


V,.rmf BI'S I wim fUcure TO-dORRnV BjV8tl.


, ._._,

^'u-m, ,Y|r,Tayler,,'rme-,yoflhe8io<iiBtC i',i-r',¦ iMrliar_.o... Oik;!'''.. ibe N> *¦¦>¦¦

u "***irTl.« r.iiM.H' »I A. Je nv. l;roo»]yr», at 101«

i'^ TO-MUKiluVViS.' be h) MORNING. feaUfreo.

rrr Tree < harrh af the lined «»hrpherd. M*r-» ,T| eor»M of Mnnroe. Rev Ralph ilnvv Reel >r. So'.-

siay*"* "*"« ,r* * M nnä 7 ** M. I1*1 »

f ; hri.ilnn l«r.trlitra Margaret U. H!**?°i» » tresrh to-morrow afiei noon, at 3 o'clock.^r 'M.;!. KM Broadway gubj.-ct.' Isra«.^ R-'Ora-¦»« ttri»i's Second CoinlDS, l.roo Years of Pete», *r.

jwt'pU^.CH,-^ - S-B-:. No^Wemtherrv,-:,.

»%» l.rriare* on ihr *p,.caly|M.e » « < »*¦»|ff«:!!«¦ IUI! 6*»U Braadwa>.-Re' JO»N GWOO, i.l availv0v the MS 111 LecUre of the ««"..» TO MORRÜW

(Bur.r-.M KVEN1NO. »ervir« ro*i:m--cing mlI »

feats FW. Subject. 'The Plan. Order and "¦.t°*: VBuiltlon of !he Apocalypse"tV Tor Math af a «wei-se of I rrlre« or the

...h,......i i nlldrllM "."* rrd by Rev tdtJPAKKKK

' sABSaVi' EVENING. J... 19. la lü

jäff&S^^ near to cou'nK nee »t 7| b go. k free. JTJ It'

Pnner«rSermon. The Rev. Ur. m q-icAt of the family, w'.ll preach a Kune-al Sermon fir

the late Mra Martha Sblelt at Hope Chape:, Br ladway,

Suncay morning next._ J18'r\r- Kearth-M. CnlTzeraallal Caarrh. betweea

A -rueaBarrt C-Rev Dr MASSOCK will Preach In.

tie German hnguage TOMORROW MORNING, at IIo clock. S-rv.r-s. A terror n and Evening, at the uetir

koura. The public are reapeclfully invited to attend. If

~*V*Nermea« Mea..The Diacourae fo

ae»t Sunday Evening will h*» ouiiUed, iu cons-iiueure oi l

b mapprelieneiorj In relation to the Church in winch it waa

u> ae delivered. In future they will be regularly preachedevery Soeday Evening. _j'K H*

re Dratrnetlon ol Jr ramieni.- By requeat. R-vDr PATTON will deliver a Courae of Lecture* in SabbathEvening*, in the Hawmond-at Congregational Church, on

"The Fulfilment of ChrtM's Prediction of the Ueatnicticinoflhe Temple and oftheCitv ofJernatrem" Tu« third Lec¬ture will e delivered on SABBATH EVENING Jan 'I,Bl 7 o'clock. Subject "The surrounding of the City bytbe Roman a/my end Flight of the Clirtatlans."' E W CHESTER. I Cnm.n,,._

it,if_W D. STEWART. j C°ma"tt<w-fJf»" Feartli t ongtregaUonal Church. In Six-

leen h Bl between Sixth and Seventh av*..The bfth of the.rrir/ol Diacouraea Ui the voung. TOMORROW EVK.N'-

bv M. ft. Hl'TTON. 1). D al7JVclo«k. Preachng Ht

lOao'rock.A M and 3 P.M. by the Pa*tor, Rev. H. O.


ry Rev. K. T. Taylor, Chaplain to Sea-nen io B .*-

len, will preach In the Firat Marine M. E. Ci'irch, in Ctier-»\ »l. between Clinton and Montgomery, next SABBATH.<To-M«irrow.| at |S| A M and S P. M and 7 in the Kv^n-ifig. Seamen and iboae intereated in the welfare ofa^amenand the public genera'ly are invited to attend. jlH It

If*" Kellglone .NatIce..Evange leal PreabyterianChurch, Sl Luke'a Hnilding, Hudaon-at corner Grove .Rer JAS MACBETH. Pa»tor, will de.iver a DiacouraeTO MORROW AFTERNOON, (Sunday.) Jan 19, at »* P.M "n '-The Joy* of Religion;'* and in the Evening.at7f,on "The Sorrow* oflhe World." Seat* free. J18 If

tW BeMarlaaa Natlrr.-There will be Preachingthree time*, aa uaual. TO MORROW in the MethodUt Pi o-

teatant Church, in Laurena-at juat above Prince for manyveara known aa the Lauren* at Baptlvt Church. In theMomlri bv the Pa*lor, in the Afternoon by RevXTHO.S.BEN.NiNG. (formerly of the State of Oeorgia.) and in theEvening, at 7, a Temperance termon by Rev. Mr. STOKES

ChT* Rcllclaaa Notice..There will be a Meeting Inbehalf of the Theological Department ot the RochesterI'riversit.v, at ibe Canrion-at Baptist Church, (Rev. Mr.Eddy a.) on SUNDAY EVENING, ruh inst at7o'rlockAddreesea may be expected from the Pasior and Measia.EDMONDS and ANDERSON. Jib If

tW Her. Dr. Olio, President of the Wealeyan Uai-veraltv, wii! Preact in the Seventh sl Methodist E Church,near Third av. on Bl'NDAY MORN1NO, Jan. in. at 10*o'eloek. 118 It*

tr Preab.vtertan ( horch In I Dr. POTTS..The usual Monthly Service will beheld TO MORROW EVENING, at 7J o'clock. J18 lt*Aj

IdECTTJRE NOTICES.rf »Hahl> Intereatlna Lrrtarra.-Rev. w. s.

BALCrl wi.l deliver a Course of three Lecture* on Ire¬

land, Scotland, Holland, Ac. at Knickerbocker Hall, cornerof Eighth ave and Twenty-third-*t.

First Lecture on Ireland, on Wednesday Evening, the»d Jan.Second Lecture on Srol'and, on Friday Evening, the

91st Jan.Third Lecture on Holland, at some evening shortly after,

ol which public notice will lie given.Admittance I2f fcenu. Tickets to be bad at DUNN'S

Bookstore, or at ihe door on the night of the Lectures.Doors open at f§. Lecture commences at 7« o'e4ock. jl63l*ÖT l.ectnree on Art..A Course of six Lacture*

will be given by the Artist» of New-York, at the Stuyvo-bbbi InatitBie, Broadway. The first will lake place on

TUESDAY, ibe alit Jan. at 8 o'clock In the evening, by thewell known and highly popular Lecturer, HENRYJAMES, Eso The subject: "The Principle of Uulver-la'iiy In Art.'' Admission S9 cent*.jlS«Xts- a. 8 OcKlUOU, Chsirriis»orOo-amiltee.

Mercantile l.lhrary^aessolaUvai. 1.1TÜRE A T CLINTON II ALL..Mr joeam S I.r.r. ofMontreal, whl deliver a Lecture at Clinton HaU, ttiit tSat-urdsy) evening, at 71 o'clock. Subject: '. TmomaI Hooo."Ad miliance, IJf cents. j 18 It,CV Tenchrre" Association. Dr F I". H A NN IN G

win CH|»r.r a Lecture tie'ore thi* Iiody THIS (Saturday)EVENING, at 7 o'clock, at Trustees' Hall, corner of OrswiBi d Elm »t«. Subject "The Upright Posture, or HumanSymmetry." All Teachers, male and female, the variousSchool officers, and other* luierested are Invited to attend.

