Download - Platinum Gazette 18 December

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

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    18 December 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    2 NEWS 18 DECEMBER 2009

    Pla t in u m Ga z e t te c o n ta c t d e ta i l s :

    Editorial: William Zwart

    Tel: 083 271 9151

    E-mail: editorial@platinum

    Advertising:Bennla Celliers

    Tel: 083 543 1676

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147

    Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150



    Print ed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City

    Deep Production Park, City Deep.

    Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or

    other material contained in th e Platinum Gazette are

    expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright

    Act (98 of 1978).

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    The t ime of th e year ha s arr ived where people come together t o reflect

    on the a chievements a nd challenges of the current year an d plan for

    the New Year ahea d, also to spend quality time with t heir loved ones

    and to have a well deserved rest after a long an d grueling season.

    As Grea ter Tu bat se Municipality, we had a good year filled with

    milestones and a chievements th at su rpassed our expectat ions.

    As th e local sphere of governa nce, the mu nicipality ha s comm itt ed to

    the call made by th e President of South Africa, Mr J acob Zuma, tha t t o

    achieve our goals we mu st h old ourselves to th e highest st anda rd ofservice, robustn ess an d int egrity. Together we must build a society

    tha t pr izes excellence an d rewar ds effort, which sh uns laziness and


    The municipality has a lready start ed with t he implementat ion of

    projects t hat appear in th e IDP/Budget 2009/2010. The IDP a nd budget

    are r esponding to the needs an d challenges tha t commu nities face and

    is also focusin g on th e local governm ent s tr at egic agen da, which is the

    developmen t of local economy, basic ser vice delivery, mu nicipal

    tra nsforma tion a nd organizat ional development, financial viability,

    good governance, public participation and spatial development.

    As we are a pproachin g the New Year, 2010, we call upon mem bers

    of th e commu nit y, non-governm ent al organ isat ions (NGOs), busines s

    commun ity, government institut ions, tr aditional a uth orities, political

    par ties, civil society, civic organizat ions and oth er st ake h olders to

    stren gthen the cooperat ion in addressing challenges identified dur ing

    the IDP/Budget consultative meetings.

    Wo r k i n g t o g e t h e r w e c a n d o m o r e

    Road safety campa igns are being run t hroughout the year but are

    int ensified durin g the festive season. Those who will be driving to their

    respective homes and destinations outside our jurisdiction, we wish

    you a safe jour ney an d we ar e looking forward to seeing you in t he New

    Year. Your cont ribut ions towards t he economy an d our social

    development ar e valuable an d we cannot lose you du e to mistak es

    caused by irresponsible drivers.

    Greater Tubatse

    Municipality Mayor,CouncillorRalepane

    Mamekoas FestiveSeason message

    Greater Tubatse

    Municipality Mayor,CouncillorRalepane

    Mamekoas FestiveSeason message

    Construction workers at the new municipal building inBurgersfort cleaning debris before they knocked off for

    the Festive Season.



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  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    3NUUS18 DESEMBER 2009

    On beha lf of the Sekh ukh un e District Municipality, I would like to

    wish a ll the Sekhu khun e residents a nd South Africans at large a

    blissful festive season chara cterised by peace, prosperity a nd


    As we wra p up th e year 2009, let us all resolve to build on the

    good founda tions we ha ve laid when we en ter 2010. Already, our

    coun tr y is receiving ra pt a tten tion from the whole world as we do

    th e final touches in our pr epar ations to host th e 2010 FIFA Soccer

    World Cu p.

    We have proven th rough our a chievements and our ability to

    tackle cha llenges th at by working together we can indeed do more.On t he flipside, the festive season is char acterised by spine-

    chilling road accidents. I hope th at th e governm ents messa ge

    calling for a ll road users to adher e to rules of the road will sink in

    an d result in a ccident-free roads.

    Remember to buckle up, check your vehicles for r oadworthiness

    an d refra in from driving while un der t he influence of alcohol. Arr ive


    I wish you ha ppy Christmas an d New Year.

    Se k h u k h u n e Dis t r ic t M u n ic ip a l i t y

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  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    4 NEWS 18 DECEMBER 2009











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    The Police in Tubatse recently arrested five young men in connection with

    armed robbery an d th e hijacking of cars.The men, aged between 20 and 25 years, were arr ested on 10 and 13

    December. The a rrest follows crimes tha t occurred in November this year

    around Riba Cross, Ga Masham othane, Bothashoek, Praktiseer, Burgersfort

    and Alverton. Since the beginning of October this year cases of armed

    robbery, house robbery, business robbery and th e hijacking or cars were

    reported in the Tubatse area.

    The robbers were terrorising the community in their businesses an d

    homes and took th eir vehicles and property. The vehicles were later found

    abandoned in different places.

