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  • 2010 Users G


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    2009 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Sage, the Sage logos, Peachtree, the Peachtree logo, Accuracy. Control. Results., and the Sage product and service names mentioned herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc., or its af liated entities. 09-15051 M41001

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    2010 Users Guide

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  • Users GuidePeachtree 2010

  • Registration and Customer Support Information

    View Peachtree Products and Services www.peachtree.comRegister OutsiPurchase




    PortionPeachtrPeachtrassociaacknow1995-2002005 Acc2000-2001999-2002007 The2008 Bus1987-2001996 - 202001-2001991-2002004 22008 iLum1994-2002005 Inn2001-2002002-2002008 Per1994-2001995-2002006 Win2007 XcePeachtree Products: 1-800-388-4697de United States: 770-492-6333 Customer Support Plans: 1-800-336-1420

    tree Copyright and Trademark Notices

    ight Notices

    009 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

    s of the Peachtree First Accounting, Peachtree Pro Accounting, ee Complete Accounting, Peachtree Premium Accounting and ee Quantum applications, related products and services, and

    ted documentation were created by third parties and are hereby ledged as follows:8 Aatrix Software, Inc. All rights reserved. ess Softek, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 AMYUNI Consultants. All rights reserved. 6 AMYUNI Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. iness Objects SA. All rights reserved. 7 ComponentOne LLC All rights reserved. 08 DataBlox, Inc. All rights reserved. 7 devSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. 7 FarPoint Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

    009 HRinterax, Inc. All rights reserved.en, Inc. All rights reserved.

    7 Inner Media, Inc. All rights reserved. ovision Corporation. All rights reserved.8 Iron Mountain. All rights reserved.7 Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved. vasive Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. 6 Wintertree Software Inc. All rights reserved. Zip International LLC. All rights reserved.ed Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

  • Trademarks

    Sage, the Sage logo, Peachtree, Peachtree Software, the Peachtree logo, PeachtrPeachtrPeachtrWeb AcCenter, PeachSyBusinesNumbeare regisentities.Windoware regisUnited Objectsregisterecountriemarks, oUnited color brof Amerand the registeretradematrademaMedia, IQuickenthe AmyCheckerregisteretrademabe regiscountrietrademahereby aee Complete, Peachtree Direct Deposit, Peachtree First Accounting, ee Passport, Peachtree Simple Payroll, Peachtree Select Payroll, ee Premium, Peachtree Remote Access, Peachtree Today, Peachtree counting, Peachtree WebsiteTrader, Peachtree Web Transaction Peachtree WebsiteCreator, WebsiteCreator Pro, ePeachtree, nc, ACT!, Timeslips, TAL, DacEasy, FAS, MAS 90, MAS 200, Your s in Mind, Accuracy. Control. Results, Get The Insight Behind Your rs, Your business in mind., and Accounting Behind the Screens tered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Software, Inc. or its affiliated Microsoft, MS-DOS, Excel, Outlook, Windows, Windows NT, s Vista, the Windows logo, and the Microsoft Internet Explorer logo tered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the

    States and/or other countries. Business Objects and the Business logo, Business Objects and Crystal Reports are trademarks or d trademarks of Business Objects in the United States and/or other s. The First Data name, logo and related trademarks and service wned by First Data Corporation, are registered and/or used in the

    States and many foreign countries. UPS, the UPS brandmark, and the own are registered trademarks or trademarks of United Parcel Service ica, Inc. HR411 is a registered trademark of HRinterax, Inc. iLumen iLumen logo are registered trademarks of iLumen, Inc. Innovision is a d trademark of Innovision Corporation. Iron Mountain is a registered rk of Iron Mountain. America Online and AOL are registered rks of America Online, Inc. DynaZIP is a registered trademark of Inner nc. WinZip is a registered trademark of WinZip Computing, Inc. and QuickBooks are registered trademarks of Intuit, Inc. Amyuni and uni logo are trademarks of Amyuni Technologies Inc. Sentry Spelling Engine is a trademark of Wintertree Software, Inc. Pentium is a d trademark of Intel Corporation. GoToMyPC and GoToMeeting are rks of Citrix Systems, Inc. and/or one or more of its affiliates and may

    tered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in other s. Other product names mentioned may be service marks, rks, or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are cknowledged.

  • Table of Contents











    Pan 1 Installation

    r 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree .............................. 3ntents of the CD(s) ....................................................................... 4chtree Products............................................................................. 4ick Tips for Upgraders .................................................................. 5quently Asked Questions .............................................................. 5talling Peachtree on a Single/Stand-Alone Computer .................... 6talling Peachtree on a Network ..................................................... 8uick Tips for Network Install....................................................... 8

    nstalling Peachtree on a Client/Server Network........................... 10nstalling Peachtree Complete or Peachtree Premium ccounting on a Peer-to-Peer Network......................................... 15apping a Drive to the Server Computer..................................... 20

    nstalling Peachtree on a Terminal Server ..................................... 20gistering Peachtree ....................................................................... 22pdating Your Existing Peachtree Registration Information......... 24installing Peachtree ..................................................................... 25

    oubleshooting Installation............................................................ 26grading Peachtree........................................................................ 28onverting to a New Peachtree Release Format ............................ 29onverting from QuickBooks or DacEasy .................................... 30

    r 2 Overview for the Non-Accountant ........................... 31ling Goods and Services............................................................... 32reating a Sales Order .................................................................. 32illing Your Customers................................................................. 34eceiving Money .......................................................................... 36reating Deposit Slips .................................................................. 37

    rchasing Goods and Services ........................................................ 38ntering a Purchase Order............................................................ 39ntering a Bill (Purchase Invoice) ................................................. 40aking a Payment........................................................................ 42

    naging Inventory ........................................................................ 43sing Items on Sales and Purchases .............................................. 45

    ying Employees ............................................................................ 45i

    Guide HintWhen displaying this document in Adobe Reader software, click the topics below to jump to the corresponding page.

  • ii

    Users Guide

    Using Reports to Make Decisions ....................................................46










    CSACFSn 2 Setup

    r 3 Creating a Company .................................................53hat Are My Company Setup Options?..........................................54ccounting Methods.....................................................................54osting Methods ...........................................................................56ates and Accounting Periods ......................................................57ccount Aging ..............................................................................57

    ing the Create a New Company Wizard.......................................58oving Around in Create a New Company..................................59

    etting Up Your Company............................................................60ompany Information Window....................................................61elect a Method to Create your Company.....................................62ccounting Method Window .......................................................65osting Method Window..............................................................66ccounting Periods Windows .......................................................66inish Window .............................................................................68mpleting the Setup Process ..........................................................68up Guide .....................................................................................69r 4 Setting Up Your General Ledger ...............................71ecting Account Types ..................................................................74quired Accounts in Peachtree .......................................................75mbering Accounts .......................................................................76tering or Modifying Accounts ......................................................76ntering Beginning Balances or Prior-Period Adjustments............78intain Budgets.............................................................................80uilding a Budget .........................................................................81

    tering General Ledger Defaults ....................................................81ccount Segments (Peachtree Premium Accounting) ....................82r 5 Setting Up Customers ..............................................85ustomer Default Information .......................................................86tandard Payment Terms..............................................................87ccount Aging ..............................................................................88ustom Fields ...............................................................................88inance Charges............................................................................89tatement and Invoice Defaults.....................................................90

