Download - LET’S CHECK! - Pearson · Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning cycle. Classroom interactions provide


María Alicia Maldonado

3rd edition


Pearson Education S.A. Av. Belgrano 615 piso 11ºC1092AAG Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

© Pearson Education S.A. 2016

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Editor Paula Czajka

Design El Ojo del Huracán®

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The Publisher would like to acknowledge María Alicia Maldonado for the authorship of these tests as well as for her adaptation and pedagogical supervision of the What’s Up? 3rd edition series.

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Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning cycle. Classroom interactions provide teachers with varied instances suitable to evaluate students’ progress and teachers’ own achievements as their mentors. A communicative ELT classroom is to provide an atmosphere of authentic English language use, or what we call a “classroom of communication”, ie we use English for everyday real communication, not just to practise English for future possible use. Teachers’ aim, as mentors, is to show students how much they are learning so as to encourage them to go on trying and learning as much as they are capable of doing. The well-known assessment washback effect explains what students pay attention to and how they approach the subject being studied. Therefore, assessment can promote or inhibit the learning. In order to enhance learning, it is advisable to use continuous assessment, which provides teachers with opportunities to give immediate feedback while they evaluate following the same procedures used to introduce the linguistic contents, as well as the learning and communicative strategies, as skills develop. From an experiential and holistic view of language, which understands cognitive and socio-functional aspects of communication as paramount, assessment is carried out by means of contextualised use of language.It is also necessary to have some instance of formal assessment which measures learning through the performance of previously taught linguistic content which is context embedded.There are many arguments for and against testing. The main drawback attributed to tests is the state of nervousness and anxiety students are in when facing a testing instance. It is argued that this anxiety deprives students of the possibility of using their critical thinking to solve the language problems presented. Some other opinions support the idea that students study for the test and then forget what they have learnt.On the other hand, students deserve the opportunity to be tested. They need to have a feeling of achievement and, why not, they also deserve to be challenged and to be given the opportunity to fail and thus develop resilience. The emotions tests arise on students very much depend on teachers’ feedback. That is what makes the big difference. A positive, encouraging response shows students that their effort pays off. Moreover, the teacher’s and classmates’ feedback are a great source of improvement. Feedback will help individual students to reflect upon the errors they have made and it will provide them with various possibilities for recreating their systematisation and retention strategies. Feedback should be an instance of learning and never an instance of highlighting learners’ errors.The set of tests offered includes: > a diagnostic-prognostic test which identifies what

learners have achieved or learnt after having finished Level 2 of the What’s Up? series. Teachers will be able to identify the starting point in order to move onto new contents and skills, using what

students have already learnt as a springboard for acquiring new contents, improving already learnt skills and developing new ones. This test is meant to be encouraging, showing students how much English they already know (there is nothing more motivating than success). The support provided balances the demands of the problems presented.

> six progress tests – to see how learners improve their performance as classroom practice advances. A test after each unit measures achievement, focusing on contents taught and skills developed throughout. It enables teachers to redirect teaching according to students’ performance. In order to be valid, reliable and fair, these tests have been prepared using the same procedure followed during the teaching process. Students do not feel threatened by the evaluation experience. If students are familiar with the procedure and the demands of the tests are up to their level of achievement, the results will be mostly rewarding and encouraging. Both teachers and students will have a sense of achievement which will trigger further enthusiasm to go on working together. Results also provide information about aspects of the teaching and learning process which may not be working adequately. This can be discussed in class and improved for future work.

> an integrative test every two units, which will help students and teachers to recycle knowledge. Resorting to previously presented material triggers a better awareness of the idea of language being meaningful in context, to serve as a real means of authentic communication. Integrative tests focus on students’ strengths so that they become aware of how much they can do with language.

> an integrative achievement test (including contents presented in all units as a final review) to give both teachers and students information about the success achieved by the end of the year course.

Reading comprehension testsReading opens our minds to incredible spaces. It can help us to dream of not yet created realities. If we really learn how to read, understanding that there is always a hidden secret under the lines, we will develop our imagination, lateral thinking and creativity. We will plunge into the story and become part of it. Moreover, nobody will be able to give us the story already processed for us to swallow it without even tasting its essence. The reading comprehension tests aim at helping students to become re-creators of their content while they enjoy playing with reality and transforming it. This is the reason why they are not graded. It is not important to have a number as feedback. What matters is that both students and teachers think and reflect upon the magic of reading.

Our view of tests

2 Let’s check! · 3 · Photocopiable © Pearson 2

1 a. Putthequestionsfromthisapplicationforminorder.Thenmatch.

2 b. Confirmandcorrectthefollowinginformation.

4 c. Readthetextfromthisemailandchoosethecorrectoption.


Name: Class: Date:

a. Hockey and softball.

b. Read or play the guitar for

senior people.

c. Bonn, an important city in Germany.

d. My small bedroom.

e. Year 4 at Otto School.

f. I can make great videos with

my photographs.

g. Sausages with ‘chucrut’!

h. 17.

i. Start a photography business.

j. Pottery (last year) and

photography (now learning).

1. Bonn is the capital of Germany.

2. Hans likes eating hot dogs.

3. He started pottery in 2000.

4. He’s learning to play the guitar.

5. He can write great novels.




ExchangeStudentProgramme Student’sname:Hans Ünger 1. old / are / how / you 2. are / from / you / where 3. you / where / study / do 4. eating / what / you / do / like 5. is / what / your / at / place / favourite / home 6. any / you / practise / do / sport 7. your / what / hobby / is 8. do / do / in / your / you / free / what / time 9. what / future / do / want / you / to / in / do / the 10. very / what / well / can / do / you

Dear Mr Ünger,

I want to give you 1some / any tips about customs in Argentina. When you 2 find / meet your host

family, you 3mustn’t / must be polite and you 4should / shouldn’t follow some rules. In Argentina,

people greet 5shaking / bowing hands and young people hug and kiss. You 6should / shouldn’t arrive

late for dinner because families 7never / usually eat together. But they eat late in the evening. You 8must / can’t miss the traditional ‘asado’. Don’t ask 9much / many personal questions, but get ready

to answer some. 10Should / Could you confirm receipt of this email, please?

Regards, Mr Otto Grimberg

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2 a. Readandchoosethecorrectoption.

3 Matchtheopposites.

2 b. ConfirmandcorrecttheinformationaboutMagalí.


Name: Class: Date:

Nowadays, eating habits 1are changing / changed all over the world. People are eating 2healthier / more healthily. 3Some / Any people who work full-time 4usually eat / eat usually

junk food: French fries, pizzas or hamburgers. These are also called “fast food” 5because /

but people eat them 6quickier / quickly in short breaks. Other people, who are 7most / more

health conscious, prefer to eat vegetables and fruit.

In the past, when men 8went out / goes out to work, women stayed at home 9and / or cooked

for the family. But now, 10many / any women work out of home, so 11more / much families 12eat / eats fast food. Luckily, 13special days / days special bring back the old family cooking

traditions. At home, for example, we 14always / never eat apple pie to celebrate birthdays. It

is the cake my grandmother 15made / is making to celebrate my mum’s first birthday, and it

is now a family tradition.

