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2 Peterborough Life | October 2010

Peterborough Life | OCTOBER 2010 3

As always at Life Maga-zines we are looking at ways not only to improve your maga-zine for you guys, the readers, but also how to

increase exposure for our advertisers.

So, again we have broadened our horisons and will now cover much more of Peterborough every month. Our focus will still be on Southern Peter-borough, bringing you exclusive stories and information that you simply can-not find anywhere else. But we are also increasing our distribution to businesses and waiting areas, so that residents who do not live on our free door to door distribution path can still grab a copy of Life.

We hope that as our readers, you feel that this is a positive move, as it means that should you have a story for us, then it will be seen across the whole City and not just in a small area.

Our main aim as always is to ensure that we provide you with a great, valu-able read every month, so please keep in touch to enable us to continue to do so. It is your information that makes this magazine so unqiue!

Enjoy the read, and dont forget to put your clocks back on Sunday 31st October 2010.

Katie xCover shot:Canal Boat SwansThe Wildlife Trust

Contact us:Our office hours are 9am - 5.30 PM, Monday - Friday.

By Phone: (01733) 396179 | 07946 751155 | 07855 226552Byhis Post: Life Magazines, Unit 15, Workspace House, 28-29 Maxwell Road, Peterborough PE2 7JE

By Email: [email protected] |

Life Magazines are written and published by a local person and is not part of a large organisation. Care is taken to ensure that the content and information is correct, however Life Magazines cannot accept responsibility for loss, damage, or omission caused by any errors.

This month


5 Local News On the beat with Inspector Matt Snow

9 Local News Ferry Meadows, open air venue?

13 Your Health With our very own Dr. Gary

15 Local News July’s pictures from local schools

17 Feature Woodston Ponds

25 Out and About Nene Valley Railway 1940’s Show

29 Posh Insight into happenings at London Road.


EdItOr Katie Trigg [email protected]

EdItOrIALS Victoria Bird [email protected]

PhOtOgrAPhEr Charles David Photography Ltd

SALES Lee Clarke [email protected]

Lez St John [email protected]

dESIgNEr Simon Bell Design

4 Peterborough Life | October 2010

Success is running away with them!Local sports retailer, Advance Performance, have announced that they are moving offices in November. The new premises are much larger than the old, a sign of the times for the business which is going from strength to strength.

The new building is due to open on November 4th and will be double the size of their old unit, requiring three new members of staff.

Advance performance have seen sales rocket by 18% in the last year, allowing them to expand in both Peterborough and Cam-bridge.

The new store will be 4 Fengate East and adjacent will be a new bicycle shop.


Join the Choir

Following the sell-out success of their Sing for Heroes event in Peterborough Cathedral earlier this year, Peterborough Male Voice Choir are on the lookout for new members. ‘There’s never been a better time to join’ said director of the eighty-strong male voice choir, Will Prideaux: ‘we’ve got a really exciting season planned’. Recognised as one of the region’s most accomplished choral groups, Peterborough Male Voice Choir prides itself on welcoming experienced and beginner singers alike. Recent new recruit Tim Jefferies said ‘I’d never sung before, but with the help and guidance of the music staff I always come away from rehearsal with the feeling that I have achieved something’. Baritone Andy Coles, who works for the Metropolitan Police by day, recog-nises health and well-being benefits of being in the choir: ‘It’s a great way to unwind – rehearsal night is a real stress-buster – I come away relaxed and refreshed’. If you would like to find out more about joining Peterborough Male Voice Choir please call Richard and Jennifer Holloway on 01733 232596 or email [email protected].

Guild HouseThe Anglian Ruskin University has finalised the deal to buy the Guild House on Oundle Road. The deal will bring a modern medical facility to Peter-borough which could treble the number of nurses in the City.

The building will require a 4.5million redevelop-ment which will commence in February 2011. It is currently being discussed if Peterborough City Council should give a £500,000 grant towards the redevelopment.

Anglia Ruskin will transform the building into a medical training facility and including a new lecture theatre, library, classrooms, a skills laboratory, of-fice space and a cafeteria.

This is great news for the City!

Rhapsody looking for new membersRhapsody are based in Orton Waterville Village Hall and are the new local ladies singing chorus.Currently, there are 20 members who perform under the musical director Helen Glavina. All of the members have one thing in common, they love to sing!Rhapsody are holding an open evening for new members on September 14th from 7.30pm at the Village Hall. For information please contact Christine Tyler on 07753 833602.

Picture of Advance Perf

Westen Link

Work has finally started on the Western Link crossing between Botolph Green and Sugar Way. The crossing will allow cyclists and pedestrians to cross over the Nene Valley Railway, connecting the footpath and the cycleway.The existing crossing will be moved by around 50 metres and will take 10 weeks to complete.The project is in partnership with Peterborough City Council, The Nene Park Trust and Nene Valley Railway. It has been funded by Highways, Local transport and Section 106 cash pots.

Picture Guild House

Picture western link

“Being Julia” “Being Julia” is a Comedy/Drama starring Annette Bening, Jeremy Irons and Michael Gambon. Cert. 12A. It will be shown on Wednesday, 6th October at 7.30pm in Orton Waterville Village Hall The film is set in London in 1938. Actress Julia Lambert is at her peak but her marriage to the impresario Michael Gosselyn is failing. Enter Tom Fennell at half her age and she decides that the excitement of an affair is a good antidote to her mid life crisis. But when he callously tries to relegate her to a supporting role Julia’s performance on the opening night reveals her to be a more formidable actress than anyone ever imagined. Sponsored by the Village Show Society Refreshments included. £4.50 All tickets to be pre-booked. Call (01733) 233351.

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Premier kitchens

6 Peterborough Life | October 2010

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Our Little Miracle!A local couple from the Sugar Way development, Emma and Francis Hately, will be running the 2010 Great Eastern Half Marathon for a very special brave little boy – their son Liam!From the 20 week scan they found out that Liam would be born with hydrocephalus due to a cyst blocking his brain stem. Liam was always very much loved and wanted and despite a bleak prognosis and he came into the world at 34 weeks term shouting and full of life. Liam has had four lots of brain surgery and now wears a brain shunt which he will be reliant upon for the rest of his life. When they first brought Liam home their health visitor, Jayne worked with them to establish a support network for Liam to ensure he got all the help he needed to ‘develop.’