(7* Free Lertare on H)dropnthy.-Dr. T. L.NICHOLS will Lecture at Knickerbocker Hall, corner ofTwenlv-ihird-sl aLd Eighth-av on TUESDAY EVEN¬ING, Jan. H, at 7J o'clock, on the Principles. Adaptstio is,

Result* snd Home Practice of the Water Cure. AdtnlMtoufiee, and a collection taken to defray expense*. jl8 Stis*

SPECIAL NOTICES.If* Frl/r SIiiajIdr t'litaaee...Tlnele for the

Prople !. It has long been a cherished idea with the sub¬scriber that the enioyroent and blessing ol Music should berealiied more extensively by the People. Iliiherio tiie ex-ouislte pleasures arising from a knowledge and practice ofIhla dlvlre art have been confined to the fe^r, while themany bave been obliged to take their music at second, or

go without it entirely. But since ao many thousand heartsnave been thrilled with a strange delight by the singing ofthe "Queen of Song,'' the desire to know'moreof Musicha* been awakened In multitude* of bosoms. Hundredsare now aeeking musical instruction who would probablynever bave dreamed of studying Music but for the influenceof ibe Sweedish Nightingale. And hundreds of others are

desirous of learning who have not yet taken the first stepTo aid in meeting and gratifying such desire* the subscri¬

ber proposes to open w hat he wui denominate Prl/e Sing¬ing Classes, in New-York and Brooklyn. Each pupil willbe charged the regnlur price for a course of 15 lessons, andwill receive, on complying with the terras of the Class,three prices, or three new musical pub ication*. all valua¬ble- to be made known at the opening of the Class Th**eprizes are worth nearly or quite a* much as the price oi tui¬tion, and will be found to be of practical utility to eachpapll.Tb* first Class wi.l be opened in New-York on MON¬

DAY EVENING, the iflith inst, in Ihe Lecture Room of theBevenih Presbyterian Clmrrh, (Rev Dr. Haineld's,) cornerBroonieand Ridge it*. The first evening free to all, whenthe term* and prize* u ill tie made known._JI«2t_PARK'S E JONES. Teacher of Mösle

CV** Mercantile Library Association. -Th» An¬nual Elective of Ot! r er» of tics Association w 111 be held atClinton Hall, romer of Beekman and Nassau sis. on TI ES*DAY, the 21si lust. The Polls will be oi>«u from 9 o'clock,A M. to 6 P. M.No Member who is tn arrears for dues will he entitled to

vote_|J18At| C. W. OGDEN. Ree Rec'y.tW - it in son A t'o.'e New .Orleans and Mo¬

bile Kxpreaa, 19 Wall-at.-We shall dispatch an

Express »nh Freight, Specie, Jewelry. Ac. per a eatnalilpFANNY. SATURDAY, January 18. 1851. to NEW-OR.LEANS and MOBILE Also, per steamship OHIO.8ATURDAY. January 25, 1851. No freight received onthe day of saUlBg. STIMSON A CO.

19 Wall-sL New-York, and SL Charles Hotel Building,Jt»8» _New-Orleans.

ET-Notice to Navls-mora. ~Cl STOM HOUSE,»?s Omca, Octoberö, 185«..The 8th section of an act of Congress, approved 2Rtn Sep.¦ember, 13*0. entitled M An act making appropriations forLight House*, Light Boats. Buoys." Ave. provides.'That hereafter ail buoys along the coast, or In bay*, har¬

bor*, sounds or channels, shall be colored and numberedao that passing up the coast or sound, or entering the bay,harbor or channel, red buoys with emm numbers shall hepassed on the thtrooard hand black buoy* with uamtn num¬bers on the pvrt hand, and buov* with r»d and tU.u A atnpeeort either baud. Buovs In channel way* to be colored wlia

iC»««1 wAir, and black perpendicular stripea"a ?!SSll'** Potieo ihat the provision* of the foregoingi-ew wtll be carrlej into effect, and the change* Indicaied»T. t1."**1? ,0 ^hearrangenient of the buovs in the water*

°* B J MllfU 00 01 .b*^» Ibe 1st of May, 1851.oööSawfaa H MAXWELL. Collector.

m!?ii al!TvRfnr'*ut!5PM'-D't luten"er7s, .^?Jia^5.Xro*lw*' tBd 1 Warren-at open dailyfwrn until S for the exclusive treaunerji of Ear dlseases-deafte**. dischargee from the exversal Ear. and the variousdistressing nols^ln tbebsBrfreBaoved wltheot risk or SEC^roltanoe tee, by letter or otberwu>s. Si Unpaid lexersre'use.!Cautio* -The Deaf are cauUoned against applvlng to

|M ^f-styled AurtatA They. wiA^r.howy^Bsl,¦he the many advenleed Quack oil*, are traps set by un-a*tacipled knaves to catch the unwary. Those Imtxiieraar« not siereiy confined to this city alone, bttl are sprinsnasTop nke BKishroom* In other cllle*. ¦ ^

Dr LUTENER8 onprecedenled sucee** I* the cause of.oee rongle-hke AurtsU. Dr. Lu tensir ha* no eoonectionw»k any other person, and is the only recognised Aurut toaheUmiad Btavkaa. dlt lot

JfW* UooJmI Hair Dys), improved so as to color toomir er Whisker* the moment tt is applied, without ine leeetln^7 11U .anrery free froo unpleasant odor, and can bo

ZXlzr, w1<r,th" .«ronfaat soap Immediately it Is applied,Z-S^7Sl^l!f ^2; '»aale, or applied, at Batchxl-am . Wig Factory, 4 WaU-st, my15 TaTaAvSattT

l*alt>e.-Tfie 114« Aniiiveraarv or the

Pftg-ygP Champion of Civil and Rellgl.KisLiberty will be celebrated by a Ball and Supper, at the

aÜl^""' ?, o'LlT^^ ^ l»am Ttckeucaabehad of Mr JOHN MORRISON 1 ts t tsai .anv-st A meet-leg » SJ be held each Sunday, previous to the tSlh. at 3 P¦Tat the Free InqtilreCB Library Room. Military Hall,Efwery. AJi portam* OismdJy to the cawee are Iev1u<d to


It IlomeapnlMc IMtprmt y. I''Riix. kl) n, lavorebe to .he it of * HoroeopaikicDispensary id aatd Cily, for the reitet at the indigent poor,%r» In» lee '° sttend . Brettssj at the Female A'ad'my on

MONDAY EVENING, Jan 2n. at » o'eiora. n take Intoc >rtsi«er*tlon a plan that will be presented I n;.och . Dispensary.Jne Leidlew, A H Onto. 8). B La-nar,Ji.o Rar kin, Isaac Oua, D.H. Arnold,Retard I'pjoho, Jto B. Ktlcl.en. 8 O. Arnold,J N WyckofT, Otla O Corb-stt. Wm. Rockwell,Jao Brruwsr. Ino n.Taylor. Ewd Coming,K. W Dunham. J A. Daverjort. O. S. Silll-nan.Theo. Victor, Henry 8heHen, L Snow,S. P. Church, A M. Coiklln. Fred'k Deming./ OrlewoM, Mi'in Rprlnr Joe. L Lord,U H Story. D. W. Ingeraoll, B. m Sft'-rman,Oeo Kletrher, Oeo. Remaen, H S.Tudor,.la* Freeland, N. Luquer, Pope Catlin,m G Harrington. Jno. A. Dayton._JIH 2n«*


Snltable for a *mall private fwnily la the upper part ofthe city, or In Brooklyn, comfortably furnished and plea-.aotly located, from now to the fir*t of May or longer..For one conveniently arranged and In good order, a fairrent will be paid by a good tenant- The *i.ver or linen not¦SI i.'red. A note addreaaed to JAM KS D. STEVENSON,Counsellor at Law 14 Wallat, postpaid, «tating locality,rei.i and all particular*,, will receive attention. ]I8 2wc

HOUSE WANTED.From first Maynext, a genteel, comfortable residence in thi* city by

a good teoanL Rent from t3no u. *4i*>. Addres* Box 1.674Post Office. _j!8 If

H A N TED.Immediately, one or twov v rooms, or privilege* therein, for a Law Oftice.

Wouid prefer being convenient t > City Hall, or in Wall-titAddrt-M 'Lex" this office. jt« It*

U"ANTED.A man to work on a farm.One who has had experience and is thoroughly ac-

tainted with a.1 branehe* of farming. An A Tierican or

Scotchman preferred. Inquire at JOHN L FENDALL, 180Si.xih-averue. and E. J. BROWN, ß7 William-*!.J18 8t*SAWl;3_/ANTED.A man to attend a Da-giierrean Establishment. Hi* duties will be 19 re¬

ceive Customer*, exhibit the different style* an 1 prices, de¬liver pii'ures when finished and to assist in the generalbusiness of tbe establishment. Applicant* will receive at

ten tot, bv addressing " Daguerreotype" Tribune Offir»,mating what ealary will be required,"which mu*t be mode¬rate. "_"_'_jUIt'

RGAN BUILDER WANTED.'Wanted a voung man of steady habltti who under¬

stands the above bu«tDe*s or the Mt-tal Pipe Work, will bepreferred. Can find steady employment by applying to

jib 2t" OEO. HALL, Tribune Press-room.