    Police conducted investigations t hat led to the a rrest of the first suspect

    on 10 December 2009. This wa s followed by the ar rest of four s uspects on 13

    December. During the arrest of the four suspects two 9mm pistols and

    twelve round of live ammu nition were r ecovered. Some of the stolen

    properties were also recovered later in November.

    Two suspects a re still at lar ge.

    The Police are appealing to the commun ity to assist with informat ion

    that will lead to the arr est of the two suspects. They assure th e public that

    information given to them as well as the identity of those who give it to

    them will be kept secret.The suspects are expected to appear in the Pr aktiseer Magistrat es Court

    on charges of armed robbery, house robbery, business robbery, car hijacking

    and the possession of firearms without licenses.

    Dangeroussuspects arrested

    Cons t ab l e L J Moja le f a , cons t ab l e M M Mokgoh loa and cons t ab l e

    N G M a k w a l a w i t h t h e r e c o v er e d a r m s a n d a m m u n i t i o n . .

    T h e s t a t e v e t e r i n a r y t e a m h o s t e d

    vacci na t i on days i n P r ak t i see r t h i s

    week. The turn-out was however very

    poor. Where hundreds of animals werevaccinated in Bu rgersfort, Steelpoort

    and Ohr igstad less than 60 dogs were

    vaccinat ed by midday of the second day.

    We are very disappointed. We try to

    bring the service to the people and are

    also willing to go out to their h omes as

    we ve done i n Bur ge r s f o r t and

    Steelpoort, but the people do not make

    use of the service. Residents complain

    that they are not included when days

    such as these are planned, but when

    these days are organised they do not

    suppo r t u s , sa i d Dr F l o r ence

    Makgamatha, the state vetenarian.

    Dr Florence Makgamatha, Ms Rebotile

    Rangoato and Ms Catherine Mogongwa

    at one of the vaccination sites.

    Where are

    the dogs?The executive members of the Greater Tubatse Business

    Forum met with the Mayor of Greater Tubat se Municipality,

    Cllr . Ralepane Mamekoa on 14 December.The main aim of the meeting was t o explore business

    opportun ities that exist in Tubat se. The members indicated

    that the intr oductory meeting gave them a chance to air their

    views an d challenges they face in the business sector in


    They appealed to the Mu nicipality to put more empha sis on

    developing small businesses in Tubatse through capital

    projects that the Mun icipality run on a yearly basis. They also

    indicated tha t they need to strengthen relat ionship with the

    Municipality thr ough the Department of Local Economic


    In his response to the challenges raised the Mayor said the

    Municipality is committ ed to local economic development h ence

    the su pport to small business within Tuba tses implemented

    capital projects. Cllr Mamekoa said a s much a s th e

    Municipality is committed to the development of small

    business development but it is not rea dy and prepared t o

    compromise the quality of services to be rendered.

    He further challenged the Forum t o create a businessproposal tha t will encompass more sectors an d put more

    emphasis on various sectors such asmining, tourism an d

    agricultu re as some of the Municipals economic pillars.

    Mayor meetsGTBF

    Mr King S ekgogoba an d S t eve Moko ta o f t he Gr ea t e r

    T uba t se Bus iness F o r um a f t e r t he o r gan i sa t i on s

    m e e t i n g w i t h t h e M a y o r .

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    5NUUS18 DESEMBER 2009

    Burgersfort ToyotaDirk Winterbach Road, Burgersfort

    Tel: 013-231 7207/8/9

    B u rg er sf o r t T o y o t a s ma na ge me nt a nd st a f fB u rg er sf o r t T o y o t a s ma na ge me nt a nd st a f fB u rg er sf o r t T o y o t a s ma na ge me nt a nd st a f fB u rg er sf o r t T o y o t a s ma na ge me nt a nd st a f fB u rg er sf o r t T o y o t a s ma na ge me nt a nd st a f f

    wou ld l ike t o t hank a ll o ur c lien t s fo r t he irwou ld l ike t o t hank a ll o ur c lien t s fo r t he irwou ld l ike t o t hank a ll o ur c lien t s fo r t he irwou ld l ike t o t hank a ll o ur c lien t s fo r t he irwou ld l ike t o t hank a ll o ur c lien t s fo r t he ir

    su p p o r t a nd lo y a lt y t h r o u g h 2 0 0 9 . W e wishsu p p o r t a nd lo y a lt y t h r o u g h 2 0 0 9 . W e wishsu p p o r t a nd lo y a lt y t h r o u g h 2 0 0 9 . W e wishsu p p o r t a nd lo y a lt y t h r o u g h 2 0 0 9 . W e wishsu p p o r t a nd lo y a lt y t h r o u g h 2 0 0 9 . W e wish

    yo u a hap p y and p eace fu l f es t ive season . M ayyo u a hap p y and p eace fu l f es t i ve season . M ayyo u a hap p y and p eace fu l f es t ive season . M ayyo u a hap p y and p eace fu l f es t i ve season . M ayyo u a hap p y and p eace fu l f es t ive season . M ay

    2 0 1 0 b e f illed w it h hop e , love and happ iness !2 0 1 0 b e f illed w ith hop e , love and hap p iness !2 0 1 0 b e f illed w it h hop e , love and happ iness !2 0 1 0 b e f illed w ith hop e , love and hap p iness !2 0 1 0 b e f illed w it h hop e , love and happ iness !