Despite a really difficult start in life he is developing and achieving all the milestones of a ‘normal’ child. He is amazing and they call him their little miracle! They want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has worked with them to support and care for Liam.

Hydrocephalus can cause so many problems and comes with massive uncertainty about the future. Everyone who suffers from hydrocephalus is special, unique and deserving of support.

Emma, Francis and their close friend Dale will be running this years Great Eastern run for the charity ASBAH , Association of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. ASBAH do amazing work for suffers of hydrocephalus and their families and the family just want to help them continue their work. Please give generously at :


Crosskey Clog

Crosskey was formed in 1982 by the Peterborough dancers of Northampton based clog side Poly Olbion. They, having danced with Poly Olbion for some time, decided to form a local side. Dancing in the Northwest tradition of Morris, the kit is distinctive red and navy plus a leather badge showing the crossed keys, these being part of Peterborough City’s Coat of Arms and symbolises St.Peter’s role as the keeper of the keys to heaven. Over the years Crosskey have become well established and have been seen at various events locally and nationally, from local pubs and fetes, to festivals such as Whittlesea Straw Bear, Rochester May Day, Scarborough, Sidmouth, the late lamented Expo Steam and others, plus TV appear-ances. Like many organisations, Crosskey have had a number of changes, perhaps the most notable was the change form an all ladies to a mixed side, men came in to dance. Initially, it was the partners and husbands once either part of the band or part of rent-a-crowd - who came in to dance.

Crosskey’s practice season started in September at Newbor-ough Village hall at 8pm. Anyone wanting to try clog dance is more than welcome to come along, we can teach you the dances. For further information see the website and/or contact the Bagman, Pete Stafford-Honeyball 01778 393507 [email protected]

Do the tango!There will be Argentine Tango classes at Polish club. 63,Church St, Stan-ground, Peterborough. PE2 8HF. The class is run by Natalia Safianowicz and Hilmar Gudmundsson who are beautiful dancers and fantastic teach-ers. They are a small friendly group; you don’t need a partner to come as we rotate partners during the class. For more information please email [email protected] visit

TURN KNOWLEDGE INTO POUNDS AT MAYOR’S CHARITY QUIZ NIGHT A charity quiz night is being hosted by the Mayor of Peterborough, councillor Keith Sharp, at South Grove Community Centre, Grove Street, Woodston, Peterborough, on Friday 22 October 2010 at 7pm.

Teams of four can enter or alternatively people can sign up individually and join a team on the night.

Money raised will be split between the Mayor’s charities which are Diabetes UK Peter-borough, Macmillan Cancer Support and Peterborough War Memorial.

Mayor councillor Sharp said: “This is a new event in the mayoral diary this year and one which I am looking forward to. It’s a good way to have a little fun while raising money for three very worthwhile causes.”

It costs £1 per person to enter the quiz. To take part, or for more information, call the mayor’s office at Peterborough Town Hall on (01733) 452319.

It all ends at Nene Valley Railway?There were a few familiar faces at NVR in September when some of the cast of Eastenders filmed a crucial scene featur-ing Charlie Brooks and Neil McDermott, (Janine and Ryan).

The level crossing where the scene was being shot was kept heavily under wraps by the Eastenders crew. The talk was that the plot line ends with Janine and Ryan’s car getting stuck on the level crossing, but do they escape the car in time?

But we will have to wait and see as no one is giving anything away at NVR!

8 Peterborough Life | October 2010


Children’s centres support families with children under five. They offer easy access to free health and family support, help with finding jobs and training, drop-in sessions, and activities and information about local childcare and early education. All our children’s centres are based locally, so there should be one, or plans for one close to you.At Orton Children’s Centre they run a variety of term time activities for children up to the age of 5 and in conjunction with the Extended Schools Service, holi-day and one off activities for children up to the age of 19. At Christmas we run a Christmas Fun Day. On a Monday and Tuesday they run a family cafe where you can come and enjoy a homecooked, nutritious and well balanced meal at a very affordable price. It is a great opportunity to meet new people and share your parenting experiences.Each month they run a Parents Action Group meeting where parents of children accessing Children Centre services can offer their comments, advice and feedback on the services offered. This group gives parents the opportunity to have an active role in the running of the centre. To join the Parents Action Group please call Vanessa on 01733 237209 or e-mail at [email protected] majority of families register with the Children’s Centre during an ante natal appointment or during the health visitor’s new birth visit. If you have missed out, please pop in to the centre and staff will be happy to assist you with your registration. Contact Orton Children’s Centre, The Jigsaw Centre, Herlington, Orton Malborne, Peterborough, PE2 5PW. Tel: 01733 237209.

Childrens Centre

St Andrew’s ChurchThe congregation at St Andrew’s Church in Alwalton are looking forward to this winter a little bit more now that they have had their heating issues solved.

The church was forced to move into the village hall after last Christmas after its boiler was condemned. But now they have returned home safe and sound to a nice warm church. The normal groups, such as tiddlewinks are now back on.

For more information, please visit:

Salvation Army Care in StangroundPurchase plenty of bargains at The Salvation Army Care and Share shops in Desborough Avenue, Stanground. Good, clean quality clothing for men, women and children are sold at very reasonable prices. Other items sold includes; linen, bric-a-brac, small electrical items, books, videos and music. Their furniture shop will offer you excellent rates on beds, tables, sofas and smaller items.

All donations are also gratefully received. For donations of furniture for collection please call 01733 565694. Mattress-es, easy chairs and sofas must have the fire label attached.

Whittle Way Fun DayThe Whittle Way Pub in Central Square in Stanground held a fun day in Sep-tember to raise money for Sue Ryder Care, Thorpe Hall Hospice in Thorpe Road, Peterborough.

The event was run by Amy Veni in aid of her father Roy who died of lung cancer in 2009. They raised more than £500.00!

Well done Amy, keep up the good work!

