Download - Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Page 1: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges MyData 2016 Conference Day 1, August 31st, Helsinki Session: Blockchain and Personal Data

Michele Nati Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust Digital Catapult, London @michelenati

Page 2: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Personal Data: Opportunities

•  Overall financial benefit

•  £15bn  untapped  wealth  for  UK  consumers  

•  The incentive to share •  30%  of  consumers  believe  “to  improve  

services  and  benefit”  is  the  most  important  incen5ve  for  sharing  personal  data  

•  How to incentivize •  43%  said  the  main  incen=ve  for  sharing  

personal  data  is  if  it  was  going  to  be  used  to  improve  society  

Personal  Data  and  Trust  Review:  h<ps://  

Page 3: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Personal Data: Barriers

•  Trust •  44%  of  consumers  trust  the  public  sector  

most  with  their  personal  data  •  2%  choose  telecoms  as  the  most  trusted  

sector  •  30%  feel  the  retail  sector  is  not  clear  on  

how  use  their  personal  data  

•  Consent •  65%  of  consumers  are  insure  if  data  is  

shared  without  their  consent  

•  Loosing control •  76%  of  consumers  feel  they  have  no  

control  over  how  their  data  is  shared  or  who  with  

Personal  Data  and  Trust  Review:  h<ps://  

Page 4: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Personal Data Ecosystem

•  How data can be linked together?

•  How access can be granted and controlled?

•  How all involved parties can trust each others?

•  How the right incentives can be created?

Page 5: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Blockchain in 2015


Page 6: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Blockchain in 2016


Page 7: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Blockchain Ecosystem

•  Blockchain: business case vs trust case •  Bitcoin: (and alt-coins) interoperable

incentives within the ecosystem •  Smart Contracts: consent management •  Decentralized and Autonomous

Organizations (DAOs): data sharing for social benefits and causes

Page 8: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Do you need blockchain?

1.   Consensus – is the use case benefiting from agreement across all the parties that each transaction is validated without 3rd party?

2.   Provenance – is the maintenance of a complete audit trail important for the use case?

3.   Immutability – is it important that the trail of transactions cannot be altered?

4.   Liquid trust – is there a need for an agreed “system of record” trusted by the all network?

Page 9: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Blockchain and identity

•  Role in the Personal Data ecosystem •  Link  all  the  data  to  one  individual  •  Be<er  and  personalized  services  –  combining  different  a<ributes  

•  Identities should be •  Sovereign  •  Unique  and  interoperable  •  Verified  •  Mul5ple  and  context-­‐based  (mul5ple  personas)  

•  Blockchain role •  (Decentralized)  User-­‐managed  •  Consensus  –  new  forms  of  iden5ty  (for  unbanked)  •  Notary  func5on  -­‐  Integrity  •  Audit  trail  –  non-­‐repudiable  •  Confiden5ality?  (requires  some  thoughts)    

(Attributes) Verification might still require 3rd party

Page 10: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

BC and PD ecosystem: An example

Page 11: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Blockchain and Personal Data: An example Benefits distribution and tracking •  Assign coins with clause on how they are

spent (alt-coin) •  Require to verify identities Possible Risks (to address): •  (might) Leak privacy on people identity (e.g.

zero-knowledge proof required) •  Pseudonyms could be de-anonymized •  Deal with malicious behavior (in ethical way;

this might require third party authorities) h<p://­‐36785872  

Page 12: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Blockchain evolution


2009  BitCoin  blockchain  implementa5on  -­‐  Criminal  ac5vity  -­‐  2016:  AML  EU  regula5on  h<p://­‐direc5ve_en.pdf  

Page 13: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Blockchain evolution


2013  Ethereum  Smart  Contracts  presented  -­‐  Security  and  scalability  concerns  -­‐  July  2015  launch  aber  crowdsale  campaign    

Page 14: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Blockchain evolution


2016  May  launch  -­‐  DAO  hacked  -­‐  June  2016  hard  fork  

Page 15: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Blockchain evolution


?  ML/AI  will  run  organiza5ons  -­‐  What  kind  of  control  we  need?  -­‐  How  we  guarantee  ethical  decision?  

Page 16: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Blockchain evolution


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Blockchain evolution


Page 18: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult

Governance in decentralized systems •  Everybody can use blockchain, run smart

contracts, participate to DAOs •  But who takes decisions? •  Currently  developers  and  miners  •  SW  licenses  generally  disclaim  all  liabili5es  

•  Who should be accountable for malicious behavior?

•  Not  yet  well-­‐defined  •  Shall  core  developers  and  miners  be  considered  as  fiduciaries?  (duty  of  care,  

loyalty  and  good  faith)  

•  What governance structure will be required?

Page 19: Personal data and blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges - Michele Nati - Lead Technologist Personal Data and Trust - Digital Catapult



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