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Dear Members,

This week’s newsletter bids, grants and Funds come to you in conjunction with our sponsors KPI

DEVELOPMENT Limited going forward. Exciting news on that next week with our newsletter going

out to some 3,129 professional’s in the industry. This week we have some 50 pages of information

News, Bids Grants and Funds.

The education secretary has hit back at the Federation of Awarding Bodies “deeply disappointing”

threat of a judicial review of T-levels, warning that it could “disrupt” their rollout. Damian Hinds

vowed to press ahead with the new technical qualifications as planned, and said the proposed legal

action was “unnecessary”.

He told awarding organisations to “focus their energies” instead on making them a success.

It comes after the FAB wrote to the Department for Education and Institute for Apprenticeships on

Wednesday, outlining the grounds upon which it intends to launch a judicial review. READ MORE AT


Also my own view is that you may have let us say x and y Awarding bodies; this means you as a

provider may have to go and spend another £1,000 for an Awarding body just to do T levels.

esra CEO tells us I am pleased to report back from the first meeting of the West Midlands’

Employment Support Taskforce, which is a time limited group set up to flesh out what the

framework for the West Midlands should look like.

At the meeting I received a briefing on the new Skills Deal which was launched on Monday. This

has a number of elements, including:

A new Apprenticeship and Technical Education Taskforce

Flexibility in the use of £40m in apprenticeship funding

£5m to test approaches for a National Retraining Scheme

£1m for Edtech focused on adult learners

£1m around careers advice and a careers hub

Work to help businesses to share work experience opportunities for schools

The full information can be found here:


South London Company looking for a Lead IQA can you do the job are you the one CVs to

[email protected].

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ERASMUS+ Funding results

This month we’re sending congratulations far and wide across the UK as we publish the first lists of

successful projects funded under the 2018 Call. The results are published on a rolling basis and more

will be added as the selection process continues. If you have been successful, don’t forget to keep us

up to date with your project’s progress by using #epluspeople!

This contains information on Erasmus+ projects funded by the UK National Agency. Information is

ordered by Call year and then by application deadline. We further sort project information by project

type (Key Actions 1, 2 and 3) and sector (higher education, vocational education and training,

schools, adult education and youth).

The table below sets out the application deadlines for 2018 and summarises the available

information. You can download project lists within the table.

Deadline date Details Publication of results

1 February 2018 Key Action 1 projects for:

Vocational education and training

published 19 June 2018

download (66 KB)

Vocational education and training organisations with the VET Mobility Charter

published 19 June 2018

download (25 KB)

Adult education

published 19 June 2018

download (25 KB)

Higher education International Credit Mobility

to be published

Higher education published 20 July 2018

download (77 KB)

Schools published 20 July 2018

download (112 KB)

15 February 2018 Key Action 1 projects for youth published 5 July 2018

download (48 KB)

Key Action 2 projects for youth published 20 June 2018

download (77 KB)

Key Action 3 projects for youth published 20 June 2018

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download (76 KB)

Following our Ofsted inspection in June 2018, Prevista have been informed by the awarding body

that ‘we remain a good provider’ and have retained our Grade 2 rating for our provision of

Education & Skills Funding Agency programmes.

The inspection report highlights our commitment to learners, subcontractors and employers,

supported through strong leadership, rigorous performance management and quality assurance

standards, and highly motivated staff.

Amongst the evidence for a "good" grading, the report states:

‘Prevista has further promoted their inspirational vision and culture, which have learners’ priorities

and success at the heart of what they do. The vision and culture positively permeate all aspects of

leaders’, managers’ and staff’s work and are reflected in the high expectations Prevista has of its

staff, learners, subcontractors and employers’.

‘Leaders have established a strong culture of keeping learners safe, which positively impacts upon

decision making at every level of Prevista’.‘The rigorous quality assurance noted at the previous

inspection continues, and leaders pay very good attention to the performance management of


‘Prevista’s experienced and knowledgeable non-executive board provides very good challenge and

support for the managing directors and the managers. Board members promote clear strategic aims

and ambitions, with learners and their success at the centre of their actions’.

‘Managers and staff ensure that employers are fully involved in the development of their learners’

training plans and employers support learners well to develop and use their skills at work. As a

consequence, learners understand the value of their studies to their employment, are highly

motivated and keen to learn, and make positive contributions in their workplaces’.

Prevista’s Executive Directors and the Board of Directors would like to thank and congratulate

everyone involved for their commitment and skill in achieving this Ofsted result, including our supply

chain partners who have demonstrated high levels of hard work and diligence in guiding their

learners to positive progression outcomes. The outcome is also a testament to our commitment to

our learners who remain at the heart of the business at Prevista.

Mark Sargeant Director of Business Development, Partnerships & Marketing

Prevista Ltd Tel: +44 (0) 20 7609 4198 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7609 4575

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Ok looking for an Administrator who can do ESFA Claims and lives in and around Birmingham.

Could be Part Time or Full time, needs Understanding of Ofsted and ESFA is a Must cv to

[email protected]

You are now able to submit growth requests for your 16 to 18 and adult non-levy apprenticeship

contract for the 2018 to 2019 funding year.

Please send your completed growth request

forms to [email protected] and your provider manager before

5pm on Friday 3 August.

Any growth awarded will be from August 2018 to March 2019 and will be subject to available

budget. We remain committed to supporting high-quality apprenticeship delivery wherever

possible. We will prioritise available funds to meet gaps in the construction sector, in particular:

• accessing and rigging

• stonemasonry

• applied waterproof membranes

• plant maintenance

• cladding

For this growth exercise, we will be using the ILR R12 data returns (due 6 August). Therefore, please

ensure that your R12 ILR returns are accurate and complete.

For further information, please refer to version 6 of the apprenticeship funding and performance-

management rules for training providers or contact your provider manager.

Rosa has launched a justice and equality fund which consists of two streams. The Advice and

Support programme aims to increase access to support, signposting and expert legal advice for

people who have experienced sexual harassment and abuse. Specialist organisations providing

emotional support to survivors can also apply for grants of between £25,000 and £200,000. The

Changing the Conversation programme will offer £250,000 worth ofdevelopment grants to develop a

strategic communications network that aims to build the capacity of organisations already working

to raise awareness of the impact of harassment and abuse, challenge the current culture of impunity

and to prevent both from happening in the first instance. The deadline for applications is 30th

July. Find out more here at

Qualification: ESOL Entry Level 3

Entry Level 3 ESOL Reading assignments have been designed to give candidates more than one

opportunity to meet most of the assessment criteria (hence the criteria with an asterisk). However,

the alphabetical ordering or use of the dictionary only have one opportunity in each paper so we

have therefore introduced three retake tasks allowing candidates to meet these criteria at Entry 3

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and these are now available on the City & Guilds website from the 4692 Qualification Page.

Full directions on the conditions for use of the re-sit tasks are given in the Assessor Pack.

Looking for two IQAs in London to lead forward Company training in HSC and Music plus other

location items CV to [email protected]

The Education and Skills Funding Agency has this afternoon published its annual report for 2017-

18, revealing huge bailouts, questionable bonuses and resource issues. This is the first set of

accounts for the agency, which formed last April, bringing together the Education Funding Agency

and the Skills Funding Agency.

FE Week has the main findings:

1. The agency reported a loss of £67 million, mainly because of college Exceptional Financial

Support loans

The college with the biggest amount waived was Hull, where the ESFA abandoned £21,267,000. The

second was Central Sussex College with £12,098,000, followed by Bournville College, which had

£10.5 million waived.

Three failed University Technical Colleges – Daventry, Greater Manchester, and Lancashire – had a

combined total of £3,137,000 written off as a result of closure.

2. The ESFA gave away failed UTC and studio school sites worth almost £15.5 million as ‘gifts’

When UTC Lancashire closed at the end of 2016/17, the site reverted back to the ESFA which

identified the University of Central Lancashire as “the most suitable occupier”. The transfer of the

site to the university “resulted in a gift of £10.3 million being recognised”.

Future Tech Studio School closed in August 2017, and the ESFA took over the lease of the site –

valued at £3.2 million – from the academy trust which had operated the school. As it does not intend

to occupy the site, it has been leased to the Warrington Vale Royal College and recognised as a gift.

Finally, the Devon Studio School closed at the end of 2016/17. The ESFA did not own the site, but the

total capital refurbishment and equipment costs paid for the studio school were £3.6 million. The

report said the ESFA has made a “clawback agreement” with the academy trust, which is valued as a

gift of £2.1 million.

3. The agency underspent by £314 million – largely because of FE

Its budget was £60.7 billion but the actual outturn was £0.3 billion below this.

A total of £159 million of the underspend came from “Revenue Departmental Expenditure Limits”,

which included £99 million from the further education Restructuring Facility, “due to inherent

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uncertainties on the timing and amount of the grants”, and £67 million across apprenticeships, adult

education and early years budgets.