By Magalí

1. Magalí writes about gym habits.

2. Eating habits are changing in the USA.

3. Hamburgers are healthy food.

4. In the past, women went out to work.

5. Barbecue is a tradition in Magalí’s family.

1. expensive

2. difficult

3. well

4. quietly

5. stressful

a. relaxing

b. loudly

c. cheap

d. badly

e. easy



/5 Total /100

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Name: Class: Date:

1 a. Completethetextwiththewordsfromthebox.

b. AskquestionsforthefollowinganswersaboutAntonioandRosa.




Antonio and Rosa 1 at a bilingual school in a rural area in Chaco,

Argentina. Antonio 2 a teacher and he 3 Toba

or Qom, so he 4 to integrate indigenous people at school. Rosa 5 the administrative work and 6 the school

library. Antonio and Rosa sometimes 7 indigenous people in their

homes. Why 8 it? Simply because they 9

discrimination. They 10 integrating people.


At a bilingual school.


Toba or Qom.


The administrative work.




Integrating people.

Name: Class: Date:


can speak does don’t like do they do is is helping love organises visit work

2 Findandcircle10verbsinthewordsearch.Thenwritethem.


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3 UseverbsfromExercise2tocompletethetext.

4 Completewiththewordsfromthebox.



/10 Total /50

5 Writeaboutyou.

1. A present ability:

2. A past ability:

3. Something you love doing at home:

4. Something you hate doing when you travel:

5. Something you are doing these days:

I love learning English because it is a really useful language. We can 1 with

people all over the world. It is the language of science, so we can use it to 2

research online. When we 3 the net, we can always 4

important papers by famous scientists. We can also 5 their video

conferences online. That’s very interesting!


When I travel by plane, I 1 arriving early at the airport to do the 2 , or standing in a 3 . But I hate 4

long hours when the planes are 5 .

check in delayed don’t mind queue waiting

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1 a. Readandchoosethecorrectoption.

2 b. UsethesekeywordstowritetrueinformationaboutDrRenéFavaloro.


Dr René Favaloro was born in La Plata, Buenos Aires, in 1923. At that time, his parents 1was working /

were working very hard to earn their living. His father 2was making / were making furniture and his mother 3was sewing / is sewing dresses for wealthy women. They didn’t have much money, but were very happy. He 4studied / were studying at Colegio Nacional de La Plata and later, at UNLP (Universidad Nacional de La Plata).

He 5graduated / was graduating as a medical doctor and went to Jacinto Aráuz, a small town in La Pampa.

When he 6worked / was working there, he 7invited / was inviting his brother to work with him.

The Favaloro brothers 8were equipping / equipped the town with an operating theatre and X-rays. They 9were teaching / taught first aid to the general public, teachers and nurses while they 10were working / worked there.

Dr René Favaloro 11was inventing / invented the heart bypass while he 12worked / was working in the

cardiovascular surgery department at the Cleveland Clinic in the USA.

He 13started / was starting Fundación Favaloro in 1975. A lot of medical doctors train there and cure rich and

poor people from all over the world.

Dr Favaloro 14died / was dying in 2000, while he 15tried / was trying to keep his foundation going.

1. 1923

2. study

3. Jacinto Aráuz

4. his brother

5. first aid

6. heart bypass

7. Cleveland Clinic

8. 1975

9. 2000

10. his foundation going

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The baby sister .

Dad .

Jack ? No! He


The twin brothers .

2 Mumarrivedhomeandhadawonderfulsurprise.Lookatthepicturesanddescribewhatshesaw.

3 Tick(3)theactionstobefollowedincaseofanearthquake.

/5 Total /50

1. Keep calm. 2. Use the lift to go out. 3. Leave your house immediately. 4. Use a strong table to protect

your head and body. 5. Stay away from glass windows,

shelves and other heavy objects.

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1 a. Completethetextwiththewordsfromthebox.

2 a. Readandchoosethecorrectoption.

1 b. ConfirmandcorrectthefollowinginformationaboutAnnabelle.

Annabelle is a 1 secretary at an important company. She 2

English and Spanish. Her boss is very strict, but she 3

working long hours 4 she works online. She downloads documents 5 corrects them. At the moment, she 6 a

questionnaire to do some 7 online. She 8 the

form when she finishes correcting it. She loves her work because she 9

her English. She chats with people from 10 the world because English is

an 11 language. Someday, she 12 to visit some

of the countries. Two 13 , she started studying French because she wants

to be a 14 secretary. The multilingual secretary that 15

at the company retired last month. Now, she has her opportunity.

Two years ago, Fred 1couldn’t / can’t speak English very well. He 2travelled / was travelling on an

exchange programme to New Zealand last year and 3speak / spoke English all the time so now he 4can /

could communicate very 5good / well with English speakers. At first, he 6could / couldn’t only understand

when people 7were speaking / was speaking very 8slow / slowly. At the moment, his English is very 9good /

well. He is 10happy / happily chatting online with friends from all around the world.

1. Annabelle hates working long hours.

2. She is uploading photos at the moment.

3. She would like to buy a luxury car some day.

4. She started studying French last year.

5. A multilingual secretary was directing the company.

all over and because bilingual doesn’t mind international is going to upload is printing multilingual practises research speaks was working would like years ago

Name: Class: Date:

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Ladies and Gentlemen, we are sorry to inform that 1

DC345 arriving from Quebec is 2 . 3 was announced at 10:00, but it is going to land at


Passengers going to Madrid on Airliners flight AR901 please go to the 4 desk to confirm 5 time.

2 b. Findandcircle5questionsaboutFred.Thenanswerthem.

3 Crossoutthreelettersandfindoutthewordstocompletetheairportannouncements.

How could Fred speak English? Where What Who year? last travel he did can is How is his English now? he he chatting with now? well? very do






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/20 Total /100

4 Tick(3)theactionstobefollowedincaseoffire.

5 LastSundaywasnotaluckydayfortheWilsons.Lookatthepicturesandusethecorrectformofthewordsfromtheboxtodescribetheaccidents.

1. Throw alcohol on the fire.

2. Pull the fire alarm.

3. Scream and cry.

4. Use the lift.

5. Cover your head with a wet towel.

6. Phone your friends to tell them about the fire.

7. Phone the fire patrol.

8. Keep calm.

9. Get out of the building.

10. Collect all your favourite things.

chop apples / cut finger surf the net / cake burn drive home / crash into another carride bike / hurt knee skate / break arm

1. Mrs Wilson

2. Mr Wilson

3. Maggie

4. Tommy

5. Grandma

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Name: Class: Date:


1 a. ReadaboutJeremy’sexperiencesasateacherandputtheverbsinthe correctform.

1 b. ConfirmandcorrectthefollowinginformationaboutJeremy.



1. Jeremy is from Madrid.

2. He has lived in all countries in Asia.

3. He finds travelling stressful.

4. He has practised yoga.

5. A friend from Lima has invited him to his home.

I 1(be) an English teacher. I 2(be) born in

London, but I 3(live) all over the world. I 4(be)

to all countries in South America because I 5(teach)

English there. I find it exciting.

