Download - [ReadyPulse Webinar] How to Grow Your Brand Leveraging Inspirational Marketing, Lessons from Fitmark Bags


How to Grow Your Brand Leveraging Inspirational Marketing,

Lessons From Fitmark Bags

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ReadyPulse Webinar

Mark Samuel

Fitmark bags

CEO & Founder@markalansamuel

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Inspired to Fill a Void in the Fitness Market

Goal: To Bring Function and Quality into the space

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Built on Authenticity, Scales on Authenticity

Be….The LifestylePersonalCoolAuthenticInspiring ReadyPulse Webinar

Anytime is Social Time,

and Social Time is a Touch

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An Authentic Strategy For Growth

Physical TouchMore expensive

Time Consuming

measure over time

Social TouchLess expensive


Scales quickly

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Key performance indicators (KPIs) used for social media marketing worldwide

*eMarketer, 2015, Key performance indicators (KPIs) used for social media marketing worldwide as of April 2014


76% Click-through rate 21% Of Organic Site Traffic

Step back, and look at your social presence physically.

Does Your brand image mirror what you set out to do?

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The 6 Month Snapshot

Take time to reevaluate your social strategy

every 6 months.

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Ask Yourself…

Is this who I want to be?

Is this what we set out to do?

Am I speaking to the right consumer market?

Do I appeal to the right consumer market?

Is the right consumer market responding?

Do I need to make adjustments?

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Get Feedback From…




Customers   ReadyPulse Webinar

You will always evolve as you learn. But you have to stay on top of

what’s happening on social to grow.

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Tools To Grow: Pulse Marketing Suite

•  Social analytics

•  Best Content Identification

•  Shoppable UGC

•  influencer identification

• Ambassador management

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Social Focus: Big Fan Growth  

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Social focus: Branding & E-Commerce Push

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How Fitmark bags plays the social field


Consistent touch and go environment

Attractive Content and

imagery strategy, on

the fly

MOSTTime Perfecting

strategy over time, get user

to e-commerce

24/7 engagement

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How to Effectively Target Your Core Consumer

Organic Engagement Pay to play

How to Effectively Target Your Core Consumer

“The Homies”

Peer to peer influence

•  Tag your buddies

•  Genuine, passionate, honest ambassadors


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How to Effectively Target Your Core Consumer

“The Hotties”

The attractive influence

•  Targeted posts & ads

•  Engaging Text, photo, and video content

•  Informational community

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How to Drive Traffic From Instagram to Site

10 Selling Elements of an Instagram1.  Product Name2.  Product Image3.  Authentic context4.  Caption & Hashtags5.  Where to shop6.  Comments7.  Profile Name8.  Account Description9.  Brand Logo/Profile Picture10.  LikeItWant.It URL

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76% Click-through rate 21% Of Organic Site Traffic

Fulfilling top social kpsi

KPI: Activity/Engagement KPI: site traffic

The AIDA Model on Instagram









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How to Drive Brand Awareness Without spending a fortune

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How to Drive Brand Awareness Without spending a fortune  

Ambassadors From Day 1

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Ambassadors: Someone that understands themselves and understands the brand•  Authentic

•  Real

•  Honest

•  Passionate

•  Respectful

•  Team player

•  communicator

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Mark’s Top 3 Tips

1.  Hard work, dedication, and a real passion for what you’re doing, gotta have it!

2.  Your product has to be the best, or you better believe it’s the best with reasons to back you up.

3.  Straight up strategy, if you have a large budget you can move quickly, if you have a small budget you need to move effectively.

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