    B e st W is he s f r o m u s a ll! B e st W is he s f r o m u s a ll! B e st W is he s f r o m u s a ll! B e st W is he s f r o m u s a ll! B e st W is he s f r o m u s all!

    Beleaguered Ward 1

    councillor is tryingThe ward councillor for Ward 1 in the Grea ter

    Tubatse Municipality, Cllr Joseph Mahlake, says he

    is trying his best to bring the s ervice delivery

    problems in his ward u nder the attention of the

    relevant authorities.

    Cllr Mahlakes ward is the one between Ohrigsta d

    and Strydom Tunnel where villages such as Leboeng,

    Mapar eng and Mokupung nestles. 74 of t hese

    villagers were r ecently arres ted for blocking the R36

    road with stones and r ocks because they are

    disgrunt led by poor service delivery in the a rea. They

    are now all out on bail following char ges of

    contravening the Gatherings Act and for public

    violence. They will appear in court again on 12

    Ja nuary at Leboeng.

    During the whole upheaval Cllr Mahlake also had

    to receive assista nce from th e Police when an gry

    residents from th e area wanted to torch his house.

    Residents in quite a number villages in the war d

    protested amongst other th ings against a lack of

    electricity, water ret iculation, bad access roads an d

    aban doned RDP projects in the area. As far as could

    be determined nobody engaged in talks or anything

    else with t he disgruntled group after their a rrest.

    Cllr Mah lake, however, has ta ken a ction a nd

    compiled a letter after consultation with inter alia,

    various development sectors and government

    institutions in the area. This letter has been sent to

    just about everybody, including the office of

    President J acob Zuma.

    From Cllr Mahlakes letter it is clear that the

    service delivery problem in the a rea goes far deeper

    than just water, electricity and bad access roads.

    From the face of t he letter it could be gather ed

    that not only are residents st ruggling, but tha t

    government departments that must r ender services,

    are a lso very ill equipped, suffer sta ff and vehicle

    shorta ges (even th e Police), and do not get th e

    support they should from government in general.

    Schools are a lso ill equipped and h ealth services

    suffer because of a lack of medicine an d rest rictive

    space at t he clinic. Commu nication in the

    mounta inous area also suffer because of a lack of

    landline and cellphone infrastru cture. People in

    remote areas cannot communicate by phone.

    Cllr Mahlak e do not offer any solutions in his

    letter, it only empahsizes the magnitude of the

    problems in the area, which he wants people in high

    places to attend to.

    Right: Councillor Mahklake with the letter he sent

    to amongst other s, the Office of the President in an

    effort to do somethin g about t he ser vice delivery

    problems in Ward 1.

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    6 NEWS 18 DECEMBER 2009

    PAC asks Where

    is the Merc?Today various Great er Tuba tse Mun icipal capital a ssets will go on au ction. The decision

    to auction land, vehicle and office furn iture wa s ta ken by Council on 11 November.

    The decision is in compliance with th e Municipal Finan ce and Municipal Administrat ion

    Act. The asset s identified are ones which ar e no longer cost efficient in providing service

    delivery to the commu nity.

    The PAC is concerned a bout a Mercedes Benz wh ich allegedly went miss ing.

    We call upon the mu nicipality to account before the public about th is missing car

    which was bought in 2006 for th e mun icipal ma yor, said Mr Aubr ey Ngwatle of the PAC.

    This vehicle should according t o him be on th e list of vehicles to be au ctioned today.

    According to Mr Ngwa tle theyve requested informa tion from the Spea ker rega rding

    the missing car on various occasions.

    He sa id tha t t heyve submitt ed quest ions regarding t he missing vehicle to the office

    of the Spea ker, but h as so far not received any satisfactory answers . Among the ques tions

    listed are: What happened to the municipal asset being Mercedes Benz with registration

    num ber BDT 590 L? Is t he a bove vehice sold or given to someone else as a gift? If it is

    sold, is there an y council resolution in this r egard?

    Mr Ngwatle added th at th ey are calling for the Spea kers resignat ion should they not

    receive any answers. The Speaker has orally alleged that it went on trade in with the

    knowledge of the council, he sa id. Their requ est t o be provided with th e council

    resolutions regarding the vehicle came after there is no apparent resolution regarding a

    tra de in or sale of the vehicle.

