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  • 8/11/2019 Note on Leadership


    Larsen & Toubro Limited

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    Feb 08 Page 1 of 16

    Career paths for Leadership Capital The L&T way!

    The Genesis

    The most important resource that builds and transforms any organization is its human

    resource. Charles Schwab has rightly mentioned All successful employers are stalking

    men who will do the unusual, men who think, men who attract attention by performingmore than is expected of them.

    Taking a cue from the above statement, career management at Larsen & Toubro Limited

    does not refer to just securing upward career possibilities, but to recruiting, assessing and

    developing individual talents, to the mutual benefit of both the corporation and the


    Larsen & Toubro Limited is among the top engineering companies of India, aspiring to

    be an Indian multinational. Owing to the nature of our businesses, we need talented

    people to take up leadership positions in management as well as technology.

    As an organisation, we are also sensitive to the aspirations of our employees. To address

    these needs, we have developed a unique leadership module. The module offers two sets

    of leadership role paths- one for the would-be managers (MLPs), and another for

    technologists (TLPs) who prefer to remain close to technology throughout their careers.

    Technologists to build

    knowledge base

    Business managers to

    make commercial use

    of that knowledge base

    Balanced Growth

    Leveraging Technological Edge

    Strong Technological

    BaseEnhanced Business


    Technology Leadership

    Pro ram TLP

    Management Leadership

    Program (MLP)

    Supervisory Leadership

    Pro ram SLP

    Leadership Module

  • 8/11/2019 Note on Leadership


    Larsen & Toubro Limited

    Corporate HR & Personnel Dept.

    Feb 08 Page 2 of 16

    The leadership programs are based on the type of roles the Leaders will be expected to


    Strategic: Management/ Business & Technology Leadership Programmes

    Operational: Supervisory Leadership Programme

    Leadership Roles

    We offer our high potential employees who have been identified for strategic roles

    alternate career paths aimed at business leadership positions (Management Leadership

    Programme) or related to cutting edge of technology (Technology Leadership

    Programme). The employees are groomed and developed along these career progression


    Management Leaders are expected to seek and grow business opportunities in line with

    our organisational competencies and capabilities. Technology Leaders will be involved in

    core Technology areas and enhance the performance of our businesses through the route

    of technology.

    Employees who are part of the Supervisory Leadership Programme are expected to gain

    and deploy in-depth knowledge and effect operational efficacies in their respective work

    areas. The Supervisory Leadership Programme will yield some employees who will grow

    into either Management Leaders or Technology Leaders.

    Selection Criteria

    The primary screening criteria for the leadership identification process is the FAIR rating.

    The employees who are nominated to the process are high performing individuals and the

    organisation recognises their contribution. The leadership process gives them an

    opportunity to understand their strengths and areas for improvement in the competencies

    critical for a leader at their level of management.

    L&Ts Leadership Programmes

    Management Leadership Programme

    Management Leadership Programme (MLP) is an organization-wide intervention to

    identify, groom and retain a pool of high potential employees, from which dynamic

    leaders can be chosen for fulfilling business needs. The leadership talent is identified

    using a competency measurement tool i.e. Assessment Centres based on real business

    scenario simulations. The program encompasses grooming high potential talent through

    coaching initiatives and training programmes designed to strengthen competencies.

    Tier 3 & Tier 2 BandAssessment Centre

    Business Leader Interview

    Tier 1 & Executive BandWritten Tests

    Business Leader Interview

    The Assessment Process for a Management Leader

  • 8/11/2019 Note on Leadership


    Larsen & Toubro Limited

    Corporate HR & Personnel Dept.

    Feb 08 Page 3 of 16

    1. Assessment Centres:

    Assessment Centre is a multi-rater, multi-tool process of measuring potential.

    Spread across 2-3 days, the centres provide an off-line opportunity to demonstrate

    competence and they establish a platform to screen the nominees across the

    benchmarked competencies. Latent leadership talent is screened and recognised.


