r e: .:.-:::" con t ro of d ie hea t I n p u t into tile test c h a m b e r -s::m::.q. -: .;. -:.-'.-,

. . . . " "~"~'::-~:V~ "~i~ ''::~ ~ l e t r i c flow rate ( m S / s e c ) A-4-5 The fo l lowm~ ts o rov lded for re format iona l o u r o o s e s only..:.:.:.'.-:.-.:,, ":-..':!:!:i:i::-.,, ~ - _ . . . . . . . . - - . . - - • z~.::'~':.-, ":::':.:::::~:y. = l inear ClUCt velocity / m / s e c l , aucl

:rod has no t been i n d e p e n d e n t l y venfied, certified, or endorse~:l~y ":,':::::::::- "-:.:::':.:~-:, ~ , , ~, • " . " . . . . .:.:." '::!:i:::: ":~:~:!::...- " 0 l U C t area I m /

NFPA or anv of ~ts technica l commit tees . A sui table insul .~ .~ .~i~ :iii~i.~ ~::" c o n d u c t o r is m a n u f a c t u r e d by Lucen t Tecbno log i c s alld-:.:"i:::""'%~::. ¢:':'-:;::" B£."~ ::" Smoke Release Rate M e a s u r e m e n t des igna ted "C~3.ble 910ST." Part No. COMCODE108210568. "%::i::::i~:iii . . . . . . . . . .

=:==.:.='-"Y===="::======.-'.:===. "+::ii::i::i::ii::.. B-3.1 Smoke Release Rate Eqnipme/n.. "File smoke it'lt..tst + i~tlc e q u i p m e n t consists of a s n l o k e nle~kc, ul•enlellt SVSlellt dt ' s t ' r ib t •d I1~ Section 2.5, and tile airflow ulea-gln'enlenl syStelll dt.n, rihc, I , t Sectiorl B-2.

A 4.5 A-4-___~6 T h e fol lowing is provided for inform..~¢bnal....purposes "::ii-liii~!¢i .... only a n d has no t been independen t ly verified, . ~ f i e d ~ % r . , ::ii!: . . . . . iiii .... e n d o r s e d by NFPA or any of its technical c o r f f ~ l t ~ : ~ ..i.-:.."i?-:i!i;i;i~ .... 'i!::i::::,. "

'::-::,:.:i~i~i~iii:i " ~::i~::i ~: Wrat ten filters f rom the Kodak!~@~. b e e n " : ~ : ~ d ..::.:i i:'i ....

suitable for dtis pu rpose . The par t n u ~ b e r s ' ~ i s o m e o~ ' -~:#/ l ters are as follows: N'D0.'I-KF1702; ~4D(~,~17t0;i!'.".~..)0.5,~,F~']"8: ND1,0-KF1740. The filters can be : i~ ' { i ]~sed¢~ i~ : :~ ~o:~ess ona p l to tog rapby suppl ies vendor...:.::i:!:i~ii:i ..... "¢~ii~ '":::-"%i:.-'s~::

A-7-2 Oven c leaner fluid ~ : " b e e n " " ~ , n d st'ii~KC::'for tiffs o u r n o s e . A put ty knife ~ . ' ; ~ : a p p r ~ r i a t e i n s ~ ] n e n t has also i~een f o u n d to be suitab]'e t:oi~i~e~:..:~le"" an ing pi~"rpose.

A-7-3 A wire b rush ,and nut ty kn~:~ii.'li,av.e been f o u n d suitable for d.s purpose y# . . . .

A p p e n d i x B

B-I Air Flow, Smoke and Hea t Release Measu remen t s

B-I . I lt~ this sect ion, e q u i p m e n t , p r o c e d u r e s a n d calculat ions used for de t e rmina t i on of air flow, hea t a n d smoke release rates ,are provided.

B-2 Air Flow M e a s u r e m e n t

B-2-1 Air Flow Velocity Measur ing E q u i p m e n t

B-2-1.1 The velocity in tile exhaus t d u c t is d e t e r m i n e d by m e a s u r i n g the differential presst t re in the flow pa th wida a bi- direct ional p r o b e c o n n e c t e d to ,an e lect ronic p ressure gauge or an equiva lent m e a s u r i n g system and a d l e r m o c o u p l e .