I 6(like) sports. I 7(climb) mountains in

Bolivia, I 8(dive) in Brazil and I 9(ride)

horses in Argentina. As you can imagine, I 10(not have) a boring life.

I 11(love) meeting different kinds of people and I can make friends

easily. I 12(meet) people from many countries and I 13(think)

Argentines are the friendliest.

A friend from La Pampa 14(invite) me to visit him, so I 15(plan)

to be in Argentina very soon.

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2 Readthedialogueandchoosethecorrectoption.



Total /50






1Did you / Have you ever climbed a mountain?

Yes! I 2have just arrived / arrived from La Cumbre. We 3climbed / have climbed the

Uritorco. It 4took / has taken us two days. It 5was / were a bit 6scary / boring, but

I 7find / found it really 8exciting / terrible.9Did you / Have you go alone?

No! We 10were / have been a group of 10. What about you , Alan? 11Did you have /

Have you had any 12boring / amazing experience?

No. I 13have never / have ever done anything special. But I 14like / would like to try

skiing some time. It must be 15terrific / terrible!

3 Labelthepictureswithwordsfromthecloud.Therearethreeextraoptions.

b. c.

d. e.


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Name: Class: Date:

Twenty-first century society 1changed / is changing fast and this brings about crisis on many

day-to-day decisions. We 2must / has to abide by rules that are modified when we 3have just /

have ever understood them, so we 4must / shouldn’t keep in mind principles that never

change. Each of us is an individual so we think and behave differently. We always 5have /

are having at least two choices, so we are responsible for the choice we make. At the same

time, we 6mustn’t / must respect individual choices. We 7don’t have / mustn’t to adhere to

those choices, but we 8must / mustn’t understand that no one possesses the ‘absolute

truth’. We 9shouldn’t / should develop the capacity to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes

to be able to communicate successfully. If we 10know / are knowing who we are and what we

want, we 11will / won’t express it clearly. We 12mustn’t / must think critically so that we can

support our decisions in case of disagreement. And we 13mustn’t / doesn’t have to forget

that communication is not just stating our point but it is also 14listening / listened to others,

exchange our points of view and 15come / comed to shared conclusions. Hard work! But it’s

worth trying, don’t you think?


1 a. Readandchoosethecorrectoption.

2 Readandmatch.

1 b. Readagainandfindthewordsorphrasesmeaning:




1. quickly:

2. causes:

3. follow / obey:

4. think / do the same:

5. understand others:

1. If you are stressed,

2. If you are tired,

3. If we accept change

in a positive way,

4. If you are down,

5. If you are very angry,

a. you have to rest.

b. you want to shout.

c. you are unhappy.

d. you cannot relax.

e. we develop resilience.

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3 Labelthepictureswiththewordsfromthebox.

4 Completethepiecesofadvicewithshould / shouldn’t.ThenmatchthesentenceswiththepicturesfromExercise3.


/15 Total /50

toothache a headache sleepy a cough hungry

1. We give her some food. 2. He go out without a jacket. 3. She go dancing tonight. 4. She go to bed early. 5. He see a dentist.

a. b.

c. d.


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Our lifestyle 1has changed / changes dramatically over the last three or four decades. Both

men and women 2must / mustn’t work outside their homes. So women 3have changed / change atheir role and now they 4share / shared more responsibilities with men. If mothers 5do / will do

business, fathers 6change / are changing diapers.

In the last decade, bthis has started to become more and more common but we 7mustn’t /

don’t have complain because there are many positive aspects of this new lifestyle that make

life easier. Computers 8have made / has make it possible for people to work from their homes.

Today, many parents 9don’t have / mustn’t to leave ctheir children with unknown people. And the

rest of the people 10would surely like / wouldn’t surely like to do e-work and look after their kids at


Most companies 11has started / have started selling online, and buying their products is now

easy and fast. Modern devices 12have changed / will change the way we cook or do housework.

However, we 13don’t have / mustn’t to cook at home all the time. If we buy take-away food, we 14heat / heated dit in the microwave oven and... it’s ready!

New products and services are appearing every day and we 15should / shouldn’t use ethem to

make our life easier. It feels good to be living in this era!


1 a. Readandchoosethecorrectoption.




1 b. Findthewordsorphrasesmeaning:

1 c. Readagainandwritewhatthewordsinboldreferto.

1. a lot / importantly:

2. ten years:

3. points:

4. work on the internet:

5. machines / equipments:

a. their:

b. this:

c. their:

d. it:

e. them:

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2 d. Findandwriteanexampleof:

3 LabelthepictureswithsomeofthewordsfromExercise2.

2 Find,circleandwrite10wordsdescribingfeelings.ihgf



1. obligation:

2. prohibition:

3. no necessity:

4. suggestion:

5. intention:


a. b.

c. d.

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4 Completethepiecesofadvicewithshould / shouldn’t andsomeofthewordsfromExercise2.

5 Putthisdialoguebetweenadoctorandapatientinorder.



1. If you are about your health, you see a doctor.

2. You look , you go to bed late tonight.

3. You calm down and visit a psychologist because you are


4. You turn off the lights if you are of darkness.

5. If you are , you go out with friends.











/20 Total /100


Good afternoon. How can I help you?

Have an aspirin and stay in bed.

Yes, I have.


Have you got a headache?

I’ve got a temperature.

I feel too tired.

Thank you. Bye.

See you in two days.

What’s the matter?

Let’s check! · 3 · Photocopiable © Pearson 18

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1 a. Completethetextwiththewordsfromthebox.Thenwritewhatthewords inboldreferto.



1 b. Findandwriteanexampleof:

Fortune tellers earn their living predicting 1 . Some people believe they can anticipate the

future and many traditions are culturally transferred from 2 to generation. Astrologists

describe personalities according to people’s 3 . They also predict what 4 . I doubt

if they really 5 it because twins, who are born on the same date, 6 have the

same kind of life. Much of what happens to us depends on our individual choices.

Some people practise 7 . They read the patters of coffee grounds to predict the future. After

a person drinks the coffee, the 8 interprets the images the coffee grounds represent.

If you visit tarot-readers, they will tell your fortune using 9 with symbols they interpret.

If you go to clairvoyants, they will use 10 where they might see scenes of your future life.

If you visit a Chinese restaurant in the USA, you might have 11 as dessert. You will find a

message or a lucky number inside.

The lines of your palm will tell you your future if 12 examines them. Your left hand lines tell

you what is part of your personality and your right hand lines show how your life has changed and how

it will change. I 13 that is possible.

There are many ways of 14 the future. We should not consider these predictions seriously.

If 15 they are real, we might feel everything is settled and we won’t try other possibilities.

They are just a way of having some fun among friends.