    Business Leader Interview with a senior panel:

    The assessment centres are followed by Competency Based Interviews with a

    senior panel. The interactions provide a basis to re-confirm the results so

    generated through the assessment process.

    3. Feedback:

    Feedback completes the entire assessment loop and forms a significant part of the

    MLP Identification process.

    Technology Leadership Programme

    The Technology Leadership Programme (TLP) is an initiative directed towardsidentifying and developing our employees who have a strong desire to enhance business

    performance through the route of technology.

    L&T operates in the areas where leadership in technology translates to greater market

    share, higher revenue and sustained profits. As we continue to move up the value chain in

    our chosen businesses, the future business scenario for L&T will constitute a larger

    component of high technology areas.

    We have identified the areas which have high growth potential and are core to our

    business strategy. TLP aims to identify, develop and retain employees with domain

    expertise in these areas and knowledge about the latest development in related fields. In

    addition to this, the TLP process will also assess relevant leadership competencies.


    Technology Assessment Centre:This assessment centre focuses on evaluating the leadership competencies as

    applicable to the Technology Leader. The TLP assessment centre is similar to the

    MLP centre in terms of the tools used. The tools include group exercise,

    presentation, role-play and interview.


    Tech Talk!

    As a part of the assessment process, we have a technical presentation termed as

    Tech Talk, to assess the candidates competencies related to Technology. Each

    Tier 3 & 2 BandTechnology Assessment Centre

    Technical Interview

    (Tech Talk!)

    Technology Leader Interview

    Tier 1 & Executive BandWritten Tests

    Technical Interview

    (Tech Talk!)

    Technology Leader Interview

    The Assessment Process for a Technology Leader

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    candidate is asked to make a presentation on his/her role in the technology

    development in his/her department. This panel probes the candidate on specific

    competencies and assesses the depth and breadth of technical knowledge. It

    consists of senior persons from different ODs and also eminent personalities from

    academia and reputed institutes.


    Technology Leadership Interviews:The TLP assessment concludes with the Technology Leadership Interview by a

    two-member panel consisting of persons from a different Operating Division. The

    candidates at Tier 3 & 2 make a brief presentation to the panel focussing primarily

    on leveraging Technology for gaining competitive advantage.

    Supervisory Leadership Programme

    The Supervisory Leadership Programme (SLP) process seeks to identify and groom

    employees who joined in Supervisory cadre and show exemplary performance and

    potential and provide them scope for faster growth and focused development

    As they rise into Executive positions they are given an opportunity to participate in theMLP and TLP processes.

    Assessment Process for a Supervisory Leader


    Written Tests:

    This assessment focuses on evaluating the leadership competencies as applicable

    to a Supervisory Leader. The tools include ability test, psychometric tests etc.

    2. Functional Interviews:

    The SLP assessment includes a Functional Knowledge Interview by a three-

    member panel, which focuses on depth and breadth of knowledge in the

    functional area.


    Supervisory Leadership Interviews:

    The SLP assessment concludes with the Supervisory Leadership Interview by a

    two-member panel consisting of persons from different businesses.

    Supervisory BandWritten Tests

    Functional & Leadership Interview

    The Assessment Process

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    Larsen & Toubro Limited

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    Development of Leadership Talent

    Coaching and Training

    While an assessment process and competency based interviews help identify the talent,

    Coaching and Training are initiatives that aim at "grooming" and "nurturing" the talent.

    They are identified as subsets of the entire Career Management Process.

    After the Leadership competencies were identified for each level, an attempt was made to

    determine which of these competencies could be developed through training and which

    ones through coaching. Once this had been ascertained, road maps were created to

    implement Coaching and Training as part of the development plan.


    The Coaching Initiative

    The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches,

    but to reveal to them their own -Benjamin Disraeli

    Coaching is a powerful one-to-one relationship that provides learning andsupport. Recent studies show executive coaching to be the most effective means

    for achieving sustainable growth, change and development in the individual,

    group and organisations.