The remaining underspend, totalling £155 million, came from its “Capital Departmental Expenditure

Limits”. This included £29 million from Restructuring Facility capital grants, and £127 million schools


4. Less than half of the £300 million restructuring facility was used

During 2017-18, the ESFA introduced an end-to-end payment and repayment process to manage the

release of a new funding line to colleges – the Restructuring Facility.

As of the end of March just £140 million was paid to support their internal restructuring to achieve

greater financial sustainability.

The Association of Colleges previously blamed the slow take-up on “a lack of transparency”.

5. Peter Lauener received the biggest bonus, despite multiple procurement fiascos

The former chief executive was handed a bonus of between £20-25,000 when he left last November

– £20,000 higher than any other staff member, even though he didn’t work the full year. It also

came despite debacles with the adult education budget and non-levy procurement processes, which

left training providers fuming. The ESFA even had to spend an extra £16 million to fix the AEB tender

after it changed rules at the eleventh hour. The agency surprisingly said in today’s accounts that

both tenders ran “successfully”.

Lauener’s total pay package was between £120-125,000 this year.

The most highly paid directors at the agency were people responsible for FE.

Matthew Atkinson, director of the Transactions Unit and Kirsty Evans, associate director of adult

education, received remuneration packages worth up to £170,000 – largely because of huge pension

contributions of £47,000 and £61,000 respectively.

6. £56.6 million allocated to providers to build capacity T-levels work placements

The cash was spread out between 415 training providers who “submitted successful implementation

plans, to build capacity for places and to start the deployment of industrial placements”.

7. 110 colleges were in early intervention at some point during the year

Of these: four moved to formal intervention; 27 were no longer in early intervention at the end of

the financial year; and nine colleges merged or became an academy.

As at April 2018, three out of 63 sixth-form colleges and 39 out of 167 further education colleges

were in formal intervention.

8. 31 more college mergers were completed

During 2017-18, 31 college mergers were implemented, taking the total number of mergers

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completed since the start of the area review programme to 41.

This is more than two-thirds of the mergers agreed through area reviews and is the “most

concentrated period of structural change since the establishment of the further education sector in

1993”. In addition to the mergers that have been completed, 18 sixth-form colleges have converted

to academy status during the year, resulting in the FE sector now standing at 204 colleges and 64

sixth-form colleges.

9. Enquiries to the ESFA have surged because of T-levels, apprenticeship reforms, and the

Grenfell Tower fire

The agency handled 5,951 enquiries from, or related to, FE providers throughout the year. This is a

27 per cent increase from 2016-17 (4,687 enquiries). The increase is “largely attributable to recent

announcements about T-levels, and work to report cladding on publicly-funded education buildings

following the Grenfell Tower fire”.

The ESFA saw an increase in programme queries related to funding, data and systems for training

and skills provision, handling 38,233 enquiries in 2017/18 (compared to 33,625 in 2016/17). The

increase has been put down to the growing Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers, along with

the impact of a “more complex funding landscape” during the implementation of apprenticeship


10. Speaking of RoATP…

As of 31 March 2018, there was a total of 2,588 organisations on the apprenticeship register, with

998 providers being added in 2017-18, and 92 removed.

11. But all of the added work is giving the ESFA a resource issue

“As the agency’s remit expands further in 2018-19 and beyond, there is a risk that the agency will

not have the people resources it needs to be able to effectively deliver all of its priorities and remit,”

it said. Discussions are however taking place with the Department for Education to “review future

year resource requirements and to seek agreement to fund sufficient skills and capabilities that are


Sign up for our free teacher training seminar 'How to engage your pupils in the UK Parliament and

democracy' on Tuesday 6 November 2018. You'll tour the Palace of Westminster, take part in Q&A

sessions and more! Suitable for both primary and secondary teachers.

Seminars for Teachers and Education Professionals

Thank you for your interest in Parliament's teacher training opportunities which provide an insight

into the work of Parliament for those working with young people in schools and informal


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All training events are free of charge and available on a first come, first served basis. We are able to

cover travel costs, up to a maximum of £150, for those working in education charities/voluntary

organisations or trainee teachers. Please see the full terms and conditions on the website for more


Confirmation of whether we have been able to allocate you a place will be sent via email and will be

subject to availability of the programme.

Please note that while always designed to reflect topic areas relevant to the teaching of political

literacy and democracy the final agenda will not be distributed until shortly before the date of the

event. This is due to the fact that Parliamentary business can be subject to change at short notice.







Anything that could be classified as sensitive would need to be sent in a secure manor under the

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Traditional methods of transferring data by email, FTP and even SFTP can leave data and your

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Following the Prime Minister's wider endorsement of the Jo Cox Commission recommendations on

Loneliness in January 2018, the £11.5 million Building Connections Fund has been set up to support

projects that are able to prevent or reduce loneliness.Area England Suitable for Voluntary or

community organisations Funding size £30,000 to £100,000 Total available Main fund: Close to £9

million Application deadline Main fund: Friday 24 August by 12 noon. Awards will be made by

December 2018 and projects can be funded until March 2021

Tip one

This August, a child aged 16 or under can get FREE theatre tickets to selected performances when

they're accompanied by a full-paying adult. There is a huge selection of shows to choose from and a

whole programme of activities to keep them entertained this summer. Plus, adults can buy up to

two extra kids' tickets at half price, and there are no booking or postage fees. Welcome the drama

this summer holiday.

For more tickets and shows available outside of the Kids Week promotion, see the London theatre

tickets page. T&Cs: Tickets are subject to availability. Free child ticket only available when purchased

with a full-price adult ticket. For full terms and conditions, please see here.

Tip 2 Shropshire: Two-Night Camping Pod Stay for Two at Mountain Edge Shropshire

Tip 3 Discount prescription glasses and sunglasses from £10. Details

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From me Steve and from all the team have a great week and keep training

Non-Executive Director at Five Companies and MD of East Essex Vocational Training Ltd

2020 Vision is at

Our Facebook is

Also our website at

Also via Twitter at

Bids, Grants & Funds

Learning and Development Council Wide Training Requirements Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

Worcestershire County Council

Worcestershire County Council are looking to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to

engage a range of providers that are able to deliver a diverse range of training and qualification

courses. The organisations that are successful in being awarded a place on the DPS will be given a

“pre-approved” status and will be invited to submit a formal bid when Worcestershire County

Council have a requirement to contract the external delivery of training courses that fall within one

of the categories in which the applicant organisation has expressed an interest. Each application to

join the DPS will be reviewed by Worcestershire County Council to ensure the minimum criteria for

entry onto the DPS is met. The minimum criteria for entry onto the DPS will be detailed in the DPS

application process.

Value excluding VAT: 2 000 000.00 GBP

Lot No: Lot 1 Category 1 Social Work (Children's & Adults)

Learning and development council wide training requirements Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) Lot

1 social work (children's & adults).

Lot No: Lot 2 Category 2 Social Care (Children's, Families and Communities (CFC) & Adults)

Learning and development council wide training requirements Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

Category 2 social Care (Children's, Families and Communities (CFC) & adults).

Lot No: Lot 3 Category 3 Safeguarding, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

(CFC & Adults)

Learning and development council wide training requirements Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

Category 3 safeguarding, mental capacity act and deprivation of liberty safeguards (CFC & adults).

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Lot No: Lot 4 Category 4 Health & Safety

Learning and development council wide training requirements Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

Category 4 health & safety.

Lot No: Lot 5

Category 5 Corporate Business Skills

Lot No: Lot 6 Category 6 Information Communication and Technology (ICT)

Learning and development council wide training requirements Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

Category 6 Information Communication and Technology (ICT).

Deadline: 29/09/2023

Support for post-16 providers to set up T Level Industry Placements


Improving Technical Education is key to improving productivity and enhancing social mobility. The

successful introduction of T Levels progressively from 2020 is central to this. At the heart of the T

Level is the T Level industry placement. A student cannot obtain the T Level without having

completed an industry placement.

The placement needs to be for a minimum of 45 days. This presents providers who need to set up

placements and broker the arrangements with employers with a considerable challenge as this is a

significant ramp-up from the one or two weeks work experience they are more used to providing.

In order to help them prepare, we will be providing funding of almost £60m to approximately 415

providers during the academic year 18/19 to support them to deliver Industry Placements from this

September. Ensuring industry placements go smoothly in 18/19 is a crucial part of building credibility

and trust in the T Level concept and brand.

The pilot scheme we ran in 2017/18 indicated that a significant amount of upfront work is required

to implement placements. To address this, the Education Skills Funding Agency will provide light

touch support and guidance for providers but, to complement this, we would like to procure out for

more intensive project management support for providers that need it.

We will shortly be procuring through the Dynamic Purchasing System for an organisation to provide

this intensive support to help providers deliver effective industry placements. There are two

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elements to the support we are looking for an organisation to provide:

i. Spreading good practice through workshops; developing case studies; updating existing guidance,

and providing feedback on lessons learned to the ESFA.

ii. Providing intensive support to a proportion of the post-16 providers which will include helping

them plan placements into the curriculum and advising on best placement models for particular

circumstances, advising on preparing learners and engaging employers and providing advice on

challenging student / employer situations such as placement breakdowns.