St Andrews Church Picture

NVR MeetingsNene Valley Railway have announced their meeting for the coming month. All meetings are at the Cherry Tree Public House in Oundle Road, Peterborough and commence at 7.30 pm. A contribution of £1 per member and £2 per visitor will be payable on the night of the meeting to help defray expenses.

Wednesday October 13th Bill Davies will once again return to continue with his tales “On and Off the Footplate.”

For the latest information on the programme and any pos-sible last minute changes see the NVR website Go to membership/winter meetings.

Peterborough Life | OCTOBER 2010 9

10 Peterborough Life | October 2010

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Peterborough Life | OCTOBER 2010 1 1


I am the Sector Inspector for the Southern Sector of Peterborough. This area covers Stanground, Fletton, Woodston, Hampton and the Ortons. This summer the Neighbourhood Policing Teams in these areas have been focussing on the local policing priorities set at the public panel meetings in July.The priorities on the South (East) side of the area have been reducing anti-social behaviour in Fellowes Gar-dens, Fletton, tacking anti-social behaviour in Chapel St and Appleyard, Stanground, and dealing with under- age street drinking and parking obstructions in Hampton. In the Orton neighbourhoods we have been tackling graffiti, anti-social behaviour in Hinchcliffe, Orton Goldhay and reducing the problems caused by mini-motos and quad bikes in the area. Much of our work has been in increased patrols in these areas but we are also working with the City Council’s Neighbourhood Management team to develop long term solutions to some of the issues. In the last month we have experienced a pattern of burglaries in our area. They are happening during the daytime when people are away from the house. The burglar /burglars are entering the house at the back and taking small valuable items. Please ensure that side gates and back doors are secure and keep an eye on neighbours’ houses if you know they are out during the day. We are increasing patrols - both in uniform and in plain clothes to try to prevent or catch them. Our colleagues in the CID, Traffic and Firearms Departments are also focussing on this problem. If you have any information about these burglaries please call us. For more information about crime in the area and the work my teams are doing, visit our website neighbourhood. You can also sign up to our e-cops email service to receive regular email updates from your local officers.

More flats on the wayHeritage Homes have been given the go ahead to move forward with the build of fourteen flats off Fletton Avenue, much to the fury of local residents.

Many local people canvassed to stop the build, which will comprise of eight two bedroom flats and six one bedroom flats in three blocks. The orginal plans sub-mitted last December were rejected by PCC, as it was felt that the blocks were too close to the road. This problem has been solved by the Developer, so PCC had no choice but to grant permission.

Fairplay for Fletton is a community group which has been set up to campaign against the flats. They felt that the site was too small for the number of flats and feel it is an overdevelopment. Parking was another major issue.

But the application has now been approved so there is little anyone can do now. If you would like to let us know your thoughts, then the email is [email protected].

with Inspector Matt Snow

Dress down for Leo!Leo Waites, the local four year old who is awaiting an operation in America to help him to walk unaided, still needs your help! Leo’s mum Joanne Holland is trying to encourage businesses across the area to run a dress down day on 1st October 2010, where staff will each give a donation of £1.00 to the Leo Waites fund.

Leo has Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy and is normally confined to a wheelchair and only way he can get around is by shuffling on his knees.

Leo requires a treatment call selective dorsal Rhizotomy, which will hopefully re-duce the spasticity in his legs. The Centre For Cerebral Palsy Spasticity in St Louis, Missouri are the worlds leading specialists in Cerebral Palsy.

So speak to your boss and see if your company will come on board to help this very special little boy! To register for dress down day please email [email protected] or call 01782 600114 for a fundraising pack.

Pic of Leo

An inspiring young man!

You may have seen and have been touched by Cutting Edge: My New Brain, which was on Channel 4 in Au-gust about Simon Hales. Simon fell 20 feet off a wall on to a car park, landing on his head, whilst on a night out in Newcastle, where he was studying at University.

Simon, 21, a student at Newcastle University and long time waiter and barman at Barnsdale Lodge Hotel, Oa-kham, suffered a severe traumatic brain injury as the result of the fall and is currently still on the very long road to recovery. He spend five weeks in a coma.Since waking up he has had to learn to walk and talk and is now learning to read and write at Oakleaf a residential brain injury rehabilitation unit in Hartwell, just south of Northampton.

Some of his friends and family, namely; Paul Freeman, Sally Dowdy, Richard Broughton and Jane Hales are trekking along the Great Wall of China in April 2011 to raise money for 'Headway - the brain injury associa-tion, which has been such a great help to Simon.

Anyone wishing to sponsor Jane and the fundrais-ing team on the trek next April can are able to drop money off at Barnsdale Lodge or go to

Orton Bridge ClubOrton Bridge Club meets Monday and Friday evenings at Orton Wistow Community Centre from 7 - 10.30 pm. We are a small, friendly club and new members will be made most welcome. Please telephone Alec Har-bour 01733 766709 for further information.

Waterville Whist DrivesWhist drives are held in the Village Hall every Friday night starting at 7.30 pm. The club is actively seeking new members to join this very sociable and friendly group of players. All the proceeds are given to well deserving charities.If you wish to join please come to the Hall before the start or contact Ron Hammerton on 01733 233351 for more details.

12 Peterborough Life | October 2010

Peterborough Life | OCTOBER 2010 13


Railworld Model Railway! Everything from Eurostar to Thomas the Tank Engine; the model railway at Railworld has got the lot. More than 30 operating locomotives with innumerable combinations of rolling stock, they even have models that actually give off smoke for realistic effects.Modern passenger trains run alongside classic steam engines like Morning Star and Mallard. They even have a selection of Eu-ropean locomotives and appropriate rolling stock. Most importantly they have a spectacular live video feed from inside the driver’s cab of a diesel locomotive.The building housing the model railway has a theme of “Railways and the Environment” which shows the environmental advantages of rail travel in terms of pollution and greenhouse gas effects.Unusually, children have a rare opportunity to actually drive a model of “Thomas” for themselves. For more information please contact: +44 (0) 1733 344240 or email: [email protected]