1st of February next, one front basement and back par-lor on fir»t or second floor. In some nice, quiet place wherethere are not more than two or three families in the house.Wiibin S blocks of St. Mark'* place preferred. Address" House," Tribune Office; for 12 day* best of city referencesgiven and required. jl4 3lTuW8*

WANTED.At 114 Nassau-st. (base-ment).Employment i* speedily obtained for Clerk«,

Salesmen, Porters, School Tcacliera, Bar-keepers, Waiters.Coachmen. Boya to learn respectable trades. Rules ana

Regulations lo be seen Id the office, which are «iriclly o .-

served. Employer'* fee $1 per year. Applicant* Inclosingfl. free of poatage. stating the description of employmentrequired, can be suited. fjin lt*| THOS.8PINK,Agent

/"ANTED.A man that knows how to



manage a vegetable farm, without telling. Applyat the Ocean Bank, between 3 and 4, P. M. J14 3teod*

YY'ÄNTKD.From the first of May nextv v a commcdiou* House, suitable for Boarder*, near a

.tage route. Aay person baring too same and I* Willing10 take the rent in board, will hear ol a tenant three in tie

family, by addressing W. Tribune Office. Reference* ex¬

changed. JI4 3teod*

OOKEEEPER.An Accountant wh»'is disengaged after three o'clock P. M. want* a book¬

keeper's situation Address B. K. at this office. J17 3t*

ANTED.A Purchaser for a DRUGSTORE In a large town near New-York. A reg't-

lar Physician would do well. Inquire of M. WARD At CO.83 Maiden lane, N.Y._ jl7 3t*

W~ANTED TO LEASE-For 5 or 10years, a lulldtng situated on West side Broadway,

between Duane and Canal sis. suitable for a FIRST-CLASSDRY GOODS STORE. Anyone having *uch a atore, or

willing to build, mav hear of a good tenant by addressing a

note to J. B. fc Co. Tribune Ofrice. )I7 Stls*

GENTS WANTED.To canvass fortfllbKrtltTS to a Reltiftouft Nrwipsper In thn Eastern

and Western Stales. A fixed salary will be given, andtraveling expenses paid. None need apply but men ofgood moral and religions character, who have had expe¬rience in the business, and none will be engaged unt'i a

personal interview ha* been had. Addrees, post-paid " L.11 J." Box 2,787 N. Y. Poet office._ J16 3iDk2tW

P"A^HTn"T~RIGHT7.Any person havinga Patent (UgatToran entirety lsrtn*l t,, i..,, r..r Sara

manufacture or production of some article which I* or maybeextensivtly used, and I* disposed lo sell such Right fora very low price may find a customer by addressing, post¬paid, D. H. box 2.844 New-York Post Office, giving fullriesrripiion and staling when and where an interview canbehad._J16 3t«

AGENTS WANTED..From $«00 tof I,SCO a year can be made in selling the New Family

Manual, at 121/ Na*sau-*t. 2d floor. Call or addrees postpaidThe American Family Publication Esiabliahinent N Y.Ju Im*

N~EWSPAPER FOR SALE..A largeand «eilestablished WHIG NEWSPAPER, the only

one In the County.ailuaied alihecapltol of one of the New-England States. The office Is well furnished Its patron,age greater than most papers of ll* class. One-h»lf, one-

third. lwo-lhlrd*or the w hole of it will lie sold The lauerwill be preferred a* the preaenl proprietor wlshe* to leavethat part of the country. Inquire of the Editor of The Tri¬bune_Jl 3w

WANT PLACES.rpO MERCHANTS and Others, wish-JR ing lo do business ia California and Oregon..The ad¬

vertiser withes to make an arrangement with some busi-res* men, or bouse doing business or wishing to do busi¬ness in California or Oregon. Ha* been ten month* in SanFrancisco and California, ia thoroughly acquainted withthe different kind* of trade, having acted a* broker iu sell¬ing all kind* of merchandise, and thinks himself one of thebeat i:.dge* as to what kinds of goods - re be*l lo chip andother business that ran be done ihere. The beat of rel'er-ei re. gi\en Address J. B. 11. at or call on A. TRAV'ERSa. CO «4 Maiden lane. J18 3tls*

%\' A NTKD.Situations for a number ofv v tidy, well recommended girl*. Americans, English,

Irish, Scotch and Germans, viz Cooks, Chambermaid*,Nurses and Seamstresses, Girls for General Housework.Waitresses and small girl* for trade*, at the Ageucy forDomestics. 1«8 Orange st. Brooklyn, opposite the Mu¬seum. J18 It*

Y\ ANTED.A Situation as Coachmanv v by a respectable man who understand* his b'islne-s

In all na brauche», and can produce satisfactory ref-rence.Apply 1<8 Orange-«, Brooklyn, for two days. jIB It*

YY'ANTED.By an experienced Scotch> v Nurae, who ia at present disengaged, au engage¬

ment by the week or month, to wall on a lady or anv s i

person. Terma moderate. With heat of reference. App'yS47 Sixtb-av. between Tw eu:y-first and Twenty-second sui.Mr GERVAI/IE._'_jisIt*

U'ANTED.Situations for about go ex¬cellent Protestant servant* American Engllah,

Scotch, German, Ir.ib, and Colored. Cook*, Chamber-n:a!ds. Waiters, Nurses, Seamstresses, Laundresses, Gene¬ra! Workers. Coachmen, kc. They are the best selectedfrom several hundred, and ate smart, tidy, and well recom-meaded. Select Protestant Employment Agency. 7 Car-ffilne at J182t*

ACTUATION is Wanted by a steady,rent tv'ab'e > oucg Wo r a: t! a: is w Illing to make her-

a«.-lf generaliv useful a* cook, washer and Ironer. or a**'*tIi. ;l s » ashbg. 8he can give ihe best of city reference.Call ai t>:' Founh-av between Ninth and Tenth au j 17 2r

TO NOTION. Fancy, Straw-Goods orShoe Houses .A man of strict business habits and

good morals, capable of influencing considerable Westerntrade, w anie a altuaiiou a* Salesman. Address A. Q thisOrhce._jl7 3t*

AYOUNG Gentlemen of gtxxl educa-Üon and fixed habits of application, Is desirous of

procuring employment ai Cerh or Copyist every eveti;n/(saveSaturday)from 7 till lo. Bailafactory reference r v-iAddress Tl*on, at this office. <i| ,t

AN EXPERIENCED CLOTH CUT-TER. whose preear t rntgagemect expires on the first

of February, and who would like to change his location,would be happy to neginatlate with any reapooaible Mer-chant Tailoring Eaiabllalmext centrally located and doinga good trade for a sitaailoii. Addrees "Trade," TribuneOfrice with name and aalary which must be good ; also,when and where an Interview can be bad. J162w*

aAS Seamstress and Dressmaker, in -

^*4jaaüernan . family, by a reapectable gtrl who under-.tands her business perfectly, ran cut and make children .clmhes Has no objection to goiag Into the country, or go¬ing out by the day. The beet of reference* can be givenCan be seen for three day* at 154 Atlantic-at Brooklyn.


5,000 reams Cap and Letter Papers.2,000 reams Ciown and Folio Rag Paper*3,1«' ream* Crown at I Folio Straw Papers2,000 reams Tea, »bos> and Bag Papers.Also. Hardwaie. Manilla, Printing and other Paper*


ßOOK OF \R« H KR V. comprising theII .story »r.<j d)T'!p>t'- üb*} of the Bow for Cxwctn

. i.«J Amusement. itiu»;raled l»y iO plate.. ¦ iflitr with a

large varletv Of Miscellaneous Spnrtinif Prmu. Ac. Acamong COLM AS'S Oiil Stock, now sellinc for very smallrr.ce», at 9N Bp wiwiy. up stain jlS 2tis

IN PRESS..A NEW NOVEL by the-¦-Author of Rockint'ham.

