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Before the Presentation

During the Presentation






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• A presentation is a means of communication which can be adapted to

various speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a

meeting or briefing a team.

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Presentation Skills

• Anyone can present, but

not everyone can do a

good presentation.

• For a good presentation

to happen, it takes:

• Preparation

• Practice

• Contents

• Honest

and more Preparation.

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Preparations – Before the Presentation

Ask these questions:

•What is the purpose of this presentation?

•Who is my audience?

•Where/When is my presentation?

•What is the point I want to make?

•Does the location have the equipments I need?

•What attire is appropriate?

•My questions when I have my presentation?

•What is my answer to the anticipated question?

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Preparations – Before the Presentation


•Try to keep to your

timings during practice!

•Avoid reading from

scripts if possible. If not,

cue cards would be a

better choice.

•If time permits, do the

rehearsal on the

presentation grounds

itself to get familiarized

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Preparation material– Before the Presentation

You can use following items to make the

content of your presentation:

- Handouts

- Personal notes

- Internet

- Visual aids

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Practice– Before the Presentation

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Practice– Before the Presentation

• Rehearse all points what you prepare.

• Rehearse with all visual aids and handouts.

• Practice again and again to manage time.

• Rehearse in front of mirror or a friend.

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During the Presentation

Remember to do the following

1. Greet the audience

2. Introduce yourself

3. Brief introduction about your presentation

4. Use visual aids

5. Practice good body language

6. Clear verbal delivery

7. Executive summary, any plan?

8. Not just share the information of


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Tips for using visual aids-During the Presentation

Microsoft PowerpointPrezi

Google Docs Presentation

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•Limit the number of slides. If in doubt, 1 slide for every

2 minutes is a good number to stick to.

•Visuals are meant to enhance your presentation. Not take

over it. Keep the slides uncluttered with just enough text

to illustrate your point.

•Limit transitions and animations. Stay professional.

•Make sure the slides can be seen clearly from the

audience’s point of view

Tips for using visual aids-During the Presentation

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Tips for using visual aids-During the Presentation

•Use diagrams to help the audience visualize your ideas.

•Use a video simulator to help the audience see how exactly how your idea

works! (An example of this is under the “Videos” tab on the website

•Or you could opt to perform an actual simulation with the audience for them

to get an actual feel of it.

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Body Language-During the Presentation

Eye Contact:

•Make eye contact with audience to engage their


•Maintain eye contact for a few seconds at different

attention zones to prevent “fleeting eyes”

•Be familiarized with content to prevent constant

reference to notes

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Body Language-During the Presentation


•Stand straight with your shoulders pulled


•Maintain an open body posture.

•Face the audience

•Use gestures to emphasize your point

•Occasionally move about to establish


•Do not fidget.

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Clear Verbal Delivery-During the Presentation


•Project your voice to make sure that

you can be heard.

•Deliver your message slowly and

clearly, this might be the first time the

audience heard about your project. Try

to let them understand on the first


•Use appropriate pauses.

•Stay calm and be confident about your


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Appearance-During the Presentation

• Dark colors read as businesslike.

• Wear comfortable shoes to weight your feet evenly.

• Allow yourself to move a bit.

• Look confident.

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Professional dress code-During the Presentation

• You already have a style don’t try to copy others.

• Use words and sentences you use in normal days.

• Be yourself.

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Flaws in presentation

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Flaws in presentation

• Lack of experience.

• Lack of enthusiasm.

• Lack of practice.

• Lack of related material.

• Lack of confidence.

• Hesitation.

• Ambiguity in the results

• that you want to conclude.

• no next steps

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Factors for successful presentation

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Factors for successful presentation

• Be over prepared.

• Rehearse and practice.

• Grip on your topic.

• Know your subject.

• Be positive.

• Avoid stress.

• Prepare for the question

• Prepare back up

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10 things you should never say during presentations

1. I'm jet-lagged, tired, hungover

2. I’ll explain later

3. Can you hear me? Yes you can do it!

4. I can’t see you since the lights are too bright

5. Can you see the letter on the slide?

6. Let me read this out loud.

7. Turn off your phone/laptop/tablet

8. You don't need to write things down or take photos, you can find them on online later

9. Let me answer that question right away

10. I’ll keep it short

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Never say

In Conclusion

• The entirety of the project starts from the idea conception to the final presentation.

• No matter how good an idea is, it cannot be actualized if it cannot be sold to other people.

• Always prepare

• Channelize your fear

• Interact with your audience

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