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Page 1: Planning edit

Ellie, Joe, Beth and Beth

Page 2: Planning edit

Shot Description

1 Establishing shot of street. Picture included at the end of slide. Music will be introduced, with light, slow, eerie atmosphere.

2 Same shot as above however the Detective will begin to walk into the frame from the right and turn round the bend of the road. *This shot may blur due to time of shooting however we have decided as a group that we like this effect*

3 Long shot of the road which the Detective has just turned down, showing him entering the frame from the left. He will be walking towards a young girl at the end of the road who is visibly skipping/playing under the street lights.

4 Mid shot at a slightly low angle watching the girl dance around. In the background you can see the Detective approaching. Shows alternative perspective. This also allows the audience to see some emotion in the Detective.

5 High angle shot of girl to show vulnerability. She will then drop the ribbon and the music will slowly fade, with only slight piano notes being heard every now and then.

6 Ground level. Ribbon will be in the frame. Detective steps into the frame from the left, picking up the ribbon and walking off to the right. Next shot we see the girl skip around the corner. Eerie atmosphere picks up again.

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Shot Description

7 Camera follows the Detective round the corner where the girl just went. Shot will be on the same level as the Detective to show that we are equal at this moment in time. This shot will cut to point of view as the Detective turns the corner to reveal that no one is there. The camera will then turn as the Detective turns around. The shot then quickly turns around to reveal The Shade standing there.

8 Over shoulder shot from The Shade showing the Detective looking scared and running away. Music will increase dramatically in both pace and volume. White flash which will commence a quick flashback.

9 First flashback. Will last around 0.3seconds. These will be 3 different shots of the Mental Asylum, therefore giving hints into his past and further plot.

10 Detective will run through a small alleyway. There will be a panning shot of him running past. A Shade will be seen at the end of the alleyway. Which will lead to white screen.

11 Flashbacks of images of a trashed bedroom and just generally dishevelled surroundings.

12 Same shot positioning as *10 but we will see him turn around and run the direction he came.

13 Point of view shot. Detective running through alleyways/roads, emphasising mans breathing which will create a sense of fear.

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Shot Description

14 Panning/long shots of man running onto a field.

15 Extreme long shot of the man running along a field. These shot will only last long enough for the ‘Casting’ title to appear.

16 Detective reaches Marriott's Way which will be a long shot watching the Detective run towards a Shade in the cameras directions, and then turn down a different path to the left.

17 Point of view shot showing the Detective running through a wooded area, seeing numerous Shades scattered amongst the treas.

18 Over shoulder shot/panning from the Shade watching the Detective run past, commence to white.

19 Flashback of photos, notes and other memorabilia of the girl.

20 Mid shot showing the Detective emerging from the woods onto a field.

21 Point of view from The Detective which shows Shades surrounding him.

22 Long shot from slightly to the left, watching Shades enclose the Detective.

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Shot Description

23 Point of view, The Detective falling backwards. Low angle shot of Shades towering above him, showing the Detectives vulnerability.

24 Screen fades to black.

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Shot 1

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Shot 3

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Extra image taken while experimenting while filming

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The Shade hiding under a lamppost during an extra shot

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Shot 10