We estimate that around 80 providers will need this additional support.

Guidance has been produced and this will need to be updated by the successful organisation. It will

also be required to spread good practice through workshops/events across England and to produce

fresh case studies.

Dynamic Purchasing System



Redimo2 Supplier Registration Guidance


Deadline: 20/08/2018

Getting the most from our SEND resources on the Foundation Online Learning website

Education and Training Foundation

This tender will build on the work carried out in 2016-18 by the ETF, and its partners, to support staff

working in the Post-16 sector to improve outcomes for learners with Special Educational Needs and

Disabilities (SEND). We want to make sure that all learners who have a learning difficulty and/ or

disability are supported in their learning and in the achievement of their aspirations in life, wherever

and whatever they are learning.

Our work includes learners with Education and Health Care (EHC) Plans, as well as those without


We want to make sure that practitioners and managers across the post-16 FE and skills sector are

aware of the resources and can use them to support learners with SEND achieve and, to improve

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outcomes for learners. We also want to know what impact these resources have on individual

practice and on organisational effectiveness.

Deadline: 31 August 2018

Invitation to Tender for Executive Development Programme Framework


GC Business Growth Hub (BGH) wishes to appoint service providers (maximum of 30) to enter into a

Framework Contract for the delivery of leadership development to owners, directors and senior

leaders that will develop their skills, knowledge and expertise to enable growth within their

business. The programme will target

businesses that employ twenty or more staff and have the capacity to create jobs and increase


For those businesses with less than 20 staff, individual business cases may be put forward if they

have high growth potential for them to be considered for the programme.

The successful suppliers will be expected to deliver high quality training/development across Greater

Manchester. These suppliers will form part of a framework of providers and will be called off by BGH

to work with named executives from eligible businesses.

For each commission, suppliers will be required to design and deliver 18 hours of intensive support

on specific leadership areas. All 18 hours of delivery must be face to face regardless of delivery style

chosen. The support must be able to be delivered either entirely on a one to one basis, a blend of

one to one and internal group of executives or a blend of one to one and external group of mixed

business executives, and be flexible and tailored to meet the specific needs of an individual


Each 18 hours of support per individual business is paid at a maximum of £1,500 exc. VAT

Value of contract £1.0m - £2.0m

Deadline 28 August 2018

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SEN Travel Training

Medway Council

Transport assistance may be provided in various ways including a bus pass for use on public services,

an escort to accompany the child on foot or on public transport, a mini bus or, in very exceptional

circumstances, an individual taxi. However, the expectation is that as the pupil grows older and

matures they will come to use public transport wherever possible.

Medway Council has a duty under DFE "Post 16 Transport to Education and Training" Statutory

Guidance for local authorities (February 2014) to consider travel arrangements for learners with

learning difficulties and/or disabilities and to reassess these arrangements at key life moments.

The DFE Guidance also strongly recommends travel training schemes to enable young people with

learning difficulties and/or disabilities to gain skills which can be used for travelling to education or

training, particularly because of the all round benefits.

Closing date 26 July 2018

Leeds City College - Microsoft Software Licenses 2018-19

Further Education Colleges

Leeds City College is seeking to appoint a supplier for Microsoft License A3 Plan for 2018/19

Closing date 17 August 2018

Early Years Disadvantage (VCS) Grants 2018-20


Please note that this is a grant opportunity through the Early Years Disadvantage VCS Grant

Programme to help develop and further our strategic aims to support two early years disadvantage

delivery priorities:

Priority 1: Closing the Disadvantage Gap at age 5

Priority 2: Early Years Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (EYSEND)

We are making available up to a maximum of £6.5 million in early years grant funding to VCS

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organisations for an 18-month period (up to £2.8m from Oct'18- Mar'19 and up to £3.7m from

Apr'19 - Mar'20) to help deliver activities in support of one or more of the above early years

disadvantage targeted priorities.

Grants will be awarded across each of these two priority themes. The exact number and size of

individual grants will depend on the range and quality of bids received but we are expecting to

award fewer grants than in previous rounds.

VCS organisations may submit bids related to one or more priority area but no more than two

applications per organisation. A separate application form must be completed for each priority area.

Applications will be assessed and prioritised according to the extent to which they meet the

assessment criteria described in the application form.

Any questions related to points of clarification or process must be submitted by 5pm Friday 13th July

2018 to: [email protected]

To note: We are not seeking to fund research related activity, pilots, small scale local

innovation/delivery projects, services or activities which we would expect to be commissioned


Value of contract £250k - £6.5m


Deadline: 27/07/2018

Work and Health Challenge Fund

The Work and Health Unit (WHU), which is jointly managed by the Department for Work and

Pensions and the Department of Health and Social Care, is using a £4.2m Challenge Fund to test new

approaches that can help people experiencing mental health and/or musculoskeletal (MSK) issues

stay in work.

WHU are looking to fund around twenty Initiatives which will improve their understanding of what

works in one or more of the following areas:

Helping people stay in work by increasing their ability to self-manage their conditions.

Helping people access advice and support about what sort of work they might be capable of doing

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given their wider needs and circumstances.

Developing new approaches to help employers and individuals develop workplace solutions, or ways

of working that facilitate greater participation of people experiencing these conditions.

Improving systems by joining up services to strengthen communication, liaison or joint action.

It is hoped that the evidence gathered through the Challenge Fund will enable the WHU to develop

and deliver policies that enable people with mental health and/or MSK conditions to stay in work, or

reduce the incidence and average durations of long-term sickness absence from work.

The deadline for applications is 17 August 2018.

London Luton Airport - Youth Services Fund

Luton Borough Council (LBC) and London Luton Airport Ltd. (LLAL) are working in partnership to

improve the quality of life of the people of Luton.

Youth Work in Luton is grounded on the principle and understanding that all young people benefit

from additional opportunities and support but some, particularly the most disadvantaged and

vulnerable, need specific additional and targeted help to address their challenges and reach their


The Youth Services Fund has been developed to:

• Provide positive activities for children and young people and reduce anti-social behaviour and

serious crime.

• Support our children and young people to achieve skills and experience to enhance their

prospects for the future.

• Ensure children and young people in Luton are safe and well cared for.

Four levels of funding are available:

• Grants of up to £1,500 to build the confidence and ability of small community groups working

to support youth.

• Grants of up to £10,000 for local organisations already established in the youth sector.

• Grants of up to £20,000 to cover substantial projects by established groups around an

extensive area or issue. Applicants must demonstrate significant outcomes. There are only a

few awards made in this category each year.

• Grants of up to £50,000 for major projects demonstrating true partnership work that crosses

geographic and ethnic boundaries. Only one or two awards are likely to be made. Applicants

must show real understanding of the key issues facing young people in Luton.

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The closing date for applications is 17 August 2018.

e-Payment Platform Inclusive of the Design, Testing, Hosting & Management of Services

University of Strathclyde

The University wishes to appoint a single supplier to support Finance in collecting revenue streams

through a fully managed payment platform solution. The solution must be compatible with our

payment services provider and acquirer with an online shop capable of integrating with University

software. Features must include real time allocation of funds, be PCI-DSS compliant for payments

and refunds using all major debit/credit cards and paypal, be DCC compliant and have the capability

of offering credit/debit card instalment plans and a direct debit management system that is

BACSTEL-IP recognised and approved.

City of Glasgow College reserves the right to join the resulting contract during the term of the

arrangement as a Contracting Authority.

Address of the buyer profile:

Deadline: 17/08/2018

Provision of Insights Discovery Profiling and Workshop Facilitation

Office for National Statistics

ONS is seeking to appoint an accredited Supplier able to provide Insights Discovery profiling across

the office. The supplier will also be required to facilitate workshops with teams to discuss the profile

results and to lead on discussions relating to the use of the profiles in the workplace. The specific

requirement is for an accredited supplier to provide the following:

• Issuing, collating and evaluating Insights Discovery profiles

• To work directly with team leaders and/or commissioners to explain the Insights Discovery

results, providing a profile of the team

• To provide intelligence on the overall Insights profile of the workforce across ONS

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• To lead on workshop facilitation sessions with teams

• Discuss the scope of workshops with commissioner(s) to agree a specification

• Plan for delivery based upon the specification

• Deliver workshops for groups of up to 25 people

• Provide feedback to the commissioner(s) on the outcome of the workshop

• The supplier will be required to travel to multiple locations including Newport (South Wales),

Titchfield (Hampshire), London and satellite sites across the UK. The timeframes are as

follows: o To offer profiling, analysis and workshop facilitation from October 2018

• The requirement is strictly Ad Hoc and ONS cannot guarantee work but there is a demand to

roll Insights Discovery across the whole of ONS over a two year period (approx. workforce of

4000 including non office based staff)

• ONS will have their own accredited assessors from November 2018 onwards but the supplier

will remain contracted to support the demand and delivery and sustain the growing

organisational profile.