1. a description of a true fact:

2. something the author is sure it is possible:

3. something the author is not sure it is possible:

4. something the author is sure it is not possible:

5. a piece of advice:

a. they:

b. it:

c. where:

d. They:

might happen might not cards generation don’t think tasseography date of birth fortune cookies predicting a crystal ball we think fortune-teller can do

the future a palm reader

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If you promise not to tell anyone, I 1will / am going to tell you a secret. María and Alberto 2will /

are going to escape to an island in the Caribbean on Friday. They 3won’t / might not tell anybody

because they want to have a private ceremony. They 4might / will be crazy, but I 5think / don’t think

they love each other a lot and I 6hope / think they don’t have any problems. A guru 7will / is going to

bless their union and then he 8will / is going to put flower crowns on their heads to wish them

happiness. That is the way the ceremony is always held. It 9might / might not be effective, but I 10hope / don’t think they are happy forever.

3 Readandchoosethecorrectoption.

4 Matchtheitemsineachcolumnandwritesentences.



/5 Total /50

2 Writethefortune-tellingmethodsfromExercise1aunderthecorrespondingpicture.

1. I don’t think you will win 2. You might become 3. You will find 4. You might not have 5. You won’t get

a good jobthe lottery good healtha good seatfamous

if you sing at the West Front Festival.if you graduate at university.if you arrive late.if you smoke too much.If you don’t buy a ticket.

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

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1 a. Readandchoosethecorrectoption.

2 Usethecluestowritethequestionsortheanswersinthedialogue.UsethePastSimpleorthePresentPerfect.Includesinceandforwhereappropriate!




1 b. UsethecluestowritequestionsaboutGregorioandhisclassmates.Thenanswer them.


I 1have never been / was never 2more actively / most actively involved in a project work. This 3has been / was an

excellent opportunity to learn how to use our free time 4better / best.

I 5have always been / always was interested in helping people, but I 6haven’t known / didn’t know how to do it

until our Social Science teacher 7has invited / invited us to carry out a solidarity project.

The group visiting elderly people worked 8harder / the hardest. They 9have collected / collected magazines 10more quickly / most quickly than the others. Our group worked 11more collaboratively / most collaboratively

than ever writing stories for the kids. Some of them 12have make / made kids laugh crazily 13more loudly /

the most loudly anyone can imagine.

Many of us 14have felt / felt so happy with the experience that we 15don’t want / would like to repeat it every year.

There is nothing more rewarding than having fun with people who are usually lonely and sad.

Would you like to join us? Write to [email protected].


1. They / ever / help people

2. Who / invite / them / participate / solidarity project

3. Where / they / go

4. Why / a group / work / hard

5. What / a group / do / collaboratively than ever





1How long / live in Catamarca / ? 2I / live there / more than 10 years / . 3I / come / in 2006 / . 4ever / miss your family / ?

Of course! But 5I / feel “catamarqueño” / I decided to live here / .

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3 a. Write5wordswithnegativemeaningfromthewordcloud.

3 b. Nowfindwordstolabelthesepictures.

5 c. Findwordsmeaning:



/6 Total /50

1. a long period of fighting between countries:

2. an illness or serious medical condition:

3. unfair treatment against people because they belong to a different race:

4. when people don’t have food and become ill or die:

5. a feeling that something is important and deserves serious attention:

6. to legally make a baby your own child:

a. b.

c. d.

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1 Readandcompletethetextwiththewordsfromthebox.

2 Findandcircle6worldproblems.Thenuse5ofthemtocompletethedefinitions.

3 Usethewordsinthecrosswordpuzzletolabelthepictures.Thereisanextrapicture.

I’ve never believed in superstitions, but it is true they 1 of

human life since time immemorial. Superstitions are different in various countries 2 been traditionally transferred from generation to

generation. An example of 3 are black cats. Yorkshire people 4 more happily than Argentine people. While people in

Argentina 5 a symbol of bad luck, fishermen in Yorkshire say

that 6 cat, they will come back home safely from the seas.

In Egypt, cats are the 7 animals because people think they might 8

of one of their gods.

If we understand that superstitions are not real, we 9 scared at the sight of a black

cat. By the way, here comes Blackie, my beautiful black cat and I’m 10 it on my lap.

It is so soft!


1. When people cannot read or write:

2. When teens frighten or hurt someone who is weaker:

3. When people are treated badly because of the colour of their skin:

4. When people don’t have anything to eat for a long time:

5. When people don’t have money to buy the basic things:



see black cats as these differences carry the spirit if they see a black going to keepwill receive them might not feel highest venerated because they have have been part







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4 a. Afortune-tellerdescribeswhathecanseeinhiscrystalball.Usethe verbsfromtheboxinthecorrectformtocompletetheseheadlines.



1. Poverty in the world.

3. Scientists a cure for AIDS.

3. People to the moon on holidays.

4. Small robots the housework.

5. More people from home.

6. People in compact houses.

7. Helicopters without pilots.

8. The climate colder.

9. Computers more intelligent than men.

10. A new species extinct.

be become do get find fly live (x2) not exist travel work

doesn’t exist


a. b.

c. d.

e. f.

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5 MrMendelson,theschoolheadmaster,istalkingtothestudents.Readandputtheadverbsinthecorrectform.

“I’m really happy with all of you but people in year 2 have worked 1(hard)

because they have moved 2(fast) to get donations. Next time, you should all

try to prepare celebrations 3(carefully) to support the organisation. I cannot

deny it. All students are participating 4(actively) each day. But people in year

2 have won a prize because they finished 5(early) .”

6 Putthequestionsinorder.Thenanswerwithtrueinformation.

1. you / what / today / 6:30 / are / do / to / at / going / ?

2. study / will / school / what / after / you / secondary / ?

3. ever / you / studied / have / French / ?

4. long / house / same / how / lived / in / have / you / the / ?

5. might / where / years / live / you / ten / in / ?


/20 Total /100

4 b. TurntheheadlinesfromExercise4aintoyourownpredictions.Usewill / won’t or might /might not.


Poverty won’t / might not exist.

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1 Usethewordsandphrasesfromtheboxtocompletethedialogue.













What 1 , Grandpa?

I 2 at old photographs.3 see them?

Of course!4 here?

I’m 5 the river.

I 6 long distances when I 7 young.8 you there?9 I was 18 or 19 then.

And 10 ?

They are Grandma and her sister. They were beautiful!

2 a. Readandcompletethetextwiththewordsfromthebox.


I admire my friend Daniel because he is 1 . He can’t see

anyone suffering. He is always helping people in need. 2 ,

he received a 10-day-old baby to look after. He 3 when the

telephone rang. 4 an abandoned baby at the hospital. He 5 the oven and rushed to fetch the baby.

Daniel has 6 father for over 10 years. He fosters* orphaned or abandoned

children in his house and 7 as one more of his children. When the children’s

families are ready to receive them back, or when the children are 8 , Daniel

says 9 to them and waits for a new child to come.

Daniel has looked after more 10 , from toddlers to 6-year-olds, since his

youngest daughter was 5.11 Daniel do that? “If a child doesn’t 12 , authorities will

place her or him in an institution. If the child grows up in an institution, she or 13

a lot. But if children are brought up in a family, they will have 14 . We 15 children to be happy people in the future,” he says.