  • Table of Contents

    Setting Up Sales Taxes .................................................................. 92Customer Maintenance.................................................................... 96








    eader Fields................................................................................ 97eneral Tab.................................................................................. 97ontacts Tab ................................................................................ 98ddresses Tab ............................................................................... 98istory Tab .................................................................................. 99

    ales Info Tab............................................................................... 99ayment and Credit Tab............................................................... 99ntering Customer Beginning Balances ...................................... 100r 6 Setting Up Vendors ................................................ 103ndor Default Information.......................................................... 104tandard Payment Terms............................................................ 105ccount Aging ............................................................................ 106ustom Fields............................................................................. 108099 Settings .............................................................................. 109ndor Maintenance ..................................................................... 111eader Fields.............................................................................. 113eneral Tab................................................................................ 113ddresses Tab ............................................................................. 113istory Tab ................................................................................ 114

    urchase Info Tab....................................................................... 114nsurance Tab (Construction only) ............................................. 115tering Vendor Beginning Balances............................................. 115r 7 Setting Up Inventory ............................................. 119entory Default Information ...................................................... 121eneral ....................................................................................... 121rdering..................................................................................... 122L Accts/Costing ....................................................................... 122axes/Shipping ........................................................................... 123ustom Fields............................................................................. 124

    tem Prices.................................................................................. 124m Maintenance.......................................................................... 127

    eader Fields.............................................................................. 128eneral ....................................................................................... 129ustom Fields............................................................................. 129istory ....................................................................................... 129ill of Materials .......................................................................... 130

  • iv

    Users Guide

    Item Attributes............................................................................131Serial Numbers ...........................................................................131

    Inventory Beginning Balances ........................................................133Set Up and Maintain Price Levels ..................................................134

    Change Prices for Individual Items .............................................134Change Prices for Multiple Items................................................134

    Set Up Quantity Discounts (Manufacturing and Distribution only) ..............................................................................................136Buying and Selling inventory in Bulk or Multi-Packs.....................138

    Enabling Multi-Packs in Inventory Item Defaults .......................138Setting Up Units/Measures for Bulk or Multi-Pack Quantities ...139Setting Up Inventory Items to Use Multi-Packs ..........................139Selecting the Appropriate U/M in Task Windows.......................140

    Chapter 8 Setting Up Payroll ..................................................143What Are My Payroll Options? ......................................................144Overview: Setting Up Your Payroll ................................................147

    How Payroll Amounts Get Calculated ........................................147Payroll Setup Wizard .....................................................................149

    Company Information ................................................................150Benefits .......................................................................................151Setting Up Taxes.........................................................................156Setup Complete ..........................................................................158What Specific Payroll Fields Are Set Up Initially? .......................159How Default Information is Used...............................................160

    Setting Up Employee Defaults .......................................................161How Employee Information is Used ...........................................168

    Maintain Employees ......................................................................169Employee Beginning Balances .....................................................173Track Employee Raise History (Peachtree Premium) ..................176Track Performance Reviews (Peachtree Complete and above) .....177

    Chapter 9 Setting Up Jobs ......................................................179Overview........................................................................................180

    The Elements of Job Costing ......................................................180How Can You Use Job Costing? .................................................184

    Setting Up Job Defaults .................................................................185Custom Fields .............................................................................185Billing and Retainage (Construction only) ..................................186Labor Burden (Construction only)..............................................187

  • vTable of Contents

    Setting Up Jobs.............................................................................. 188General Tab................................................................................ 189Estimated Expenses & Revenue Tab ........................................... 189Notes Tab................................................................................... 190

    Setting Up Phases and Cost Codes................................................. 190Job Beginning Balances.................................................................. 191Applying Costs and Revenues to Jobs ............................................ 192Setting Up and Applying Labor Burden (Construction only)......... 193 Setting Up and Processing Retainage (Construction only) ............ 194

    Setting Up Peachtree to Handle Retainage.................................. 194Processing Retainage for Customers............................................ 195Processing Retainage for Vendors. .............................................. 195Releasing Retainage for Customers. ............................................ 195Releasing Retainage for Vendors ................................................. 196

    Section 3 Basic Tasks

    Chapter 10 Customer Transactions ........................................ 199Overview of Customer Transactions .............................................. 201Entering Quotes ............................................................................ 202Entering Sales Orders .................................................................... 203Entering Proposals ......................................................................... 206Entering Sales Invoices................................................................... 207

    Printing Sales Invoices ................................................................ 209Broadcasting Sales Invoices ......................................................... 210Voiding Sales Invoices ................................................................ 214

    Entering Receipts (Customer Payments) ........................................ 215Applying Receipts to Sales Invoices............................................. 215Entering Cash Sales .................................................................... 216Entering Credit Card Sales ......................................................... 218

    Select for Deposit........................................................................... 221Entering Customer Credit Memos................................................. 222Select for Progress Billing (Construction only)............................... 224

    Chapter 11 Vendor Transactions ............................................ 229Overview of Vendor Tasks............................................................. 230Entering Purchase Orders .............................................................. 231Receiving Inventory/Entering Vendor Invoices (Entering Bills) ..... 233Paying Vendor Bills ....................................................................... 237

  • vi

    Users Guide

    Printing Vendor Checks..............................................................244Voiding Vendor Checks..............................................................245

    Making and Transmitting Electronic Payments .............................247Entering Vendor Credit Memos.....................................................249

    Chapter 12 Inventory Transactions .........................................253Using Inventory Items in Purchase and Sale Transactions ..............254

    Adding Inventory Items on the Fly .............................................255Inventory Adjustments ...................................................................256Build/Unbuild Assemblies..............................................................257Changing Your Bill of Materials (Construction only).....................258Entering Work Tickets (Manufacturing and Distribution only).....260

    Chapter 13 Payroll Transactions .............................................263Overview of Payroll Transactions ...................................................264

    Paying an Employee....................................................................264Select for Payroll Entry ...............................................................267Printing Payroll Checks...............................................................270

    Voiding Payroll Checks..................................................................271Closing the Payroll Year .................................................................272

    Chapter 14 General Journal and Banking Tasks ......................275General Journal Entries ..................................................................276

    Memorized General Journal Entries ............................................277Using the Account Register ............................................................278

    Editing Transactions on the Account Register.............................278Security for the Account Register ................................................279

    Post/Unpost (Batch Mode Only) ...................................................280Changing Accounting Periods........................................................280Account Reconciliation ..................................................................282

    Online Banking ..........................................................................284Allocations (Non-Profit only).........................................................288

    General Journal Entry .................................................................288Allocating Net Assets...................................................................289Memorized Transactions.............................................................290

    Inter-Fund Transfers (Non-Profit only) .........................................291Chapter 15 Other Tasks and Transactions ..............................293

    User Security..................................................................................297Setting Selected Access for a User................................................299Licensing Peachtree Users ...........................................................300

    Maintain Global Options...............................................................302

  • vii

    Table of Contents

    Accounting Tab Options ............................................................ 302General Tab Options .................................................................. 304Peachtree Partners Tab Options.................................................. 307Spelling Tab Options.................................................................. 307

    Time and Billing............................................................................ 309Creating Time and Expense Items .............................................. 310Entering Time and Expense Tickets............................................ 310Billing Time and Expense Tickets............................................... 310

    Backing Up Your Data .................................................................. 311Restoring Your Data ...................................................................... 313Year-End Wizard ........................................................................... 315Purge Wizard................................................................................. 316

    Chapter 16 Reports ................................................................. 317Accessing Reports .......................................................................... 318

    Modifying Reports...................................................................... 319Saving Changes to a Report ........................................................ 322Copying a Peachtree Report to Excel .......................................... 322

    Report Groups............................................................................... 325Financial Statements ...................................................................... 326Forms ............................................................................................ 328

    Accessing Forms ......................................................................... 328Printing a Form .......................................................................... 329Batch Printing Forms.................................................................. 330Print-n-Sign Tax Forms.............................................................. 331

    Business Analysis............................................................................ 334Cash Flow Manager .................................................................... 334Collection Manager .................................................................... 335Payment Manager....................................................................... 336Financial Manager ...................................................................... 336