    Theyve given the office of the Speaker thr ee days t o respond to th eir concern.

    Moroke Police are side-stepping a roadhog next to the Police

    Station at Moroke on their way to go check on real roadhogs in the

    festive season traffic.

    We have amandate from

    the youthA task team to facilitate the establishment of a GreaterTubat se Youth Council called a pr ess conference on Tuesday

    this week to outline their a ims an d objectives.

    The team said the youth council that was established earlier

    this year during a workhop at Swadini, was rejected by the

    youth a nd that youth organisations in the area has ma ndated

    the ta sk team to facilitate t he establishement of a new structure

    by 30 January when a conference is planned.

    According to the task team, youth organisations in the area

    excercised a vote of no-confidence in t he youth council th at was

    established earlier. The team said their aim is to avoid the

    same mistakes made by the other structure and th at they will

    work towards th e common good of the youth in the a rea a nd not

    their own interests.

    They say th e youth has a big role to play in future

    development in th e area a nd tha t culture and sport should be

    promoted through workshops where aspiring leaders can gain

    ground. According to the team th e curr ent confusion about thestat us of the youth council should be cleared up in t he nea r

    future, but has in t he mean time requested the youth t o behave

    in a responsible manner during the festive season, to be

    disciplined and t o refrain from drinkin g and driving.

    T h e T a s k t e a m f l t r a r e T s h e p o M a d u w a n a , T u m e l o

    Malapo ( coor d ina to r ) , P a u l Mni s i ( convenor ) , Ar thu r

    M u l e ye ( c a r e t a k e r t r e a s u r e r ) a n d B e a u t y M a k o fa n e .

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    7NUUS18 DESEMBER 2009

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    On 10 December 2009 the Police in Tubatse arrested two 25-year-old men in

    connection with murder. On 15 November 2009 the two suspects assaulted a man of

    68 years in Riba cross (Polaseng) and he was taken to Dilokong hospital for

    treatment. The matter was reported to the police in Tubatse and the case of assault

    with the purpose to inflict grievous bodily harm was opened. Later in November the

    victim passed away at the hospital. The Police continued with the investigations that

    led to the arrest of the two on 10 December 2009. The suspects appeared in the

    Praktiseer magistrate Court on 14 December 2009 on charges of murder and theywere not granted bail. The case was postponed to 23 December 2009.

    On 10 December the Police in Tubatse arrested the 21-year-old man in connection

    with theft out of a motor vehicle. The arrest follows a crime that occurred in Riba

    Cross on 17 November 2009. The 21-year-old alleged that his motor vehicle was

    broken and the speakers and amplifier had been stolen. On 21 November 2009 the

    case was reported to the Police in Tubatse. They conducted investigations that led to

    the arrest of the suspect on 10 December 2009. The suspect appeared in the Praktiseer

    Magistrates Court on 11 December 2009 and he was granted bail of R10 000. The

    case was postponed to 18 January 2010.

    On 13 December 2009 the Police in Tubatse arres ted a 21-year-old man in connection

    with a rape case. The arrest follows a crime that occurred in Ga Madiseng on 8

    December 2009. The 31-year-old woman alleged that she had been raped by two men

    and managed to identify one of them. The 9 December the case was reported to the

    Police in Tubatse and they conducted investigations that led to the arrest of the

    suspect on 13 December. The suspect is expected to appear in the PraktiseerMagistrates Court.

    On 14 December 2009 the Police in Tubatse arres ted a 22-year-old man in connection

    with housebreaking and theft. The 31-year-old woman alleged that during the night of

    20 November 2009 her house was broken into in Ga Mashamothane and items such as

    clothes, shoes and a necklace were stolen. On 21 November the matter was reported

    to the Police in Tubatse and they conducted investigations that led to the arrest of the

    suspect on 14 December 2009. The suspect is expected to appear in the Praktiseer

    Magistrates Court on charges of house breaking and theft.

    Cr im e sn ip p e t s Killed in theline of duty

    This traffic light at the Calvin College, Dirk Winterbach Street T-junction was knocked down

    earlier this week. This is not the first time one of the new traffic lights was hit. When traffic

    cops are not in sight, these lights are frequently ignored.

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    8 NEWS 18 DECEMBER 2009

    Sales & Installationof New

    Aircondit ioners

    B & H

    A i r c on d i t i o n i n g

    Sales & Installationof New

    Aircondit ioners

    For al l your needs in: Repair &

    services of air cons & refrig erator s;electrical installation, plumbing,

    re-gas of vehicle air cons

    E-mail: b&[email protected]

    For al l your needs in: Repair &services of air cons & refrig erator s;electrical installation, plumbing,

    re- gas of vehicle air cons

    Contact: Braam 083 324 1214Contact: Braam 083 324 1214

    B e a t

    t h e

    h e a t !

