Download - Patroller - UVS R UVS/Documentatie...transportable in a C-130. WORLD-CLASS SENSORS The Euro˜ ir 410 gyrostabilized optronic pod is the Patroller™’s standard EO/IR sensor. Designed

Page 1: Patroller - UVS R UVS/Documentatie...transportable in a C-130. WORLD-CLASS SENSORS The Euro˜ ir 410 gyrostabilized optronic pod is the Patroller™’s standard EO/IR sensor. Designed

Surveillance UAS for dual applications

The optimal solution for long-endurance surveillance needs

in defense and security

The result of a Franco-German

industrial partnership, Patroller™ makes use of Sagem’s state-of-the-art observation

and communication technologies, benefiting

from the company’s extensive experience in

operational tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems


It also benefits from Stemme’s internationally renowned

expertise in high-performance light

aerial platforms.

Patroller™ draws on mature and proven solutions for

maximum efficiency, without risk and with costs optimized

for long-duration defense and security surveillance needs.

Patroller™The result of a The result of a The result of a The result of a Franco-German

industrial partnership, makes use

of Sagem’s state-of-the-art observation


Observation and links• Eurofl ir 410 EO/IR gyrostabilized optronic pod with day/night channels and laser rangefi nder• High-performance image chain with onboard processing• SAR radar with day/night and all-weather capabilites• Line Of Sight (LOS) data link in Ku band• Low-bandwidth SATCOM satellite link

Autonomous flight• Automatic Takeoff and Landing System (ATOLS)• Mode selection: autonomous with flight plan or remotely controlled• Air Traffic Control: IFF transponder and voice (VHF)• Redundant triplex avionics• INS/GPS navigation• Operational ceiling: 25,000 ft (7,620 m)• More than 30 hours endurance C130 air-transportable flight and ground system



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Sagem may, at any time and without notice, make changes or improvements to the products and services offered and/or cease producing or commercializing them. Sagem is the commercial name of the company Sagem Défense Sécurité.

Le Ponant de Paris - 27, rue Leblanc - F-75512 PARIS CEDEX 15 - FRANCEPhone: + 33 1 58 11 26 33 - Fax: + 33 1 69 19 89


Air vehicle characteristics

• Wingspan: 18m

• Fuselage: 8.5m

• MTOW: 1,050Kg

• Motorization: ROTAX 914 F (115 HP)

• Min speed: 50kt

• Max speed : 170kt

• Takeoff /landing distance: 250m(retractable landing gear)

• Sensor payload capability: 250kg(Two pylons for pods under wings)

Flugplatzstrasse F2, Nr. 7 - 15344 Strausberg - GERMANYPhone: +49 3341 3612-0 - Fax: +49 3341 A Q

Page 2: Patroller - UVS R UVS/Documentatie...transportable in a C-130. WORLD-CLASS SENSORS The Euro˜ ir 410 gyrostabilized optronic pod is the Patroller™’s standard EO/IR sensor. Designed

OPERATIONAL MISSIONS IN THEATERPatroller™ is particularly useful in intelli-gence and surveillance missions in theater or large operations areas – both in terms of duration and range – thanks to its high endurance and its � ight capabilities.

It is also ideal for reconnaissance and tac-tical support missions thanks to its Line of Sight and satellite (SATCOM) data links, and the high-performance of its image chain and target designation.

Patroller™ has very weak sound, thermal and radar signatures, making it particularly stealthy.


TERRITORIAL SURVEILLANCE MISSIONSPatroller™ is the ideal UAS for Homeland Security missions such as border and coastal surveillance, protection of government buildings, sensitive industrial infrastructure, natural resource extraction zones, etc.

Its exceptional � exibility means it can also be used following natural disasters or to protect the environment.

Patroller™’s characteristics meet the grow-ing EASA civilian aeronautic and STANAG 4586 navigability certification require-ments, in� uencing its ability to operate in controlled civilian airspace and in uncon-trolled airspace in the medium term, as well as over urban areas when necessary.

THE BEST TECHNOLOGICAL KNOW-HOWPatroller™ is built around a platform speci� cally developed by Stemme for UAV and instru-mented mission aircraft applications, bene� t-ing from the company’s extensive experience as a worldwide leader in high-performance motor gliders.

Patroller™ contains latest-generation tech-nologies that constitute Sagem’s core business: optronic sensors, image chain, navigation and � ight control, data link and data processing. It also bene� ts from Sagem’s experience acquired over the course of its di� erent UAS programs, in particular the six years its tactical Sperwer UAS was used in combat in the harshest opera-tional theatres. It also draws on the company’s know-how in ground control, mission preparation systems, navi-gability and certi� cation.

GROUND CONTROL: MODULARITY AND MOBILITYSagem’s integrated ground control stations Sagem’s integrated ground control stations meet the highest requirements in mobility meet the highest requirements in mobility and transportability. They ensure continu-and transportability. They ensure continu-ous control for the UAV and retrieve sensor ous control for the UAV and retrieve sensor data in real time. The multifunction con-data in real time. The multifunction con-trol panels enable autonomous mission trol panels enable autonomous mission preparation, � ight monitoring and image preparation, � ight monitoring and image processing. Con� gurations are modular processing. Con� gurations are modular depending on user needs and the types of depending on user needs and the types of shelter in use. The stations are compatible shelter in use. The stations are compatible with those used for Sperwer and are air-with those used for Sperwer and are air-transportable in a C-130.transportable in a C-130.

WORLD-CLASS SENSORSThe Euro� ir 410 gyrostabilized optronic pod is the Patroller™’s standard EO/IR sensor. Designed and produced by Sagem, a world leader in onboard optronics, it o� ers a high level of performance both day and night, with a Matis IR 3-5µ imager with an optical zoom (x18) and a daytime imager with a colour camera with zoom (x14) and a laser range� nder.

In addition to the optronic payload, Patrol-ler™ can carry a pod-mounted Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) from OHB. This SAR can provide both Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) and Digital Terrain Ele-vation Data (DTED).

In the future, depending on user needs, Patroller™ will be able to carry an aerial relay system, a maritime radar or electronic warfare equipment (ELINT, COMINT).

Euroflir 410 gyrostabilized EO/IR payloadEuroflir 410 gyrostabilized EO/IR payload

OHB’s Modular Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR (MAS) PodOHB’s Modular Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR (MAS) Pod

Multifunction ground stationMultifunction ground stationMultifunction ground stationMultifunction ground station

Remote video terminal for direct image receptionRemote video terminal for direct image receptionRemote video terminal for direct image receptionRemote video terminal for direct image reception