Every Monday morning during term time St. Andrew’s church, Alwalton is full of the sound of happy children playing, singing and enjoying each other’s friendship as well as God’s.Tiddlywinks is the Play and Praise group run by Liz and Malcolm Ingham, Sarah Kirkpatrick and Jean Ernst and is open to anyone with preschool children. Doors open at 9.30am and we end at 11.30am and you are welcome to come and go as you please. You will be welcomed with a cup of tea or coffee and the group begins and ends with free play. There are lots of toys and activities for the whole range of preschool children. They have a short creative Bible story and a time of singing, playing musical instruments and enjoying fun action songs.They often have craft activities, play dough or puzzles out and the building is always warm. In the Summer they end the term by heading outside for our annual “Teddy Bears’ Picnic”.Tiddlywinks is not a play group and your child remains your responsibility throughout the session. There is no charge for coming to Tiddlywinks, but they do ask that a donation of at least £1 be made if possible to help us to cover all our costs. Because Tiddlywinks is popular and Alwalton is a village, parking can sometimes get quite tight, if possible park in the village car park at the Colonel Dane Memorial Village Hall.For more information please visit

Southgate AutosSouthgate Autos opened for business in October last year by husband Matt and Jo Rands. The Garage is a small family run business in Culley Court, Orton Southgate just off of Bakewell road which prides themselves on giving a reliable and friendly service.

The couple live in Yaxley which is where Matt worked for Willow road Garage for 11 years. Starting off as a 15 year old apprentice he worked his way up to the position of foreman. Matt said he was sad to leave but his dream of owning his own garage was to strong.

Matt has NVQ level 3 in Vehicle Mechanical and Elec-tronic Systems, Advanced Diagnostics and Engine Management qualification, Matt is also a member of ATA (auto motive technician accreditation) which is governed by the institute of the motor industry.

Matt says we pride ourselves on customer satisfac-tion and giving a professional but yet affordable services, we take our reputation very seriously. We have 2 small children and know the importance of having and maintaining a safe vehicle. We aim to offer very competitive prices and will do our best to beat any like for like quote. We also offer to pick your car up and have it back to you the same day.

Southgate Autos list’s, Diagnostics, Servicing, Brakes, Tyres, Exhausts and much more on all makes of cars and vans, a towing facility is also available. They are offering 10%discount off any Service until December 2010 and 10% off Tyres and Brakes.

Southgate Autos are open 6 days a week from 8am to 5.30pm Weekdays and 8am to 1.30pm Satur-days, other times are available by appointment.

For competitive quotation please call 01733 367220 or visit Unit 24, Culley Court. Orton Southgate .

2nd NeneThe 2nd Nene is one of the largest Scout Groups in the city of Peterborough with over 100 young people taking part in Scouting activities every week. Scouting offers challenge and adventure to 400,000 young people aged 6-25 in the UK. Anne Watson is the Group Scout Leader for 2nd Nene.

The HQ is located in the south west corner of Orton Longuiville School site on Oundle Road Peterborough. For more information please call 01529 240243 for more information or visit

14 Peterborough Life | October 2010

W E L C O M EWelcome to Life health and beauty. We are lucky enough to feature artilces from our contributors on everything from the newest makeup trend to how to lose those last few pounds.

We have hints, tips, and expert advice as well as competitions and giveaways found exclusive to Life!

Jo BainesBeauty Writer

Jackie DissFitness Writer

Dr Gary HowsamHealth Writer

MAC Lipstick in Russian Red

The lowdown on your beauty regime.. what’s hot ... what’s not.. By Jo Baines |

Clarins Lip Colour Tint in Watermelon

This Autumn it is all about cashmere skin, sheer eye colours, dark graphic eye liner and HOT RED LIPS!

TOP tips...Make sure your lips are exfoliated and moisturized before application.

Give the lips a light powder dusting.Select the best-sharpened match-ing red lip liner and outline your mouth carefully,

The pencil should create a barrier to the lipstick, to stop the color from bleeding

The Autumn/Winter collection from OPI, is now available from Beauty and The Beast at House of Hair and Beauty.

The Swiss Collection Limited Edition Mini Collection comes in three 3 different shades and a rapid dry top coat. It retails at £12.15.

A great handbag size to top up before going to that after work party! Simply email your name, address and telephone number to [email protected].


Estée Lauder Hydra Lustre Lipstick in Rich Red


reviewYou will love iLash extensions!This month I was lucky enough to trial eyelash extensions from Jo’s Beauty at Ethos, New Road. Peterborough. Eyelash extensions are individual single strands of man made fibre which are shaped to mimic the natural eyelash. They are adhered to your existing lashes, not the eyelid. Unlike traditional flase eylashes they are almost weightless, feel and look completely natu-ral. You can have the correct shape and length tailored around your own lashes.

My experience at Jo’s Beauty was fabu-lous. The salon is extremely chilled and has a traquil feel about it. Jo Baines, who carried out the procedure, instructed me to simply lye back and relax.. and that’s exactly what i did, to the point that i fell fast asleep! Eyelash enhancement is totally painless, i could not even feel Jo doing anything, it was that painless! After around two hours the extentions were all in place and i was over the moon with my new look. Mascara went out of the window, because for the first time in my life I was looking at eyes brimmed with thick, dark, natural eyelashes. Bliss!

With proper care lash extensions can last as long as the remaining lifetime of the

natural eyelash the extension is adhered to. Natural eyelashes have a six to eight week lifecycle.

After a few weeks you’re required to have infills for the lashes you have lost to keep the initial effect.

Jo’s Beauty offers a fullset of eyelash extentions for £55.00 until the end of November 2010. Infills cost £25.00.

ilash extensions By Katie Trigg

Competition!Win a set of eyelash extensions courtesy of Jo’s Beauty. Simply answer this question!

What are eyelash extensions made of?Email your answer to [email protected] along with your name, address and telephone number.

