Download - Paint Teach a Simple Skill Nails Play Make catch, frisbee, create an obstacle course Watch Family Movies Brainstorm Night Think of things the family would love to do together


M&M Time

Mom & Me time. Talk about worries,

difficulties, successes, or anything and share a

bag of M&M’s

Teach a Simple Skill

Sewing on a button,

ironing a shirt or pants, using the washing

machine, folding a shirt

Paint Nails

Make Cookies

Play Catch

Learn a Simple Duet on

the Piano

Plan a Son/Daughter Night Out

Play Catch

Build a Fort

Go Fishing

Play Legos


Take a Walk or


Play “PIG” with a


Ask them their 5 most

favorite friends

Ask them their 5 most

favorite foods

Ask them their

worries or concerns

Tell me your day in

1 minute

Ask them their 5

favorite activities

Back Scratch or Foot Rub


Go Swimming

Dance Party

Photo Scavenger


Favorite Family Show

Go to a Park

play catch, frisbee, create an obstacle


Watch Family Movies

Brainstorm Night

Think of things the family would love to do

together as a family (create some of your own family’s ideas)

Game Night

(Ideas: upside down Pictionary, Reverse

Charades, Name That Tune, any board game, or

video game)

Talent Show

Begin a Family Gratitude

Journal that can be added to all

year long

Create a Time Capsule

Hide it somewhere in an attic,

basement, or storage room

As a family, attend one of you child’s

sporting events or performing/talent events

Look at old photo albums

together of your immediate

family, grandparents

Silly Family Pictures

taken on a timer so everyone can

be in them

Read a book together

or read to them

Play “Hide the Button”.

Use Hot and Cold to describe if they’re close

Make puppets

out of paper bags

Build a tower out of plastic cups

Chalk the Block

Attend the temple and go for dessert

after. or go early and then

have breakfast after (create a tradition all your


Name Game

Make a movie

Treats/Cookies to neighbors

Weed a neighbors


Clean the room of a

family member

Back scratch or foot rub

Visit a retirement home

and take handmade


“Heart Attack” your Bishop’s door, or

someone you know who needs your


Bike Ride

Go for a hike


Go to a park

Go for a walk

Watch an outdoor movie

(on your laptop or with a projector)

Feed ducks at a nearby


Star gazing in your own

backyard or at a local park/open


Shovel snow in your


Make a picnic and go to a park,

your own backyard, the

mountains, your front porch

Learn a new skill like Mtn.

biking, basketball, learn about plants

(nature hike)

Play with playdough and create

“food”, cities, etc.

Build a fort with blankets

Inside “Picnic”

Simple art projects (paint, color,


Make Slime

(Look up recipe online)

Work on a family puzzle

Inside “Camping”

Night (sleeping bags, tell

stories, make smores in microwave)

Play the game

“Would You Rather”

Car Sing-Along

(Play favorite songs and sing as loud as you


Play “I Spy with my

little eye”

Alphabet Game

(find alphabet letters

in order - on signs, license plates, etc.)

Listen to a book

“Car Game” (each person chooses a

number between 1-30 and count the oncoming cars.

“Your car” is the number you chose.

Go for a certain color, make, model, big, small)

Play 20 Questions Madlibs

Attend a play or outdoor concert

Visit a local


Discover the most popular

tourist attraction in

your area

Research cool places around

the world

Attend a local

Farmers Market

Create a Treasure Hunt or obstacle

course for younger siblings or split into

groups and each group create one for

the other

Make a fort using blankets

Send a brother/sister (aunt/

uncle) a handwritten

letter in the mail

Nerf Gun Battle or a competition

with cups or cans to knock
