Download - Omega 3 concentrate


Get more of the good fats!

CaliVita® International presents

In 2008 an estimated

17.3 million people died from

cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in

the world!


By 2030 almost 23.6 million people

will die from CVDs...


Cardiovascular diseases represent 30% of all global deaths!!

More people die in CVDs yearly

than in anything else...


What may lead to this?

It takes the place of the oxygen in the blood which your heart and brain need to work properly.

Tobacco damage blood vessels and heart, causes cancer and lung disease,harms babies during pregnancy.

If you eat few fruit or vegetable, but too much fat, sugar, salt and too much food,+you are not doing enough physical activity to burn it off, =>you may put on weight and slowly become overweight,

=>which may lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, and high blood fat levels (triglyceride, cholesterol, mainly LDL cholesterol).

The good news!

80% of premature heart attacks and strokes are preventable.


Stop tobacco use!

If a person stop using tobacco products the risk of heart attack and stroke can drop by half after one year.


Take regular physical activity!At least 30 minutes of regular physical activity every day helps to maintain cardiovascular health!

By• increasing oxygen levels in your body;• lowering your blood pressure, improves blood circulation.• helping your body burn sugars and fats and keep you in a good

shape;• strengthening your heart muscle and bones;• reducing stress.

Eat healthy !

Did you know that among Eskimos of Greenland and Alaska the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is lower despite they consume food rich in fats?

It is mainly because their diet contains large amounts of food originate from the sea which are high in omega - 3 fatty acids.

*Source: Z. Makhoul Associations of obesity with triglycerides and C-reactive protein are attenuated in adults with high red blood cell eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids; European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2011) 65, 808–817

Natural sources of Omega3

• Fish, seafood: salmon, mackerel, swordfish

• Nuts: peanuts, cashews, walnuts, almonds

• Sesame, pumpkin, sunflower seeds

• Certain oils: flaxseed oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, soybean oil

Don’t you like fish? Or you think you do not consume enough

seafood and nuts?

No Problem!

More and more people see the solution in dietary supplements containing omega-3.

The U.S. omega-3 ingredient market was predicted to grow 40% between 2010-2015.

*Source:Packaged Facts’ new Omega 3 Foods and Beverages in the U.S., 3rd Edition

Calivita® is introducing you

the further developed Omega 3, the new


• Packaging: 100 softgels

• Active ingredients/softgel:Highly concentrated fish oil 600 mgcontaining:EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 180 mgDHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 120 mg

• Directions: 1-3 softgel capsules daily.

What is the NEW feature?

High omega 3 (EPA+DHA)per other oil ratio

Now there is more of the “more valuable” oil

(EPA+DHA)(50%) andless of the other fats (50%).

Hereby it becomes also more digestible!

Using advanced high technology –

purified by molecular distillation

In order to protect valuable fish oil from different harmful effects, it is purified with a very mild technology, the so called molecular distillation!

Smaller capsules, easier to swallow

This concentrated serving fits also to smaller capsules which are more easy to swallow, so children, pregnant women

and the elderly may have more courage to take it!

To whom?

For everyone to maintain healthy heart functioning, normal blood pressure and blood lipids level.

During pregnancy and for children for normal development of nervous system.

For those who wants to support

brain functions and


For those living in a stressful way.

Available at CaliVita® International