* foster = receive for some time

are you doing Can I could swim How old were I think ’m looking swimming alongwas What are you doing who are these

Last week was cooking legally adopted There was been a substitute so helpfulhe will suffer goodbye have a family looks after them better opportunities Why does

than 40 children should help turned off

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3 b. Nowputthequestionsinorder.

4 c. MatchthequestionsfromExercise2bwiththefollowinganswers.

4 d. NowmatchthecolumnsaccordingtotheinformationaboutDaniel.

1. author / her / why / admire / friend / does / the / ?

2. did / last / who / receive / he / week / ?

3. doing / when / he / what / telephone / was / the / rang / ?

4. there / at / what / hospital / the / was / ?

5. long / been / how / he / has / father / substitute / a / ?

a. A 10-day-old baby. b. For over 10 years. c. Because he is so helpful. d. He was cooking. e. An abandoned baby.

1. Daniel is very helpful 2. The telephone rang 3. They phoned him 4. Daniel has been a substitute father 5. He has looked after children 6. If a child grows up in an institution, 7. Children will have more opportunities 8. You can do great things for others 9. You show a real spirit of solidarity 10. If you help people in need,

a. while he was cooking.

b. since his youngest daughter was

5 years old.

c. because there was an abandoned


d. if they are brought up within a


e. she or he will suffer a lot.

f. from toddlers to 6-year-olds.

g. so people admire him.

h. if nobody knows that you are

helping others.

i. you feel great.

j. if you only give some of your spare





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Martín is a professional tennis player. He 1(love) playing tennis so he 2(not mind) practising long hours. If it 3(rain) ,

he 4(practise) all the same. He 5(participate)

in competitions for over 10 years. He 6(win) important prizes. In 2016,

he 7(win) the Davis Cup with the Argentine team. But the reward he 8(prefer) is the Glass Cup his family 9(give)

him when he 10(play) his first match.

Do you know WHO we are talking about?

Listen, Wendy. Miss Patrick seems to be very strict, but you 1shouldn’t / has to worry.

If you don’t understand something, you 2have to / don’t have to ask her for help. But

you 3must / have to always do your homework. And you 4mustn’t / don’t have to text in

class. She hates seeing students using their smartphones! If you follow these rules you 5mustn’t / don’t have to worry. You will have a great time!

We 1are going to visit / will visit the planetarium next Friday. If we 2are going to arrive / arrive

on time, we 3will see / are going to see an eclipse. Our teacher says there 4might /

should be a scientist there, so we 5might / should prepare some questions. I 6don’t / shouldn’t

think that’s possible, but I 7will write / write some just in case. I 8like / would like to meet

a scientist and ask her or him my questions. Then, preparing our final project 9is going /

might be easier. We 10are going to / won’t make a PowerPoint presentation on our visit next





3 Puttheverbsinthecorrectform.UsethePresentSimple,thePastSimpleorthePresentPerfect.

4 Annieisgivingsomeadvicetohernewclassmate,Wendy.Readandchoosethecorrectoption.

5 Readandchoosethecorrectoption.

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6 Puttheadverbsinthecorrectform.

This is how things work at home. Dad gets up 1(early) in the house and

prepares breakfast 2(fast) than anyone else. Mum wakes up 3(slowly)

in the family because she doesn’t work early in the morning. My sister

gets ready for school 4(happily) than me because she loves going to

school in the yellow bus. But I always run 5(fast) in the family when I hear

the bus horn at the front of my house.


7 Labelthepictureswithwordsfromthewordcloud.Usetwowordsforeachpicture.

/10 Total /100

b. c.

d. e.


3rd edition



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Increase Your Brain Power

We all know that speaking a foreign language is very useful for travelling, chatting with people from all around the world and getting a good job. But there are many other benefits that you need to 1remember every time you think “English is too 2difficult!” – learning a foreign language helps to increase your brain’s natural abilities.

3Learning a new language means your brain must deal with 4new grammar rules and

structures, new words, and sounds. Since this is a very 5complex process, your brain works hard while you are discovering meanings and trying to communicate by means of the new language. In this way, you develop a 6different way of thinking (critical thinking) and you become 7better at problem-solving.Your memory will also get better because you need to remember the 8right language elements at the right time and use them to communicate effectively. Your brain doesn’t mind doing this memory workout – it 9loves it! In time, you will see that you can remember other things like names, facts and figures more easily than what you could do before.

Scientists say bilingual people have better focus, concentration and attention because of the way the brain functions when learning a new language,

so they become good observers, too – they can differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information very 10quickly, for example.The benefits of learning a foreign language (or more languages!) do not stop there. Bilingual and multi-lingual people have greater ability to make decisions, to find multi-tasking easy, and they are very analytical and are more conscious thinkers and listeners.

Right this minute, there are millions of people around the world doing online brain training to keep mentally agile. Isn’t learning a second

language a more practical, useful and entertaining way of doing that?


1 Read the article and find words or phrases meaning the same as:

1. from a different country.

2. positive results.

3. finding out.

4. correct.

5. training / exercise.

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2 Look at the words in bold in the article. Find their opposite in the word cloud and list them.

3 Use the words from the box to label the pictures. Then tick the ones that describe the benefits of learning a foreign language.




4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

boredom communication critical thinking lack of memory memory multitasking problem solving

4 Read the article again and correct the given information.

1. Nobody knows speaking a foreign language is useful.

2. Connecting new grammar rules, words and sounds is simple.

3. People who speak many languages are bad at multitasking.








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1 Read the story. Look at the words in bold and write each of them next to the word or phrase that means the same.


Heroes or Common Kids?

Today, Josh and Andy tell the story of an unforgettable day. The day they will remember for the rest of their lives.

It was Saturday, June 22nd in 2013, exactly three years ago. Josh and I were 12 years old at that time. We were hanging out together early in the

afternoon as usual when we heard the news about an abducted five-year-old girl in our neighbourhood.We didn’t know the little girl or her family, but we immediately took our bikes and, together with other friends, joined the search for the missing girl.

There were about 100 people searching around the town on foot, while police officers and their dogs

were searching the nearby forest and parks. We were riding along a very narrow street when we

noticed a maroon car going very slowly – the driver was obviously not familiar with the area that was full of small streets

and cul-de-sacs. Josh approached the car and could see the girl in the back seat. She was crying and we didn’t know what to do. When the driver, an

elderly man, saw us, he accelerated and quickly turned round a corner. He kept driving fast, turning into and out of side streets. We followed him madly with our bikes for about 10 minutes. Suddenly, the car slowed down and stopped, and the man pushed the girl out of the car and drove off. The little girl ran to my arms and said, ‘I want to see mummy’.We were shocked. I placed the girl on my shoulders and we started to ride back to our neighbourhood. Josh told me it was dangerous for the girl to be on my shoulders so, I carried her in my arms, while Josh pedalled along, guiding my bike. That was good team work!We were near the neighbourhood when a police officer recognised the girl and ran to help us. The little girl was terrified and didn’t want to leave my arms. I told her ‘Don’t worry. It’s OK now’ several times before she finally went with the police officer. We will never forget the moment she met her mother again. Many people say we are heroes because we took the risk of chasing the man, but we think we are just common kids.

