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People Health Audit

Frank Newman, C.H.R.L.

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Newman Human Resources 35 years HR experience Finance Industry, Pharmaceutical

Manufacturing, Semi-Conductor, Oil & Gas

Hired 300 people in 18 months Plant Start-ups and closures Jan Arden/Colin James Millennium


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Newman Human Resources Recruiting, compensation, talent

management, HR systems, organizational change

Small businesses Start-up companies Fractional HR, special projects,

interim management “Mike Holmes” of HR

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Learning Objectives for Today Strengthen your skills in managing

the People side of your business:

Annual HR physical People Health Audit

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Topics for Today Key elements of success for small business in


Review of People Life Cycle

Understanding HR needs based on maturity (or immaturity) of your business

Conduct a People Health Audit

How to build a continuous People Improvement Plan

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Why People Leave Companies1. Compensation2. Interesting work3. Boss4. Lack of Recognition5. Poor communication 6. Lack of freedom7. Business Culture8. Co-workers9. Working conditions

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Defining Your Environment Leadership style Business Mission & Vision How Jobs are designed HR Policies and practices Working conditions Business Culture & Behaviours

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What is Employee Engagement? When employee are committed to your business

and recommend it to others Say

When employees are invested in the future of their business and want to help it succeed. Stay

When employees feel positive about their business and want to perform at their best every day Strive

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3 Functions of Leaders

Know your process

Know your people

Improve both

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Know your PeopleUnderstand & connect:

Do I genuinely care about each person on my team?

Do I make an effort to get to know them? Do I demonstrate care and concern

through my day-to-day interactions with them?

Do I take the time to start conversations with my team members?

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Know your peopleLink your business to your


How is their work valued by the business?

Share business visions and progress Regular communications Celebrate successes

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Know your PeopleCoach your people

How is your progress on your task? What can I do to help?

What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now? What can we do to resolve it?

What solutions have you considered? How will taking these actions make a difference?

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Know your PeopleSupport their development:

Provide regular feedback Provide opportunities to learn Encourage them to take initiative Reward success

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People Life Cycle

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HR Needs based on business maturity


Business CulturePeople StrategyPolicies (Compliance)CompensationRecruitingBasic Training


CoachingPerformance ManagementDevelopment Leadership Training


Succession planningRenewal

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Common People Challenges for Small Business Attracting & retaining talent Performance Management

Increasing performance Resolving Conflict

Compensation Compliance with policies Other challenges?

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People Health Audit

Leadership People Strength Customer

Relationships People Planning Compensation Recognition

Recruitment & Interviewing

Onboarding Performance

Management Coaching Learning &

Development Communication

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People Health Audit - Leadership I acknowledge my people regularly I regularly look for ways to make the

work more interesting I provide freedom for my employees to

act and make decisions I ask for feedback on my performance I am always conscious of how my

attitude impacts my people

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People Health Audit – People Planning I plan regularly for People Needs I anticipate my staffing needs for

the next 3, 6, 12 months I never lose productivity due to

staffing gaps I have succession plans for key

roles and people I know my people risks and have

plans to manage them

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People Health Check - Recruiting We know how to interview

effectively We know how to ask the right

questions from a Human Rights perspective

Candidates are clear on what we offer as an employer

My people are clear on what we offer as an employer

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People Health Audit - Compensation My compensation is competitive and

allows me to attract the right people I conduct regular salary reviews My people know when I will be

reviewing their salaries I have the right incentive plans in place

to reward performance and behaviours I make use of non-monetary tools to

reward people

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People Health Audit - Recognition Do you formally recognize service

anniversaries and other significant events?

Do you regularly practice informal recognition?

Do you allow your supervisors to recognize people “on the spot”

Do you encourage your people to recognize each other?

Do you celebrate business achievements?

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People Health Audit – Contracts and Contract Employees Do you have signed contracts for all

employees and contractors?

Do your contacts contain: Confidentiality Intellectual Property Notice periods Post-employment obligations Acceptable standards of conduct Non-disclosure

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People Health Audit - Onboarding We have a standardized on-boarding

process We use employee mentors to speed up

with on-boarding process We instill new employees with a sense

of pride our business We provide clear “navigation” tools for

employees New employees have a chance to meet

the senior managers

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People Health Check – Performance Management Do you conduct regular

performance reviews with all employees?

Do they have clear performance objectives or metrics?

Do you feel comfortable dealing with poor performance?

Do your supervisors know how to deal with poor performance?

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People Health Audit - Learning & Development I have current training plans for all

roles My business has a culture of

learning from mistakes My people know how they can

develop I provide support for additional

development I can develop people without

spending money

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People Health Audit - Policies My People policies are effectively

documented and communicated I review them on an annual basis I kept aware of changes to

legislation that may impact me I have policies that I know are out

of date

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People Health Audit - Terminations

Do you have a performance management process that addresses performance and conduct issues?

Do you have a standard practice for handling employee terminations?

Are you getting the best legal counsel before terminations?

Do you have a process for communicating terminations?

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People Health Audit - Communications Do you have regular people

communication sessions? Are you/r leaders accessible and

visible? Do you regularly invite feedback,

both formal and informal?

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Continuous People Improvement Plan Annual SWOT Update Employee Survey Communications Feedback Listening Engaging the team Share the results

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Common Legal Issues facing Small Business Inappropriate terminations for just

cause Ignoring workplace harassment

including bullying Terminating sick or injured

employees Calling someone a contractor when

they are really not Overlooking employment standards


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Where Small Business typically needs HR expertise Compensation Legal Compliance Safety & Health Motivation Terminations

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Engagement is $$ money $$

Be conscious of your role as a leader every day

Use best HR practices every day

Know when to ask for help

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Thank You!