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Matlab problems

1) Write a matlab code to generate unit step function.2) Write a matlab code to generate unit Impulse Function3) Write a matlab code to generate unit Ramp Function.4) Write a matlab code to generate Exponential Function ,y =ex.5) Write a matlab code to generate a delayed function, z =x+a.6) Write a matlab code to show multiplication of two signals.

X =[ 1 2 3 4] , y =[3 4 5 2], z =x*y7) Write a matlab code to find convolution of two signals, X =[ 1 2 3 4] , y =[3 4 5 6]8) Write a matlab code to find poles & zeros from system transfer function & check

for stability of system.

9) Program to calculate Circular Convolution of two sequences, X =[ 1 2 3 4] , y =[3 4 5 2].

10) Program to calculate Impulse Response & Step Response X =[ 1 2 3 4] , y =[3 4 5 2].

11) Program to find Fourier Transform & Inverse Fourier Transform.

Take x =[1 2 4 5] , n =4

12) Program a matlab function that generates sinusoidal signal.Y = 5sin(10πt)

13) Find and plot u[n]-u[n-5],where u[n] is a discrete time unit step signal.14) Find impulse response and step response of the system described by the difference

equation- Y[n]=0.7y[n-1]-0.1y[n-2]+2x[x]-[n-2]

15) Generate a triangular wave of amplitude = 1 unit, a frequency of 10π radians per second and a width of 0.5 unit.

16) Generation of a square wave with amplitude 1, fundamental frequency 10Π radian per second and duty cycle =0.5

17) Write a MATLAB code that generates and plots the following sequence x(n) = 2(n+2)- (n-4), -5 n 5.

18) Write a MATLAB code that generates and plots the following sequence x(n) = n[u(n)-u(n-10)]+(20-n)[u(n-10)-u(n-20)] -20 n 20

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19) Write a MATLAB code that generates and plots the following sequence x(n) = cos(0.04n)+0.2(n), -20 n 50, where (n) is a Gaussian random sequence with zero mean and unit variance.

20) Let x(n) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}.Write a MATLAB code to generate and plot the following sequence.x1(n) = 2x(n-5) – 3x(n-4)

21) Let x(n) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}. Write a MATLAB code to generate and plot the following sequence. x1(n) = x(3-n) + x(n)x(n-2)

21).Consider a transfer function defined by

H(s)= 2/(s+2) calculate and plot the step response.

22).Consider a transfer function defined by

H(s)= 2/(s+2) calculate and plot the impulse response.

23). Write a MATLAB code to find the Laplace transform of f ( t )=te−3t and the inverse

Laplace transform of

F (s )=B (s )A( s )

= 3 s+1s3+3 s2+2 s

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