    B e a tt h e

    h e a t !

    Tel: (013) 214 7799

    between Burgersfort and Steelpoort. Old Joko Building,

    Riba Cross, Polokwane Road, Burgersfort

    Tel: (013) 214 7799

    We supply,

    cu t , bend,f i x &

    del iver

    We supply,

    cu t , bend,f i x &

    del iver


    BMW, Corolla, Tazz,Citi Golf, Polo Classic,

    Opel Astra, Sentra,Opel Corsa, Hyundai

    and much more

    Fenders Bonnets Grills Bumpers Head & Tail Lights

    CV Joints Brake Pads Airconfans Radiator fans Condensers Carburators Crankshafts

    Alternators Starters Shocks Oil Filters Crown and Pinions

    Diffs Ignitions Radiators Distributors



    Rebuilds on sale Engines * Gearboxes

    Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) Cell: 076 848 3936


    Winterveld Village, SteelpoortNavrae/Enquiries:072 472 4073

    We are open this December!

    First GMC winners receive

    their R500 vouchers

    Ms Julendah Maepa from GMC with the winner, Ms Anna Poopedi and Ms GretliSteyn from GMC.

    the first weekly winn ers in t he GMC competition for a R500 OK Grocery voucher were

    ann ounced. The public can still enter a t th e OK Grocer. Also see the det ails of the

    competition on pa ge 7.

    Mr Papie Ndhlovu was the second winner in the competition. With him are MsJulendah Maepa and Ms Gretli Steyn from GMC.

    In die huwelik bevestig

    Jhonny Prinsloo en Marlene Sadler is op 16 Desember by Hannah Lodge in die huwelik

    bevestig. Die paartjie vestig hulle in Burgersfort.

    Ruben is the lucky winner

    Mr Ruben Mashego was the lucky winner in Burgersfort Propshaft & Mining

    Supplies year-end competition. He received a R500 Vision Meat voucher. Withhim are Ms Ronel Breedt and Ms Petro van Heerden (sales representative working

    with the mines) from Burgersfort Propshaft & Mining Supplies.

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    9NUUS18 DESEMBER 2009


    Navrae: 013-238 0503

    OujaarsdansGratis toegang.


    Die Krugers van KrugersrusDie Waterval F eeskomitee het op 15 Desember n Geloftefeeskonsert met die na am Die

    Krugers van Kru gersru s aan gebied.

    Die konsert is by die Water valsrivier geloftefeesterrein gehou en het t oeskouers va n h einde

    en ver gelok. Verskeie bekende inwoners va n die omgewing het die rolle in die konser t

    vertolk, wat volgens die organ iseerders n verh aal vol intriges, kinkels en dra aie gedeel met

    swerwers en verwers was.

    Die verhaa l het op n Ka rooplaas vasgevang in die m iddel van n u itmergelende dr oogte


    Martonette de Jager en William Montgomery het onderskeidelik die

    rolle van Anneke en Cornelius Kruger vertolk.

    Josua Kruger (Albert Winterbach) wat hier deur sy vader, Cornelius,mooi oor die regte prioriteite in die lewe ingelig is.

    Besoekers van heinde en ver het die konsert bygewoon. In sommige families is dit n jaarlikse instelling.

    n Ietwat gehawende kunstenaar, Francois (Lodewyk de Jager), het

    Rita (Rika le Grange), Cornelius en sy vrou, Anneke, verstom.

    June (Zane van Wyk) was n maatskaplike

    werker wat n ogie op Cornelius gehad het.

    Links: Christoffelus

    (LJ de Jager), wat

    hier langs Ouma

    Kruger (Ilse de

    Waal), staan, het

    eers sy verskyning

    in die tweede bedryf


    Regs: Die Krugers

    se dogter, Cornelia,

    (Rene van Pletzen)

    word deur haar

    gesinslede en haar

    man, Pieter,

    (Embrich Cilliers),


    1 Stasie Street, BurgersfortTel: 082 468 2564

    Big or small! We are therefor all your propshaft and

    mining supply needs.

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    10 NEWS 18 DECEMBER 2009

    What are the children wishingNext week it will be Christmas and

    although Christmas is not a bout t he gifts,

    man y families will be exchanging gifts.

    Children are often not shy to say what

    they desire. This week we spoke to a few of

    the ar eas youngsters to hear wh at t heyve

    got on th eir wish lists.

    Eben Booysen (13) s: Enigiets. Niksspesiaals nie, ek het alles wat ek wil h.Sy sussie Kaylene Booysen (6) s: Al diepoppe-goed. Dogtertjie-goed.