    General Index

  • viii

  • 1 Installation

  • Installing or Upgrading Pea














    Up1chtreentents of the CD(s) 4

    ick Tips for Upgraders 5

    talling Peachtree on a Single/

    and-Alone Computer 8

    talling Peachtree on a Network 8

    talling Peachtree Complete or Peachtree Premium on a Client/Server Network 10

    talling Peachtree Complete or Peachtree Premium on a Peer-to-Peer Network 15

    pping a Drive to the Server Computer 20

    talling Peachtree on a Terminal Server 20

    gistering Peachtree 22

    dating Your Existing Peachtree Registration Information 24

    installing Peachtree 25

    oubleshooting Installation 26

    grading Peachtree 28

  • 4 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree

    ConteIf you ppackageor Peachcontent

    PeachPeachtraccounting, Preall of ththe booversionsfeatures



    Mannts of the CD(s)urchased Peachtree Complete or higher, you received an installation that contains two CDs; if you purchased Peachtree First Accounting tree Pro Accounting, you received a package with a single CD. The

    s of each CD are as follows:

    tree Productsee comes in several different versions, depending on the level of ing power you might need--First Accounting, Complete Account-mium for Construction, and so on. This book tells you how to use e features for all of these products and most of them are marked in k for you. Below is information on the features specific to the various that Peachtree Premium comes in, with page references for these .

    Program Installation Maintenance (remove or repair Peachtree)

    Crystal Reports 2008 (Peachtree Premium and higher)

    ufacturing and Distribution Quantity Discounts (page 136)

    Multi-Packs (page 138) Work Tickets (page 260)

  • Quick Tips for Upgraders

    QuickIf you ayou theinstallinrelease o

    If yopanythe o

    If yowill Nfirst to re


    FrequQ: Canconnect

    Construction Insurance for Vendors (page 115)


    Tips for Upgradersre upgrading from an earlier release of Peachtree, Peachtree will give option of 1) installing the new release over the old release, or 2) g to a new location on the computer so that you will keep your old f Peachtree. Note the following information:

    u choose to keep the older release but convert your Peachtree com- data to Release 2010, you will NOT be able to access that data with ld release.

    u choose to install over the old release, your Peachtree company data OT be overwritten. Rather, when you open the company for the

    time, you will initiate the Conversion wizard to update the data files lease 2010.

    tree Release 2010 uses Pervasive 10.12. You should experience no lems from the conversion to Release 2010.

    ently Asked Questions I place my company data on an external drive [external storage] ed to the server as another part of the system?

    Billing and Retainage (page 186 and page 194)

    Labor Burden (page 187 and page 193)

    Progress Billing (page 224) Revisions (page 258)

    -Profit Allocations (page 288) Inter-Fund Transfers

    (page 291)

  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    No. If the external drive is set up as a mapped location to the server (even though it is physically attached to the server), you will not be able to install Peachtr

    Q: Canthen co

    This is iwhen itare not

    InstalputerThis secand thaPeachtrany of t

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    I just install Peachtree on the server following the defaults and py the files to the location I want and edit the .INI file?

    nadvisable since Peachtree sets registry entries on the local computer installs. Peachtree will not function properly if these registry entries set.

    ling Peachtree on a Single/Stand-Alone Com-

    tion is for users who are installing Peachtree on only one computer t computer will hold both the Peachtree program files and the ee company data files. For help as you go, click the Help button on he windows you see during installation.

    Be sure to follow directions for any notifications regarding your firewall or anti-virus programs. Certain Peachtree files may trig-ger these softwares but you must allow those program files to run.

    t the Peachtree compact disc in your CD ROM drive. The Peachtree run window automatically appears.

    he Autorun window does not automatically appear, do the follow-: From the Windows Start menu, select Run. Type "D:SETUP" and k OK. (Substitute the appropriate drive letter for your CD-ROM ve.)

    the Peachtree Accounting install option.

    the information and instructions on the window, and then select .

    the License Agreement and, if you accept the terms, select the e option. Select Next.

    you select Disagree, you will exit the setup program when you click xt.)

  • Installing Peachtree on a Single/Stand-Alone Computer

    5 At this time, you may receive a warning that the Microsoft Windows firewall has been detected. If so, we recommend that you select Yes. This will help to ensure that Peachtree installs and runs correctly on your comp

    6 Nextwill rthis sstep-wwwyou h

    7 If yoreceithis wPeacyou h

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    14 Finadata



    , if you have any firewall software installed on your computer, you eceive a notice that it is running. Please read the information on creen carefully and follow any directions. If you need detailed, by-step help for modifying your firewall setup, see Click OK when ave finished with any modifications to your firewall.

    u have any anti-virus software running on your computer, you will ve a message informing you of the name of that software. Read arning carefully and follow any directions. This will ensure that

    htree installs and runs correctly on your computer. Click OK when ave completed the instructions.

    r the serial number found on your CD sleeve and click Next.

    , the Standalone or Network window appears. Select Yes. This will re that you install correctly for single user setup. Click Next.

    ct Yes to the question "Will you store Peachtree company data on omputer?" Click Next.

    Set Peachtree Program Files Location window appears, asking you ecify where you want to put the Peachtree program files. Enter the opriate path here or leave it set to the default. Click Next to con-.

    , you can accept the default location for your Peachtree company files or you can click Browse and select a different location. Click to continue.

    Note: If your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements, you will receive a notification of this at this point.

    u are installing Peachtree Premium - Accountants Edition, the ponents window appears. It lets you select certain Peachtree com-nts for installation. Follow the onscreen instructions, then select to continue.

    lly, you can review the locations of your program and company files. Click Install to install Peachtree.

  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    During the install process, you will see a list of programs and files that you must allow to run for Peachtree to run properly. If you receive any warnings from your firewall software, be sure to

    15 Wheappe




    16 Cheto co

    If you hable on getting Help mReports

    InstalUse thiscomput


    Quick Use the



    Noteselect Allow or Unblock for these programs.

    n the installation is complete, the Installation Completed window ars. It gives you three options:

    tart Peachtree: Check this box if you want Peachtree to start as soon s you click the Finish button.

    iew Network Setup Tips: You can uncheck this for single-user stallation.

    iew the Release Notes: Check this box if you want to see notes bout new features in Peachtree. The notes will appear as soon as you lick the Finish button.

    ck or uncheck these boxes as desired; then select the Finish button mplete installation.

    ave Peachtree Premium Accounting, Crystal Reports 2008 is avail-your Peachtree installation compact disc 2. For information about started using Crystal Reports with Peachtree, from the Peachtree enu, select User Manuals and then Getting Started with Crystal Guide. The document will open in the Adobe Reader software.

    ling Peachtree on a Network section if you are installing Peachtree on a network, using multiple ers.

    If, after installation, you have trouble accessing Peachtree on a network, you probably need to add our database engine to pro-grams allowed by your firewall. Consult your firewall software documentation for instructions. See the document at http:// for more informa-

    Tips for Network Install following tips to help you install Peachtree on a network:

    ys install Peachtree FIRST on the computer that will store your htree company data files; that is, those files that record your Peacht-

  • Installing Peachtree on a Network

    ree transactions and records. You MUST install the entire Peachtree pro-gram on the server.


    Yourcustotion shoucomp

    Becanot mPeach

    PeachtrBefore ynetwork

    Peer-act adriveThisor a inforfor thdata istrat


    Clientral uThe 9

    ll Peachtree on each workstation. Each computer that will have tree operating on it must have Peachtree installed on it.