Deadline for entries 25th October 2010.

reviewWith Dr Gary

Topic: Diabetes

healthDiabetes is a chronic (long term) disease caused by too much glucose (sugar) in the blood. About 2.5 million people in England and Wales have been diagnosed with the condition and it is thought another 750,000 people have it without realising.Normally, a hormone called Insulin, made by your pancreas, controls the amount of glucose in the blood. Insulin allows any glucose in the blood, from digested food, to move into the cells where it is converted into energy.In Type 1 Diabetes there is no insulin produced. Type 2 Diabetes develops when the body can still make insulin, but not enough, or when the insulin that is produced does not work properly (insulin resistance). It means glucose builds up in the blood. It usually appears in people over the age of 40, but it is becoming more common in children and adolescents. Type 2 diabetes accounts for between 85 and 95 per cent of all people with diabetes and will therefore be the focus of the rest of this article.

The main symptoms of undiagnosed diabetes can include:• passing urine more often than usual, especially at night • increased thirst • extreme tiredness • unexplained weight loss • genital itching or regular episodes of thrush • slow healing of cuts and wounds • blurred visionThe exact cause of type 2 diabetes is not fully understood. There are a number of risk factors. If you are overweight or obese the cells become less

responsive to the effects of insulin. Afro-Caribbeans and South Asians have a higher risk of developing the condition. As we get older we are more likely to get diabetes as we tend to put on weight and exercise less. You are more likely to get it if a parent or sibling has had diabetes.Your doctor may use blood or urine tests to confirm the diagnosis. Diabetes can not be cured at this point in time so treatment is aimed at keeping the blood glucose levels as normal as possible. At first treatment involves los-ing weight, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Type 2 diabetes usually gets worse over time and these measures may not be enough in themselves. This is when you may need to start taking a tablet or combina-tion of tablets and in some cases you may eventually need injectable insulin. Diabetics have a raised risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. Regular feet, eye and nerve checks are also important as they are affected by diabetes too.

If you have any of the symptoms above see your GP as early diagnosis and treatment is vital to relieve your symptoms reduce and the chance of serious complications. For more details see

Well I can truly say I do not know where this year has gone and the last couple of months have been jam packed with, events, filming and article writing. BUT my biggest project so far this year has been the LIFE magazine Summer Weight Loss Challenge, where my 9 challeng-ers in 4 weeks lost a total of 133 inches and 80lbs !! The other big event in my life recently has been the fact I was in Aug/Sept RED Magazine talking about my own personal weight loss and experience of being an over weight child and young adult. I have to say it was the scari-est thing I have done in a long time as many people expect because of my chosen career I would never have had a weight problem. The article is very open and contains photos I have hidden away for years and now its all on show for thousands of people to see. So why did I do the article? I did it because I wanted to share the experience and the changes I had to make. Once I found my ‘triggers‘, used exercise to boost my mood rather than as a torture and most of all introduced positive behaviour and thinking I really believe you can change direction.

Seasonal TrainingSo as the year rushes by, our window of op-portunity to go outside for an early morning or evening workout is sadly closing. Autumn

training is about to begin so what can you do to keep your motivation and momentum going?

Join a groupBook into a new group/class such as salsa, running clubs, Pilates or even the new craze Zumba. The benefits of group workouts come from the motivation, support and energy you get in one room.

Train with a friendShare the pleasure and pain of training with a friend I guarantee when one of you doesn’t feel like exercising the other will.

IceOr my third option is you could just embrace the coming weather and try an outdoor boot camp or even better hit the indoor slopes.

Enjoy your training and see you soon!

TOP TIPS Keep your workout varied to avoid boredom

fitness With Jackie

If you want change your body shape make sure you workout until you feel fatigued

My favourite exercise for creating a peachy bottom is lunges

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16 LIFE IN PE2, ALWALTON & WANSFORD | September 2010

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18 LIFE IN PE2, ALWALTON & WANSFORD | September 2010

Chef in Casa

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20 Peterborough Life | October 2010

Life Magazine meetsJJ BirdJJ Bird, from Peterborough was thrown into the limelight recently when he shot to fame by making it into the Big Brother House!

JJ Interwiew

LIFE: Hi JJ, thanks for speaking to us at Life Magazines, just to kick off I am sure our readers would love to know when and how did you find out that you were short listed for Big Brother?

JJ: Well, I was actually at the launch night as part of eighty one people that were origi-nally short listed but wasn’t chosen as one of fourteen original housemates. But I a couple of weeks later to say I had been short listed with five others and the housemates would choose which of us were to join them in the house.

LIFE: Wow, they made you hang on a bit then! So, what made you apply to go on the show in the first place?

JJ: I had always watched the show and enjoyed it, also people mentioned to me that I’d be good on it and as it was the last one I thought why not? I just went for it and was lucky enough to get in.

LIFE: When you did not get in originally, were you given a clue that you may get a chance to get into the house before the end of the series?

JJ: No, they never gave me any other clues re-ally! I did think though, after watching the other series that more housemates might be put in along the way, but didn’t know untill I got that call.

LIFE: The whole Big Brother concept is scary enough, but what were the auditions like? ................................................

JJ: The auditions were fun but long! At one point there was an application pack that took three hours to fill in! It looked like the yellow pages! My hand was killing after that! Ha ha.

LIFE: We know you made friends in the house, but did you make friends during the auditions?

JJ: Erm… I didn’t really make friends at the auditions, I just chatted with lots of people. It was when the first eighty one people were in what they called the ‘lockdown’ stage, which was when they kept us from the outside world for three days, that’s when I started to make friends. This is when I met John James who became my best mate in the house!

“you forget the cameras are there until it’s quiet and you here them move!”

LIFE: We are all desperate to know what was it like in the house? Did it feel like a house or a film set?

JJ: It felt just like it was my everyday life and that felt just really normal, you forget the cameras are there until it’s quiet and you here them move!

LIFE: So, you are from Peterborough. Where did you grow up and where did you go to school?

JJ: I grew up in Bretton and went to Sacred Heart primary school, as my family and I are all Catholics. And then I went on to St John Fisher School. I loved school, it was the easiest time of my life! LIFE: Isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing, I am sure when you was at school you didn’t say that! So what have you been up to since School?

JJ: Since school I’ve turned professional with my boxing and just working in office jobs to help pay the bills, to finance my boxing career. It has not always been easy, actually, its been a real struggle mostly!

LIFE: We appreciate your honesty, so how did you get into boxing and have you had much success?