    Mpepe Makofane (7) posed with her brother Calvin Makofane (11). She said: A tokenpoppie and he would like a bicycle.

    Lewellyn Jacobs (4) s: Ek soek n man

    wat op sy kop kan loop.

    Claire Graham (3) soek n pienk HannahMontana mikrofoon.

    Kamogelo Malomane (3) said: Somesweets.

    Megan Graham (2) s: n Bokkie. n Rooibokkie.

    Thato Moraba (4) said: A black bicycle.

    Kamogelo Mzimba (2) would like a small

    plastic Childrens motorbike (a noisemaker) for Christmas.

    Amor Hamman (3) s: n Barbie


    Appreciate Mzimba (4) said: I want some

    seeds to eat and make my own garden.

    Lodewyk de Jager (12) s: Ek soek nlaptopvir Kersfees.

    SMS your news and opinions to us on 073 416 5119

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    11NUUS18 DESEMBER 2009

    for this Christmas?

    Lodewyk le Grange (6) s: Ek soek nViper-bord.

    Kgethego Mopane (11) said: Shoes andclothes and a childrens laptop.

    Charlotte Moloto (12) said: Clothes and achildrens laptop.

    Johan de Waal s: Ek wil n motorfietsh. n Quadof dalk n Apple I-phone.

    Thabo Mathe (10) said: A bicycle.

    Abigail Mosoma (10) said: I want sometoys. A poppieor a bear, a teddy bear.

    Tiaan de Jager (8) s: Ek wil n Samsungselfoon h.

    Leandie Hamman (11) s: n Rekenaar. nLaptop.

    Percy Phiri (12) said: A cricket set andtoys.

    Antoinette Letjane (10) said: I want someclothes. A trouser and T-shirt andsweets.

    Anje en Amon van der Merwe (5) het dadelik geweet wat hullewil h.n Wasgoedlyn en strykyster en fietse.

    Brothers Mata and Tshepo Rachochi said: We want someclothes and sweets for Christmas.

    Platinum Gazette would like to wish all our readers a

    Merry Christmas and happy 2010!

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    12 NEWS 18 DECEMBER 2009

    Kitsgids na jou SAPD/

    Important numbers:

    Ander nood/

    Other emergencies:

    Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital

    (013) 2147265

    Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital

    (013) 615 0204

    Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic (013) 231 7843

    Water & Sanitation 082 900 4449

    Disaster Management -

    (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022

    Electricity (Eskom) 0860 037 566

    Burgersfort (013) 231 7231

    Ohrigstad (013) 238 0128

    Roossenekal (013) 273 0075

    Mecklenburg (015) 615 0204

    Eerstegeluk (013) 237 0011

    Tubatse (013) 216 8500

    Sekhukhune (013) 260 1007

    Leboeng (013) 769 9099

    Maartinshoop (013) 235 4041

    Express your opinion. Write a letter to the Platinum Gazette. Letters may

    be e-mailed, posted or faxed. Contact details are on page 2 of this issue.

    Spreek jou mening uit. Skrywes kan per epos, pos of faks na Platinum

    Gazette gestuur word. Kontakbesonderhede is op bladsy 2 van vandag se


    Letters / Briewe

    Thought for the week

    Dagboek / DiaryLaerskool Ohrigstad se Oujaarsdans

    Laerskool Ohrigstad hou op 31 Desember n Oujaarsdans by die Potgietersaal net buite

    die dorp. Die aand gaan daar lekker gekuier en gedans word. Daar sal ook n skaap op

    die spit wees en di is by die kaartjie se prys ingesluit. Die koste is R150 per paar, R75

    per persoon en R50 per kind. Daar sal nie kaartjies by die hek verkoop word nie. Alle

    kaartjies is vooraf betaalbaar en moet betyds bespreek word. Daar sal nie n kontant

    kroeg wees nie. Elkeen sorg vir homself vir drinkgoed, eetgerei en glase.

    Moenie hierdie lekker kuier misloop nie!

    Navrae: 072 511 0934 of 084 589 0344

    Platinum Gazettewill be closing for the Christmas season

    on 18 December 2009

    Platinum Gazette wishes all ourreaders and advertisers a blessedChristmas and a happy New Year!

    The first newspaper for 2010 will bepublished on 15 January 2010. To book

    your advertisements contact 083 543 1676.

    Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesnt come from astore. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bitmore. - Dr. Seuss (1904-1991), American author ofchildrens books. From How The Grinch StoleChristmas.