The successful supplier will be the preferred external supplier for profiling and workshop facilitation.

The Authority also expects the supplier to manage the demand from individual teams within the

organisation and report back metrics.

Closing date 15/08/18

Young Carers Support Service – Wolverhampton

Wolverhampton City Council

Commissioners are seeking the delivery of a Young Carers Support Service that supports young

carers from 5 to 25 including those who are transitioning into adulthood.

The Young Carers model has been reviewed and developed by Commissioning with a view to it

meeting the City of Wolverhampton’s strategic outcomes.

The contract is for a period of 3 years with an option to extend for a further year.

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The contract is to be delivered city-wide.

Value excluding VAT: 384 000.00 GBP

Deadline: 20/08/2018

Creative Solutions for Complex Individuals

Somerset County Council

Following a soft market testing event for providers, Somerset County Council, Adults and Health

Commissioning and Public Health are notifying the market that a tender process will be advertised in

late July, early August following the valuable feedback received. SCC will advertise the tender

opportunity via the Supplying the South West Portal. This tender will be run under the Light Touch

Regime and as such will contain multiple stages including a discussion stage, all details of the process

will be set out in the tender documentation. Timescales are extremely tight and therefore, this

notice serves to alert the market to the upcoming tender.

Further details on an upcoming tender event, will be available shortly by following this link:


Evaluation of English, computing and MFL curriculum Hub programmes


Expressions of interest are sought to conduct an overarching evaluation of three Department for

Education (DfE) curriculum programmes: English Hubs, Modern Foreign Language (MFL) pedagogy

Hubs, and a programme of work on computing, a key element of which is delivery via Hubs. This

evaluation will help the Department to understand how well these programmes are working, and

improvements that can be made both during the life of these programmes, and for potential future

programmes using a similar approach. A key element of this is a National Centre and 'Hub' model,

where Lead Schools deliver support to other 'Supported' Schools. 7

Recognising that there are commonalities in the way the national centre and Hubs models will

operate, and in the implementation timescales, the DfE invites Expressions of Interest to deliver a

cost-effective evaluation across these programmes. The evaluation will focus on the implementation

of the programmes, with key aims of:

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• Understanding how the national centre and Hub models are working and being implemented;

• Monitoring how contractors deliver effective strategies for strengthening English, computing, and


• Establishing whether the programmes have resulted in changes to teacher confidence, workload,

and in classroom practice.

Please note that the deadline for EOIs is 12pm, Monday 30th July 2018.


Cambridgeshire County Council Provision of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

(CEIAG) Training

Cambridgeshire County Council

The Fenland and East Cambridgeshire Opportunity Area is inviting providers to offer Careers

Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) training to 44 school staff in Fenland and East


The successful provider will be required to provide Level 4 CEIAG training to 22 staff- two from each

of the 11 secondary schools/special schools with secondary provision in Fenland and East


The successful provider will be required to provide Level 6 CEIAG training to 22 staff- two from each

of the 11 secondary schools/special schools with secondary provision in Fenland and East


The successful provider will be required to offer their training within Fenland or East Cambridgeshire

to ensure that it is accessible for trainees from the area.


Deadline: 13/08/2018

Tender for Thought Leadership for Healthcare UK

Department for International Trade

The Authority is looking for a supplier to provide a nine (9) month pilot programme focusing on

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producing content for a thought-leadership programme which is aimed at the UK based healthcare

organisations. Healthcare UK is an initiative between the Department for International Trade,

Department of Health and the NHS.


Deadline: 24/07/2018

Apprenticeship Provision

Warrington Borough Council

Warrington Borough Council (the Council) is a public sector organisation with a pay bill of over 3 000

000 GBP per annum. Therefore the Council is liable to pay the apprenticeship levy. The levy is

charged at a rate of 0,5 % of our annual pay bill and we are subject to the public sector

apprenticeship target of 2.3. The Council is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) in

accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015, Regulations 74 -76 (Light Touch).

The Council invites applications from organisations that have the relevant experience and ability to

demonstrate sufficient capacity for an apprenticeship provision.

We are expected to achieve a minimum of 2.3 % apprenticeship starts each year.

Lot No: 1 Apprenticeship Training — Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care

Lot No: 2 Apprentice Training — Business and Administration

Lot No: 3 Apprenticeship Training — Catering and Hospitality

Lot No: 4 Apprenticeship Childcare and Education.

Lot No: 5 Apprenticeship Training — Construction

Lot No: 6 Apprenticeship Training — Creative and Design

Lot No: 7 Apprenticeship Training — Digital

Lot No: 8 Apprenticeship Training — Engineering and Manufacturing

Lot No: 9 Apprenticeship Training — Health and Science

Lot No: 10 Apprenticeship Training — Legal, Finance and Accounting

Lot No: 11 Apprenticeship Training — Protective Services

Lot No: 12 Apprenticeship Training — Sales, Marketing and Procurement

Lot No: 13 Apprenticeship Training — Social Care

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Lot No: 14 Apprenticeship Training — Hair and Beauty

Lot No: 15 Apprenticeship Training — Transport and Logistics

Deadline: 10/08/2018

British Sign Language Interpertation Services for Gloucestershire Health Community

NHS South West – Acutes British Sign Language Interpretation Services for Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,

Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust and 2gether NHS Foundation Trust (includes

Gloucestershire & Herefordshire Sites)

Deadline: 20 August 2018

Funding for Projects that Address Disadvantage and Support Less Popular Causes (UK)

The next closing date for applications to the Hilden Charitable Fund is the 11th September 2018.

Within the UK, the Hilden Charitable Fund makes grants to projects that address disadvantage and

by supporting causes which are less popular. In particular, the Fund wants to support projects that:

• Address homelessness

• Supports asylum seekers and refugees

• Support community based initiatives for disadvantaged young people 16 – 25

• Penal affairs.

The average grant awarded is £5,000 and preference is given to supporting small community

organisations with an income of less than £500,000 per year. The Trust will consider funding project

as well as core running costs of organisations.

The type of actions funded in the past have include:

• Schemes to enable young disadvantaged young people to receive job training and work


• Volunteering and confidence building for disadvantaged young people, education classes

and skills training for refugees and migrants

• Night shelters, day centres and hostels for homeless people and support services within a

number of prisons.

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Useful Links:

Application Form

War Memorials Grant Scheme (UK)

The War Memorials Trust is providing grants for the repair and conservation of free-standing war

memorials in England.

These grants are intended to help those who are responsible for the upkeep of war memorials. The

grants support the care and preservation of war memorials to a high standard, and to prevent the

decay of this important part of our built heritage. Grants will normally be for up to a maximum of

75% of eligible costs, with a maximum grant of £30,000.

The fund is open to anyone to apply; individuals or organisations, including councils.

The next closing date for applications is the 30th September 2018.

Heritage Grants for Larger Projects (UK)

The Heritage Lottery Fund's Heritage Grant Scheme provides grants of over £1million to under

£5million to not-for-profit organisations and partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations for any

project relating to national, regional and local heritage. Organisations eligible to apply include

community or voluntary groups; Community Interest Companies; charities or trusts; social

enterprises; community/parish councils; local authorities; other public sector organisations, such as

nationally funded museums.

Heritage projects may include:

• Archaeological sites

• Collections of objects, books or documents in museums, libraries or archives

• Cultural traditions such as stories, festivals, crafts, music, dance and costumes

• Historic buildings

• Histories of people and communities

• Histories of places and events; etc.

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Heritage Grants applications go through a two-round process, this offers organisations time to apply

at an early stage of planning their project and to get an idea of whether they have a good chance of

getting a grant before they send a proposal in greater detail.

The next deadline for first and second stage applications for all grants over £1million and under

£5million under the current Strategic Framework will be 16th August 2018 for a decision in

November or December 2018.

Projects supported in the past include a grant of £730,000 to the Richmondshire Building

Preservation Trust Limited to transform Richmond Station in North Yorkshire into a self-sustaining

heritage and leisure attraction for the local community.

Useful Links:

Heritage Grants application guidance (PDF, 1.28 MB)

Project enquiry form (PDF, 626.02 KB)

Heritage Grants application form (PDF, 153.81 KB)

Heritage Grants standard terms of grant (PDF, 621.38 KB)

Heritage Grants receiving a grant (PDF, 129.02 KB)

Inshore lifeboat and rescue boat charities to benefit from £1 Million Government Grant Scheme


Lifeboat charities are being invited to bid for part of a £1 million fund supporting water rescue

services in local communities. This is the fifth year of the Inshore and Inland Rescue Boat Grant

scheme giving voluntary rescue groups nationwide a chance to secure funding for new lifesaving


The Fund is open to UK-registered charities that operate a rescue boat in the UK.

The 2018/19 Fund will contribute to costs of purchasing equipment to support rescue operations.