JJ: Well, my younger brother started when he was five with local trainer Gary DeRoux and at that time I was fourteen and had a broken arm. I started boxing when my arm was out of cast to help strengthen my broken arm. However I got the big and totally loved the sport and within six months I was having my first amateur fight.

LIFE: The burning question is are you really friends with Aston, if so what is he like? Has fame gone to his head?

JJ: Yeah I am really friends with him. I see him all the time. In fact I’m staying with him at the moment. And no the fame most definitely hasn’t gone to his head! He’s very humble and acts exactly the same as when we were younger when he didn’t have any fame!

LIFE: So where is yours and Astons hideout.. I’m sure all the girls are dying to know?

JJ: That would be telling! But I live in London at the moment and have now been here for a year!

LIFE: So was Big Brother your only TV Experi-ence?

JJ: Not exactly, I have been on a couple of TV

game shows before. I went on them to try to win a bit of extra cash to help fund my boxing, because it can be expensive with travel, training and equipment costs. So, I went on Goldenballs and didn’t win anything, was on a National Lottery show and didn’t win anything, but then I was on The Cube on ITV and was lucky enough to walk away with £10,000.

“my family said they were really proud and my mates just find it really funny”LIFE: That’s great, so your family were used to seeing you on TV.. ha ha… but what do they think to your Big Brother fame?

JJ: Errr… I wouldn’t really call it fame. But all my family said they were really proud and my mates just find it really funny. They give me a bit of stick for some of the stuff I did in there!

LIFE: You may not look at it as fame, but I am sure you have attracted a lot of attention from the ladies, have you been mobbed in the street?

JJ: Yeah I have been...its really weird people want me to sign things and have pictures with them. But it’s all been so positive, so I’m really pleased and yeah it’s quite nice.

LIFE: Was John James really nice and do you think he did actually have feelings for Jodie?

JJ: John James is a lovely guy, he didn’t always come across well in the house, but I think that was just the pressure of the experience. And yes, he definitely does have genuine feelings for Josie and they are even moving in together!

LIFE: Oh, that’s sweet! Has Big Brother changed your life and where do you go from here?

JJ: Erm, it kinda has a little bit, I mean I get celebrities coming up to me in clubs and stuff when I’m with Aston and they say ohhhh we loved you in the house!! And I have been sent free clothes from places and even got a new

slim line Xbox the other day! From here I’ve got a Personal Appearance Tour around the UK and other than that I’m just getting back into my boxing and hopefully in a year or two I can be up there challenging for a British title!

LIFE: Well, you will certainly have a lot of sup-port! We have to ask who is the most famous person you have met since BB

JJ: I’ve met a few, but it’s weird because obvi-ously being friends with Aston and the JLS boys and going out with them I meet loads of famous people, it’s just weird now that they know me for being Astons friend and being on BB

LIFE: How exciting! Well I have been building up to this question and it’s the one everyone wants the answer to.. What really happened in that bed with Corin?

JJ: Hahahaa. It was literally just a tickle! Every-one thinks it was more, but really wasn’t! I just got in her bed and had a little cuddle, that was it!! She’s is a really lovely girl but I didn’t fancy her!

LIFE: Ohhhh… that’s a little bit disappoint-ing, but I am sure not to our females readers, who would rather you were single! Have you watched Ultimate BB?

JJ: To be honest I haven’t had time to watch too much! But its weird seeing people in that house that I have been living in!

LIFE: Well, thank you so much JJ for taking the time out to speak to me. Just finally, I wanted to know what would your advice be to someone who wants to make it into TV

JJ: Its hard to say, if your looking to be on a game show or reality show I guess you’ve got to be confident, a bit loud in certain situations and have a bit of banter! But just go for it… follow your dreams!

About JJ...Age: 24

Hobbies: Going cinemaand clubbing with mates

Marital Status: single

Favourite Book: Lordof the rings

Favourite Film: Snatch

Favourite Food: Pan-asian/sushi

Favourite quote:Sometimes you have to lose everything to figure out what it is you need to succeed!

Peterborough Bits...

What’s your favourite place to party?Erm most the time I stay in Edwards but I do like that new Halo place, but miss the old TOHO days.

What’s your favourite place to eat?Really love Imperial Bento’s.

What is the first thing you do when you come home?Give my mum a big hug then usually straight out to meet my mates!

What do you miss most of all aboutPeterborough?My old boxing trainer Gary Deroux.

What do you miss least of all aboutPeterborough?Not having anything to do on week nights. London has everything at any time of day.




















JJ Interwiew

The local lad has done good and managed to come across as a normal, straightforward kind of guy in a house full of loonies! So, what is in store for JJ now and what really happened under those sheets? Life Magazine’s very own Katie Trigg was lucky enough to get an interview our new local celebrity!

Peterborough Life | OCTOBER 2010 21

Life Magazine meetsJJ BirdJJ Bird, from Peterborough was thrown into the limelight recently when he shot to fame by making it into the Big Brother House!

JJ Interwiew

LIFE: Hi JJ, thanks for speaking to us at Life Magazines, just to kick off I am sure our readers would love to know when and how did you find out that you were short listed for Big Brother?

JJ: Well, I was actually at the launch night as part of eighty one people that were origi-nally short listed but wasn’t chosen as one of fourteen original housemates. But I a couple of weeks later to say I had been short listed with five others and the housemates would choose which of us were to join them in the house.

LIFE: Wow, they made you hang on a bit then! So, what made you apply to go on the show in the first place?

JJ: I had always watched the show and enjoyed it, also people mentioned to me that I’d be good on it and as it was the last one I thought why not? I just went for it and was lucky enough to get in.

LIFE: When you did not get in originally, were you given a clue that you may get a chance to get into the house before the end of the series?

JJ: No, they never gave me any other clues re-ally! I did think though, after watching the other series that more housemates might be put in along the way, but didn’t know untill I got that call.

LIFE: The whole Big Brother concept is scary enough, but what were the auditions like? ................................................

JJ: The auditions were fun but long! At one point there was an application pack that took three hours to fill in! It looked like the yellow pages! My hand was killing after that! Ha ha.

LIFE: We know you made friends in the house, but did you make friends during the auditions?

