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Media Studies Evaluation

How did we attract our target audience?

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Our Target Audience

Our main target audience was; ◦Teens ◦Mixed (Black & White) ◦Both Genders ◦British ◦Urban

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Setting: Whilst we where filming we attempted to make the movie as a normal teens lifestyle, as teens commonly attend parties, as the two actors do on the way back from one, it would give a much powerful understanding of the movie.

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Language: the language that is used in the movies is informal English, which sounds ‘ghetto’ and ‘street’, we used that type of language because it engage the audience and gives them a good understanding on what is happening.

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Props: As we got from our results that typical teens love to see action and blood, so we created scenes which where very disturbing which teens would find very entertaining e.g. The blood on the neck of Tina and then the murder scene, where the killer kills Keisha.

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Time Of Day

Time of day: The time of the day of the movie is at night, which is quite a coincidence because when teens normally go to a party they would not arrive home till a very late time between 12-4am, which is the same time the movie is based in.

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Music: The music used in the film was mentioned by an audience member as it was a ‘very frightening and created tension’, which was the ain impression we where trying to get from the audience.

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Brands: one of the main focus points in the movie is where Keisha picks up a ‘blackberry’, in modern day society teens there is a high rate of teens having blackberry’s which in the movie we where able to advertise.

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Clothes: The clothing that was worn through out the movie was party clothes worn by the two actors, but through them you could not see what brands they where in as we where not attempting to advertise the clothing worn, however the audience could of resembled from what the actors where wearing.

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Created By Daniel Buja