    Peachtree company data files (your transactions and records, such as mers and vendors in Peachtree) should be stored in a SINGLE loca-on the "server" computer. All other computers operating Peachtree ld be mapped to this computer and access this ONE set of Peachtree any data files.

    use Peachtree First Accounting and Peachtree Pro Accounting are ultiuser-compatible, these instructions are intended solely for tree Complete, Premium, and Quantum users.

    ee will run on two types of networks: peer-to-peer and client/server. ou install Peachtree on your network, you must know what type of software is installed.

    to-Peer: This is a network that allows each connected computer to s a server and/or a workstation. Each computer can share its hard , printers, or other devices with all other computers in the network. makes each computer on the network equal to the other computers, peer. However, when you are sharing data (such as accounting mation), you want to designate one computer as the primary server e data. In other words, you dont want your Peachtree company

    on everyones computer, only the primary server (such as the admin-ors computer).

    ples of peer-to-peer networks Peachtree is compatible with include osoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows Vista networks.

    t/Server: This is a network with a traditional server acting as a cen-nit (the primary server) with several workstations connecting to it. server is where you store the company data that will be shared by the

  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    workstations. Examples of client/server networks compatible with Peachtree include Windows 2003 Server and Windows 2008 Server.

    InstallUse the

    Moraccesing Peachtree on a Client/Server Networkse instructions if

    e than one computer will be networked so that multiple users may s your company data at once.

  • Installing Peachtree on a Network

    The computer that you put your company on will NOT be used to access the data.


    must ch

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    Begin on the SERVER first. This is the computer that will store the Peachtree company data files. Be sure to follow directions for any notifications regarding your firewall or anti-virus programs. Cer-tain Peachtree files may trigger these notifications. If so, you

    oose to allow these Peachtree files to run.

    t the Peachtree compact disc in your CD ROM drive. The Peachtree run window automatically appears.

    he Autorun window does not automatically appear, do the follow-: From the Windows Start menu, select Run. Type "D:SETUP" and k OK. (Substitute the appropriate drive letter for your CD-ROM ve.)

    the Peachtree Accounting install option.

    the information and instructions on the window, and then select .

    the License Agreement and, if you accept the terms, select the e option. Select Next.

    you select Disagree, you will exit the setup program when you click xt.)

    is time, you may receive a warning that the Microsoft Windows all has been detected. If so, we recommend that you select Yes.

    will help to ensure that Peachtree installs and runs correctly on your uter.

    , if you have any firewall software installed on your computer, you eceive a notice that it is running. Please read the information on creen carefully and follow any directions. If you need detailed, by-step help for modifying your firewall setup, see Click OK when ave finished with any modifications to your firewall.

    u have any anti-virus software running on your computer, you will ve a message informing you of the name of that software. Read arning carefully and follow any directions. This will ensure that

  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    Peachtree installs and runs correctly on your computer. Click OK when you have turned off your antivirus software.

    8 Ente

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    11 Selecompree c

    12 NowdataNext

    13 If yonentfor incont

    14 Nowpany


    16 Clickfolde

    17 Righ

    18 Spec


    Warningr the serial number found on your CD sleeve and click Next.

    , the Standalone or Network window appears. Select No. This will re that you install correctly for multi-user setup. Click Next.

    ct Yes to the question "Will you store Peachtree company data on omputer?" Click Next.

    ct No to the question "After installation, will anyone work at this uter?" This ensures that only files necessary to access the Peacht-

    ompany files are stored on this computer.

    , you can accept the default location for your Peachtree company files or you can click Browse and select a different location. Click to continue.

    Note: If your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements, you will receive a notification of this at this point.

    u are installing an Accountants Edition of Peachtree, the Compo-s window appears. It lets you select certain Peachtree components stallation. Follow the onscreen instructions, then select Next to


    , you can review the locations of your database engine and com- data files. Click Install to install Peachtree.

    During the install process, you will see a list of programs and files that you must allow to run for Peachtree to run properly. If you receive any warnings from your firewall software, be sure to select Allow or Unblock for these programs.

    t, Peachtree will display the Sharing Peachtree Company Data win- You will need to share the folder where the Peachtree company is stored on this computer.

    Share the Folder to open Window Explorer with the Peachtree r highlighted.

    t-click the folder and select Properties. Click the Sharing tab.

    ify that you will Share this folder.

  • Installing Peachtree on a Network

    19 Click OK on the Sharing window.

    20 On the Sharing Peachtree Company Data window, note the shared foldeshee

    21 Wheappe

    Startyou c


    Viewnew Finis

    22 Cheto co

    WorkstFollow know ththe "ser

    1 InserAuto

    2 Click

    3 ReadNext

    4 ReadAgre

    5 At thfirewThis comp


    r name and click Network setup tips to view and print the tip t. You will need this to set up your workstations. Click Next.

    n the installation is complete, the Installation Completed window ars. It gives you three options:

    Peachtree: Check this box if you want Peachtree to start as soon as lick the Finish button.

    Network Setup Tips: We highly recommend viewing and printing tips so that you will be able to install Peachtree on your other com-rs more easily.

    the Release Notes: Check this box if you want to see notes about features in Peachtree. The notes will appear as soon as you click the h button.

    ck or uncheck these boxes as desired; then select the Finish button mplete installation.

    ation Installationthese steps to install Peachtree on each workstation. Make sure you e drive and directory of the Peachtree company data files located on

    ver" computer before you begin installation.

    Be sure to follow directions for any notifications regarding your firewall or anti-virus programs. Certain Peachtree files may trig-ger these softwares but you must allow them to run.

    t the Peachtree compact disc in your CD ROM drive. The Peachtree run window automatically appears.

    the Peachtree Accounting install option.

    the information and instructions on the window, and then select .

    the License Agreement and, if you accept the terms, select the e option. Select Next.

    is time, you may receive a warning that the Microsoft Windows all has been detected. If so, we recommend that you select Yes.

    will help to ensure that Peachtree installs and runs correctly on your uter.

  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    6 Next, if you have any firewall software installed on your computer, you will receive a notice that it is running. Please read the information on this screen carefully and follow any directions. If you need detailed, step-wwwyou h

    7 If yoreceithis wPeacyou h

    8 Ente

    9 NextensuClick

    10 Selethis c

    11 On t

    12 Theto spappring, cally.

    13 Clicknetwcorrefolde

    14 If yonentfor incont

    15 Nowfiles.

    Noteby-step help for modifying your firewall setup, see Click OK when ave finished with any modifications to your firewall.

    u have any anti-virus software running on your computer, you will ve a message informing you of the name of that software. Read

    arning carefully and follow any directions. This will ensure that htree installs and runs correctly on your computer. Click OK when ave turned off your antivirus software.

    r the serial number found on your CD sleeve and click Next.

    , the Standalone or Network window appears. Select No. This will re Peachtree knows you are installing in a network environment. Next.

    ct No to the question "Will you store Peachtree company data on omputer?" Click Next.

    he Server Installation Confirmation window, click Yes.

    Set Peachtree Program Files Location window appears, asking you ecify where you want to put the Peachtree program file. Enter the opriate path here or leave it set to the default. If you are upgrad-the path of the current installation should appear here automati- Click Next to continue.

    the drop-down arrow to display a list of shared folders on your ork. If you shared the Peachtree folder on your 'server' computer ctly (as in the instructions above), you will see the appropriate r here. Click on it to select it. Click Next to continue.

    Note: If, for some reason, it is not in this list, you can click Find a computer and search for it manually. For instructions on map-ping a computer, see Mapping a Drive to the Server Computer on page 20.

    u are installing an Accountants Edition of Peachtree, the Compo-s window appears. It lets you select certain Peachtree components stallation. Follow the onscreen instructions, then select Next to


    , you can review the locations of your program and company data Click Install to install Peachtree.

  • Installing Peachtree on a Network

    During the install process, you will see a list of programs and files that you must allow to run for Peachtree to run properly. If you receive any warnings from your firewall software, be sure to

    16 Wheappe

    Startyou c


    Viewnew Finis

    17 Checcomp

    When i

    InstallAccounUse the


    The to ac

    Installiwill be




    select Allow or Unblock for these programs.

    n the installation is complete, the Installation Completed window ars. It gives you three options:

    Peachtree: Check this box if you want Peachtree to start as soon as lick the Finish button.

