Download - model salul panache

  • 7/30/2019 model salul panache


    Panache Shawl

    Inspired and modified from Pfuglehale (Peacock's Tail Doily) at Kunststrikning, English version of this Peacock's Tail Doily you can

    find, The original

    doily pattern has 16 motif repeats, my 3/4-circle version shawl has 11 motif repeats, so in theory it'snot a 3/4-circle but changing needles bigger on the way helps to widen it. A semicircular version

    has 9 motif repeats and is actually a little over half a circle.

    Yarn: 790 - 800 meters of yarn of your choice

    Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm and 5 mm or suitable for your yarn choice, I used 80 cm circulars

    You will also need a crocheting hook suitable for your yarn choice (I used 2,5 mm hook) and two

    stitch markers.

    Needle sizes and yarn weight are just suggestions. Bigger needle size and/or thicker yarn means a

    bigger shawl and vice versa.

    Light blue and pink shawl are knit of woollen machine knitting yarn 68 tex x 3 (Nm 3/15) 100 g =

    500 meters, shawl's height from neck down is 70 cm and weight 154 grams.

    Black one is Novita Florica wool yarn (50 g = 175 meters), height from neck down is about 66 cm

    and weight 225 grams.

    k = knit

    p = purlyo = yarn over

    k2tog = knit 2 stitches together

    skp = sl1, k1, psso (slip one, knit one, pass the slipped stitch over)

    3tog= knit 3 stitches together

    m1 = make one, you can find an animation of this increase at


    ()x = knit symbols in brackets as many times as indicated

    *-* = repeat enclosed instructions

    ch = chain stitch (crocheting)

    sc = single crochet (crocheting)
  • 7/30/2019 model salul panache


    3/4-circle version

    Cast on 6 sts and knit them. Continue as follows:

    1. row: k2, m1, k2, m1, k2 (= 8 sts)

    2. row: knit3. row: k2, m1, k4, m1, k2 (= 10 sts)

    4. row: k2, p6, k2

    5. row: k2, m1, k2, m1, k2, m1, k2, m1, k2 (= 14 sts)

    6. row: k2(=edge stitches), p10, k2(=edge stitches)

    From now on always KNIT the first two and the last two stitches on EVERY row (= edge stitches).

    On wrong side rows purl all other stitches between edge stitches.

    7. row: k2, *yo, k1,* yo, k2 (= 25 sts) (9/16-circle version 21 sts)

    9. row: knit

    11. row: k2, *yo, k1*, yo, k2 (= 47 sts) (9/16-circle version 39 sts)

    13. row: knit15. row: k2, k1, *yo, k1, yo, k3,* repeat till there are 4 sts left on the left needle, end row yo, k1,

    yo, k1, k2 (= 69 sts) (9/16-circle version 57 sts)

    17. row: knit

    19. row: k2, *k2tog, yo, k1, yo, k1, k2tog,* repeat till there are 7 sts left on the left needle, end row

    k2tog, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, k2

    21. row: knit

    23. row: k2, *k2tog, yo, k1, yo, k3,* repeat till there are 7 sts left on the left needle, end row k2tog,

    yo, k1, yo, k2tog, k2 (= 79 sts) (9/16-circle version 65 sts)

    25. row: knit

    Change to 0,5 mm thicker needles

    27. row: k2, *(k1, yo)x4, k1, k2tog,* repeat till there are 7 sts left on the left needle, end row (k1,

    yo)x4, k1, k2 (= 113 sts) (9/16-circle version 93 sts)

    29. row: knit

    31. row: k2, *k2tog, (k1, yo)x4, (k2tog)x2,* repeat till there are 11 sts left on the left needle, end

    row k2tog, (k1, yo)x4, k2tog, k1, k2 (=125 sts) (9/16-circle version 103 sts)

    33. row: knit

    35. row: k2, *(k2tog)x2, (yo, k1)x3, yo, (k2tog)x2,* repeat till there are 2 sts left on the left needle,

    end row k2

    37. row: knit

    39. row: as 35th row.

    41. row: knit43. row: k2, *k2tog, (k1, yo)x6, k1, k2tog,* repeat till there are 2 sts left on the left needle, end row

    k2 (= 169 sts) (9/16-circle version 139 sts)

    45. row: knit 47. row: k2, *(k2tog)x2, (k1, yo)x6, k1, (k2tog)x2,* repeat till there are 2 sts left on

    the left needle, end row k2 (= 191 sts) (9/16-circle version 157 sts) 49. row: knit

    51. row: k2, *(k2tog)x3, (yo, k1)x5, yo, (k2tog)x3,* k2 (= 191 sts) (9/16-circle version 157 sts)

    53. row: knit

    55. row: as 51st row

    57. row: knit

    59. row: k2, *(k2tog)x2, (k1, yo)x8, k1, (k2tog)x2,* k2 (= 235 sts) (9/16-circle version 193 sts)

    61. row: knit

    Change to 0,5 mm thicker needles

    63. row: k2, *(k2tog)x3, (k1, yo)x8, k1, (k2tog)x3,* k2 (= 257 sts) (9/16-circle version 211 sts)

  • 7/30/2019 model salul panache


    65. row: knit

    67. row: k2, *(k2tog)x4, (yo, k1)x7, yo, (k2tog)x4,* k2 (= 257 sts) (9/16-circle version 211 sts)