    The Coach is usually the immediate/ next superior of the employee. The Coach

    along with the employee identifies 2 competencies that the employee will focus

    on for improvement in that year. It is recommended that the employee choose one

    competency where he/she is strong and the other competency where he/she may

    be below the benchmark. This plan for improvement is to be captured in the

    Performance Oriented Development Plan (PODP) form.



    Training programs have been put in place to address competency development at

    various levels.

    The training programs have been customised taking data from the assessment

    centre reports and from interactions with domain experts in the area. Faculty from

    reputed institutes conducts these programs on a regular basis. Programmes like

    Leading high performance teams, Resource Optimization, Risk

    Management, etc. have been put together to aid competency development.

    Training provides the theoretical support to an individual's development whereas

    Coaching provides the more practical and personal support. The combination of bothcreates a powerful foundation stone for future development and potential identification.

    While the organisation provides avenues for development, it is also up to each individual

    employee to undertake assessments in the spirit of self development and take ownership

    for development of his/her competencies and skills to enable growth.

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    Larsen & Toubro Limited

    Corporate HR & Personnel Dept.

    Feb 08 Page 6 of 16

    Initiatives to augment the Leadership Pool

    Management Trainee Scheme (MTS)

    The Management Trainee Scheme (MTS) is an endeavour intended to:

    acquire the best of external talent at the entry level to identify talent at the entry level (GETs/PGETs) existing within the organisation

    who can be groomed to take on leadership roles in the future.

    It aims at augmenting the leadership pool by inducting fresh talent into the organisation.

    An employee who has been inducted into the MTS gets an opportunity to be part of the


    Lateral Recruitment

    We rejuvenate and replenish our leadership pool through lateral recruitment. High

    potential talent matching our requirements is put through assessment centres and business

    or technology leadership interviews before they are taken into the leadershipprogrammes.


    We are using instruments that have been internationally validated besides taking the

    services of reputed members of academia and industry. Our approach to leadership

    assessment is unique and unparalleled as a benchmark HR practice.

    L&Ts Leadership practices were ranked 6th in the study conducted by Hewitt Associates

    on The Top Companies for Leaders 2003 -- Asia Pacific. Companies from seven markets

    in Asia Pacific participated in the 2003 study.

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    Larsen & Toubro Limited

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    Annexure: Competency List

    Competencies for Supervisory Leadership Program

    SLP Competencies



    Is open and adapts to different situations quickly. Accepts change willingly.

    2. Analytical Ability

    Is able to identify and diagnose key issues, seek relevant information, draw accurate

    conclusions / inferences in order to find the appropriate solution

    3. Communication

    Listens, understands and interprets accurately. Conveys information (technical / functional)

    and ideas in a clear, structured and credible manner.

    4. Customer Service Orientation

    Proactively understands customer (internal / external) requirements and seeks to exceedcustomer expectations. Is highly quality conscious. Builds beneficial customer relationships.


    Functional Knowledge

    Has a good grasp of his job and related processes. Can evaluate job related information for its

    practical application.


    Improvement Orientation

    Seeks, suggests and implements new ideas for continuous improvements. Can think of

    innovative (out of box), multiple options.

    7. Interpersonal Skills

    Involves others, interacts effectively and is a committed team member. Understands others

    and is able to deal with them effectively. Shares information and ideas and seeks to resolveconflicts.

    8. Planning & ExecutionWorks in an organized and systematic manner. Anticipates constraints. Prioritizes and

    effectively utilizes resources and achieves end results.


    Positive Attitude

    Is positive in his outlook towards work and the environment in general. Enthusiastic in

    accepting new initiatives / challenges and demonstrates a feeling of optimism and energy.



    Is confident, decisive and action-oriented. Assumes ownership and responsibility for the job.

    Is committed, resilient and energetic and has a clear sense of what needs to be done.

