Download - Purple cow employee benefits 2011 (conclusions)

Page 1: Purple cow employee benefits   2011 (conclusions)

7. CONCLUSIONS7. CONCLUSIONS Purple Cow is the ANSWER Purple Cow is the ANSWER

Page 2: Purple cow employee benefits   2011 (conclusions)

Compensation in the PH cannot provide financial security during emergencies, and needs a lot of back-up support;

Employee Benefits can provide that back-up support, as most ‘emergencies’ are either life, accident or health-related.

The FS Problem…and EB Solution…


EB offers the best back-up support for compensation

Purple Cow 2011


Page 3: Purple cow employee benefits   2011 (conclusions)

If Employee Benefits = financial security, more Employee Benefits =

more financial security.

If Purple Cow = more Employee Benefits, Purple Cow = more financial security.

The EB Formula…and PC Brand…


Purple Cow offers the best EB formula for growing SME

Purple Cow 2011


Page 4: Purple cow employee benefits   2011 (conclusions)

anxiety depression state of emergency debt desperation

A job without financial security:


LESS financial security = MORE worry at work

Purple Cow 2011


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security peace of mind happiness focus productivity

A job with financial security:


MORE financial security = LESS worry at work

Purple Cow 2011


Page 6: Purple cow employee benefits   2011 (conclusions)

5% of Salary (Max!):

that’s all you need for Purple Cow.

The cost of Purple Cow:

5Purple Cow 2011


Why pay MORE if you can pay LESS? (and still cover up to 99%)

Page 7: Purple cow employee benefits   2011 (conclusions)

Treat Purple Cow as:

1) a social investment in staff (CSR);

2) a recruitment & retention tool (HR);

3) a cap on your financial liability (FIN).

Our Recommendation:

6Purple Cow 2011


Purple Cow makes good business & social sense