B-2-1.2 T h e bi-directional p robe consists of a stainless steel cyl inder wida a solid d i a p h r a g m in die cen te r wlticb divides the p robe into two chambers . Tbe p r o b e is 44 ntm (1.75 in.) long with a 22 m m (0.87 in.) inside diameter . T h e pressure taps on eidler side of die d i a p h r a g m are to s u p p o r t the probe .

B-3.2 Smoke Release Rate CalculatJ,llS

B-3.2.1 The srnoke release rate is calculated ,is follows:

~ t & L )



~1.1 ) I

in )

= smoke release rate ( m 2 / s e c ) = optical densi ty (calculated as descr ibed in Sect iou g-t-

= pa th length for smoke measn ren t en t (duct diameter ,

= t e m p e r a t u r e at tile p h o t o cell (K) = t e m p e r a t u r e at tile bi-directional p r o b e (K)

= volumetr ic flow rate (m s / s e c )

B-3.2.2 Peak smoke release rate is tile m a x i m u m value of smoke release rate d u r i n g the test.

B-3.2.3 Total smoke release is calculated as follows:

N - 1

Total Smoke = Ate . , 0.5(SRR+, + SRR,) I=I


Total smoke = total smoke release ( 1/+Ill + }

At = scan t ime (set_') N = rnunbe r of data points SPt-R t = first smoke release rate wallle

= data poin t coun te r SRR, = smoke release value l r o m i = ~ ! tt> ~ = N-I


B-4 Heat Release Rate Measurement

B-4.1 Heat Release Rate Equipment

B-4.1.1 ' The heat release r'ate e ~ i p m e o t consists o f die air flow measurement system de~ribed m Section B-2, and gas analysis and sampling equipment described herein.

B-4.1.2 The gas analysis and sampling equipment consists o the following:

(a) Stainless steel gas sampling tube located in the exhaust duct to obtain a continugns!y flowing sample for determining the oxygen concentration of the exhaust gas as a function of time

(b) Partic~latefilters to remove particulate smoke (c) Ice bath, drierite and silica gel to remove moisture from the

gas sample (d) Ascarite to remove carbon-dioxide (e) Pump and flow control devices (f) Oxygen analyzer.

The filters and water trap are placed in line ahead of tile analyzer to remove particulate and water. The oxygen analyzer

• should be capable of'measuring the oxygen concentration in the range from 0 percent to 21 percent with a full scale accuracy of -1-

N F P A 2 6 2 - - F98 ROC

For example, this equation "takes the following form:


C/ = (At~. O.5(HRR,;, + H,))/180

in widch:

32785 (kJ/m s) is tile heat produced (kJ) per unit vohune {|11 ~) of methane at 25°C,

9 is the methane gas flow rate supplied to the burner (m ~ ; s ] At is the scan time in seconds = 2, HRR is the heat release rate~.~, calculated using tilt. t ' q l l ; t l l l l t l Ill

A-4-4.1 widi C,= 1 .~z~-;~:.~. = ns tile Ith dam point, . ~ : : " . N ns the number of ~ i 3 " ~ trolu till s , , 240 s. HRRI is heat releas.C~'l~ue ~ = = 1 to t = N-I, aud 180 is center 6 0 ~ t~ . time'~t~g~!uring which the hornet ts a,

rei,l~'2"4 Th c a l ~ g e ' ~ n s t a m ~gemployed' " ' to adjust the heat ' ~ testing to obtain the actual heat

rel, ~T'tm~W/IW~caiculating the rate of heat release L~ ~ne--~d i - "~ iss ~ L '

l e a s ~ Procedure

kwe~o the analyzers and pumpare turned on. All ~ d and replaced if n e c ~ r y . The ice for tile Bled. The flow meters ,are checked and adjusted if

release r a ~

0.25 percent. The signal from the oxygen analyzer is to be wiflfin r e l e a s c ~ e . . ~

10 percent of its final value within $0 seconds after introdudng a "- - - ~ ] ~ - - " " 3 . TT T Re


step change in the composition of the gas stream flowiogpast the inlet to the gas sampling tube. A typical arrangement of the heat release rate gas sampling equipment is shown in Figure B.4.1.2.