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    Competencies for Management Trainee Scheme


    Conveying Thoughts and Ideas Clearly

    Conveys information and ideas in a clear, structured and impactful manner.


    Planning & Organising

    Identifies and prioritises resources, anticipates constraints, work scheduling and mobilizesresources so as to achieve the targets/goals. Is personally organized and systematic.


    Analytical Skills

    Overcomes problems and obstacles through systematic analysis and balanced decision-

    making. Seeks all relevant information and finds the optimal solution.


    Interpersonal Skills

    Is an effective and committed team member. Understands other people and relates effectively

    to them. Shares information and ideas and seeks to resolve conflicts.


    Action Orientation

    Confident, decisive and action-oriented. Assumes ownership and responsibility for his job. Iscommitted and energetic and has a clear sense of what needs to be done.



    Is open and adaptable. Looks at situations creatively and finds new solutions.

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    Larsen & Toubro Limited

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    Competencies for Management Leadership Program

    MLP : Executive Level Competencies

    1. Communication

    Conveys information and ideas in a clear, structured, interesting and credible manner, bothorally and in writing. Accurately interprets and simplifies business information. Extracts

    meaning and makes recommendations.


    Customer Focus

    Maintains frequent customer contact, understands customer requirements and defends their

    interests within L&T. Seeks to exceed customer expectations.

    3. Planning & Organising

    Works in an organised and systematic manner. Identifies and prioritises resources.

    Anticipates constraints, schedules work and mobilises and monitors resources to achievetargets.


    Problem SolvingOvercomes problems and obstacles through systematic analysis and balanced decision-

    making. Seeks all relevant information, draws accurate conclusions and inferences and finds

    the optimal solution.

    5. Functional Knowledge

    Has a good grasp of his subject and related processes. Keeps abreast of changes and

    developments and can evaluate information for its practical application.


    Interpersonal Skills

    Involves others, interacts effectively and is a committed team member. Understands otherpeople and is able to utilise them effectively. Shares information and ideas and seeks to

    resolve conflicts.


    Self Empowerment

    Is confident, decisive and action-oriented. Assumes ownership and responsibility for the job.

    Is committed, resilient and energetic and has a clear sense of what needs to be done.



    Is open, adaptable and willing to change. Learns from experiences.



    Can think of innovative, multiple options, suggest new ideas for improvements.

    MLP: Tier 1 Competencies


    Business CommunicationProduces clear and effective documentation and communication. Is able to make accurateinterpretations of complex material.


    Interpersonal Skills

    Involves others, interacts effectively and is a committed team member. Understands other

    people and is able to utilise them effectively. Shares information and ideas and seeks to

    resolve conflicts.

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    Customer Focus

    Builds effective relationships with the internal or external client and acts to ensure that all

    stages of the transaction are smooth and efficient. Makes the additional effort to exceed

    expectations and delight the customer.

    4. Creativity

    Can think of innovative, multiple options, suggest new ideas for improvements.

    5. Improvement Orientation

    Keeps own skill set up to date and is proactive in ensuring the implementation of new andbetter ways of achieving desired objectives. Ensures that learning is shared and that quality is

    maintained and improved upon.


    Functional Knowledge

    Has a good grasp of a wide range of operational issues and demonstrates good technical

    project skills. Keeps updated on new developments, theories and methods and continuously

    expands his knowledge base. Capable of conducting research in a specialist area.

    7. Drive

    Is committed to the job and works hard for the long term good of the organisation. Takes onresponsibility and accepts challenges.


    Planning & Organising

    Works in an organised and systematic manner. Identifies and prioritises resources.

    Anticipates constraints, schedules work and mobilises and monitors resources to achievetargets.

    9. Analysis

    Overcomes problems and obstacles through systematic analysis and balanced decision-

    making. Seeks all relevant information, draws accurate conclusions and inferences and findsthe optimal solution


    Decision MakingProactively seeks and accurately evaluates the available data. Anticipates outcomes and

    implications. Chooses the optimal solutions from all those available and implements the

    necessary actions in a timely manner. Involves others and ensures buy-in to decision-making


    MLP: Tier 2 Competencies

    1. Networking:

    Collects, interprets and shares information effectively. Interacts, liases and builds

    relationships with a diverse range of parties both internal and external to the organisation.