    Network Setup Tips: You can uncheck this for single-user installa-

    the Release Notes: Check this box if you want to see notes about features in Peachtree. The notes will appear as soon as you click the h button.

    k or uncheck these boxes as desired; then click the Finish button to lete the installation.

    nstallation is complete, see Registering Peachtree on page 22.

    ing Peachtree Complete or Peachtree Premium ting on a Peer-to-Peer Network

    se instructions if

    than one computer will be networked so that multiple users may s your Peachtree company data at once.

    computer that you put your Peachtree company data on will be used cess the data.

    Important Note: You must first install the Peachtree program files on the computer where the Peachtree company data files will be stored. Then, install Peachtree on each workstation.

    ng on the computer where the Peachtree company data files stored

    Be sure to follow directions for any notifications regarding your firewall or anti-virus programs. Certain Peachtree files may trig-ger these softwares but you must allow them to run.

  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    1 Insert the Peachtree compact disc in your CD ROM drive. The Peachtree Autorun window automatically appears.

    2 Click

    3 ReadNext

    4 ReadAgre

    5 At thfirewThis comp

    6 Nextwill rthis sstep-wwwyou h

    7 If yoreceithis wPeacyou h

    8 Ente

    9 Nextensu

    10 Selethis c

    11 Selecompinsta

    12 Theto spapprtinue

    13 NowdataNext the Peachtree Accounting install option.

    the information and instructions on the window, and then select .

    the License Agreement and, if you accept the terms, select the e option. Select Next.

    is time, you may receive a warning that the Microsoft Windows all has been detected. If so, we recommend that you select Yes.

    will help to ensure that Peachtree installs and runs correctly on your uter.

    , if you have any firewall software installed on your computer, you eceive a notice that it is running. Please read the information on creen carefully and follow any directions. If you need detailed, by-step help for modifying your firewall setup, see Click OK when ave finished with any modifications to your firewall.

    u have any anti-virus software running on your computer, you will ve a message informing you of the name of that software. Read

    arning carefully and follow any directions. This will ensure that htree installs and runs correctly on your computer. Click OK when ave turned off your antivirus software.

    r the serial number found on your CD sleeve and click Next.

    , the Standalone or Network window appears. Select No. This will re that you install correctly for multi-user setup. Click Next.

    ct Yes to the question "Will you store Peachtree company data on omputer?" Click Next.

    ct Yes to the question "After installation, will anyone work at this uter?" This ensures that the complete Peachtree program will be

    lled on this computer, enabling you to operate Peachtree here.

    Set Peachtree Program Files Location window appears, asking you ecify where you want to put the Peachtree program file. Enter the opriate path here or leave it set to the default. Click Next to con-.

    , you can accept the default location for your Peachtree company files or you can click Browse and select a different location. Click to continue.

  • Installing Peachtree on a Network

    Note: If your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements, you will receive a notification of this at this point.

    14 If yonentfor incont

    15 Nowfiles.


    17 Clickfolde

    18 Righ

    19 Click

    20 Noteand Click

    21 Wheappe

    Startyou c


    Viewnew Finis



    u are installing an Accountants Edition of Peachtree, the Compo-s window appears. It lets you select certain Peachtree components stallation. Follow the onscreen instructions, then select Next to


    , you can review the locations of your program and company data Click Install to install Peachtree.

    During the install process, you will see a list of programs and files that you must allow to run for Peachtree to run properly. If you receive any warnings from your firewall software, be sure to select Allow or Unblock for these programs.

    t, Peachtree will display the Sharing Peachtree Company Data win- You will need to share the folder where the Peachtree company is stored on this computer.

    Share the Folder to open Windows Explorer with the Peachtree r highlighted.

    t-click the Peachtree folder and select Properties.

    OK on the sharing window.

    the shared folder name and click Network setup tips to view print the tip sheet. You will need this to set up your workstations. Next.

    n the installation is complete, the Installation Completed window ars. It gives you three options:

    Peachtree: Check this box if you want Peachtree to start as soon as lick the Finish button.

    Network Setup Tips: We highly recommend viewing and printing tips so that you will be able to install Peachtree on your other com-rs more easily.

    the Release Notes: Check this box if you want to see notes about features in Peachtree. The notes will appear as soon as you click the h button.

  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    22 Check or uncheck these boxes as desired; then select the Finish button to complete installation.

    InstalliFollow know ththe "ser

    1 InserAuto

    2 Click

    3 ReadNext

    4 ReadAgre

    5 At thfirewThis comp

    6 Nextwill rthis sstep-wwwyou h

    7 If yoreceithis wPeacyou h

    8 Ente

    9 NextensuClick

    Noteng on a Workstationthese steps to install Peachtree on each workstation. Make sure you e drive and directory of the Peachtree company data files located on

    ver" computer before you begin installation.

    Be sure to follow directions for any notifications regarding your firewall or anti-virus programs. Certain Peachtree files may trig-ger these softwares but you must allow them to run.

    t the Peachtree compact disc in your CD ROM drive. The Peachtree run window automatically appears.

    the Peachtree Accounting install option.

    the information and instructions on the window, and then select .

    the License Agreement and, if you accept the terms, select the e option. Select Next.

    is time, you may receive a warning that the Microsoft Windows all has been detected. If so, we recommend that you select Yes.

    will help to ensure that Peachtree installs and runs correctly on your uter.

    , if you have any firewall software installed on your computer, you eceive a notice that it is running. Please read the information on creen carefully and follow any directions. If you need detailed, by-step help for modifying your firewall setup, see Click OK when ave finished with any modifications to your firewall.

    u have any anti-virus software running on your computer, you will ve a message informing you of the name of that software. Read

    arning carefully and follow any directions. This will ensure that htree installs and runs correctly on your computer. Click OK when ave turned off your antivirus software.

    r the serial number found on your CD sleeve and click Next.

    , the Standalone or Network window appears. Select No. This will re Peachtree knows you are installing in a network environment. Next.

  • Installing Peachtree on a Network

    10 Select No to the question "Will you store Peachtree company data on this computer?" Click Next.

    11 On t

    12 The to spappring, cally.

    13 Clicknetwcorrefolde

    14 If yowindinstatinue

    15 Nowfiles.

    16 Wheappe

    Startyou c


    Viewnew Finis



    he Server Installation Confirmation window, click Yes.

    Set Peachtree Program Files Location window appears, asking you ecify where you want to put the Peachtree program file. Enter the opriate path here or leave it set to the default. If you are upgrad-the path of the current installation should appear here automati- Click Next to continue.

    the drop-down arrow to display a list of shared folders on your ork. If you shared the Peachtree folder on your 'server' computer ctly (as in the instructions above), you will see the appropriate r here. Click on it to select it. Click Next to continue.

    If, for some reason, it is not in this list, you can click Find a com-puter and search for it manually. For instructions on mapping a drive, see Mapping a Drive to the Server Computer on page 20.

    u are installing Peachtree - Accountants Edition, the Components ow appears. It lets you select certain Peachtree components for llation. Follow the onscreen instructions, then select Next to con-.

    , you can review the locations of your program and company data Click Install to install Peachtree.

    During the install process, you will see a list of programs and files that you must allow to run for Peachtree to run properly. If you receive any warnings from your firewall software, be sure to select Allow or Unblock for these programs.

    n the installation is complete, the Installation Completed window ars. It gives you three options:

    Peachtree: Check this box if you want Peachtree to start as soon as lick the Finish button.

    Network Setup Tips: You can uncheck this for single-user installa-

    the Release Notes: Check this box if you want to see notes about features in Peachtree. The notes will appear as soon as you click the h button.