Equipment supported by the Fund last year included rescue boats and other craft (e.g. flood rescue

rafts, kayaks), launch equipment and launch vehicles, personal protective equipment and other crew


The Fund will not contribute more than 90% of the (ex-VAT) costs of these funded items. Applicants

will need to demonstrate the ability to meet the remaining 10% costs.

The closing date for applications is midnight on Monday 3rd September 2018.

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Useful Links:

Inland and inshore rescue boat grant fund guidance on 2018 to 2019 funding

Inshore and inland rescue boat grant scheme application summary sheet and checklist webform


Grants for Projects Tackling Health Issues Amongst Vulnerable People (UK)

The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust has announced that Grant Round 3 for 2018 – for £1,000

grants is now open for applications. To apply for this grant round, applicants must meet the

following criteria:

• The project must relate to the Community

• The charity’s operating income AND operating expenditure must be a maximum of


Priority is given to projects focusing on:

• Homelessness

• Domestic abuse

• Prisoners/offenders

• Refugees and asylum seekers

Applications that address Rehabilitation and Mental Health needs are particularly welcomed.

The closing date for applications is the 31st July 2018.

Useful Links:

Apply Online

Professional Development Grants for Teachers (UK)

The Goldsmiths Company offers Teachers and Head Teachers with a minimum of 5 years' practical

school teaching experience the opportunity to apply for grants of up to £3,000 to enhance their

personal and professional development. The offer includes and additional maximum payment of

£2,000 to fund supply cover to the school. Grants offer teachers the opportunity to take time out

from the classroom to undertake an original project in the UK or abroad.

Grants can cover the costs such as travel, accommodation and materials. Examples of projects that

may be supported include:

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• Comparisons of best practice in teaching and school administration at home or abroad

• Personal development projects e.g. creative writing, arts, science, music, languages and


Applications are assessed on their potential to enhance a teacher's professional life and benefit

his/her students on completion.

Applications must be submitted by 30 November 2018.

Useful Links:

Download the Application Form

Building Resilient Local Economies (UK)

The next deadline for applications to the Friends Provident Foundation - Building Resilient

Economies programme is the 5th November 2018.

The programme aims to build a more resilient, fairer and sustainable economic system.

Organisations working within the UK who want to help transform financial systems into 'engines for

social benefit' can apply for grants through the Foundation. Grants in the past have been up to

£200,000 to cover capital or revenue funding, core costs or project costs. Activities funded will fit

closely with the aims of the Foundation and deliver one of two key outcomes.

These are:

"System Change"

"Local Economic Resilience".

Under 'Systems Change' the Foundation will be looking to support projects that develop and

demonstrate methods that will effectively change policy and corporate behaviours in pursuit of

wider social objectives.

Under 'Local economic resilience' the Foundation is looking to support projects that share learning

about effective ways for communities to create more sustainable economic systems and retain more

of the value generated. This might include creating community assets or new approaches to local


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Previous organisations supported include:

• SUSTAIN, which received a grant of £75,000 for a concerted three-year campaign, drawing

on the support of many people and organisations to achieve changes in government policy

and industry practice to create a million good jobs though better farming and land-use.

• ECHO, a trading network of over 500 organisations in East London that uses time as the

currency, rather than money. This project received a grant of £140,000 and aims to develop

and refine the infrastructure for local, sustainable Echo systems at national scale.

Useful Links:

Apply Online

Frequently Asked Questions

Social Entrepreneurs Challenged to Transform Ageing (UK)

Funded by Big Lottery and run in partnership with the Design Council, the South West Academic

Health Science Network and the Centre for Ageing Better, UnLtd's Transform Ageing Challenge aims

to revolutionise the approach to health, wellbeing and social care for people in later life. Starting in

the South-West of England.

The aim is to foster innovations that will reduce demand for services through preventative

approaches, tackle causes rather than symptoms and help people to be better prepared for the

challenges of later life.

There are six innovation briefs for ambitious social entrepreneurs to apply their creative expertise


• Steps to a positive future – people in later life have positive experiences of ageing;

• Mobility and Transport – improving mobility to enhance independence and wellbeing;

• Life Transitions – supporting people to prepare for life changes;

• Caring about carers;

• Right information, right time – making information accessible, relevant and meaningful;

• Making Connections – opportunities for people in later life to connect with other people,

communities and activities.

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Entrepreneurs aged 16 and over, living in the UK who are not part of an established organisation are

eligible to apply. The programme will run in the south-west of England (Devon, Torbay, Cornwall and


Three different types of award are available:

• Do It (early stage award) - Grant awards of up to £5,000, average award size is

approximately £2,000.

• Grow it (early stage award) -Grant awards of up to £15,000.

• Scale it (venture award)- Grant awards of up to £25,000, with additional funding available to

leverage in further external investment.

The next closing date for applications is 2pm on the 13th August 2018.

Useful Links:

Submit your Application

Innovation Briefs

Grants for Disability Tennis Equipment (UK)

Grants of up to £1,500 are available to special schools, disability groups and associations, etc for

equipment and specialist wheelchairs to enable disabled people to play tennis.

Individuals can apply for grants of up to £500. Individuals can receive support for sports wheelchairs,

tennis rackets, coaching lessons with a Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) licensed coach or course fees

for official LTA development/coaching courses. Groups can apply for: Wheelchairs; Court hire;

Coaching fees; and equipment packages which will include:

• Rackets

• Balls

• Mini net

• Coaching aids such as: cones and throw down marker lines.

In the case of wheelchairs, a deposit will be required; for individuals, the amount of deposit required

will depend on the wheelchair type requested, clubs will need to raise a deposit of £800.

The next closing date for applications is the 1st October 2018.

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Useful Links:

Applications Form

Funding to Support Vulnerable Young Migrants (UK)

Not for profit organisations and private law firms that work with young migrants can apply for grants

of through the Strategic Legal Fund (SLF) for Vulnerable Young Migrants.

The maximum grant available is £30,000 but, in view of the limited funding available, lower

applications are encouraged. The average grant size is around £12,000. Grants are available to

undertake strategic legal work to benefit children and young people (under the age of 25) who are

significantly disadvantaged by migration status. The fund will accept applications in any area of law

that affects:

• Vulnerable young migrants including immigration

• Asylum and asylum support

• Human rights

• Education; etc.

The SLF only funds two kinds of strategic legal action. These are pre-litigation research and "third

party intervention" in an existing case. The maximum grant length is 12 months, and most grants are

for around six months. For information on previously funded projects please click here.

The next closing date for applications is the 7th September 2018.

Useful Links:

Funding Guidelines

Engineering Education Grant Scheme (UK)

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has announced that its Engineering Education

Grant Scheme has re-opened for applications. Schools and STEM organisations capable of

developing and delivering UK-based educational activities that include IET or IMechE members in the

project are eligible to apply.

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Applications from teams with diverse expertise, a range of skills and from a variety of sectors are

particularly welcomed. Grants will be awarded at two levels; up to £5,000 for standard applications

and four larger grants of up to £15,000.

The deadline to apply is 8th October 2018 for projects taking place from 1 January 2019.

Projects funded in 2017 included Dismantle and Discover, led by Loughborough University and

Loughborough Secondary School, involving student role models who set up an engaging after school

club giving children the skills, enthusiasm and confidence to take up STEM subjects.

Useful Links:

Apply Online

Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator Funding (UK)

A new £9.2 million Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (IEEA) fund from the Carbon Trust has

been launched to help strengthen the global competitiveness of British industry. Funded by the

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the IEEA aims to lower the cost of

near-market energy efficient technologies for a range of industrial sectors, primarily through

demonstration projects.

The competition is open to all UK manufacturing sectors including Industrial companies with UK

sites. Technology developers, equipment suppliers, UK universities and research institutes, or joint

consortia may apply for a grant. Partnerships between developers of energy efficient technologies

and industrial companies willing to test these technologies on-site will also be sought. This will allow

promising innovators to demonstrate technology in an operational environment, while providing

forward-looking industrial companies with an opportunity to implement pioneering technologies at

reduced risk and capital cost.

Successful applicants could receive between £150,000 and £1 million which will represent 40-60% of

total project cost. Match funding must be provided by the applicant.

A small number of exceptional projects may receive more than £1 million. Where appropriate,

demonstrating sites and technology innovators will also receive project de-risking and incubation

support to help them deploy projects, build a sales pipeline, and raise finance.

The competition will be open until August 31 2018. Technology and/or project ideas can be

submitted for preliminary assessment to determine eligibility and for the programme team to advise

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on future project applications.

Funding for Cultural and Educational Links with Japan (UK)

The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation has announced that the next applications deadline for its

grants making programme is the 15th September 2018.

Through its grant making programme cultural organisations, universities and schools; etc that wish to

develop links with Japan and Japanese schools are able to apply for funding. The Foundation's grants

average £1,500 to £2,000 and do not normally exceed £5,000-£6,000 for larger-scale projects.

Grants are available to support the study of the Japanese language and culture, School, Education

and Youth exchanges.