B-4.t.2.1 The following is heigg provided for informational purposes only and has not been independently verified, certified, or endorsed by NFPA or any of its tedlr~cal committees. An analyzer found acceptable for this purpose is Siemens O x y m a ~ Type Oxygen Analyzer. For information on die selectionof~l~lre analyzer and the acceptable drift and noise cha.racteristi .c.~l|||lk,. ,~ Appendix B-5. . ~ t ~ 9 " " ~ t ~ J

B-4.2.1 Analyzer Calibration. Tile O~gen a n a l y z e r ~ L ~ d a n ~ .~, spanned prior to the start of each day of testing.~l[e aRal)/zer is zeroed by introducing 100 percent nitrogen ~ e i ~ u ~ , ~ ~ - at the same pressure and flow rate as set for s J a ~ h d ~ analyzer is spanned by introducing ambien.tflduct-all~the" ~ " sample probe and adjustingthe span t o J I q ~ e r c e n ~ , The spanning and zeroing proceis is ~ t i n f l ~ until aZllJIll~nt- free accuracy is obtained. Fo l l ow ia j~o ing _j~t linearity of the analyzer response ~ ~ ~ ¢ i u c l n g botded gas of a known oxygen ~ i f t F n ~ ( f o r l I ~ p l e , 19 percent oxygen) to the a n a l ~ d e l ~ E ~ of the analyzer is checked by introducing a ~ n t d .fl~'air toS~[g~alyzer and noting the time the anallll~[~geading]~reach 9(~[gercent of the final reading. "~ ~ . . ~ "~-

!~-4.2.2 The delay time of the o . x ~ i~alyzer is determined at tile flow velodti& to be used dur / t~t . The burner is ignited, allowed to r .each steady s t y , agd;then turned off. Tile delay time of die analyzer is deteroiined as the time difference between tile time whe n steady stat e of the burnei is reached and the time when the analyzer reading readies 90~percent of the final reading. The delay time is used to time-shift all subsequent oxygen readings.

B-4.2.$ C~dib-ration Test. A five minute heat release calibration test is performed at the start of testing each day. The heat releas~e measurement instrumentation is calibrated by burning methane gas, and compacingthe total heat release measured from oxygen consumption and those calculated from the metered gas input. The methane values for heat of combustion, 50.0 MJ/kg, and the corresponding heat of combustion per kg of oxygen consumed, 12.54 MJ/kg, are used for the calculations. The calibration constant, C/, is calculated using the following equation:

The procedures specified in B-4.2 are performed.

The power to the digital acquisition equipment and the are turned on.

B-4.$.4 The test is conducted with procedure.described in CI ,mpter ft.

B-4.4 Heat Release Rate Calculations

B-4.4.1 The heat release rate is calculated using tile following equation:

M( 0 . 2 0 9 5 - Y ) HRR=E'Ct iTrJ


HRR = heat release rate of thespecimerJ =rod burner (kW) E = heat produced (kJ) per uni~ volume ( m ) of oxygen

consumed at 25 C; (E = 17.2 x 10 for cable testing; and E '= 16.4 x l0 s for ca/ibration testing widl methane gas)

C! ffi calorimeter calibration factor determined by die procedure defined in B-4.2.3 (when using this equation during calibration tests, a C! = 1 is used)

M = volumetric flow rate in tile duct (mS/sec) referred to 25°C

0.2095 = ambient mole fraction of oxygen Y =oxygen concentration (mole fraction) 1.5 = chemical expansion factor 1.105 = ratio of moles of combustion products to tile moles of

oxygen consumed

13-4.4.2 Peak Heat Release Rate.

I?~ The peak heat release rate is the maximum heat release rate for the duration of the test.