  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    17 Check or uncheck these boxes as desired; then select the Finish button to complete installation.

    18 Rep

    MappiIf you cfiles, it icomputsteps fo

    1 To mclick work

    2 Selecinsta

    3 Makwill lcomp

    4 Click

    InstallInstallinso that network

    Using t1 Log i

    2 From

    3 Selec

    4 Selec

    5 Selec

    6 Selec

    7 Clickinsta

    8 The shoueat these instructions for each workstation.

    ng a Drive to the Server Computerannot find the correct shared folder for your Peachtree company data s most likely because your workstation is not mapped to the server er that stores the Peachtree company data files. Below are general r mapping a drive.

    ap the drive where the Peachtree company data files are stored, Find a Computer. This will open the Microsoft Windows Map Net- Drive window.

    t the drive and folder on the server that you shared when you lled Peachtree's company data files on it.

    e sure that Reconnect at logon is checked! If it is unchecked, you ose your connection to the data files whenever you reboot this uter.


    ing Peachtree on a Terminal Serverg Peachtree on a terminal server will allow you to network Peachtree

    resources can be saved on each local computer that is attached to the . You can install Peachtree on a terminal server in one of two ways:

    he Add or Remove Programs Featurento the server using an administrator account.

    the Desktop, select Start.

    t Settings.

    t Control Panel.

    t Add/Remove Programs.

    t Add New Programs from the sidebar.

    the CD or Floppy button. At the prompt, insert the Peachtree llation CD into the CD-ROM drive of the Server.

    server should find the CD disk in the drive, and the Install wizard ld begin.

  • Installing Peachtree on a Network

    9 Follow the steps of the Peachtree Installation on page 6. If the Install wizard does not begin automatically, browse to the CD-ROM drive, and select Setup.exe or Autorun.exe from the root of the CD.

    10 At th

    InstalliYou miPeachtr

    1 Log i

    2 Selec

    3 Selec

    4 Type

    5 Click

    6 FromTypecommspace

    7 Press

    8 Type

    9 Press

    10 If yothenloggeach

    11 At thso, bthat



    At the end of the Peachtree install, you will have to option to start Peachtree immediately. Deselect this option so that Peachtree does not start. You must complete the steps of the Add/Remove Programs routine on the Terminal Server first.

    e end of the install, be sure to finish the Install wizard windows.

    ng Manuallyght need to use this routine if you are not installing from the ee installation CD.

    nto the server using an administrator account.

    t Start.

    t Run.

    cmd on the Run line.

    OK. This will open a window to a keyboard prompt.

    here, you will change the server to Application Install mode. Change user /install at the Command Prompt. Be sure to type the

    and exactly as shown, including a space after Change and a after user.

    the ENTER key on the keyboard.

    Change user /query at the prompt.


    u do not get the response application INSTALL mode is enabled, the machine is NOT ready for install. Make sure that you are ed in as Administrator, and repeat steps 6-9, ensuring that you type command correctly.

    is point, close the Command window, and install Peachtree. To do rowse to the location of the Peachtree Autorun.exe file, and start program. Follow the steps on page 6 for installing Peachtree.

    At the end of the Peachtree install, you will have the option to start Peachtree immediately. Deselect this option so that



  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    Peachtree does not start. You must complete the steps of the install rou-tine on the terminal server first.

    12 WheExe

    13 Selec

    14 Type

    15 Selec

    16 Type

    17 Press

    18 Type

    19 Press

    20 If yothen

    21 Repeman



    For morPeachtr

    1 Do o

    WanaboutLook upPeachPeachtr

    Noten you are finished installing, you need to change the server back to cute mode. Select Start.

    t Run.

    cmd on the Run line.

    t OK.

    Change user /execute at the prompt.


    Change user /query at the prompt.


    u do not get the response Application EXECUTE mode is enabled, the machine is NOT ready for use.

    at steps 16-19, if necessary, making sure that you type each com-d correctly.

    tering Peachtree Please register your copy of Peachtree as soon as possible after installing the program. Registra-tion is very important because it ensures you of timely program updates and upgrade offers, exciting new product information, payroll tax update service information, customer support options, and a variety of other benefits. (The

    Tax Update Service is not available with First Accounting.)

    You can use the software only a limited number of times before you must register. If you purchased single-user licenses, you must register each copy of Peachtree that is installed. If you purchased a multiuser Value Pack license, only one registration is required.

    e information on multiuser licensing, look up multiuser in the ee Help index.

    ne of the following:

    t to learn more registration? registering,

    tree in the ee Help index.

  • Registering Peachtree

    After your initial sessions working with Peachtree, when you start the program, the Register Peachtree Accounting window appears.



    2 Entecusto



    If yoPleasand t



    Peachtree is already running, select Peachtree Registration from the elp menu.

    r your customer ID and product registration number. To obtain a mer ID and registration number, do one of the following:

    isit the Peachtree Web site at After mpleting a short questionnaire, you will be provided a registration


    all Sage toll free using one of the following phone numbers:

    u are located outside the United States, please call 770-492-6333. e have your serial number as well as your name, company address, elephone number available before speaking with a Peachtree Cus-

    htree First Accounting and Peachtree Pro unting


    htree Complete Accounting and htree Premium Accounting


  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    tomer Service representative. The Customer Service representative will then give you a registration number.


    3 Entethat up th

    4 WheusingPeacsageing ustart

    UpdatIf you hupdate worksta

    As statedarate, libe installicense (tration tiuser soonline i

    1 Start

    2 Selecand Peac

    3 Enteon thyour

    Warninghis service is available Monday through Friday 8:30 A.M. to 8:30 M. eastern time.

    r an optional Recommender ID. This is the individual or company recommended Peachtree to you. Click the link if you need to look e ID.

    n finished entering your registration information, click OK to start Peachtree. If you select the Register Later button, you can use

    htree a limited number of times before you need to register. A mes- will display the remaining number of uses. If you have no remain-ses left and choose not to register, Peachtree will shut down. If you Peachtree again, you will be prompted to register again.

    Important: Write down your Peachtree serial number, customer ID, and registration number and keep them in a safe place in case you ever need to reinstall the product.

    ing Your Existing Peachtree Registration Informationave recently purchased a new Peachtree Accounting license, you can the Peachtree registration information linked to your computers tion.

    in the Peachtree License Agreement, you must purchase and register sep-censed copies of Peachtree for each computer on which the program will led. If you purchased and registered a Peachtree Complete multiuser Value Pack), you are not required to update your Peachtree Regis-information for each new user. For information on purchasing mul-lutions, open Peachtree Help, and search for multiuser in the ndex.


    t Peachtree Registration from the Help menu. If you purchased registered a Peachtree Complete multiuser license (Value Pack), htree Registration will not appear on the Help menu.

    r your new Peachtree serial number. Your serial number is located e Peachtree CD holder. Or, enter the serial number provided with

    new multiuser license.

  • Uninstalling Peachtree

    4 Enter your customer ID and product registration number. To obtain a customer ID and registration number, do one of the following:



    If yoPleasand ttomethen


    5 Entethat up th

    6 Wheusing

    UninsIf you n




    isit the Peachtree Web site at After mpleting a short questionnaire, you will be provided a registration


    all Sage toll free using one of the following phone numbers:

    u are located outside the United States, please call 770-492-6333. e have your serial number as well as your name, company address, elephone number available before speaking with a Peachtree Cus-r Service representative. The Customer Service representative will give you a registration number.

    his service is available Monday through Friday 8:30 A.M. to 8:30 M. eastern time.

    r an optional Recommender ID. This is the individual or company recommended Peachtree to you. Click the link if you need to look e ID.

    n finished entering your registration information, click OK to start Peachtree.