Josh Hutch, 15 Andy Lones, 15

1. saw by chance:

2. drove faster:

3. looking for something or somebody:

4. escaped by car:

5. dead-end streets:

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2 Read the story again and number the pictures according to the order of the events.

3 Complete with the corresponding subject and then circle the correct option.

1. was / were hanging out together in the afternoon.

2. was / were missing.

3. was / were searching around the town.

4. was / were searching in the nearby forest and parks.

5. was / were going very slowly.

6. was / were crying in the back seat.

7. was / were carrying the girl in his / her / my arms.

8. was / were pedaling and guiding Andy’s bike.

9. was / were waiting for the girl at the police station.








6. surrounding area where people live:

7. kidnapped:

8. went after:

9. walking:

10. something you will always remember:

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The purpose of Doctors Without Borders or Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is to give medical assistance to people in distress, 1 joining the organisation work in places of active conflict, or in post-conflict areas. This means danger is always present and 2 that teams on mission must obey at all times.

Working for MSF can be an amazing experience, 3 . You must adapt to food

you have never tried, unfamiliar living quarters, a different pace of life, and languages 4 . You must also be ready to tolerate severe weather conditions, 5 , without a fan, air conditioning, or heater.

A volunteer – part of the team that worked in Port-au-Prince in Haiti, after the 2010 earthquake

– says, “Many people think that to work on an emergency like this, 6 .

I don’t see things in that way. I volunteered 7

. However, I’ve never volunteered for war zones like some friends of mine who went to Libya and Syria. I

admit working for MSF 8 – but it was my choice; it is my way of life.”

A doctor – part of the mission to a refugee camp in Jordan in 2015 – says, “I would like to say that what I saw in that camp has not affected me, but I can’t. That is something I will never forget. People escaping the Syrian civil war kept coming to the camp and medical supplies weren’t enough. It was 9

, but exciting at the same time. Many people ask me why I volunteer for MSF. The answer is simple: I want to help and 10 to do so. It is a different way of life from the regular MD’s, but it is never boring! ”

Thousands of people who have worked with MSF over the years speak of their work in the field in similar terms: it is a life-changing event, a challenging and a very rewarding experience.

1 Read and insert the missing information in the corresponding blanks.

tiring and frightening

there are very strict safety and security regulations because I wanted to help people

you must be a bit crazy

so doctors and other non-medical volunteers

is not for everybody I have chosen this way

such as extreme heat or cold but it can also be very stressful

you have never heard of

Doctors Without Borders – A Way of Life

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2 Tick the pictures that best describe the place where MSF usually take action.

3 Read the article again and answer.

1. What is the purpose of MSF?

2. Where do they work?

4 Go through the article and find adjectives describing the MSF experiences. Put a tick next to the positive adjectives.

5 Write the number of the paragraph that corresponds to each of the following statements.

a. You must adapt to food you have never tried. b. Danger is always present. c. People think that you must be crazy to work on this kind of emergencies. d. That is something I will never forget. e. You must tolerate severe weather conditions. f. I’ve never volunteered for war zones. g. It is a life-changing event. h. It can be an amazing experience.

a. b.

c. d.

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How to Deal With Teenagers? Ask US!

1 Read and insert these headings at the beginning of the corresponding paragraphs.

Technology Communication Friends

There are tons of articles advising parents what to do with us, teenagers. But the best advice can come from only one place: US! Here are three things we and our parents usually argue about:1 Parents are worried because we spend time with friends they don’t know and when we go out they want to know everything: ‘Who are you going with?’ ‘Where exactly are you going?’ ‘What are you going to do?’ ‘What are you going to eat?’ ‘If it gets cold, do you have your jacket?’ That makes us feel… ANGRY! Don’t our parents trust us?

My advice: Parents should ask for IMPORTANT information only. They should know at least one of the people we are going to meet and the time we are coming home. Please, give us some freedom! If parents want us to be independent, they should accept that they cannot be with us all the time. 2 Parents feel we spend too much time on social networks, on our mobile devices or computer. They think it’s a waste of time or that they can be dangerous. But… that’s how we COMMUNICATE today!

My advice: Parents should alert us and teach of possible dangers. Please, give us a chance to show we have a limit! If that does not work, we can talk again. Take our devices away for a time. We get bored without them and probably we are going to get the message – and you have to know we are going to get anxious...3 ‘When you were a kid you talked to me non-stop. What’s the matter with you now?’ This is what parents, in particular mums, usually say. WHAT-IS-THE-PROBLEM-WITH-YOU, MUM?! Because, in fact, we do not have a problem. And if we have one, we talk about it with our friends. No reason, really. Probably, as we grow up, our friends become the people to go to with our problems. But we need to know that if a problem becomes serious, our parents will be there for us.

My advice: Parents should avoid LOOONG lectures – we usually stop listening after the first 3 minutes. Ha-ha! If they want to talk about embarrassing things like sex or drugs, they should be casual and direct. Please, do not exaggerate or be dramatic! Tell us to be reasonable and not to take risks. This way we feel you trust us and it’s our responsibility not to get into trouble.

In short, it’s all about keeping a balance, as parents say, and making a compromise: we have to know we can talk about everything with our parents, and our parents should trust us to do what is right. They should give us some space and freedom, but be there for us if we need them. What do YOU think?

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2 Read the article again and answer.

1. Who writes the article?

2. Who is the article for?

3. Where could you find it published?

3 Write the number of the paragraph that corresponds to each of the following statements.

4 Read again and find 4 words that describe feelings.

a. Parents should trust teenagers. b. Parents should ask the correct people for advice.

c. Parents shouldn’t ask so many questions about teens’ friends.

d. Parents should alert teenagers about possible dangers on the internet.

e. Parents shouldn’t talk too much when they give advice.

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1 Read and decide who writes the article. Justify your opinion.

The School of the Future… Loading

At present, globalisation and technological advances are producing a change in the way students want to learn and teachers want to teach. These changes, now in progress, will eventually shape “the school of the future”. There are very different opinions and predictions about what schools of the future will be like, but there are some characteristics all experts agree that schools will have in 20 years from now: Remote LearningStudents will have the possibility to access “classrooms” from their home computers at the most convenient time. Adolescents’ circadian rhythm is different from adults’: they need to go to bed late and wake up late. Remote learning will allow them to take lessons when they are at the height of their performance time. Or, if they live in a remote area and want a different education from the one they are getting, or if they don’t have access to education simply because there are no schools near their home, remote learning will solve the problem.PersonalisationEducation might become personalised to each student’s needs and interests, and if this happens, schools will provide children and teenagers with the necessary online resources. Lectures will be a thing of the past, and learning will become more project-based: students will need to cover different subject areas to develop particular projects, and they will choose what project they want to participate in, according to what they want to learn. Teachers will assess a final product – the project – they will not test students by making them repeat isolated facts or information.Social Skills DevelopmentThe school of the future will not ignore the social aspect of education and will require attendance to a ‘real’ school at different times to help students to develop appropriate social skills. They will meet teachers and classmates face to face to promote a different kind of interaction from the one they will have in the virtual classroom. Yet, schools will need to have ‘classrooms’ that encourage innovative and creative learning – classrooms and libraries might look more like coffee shops in the future!