C/= Heatreleaseratebasedong~consumed = " gas flowrate x heatcontentof gas Heat release based on calorimetry average heat release rate of burner at steady state


N F P A 2 6 2 ~ F 9 8 R O C

B-4.4.3 Total Heat Released. The total heat re leased is cMculated as a t ime integral of the hea t rele,~ge rate calculated m B-4.4.1 us ing a t rapezoidal rule as follows:

Total hz, at released = At * ( O.5 * HRR, + ( ~ 0.5 * ( HRR , - HRR~ , I )


Total hea t re leased = kl

At = scan t ime (sec) N = n u m b e r of da ta points Ht~t?~t = first hea t release rate walue i = P data po in t H R R i = hea t release value f rom i= -~_l_to i= N-1

B-4.5 Heat Release Rate Post Tes t P rocedure

B-4.5.1 Inspec t the dr ier i te a n d ascarite used for the hea t release measu remen t s . Replace t h e m if tile drier i te has t u r n e d pink, or the ascari te has b e c o m e bard .

B-5.2.5 The noise is r ep re seu ted by the root- lnean-squar t ~ deviation a r o u n d tire fitted s t ra ight line. (2tieulate Ibm ro,li- n tean-square wdue and record ii in parts per million.

B-5.2.6 The analyzer is suitable lo t use ill heat m e a s u r e m e n t s if the sum of tlte drift plus the noise te rms ~s _< 50 parts pe r mill ion oxygen (note dtat bo th ternls ~hall be expressed ,as positive n n m b e r s ) .

B-5.3 Additional Precaut ions . A paraniagnet ic oxygen analyzer is directly sensitive to ba romet r i c pressure changes ai its out le t po r t a n d flow rate f luctnat ions in the sample supply s t ream. It is essential that the flow s t ream be regulated. Use ei ther a flow rate regula tor of tile medl~mical d iapl t ragm type, or an electronic mass flow rat e.:....controller. In o rde r to protect against e r ro r s due to c h a n g e$7~}.~.arometric pressure , one of the fol lowing p rocedures . . : l~u ld ~ used:

..::i::"'::i:i:!:~:i::., (a) Control tile b a c ~ r e ~ i : . . t o the analyzer witll a back

pressure regulator :~ t~i:.absolti~ii:..t...ype

(b) Measure t f i : ~ ' ~ a l p r e s s n r e " ~ { r i c a l l y at the detector e l emen t a n d provide .~ : '~ ta l c o r r e ~ l o n for the analyzer o n t p u t . . . . :-!?i~:i::.:::::-a:-:-...~...... '::~!{ii:..

B4.5.2 Inspec t fide filters after each test. Replace t h e m if they .;i~~!~:.ii:::i:::.~i!~i:-! ! .... a p p e a r to be dirty. B-6 .R,~ort, f~::~.ption~J~"l%~:}~:~:nd srnoke release rate is

m e ~ g d : .... :::'i~::.. B-4.5.3 Inspec t the water t rap ,and remove any c o n d e n s e d water. 4::':~'::'.'{~i~.:~::, '%:.. , .:.::. If ice is used in die water trap, replenish if necessary. B-6.1 l~:'~"~:onM h ~ : ' : ~ n d sn,oke release ,'a,e ,t, e u,cas,,, c,I

• • • -.::::!.'.'~..$ollow~:~honlt~" be rermrted: B--4.5.4 Blow o u t tile hOleS of the gas sampl in~ line, and the bi- :#'>""":.-~L:':"~!: "========"===':'.'=:.==:#= ' d i rect ional p r o b e ines to r emove any a c c u m u , a t e d soot ::'U r:~ 'e k H~!::" W , t i , u wh, h it , d OSlt, O " " ::'=~1:==- ~1~,'] I a = . l t . ~ x k . , t l _ d . . . . l e . . . . C__ ( M ' I ' I _ ' . e t

ep " ' n. .i::i:;::"~}~i::iiii . . . . . i."l'~iiiii~a~ ~';[ the beat release rate curve . . . . . . . . . ":":"-:;%:ii;.;:;!"(c) "~T~:.'x~'~'heat released (area t rader Ite:n rel~:Ls~ ,,u~ cu,~e,

B-5 Me thod for D e t e r m i n i n g Suitability of Oxygen An,--d~ers fg...g.-g":'.:';":'~i{{i::.. "::~!i.".:.~.~J) "'" Making Hea t Release Measurements . ..::#':::"-" ""::~}:": "~:s~itE',raph of the snmke release rate ,:,,i've