    Resource Management:Acts in a line management capacity to translate business objectives into functional activities.Sets goals and processes and organises resources to ensure that the desired results are met.


    Customer Focus:

    Builds effective relationships with the internal or external client and acts to ensure that all

    stages of the transaction are smooth and efficient. Makes the additional effort to exceed

    expectations and delight the customer.

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    Proactively seeks and accurately evaluates the available data. Anticipates outcomes and

    implications. Chooses the optimal solutions from all those available and implements the

    necessary actions in a timely manner. Involves others and ensures buy-in to decision-makingprocess.


    Team Leadership:

    Is an effective team player and team leader. Guides and supports the efforts of team memberstowards the achievement of the business objectives. Is proactive in avoiding or resolving



    Motivating Employees:

    Creates an urge in an employee to achieve specific objectives. Shows genuine concern and

    respect and is sensitive to employees needs. Is committed to supporting and protectingemployees.


    Empowering Employees:

    Creates an environment where people have the confidence to assume responsibility andownership of the job. Supports ongoing feedback and development and helps employees to

    realise their full potential through appropriate interventions.

    8. Competitive Analysis:

    Looks at information from a commercial angle. Is sensitive to the business environment and

    applies models and theories in order to understand it. Evaluates possibilities in terms of

    products/ processes/ services/ systems and finds the right USP for the client.


    Improvement Orientation:

    Keeps own skill set up to date and is proactive in ensuring the implementation of new and

    better ways of achieving desired objectives. Ensures that learning is shared and that quality is

    maintained and improved upon.



    Is committed to the job and works hard for the long term good of the organisation. Takes onresponsibility and accepts challenges.


    Business Communication:

    Produces clear and effective documentation and communication. Is able to make accurateinterpretations of complex material.


    Functional Knowledge:

    Has a good grasp of a wide range of operational issues and demonstrates good technicalproject skills. Keeps updated on new developments, theories and methods and continuously

    expands his knowledge base. Capable of conducting research in a specialist area.


    Makes an impact and puts his/her ideas and views across clearly. Establishes credibility,gains acceptance and converts resistance to acceptance.



    Identifies business opportunities. Considers various options in terms of developing business,supported by data, analysis of resources required, detailed plans, time-lines and critical

    performance parameters. Pursues the opportunity with passion and determination.

  • 8/11/2019 Note on Leadership


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    MLP: Tier 3 Competencies

    1. Risk Management:

    Proactively assesses and benchmarks the wider business environment and reacts rapidly anddecisively as a consequence of accurate interpretation. Acts after evaluating the feasibility

    and likely impact of all available courses of action. Plans effectively to make the best

    possible use of the existing resources

    2. Influencing:

    Is able to impact upon, gain the acceptance of, and effect behaviour changes in individuals,groups and large audiences either through directly presentational skills or liasing, negotiating,

    setting examples, networking and indirect influence.


    Customer Orientation:

    Understands fully and responds rapidly to the customers needs. Champions the customer

    within L&T and seeks to streamline the entire transaction. Develops and maintains close

    relationships with key individuals within the client organisation.


    People Management:

    Shows genuine concern for staff and takes responsibility for their welfare and development.Seeks to improve and optimise man-management processes and the working environment.

    Achieves optimal handling of both people and task elements. Taps the potential in people.


    Multi-functional Thinking:

    Has a complete overview of the operation and business area. Understands the specific

    operational components and diverse functional responsibilities and ensures their smooth


    6. Team Building:

    Is an effective team player and team leader. Sees team working as a value addition and

    promotes a culture of empathy and mutual respect and win/win solutions.


    Leadership:Motivates, inspires, influences and pushes people to attain organisational and project goals.