LOVE AND AMBITION.T eM Novel," Lot« ». d Auiti.l'on," ba tiia a thor of R-a

ir»ham " The anr,, .meine't of a r,*w work of t'n r.on hjr the .utftor>.' H atAAaajpaJl w r« fMtSlalfrj walcorna« rw eiarv twader ofthat 4st>ht'ul Novel. The descriptive lerre am* trill., the vaneo in

C'->nt tit reui <rkaoie aicortf narrst \a. Bse p ir* aTi aaaMVWaatimeo' aaBJ ment, Bfjl tas tar.- whom***" di- tion. whs fa so strikinglyeb» meter ssd tint tats., will bat a prepared bVa D'ibltc toaipart ram hIrer the ".f re prt dui tioo» of this gifted au'bnr. A pa'uaal of that .mn>ea oil! shuudanll. lbs ant'cp»'ions just'y Bassets*! br 'h*-jr .sr priMj n t.i-ii- the asm« pen la " Loss an 1 Ambitiös " »f

BimI a)! ihr her», t-r,.tK 14 «hieb formerly harmed in " Ror k-in»han>,"tr gelier wit I, the es-ment» of i:it»r»st whi< h to many read»r- will p. rl ip. he t ipera »ttr*i-tive. | London si utterly

NOW READY,New editions of the following popular Romances:FRANK KAIKLEOH. or Scenes in the Lire of a Private

Pupil, beautifully i.lustraied from the English Edition..Pure V> reni*.THE STEWARD, a new Novel, by Henry Cockton.

an hor of" V.len'.lne \ ox," fc< 11 jatraled from the EnglishEdition Price M cents.AiuaworuYa treat Romance WINDSOR CASTLE, with

eight spirited engravinjrs Price .V* cents.The tenth edition of QUEEN JOANNA, or the Court of

Naples, liv O. W. M. Reynolds, with numerous illutrattons.Price 50 cents.Now ready, new Editions of the following of Dl'MAS'B

great Books:Three Onardsmen. M cents. Pony-five Guardsmen .V>cts.Twenty Year* After. 75 cts. Iron Hand. 5<> rta.BrRtrrlonne. 73 Cts. Memolraof a Marquis. 75 cts.

i!7 3t H. LONG A. BROTHER, 43 Ann-st


REVERIES OF A BACHELOR..Hy lk Marvel .The Fourth Edition {¦¦Mm iir u eeJu)

of this popular werk is ready This Morning.'. With arara («¦ uhy of expression, obtained by aaapswj w,th every

f.,ran of pi.rasa that < so be eunstnictod out ol lbs Euglieh vocahulary, and a beautiful freedom of tpint makes hint Lot ashamed tounfold ths dsptlis of his aancr natura, Mr Ik Mar al has opened »

new t*m of gold in the literature ol bis eonatry."[Htrpsr'i Saw Monthly.

" It !o«rs the he» !, warme BBS heart, revivS** the soul. A sweetdelirium excitss the senses and mates one imagine himself tn otter

.phases. One is young strain. On* joy». grieve* snd fools anewIt penetratee tbe system »mJ pervade* every sense.

Newark A »srtser.

'The first dip into the pages has heen like bathing the heart ,n thefloodiug niemorioe of other ilaye. The book is worth BSSTS than its

weight id gold, lor tbe heart lsiigu»t;e winch breathe* and glows to

the wonder that soms hs»s doubted the Uacbslurism of thesuthor. Re the real truth aa it may, the history of the heart was

never so faithfully written." 1 Auburn Journal." A more sweet and tearful product of the heart cao scan sly bs

found in English litersture amce the d»vs of Msrksnxie."[Arthur's H ime Oa?«tte.

" It is certainly on** of ths finest productions of the bterarjr geri BSof this country' snd will be universally road with pleasure and admi

ration.'' [Courier and Enquirer."If some parte of this book >a not poetry.real poetry.equal Is

anything attached to rytiiin. we have yet to learn what real poetryis/' [Springfield Repub'ican.

" Quotations givs but a fsist idSB of tha depth of feeling, the bsati'nl snd wmaing Iranbnesa, ths elaatK vigor of the soul aad tbe sin

gu'ar bdehty ol ezpreesion which < hsrsrtenie* tbia remarkable Vet-nir.e. Ita quaint ingenuity of arranrement is whollv lost in eitracts,and in order to eajoy the delicious ajapution of form to seatimsnt in

which it would be herd to name its equal, it mult be read as aa a con.nrrniats artistic gain like whole. V T. Tribune.

" Alt the critics praise it as on of the 1 l.nir-eet spa, imene of haif-romance and half essay that ha* apt eared m 01 rtians." t Intornatiooal." True feeling, refioement, pur.ty ant eleganc* of -tylo, are the

promitent charaitanstice of this delightful and ad rurabl> srocutsvc'ums.'' [Knickerbucker.

" Ik is at ours a trne man and a -rholar--'1 . eloquence, whgn.hea tori I, at t nies as a flood, couid osly leans from ilia dst.tlia ofa large heart, while kis Illustration» are Back a» hs atone who has b*c ate thoroughly imbued «.th Ike best ef the war««'* '¦'VT'~~ .'"

sur-ols '. rou-nnern f. terjry Meesei.^sr.CHAS. SCRIBNEP (late Baker ii Scrlbner.)

jl8 2t 36 1 ark Row and 14/> NBssau-st.


of Friendship, by Charles Stunner.Just publishe d|n twovolumes, 16mo. Price (2 50.pp. 802." Freedom.psrtonsl and rational frsedoau.i» it» k .-.<.*'

ooblstt »en»e, needs no better ihaapion, nor a more enlightoDod andvirtuous tiposftor.'' [J. T Buckingham"Pew nie» io Vs.- .,«:¦¦ are as wHsb>'known sbr,i*d,or»o

well appreciated by men of letter* at home A» a Uacher, there are

but few mea m the land who are exerting »o noble an influsnoo.". [Lowell Anwncin

" With «»r> gre»t pc»> rs, »r.d the highest (lass*sI acquirementsMr Sumosr i» tli* advocate of philaathropy. While we caanot agreewith huu in all Ins views, we can pav our tribute to the noblenenolhis r. SatfvsS, as wall as to the BBaBtJ with wh:ch B* earet-utes hwpm

MSB " [Albany Register" TV sie are the produrttoD» of a ripe scholar and an eloqusntors

tor Mr Sumner'e stylo ¦. one of great beauty and power. H «-i

tensive knowledge ol Ike histor> and literalure of variou» cnuntrie*,ai d ol all «/»», i» (rai »füllt used to il'u.irate and ed',rn whateveraubj*et be ukea up. Such »irnerou» and hearty earnestness a* perraaSS lti*»e rreeihei ig iure io i roat* sDinueiasm m those whom o,

author sddrasaee." [Cambridge Chr mule." No man can de.,y that Charle« Siimnsr is s ready. accompl<»lied

»cd forcible writer, capable alike of great elegance and greatstrength." | Boiton Poet"Some si hit opinion* mar not be a<ceptaole. ftlnagh moat of

t),ear w,ll, we believe, be abundsutly popular in tlie future. but so

one caa help deairirg that tbe lit e, manly, generous spirit of his wrrkasS Saevan where prevalent." [Chrietiea lnqu.rar" Such productions ». the Oration on theTrtieOrtndeurof MStasS.

and that on * the St hnlsr, the Jurwt, the Ar'nt. the ChiUatlirop tt.°corrtoemorntiv* ol fit kenng Story. Allston ami Chatinmg «hou A dolasting hotter to Amern ah l.terature, aad we are truly gratified to seetl em treaiured up in » permar.ei.t MtB

[New York Courier ant Inquirer*' We have Mr. Sumner'e printed discourses before us, and can to*

tify Iron personal km wlodge to their »ingular merit*. Tr ey are

pregnant with tl ought* ol profound and un sersal interest. They aren't productn n» to be laid aside Ike tt ca-ioa that called themforth, but to be preserved for our future instruction and delightTrey derive this qnahty in a grs»t measure from 11

r>l tl ¦ anther's mind his earneatneee.Ue union of m >ral fearlseine»a and intslioctual caution in ths »taterneiit of hi» opinions, aad toreverer re lor origit »I print ly lea 10 comparison with popular ..-[¦:,or fashionable belief [New York Tribune."The orsbou of Mr., lor taste, eltq .ence and echolarah.p,

as well as for fear)«»» intrepidity, baa been raieK equaled in [Chambers . Ediaburgh Journal." Mr. Si-mosr'» oration -The True Grandsur of Nation..has besn

published her* ia five or sin dilferent force. Ihreo lar«e editionsthe (tilling form have I BSfl Si.posed of'

[I^>nrlo"i cnrrespoident of the BssBBfl Atlas" T)*re are growing passage* in tlu» ad,lr**a wha h thnll the vai

»oul " [North Amaru-ail Review" Sui h men ». V dor Husvi, Richard Cokden and Charle* Sumnor

h»v» ninth to do with ths fatureof d.eir respe, tive rountrioe."[London Her»ld of Peate.

