Download - Rcrane Intro w Amtrak 60 ton Bridges 2012-02-04


C O N F I D E N T I A L |

On Track 2-Hoist Straddle Crane

Rapid Railroad


Bridge & Track

Amtrak Bridges Near Albany, NY 60 ton girders

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Amtrak Delivers Rcrane Work Train

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Amtrak Rolls by at 110 MPH

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Rcrane is # 1 in Balance Safety

Rcrane has 4 times as many points of track support Rcrane lifts loads with two hoists making it easy to rig, lift, level and position loads

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“Rcrane is Easy on Track” Rcrane Balance = #1 in SAFETY 16 Points of Track Support (4 Per Corner)

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Other Cranes* Lift from One End and need 4X more track support at One Front Corner

* Tipping Hazard!

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Dual 40 Ton Hoists LIFT Open Deck Steel Plate Girder and Track Straight - Up - Out - Level

“Rcrane is Easy on the Loads”

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Dual 40 Ton Hoists Position Load for Rmules to transfer back to Rflats

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Hoist B sets Load on Rmule B

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Rmules A and B in sync transfer load out of Rcrane onto Rflats for disposal

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Rmules Transfer new Bridge Girders over Rflats toward Rcrane Dual 40 Ton Hoists

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Rmules deliver new bridge girder to Hoists

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40 Ton Hoist A sets new bridge seat

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Dual 40 Ton Hoists Position new bridge girders with Precision and Stability

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40 Ton Dual Hoists Safely set new girder

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60 Ton Girder Easily Picked and Moved

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Dual Hoists Precisely Position the Loads

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Radio Remote Controls = Easy Operation

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Track Panels set with Surgical Precision

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Amtrak at 110 MPH over new ballast bridge

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Amtrak Selects Rcrane for 60 ton Lifts

 During the summer of 2011 Amtrak was ready to replace 4 existing open deck plate girder bridge spans with 4 ballast deck concrete encased steel girder bridge spans with units weighing up to 60 tons and selected Rcrane as the best option to safely and rapidly complete the project with Amtrak’s B&B Crews.

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Rcrane Performance  Rcrane completed span replacement services at a rate of

one bridge span per day, while it normally takes one work week per span on double track lines.

 Rcrane performed the replacements on Amtrak’s double track Hudson Line while keeping one of the two tracks in service fulltime so trains were run at full speed on schedule, while Amtrak normally needs to close 2 tracks down at certain points for a period of at least 3 hours causing them to have to perform at night in the dark, and interrupt train schedules and reduce average speeds through the work zone.

 Amtrak did not need to build a road into the bridge sites to deliver materials and equipment.

 Amtrak did not need to prepare the jobsite to support off-track cranes or man-lifts.

 Amtrak did not need to acquire special permitting from the Army Corps of Engineers because they did not disturb the waterway, nor did the need any environmental disruption permits from the DNR. Huge project planning time savings.

 We estimate Rcrane saved Amtrak at least 25% of their normal cost for such replacement work.

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Rcrane Rapid Renewal Train is deployed as 10 rail cars with Rcrane as the center component of a Portable 890 ft work platform/material staging and delivery system. Rmules transfer materials over Rflats into and out of Rcrane Work Area

Rmules traverse across Rflats to move materials, girders, track panels, etc. to and from the A and B decks of the Rcrane during the demolition and replacement processes.

The work platform is equipped with welder, torch and bottles, 110 volt electric outlets, and has all safety appliances, lifelines, platforms, walkway, and ladders to provide a safe, steady, and stable self-contained work platform.

The Rcrane C deck provides additional load capacity and supports the spare hoist, tool/spare parts container and the 80 kilowatt 480 Volt Three-Phase generator that powers Rcrane, the Rmules, welder, etc.

Rcrane Train Layout

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A1(Example Load Diagram)

 30’ Waterway Slab

 30’ Waterway Slab

 New Material Moves Into Rcrane Operating Area

 Waterproof and Track Block Pallets, Misc. Mat’s and

 New Bridge Seats

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Rcrane Travels Across the Country  After ten years of Research and Development, Testing

and Demonstrating on the Rcrane Test Track Bridge, Rcrane was ready to deploy for Service and Run across the country by rail.