In the past the Foundation has made grants towards visits the between the UK and Japan between

by teachers and young people and the teaching and development of Japanese language and cultural

studies in schools.

Organisations that have successfully applied to the Foundation include:

• Hessle High School and Sixth Form College which received a grant of £3,000 to visit to Japan

to create curriculum on Japan in Key Stage 3 Geography lessons.

• Truro College which received a grant of £2,000 for a football exchange programme with Tokai

Daigo High School in Japan

Useful Links:

Application Form

Funding for the Provision of Clinical Care (UK)

The Wolfson Foundation has announced that the next closing date for stage 1 applications to its

Health and Disability Grants Programme is the 5th January 2019.

Through the programme, the Wolfson Foundation, makes grants of between £15,000 - £100,000 for

new buildings, refurbishments and equipment for a range of organisations delivering excellent care

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and support. The funding is focused on:

• Palliative Care and Hospices

• Older People

• Transitions and Independence.

Match funding is required for projects over £50,000. The Foundation does not provide funding for

clinical care which might be considered the proper responsibility of the National Health Service (e.g.

refurbishment of hospital wards or other facilities, or provision of surgical equipment). The

Foundation also encourage applications from all parts of the UK, especially regions that have few

alternative sources of funding.

Useful Links:

Health and Disability Online Application Questions

Apply Online

Grants for Community Music Groups and Educational Organisations (UK)

The charity of the UK musical instrument industry, Music for All was founded on the belief that

everyone should have the opportunity to learn to play music. Community groups, schools and

individuals can apply for grant and other support for community music making projects that offer

experiences for people of all ages and backgrounds.

• Projects and initiatives supported will be:

• Taking place in the UK

• Aiming to bring music to their community

• Needing a “helping hand” to fulfil their potential in becoming truly sustainable music


The application deadline is 1st November 2018 for funding requirement in the following January.

Recent awards include:

• The Inspiring Community project in West Yorkshire, a non-profit group that gives young

people the chance to learn new skills, received help to purchase keyboards that could be

used to teach the children.

• Alderman Richard Hallam Primary School in Leicester received support to purchase thirty

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brass instruments manufactured in plastic to encourage the children to take up music.

Useful Links:

Online Application Form

Funding for Inter Faith Youth Projects (UK)

The Inter Faith Youth Trust, the only UK charitable trust solely to fund inter faith projects for young

people, has announced that the Inter Faith Week 2018 grant programme is now open and will close

to applications on 14 September 2018. The Trust funds projects that bring together young people of

different faiths to improve collaboration and understanding.

Grants of up to £500 as part funding for projects or activities are available. Priority is given to

projects that:

• Actively involve young people in the planning, running and evaluation of the project.

• Promote positive action i.e. involve young people from different backgrounds coming

together to address shared problems, for example, improving green spaces.

• Are run by UK based non-statutory organisations, such as youth clubs, scout or guide groups,

local voluntary and community organisations.

• Focus on children and young people aged 11-25

Projects supported will be focused around Inter Faith Week, the 11th to the 18th November 2018.

Grants are awarded for proposals for inter-faith activities involving children and young people from

Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and other faiths and those of no formal faith in understanding

and co-operation. More information, examples of activities and tips on how to make the most of

Inter Faith Week can be found in the Toolkit available to download from the website.

Activities funded in 2017 included:

• Northern College for Residential and Community Adult Education, Barnsley, put on an Inter

faith Weeks display

• Batley Grammar School organised a week of themed activities including a quiz and a whole

school Sikhism Day with workshops and a visiting speaker.

• Banbury and Bicester College served themed food in its canteens all week offering multi-

cultural dishes including Kosher, Vega and Halal food.

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A full list of activities funded in 2017 can be found here.

The deadline for applications is the 14th September 2018.

Useful Links:

Online grant application form

Grants to Protect Biodiversity and Ecosystems (UK / Worldwide)

Outdoor clothing company Patagonia has funding of up to $15,000 available for projects that address

the root causes of environmental problems.

Small, grassroots, activist organisations around the world, working on action orientated and multi-

pronged campaigns to preserve and protect biodiversity and the environment, can apply for grants to

run projects that protect local habitats.

Applicants must be able to produce measurable project results, and Patagonia are particularly keen

to support efforts that force the government to abide by laws. Creative methods to engage

communities to take action, including film, photography and books will only be supported if they are

tightly linked to a direct-action campaign on the issue, with specific goals that go beyond education

and awareness.

The deadline for applications is the 31st January 2019.

Funding Available for Adults and Children with Physical Disabilities (England)

Individuals and charitable organisations within the UK can apply for grants of up to £10,000 (£5,000

for individuals) to support the needs of adults and children with physical disabilities in England.

Funding is available to assist those individuals with a disability to improve their physical,

psychological and emotional well-being. In the case for funding for individuals’ applications must be

supported and completed by a third-party sponsor. A sponsor could be, for example, a

health/personal care professional, social worker or charity /support group representative.

Examples of what The Paul Bush Foundation Trust may award grants for:

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• Projects/Items related to improving the health and well-being of individuals suffering as the

result of an acquired physical disability.

• Projects or services aimed at providing education to disabled people, their families and

professionals regarding the difficulties they face.

• Projects or services that assist individuals or families to overcome social deprivation related

to disability

The next closing date for applications is the 1st November 2018.

Useful Links:

Individual Application Guidelines click here

Individual Application Form click here

Organisation Application Guidelines click here

Organisation Application Form click here

Building More Integrated Communities: New Funding Announced (England)

The aim of the Integrated Communities Innovation Fund is to support a range of projects, both in size

and in scale, that are bold and innovative in approach and that encourage integration in a wide range

of contexts. Of particular interest are projects that can, in time, be scaled up to reach a minimum of

300. Overall, projects supported will:

• Be innovative in the way they tackle integration challenges

• Explain how they will achieve positive integration and offer evidence to support this

• Clearly understand how outcomes will be measured and evaluated

• Demonstrate how partners and the local community will buy-in to the proposed activity

• Show potential for growth both in numbers of participants and effectiveness

• Demonstrate clear deliverability, value for money and financial stability

• Be led by organisations willing to share their experiences honestly and wisely.

The Fund is open to applications from legally constituted organisations or those with statutory

powers working with beneficiaries in England.

There are no minimum or maximum grant levels set and funding is only available for 2018/19 and

2019/20. Further terms and conditions are set out in the Fund Prospectus

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Submit an expression of interest as Stage One of Two by 23:45 on Monday 20th August.

Useful Links:

Assessment criteria

Expression of interest form

New Fund Launched to Support the Building of Affordable Homes (England)

The government is making available £163 million across England up to 2020 to 2021 to support an

increase in housing supply in England by increasing the number of additional homes delivered by the

community-led housing sector. The aim is to provide housing that is affordable at local income levels

and remains so in perpetuity; and to deliver a lasting legacy for the community-led housing sector in

the form of an effective and financially self-sustaining body of expertise within the house building

industry in England.

Funding outside London is being allocated by Homes England across two phases. A separate

programme for London will be delivered by the Greater London Authority.

Eligible organisations include (but are not restricted to):

• A registered charity;

• A Company Limited By Guarantee;

• A Community Benefit Society

• A Co-operative Society;

• A Community Interest Company;

• an organisation of another type operating as a social enterprise and principally reinvesting

their surpluses for social benefit;

• A Registered Provider;

• A local authority

Phase One of the Fund will make grants available to eligible organisations to help cover the revenue

costs of project-specific activities that will support development of community-led housing

proposals, and the capital costs of local infrastructure projects that will result in housing

developments that meet the criteria for being community-led.

The Fund will remain open to receive new applications until funding is fully committed (or until 31

December 2019, whichever occurs first).

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£4 Million Available to Museums and Galleries to Improve their Displays and Facilities (England)

Museums and galleries across England can apply for a share of £4 million to improve displays and


Funded through a partnership between the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and the

Wolfson Foundation, these grants will be used for renovation and improvement projects in 39

museums and galleries. It will allow museums and galleries to increase access, improve displays and

enhance public spaces.

To date, the partnership has committed some £44 million to the improvement of 382 museums and

galleries across England. The programme is jointly funded by the Wolfson Foundation and DCMS. The

maximum grant that can be awarded is £300,000.

Projects funded in the past include:

• The Weald and Downland Museum in Chichester which received a grant of £224,500 towards

a project to reconstruct two significant but currently dismantled historic buildings dedicated

to the production of food.

• The Bolton Library and Museum Service which received a grant of £200,000 towards its First

Impressions project which will transform the visitor experience in the 1939 Grade II Listed

building by creating a new welcoming and engaging space in which their collections can be


The closing date for applications is the 31st August 2018.