In the future, there might not be blackboards, chalk, and rows of desks, but there will always be students and teachers. They are both constantly changing because society is constantly changing. We always hope that change will be for the best – sometimes it is, sometimes it is not. We can only hope that the school of the future will meet the needs of the future society.

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2 Read the ‘Remote Learning’ section and circle the problems this learning type will solve.

4 Read the ‘Social Skills Development’ section and correct the following statements.

3 Read the ‘Personalisation’ section and put a cross (8) next to the ideas that are NOT mentioned.

5 According to the author, what will never change about teaching and learning?

1. Students will not have classmates.

2. Students will have face-to-face classes once a week.

3. Students will have only virtual interaction.

4. Classrooms and libraries will keep the same appearance.

5. Students will go to coffee shops to study.

1. Each student will work with a different teacher.

2. Classes will consider different individual learners’ interests.

3. Students will find the necessary online resources to learn.

4. Learners will study different subjects while they do their projects.

5. Students will have to memorise the answers to do their tests.




heart problems

boring lectures social inequality

fun access to education

classes schedule

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1 Read the story and number the passages in the correct order.

The Simplest Answer for the Hardest Question


‘Longer than you think,’ the tallest figure answered. ‘We have been here since you were born. But you haven’t visited us for a long time’.That answer confused Pablo much more. He wanted to get up but he couldn’t – not because he was tied or anything, but because he was extremely relaxed.‘We don’t have much time,’ the same figure said. ‘If you answer some questions truthfully, you will leave very quickly’.


Pablo wanted to go back home. ‘Ask me anything you want!’ he exclaimed.‘Ok. What was the hardest thing you did last week?’ ‘W-w-whaat?’ Pablo was surprised by such a silly question.‘Answer!’ the figure commanded.


Pablo was cold and confused. He was lying on the ground of a dark cave. ‘What am I doing here?’ ‘How did I get to this cave?’ he was asking himself when he saw a group of dark figures approaching him. He didn’t know why, but these ‘figures’ frightened him although they didn’t look dangerous. Some of them reminded Pablo of people he knew, but he couldn’t say who. ‘I shouldn’t be afraid,’ Pablo thought.‘That’s right,’ the tallest figure said. ‘You shouldn’t be afraid.’


‘I helped a friend to study Maths. I’m good at Maths, so it was a piece of cake’. Silence again.‘And what have you improved in the last year?’Pablo didn’t know, so he said, ‘Nothing’.


‘They can read my mind! This is crazy…’ Pablo thought and then he asked, ‘Why did you bring me to this cave?’ ‘We didn’t bring you here,’ another figure said, ‘YOU came to us’.‘How long have I been here?’ Pablo insisted.


‘Eerr… well, I took part in a charity marathon. I was exhausted when I arrived at the finish line’. Silence filled the cave for a minute. ‘And what was the easiest thing you did?’ the same figure asked.


Pablo thought and thought but nothing came to his mind. He was terrified. Then he thought, ‘Hey, I’ve been speaking English to them all the time…’

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2 Read the story again and answer.

3 Which parts of the story do you think these pictures represent? Go back to Exercise 1 and write the numbers.

1. In one sentence, what is the real story?

2. And what is the dream?

3. What could the figures do?

4. Were they friendly or unfriendly?

5. What did the figures ask Pablo?

6. Whose arm did he feel on his shoulder?

7. Why did he have a nightmare?


and shouted, ‘English! Last year it was very difficult for me to speak English. Now, I can do it! I’ve finally got better!’Suddenly, Pablo felt a warm hand on his shoulder and sat up immediately to find out he was in his bed.


‘Pablo, did you have a nightmare?’ his dad asked him kindly. ‘Get up or you’ll be late for your English test! Remember?’‘Hell of a way to find out I’m ready for that test!’ Pablo thought while jumping out of bed and heading for the bathroom.


There was a loud murmur among the figures and they looked angry now. ‘Can you do us and yourself a favour? THINK! What have YOU improved in the last year?” the tallest figure commanded.

db ca


Diagnostic Test

1a) 1. How old are you? 2. Where are you from? 3. Where do you study? 4. What do you like eating? 5. What is your favourite place at home? 6. Do you practise any sport? 7. What is your hobby? 8. What do you do in your free time? 9. What do you want to do in the future? 10. What can you do very well?a. 6 b. 8 c. 2 d. 5 e. 3 f. 10 g. 4 h. 1 i. 9 j. 7

1b) 1. Is Bonn the capital of Germany? No, it isn’t. It is an important city. 2. Does Hans like eating hot dogs? No, he doesn’t. He likes eating sausages with ‘chucrut’. 3. Did he start pottery in 2000? No, he didn’t. He started pottery last year. 4. Is he learning to play the guitar? No, he isn’t. He is learning photography. 5. Can he write great novels? No, he can’t. He can make great videos.

1c) 1. some 2. meet 3. must 4. should 5. shaking 6. shouldn’t 7. usually 8. can’t 9. many 10. Could

2a) 1. are changing 2. more healthily 3. some 4. usually eat 5. because 6. quickly 7. more 8. went out 9. and 10. many 11. more 12. eat 13. special days 14. always 15. made

2b) 1. Does Magalí write about gym habits? No, she doesn’t. She writes about eating habits. 2. Are eating habits changing in the USA? No, they aren’t. They are changing all over the world. 3. Are hamburgers healthy food? No, they aren’t. They are junk food. 4. Did women go out to work in the past? No, they didn’t. They stayed at home. 5. Is barbecue a tradition in Magalí´s family? No, it isn’t. Apple pie is a tradition (in her family).

3) 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a

Wrap up 1

1a) 1. work 2. is 3. can speak 4. is helping 5. does 6. organises 7. visit 8. do they do 9. don’t like 10. love

1b) 1. Where do Antonio and Rosa work? 2. What (indigenous) language can Antonio speak? 3. What does Rosa do at school? 4. How often do they visit indigenous people? 5. What do they love doing?

2) watch, look up, do, write, chat, travel, communicate, surf, read, listen


3) 1. communicate 2. do 3. surf 4. read 5. watch

4) 1. don’t mind 2. check in 3. queue 4. waiting 5. delayed

5) Student’s own answers

Wrap up 2

1a) 1. were working 2. was making 3. was sewing 4. studied 5. graduated 6. was working 7. invited 8. equipped 9. taught 10. were working 11. invented 12. was working 13. started 14. died 15. was trying

1b) 1. Dr René Favaloro was born in 1923. 2. He studied at Colegio Nacional de La Plata and at UNLP (Universidad Nacional de La Plata). 3. (When he graduated,) he went to Jacinto Aráuz. 4. He invited his brother to work with him. 5. They taught first aid to the general public, teachers and nurses. 6. He invented the heart bypass. 7. He was working / worked (in the cardiovascular surgery department) at the Cleveland Clinic in the USA. 8. He started Fundación Favaloro in 1975. 9. He died in 2000. 10. He was trying / tried to keep his foundation going.