    Important: Write down your Peachtree serial number, customer ID, and registration number(s); and keep them in a safe place in case you ever need to reinstall the product.

    talling Peachtree eed to remove Peachtree, follow the steps below.

    htree First Accounting and Peachtree Pro unting


    htree Complete Accounting and htree Premium Accounting


  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    When you uninstall Peachtree, all components (including program files, predefined reports and forms, and sample company data) are removed from your sys

    To unin

    1 Mak

    2 Close

    3 FromAdd

    4 SelecRem

    5 Wheoptio

    6 The progprog

    Once thFinish b

    TroubBelow astarting

    Q: Whemust hall aboThis is in a netyou muThis allentries twho haadministem. Your personal company data will remain on your hard disk.

    stall Peachtree program files, do the following:

    e a backup of any data files you have created.


    the Windows Start menu, select Settings, Control Panel, then /Remove Programs.

    t your Peachtree product from the program list; then click Change/ove.

    n the Peachtree Setup Option window appears, select the Remove n, and then select Next.

    Setup program will ask you to confirm removal of the Peachtree ram files; click OK. The Setup Status window shows you the ress of the removal process.

    e program has been removed and the process is complete, select the utton.

    leshooting Installation re frequently asked questions that may help you resolve errors when Peachtree.

    n I attempted to install Peachtree, I received the error, You ave full administrative rights to your computer. Whats that ut?a Windows message that may appear, especially if you are operating work environment. In order to install Peachtree on your computer, st have full access (administrative rights) to your local hard drive. ows Peachtree Setup to install the program files and make the proper o the Windows Registry. Please exit and log into Windows as a user

    s full administrative rights and try again. Or, contact your system trator to change your user rights.

  • Troubleshooting Installation

    Q: What will happen to my existing Peachtree company after I install the upgrade?Your daopen yoyou canson, weverting the Hel

    Q: WhastatemThey wYou canreports,notice n

    Q: Im nshould Install Pnetworkree on yree on ayou instserver msame paworkstaFinally,can poin

    Q: I getcopy a Your coPeachtrTurningthat theport for27

    ta will be converted to the new Peachtree format the first time you ur company. Once you convert your company to the new release, not use your data with any prior releases of Peachtree. For that rea- strongly suggest that you back up your data to diskettes before con-your company files. For more information, look up upgrading in p index.

    t will happen to my custom reports, forms, and financial ents?ill be converted and available for use in the new Peachtree format. no longer use them in prior releases. In most cases, your custom forms, and financial statements will not change. However, you may ew functionality in design areas.

    ot using a network now, but I plan to in the future. How I install Peachtree? eachtree now as a normal stand-alone computer not attached to a . When its time to change to a network installation, install Peacht-our server, following the steps under the section Installing Peacht- Network on page 8, selecting the appropriate network type. When all on the server, you will specify a company data file path on the achine. Next, copy your company data folder to the server, to the th you specified in the previous step. Then, install Peachtree on each tion, pointing each one to the company data folder on the server. uninstall Peachtree on the original machine and reinstall it so you t it to the new company data path.

    an error message during installation that says it cant read or file. What should I do? mputer is having difficulties installing one of the files from the ee compact disc. Try installing the program on another computer. off screen savers and virus checkers may also help. If you suspect compact disc is damaged, please contact Peachtree Customer Sup- a replacement.

  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    Q: Im getting a message that says Setup initialization error due to insufficient memory or the message Cannot find Status.dat and/or OptioPeachtrnot findconnecttion to

    PeachtrinstalledMB is areset yo

    Q: Im hPeachtrtings. Ttypically

    Q: Im sIm recOPTIONPeachtrnot findhave to drives. Rif these ree. Youuct to m

    UpgraIf yourPeachtrinstall t\PEACHous inst

    Notens.dat. How can I correct it? ee either does not have enough memory to load these files or it can- the files to load. If Peachtree is on a network, check your network ions. You may have to restart your computer to establish the connec-remote network drives.

    ee requires that you have a minimum of 256 MB of physical RAM on your computer; 512 MB of RAM is highly recommended. 512 lso required for multiple users.Restarting your computer will also ur memory.

    aving problems using Peachtree and my large system does not support large system fonts in your Windows display set-o use Peachtree, please switch your system fonts to the small font used in Windows.

    tarting Peachtree on a workstation across the network, and eiving the message Cannot open F:\... \STATUS.DAT or S.DAT. What do I need to do to correct it?

    ee either does not have enough memory to load these files or it can- the files to load. First, check your network connections. You may restart your computer to establish the connection to remote network estarting your computer will also reset your memory. Check to see

    files are actually installed to your data path. If not, reinstall Peacht- should also check the system requirements for your Peachtree prod-ake sure you are using supported network software.

    ding Peachtreee upgrading from a previous release of Peachtree First Accounting, ee Pro Accounting, or Peachtree Complete Accounting, you should he updated program in the existing Peachtree directory (usually

    TREE, unless you changed it to a different name during the previ-allation).

    Because of fundamental changes in the 2004 release of Peachtree First Accounting, you cannot convert from Peachtree First

  • Upgrading Peachtree

    Accounting 2003 and earlier to Peachtree First Accounting 2010. (If you have First Accounting 2004, you can convert to First Accounting 2010.)

    ConveAfter inthe firstPeachtrappear acompanof equalwont bAccouning formmat is n

    Before ywant to


    Maklocatto thdepepanythe e


    Also, whthe coning up cconverspage 31

    To con29

    rting to a New Peachtree Release Formatstalling a Peachtree upgrade or update, time you open your company in ee, the Data Conversion wizard may utomatically. The wizard only works for y data created in prior Peachtree releases or lesser versions. For example, you e able to convert a Peachtree Complete ting company to Peachtree Pro Accounting format or First Account-at, even if that First Accounting or Peachtree Pro Accounting for-


    ou launch the wizard, there are some precautionary tasks you may perform.

    off screen savers, disable anti-virus software, and close all other cations. This will speed up the conversion process and avoid errors.

    e sure you have ample hard disk space available where your data is ed before converting your company. The conversion may require up ree times the size of your company data to convert successfully, nding on the version you are converting. For example, if your com- is 6 MB, make sure 18 MB of hard disk space is free. Peachtree uses xtra space temporarily while converting.

    amount of time it takes to complete the conversion depends on the nt of company data involved. If there is a lot of company data, we mend performing conversion at the end of the workday.

    ile the wizard requires that you back up your company data during version process, you can do so beforehand too. In either case, back-ompany data is highly recommended. Never overwrite an existing ion backup. For more information, see Backing Up Your Data on 1.

    vert Peachtree company data, do the following:

    Want to learn more about conversion? Look up converting a company in the Peacht-ree Help index.

  • Chapter 1 Installing or Upgrading Peachtree


    From Peachtrees File menu, select Open Company. If your company is in a prior Peachtree format, the Data Conversion wizard appears. If it does not, data conversion is not necessary.

    The Dacompanard makyou migyou thainforma

    ConveIf you cyour coQuickBemployFirst Ac

    To coEntethe P

    If yo(DACGuid

    1 Open

    2 Thenta Conversion wizard walks you through converting your Peachtree y data to an updated format. At every point in the process, the wiz-es your options clear and tells you the consequences of every action ht take. Data Conversion Wizard - Introduction window informs

    t your company data needs to be converted. If you need additional tion or instructions, click Help on any wizard window.

    rting from QuickBooks or DacEasyreated a company using QuickBooks or DacEasy, you can convert mpany data files to the Peachtree format. Peachtree will convert most ooks and DacEasy lists (such as accounts, customers, vendors, ees, items, and jobs) and current balances. If youre using Peachtree counting, you wont be able to convert QuickBooks or DacEasy data.

    nvert existing QuickBooks, QuickBooks Pro, Premier, or rprise Solutions data, look up QuickBooks conversion in eachtree Help index.

    ure converting from DacEasy, a conversion guide 2PAW.PDF) is available. To view or print the DacEasy Conversion e, follow these steps:

    the folder on your hard drive where Peachtree is located.