" Mr Siimner's noble oration »e*erved the high cmphmen! whi* '.it received Sjbbb John Slu m y Adams wbo gav* aa a aontimaat, at thsSinner ohah took t late after tke Phi Beta Kapp* sxsrnae*, TV.Wrraurr of Ott Scholar, tht Jttritl, the Artut. and Ott I'htlantkrvput; and- not the mtmi"p, tte king hü», ol tlie kindrsl spirit, »l,oha* this day embalmed them ail.' " Chria'.ian Rsgistar.

TICKNOR. REED i: FIELDS,jI5StWSAW Publishers. Boston.

LEVER'S LAST BOOK ! !KATE 0'DONOGHUE-byCliBriesLever,beaut.ful

lv illustrated.Is published and for sale this morning at thecheap book store of T. B. PETERSON.

98 Chesnut st. Philadelphia.Price 57» cents a copv. Ii:« an excellent book.


in one volume of 324 pages. Price5o cents.HORACE TEMPLKTON. Lever's New Book. Coin-

plete in ore large octavo volume of iid pages. Pr.ce |0 t$m\TOM BURKE OF OURS. 27n pages. PrieeSOcta.ARTHUR OLEARY 221 pages. Price5bcenUJACK HINTON, the Guardr-mar. Complete in one

large ociavo volume of 16.i pages Price 37J cents.THE KNIGHT OP GWYNE. 2"J6 pages. Price N cts.HARRY LORREQl ER. 4<>4 pages. Price 50 cts.KATE O'DONOGHUE. lüSpaires. beautifully illustra¬

ted This is a splendid work. Price 37 Jets.The atiove Beoki of Lever's are all new editions, printed

on the finest while paper, and from new Stereotype Plates,and are undoubtedly tbe best, cheapest and most popularworks ever prirte«"l In the English language. Send foribem to T B. PETERSON. 98 Che«nut-"t, Philadelphia.The above hooka are for sale by all Bookseilersand Newt

Agents In the rountrv. News Agents will be supplied at

very low tales by the Puhtistier. fit SiMWltS


SELF-DECEPTION j or. The History of a HumanHeart, by Mrs. Ellis, author of "Hearts and Homes,"'. Wives "of England," Ac Price 37J cents."Tl is is the Ki»t part of* donntir talo oy oae of'.be taost p-pular

»ulkt re*-e» of ties <Vv. Its at> le i» unaasum og. graceful and It uer.t,and tke fsr u«i BBaJesW by the drat instal.ment. prom es» t.,be tery int* Tea) beautifully executed engravings stBt^lli*h

jj/st STRINGER A TOWNSEND,222Broadway.

]\EW NOUVELLETTE.-.We .häÜAI commence tu the next numt«*r of the "YANKEEBLADE" aspiend'.d Original Story, written by a lady ofdistinguished talents, entitled THE "CONNORS; or, THENEW-YEARS RESOLVE-A story of New-EnglandLife.presenting a beautiful and moving picture of tl eheroic fortitude of the female character. Agents and othersinterested tn the ciiculation 0? the " TimAsc Blade" w illbear m mind that note it the time to riiocribe for one of oabett pttprrt in the Union.The " i'.inker Htade" li published every Saturday at $2

per annum, and may be had at aL the Periodical depots..Single copies. Four Cents.

MATHEWS. STEVENS A CO. Publishers.'>* Ann st New-York and 12 School s.. Bjaion. Mass.

JO a-_THE ASSIGNEE'S SALE of the ex-

tensive and unique varietv of curious, rare, and use.fui Books. London Stationery. Engravings, Scrape. Draw¬ing Materials. Ar. belonging io tbe late W. A COLM A.N.Is continued ai * 4 Broadway, up-staira.J15 4Us_8 CULMAN, Agent


Aster House, si 25 cools. _J14 bus*


ZEN'S DIARY fwr the present yea*-, containing much aso-

fal Infonnsuon In addition to the convenience of notingdown «gagemenu to be attended io. All those In wantof a Diary are invited to rail and examine before purcbaslng.Also, for sale, lite LAWYER'S DIARY, of several sizes,

the POCKET DIARY, the MINIATURE DIARY. Ac. Ac.Published sod for sale by BSLL k GOULD,J4 If P'ih isbers and Stall oners. IV Nase« -at

rpHE CHEAPEST and best mag1 A/INE IN THE COUNTUY-3;ibscript.onoQiy tl

IF.Tr.RSON'S MAGA/INE. February, lk'-l.< r>*tvibctiows

Sunset kg Mr*. S. J. Megarge.A Stater a tY iih.The Mi"!»!»"'» Daughter, fw Klla RodmanThe Silent Heart, by J. K Holme*.The Nomine Cond, by M A. WheelerLeavea ir<>m tnv Lady's Alh'im. edited by Henry M»r

kjsj.The Bir<!a si Passage, by J. B. Cone.The Klnga Favorite, by Ann S. Stephen«.The Faded Vine, by Jane Gay.Mine Own. by Henry Morr.e.Wimer Gardening, by Mile. Defour.To my Little Daughter Alice, by William Pembroke

MuVhincck.Henry Klrke White,! y J ¥. W., Jr.Dora Atberton, by a ilhor of "The Valley Farm."AIolc, by W. 8.Richard Flemming.a Story of Virginia.The Book Closet, by Emily HerrmannThe Farewell Supper, by E. R Smith.Twilight Melodies, by Henry J. Vemon.Editor's Table.Review of New Books.Fashions for February.

BBSSBI iiisjsHUliNo. W High Life.a superb mezzotint, engraved by Hunan

4, Sort, after a picture by E Land seer.

No. IL Low Life.a superb mezzotint, engraved by Illman.'. Sons, after a picture by E. Landseer.No III Fashions for February. Latest styles f >r Walk-

.og Dresses, Cloaks, i.e. In Philadelphia and New-York..Engraved by Illman it Sons, and colored a la mode.No. IV. Winter Gardens, Illustrating an article on the

subject, engraved by Baker.Subscription a}2; If j cent* per number.

DEWITT t DAVENPORT,jlB It Agents for New-York, Tribune Buildings.


BELL BRANDON and the WITHER¬ED WO TREE, a Prize Novel, for which the pro¬

prietors of the Philadelphia Dollar Newspaper paid the pre¬mium, which was awarded for it by the Committee on

Prizes, of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARSThis work has just finished running through the column*

of "The Philadelphia Dollar Newspaper.'' where it hasbeen appearing for the last six weeks,and has proved tobeone of the most popular Prize Novels that has ever appear¬ed in ibis country. Before it was half completed, the backnumbers, containing the beginning of it, could not he ob¬tained at any price, which induced the present Publisher to

buy the copvnght of it. and publish it. so as to place it inthe hands of the thousands of persons in this country thatwish It. Complete in one libe octavo volume of lid pages*.Price 2*> cents a copy onlv, or five copies for One Dollar.Copies of this great Prize Novel will lie sent to any per

sot! in ibis country on the receipt of remittances addressedto the Publisher.Published and for sale by T B. PETERSON.

98 Chestnut st Philadelphia.To whom all orders must come addressed, post-paid.Booksellers, New s Agents and ail others will be supplied

at very low rates.For sale at al' u> News Agencies in New York.

(± P. PUTNAM'S Latest Publication-.vfs-l Salander and the Dragon, by Rev. F. W. Shelton, with Illustrations. V' cents." As spikigae,ahick Bunyan spp. n.l to I..« True H rasr)

of Msn . StitiL1 A '.»'. «rhesn imtrrdnte object is to SSBtSSS tlittcurrent vies S'mdor [Litsr.iry World.