    Leads by example and delegates effectively


    Strategic Thinking & Visioning:

    Examines and accurately evaluates the competitive strengths and weaknesses of L&T.

    Chooses the correct course of action to derive long term business advantage after assessing

    all relevant environmental factors. Internalises the Company/Group/SBUs goals and

    objectives and translates these into specific action plans.


    Organisation Development Orientation:

    Initiates and supports a continuous process of increasing the skill base and systems andprocess improvement. Makes optimal utilisation of various people management techniques

    for effective recruitment, reward and development. Sets goals and objectives, monitorsprogress and responds rapidly when required.



    Fully internalises the L&T philosophy of doing business and acts as a role model andexample. Does whatever he/she believes to be right in spite of pressures to the contrary.


    Business Communication:

    Produces effective high level documentation and communication. Is able to make accurate

    interpretations of complex material.

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    Identifies business opportunities. Presents an effective case for starting a new business or

    turning around an existing business, supported by data, analysis of resources required,detailed plans, time-lines and critical performance parameters. Pursues the opportunity with

    passion and determination.

    MLP: Tier 4 Competencies


    Strategic Thinking / Visioning

    Demonstrates breadth of outlook and seeks to anticipate future developments. Makes

    valuable contributions to the vision and strategy of the organisation and is able to conceive a

    higher level for L&T. Invokes belief in the vision in others and helps others to appreciate the

    broader perspective and mission.



    Views issues in terms of costs, profits, markets and added value. Finds creative ways to build

    the business, identifies fresh approaches and shows a willingness to question traditionalassumptions.


    Risk Assessment / Management

    Makes rational, realistic and sound decisions based on consideration of all the facts and

    alternatives available. Chooses the best option and takes timely and committed decisions on

    the basis of limited information if necessary.


    Influencing/ Negotiation

    Influences, convinces or impresses others in a way that results in acceptance, agreement orbehaviour change. Identifies and utilises the arguments or approaches that will get the

    necessary results. Projects credibility and makes an immediate positive impression.



    Develops and maintains useful contacts both within and outside of L&T that can be leveraged

    for business advantage. Is patient, sensitive and diplomatic in his interactions. Reads otherswell and builds rapport quickly.


    Developing People

    Is a powerful force for releasing human potential and challenging inertia within theorganisation. Is alert to and acts upon development needs and opportunities. Utilises

    feedback, coaching, training and special assignments to stretch peoples abilities and

    encourage development.

    7. Analytical Ability

    Collects relevant and comprehensive information. Breaks the problem down and applies

    appropriate logic. Reaches balanced and rational decisions and acts accordingly.


    ExpressionCommunicates in a logical, concise and structured manner. Presents ideas succinctlyaccurately and effectively. Holds the attention, achieves understanding of others and gets the

    message across clearly.


    Awareness of global trends

    Is well informed about current global and national business trends and events. Has an in-

    depth understanding of relevant issues and their implications for his own situation.

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    Competencies for Technology Leadership Programme

    TLP: Executive Level Competencies

    1. Domain Knowledge: (Includes Engineering Knowledge):

    The candidate displays an understanding of the concepts and application of the technical

    knowledge pertaining to his area of work. Is aware of the latest developments and technicaltrends in the industry.


    Technology Focus:

    The candidate displays a penchant for technology; has a predilection to acquire knowledge/

    skills and scan information for useful inputs. Considers technology as the prime source for

    competitive advantage.



    Ability to remain committed to the completion of task even in adverse circumstances.

    4. Conveying thoughts and ideas clearly:

    Conveys information and ideas in a clear and structured manner. Accurately interprets andsimplifies technical information.



    Ability to define/identify goals on her/his own and acting on the displays an ability to remain

    committed to the completion of task even in adverse circumstances.



    Comes out with new ideas/approaches. Ability to think beyond the defined frames (Out of the

    box thinking).