    , open the Doc folder. The PDF is located there.

  • Overview for the Non-Acc












    Us2ountantlling Goods and Services 32

    eating a Sales Order 32

    ling Your Customers 34

    ceiving Money 36

    eating Deposit Slips 37

    rchasing Goods and Services 38

    tering a Purchase Order 39

    tering a Bill (Purchase Invoice) 40

    king a Payment 42

    naging Inventory 43

    ying Employees 45

    ing Reports to Make Decisions 46

  • 32

    Peachtree gives you control over your business. It keeps track of the money you earn through selling products and services to customers and the money you spetrack ofmakes iThrougsions ab

    To opa Sam

    SellinWell incand De

    CreatiA Sales pany. Uthe timedeliver t

    In this using Bare doifollow

    Lets impersonneed totrack omationnd buying what you need from other companies (vendors). It keeps the inventory that you sell, reordering items as they are sold. It t easier to pay your employees and track their benefits and taxes. h reports, it also provides you with data for making important deci-out your business.

    en the Bellwether sample company, start Peachtree, select Explore ple Company, and select Bellwether Garden Supply.

    g Goods and Servicesgin where all business begins--selling goods and services to your cus-

    Customers can be individuals or other businesses who pay you In accounting and in Peachtree, tasks and reports that pertain to rs are categorized as Accounts Receivable (AR). Accounts Receiv-

    ludes business tools such as Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Receipts, posits for banking purposes.

    ng a Sales OrderOrder tracks the items that a customer has ordered from your com-sually, you use a sales order if there is going to be a delay between a customer orders the goods or services and the time you actually hem.

    overview, well walk you through the most common processes in Peachtree, ellwether Garden Supply, a sample company provided in Peachtree. Because we ng a walkthrough in a Peachtree sample company, you can open Peachtree and along by actually entering information in Peachtree as you read this chapter.

    agine that a new customer, Thompson & Associates, calls a Bellwether sales- to place an order. Because Thompson is a new customer, the salesperson will create a new customer record in Peachtree. This customer record will keep

    f Thompsons address and phone number, as well as its contact and credit infor-. Once the customer record is created, the salesperson will create a Sales Order.

  • To enter a Sales Order in Peachtree, use the menubar to select Tasks, Quotes/Sales Orders/Proposals, and Sales Orders.

    The foll

    Select the customer


    At this 33

    Sales orders are optional. If your business sells items over the counter or you ship items and create a bill for the customer (an invoice) immediately, you may not need to use sales orders.

    owing illustration shows you this process.

    To learn more about entering sales orders, see Entering Sales Orders on page 203.

    and. . .

    . . . enter the items that the customer is ordering.

    point, the employee from Thompson has placed the order.


  • Chapter 2 Overview for the Non-Accountant


    BillingIn mostreceive they owthe goo

    Sales Intomer isgiven a Invoicement te

    Businestype invbusinesinvoices

    Continand pasold. F Your Customers businesses, customers pay for products and services only after they them. To notify them that their goods have been shipped and that e you money, a bill, or invoice, is created and sent, sometimes with ds or sometimes separately.

    voices show the goods that were shipped and how much the cus- being billed for them. They are usually used for customers who are certain number of days to pay, that is, customers who buy on credit. s show the customer name, shipping address, invoice number, pay-rms, and items that were shipped, including a total and any sales tax.

    ses that sell services rather than goods can create and use Service entory items on Sales Invoices. Peachtree also has a library of service

    s forms, such as a service invoice form, that you can use to print your just the way you want.

    To learn more about forms, see Forms on page 328. To learn more about service items, see Managing Inventory on page 43.

    uing our example from Bellwether, Thompsons order has now been processed ckaged and is ready to ship. It is time to bill Thompson for the goods that were or this, the billing department will create a Sales Invoice.

  • To enter a Sales Invoice in Peachtree, select Tasks from the menubar, and then Sales Invoicing.

    Heres t

    The Apyou to filling w


    In Peachtree, you can print a hard copy of an invoice to mail to the customer or send with the goods; or you can e-mail the invoice in PDF format if you send invoices separately. Just click Print or E-mail on the Sales Invoicing toolbar.

    he process of filling an order and sending an invoice:

    ply to Sales Order No. tab enables specify what sales order you are hen you enter the sales invoice.

    If any money was paid at the time of sale, you can enter it here.

  • Chapter 2 Overview for the Non-Accountant


    ReceivReceivincomingplies. Peate bankReceiptcustome

    To enthen

    Once Bellwether issues the invoice for Thompsons order, it is recorded as a receivable, and repoowes Be

    When Tment w

    If the cuuse the this is wappear.To learn more about entering sales invoices, see Entering Sales Invoices on page 207.

    ing Moneyg money into your business is what its all about. Without funds

    in, you cant pay your employees, pay your bills, or purchase sup-achtree helps you to record payments from your customers and cre- deposit slips. In Peachtree, these customer payments are called

    s. Receipts are records that track any sorts of money received from rs.

    ter a Receipt in Peachtree, select Tasks from the menubar, and Receipts.

    rts, such as Aged Receivables and Customer Ledgers, will show that Thompson llwether money.

    hompsons payment for the goods is received, Bellwethers Accounting depart-ill process the payment by creating a receipt.

    stomer is paying invoices, Apply to Invoices tab, since here open invoices will

    If you are entering over the counter sales, you can use the Apply to Revenues tab to select the items that were shipped. When you print the Receipt, it will show the items and amounts.

  • If you are a cash-and-carry business that sells over-the-counter, you can use Receipts to specify the customer, the items that were sold,

    Heres t

    CreatinOnce pathey canwindowslip, stre

    To crDep


    A bell37

    and the amount paid. You dont have to use Sales Orders or Sales Invoices. You can also create a customer called Retail for retail sales, so you dont have to keep track of specific customers if you dont want to.

    he process of receiving money:

    To learn more about entering receipts, see Entering Receipts (Customer Payments) on page 215.

    g Deposit Slipsyments made in cash or by check have been entered into the system, be taken to the bank for deposit. Peachtrees Select for Deposit allows you to group multiple customer receipts onto one deposit amlining the process of reconciling your bank accounts.

    eate a deposit slip, select Tasks from the menubar, then Select for osit.

    wether employee creates a deposit slip to take checks and cash to the bank.

  • Chapter 2 Overview for the Non-Accountant


    PurchEvery bbuying use, or jother buvendor terms, atain to v(AP) inInvento

    The foltasks. A

    Select the bank account that y

    are dep

    Click Print to print a deposit slip To learn more about creating deposit slips, see Select for Deposit on page 221.

    asing Goods and Servicesusiness needs to make purchases and spend money, whether it is items for inventory, purchasing equipment and supplies for internal ust paying utility bills and taxes. These purchases are made from sinesses and individuals who are called vendors in Peachtree. Each

    has its own record that tracks addresses, phone numbers, payment nd so on. In accounting and in Peachtree, tasks and reports that per-endors are categorized as Accounts Payable. Accounts Payable

    cludes business tools such as Purchase Orders, Purchase/Receive ry, and Payments.

    lowing example shows a business using the main Accounts Payable business may not need or want to use all tasks. For example, if you

    ou are depositing items to.

    Select the items you ositing.

    for the bank.

  • Purchasing Goods and Services

    have a service business, you probably wont need to enter purchase orders or invoices for cash purchases.

    EnterinPurchasdors. Thpaymenfor largeAlso, thpute ovals are aorder be

    To enand

    Bellweting agetion. Thcreates39

    g a Purchase Ordere Orders are a