II. The World's Progress, third edition, with Addenda.

.JtS^to» pl^eoii^.srv laest? [«»th. Q.i.rt,,!, R,t.««.III. Ehuinger's Outlines to Irving's Dolph Heyl'.ger."eyfstlrJal sitistn n.srit. botli is SSSatS tnd exsculion. .taJ ths

Ti»cir. frseli'm, grao tnd sipr*»«ion of e»»ry hne, cannot fail to w.a

adn.iraoon." [Horn» JournalIV. The Memorial, edited by Mary E Howitt, containing

original articles by many of the most eminent writers ofthedav.V. Mrs. Cowden Clarke's Heroines of Shakspere. Part

f rst, Portia.'. Tins i» ' «trsr.i»!) i»-II dogs.iur,»tno'isljr constricted end nter

sstin«t\ to'.!." [Post.VI. I'rof Hackiey's Trigonometry, wuli its application

to Navigation, Astronomy, a. 1" An Knryrloredi and a most vsi isble on* of all pertains to

lU uspoitsnt subject." (.Literary World.

rpHK WATER-CURE JOURNAL forJ. FEBRI"ARY, ibis day published, contains articles oaClothing ; Hydropathy for the People; an Autobiographya Female Medical Student; Woman's Dresse*; a SurglcajOperation; Home rases in Wa'er cure; Sickness in Califor¬nia; Measles, it* Nature and Treatment; Cutaneous Res¬piration; Cneiera, the Graefenberg practice: Food andDiet j Fruit« and Vegetables; Physical Education, with il¬lustration*.Fersca r v Topics.Cholera in California: Bathing; In¬

fluenza; Dentition, il* Disorders and Remedies; Rational¬ism; a Lecture on Hydropathy Dysentery, Its WaterTreatment; Woman's Rights; the Water-cure at Homo.I'll! Doctor* and Water Doctor*; Experience iu the Water-cure Bums and Scald* ; a Plea for our i'hysteal i.tie; re

male Lecturers; the Water-cure in Oregon: Careless or Ignoranl Apotherarie*; Health of England.Review a. Miscellany and a choice variety complete i'ie

number for February.The new volume commenced with January. Now ia the

time to subscribe. Price only One Dollar a year.Published by FOWLERS V WELLS,

j 18 2t 131 Nassau-tl. New-York.

rpHE HOMEOPATHIC ARGUMENT-1- in the last three Number* of Prof. (i. BUSH'S N. C.REPOSITORY ha* been conducted with such candorandtra'ikr.ess a* to ellci t the warmest encomiums ofail intelligentpeople at the independence and fearlessness of the truthloving Editor, who seems to have adopted the slgnllicaatmotto of the Bardic Druids, fff "The Truth against theWorld " What, hut the Trith, can make you free It


CONTENTSThe Chrystai Palace of Concord.A Sketch of New England Character. By the Author of

'. Suav L-'. Diary."A Chant for the Labor Movement. By John Savage,

author of .' Lays of the Fatherland."Buckeye Orator*. By a Buckeye.Uaea and Abuse*. By Utor Non Abutor.Frederick Henry Alexander Von HumboldtThe Morning and the Evening Star. Hr Caroline Che««,

bro'.Song By C R Cowle*tloldamith and Irving. By Edward P. ClarkeFirat Love By T J. Conalty.Clirlatmaa Eve. By Mr*. Eliza Walton Clark.Tigr.'- Island.A Valentine* Hue snd Cry.The Fratricide By Will VVoodvl,leA Lament. By William Pembroke Mulchinock.Mynheer Johanne* Schmidt'* Trip on the Harlem Rail¬

road. By B. Blanque.The Far.y Dead. By Mra L O. Abell.HotoiN % Rev iew American Education Alton Locke,

Ac 4 c.Editor'- Table..A discttaaion of the right of Self De¬

fense with reference to young people, and the writer's per¬sonal experience: Many Men of Many Minds: The ModelAdvertisement; An Accurate Calculation of Waning Artec-tlon; The " < ireat Fixture* of Eternity" vertut a Quarter ofa Cent; National Temperance Society, kc. i.e.

Illustrated with an engraving of the Crystal Palace ofConcord, a Portrait of Humboldt, a View ofTtgre Island,and aome Comic Sketche- FOWLER i. DIET/..

j 18 it 103 Nassau-sL

GENUINE TEAS..The Canton TeaCompany hereby apprise the public that they are now

prepared to retail every variety of TEA at lower price*than any other eatah,'i*hment can uniformly do. Their ex¬tensive wholesale trade always requiring them to keep onband a very large assortment the purchaser at retail neces¬sarily derives many advantages by trading with them,wfcicb he wtil fail to ortaln elsewhere. City and countryfamilies would rreatly consult their interests bv duly re¬

garding this advertisement. This Is the oldest Tea Com¬pany ic the city. Their only establishment is at 12) Cbat-bam si. between.Peari and Roosevelt, and Uiey have nowno branch stores.Grocers supp.ied to small quantities a* low as by the

chest jU J;n

AT PRIVATE SALE-The three-storybrick HOUSE and LOT 77 Lexington-avenue, fin.

Isbed in modem style.3 rooms deep. al/e of Lot 24 feet 1Inches bv IB) feet *4,'«t© to ftj.'Obcan remain on bond andmortgage. Far terms, kc. apply toI jl Iw ANTHONY J BLEECKF.R, 7 Broad st

IMPORTANT TO STÄ^IERERS..-i- NO C RE NO PAY' .The subscriber has been afflict¬ed with Stammering for 34 years, and has within theselast few weeks discoverel the origin of Stammering, aiida method by w hich he ha* entirely cured himself He hasformerly spent a smal. fortune in trying to get relief, withno avail, but now binds himself to cure all w ho may ap-prv. Apply between '." and I] A. M.Jl82t»_EDWARD SAUER, "AC Eighth st.

DR. A. G. BIGELOW.Residence 204Third aveaiie.execntee in the most perfect manner

every Operntum necessary for the Health, Bmiuty aad per¬manent Prettrtation of the Teeth. Artifltutl and SaturitlTeeth rupplied or Inter tedDr S. has made the greatett improvement in the Treat¬

ment of Hernia or Brtaeh-SturaigtafTtt-Doulmreuji aadIhtoaKt of the Metront 8\tlrm, ete.OtXtt Hour, from S to 12 IT_J185t«TO LAWYERS_The subscribers, sac-

reason to Wm Osboro, are prepared to print LAWCASES and POINTS, with neatness and 11«patch, at thelowest price*. They have greatly enlarged the facilities mating Establishment tn ihm TRIBUNE BUILD¬INGS, and pledge themselves to exec-ate all work Intrust¬ed to their care in the best style at the time promised, andon the moat favorable term*.

BAKER GODWIN k CO Printers.Tribune Building*, third Modes,

423 eodtf ).. ,ra No. 1 Spruce-st




"\| K( HAN ICS HALL, 472 Broadway,i" I » »r (Jmr-'l si -OPEN EVERY NIGHT daring UM-./.*..», andi runner notice.The original and well-known C H RI .*T Y'8 M1NST R E H,

enter the management of E P. CHRISTY, whose Coe>certs tc this city for a racrnsaion of »e Tears, have assailr*s-etved with favor *>y highly respectable and fa*rilon*l>ieeudlerce*. Tickets Art». Doors open at 6A; commenceai7|. The patroes of Christy's Minstrels are respectfullyLnformed thai the usual Saturday Afternoon Concerts willbe discontinued for the future. Jl tf

URTON'S THF^TER~Chaunb«rae-rt.'rear of City Hall.The nearest Theater to the large

Uossaa-TUIS EVF.NINO, Jan 1°. will be produced, an

original version of Dtekena's last novel, entitled the Per-lonal History and Experience of

DAVID COPPERFIELD.To conclude with the Farce of

SEEING THE ELEPHANT.Boxes. Drees Clrrle and Parquette, M> cm; Family Circle,

25 eta l Orchestra Seats, 75 cut. Private Boxee, to and $»Door* open at 64;. to begin at 7.

ROADWAY THEATER..DOORSopen at commence at 7 o clock..Prices of Ad¬

mission To Ureas Circle and MV. Family Circleand Third Tier. 24 rts. ; Galerv. I2| eta. Private Boie*.t.'>andtti. THIS EVENING. Jan. 18, will be performedthe Grand Romantic Spectacle, In 3 act*, entitledKAI STL'S. OR THE DEMON OF DRACHENFELS.Fauatu*.Dyott Adlne.Madame rod 1*1.Previous to which, the popular Farce ofMY YOUNG WIFE AND OLD UMBRELLA.

B~rW0HAM'S LYCEUM," BROAD-WAY, near Broome-st .Proprietor and Manager,

Mr BROUGHAM. Dree* Circle and Parquette, SO cents;Family Circle, 25 cent*: Orchestra Stall Seat* *11 PrivateBoxea. $.5..BENEFIT OF Mr. OWENS-THIS EVEN¬ING, Jan. in, the performances will commence withBrougham's version of

DAVID COPPERFIELD.To be fellowed by the Comedietta of

THE KINO'S GARDENERTo conclude wiih the Farce of

THE WILD INDIAN.Doors open at 6$ .To commence at 7 o'clock-



MAURICE 8TRAKOSCH,On which occasion the principal pieces of

GIOVANNA DI NAPOL1,A Grand Op«ra m tbne Act*, composed by

MAURICE STRAKOSCH.Will be performed by

Mile TERESA PARODI.Signor ft HI INI and



MISS VIRGIINA WHITINGwill sing a favorite Romanza

The Grand Seena and Aria fromTANCREDI.