    69. row: knit

    71. row: as 67th row

    73. row: knit

    75. row: k2, *(k2tog)x3, (k1, yo)x10, k1, (k2tog)x3,* k2 (= 301 sts) (9/16-circle version 247 sts)

    77. row: knit79. row: k2, *(k2tog)x4, (k1, yo)x10, k1, (k2tog)x4,* k2 (= 323 sts) (9/16-circle version 265 sts)

    81. row: knit

    83. row: k2, *(k2tog)x5, (yo, k1)x9, yo, (k2tog)x5,* k2 (= 323 sts) (9/16-circle version 265 sts)

    85. row: knit

    87. row: k2, *k5, (yo, k2tog)x4, k1, (skp, yo)x5, k5,* k2

    89. row: k2, *k5, (yo, k2tog)x4, yo, k1, (yo, skp)x5, yo, k5,* k2

    91. row: k2, *k5, (yo, k2tog)x5, k1, (yo, skp)x5, yo, k5,* k2

    93. row: k2, *k5, (yo, k2tog)x5, yo,k2, (yo, skp)x5, yo, k5,* k2

    95. row: k2, *k5, (yo, k2tog)x5, yo, k4, (yo, skp)x5, yo, k5,* k2

    97. row: k2, *k3, skp, (yo, k2tog)x5, yo, k6, (yo, skp)x5, yo, k2tog, k3,* k2

    99. row: k2, *k4, (yo, k2tog)x5, yo, k8, (yo, skp)x5, yo, k4,* k2101. row: k2, *k4, (yo, k2tog)x5, yo, k10, (yo, skp)x5, yo, k4,* k2

    103. row: k2, *k2, skp, (yo, k2tog)x5, yo, k12, (yo, skp)x5, yo, k2tog,k2,* k2

    105. row: k2, *k3, (yo, k2tog)x5, yo, k14, (yo, skp)x5, yo, k3,* k2

    107. row: k2, *k3, (yo, k2tog)x6, (yo, k1)x12, (yo, skp)x6, yo, k3,* k2

    109. row: k2, *k1, skp, (yo, k2tog)x11, yo, 3tog, (yo, skp)x12, yo, k2tog, k1,* k2

    111. row: k2, *k2, (yo, k2tog)x11, yo, 3tog, (yo, skp)x12, yo,k2,* k2

    113. row: k2, *k2, (k2tog)x6, (yo, k2tog)x6, k1, (yo, skp)x6, yo, (skp)x6,k2,* k2

    NOTE! Place marker on both edges after row 113. Now on PURL ALL stitches on WRONG SIDE

    rows (= even rows) also the first two and the last two stitches (= edge stitches)

    115. row: knit117. row: k2, *(k2tog)x7, (yo, k1)x14, yo, (k2tog)x7,* k2

    119. row: knit

    121. row: k2, *(k2tog)x7, (yo, k1)x15, yo, (k2tog)x7,* k2

    123. row: knit

    125. row: k2, k1, *(k2tog)x7, (yo, k1)x15, yo, (k2tog)x8,* repeat till there are 46 sts left on the left

    needle, end row (k2tog)x7, (yo, k1)x15, yo, (k2tog)x7, k1, k2

    127. row: knit

    129. row: k2, *(k2tog)x8, (yo, k1)x16, yo, (k2tog)x7,* k1, k2

    131. row: Knit 2 edge stitches together, knit till the end of the row until there are 2 stitches left on

    the left needle, knit these two stitches together.

    The shawl is finished by crocheting 3 stitches off at a time, so change needles to a crochet hook and

    continue as follows:

    (9ch, single crochet every 4th row)x4 till the marker on the 114th row (pictures edge 1 and edge 2),

    turn, (9 ch, sc in the space of 9 chains below)x4 (picture edge 3),

    3 more sc in the chain stitches of 9 chains below, so you are now at the point you started crocheting

    (picture edge 4),

    continue *9 ch, 3 stitches together* (picture edge 5),

    repeat *-* till the end of the row and continue (9 ch, single crochet every 4th row)x4 till the earlier

    placed marker on the 114th row, turn, *9 ch, sc in the space of 9 chains below,* repeat *-* till youcome to the place pictured (picture edge 6).

  • 7/30/2019 model salul panache


    Edge 1 Edge 2 Edge 3

    Edge 4 Edge 5 Edge 6

    Cut the yarn, finish yarn ends and block or steam iron your shawl.

    Semicircular version (9/16-circle)

    Yardage: about 580 - 600 meters

    Cast on 5 sts and knit them. Continue as follows:

    1. row: k2, m1, k1, m1, k2 (= 7 sts)

    2. row: knit

    3. row: k2, m1, k3, m1, k2 (= 9 sts)

    4. row: k2, p5, k2

    5. row: k2, m1, k2, m1, k3, m1, k2 (= 12 sts)

    6. row: k2(=edge stitches), p8, k2(= edge stitches)

    Continue from 7th row of the 3/4-circle version's pattern.

    Happy knitting and enjoy!

    Thank you for choosing my pattern! This pattern is for personal use only.

    Finnish version of this pattern is published at Ulla 2/08, * [email protected] * Ravelry ID: LankakomeroPM Lankakomero 2008 * All rights reserved.