JJ: Erm… I didn’t really make friends at the auditions, I just chatted with lots of people. It was when the first eighty one people were in what they called the ‘lockdown’ stage, which was when they kept us from the outside world for three days, that’s when I started to make friends. This is when I met John James who became my best mate in the house!

“you forget the cameras are there until it’s quiet and you here them move!”

LIFE: We are all desperate to know what was it like in the house? Did it feel like a house or a film set?

JJ: It felt just like it was my everyday life and that felt just really normal, you forget the cameras are there until it’s quiet and you here them move!

LIFE: So, you are from Peterborough. Where did you grow up and where did you go to school?

JJ: I grew up in Bretton and went to Sacred Heart primary school, as my family and I are all Catholics. And then I went on to St John Fisher School. I loved school, it was the easiest time of my life! LIFE: Isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing, I am sure when you was at school you didn’t say that! So what have you been up to since School?

JJ: Since school I’ve turned professional with my boxing and just working in office jobs to help pay the bills, to finance my boxing career. It has not always been easy, actually, its been a real struggle mostly!

LIFE: We appreciate your honesty, so how did you get into boxing and have you had much success?

JJ: Well, my younger brother started when he was five with local trainer Gary DeRoux and at that time I was fourteen and had a broken arm. I started boxing when my arm was out of cast to help strengthen my broken arm. However I got the big and totally loved the sport and within six months I was having my first amateur fight.

LIFE: The burning question is are you really friends with Aston, if so what is he like? Has fame gone to his head?

JJ: Yeah I am really friends with him. I see him all the time. In fact I’m staying with him at the moment. And no the fame most definitely hasn’t gone to his head! He’s very humble and acts exactly the same as when we were younger when he didn’t have any fame!

LIFE: So where is yours and Astons hideout.. I’m sure all the girls are dying to know?

JJ: That would be telling! But I live in London at the moment and have now been here for a year!

LIFE: So was Big Brother your only TV Experi-ence?

JJ: Not exactly, I have been on a couple of TV

game shows before. I went on them to try to win a bit of extra cash to help fund my boxing, because it can be expensive with travel, training and equipment costs. So, I went on Goldenballs and didn’t win anything, was on a National Lottery show and didn’t win anything, but then I was on The Cube on ITV and was lucky enough to walk away with £10,000.

“my family said they were really proud and my mates just find it really funny”LIFE: That’s great, so your family were used to seeing you on TV.. ha ha… but what do they think to your Big Brother fame?

JJ: Errr… I wouldn’t really call it fame. But all my family said they were really proud and my mates just find it really funny. They give me a bit of stick for some of the stuff I did in there!

LIFE: You may not look at it as fame, but I am sure you have attracted a lot of attention from the ladies, have you been mobbed in the street?

JJ: Yeah I have been...its really weird people want me to sign things and have pictures with them. But it’s all been so positive, so I’m really pleased and yeah it’s quite nice.

LIFE: Was John James really nice and do you think he did actually have feelings for Jodie?

JJ: John James is a lovely guy, he didn’t always come across well in the house, but I think that was just the pressure of the experience. And yes, he definitely does have genuine feelings for Josie and they are even moving in together!

LIFE: Oh, that’s sweet! Has Big Brother changed your life and where do you go from here?

JJ: Erm, it kinda has a little bit, I mean I get celebrities coming up to me in clubs and stuff when I’m with Aston and they say ohhhh we loved you in the house!! And I have been sent free clothes from places and even got a new

slim line Xbox the other day! From here I’ve got a Personal Appearance Tour around the UK and other than that I’m just getting back into my boxing and hopefully in a year or two I can be up there challenging for a British title!

LIFE: Well, you will certainly have a lot of sup-port! We have to ask who is the most famous person you have met since BB

JJ: I’ve met a few, but it’s weird because obvi-ously being friends with Aston and the JLS boys and going out with them I meet loads of famous people, it’s just weird now that they know me for being Astons friend and being on BB

LIFE: How exciting! Well I have been building up to this question and it’s the one everyone wants the answer to.. What really happened in that bed with Corin?

JJ: Hahahaa. It was literally just a tickle! Every-one thinks it was more, but really wasn’t! I just got in her bed and had a little cuddle, that was it!! She’s is a really lovely girl but I didn’t fancy her!

LIFE: Ohhhh… that’s a little bit disappoint-ing, but I am sure not to our females readers, who would rather you were single! Have you watched Ultimate BB?

JJ: To be honest I haven’t had time to watch too much! But its weird seeing people in that house that I have been living in!

LIFE: Well, thank you so much JJ for taking the time out to speak to me. Just finally, I wanted to know what would your advice be to someone who wants to make it into TV

JJ: Its hard to say, if your looking to be on a game show or reality show I guess you’ve got to be confident, a bit loud in certain situations and have a bit of banter! But just go for it… follow your dreams!

About JJ...Age: 24

Hobbies: Going cinemaand clubbing with mates

Marital Status: single

Favourite Book: Lordof the rings

Favourite Film: Snatch

Favourite Food: Pan-asian/sushi

Favourite quote:Sometimes you have to lose everything to figure out what it is you need to succeed!

Peterborough Bits...

What’s your favourite place to party?Erm most the time I stay in Edwards but I do like that new Halo place, but miss the old TOHO days.

What’s your favourite place to eat?Really love Imperial Bento’s.

What is the first thing you do when you come home?Give my mum a big hug then usually straight out to meet my mates!

What do you miss most of all aboutPeterborough?My old boxing trainer Gary Deroux.

What do you miss least of all aboutPeterborough?Not having anything to do on week nights. London has everything at any time of day.




















JJ Interwiew

The local lad has done good and managed to come across as a normal, straightforward kind of guy in a house full of loonies! So, what is in store for JJ now and what really happened under those sheets? Life Magazine’s very own Katie Trigg was lucky enough to get an interview our new local celebrity!