Useful Links:

Funding FAQs

Wolfson Museums and Galleries Improvement Fund Youtube Video (2011 but still relevant)


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Funding to Improve Local Communities and Promote Financial Inclusion (Scotland)

The Bank of Scotland Foundation has announced that the next closing dates for its small and medium

grant making programmes is the 5th October 2018. The aim of the Foundations grant making is to

support projects that improve and develop local communities and promote financial literacy and

financial inclusion. The types of projects supported include:

• Initiatives designed to encourage the involvement in the community of those too often


• Working with people on low incomes, at risk from poverty or with problems finding


• Improving the standards of local facilities

• Promoting financial awareness and money advice

• Developing and improving local communities

• Financial literacy and financial inclusion.

Through the small grants making programme, grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 are available

and through the medium grants making programme grants of between £10,001 and £25,000 are


The Foundation also run a large grant making programme and a Mental Health Fund. These are

currently closed to applications.

Useful Links:

Small Grants Guidelines

Small Grants Application Form

Medium Grants Guidelines

Medium Grants Programme Application Form

Walking for Health Grants Now Available (Scotland)

Paths for All aims to improve Scotland's health through the delivery of local community Health Walk

projects. Health walks are targeted at inactive people who would benefit most from doing more

physical activity. The Heath Walk Fund is now open for applications.

Grants of up to £5,000 will be available to projects that can demonstrate that they will increase the

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number of people in their community walking. If the grant fund is oversubscribed, priority will be

given to projects that are linking with local active travel partners, provision or infrastructure but all

projects should be able to evidence increased walking activity in their communities.

Supported health walks will:

• Be led by a trained volunteer (and the route has been risk assessed)

• Be less than an hour long

• Have a short warm up at the start, followed by a brisk walk and then a short cool down at

the end

• Welcome new walkers who would benefit from being more active

• Be a friendly group walk offered regularly

• Be an opportunity to meet new people in the area

The fund is open to constituted community groups. Unconstituted groups might be able to apply

through a constituted parent organisation (e.g. NHS, local authority, trust, etc.).

Potential applicants should contact their Paths for All Development Officer in their area to discuss

ideas before completing and submitting an application.

The closing date for applications is the 3rd August 2018.

Useful Links:

WfH Application Guidance Notes 2018-19

WfH Expression of Interest 2018 -19

Grant Available to Encourage People to Walk and Cycle (Scotland)

The Smarter Choices, Smarter Places (SCSP) Open Fund aims to encourage people to change their

behaviours to walk or cycle as part of their everyday short journeys. The fund will also encourage

people to use sustainable travel choices for longer journeys.

New, innovative projects are sought that can demonstrate how they will deliver one of the following


• Increased walking and cycling modal share for short local journeys

• Increase in other sustainable travel choices for longer journeys i.e. public transport/car share

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• Changes in knowledge, attitudes and beliefs towards sustainable travel choice

• Reduced car use for short local journeys

• Reduced driver only journeys

Smaller grants of £5,000 to £10,000 and larger grants of between £10,001 and £50,000 are available

for up to 50% of total project costs (25% of the total project cost can be in-kind contributions).

Organisations eligible to apply are: Constituted groups, clubs and community organisations;

Registered charities; Not-for-profit company or Community Interest Companies; Schools, universities

or colleges; Statutory bodies (including town, parish and community council); Regional Transport

Partnerships; Health and Social Care Partnerships; Health Boards; Business Improvement Districts;

Local authorities.

Expressions of interest are invited at any time from interested applicants.

Useful Links:

Application Guidelines

Case Studies

New £600,000 Fund to Support Film Festivals (Scotland)

Creative Scotland has opened a new £600,000 Film Festivals Fund, the latest in a series of new funds

developed with increased investment in Scotland’s new Screen Unit from the Scottish Government.

The Film Festivals Fund aims to increase the range and diversity of films available to audiences in

Scotland. Projects supported through this fund will help to promote cinema-going in Scotland, and to

raise the profile of film, especially independent and specialised film.

Eligible applicants will be new and existing film festivals based in Scotland and presenting

programmes to Scottish audiences and other constituted groups that meet the aims and criteria of

the fund. Assessors will be looking for high quality programming, a well-managed and delivered plan

with a clear target audience. Projects must also address a clear need or gap in provision.

Grants of between £5,000 - £70,000 per year for up to two years (depending on the scale and reach

of the applicant) will be available. At least 10% of partnership funding, preferably more, in cash or in-

kind must be provided. Grants can cover a range of project costs to plan and deliver a film festival


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• Research and development costs

• Programme costs (such as film hire, guest speakers, workshops/masterclasses)

• Staff costs linked to the project

• Equipment/venue hire

• Marketing and publicity costs (including print, online, PR)

• Access costs (such as captioning, BSL interpretation, engagement activity)

• Monitoring and evaluation costs

Festivals that improve the diversity of film programmes and audiences, including socio-economic and

geographic diversity as well as protected characteristics and projects that offer engagement with film

in locations that have limited access to cinema will be given priority.

Support may be available for other film exhibition projects, other than festivals, that have the

potential to meet the aims of the fund, for example, film tours, or programmes taking place over an

extended period. Advice in advance of an application is available by emailing

[email protected]

Applications can be submitted at any time.

Useful Links:

Application Guidance


Farm Business Grants Programme Due to Re-Open for Applications on the 2nd August (Wales)

The fourth application window for the Welsh Government’s Farm Business Grant (FBG), designed to

improve the economic and environmental performance of agricultural holdings, is due to re-open for

applications from the 2nd August to the 29th September 2018.

FBG funding aims to help farmers make their businesses more efficient, resilient and environmentally

friendly by providing a contribution towards capital investments in items of equipment and


Farmers are eligible to apply for grants of between £3,000 and £12,000.

Useful Links:

Farm Business Grant Scheme - General Rules Booklet

Farm Business Grant Scheme - Addendum to the Farm Business Grant General Rules Booklet

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Farm Business Grant Scheme - Annex A Window 3

Farm Business Grant Scheme - Frequently Asked Questions


Community-Pharmacy Partnership Fund (Northern Ireland)

The Community Development and Health Network (CDHN) has announced that grants are available

to promote and support local communities to work in partnership with community pharmacists.

The funding which is being made available through the Community-Pharmacy Partnership (BCPP)

aims to promote and support local communities to work in partnership with community pharmacists

to address identified local health and social wellbeing needs.

Projects could for example focus on addressing a wide range of health and social wellbeing needs in

villages or in urban housing estates. The funding is available to pharmacists who have commitment

and support from a pharmacy contractor or a constituted community group or voluntary

organisation. Statutory organisations e.g. HSS Trusts, Councils etc cannot apply but can support

applications and be involved in developing projects.

Two levels of funding are available:

Level 1 funding (up to £2,000 for projects lasting up to 6 months)

Level 2 funding (up to £10,000 for projects lasting up to 2 years).

The closing date for Level 1 applications is the 25th October 2018 and the 13th September for Level 2


Capacity Building Grants for Grassroots Groups (Belfast, Edinburgh and Glasgow South Wales,

Stoke-on-Trent and Birmingham)

The Transformation & Growth Fund is now open for applications from voluntary and community

organisations helping people at risk of homelessness. Managed by Community Foundations in the

benefit areas, the Fund’s aim is to build the capacity of grassroots groups addressing local housing

and homelessness issues. The Fund will help to build sustainability, develop ideas and deploy

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innovative solutions, increase organisational resilience and capacity to support people in vulnerable

housing situations. Projects supported will address one of the three priority areas: Increasing

economic well-being: Improving supply of low-income housing: Preventing homelessness.

Grants of between £10,000-£25,000 for up to two years’ work are available to enable organisations

to achieve:

Improved management systems;

Improved impact measurement systems;

Better strategic planning;

Building collaborative approaches;

Strengthening networks.

Priority will be given to strong applications from small local organisations especially those which have

people with lived experience involved in the organisation in some way. Organisations supported will

also have enough existing capacity to be able to develop sustainably, therefore grants will only be

offered to applicants with at least one member of paid staff.

Submit expressions of interest to the participating Community Foundations by the 3rd August 2018.

Foundation Scotland

Community Foundation for Northern Ireland

Community Foundation in Wales

Community Foundation for Staffordshire

Heart of England Community Foundation

For further information on other grants available in areas not covered by this fund, contact details for

the other Community Foundations can be found here.

New £500m Energy Fund Launched to Help Cut Carbon Emissions (London)

Hospitals, museums, offices, libraries, social housing and universities are amongst the public

buildings and small businesses set to become more energy efficient thanks to a new £500 million

Mayor’s Energy Efficiency Fund (MEEF).

A recent study from the Green Finance Taskforce revealed that many public-sector organisations and

small businesses want to install energy-efficiency measures, but often can’t access the necessary

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To address this the Mayor, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Amber

Infrastructure Group, has worked with key commercial lenders including Lloyds Bank, National

Westminster Bank, Santander UK, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and Triodos Bank to deliver

the UK’s largest ever dedicated investment fund for urban energy efficiency measures.

