Download - program music


MAPEH III & IVS.Y. 2013 – 2014

Unit II

Lesson 6

Program music and Composers

Is a type of instrumental music designed to depict an emotion, mood, scene, story or event.

Narrative or descriptive kind of instrumental music linked to a scene, idea, poem or story.

Program music

As a program preface added to an idea of instrumental music to direct listener’s attention to the poetical idea

Franz Liszt

Program symphony Concert overture Symphonic poem or Tone poem

Incidental music

4 main forms of orchestral program music

Is a composition for the orchestra that narrates a story.

It mainly focuses on elements of nature and sceneries in the field.

The story narrated is about mystery, witchcraft, death, and emotions.

*Program symphony

Is a french composer He learned to play the

flute and guitar as a boy. First compositions were

romances Studied medicine

Symphonie fantastique – written during the time when he was madly in love.

Hector Berlioz (1803 – 1869)

Is a sonata form with one movement that is patterned from the opera overture which also has one movement that develops in opera mood.

Not for stage presentation Intended as an individual concert musical

piece. The most known concert overtures are

festival and simple pleasure

*Concert overture

Generates poetic ideas, creates a mood and develops a scene

The form is flexible symphonic poem Examples : “Don Juan” and “Don Quixote”,

Franz Liszt “Hungarian Rhapsodies Nos. 1 - 12

*Symphonic poem

Born in Munich, Germany

He received thorough a conservative musical trainings from his father during his youth and began to compose at an early age.

He died on September 8, 1949

Richard Strauss (1864 – 1949)

Is a composition that sets the mood for a specific scene.

It is heard before and during a performance or play of a staged drama.

Includes the famous “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn

*incidental music

Born in Germany. He came from

distinguished intellectual and artistic family. He grew up in a privileged environment.

Great conductor and composer.

Felix Mendelssohn (1809 – 1847)



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