Will be sung (by general request) byMLLE TERESA PARODI.

M HAUSERWill play for the rirst time. Grand Concerto end Rondo

Pastorale, byOLE BULL,


Will play for the first timeLA FILLE DU REOIMENT.


ranoaaMME.raar i.

. irand Overture toGIOVANNA DI NAPOLI,

Executed bv tbe Full OrchestraGrand Aria to


Brilliant Fantasia and Aria fromLA FILLE DU REGIMENT,

Composed and executed for the first time in New-York byMAURICE STRAKOSCH.

Romanza from Donizetti s Opera ofROBERTO ÜVEREUX.

Miss VIRGINIA WHITING.Grand Concerto composed by OLE BULL,


The favorite Aria fromGIOVANNA Dl NAPOLI,


Overture to Harold's Opera./AMPA.

Executed by the Full Orchestra.Tbe Tenor Aria from the second Act of


The celebrated Quartette fromI PURITANI.

Trancjcnbed for int> I'lano-toim, followed byLA TARANTELLA,

Composed and executed, for the first time byMAURICE STRAKOSCH.

Pagiuum'* Burleaquo Variations on theCARNIVAL OF VENICE,

M. HAUSER,Grand Seena and Aria from Rossini'*

TANCREDIRecitative.Dolce e ingrau nuna.Aria.Di tand paJpltl.

MLLE TERE4A PARODI.The Concert will conclude with the favorite


MAURICF. STRAKOSCH.Executed fur the firat time by Full Orchestra

Admission te all part* of the Hail,ONE DOLLAR,

To be had at the principal Muaic Stores, Hotel*, the Op¬era House and Trtpler Hall, on Fridav and Saturday.The Grand Piano i* from ERARD'S Factory, imported

by. and for sale at. KERKS1EG 4t BRONSINO'S, 4Broadway.Doors open at ft. Concert to commence at 7| o'clock,

ill RS. EMMA G1LLINGHAM BOST-1"! WICK'S CONCERT at NIBLO'S CONCERTROOM.MRS BOSTWICK respectfully announces'tc her friends

land the public that she will give a VOCAL and INSTRU¬MENTAL CONCERT at NIBLO'S ROOM on MON¬DAY EVENING. Jan. 2h, on which occasion the will beassisted by the following eminent artists


11 ERR NOLL andWILLIAMS, Instrumental.

Also, an Amateur Primo Tenore.Mr. TIMM will preside at tbe Piano-forte.The Grand Piano to be used on the occasion is from the

manufactory of Mr. S. ChlckerlngPROGRAMME

raaT i.1. La Melancolie.Pastorale pour Violin, executed by

Herr Noll.Pruna-)2. Aria."Cujus Anlmam," from Stabat Mater, by a

Gentleman amateur.Rossini3. Recitative and Aria." With verdure clad," from

the Creation, by Mr*. Bostwick.Hsydn4. Introduction and Variation*. L'ElUtre d'Amore,

executed by Richard Hoffman.Berticl5. Recitative and Aria. * On mighty pens," Creation,

Mrs. Bostwick.Haydnr*aT it.

1. Duett.Hsrp and Piano, Messrs. William* and Timm.I Duett-" A consolarml aflrettaU,' Linda di Che-

mounix. Mrs. Bostwick and a gentleman..Donizetti3. Solo-Pour Violin, Hen Noll.4 Romanza Espanola." The Olpsey Maid," (Urst

time sung In public.) Mrs. Bostwick.. W. V. Wallace5. Andante and Grand Polkade Concert, executed by

RichardHoffman.W. V. Wallace6 Song with variations." Stelo nur auf," (Swiss

Boy.)Mrs. Bostwick.Ptxt*Ticket» ft, to be had at the Music Stores aad at the door

on the evening of the Concert.Doors ones at t,.Concert to commence at 7J o'clock.J18 2tl*»_ACARD..The CONC ERT that came

off last Wednesday evening at KNICKERBOCKERHALL was not Mis* REYNOLDSONS, as auited in the

Bi...._J18 It*

B~~ARNUM'S AMERICAN MUSEUM?-P. T. BARNUM. Proprietor and Manager Joh*

Greehwood. Ja. Assistant Manager. Admission 15 cts.;children under 10 year*, 12« eta; Parquette ar.d Ftr*t Circle,Kl cut. extra. Afternoon performance at 3.Evening at 7.SATURDAY, Jan. 18.-Afternoon, CHARLOTTE TEM¬PLE. Evening-COMEDY OF ERRORS and THEROUOH DIAMOND. The Chinese Museum, late of 539Broadway.!* now Incorporated among the MILLIONS OFCURIOSITIES embodied tn '.hi* Museum. The Olpsey For-tune Teller, Ac. are also here



request of parties, teachers and othe. s. and in order to al-low ALL to see the " New Panorama." the uniform priceof admission will hereafter be TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.On Wednesday and Saturday AFTERNOONS, at 3'/clock,Children will be admitted at half price. Deacnpive Cata¬logues 12| cents Open every EVENING.Deorsopen at commence at 7| o'clock. JI4 IwU*



Tbe Committee have the satisfaction of announcing tothe Public generally that they Save assurance* of assistancefrom a large and brilliant array of professional talent, in¬cluding the


CONCERT,The particulars of which will be given In mtursadver.

üsciuente.Tickets, ll each, are now ready for delivery at the Piano¬

forte Warerooms of ADAM 8TODART, Treasurer, S25Broadway, at the various Music Store*and at the principalHotels. J17/I

THE DÜSSELDORF ACADEMY OFFINE ART8-Lesstar> weal Historie«! rvcmr* of

the " MARTYRDOM OF Hi 88" h*-bawo ad^ed U> thecollection of PainUng* by artists of the moo**^hool. Ad¬mission-Scent*. seaeutj ucstisfl *** .¦»WPOön eat*,logae* Dfcecia. 39



Uufward of two THOl'SANO elegant prvMli, without lottery, 111 lock or BkvorTb« tooti splendid .jotertalnment of the tiiioo, »trtctly

ts accordance wltb law and populär Jeslr», will übe placeaa above od

MONDAY EVENING, Feh. S, 1M1.TICKETS $2 each, edmttüag a OwÜetTiaB aad Lady -

ExtraTickets tor ad .. ,

IV Each ticket. In addlBoa to tha 11 iiiialnmanl willentitle Lhe purchaser tu Ita rail value in fancy or useful eröUclea from the exten«: re Kock at tuTTLETS Emporium9m Broadway.TM Gl KT» may i* aelerted previous, or at any Oma af¬

ter lhe BALL. The price distinctly marked oa everyarticle.

All who wiah to enioy a rare treat at no expense, shoeIdprocure their TICKETS immediately, ea Ute number ieUnited.DODWORTH'S CELEBRATD BAND, In foil force, ¦

en?.red for the occasion.Tirieuj cow ready and for se> oniy at MS Brr*lwi-.j i6 su a w tl'TTle.


FORNIA, and on tbe Isthmus of Honen, now open. Tata1* tbe first opportunity ever offered to the public of «erringa correct and rail representation of tbe Clues, VUlAkTee, V at.ley*. M Mlou. Bavi. Rivers. Minin« Regions, be togetherwith the Picturesque Ruins. Public Buildings. ReligiousProcr ..Ion*. Holldsv Petes of the City of Panama, Crosasajthe Isthmus, Chagres River, Manners and Custsjsas of tbePeople. Admlttabre 85 cents Commence at f| o'eJeek,precisely Open every evening during tbe weak. Exhibi¬tion every Saturday and Wednesday afternoon. coaa-aencrng at 3 P. M. JlSSt"

SATTLERS COSMORAMAS, corner- Broadway aniJTfclrteenth-*!.Admission 25 cents Tha

firsl arcron. consisting of a collection of 36 Views of Eu-rope. Ada Minor. 8yrlB. the Holy Land, Egypt, Nubia andArabia, wnl be replaced In the course of some weeks bynew and equally Interesting ones. JH »**


Everv U EDNEIDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOON aPERFORMANCE st 2J o'clock. THIS EVENING. Jan.18. Möns. Francois Toumairesa tbe Ct urter of St. Peters*burgh. Gymnastic Exercises by Mr. Nixon and Fupire..Thre Clown*. Mile. Louise In the Sports of the Manege -The FRENCH TROUPE to their extraordinary perf> of Horsemanship To conclude with a lajwhableAfterpiece Private hoiea, Si'eu; Boxes 2» eis Pit 12|Cta. Doors open at *t. pertormanre to commence at 7|.