 Amtrak Engineers were confident Rcrane’s superior capabilities would perform well on the Hudson Line projects for the 60 ton lifts.

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Rcrane Arrives in New York  Rcrane arrived in Amtrak’s Mechanical Yard at

Rensselaer, New York ready for Amtrak to begin loading Rflats. Rflats are 89’ flat cars modified for bridge and track panel delivery, staging and transfer into the Rcrane Work Area.

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Amtrak loads new girders onto Rflats  Amtrak loaded the new two-piece ballast deck

concrete encased steel girders, new bridge seats and new track panels onto Rflats on trackage near the Amtrak Rensselaer Passenger Station.

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 Rcrane was set back into the Mechanical Yard where Amtrak crews loaded waterproofing, vibration dampening, timber blocking, tools and misc. equipment and materials on top of new girders and track panels to speed up on-bridge material movements and reduce labor on the bridges.

4 Rflats loaded w girders and track panels

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 Rcrane Eliminates the need for onsite material staging area, site access road for girder and crane delivery and eliminates need to shut down more than one track at a time

 Rcrane combines previously separate operations of Delivery, Demolition, Installation and Disposal

Rcrane Portable Material Staging Area

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Components loaded on 14” Blocking  Bridge girders and and track panels were

loaded on 14” blocking, and secured to the Rflats with 2” steel banding. Once at the jobsite the steel banding was cut and each girder was raised 2” with bottle jacks to allow the 14” tall Rmules to position under the girders, remove the blocking, and lower onto Rmules.

 Rmules are a pair of heavy-duty low-profile electric powered transporters which transfer bridge girders and track panels over each Rflat within steel guiderails, and across the gaps between Rflats and into the Rcrane Work Area for installation.

 Rcrane is the exclusive developer of the patent pending Rmules and Rflats.

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Amtrak Work Train Delivers Rcrane  An Amtrak Work Train delivered Rcrane to

each of the Lighthouse Creek and Waterway Bridge sites, 16 miles south of the yard.

 Just behind the Amtrak Freight Engine is the Rcrane C-deck, which is an 89’ flat car that carries the 80 KW Generator to power all of Rcrane mechanical components. Also on C-deck are the 40’ Container which provides storage for tools, support equipment, spare parts and fluids, and the spare 40 ton capacity hoist C. Next in-train are three empty Rflats designated as B3, B2, and B1 which were positioned south of Rcrane and provided staging area for old steel bridge and track panels which were to be removed from each bridge, and transported back to the yard for disposal. The center component of the work train is Rcrane, shown here in the 10’ wide closed travel position. North of Rcrane are four loaded Rflats designated as A1, A2, A3, A4, and one more empty Rflat designated A5.

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Amtrak positions Rcrane over Bridge  The work train positioned Rcrane over the bridge span while compressing couplers between all the cars

and applying all hand brakes.

 Here looking south we see new material loaded Rflats A4 – A1 and Rcrane as operations to remove the existing steel span are about to begin.

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Old Steel Spans prepared for Removal  Amtrak Crews prepared each existing steel span for removal by strategically cutting track ties near the

ends of the spans, torch cutting the anchor bolts, and slightly jacking the old span free of it’s bearings with port-a-power jacks. At the same time, the crews were cutting the track ties at the locations along the spans were wire cables were wrapped around the old steel girders to hook Hoist A and Hoist B for removal of the old spans.

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Final preparations for Old Span Removal  As the Amtrak crews prepare for old span

removal, here we see Rcrane in the fully Open Operating Position with the Rcrane Operator in position with the Radio remote controls which allow for ideal safe positioning for sight and sound for the Operator.

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40 ton Hoists A & B easily lift the old Span  With great stability and precision, the dual 40

ton hoists lift the old bridge span up off of the foundations.

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Dual 40 ton Hoists move old span out  Again with precision and stability the dual

hoists move the old span out of the work area toward the Rmule docking station on B-deck, where the dual hoists will set the old span onto Rmules for transfer to Rflats.

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Dual Hoists set Old Span onto Rmules  Hoist A and B deliver the old bridge span to the

B-deck Rmule docking station where Rmules are positioned to receive the old bridge span for transfer back onto Rflat B1.