The Mayor’s Energy Efficiency Fund (MEEF) provides flexible and competitive finance and offers a

wide range of funding options, through its consortium of funders, to deliver new low carbon

technology or upgrade existing low carbon infrastructure, with an investment period of up to 20


Measures that could be funded include battery storage, electric vehicle rapid charging infrastructure,

decentralised energy, small-scale renewables, energy efficiency, and low-carbon data centres for

boroughs. The funding is also open to small businesses and energy service companies operating

across London.

The fund builds on the success of the Mayor’s LEEF scheme (London Energy Efficiency Fund), which

helped St. George’s University Hospital Foundation Trust in Tooting install a new power and heating

system that stores and recycles heat produced from generating electricity, and is set to save the Trust

£1.3 million a year on energy bills and reduce over 7,000 tonnes in carbon emissions.

The application process includes the completion of the Project Outline document which is available

here. This sets out key information about the financial structure of the project, the Energy

Conservation Measures (ECMs) to be used, and the forecast carbon and energy savings.

The MEEF team will assist potential applicants with this process; including reviewing drafts and

discussing structures and the Fund’s approach to measuring outputs. Feedback will be provided on

all applications, which may include requests for further information. Indicative term sheets can be

issued after reviewing the supplied information.

Community Green Space Grants – Round Two Now Open for Applications (London)

The Mayor of London has announced that round 2 of the Greener City Fund Community Grants

programme is now open for applications. In this funding round a total of £1.1 million is available to

improve and create green space across London and improve Londoners’ access to nature.

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Community groups, boroughs, schools, businesses and charities can apply for grants of £5,000 -

£50,000 for

• creating a community garden, especially for and with hard to reach groups

• improving parks and other green spaces for people and wildlife

• installing green sustainable drainage features, such as rain gardens

• creating connections between areas or green and enhancing active travel routes

• improving an area for and access to wildlife • creating natural play space for children

• restoring rivers and other waterways

• creating pocket parks in urban areas

For this funding round £300,000 has also been allocated to support greening projects in schools to

help protect students from air pollution. Schools (primary and secondary) located in an area

exceeding legal pollution limits for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) can apply.

Applications for school air quality greening grants should primarily focus on greening measures to

reduce students’ exposure to air pollution and protect them from toxic air.

This could include:

Installing a green screen (for example ivy), or barrier hedge around the perimeter of the school


Planting trees, shrubs and planters within the school grounds to capture emissions;

Making a green gateway on the approaches to the school, including planting on the footway or

highway buildouts; a

Creating a pocket park on space reclaimed from roads around the school.

Applications may be submitted by the school, borough, academy trust or parents/friends group. If

your school isn’t eligible for an air quality greening grant, you can still apply for a standard small or

medium Community Green Space Grant.

The deadline for applications is 5pm, Monday 1 October 2018 and projects should take place

between January 2019 and December 2019.

Useful Links:

Apply for a Community Green Space Grant

Community Grants Project Toolkit


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Funding of up to £45,000 for Community Centres and Village Halls (UK)

The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation is offering Community Centres in deprived urban

communities and Village Halls in remote and economically deprived rural areas the opportunity to

apply for capital grants of between £10,000 and £45,000. Grants can be used to fund new buildings;

upgrading, renovating or extending buildings; improving or creating outside space (but not car

parks). All applicants must have secured 50% of the total cost of the work and have local community

fundraising underway.

Grants will be made to projects centred on ‘community centres’ in the broad sense, this may include

a church, sports facility or other building which offers a range of activities throughout the week

which all the community can access.

It is expected that the completed venue will provide a range of activities for all ages and abilities

which help to promote community cohesion and address local problems of isolation, poverty, lack of

local facilities, transport and other issues of relevance to the area in which the centre is located.

The Foundation is particularly interested in innovative schemes to bring back disused buildings into

full community use i.e. as community hubs, shops and activity venues. Traditional Village Halls are

also supported.

Useful Links:

Application Guidelines

Recent Grants Awarded

Applications can be submitted at any time and should show that, in urban areas, the venue is in the

most deprived 20% of the latest government Indices of Multiple Deprivation or, in rural areas, in the

most deprived 50% of the Indices.

Previous projects supported include:

• £25,000 to Ingol and Tanterton Community Trust towards the cost of building an extension

to the kitchen of a busy community café as part of a major expansion project at a

community centre in Preston.

• £18,000 towards the cost of Ty Talcen Community & Visitor Centre as part of the

regeneration of the rural community of Myddfai in Carmarthenshire.

• £16,193 to Islay & Jura Community Enterprises towards the cost of refurbishing a leisure

centre which focusses on providing facilities for disadvantaged and deprived members of the

two Hebridean islands.

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Funding for Projects that Combat Abuse and Violation of Human Rights (UK)

The next closing date for applications for funding through the A B Charitable Trust is the 7th

September 2018.

The Trust supports UK-registered charities that work towards combating abuse and violations of

human rights and to support the disadvantaged by fostering community action. The Trust is

particularly focused on charities supporting unpopular causes reaching the most vulnerable and

marginalised in society. This can include:

• Prisoners and penal reform

• Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers

• Human rights, particularly access to justice.

The Trust generally makes one-off grants to charities registered and working in the UK with annual

incomes of between £150,000 and £1.5m that do not have substantial investments or surpluses.

Grants range in size, with most grants awarded being in the range £10,000 to £20,000. ABCT does

not normally fund charities with large national or international links.

The next closing date for applications is the 7th September 2018.

Useful Links:

Online Application

Funding Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions

Funding for Christian Charities Promoting Social Inclusion (UK)

The Anchor Foundation provides grants of between £500 and £10,000 per year to Christian Charities

that encourage social inclusion through ministries of healing and the arts. Funding can be awarded

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for up to three years.

The Foundation will consider applications for either capital or revenue funding. Only in exceptional

circumstances will grants be given for building work.

Previously funded projects include:

• The Karis Neighbour Scheme which received a grant of £700 for revenue costs at a drop-in

centre for women refugees in Birmingham.

• Discovery Camps which received a grant of £1500 to subsidise holidays for children arranged

by churches in and around Dundee.

• Scargill House which received a grant of £5,000 to facilitate cross cultural engagement and

understanding amongst children using arts based residential courses in Yorkshire.

The next deadline for applications is the 31st January 2019.

Useful Links:

Examples of Projects Funded

Apply Online

Funding to Develop the Classics in Primary and Secondary Schools (UK)

Classics for All, which aims to develop the teaching of classics such as Latin, Greek, classical

civilisation and ancient history in UK state schools has opened its 2018 grants programme. In 2018

the funding focus remains on supporting the development or introduction of Classics in schools or

consortia of state schools especially in areas where there is limited or no access to school provision.

Classics for All aims to reach 200 new schools.

Previous grants awarded have ranged in size from £100 to £15,000 supporting everything from the

establishment of an after-school Classics club to training for teachers in 20 schools to introduce Latin

or Classical Civilisation at Key Stage 2 and 3, GCSE or A level. Classics for All have also supported a

number of schools already teaching Classics to develop the scale and ambition of their Classics offer.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

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Useful Links:

Application Guidelines

Veolia Environmental Trust Grants (UK)

The next closing date for stage 1 applications to the Veolia Environmental Trust is the 30th August


Grants of up to £75,000 are available to constitutes not for profit organisations and registered

Environmental Bodies towards:

• Community buildings

• Parks and paths, play, Multi Use Games Areas (MUGAs) and recreational facilities

• Nature reserves

• Bio diversity projects.

To be eligible to apply, the applicant organisation needs to be within the vicinity of a qualifying

Veolia site (please see post code checker below); the projects must have a total cost of under

£250,000 (including VAT and professional costs); the applicant must have secured 20% of funding

towards the project prior to submitting a full (stage 2) application.

Useful Link:

Post Code Checker

Funding Case Studies

Funding for School Capital Projects (UK)

The next deadline for stage 1 application to the Wolfson Foundation's Secondary Education

Programme is the 10th January 2019. Through its Secondary Education Programme high-achieving

(in receipt of an outstanding Ofsted assessment or regional equivalent) state-funded schools and

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Newsletter & Bids 29 2018


Bumper Edition!

Patron Member


sixth form colleges can apply to the Foundation for funding for capital or equipment projects relating

to the teaching of science and technology; or projects involving libraries, languages, music or the


Grants do not normally exceed £50,000 for schools or £100,000 for sixth form colleges.

Applicants successful at the stage 1 of the application process will be invited to submit a stage 2


Examples of schools that have received funding through the Foundation include:

• An award of £100,000 was made towards science equipment for a new regional science

centre at Oldham Sixth Form College. The project aims to engage the local community in

science as well as provide carefully designed laboratories with modern science equipment.

• Cheadle Hulme High School, Cheshire, which received a grant of £46,000 for A Level science


• Greenhead College, a high-achieving Sixth Form College in Huddersfield, which received a

grant of £100,000 which enabled them to refurbish three chemistry laboratories and two

technicians’ rooms.

Useful Links:

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Eligibility Criteria