..:iii~i~!i:, .ii~:4" C~::" T o m s m o k e released (area u n d e r the s ~ oke re ease "a|t' B-5.1 General . T h e type o t oxygen analyzer best sui ted fdif"Ii~::.. .::U cff~e) {m~l analysis is of the pa ramagne t i c type. ElectroteclmicM...~alyze~}~i~::::" (f) "Peak smoke release rate ( m ~ / s ) artalyzers us ing zirconia sensors have general ly b e e n . . . ~ . , no t t~i/-~!.:.:::.. (~rl C r a n b of smoke release r'tte vs tinte have adeqna te sensitivity or suitability for this typ¢:~f'worl~] ":" The "::i~ii::iii~:-**3: . . . . . ' ' " . . . . . n o r m a l r ange for this type of i n s t r u m e n t is 0 to.~)."..yol. ~ rcen t : : . "% .... oxygen. T h e hnear i ty of rite pa ramagne t i c . 'm~i/'~.j.:.s ~.~2ali:~'~}.;;. :-::" Ap p en d ix C Refe renced Publ icat ions bet ter t i tan c;m be checked by a nser laboratory, t l~rifNng.. . :~ii~i ' : t h m r I m e a n t y ,s n o t necessary It ts ~m o~ bowev!~..~to , ti~e tr e e " " " " " " " P = . ~ . ""~t~:! . . . . ::#" (3-1 T h e fol lowing doct men , s or por t ions rent ; e ret renc d conf i rm the noise ,and shor t - te rm drif..t...!i~ t l i & ~ t r u m e B ~ : . . . ~ within tiffs s t andard for in format iona l p u rp o se s only and are thus

..::!.::'~-!L .:ii!:" .. .'-i~".":" no t cons idered har t of the r e o u i r e m e n t s of this s t andard unless B-5.2 P r o c e d u r e '"~@~i~::, .~:~i~ii!':!:{{iiii!i!!"i~:::.iiiil} ..... also listed in Cl ;apter -1-~ 11. q~be edit ion indicated he re for em;h . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~:::::: ..... ' : '~{( ."~-~:: ~ re ference is the cu r r en t edi t ion ,-as of the date of tile NFP& t~-a.z.t C o n n e c t two gas D O t t l . . ~ : ~ g c t t~ , c .n t levgm ot oxygen ;¢e,,-~n~ of th|¢ rlnr',,mont • approximately, two p ercent...~.i~'t:"*n ts ~ t . ( f6:~ii~..~. .... p ie 15 vol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . percentand ~7 yol. perc~i~..o.r n o ~ cleaner'.air and t9 vol. C-l.l NFPA Publications. National Fire Pro tec t ion Association,

e rcent / t o a s e l e c t o r v a ~ e ~ . ~ : ~ . e t~e to tu~eNnal er P ' ':":=?i:.'::-~::.::i~ . . . . . . . . -: yz . 1 B' t t terymarch Park P O Box 9101 Q)uincy, MA 02269-9101 .

B-5.2.2 C o n n e c t fide. electrical ~ r a n d let the .analyzer war.m u p NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 1996 Edition. l o t lip to Z~ n o u r s wltn one o t tale::: es t lowln t l l ron It It : : ~ ' : ~ g g " NFPA 251, S tandard Metltods of Fire Tests of Building

• -::!::" Cons t ruc t ion and Materials B-5.2.3 C o n n e c t a da ta acquisit iori"system to the o u t p u t of t he anMyzer. Qniekly switclt f rom tim first gas bott le to dae second C-1.2 Underwr i te r s Labora tor ies Publication. I h~derwriters bottle a n d immedia te ly s tar t collect ing the data, taking one da ta Labot,atories, 333 Pfingsten Rd. Nor thh rook . IL. 60o62 p o i n t pe r second. Collect dam for 20 minutes .

B-5.2.4 D e t e r m i n e the drift by us ing a least-squ:u'es ~malysis fi t t ing p r o c e d u r e to pass a s t ra ight line t ln 'ougb tile last 19 minu te s of data. Extrapola te the line back througl l the first minu te of dam. Tile di f ference between the readings at 1 m m minu te and 20 minu te s on the fit ted s t ra ight line represen t s rite shor t - t e rm drift. Record the drif t in uni ts of parts per mill ion of oxygen.

I IL 2196, S tandard for Tests ~,1" Fire Resistive ('.at,le.s