    Is yourvehiclereadyfor the


    Is yourvehiclereadyfor the


  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    Klein Advertensies SmallsPlaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone

    Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre

    or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676

    or 083 271 9151. E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 086 554 9031

    18 DECEMBER 2009 13

    1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs

    2.Te Huur/To Let


    4. Te Huur/For Hire

    5. Troeteldiere/Pets

    6. Persoonlik/Personal

    7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous

    8. Vakature/Vacancies

    9. Vermaak/Entertainment

    10. Te Koop/For sale

    3. Dienste/



    Upgrades, repairs,

    networking, newinstallations. Buy &

    sell secondhandcomputers. Location:

    Lebowa BusinessPark.

    Contact:Riaan, 076 842 9270.

    Eloff Plumbers.24/7 Plumbing

    Services. For ALL

    repairs, maintenance,blockages,

    installations, geyserrepairs and leakages.Phone us now for the

    best and fastestservice in town!

    Contact:079 127 6730 or073 969 9994.

    3. Dienste/


    Cash TradersBurgersfort

    We do same dayrepairs on TVs, Hi-

    Fis, amps etc. We doinstallation on DSTV.

    Installation of carradios.

    Tel: 013-231 7140 orPieter, 079 584 6919

    or Bennie,076 111 8405.


    We buy and sell newand secondhandfurniture, fridges,freezers, tables &

    chairs and muchmore. Get good asnew lounge suites in avariety of styles andcolours. Value formoney deals on a

    wide variety of items.Visit the biggest shopof its kind in the area!

    We get new stockregularly.

    When you are in needof cash... remember,

    we will buy all your oldfurniture for cash.

    Visit the shop at theBothashoek/

    Praktiseer turn-off,Contact: Bennie on

    076 111 8405.

    7. Allerlei/


    Elshamah MotorsYour Mechanic on

    Duty. We specializein all minor and majorrepairs and services

    on ALL types ofvehicles. Engine,gearboxes and

    differentials.We specialize in

    Mahindra vehicles.Lebowa BusinessPark, Burgersfort.

    Contact:Willie, 076 158 9192.

    Retired couple islooking for a fully

    furnished garden flator cottage to let in theBurgersfort area from1 January 2010. Must

    be in a safe area.Contact: 073 139

    7969 for enquiries.

    Find us @ these

    distribution points* Burgersfort


    * Boxer Stores Burgersfort

    * OK Grocer

    * Xerox Copimaster

    * Phelo Pele Pharmacy

    * Burgersfort Pharmacy

    * Laerskool Steelpoort

    * Laerskool Burgersfort

    * Tingeling Kleuterskool

    * OK MiniMark

    * Greater TubatseMunicipality

    * CTM

    * Modikwa Platinum Mine

    * Pick n Pay

    * Winterveld Village

    * Ohrigstad SAPS

    * Total Ohrigstad

    * Leboeng SAPS

    * Praktiseer SAPS

    * Burgersfort SAPS

    * Magaba Garage

    * Vision Meat

    * Burgersfort Toyota

    * Hendriks Panelbeaters

    * Shoprite

    * La Beautique Clinique

    * Mecklenburg SAPS

    * Tubatse Village* Praktiseer Magistrates


    * Penge

    * Factory Shop

    * Dwarsrivier Mine

    * 4U Office National -

    (Please note: these are just some of our distribution points).

    Gaan u metvakansie maar is

    bekommerd oor dietroeteldiere wat bydie huis moet bly?

    Dan het ek dieoplossing.

    Kontak my gerus082 336 2615 -Pets@Home

    A flat rate of R30 per classified consisting of up to 20

    words is charged. Should the advertisement have

    more words, an additional R1-00 per word is charged.

    This includes VAT. Please ensure that writing islegible as the newspaper will not accept any

    responsibility for mistakes due to illegible handwrit-

    ing. Please keep your receipt or deposit slip as proof

    of payment and placement of the advertisement.

    Platinum Gazette reserves the right to judge

    whether to publish an advertisement or not.

    Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151.

    Klein Advertensies SmallsOm n klein advertensie te plaas kan u dieonderstaande vorm volledig invul en aan ons faks

    (faks nr. 086 554 9031) saam met die

    depositostrokie of bewys van elektroniese

    oorplasing. Die faks moet ons teen voor 08:00 op n

    Woensdag bereik. To place a small please complete

    the form below in full and fax it with the proof of payment to

    086 554 9031. The fax must reach us before 08:00 on a


    Bankbesonderhede/Banking details: Platinum

    Gazette, ABSA, Tak/Branch: Lydenburg 8562,

    Rekeningnommer/Account number: 4072580313.

    Naam/Name: Tel:

    n Basis fooi van R30 per geklassifiseerde advertensie

    met tot 20 woorde word gehef. Sou die advertensie uit

    meer woorde bestaan, word n addisionele R1-00 per

    woord gehef. Hierdie prys sluit BTW in. Maak asb.seker dat u netjies en leesbaar skryf aangesien die

    koerant geen verantwoordelikheid vir foute as gevolg

    van onleesbare skrif aanvaar nie. Hou asb. u kwitansie

    of depositostrokie as bewys van betaling en plasing

    van die advertensie. Platinum Gazette behou die reg

    voor om te besluit of n advertensie geplaas sal word.