    Analytical Skills:

    Overcomes problems and obstacles through systematic analysis and balanced decision-

    making. Seeks all relevant information and finds the optimal solution.


    Spatial Ability:

    Ability to conceptualise figures/drawings/designs in 3 dimensional space.

    TLP: Tier 1 Competencies


    Domain Knowledge

    Has depth of technical knowledge and a thorough grounding in his own subject. Has theability to apply new engineering concepts in his relevant field of operation.


    Analytical Ability

    Proactively seeks and accurately evaluates the available technical data. Anticipates outcomes

    and implications. Chooses the optimal solutions from all those available and implements thenecessary actions in a timely manner.


    Technology Focus

    Propensity to proactively learn new knowledge / skills and scan information for useful inputs.Sees technical knowledge as a source of competitive advantage.



    Comes out with new ideas/approaches. Ability to think beyond the defined frames (Out of thebox thinking).

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    5. Initiative

    Ability to define/identify goals on her/his own and acting on the displays an ability to remain

    committed to the completion of task even in adverse circumstances.

    6. Perseverance

    Ability to remain committed to the completion of task even in adverse circumstances.

    7. Communication

    Makes an impact and puts his/her ideas and views across clearly. Establishes credibility,gains acceptance and converts resistance to acceptance.

    TLP: Tier 2 Competencies



    Comes out with new ideas/approaches. Ability to think beyond the defined frames (Out of the

    box thinking).

    2. Analytical Ability:

    Proactively seeks and accurately evaluates the available technical data. Anticipates outcomesand implications. Chooses the optimal solutions from all those available and implements thenecessary actions in a timely manner.



    Ability to remain committed to the completion of task even in adverse circumstances.


    Knowledge Sharing:

    Tendency / Inclination to share knowledge assimilated from various sources. To stay abreast

    of the latest trends and practices in the field and continuously learn.



    Makes an impact and puts his/her ideas and views across clearly. Establishes credibility,

    gains acceptance and converts resistance to acceptance.


    People Management:

    Creates an environment where people have the confidence to assume responsibility and

    ownership of the job. Supports development and helps staff to realise their full potentialthrough appropriate interventions.


    Customer Focus:

    Builds effective and lasting relationships with the internal and external customer and acts toensure that all stages of the transaction are smooth and efficient. Makes the additional effort

    to exceed expectations and delight the customer.

    8. Technology Focus:

    Propensity to proactively learn new knowledge / skills and scan information for useful inputs.Sees technical knowledge as a source of competitive advantage.


    Domain Knowledge:

    Has depth of technical knowledge and a thorough grounding in his own subject. Has theability to apply new engineering concepts in his relevant field of operation.

    TLP: Tier 3 Competencies

    1. Knowledge Sharing:

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    Tendency/inclination to share knowledge assimilated from various sources and to stay abreastof the latest trends and practices in the field and continuously learn


    Influencing & Communicating:

    Makes an impact and puts his/her ideas and views across clearly. Establishes credibility,

    gains acceptance and converts resistance to acceptance.


    Decision Making:

    Ability to arrive at an objective decision considering techno-economic feasibility

    /competitive advantage.


    Customer Success:

    Understands fully and responds rapidly to the customers needs and adds value to customers

    business. Achieves customer insight beyond the written brief.


    Strategic Thinking:

    Demonstrates breadth of outlook and seeks to anticipate future developments. Makes

    valuable contributions to the vision and strategy of the department and its contribution tobusiness objectives.


    People Management:

    Shows genuine concern for staff and takes responsibility for their welfare and development.

    Seeks to improve and optimise man-management processes and the working environment.



    Ability to remain committed to the completion of task even in adverse circumstances.

    8. Technology Focus:

    Propensity to proactively learn new knowledge / skills and scan information for useful inputs.

    Sees technical knowledge as a source of competitive advantage.


    Domain Knowledge:

    Has depth of technical knowledge and a thorough grounding in his own subject. Has theability to apply new engineering concepts in his relevant field of operation.