(Ol^AHTMOKSIIIP.ss0lüt1on..The co-partnership

'heretofore existing between the subscribers, underire name ana firm of MURPHY A GUNNING.Is dissolvedthis day, by mutual consent. The outstanding business willbe settled bv JAMES MURPHY, who 1* auiborlied loosethe name ofthe firm for that purpose _..JAMES MURPHYI January 16,1*51. JOHN GUNNING.The business will be carried on as usual, by JAMES

MURPHY, at 5t Mecdougel *t_jn»*THhe undersigned have

FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP under the nameand firm of CARTER BROTHER k CO. and will con¬tinue the huslnes* formerly done hvL C.Cabtbb underthe firm of Cabtbb. Hai.sey k Baldwin, and nave open¬ed their store at M Dey-si L. C CARTER.


New-York, January 13, IUI.The book* and accounts of the late firm of Cabtbb, Hal-

sr.v k BtLnwiN will be settled by L. C. CARTER, at tbeabove deecribed place._J'«"rTTHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore-l existing betireen tiie subscribers, under tbe firm ofHoughton, Merrell k Co. Is this day, by mutual consent,dissolved. The outstanding business of the late firm willbe .ettled by either of the undersigned, who are auiborixedto alitti In liquidation. New -York, Jan ». IM.losigninmu .


IN conformity with the statnte concern¬ing limited partnership*, we, the subscribers, do here' /

certify that we have formed a limited partnership, to beconducted under the name of Merrell k Houghton, to themanufacturing and selling Umbrellas and Parasols, thesubsciiberB, Brutus R Merrell and J. Stark Houghton.who reside in tbe City of New-York, are interested in.aid partner*hip as general partners ; and EdwaidHougnton, whose place of residence I* in tbe City ofNew-York, is Interested In said partnership a* specialpartner, and, as such, has contributed twenty-five thou¬sand dollars as capital to the common atock, ta cash ThnBaid partnership ta to commence on the aixlh day of Jan¬uary, lit'll, and it to terminate on the old day of Decem¬ber, 1852New-York, January 6. IBM.


THE SUBSCRIBERS hereby give no¬tice that they have taken the itore lately occupied by

floughtoB, Merrell k Co., where they are prepared with alarge dock of Good* to receive their cuttomera.January fith, 1151.

MERRELL k HOUGHTON. 63 William at.Jll 10t* corner of Cedar-sL

"pvISSOLUTION..The Co-partnershipheretofore existing betwee**, the subscribers, Umler

the name and firwof GEO. W. SHIELDS k CO. EXPIRKS (Jil* dsy by Its own limltsilon.


New-York, 1*1 January, 1851.

CO-PARTNERSHIP -The subscriber* have this dayformed a Co-perinersuip, and will continue me CommissionIron Buslne* as heretofore, under tiie name and nrm ofOEOROE W SHIELDS A CO.


New-York, 1st January, 1851. jl Im

(^O-PARTNERSHIP..JOHN FAL-/CONER has this day associated wtth him HENRY E.

Ql INAN,and will continue the Shipping business, undirthe firm of JOHN FALCONER k CO. Office for thepresent at 64 Cedar-si. with Mnulton k Co.


New-York, January 1, 1851._jl 3w


It Co. having associated with him JAMES W BARKERand ZENAS NEWELL, will continue the Importing andJobbing of Dry Goods, under the firm of MOULTON ttCO at U Cedar and 22 Pine *L


New-York, January 1,1851.REMOVAL-ZENAS NEWELL has removed from 51

to64 Cedar-si._Jl 3w

jVOTICE..The Co-partnership here~tö-1 lfore existing between the subscribers, ander the firmof JOHN FACONER A CO is this day DISSOLVED bymutual consent. Either party win sign In liquidation.


New-York, January 1, IB51._ ,1 $w

/^O-PARTNERSHIP.-No^ce is hereby"-/jrlvei thatOrvllleL. Knox and \lHDr* Beockman, Jr.are from this date partner* lo ov,r rjtlDThe business will hereafter b-, transacted at No. IS CorVlandt-.L OTIS, JOHNE8 k CO.New-York. January 1*^ iML j, jBJ.

DOCTOR P. GARDINER* 140 Nrs-ßß st. lirooklyn. New-York..An educated T. Botanic

Pbyttclan. Member of the T. Botanic Society of Phiiadel-ptfa, havlcg a few leisure hours dally would be willing teattend those afnlcied with disease He lias generally beensucceuful with Colds, Consumption, the delicate com¬

plaint* ofFemale«, Asthma, Rheumatism, tbe vartoaa kicdsof Fevers, Ulcers, and tbe diseases incident to human na¬ture. He la also acquainted w lu. several Indian specificsJIB St-_

REWARD..Strayed or Stolen last'W''*' week from 184 Motl-st a Wldte BULLTERRIERDOG. Any person who may find htm, and wi I bring rumlo 43 Washington Market, will receive the above reward.jl»lt*_JOHN KETSER

D. J. COBB'S SEDATIVE LINI-MENT .Tbl* Liniment Is wholly auequaled as a

remedy for all cases of external pain, *prains, bruises, sp'nalBfTectior.s, cramps, restlessness of the estremide*. CAVjaedby nervou* debility, Ac No nunLy should be wRhoat thisLiniment. . .

Sold, wholesale and retail, at 165 Cbamt^rs »t New York,by LYMAN COBB, Jr. general Agent tor the aale of DR.D J. COBB'S Vegetable Fatuity Medicine and PreparedHerbs. Price 50 Cents._JltoW*COUNTRY PLACE FOR SALE..A

good two-story HOUSE, convenient OUTBUILDINGSand t ne GARDEN, wtüi great variety of Fruit andShrubbery. Tbe premises, comprising about two acre* ofLand and aituatetl in a thriving, village within twoavOAW

ry Ic


ndeol New-York, wUJ be sold very low and;mven on the 1st April, on immediate application to

j 18 Stood * T. T MERWIN, It M«Xrx£aadeTE^

TO CITY AND COUNTRY MF RCHANTS, aad all others la want of a»ry dee^ntlesi

of JO» or CARD PRINTING .The swessirlber'B Print¬ing OtBce. located at 142 Fiilu* ***|*!?*?.K^fSTBroatiway. is now completelynirnisbed with aü the aecee-

aarr machinery, tvpea. koroers. »«^"«>«f,for the execation of Zmrd: Ciliar*. Sül Heads. Counu-yStore BIL*. l'o*tlng and HsndbU;*, b.c., to the OBwtset man

asj^yw pncea *fgQMAS E. BUTTON, l»TB»Jer

STRXgT DirARTMIXT, SO. « HALL OP KtCORDS.-P.frUootKS e kor*** t1'**, tast tl.s following pst te.s kss sees pro

.outao in tk. » *ri of AJsWaaoa To SfJ is aad regalaU Iknoatk|iaH, 6«ss Twoaky aioth lo TVrtiotk »t To lay tisswaik* mTw*otr »*'«"th it frcm Fifth av to Broalwa/ AO psrsuas .hum

ootsw, ksvrsg ok.oction* tborot-. »r* eoqmsstsd to presses Sksm kjvntiacW) tbs saosr**rss«, at as) o*scs, so or betera aVBtSUSsiofJss nst-Jsa. IS.ISSI JOBBT. D0D4IB, Strost Cox* « hall or Kxcoaoa-r.skc.Star* is ksrbr i v** Uiat th* inulm*, kit »m

sasrtsd is Um Boo, * t f A'ssrsMti To la* cross e>*Bi ia Brool .1seposi's tk* P iblk .It ..drrsrtly is frost of Um Mscass ts Cirt,»ngo AH per«on* ,b'«a*to<i. I.o'o j; ov.wAMoa tkseoto, ars r*n wtid u> x r»*en« tho asms is wflint t» tk« m¦,«Wr«<rasd, at his ufBe*. *e of IhpmssUbsSS*b So/ ul Jaa .irt~Ju I», ISSI. JoHB JXKJDOI, Strsot Cvlan.IS