    Navrae: 083 543 1676 of 083 271 9151.




    This cou ld

    have been



    b rough t t o

    t he

    at ten t ion o f

    po ten t ia lcus tomers .

    Contact :

    083 543

    1676 for

    adver t is ing



    * Ingwe Safety Equipment

    * One Stop Motor Spares -


    * Ohrigstad Restaurant

    (Voorheen: Lamb & Ale


    * Fingerprint of Africa

    * Try Me Dealers Ohrigstad

    * Laerskool Ohrigstad

    * Vyfster Slaghuis

    * Sasol Delight ConvenienceStore - Steelpoort

    * Department of Agriculture

    - Praktiseer

    * Madeleen Willers


    * Merensky Real Estate

    Read PlatinumGazette online at:



    us on 083

    271 9151

    with your

    news and

    on 083

    543 1676




    Green FingerGarden Services

    For all garden layoutsand maintenance.Tree and branch

    cutting and removalof all unwantedgarden garbage. We

    also do other repairs -Handyman available.For an extravagant

    garden contact:Theuns on

    074 734 2265

    Looking forsomeone

    who knowshow to dothe job?

    You could find himor her through

    advertising in thisnewspaper. To

    place yourvacancy

    advertisementcall Bennla on083 543 1676.






    is likewinking at a

    girl in the

    dark. You

    know what

    you aredoing, but

    nobody elsedoes

    - Stuart


    2010 Busvervoer

    tussenLburg & BfortDaaglikse busvervoervir skoolkinders. Ook

    plek vir koshuiskinders.

    Navrae: 072 147 5455

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December


    14 SPORT 18 DECEMBER 2009


    soccer kit for

    Xstratrstop four teams

    Completesoccer kit for

    Xstratastop four teamsThe t op four team s received jerseys, soccer

    boots, soccer ba lls, shin gua rds, a captains

    band, whistle and socks as part of their

    prizes in th e Xstrata Tournament held in


    Masokolare received the green and white

    kit. Liverpool received the Wh ite and red

    kit, Juventas th e black and white kit and

    Tubatse Gunners th e White and blue.

    The tournament was won by Tubatse

    Gunn ers. All these t eams a slo received acash component to their prize. This was

    paid over to their bank account. Mr Peter

    Mathu nyane, community development

    officer at Xstrata was very proud of the

    tournament went down and handed the

    winners their prizes.

    From left are: David Mokobake, Joseph

    Magolego, Peter Mathunyane, RichardMoagi and Sheelboy Tshesane.

    Masters at Mecklenburg


    on the matchplayed on 16December.

    Read about iton page 15.

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December




    of thegame

    Tubat se Master s tra velled to Moroke on 16 December to play

    against th e Mecklenburg SAPS team.

    The game was played on th e open ground in front of the police

    station and a small crowd quickly gathered to encourage the

    locals. The game st art ed late, but t his brought a bit of relief to

    the players in the extremely hot weather.

    The final score was 4-2 in favour of Tubats e Master s.

    Above: The Tubatse Masters team.

    Above: The

    MecklenburgSAPS team.

    TubatseMastersplayed in theyellow and

    blue andMecklenburgSAPS in the

    red and white.

    18 DESEMBER 2009

  • 8/14/2019 Platinum Gazette 18 December




    Platinum GazettePlatinum GazetteFor all your stationery,For all your stationery,For all your stationery,For all your stationery,For all your stationery,

    computer and officecomputer and officecomputer and officecomputer and officecomputer and office

    furniture nee dsfurniture nee dsfurniture nee dsfurniture nee dsfurniture nee dsTel: (013) 231 8008Tel: (013) 231 8008Tel: (013) 231 8008Tel: (013) 231 8008Tel: ( 013) 231 8008

    Shop 30, Morone C ent re, BurgersfortShop 30, Morone C ent re, BurgersfortShop 30, Morone C ent re, BurgersfortShop 30, Morone C ent re, BurgersfortShop 30, Mo rone C ent re, BurgersfortPlatinumG


    4 U

    18 DECEMBER 2009

    E-Touch H airsalon


    082 461 1381




    Special! Dreads and

    hair pieces.

    Dress-uphairstyles for

    weddings,functions and


    Heated match:Tubatse Mastersvs Mecklenburg


    Heated match:Tubatse Masters

    vs MecklenburgSAPSOn 16 December Tubatse Masters played against the Mecklenburg SAPS at Moroke.

    The scorching heat did not stop th em from going all out to claim th e game.Rea d m o re

    a n d see m o re p h o t og ra p h s o n p a g e 1 5.