22 Peterborough Life | October 2010

Blossom Cupcakes

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24 Peterborough Life | October 2010

Peterborough Life | OCTOBER 2010 25


ABC Meats

Boil the potatoes in water until softened.

add cabbage 5 minutes before the end.

meanwhile., dry fry the mince, on-ion and carrots for 3-4 minutes.add the flour.

gradually, add stock, tomatoe pu-ree and worcestershire sauce.

bring to the boil and stir until thickened. season.

transfer to an overproof dish.

drain and mash the potatoes and cabbage with margarine and half the cheese. season.

place on top of mince mixture.

sprinkle with remaining cheese.

bake in a preheated oven for 25 minutes until golden.

serve with fresh green beans and garden peas

Cooking Instuctions

NutritionKcals - 483Fat (g) - 22

Protein (g) - 36.1

Sugar (g) - 7.1Salt (g) - 1.4

Per serving. Listed ingreadiants only. Most

ingrediants available at ABC Meats.

InGREDIANTS450g lean minced Scotch Beef1 onion, peeled and chopped2 carrots, peeled and chopped30g plan flour300ml stock1tbsp tomatoe puree15ml Worcestershire sauceBlack Pepper

Cabbage and Cheese potatoe topping:675g potatoes, peeled, chopped50g Savoy cabbage, shreddedKnob of margarine50g cheddar cheese, gratedSalt and black pepper

Cottage PieYour Cut-Out Monthly Recipe.

26 Peterborough Life | October 2010

property line half

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Royal Taxi’s Voucher

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34 Peterborough Life | October 2010

Being a “3 day event” you would think that the competition lasts three days. However proceedings begin on the Tuesday afternoon and it is all systems go until late on the Sunday afternoon and by the end of the week I am exhausted!Clare manages to event at the highest level, competing against World and Ol-ympic champions on a daily basis, without a full time groom or sponsorship. We have been friends for 25 years and I am now her “right hand woman” when it comes to competing in the major competitions.Tuesday: Clare and I meet at the official stables in Burghley Park where we unload Sidnificant and get him settled in his lodgings for the week. We then unpack the lorry and make endless journeys between the horsebox and the stables with the huge amount of equipment we will need. We then turn our attention to the lorry – Clare’s home for the week. We obtain our official passes to allow access to all areas and our lovely goodie bags. We finally put our feet up at around 9pmWednesday: Up early at 6am to feed and muck out Sidnificant before icing his legs and taking him for a wander and a graze. It is very important that we keep the horse’s state of mind sweet so that he is relaxed for his dressage test later in the week and also to put injury prevention measure in places. Clare then exercises Sid to prepare him for the competition before we go to the Rider’s Briefing. The briefing takes riders through all the rules and regulations of the competition and we meet all the judges and organis-ers as well as endless health and safety officials. This is followed by the riders viewing the course for the first time – a four mile trek! Then its time to prepare Sidnificant for the Vet’s Inspection, where both horse and rider must look their smartest. I spend a couple of hours making sure his coat gleams and his mane is plaited before walking the mile or so down to the main ring to meet Clare. If he is injured in any way and does not pass this first part of the competition that means we cannot continue. Sidnificant passes! Back to the stables for more mucking out, cleaning, grazing and icing! An 8pm finish.Thursday: Is the first of the dressage days, but Clare and Sidnificant don’t compete until tomorrow. However, it is all action at the stables whilst the horse is fed, watered, mucked out, iced, grazed, exercised – the list goes on. Another course walk is followed by some retail therapy and then a wonderful evening out at the Event Rider’s Dinner. This was a smart affair and I sat next to Olympian Mary King, which was a thrilling way to spend the evening.Friday: Our big day! Sidnificant gets rather excited about the Dressage test and we therefore have to spend many hours before his test, which was at 10:30am, relaxing him by gently riding him as well as getting him prepared to look his best once again – so an early start at 5am. The test went very well and he was not too naughty so he was then taken for a gallop to prepare him for tomorrow’s test – the cross country. I spend the rest of the day getting all the equipment cleaned and ready for tomorrow whilst Clare walks the course once again.

Saturday: Another hot day and the atmosphere builds as the cross coun-try starts. The jumps at Burghley are huge and daunting as well as being technically demanding so riders and their connections wait with bated breath for their turn. Sidnificant’s turn isn’t until the early afternoon so the morning is spent studying the technicalities of the course, preparing Sidnficant and all his equipment. Lunch time comes and I get Sidnficant ready and check that everything is safe, before covering his legs in grease to help him slip over the fences, Clare gets on and off they go for 11 minutes of exhilaration (for her) and nail chewing (for me). I watch Clare on the CCTV and they complete a wonderful (almost) clear round. Then immediately that Clare jumps off, I leap into action. It is vital to get the equipment off the horse and cool him down using buckets of iced water and a hopepipe, whilst walking him so that he can recover gradually – at the same time checking him for injuries. A hectic 15 minutes passes and we then collect all the greasy equipment and take Sidn-ficant back to the stables to rehydrate him and ice his legs. A busy evening ensues taking care of the horse, with a 10pm finish.Sunday.: Still no let up. We have another Vet’s Inspection to get through at 9am so its up at 5am again to wash off the cooling clay which has pro-tected Sidnificant’s legs overnight and to plait and prepare him to look his best. Sid passes the inspection and its then all systems go again to get him ready for the showjumping phase, where he jumps a clear round. Later in the afternoon there is a Parade of Competitors and Sidnificant was chosen as the mount of Pippa Funnell, one of the GB team members who are soon going off to the World Equesstrian Games in Lexington, Kentucky, which was thrilling to see him in the main arena being cheered by the huge crowd, before Pippa jumped off and Clare jumped on to do her parade. We then had to pack the lorry and send Clare on her way before reaching home at 7pm – after a little more retail therapy in the wonderful shopping aisles!

Burghley Horse TrialsThe regions premier event in review

Burghley Horse Trials, one of the World’s leading 3 day events combines top international horse sport with the best that shopping can offer in the fabulous surroundings of Burghley Park.Local businesswoman, Samantha Hale, Managing Director of award-winning Advance Performance, a former groom to an Olympic rider, regularly takes time out from her business to act as Groom to International Event rider Clare Lewis from Sussex……..and there is a lot more that goes on behind the scenes than meets the eye, so Life Magazines have invited Samantha to give us an insight.

Photograhpy: Ben Hale of

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