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Amtrak Passes trains at 110 MPH  As soon as Rmules transfer materials out of

the work area, Rcrane closes and is ready for Amtrak to pass a Hudson Line Train at speeds as high as 110 MPH.

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Crews prepare to set new bridge seats  After the old span is safely removed, Amtrak

Crews prepare existing foundations for new bridge seats.

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Prep work for new bridge seats complete  Crews are ready for Rcrane to Install new

bridge seats

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Hoist A prepares to set 12’ wide bridge seat  Hoist A unloads a new bridge seat from its

shipping position on the lead end of the new bridge girder and positions the new bridge seat near final position on existing foundation.

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Amtrak Supervisor directs Rcrane Operator  As hoist A positions for installation of a new bridge

seat, Amtrak’s Supervisor directs the Rcrane Operator from the Supervisor’s position on the existing back wall.

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New Bridge Girder ready for Installation  Just after transferring and unloading the new

bridge seats, a new bridge girder rests safely on Rmules in the docking station on A-deck, ready for Hoists A and B to unload off of Rmules and install.

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Hoist A and B pick new girder from Rmules  Hoist A and B lift the new concrete girder from

Rmules as the Rcrane Operator here shown with the Radio Remote Control Box moving to the ideal operating position to install the girder.

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Hoist A & B position new girder  Hoist A and B can install girders that weigh as

much as 80 tons. Amtrak utilized several girders as long as 36’ and weighing over 60 tons. Here we see hoists A and B lowering a new girder with stability and precision over the foundations.

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Rcrane Closes one Truss to pass Trains  After setting a new girder, Rcrane quickly

positions hoists and removes the truss to truss connector pins and rapidly closes in less than five minutes, in order to pass an Amtrak Train.

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Rcrane Closes to Pass Amtrak Train  Just moments after closing one or both Rcrane

Trusses, Amtrak is able to pass a train at speeds up to 110 MPH on the Hudson Line.

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Amtrak Crews prepare bridge for Track  After Rcrane installs the second concrete

encased steel girder, the Amtrak crews torch off the lifting loops, rock drill down through to the existing foundations to install the new anchor bolts, grout all the joints and bolts, and install waterproofing and vibration dampening fabric in preparation for the track panel installation.

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Simultaneous Activities Performed  While Amtrak Crews prepare bridge for track panel installation, the old steel bridge is secured to Rflat B1

for transport back to the yard for unloading and disposal, and the Rmules transfer the track panel over four Rflats A4 to A1 ready for hoists to pick, with waterproofing and vibration dampening rolls on top of the track panel to easily deliver to the Amtrak Crew, again saving time and labor.

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Rmules ready to transfer Track Panel  As the final preparations are made to the new

bridge deck, Rmules rest in position on Rflat A1 loaded with a 44’ long track panel, ready to move into the A-deck docking station to transfer to Hoist A and B.

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Hoists Pick Track Panel from Rmules  The dual Hoists pick the Track Panel from

Rmules and position the panel for installation

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Dual Hoists set Track w Speed & Precision  Amtrak Track Foreman directs Rcrane Operator with final positioning of track panel. The radio controlled

dual hoists enable surgical precision of track panel installation. Rmules sit unloaded ready to back out of A-deck docking station, then begin Rcrane Truss Closure to pass more trains.

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Rcrane Closes to Pass more Trains  Upon completion of track panel installation,

Rcrane closes one truss to pass more trains.

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The new bridge is ready for Ballast Delivery  The work train moves Rcrane off of the bridge

for the track crew to deliver ballast, and Rcrane is ready to travel and set up at the next bridge site.

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Amtrak Unloads Old Girders from Rcrane   To complete the renewal process, the Amtrak work train delivers Rcrane back to the Amtrak yard 16 miles north of the

bridge sites and unloads the old steel spans for disposal with an off track crane.

 Rcrane was then staged back in the Amtrak Mechanical yard ready for deployment to the next bridge and track project.

  For more Info contact Paul H. Markelz (630) 258-1240 [email protected] Rcrane 9419 Third Avenue Cary, IL 60013