2) 1. The baby sister wasn’t crying. 2. Dad was feeding her. / the baby sister. 3. Was Jack sleeping? 4. No! He was hoovering the carpet. 5. The twin brothers were cooking.

3) 1, 4 and 5

Review 1

1a) 1. bilingual 2. speaks 3. doesn’t mind 4. because

Answer Keys


5. and 6. is printing 7. research 8. is going to upload 9. practices 10. all over 11. international 12. would like 13. years ago 14. multilingual 15. was working

1b) 1. Does Annabelle hate working long hours? No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t mind working long hours. 2. Is she uploading photos at the moment? No, she isn’t. She is printing a questionnaire. 3. Would she like to buy a luxury car some day? No, she wouldn’t. She would like to visit some countries. 4. Did she start studying French last year? No, she didn’t. She started studying French two years ago. 5. Was a multilingual secretary directing the company? No, she wasn’t. She was working at the company.

2a) 1. couldn’t 2. travelled 3. spoke 4. can 5. well 6. could 7. were speaking 8. slowly 9. good 10. happily

2b) How could Fred speak English? He couldn’t speak English very well. / He could speak English badly. Where did he travel last year? He travelled to New Zealand. How is his English now? It is very good. What can he do very well? He can communicate very well with English speakers. Who is he chatting with now? He is chatting with friends from all around the world.

3) 1. flight 2. delayed 3. Arrival 4. check in 5. departure

4) 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9

5) 1. Mrs Wilson was chopping apples when she cut her finger. / Mrs Wilson cut her finger while she was chopping apples. 2. Mr Wilson was driving home when he crashed into another car. / Mr Wilson crashed into another car while he was driving home. 3. Maggie was riding her bike when she hurt her knee. / Maggie hurt her knee while she was riding her bike. 4. Tommy was skating when he broke his arm. / Tommy broke his arm while he was skating. 5. Grandma was surfing the net when the cake burnt. / The cake burnt while Grandma was surfing the net.

Wrap up 3

1a) 1. am 2. was 3. have lived 4. have been 5. have taught 6. like 7. have climbed 8. have dived 9. have ridden 10. don’t have 11. love 12. have met 13. think 14. has invited 15. ’m planning

1b) 1. Is Jeremy from Madrid? No, he isn’t. He’s from London. 2. Has he lived in all countries in Asia? No, he hasn’t. He has lived in all countries in South America. 3. Does he find travelling stressful? No, he doesn’t. He finds travelling exciting. 4. Has he practised yoga? No, he hasn’t. He has practised (different) sports. 5. Has a friend from Lima invited him to his home? No, he hasn’t. A friend from La Pampa has invited him to his home.

2) 1. Have you ever 2. have just arrived 3. climbed 4. took 5. was 6. scary 7. found 8. exciting 9. Did you 10. were 11. Have you had 12. amazing 13. have never 14. would like 15. terrific

3) a. a camping lot b. a beach c. an isle d. the countryside e. a luxury hotel

Wrap up 4

1a) 1. is changing 2. must 3. have just 4. must 5. have 6. must 7. don’t have 8. must 9. should 10. know 11. will 12. must 13. mustn’t 14. listening 15. come

1b) 1. fast 2. brings about 3. abide by 4. adhere to 5. put ourselves in someone else’s shoes

2) 1. d 2. a 3. e 4. c 5. b

3) a. a headache b. sleepy c. toothache d. hungry e. a cough

4) 1. should, d 2. shouldn’t, e 3. shouldn’t, a 4. should, b 5. should, c

Review 2

1a) 1. has changed 2. must 3. have changed 4. share 5. do 6. change 7. mustn’t 8. have made 9. don’t have 10. would surely like 11. have started 12. have changed 13. don’t have 14. heat 15. should

1b) 1. dramatically 2. decade 3. aspects 4. e-work 5. devices

1c) 1. women’s 2. men and women working outside their homes / sharing responsibilities 3. parents’

Answer Keys


Answer Keys4. take-away food 5. new products and services

1d) 1. Both men and women must work outside their homes. 2. ...we mustn’t complain... 3. ...we don’t have to cook at home all the time. / ...many parents don’t have to leave their children with unknown people. 4. ...we should use them... 5. And the rest of the people would surely like to do e-work...

2) stressed, worried, afraid, anxious, sleepy, tired, happy, sad, relaxed, down


3) a. relaxed b. anxious c. stressed d. tired e. happy

4) 1. worried, should 2. tired, shouldn’t 3. should, stressed 4. shouldn’t, afraid 5. down, should

5)Doctor: Good afternoon. How can I help you?Patient: I feel too tired.Doctor: What’s the matter?Patient: I’ve got a temperature.Doctor: Have you got a headache?Patient: Yes, I have.Doctor: Have an aspirin and stay in bed.Patient: OK.Doctor: See you in two days.Patient: Thank you. Bye.

Wrap up 5

1a) 1. the future 2. generation 3. date of birth 4. might happen 5. can do 6. might not 7. tasseography 8. fortune-teller 9. cards 10. a crystal ball 11. fortune cookies 12. a palm reader 13. don’t think 14. predicting 15. we thinka. fortune tellers b. predict what will happen to different people c. in the crystal ball d. Predictions (by fortune-tellers)

1b) 1. Fortune-tellers earn their living predicting the

future. / Many traditions are culturally transferred from generation to generation. / Much of what happens to us depends on our individual choices. 2. You will find a message or a lucky number inside. 3. I doubt if they really can do it. 4. I don’t think that is possible. 5. We should not consider these predictions seriously.

2) a. tasseography b. tarot c. palm-reading d. fortune cookies e. clairvoyant f. astrology

3) 1. will 2. are going to 3. won’t 4. might 5. think 6. hope 7. is going to 8. is going to 9. might not 10. hope

4) 1. I don’t think you will win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket. 2. You might become famous if you sing at the West Front Festival. 3. You will find a good job if you graduate at university. 4. You might not have good health if you smoke too much. 5. You won’t get a good seat if you arrive late.

Wrap up 6

1a) 1. have never been 2. more actively 3. has been 4. better 5. have always been 6. didn’t know 7. invited 8. the hardest 9. collected 10. more quickly 11. more collaboratively 12. made 13. the most loudly 14. have felt 15. would like

1b) 1. Have they ever helped people? No, they haven’t. 2. Who invited them to participate in a solidarity project? Their Social Science teacher. 3. Where did they go? A group visited elderly people and another group visited children in hospital. 4. Why did a group work the hardest? Because they collected magazines more quickly than the others. 5. What did a group do more collaboratively than ever? They wrote stories for the kids.

2) 1. How long have you lived in Catamarca? 2. I have lived there for more than 10 years. 3. I came in 2006. 4. Have you ever missed your family? 5. But I have felt “catamarqueño” since I decided to live here.

3a) famine, racism, war, bully, discriminate, diseaseNote: There are 6 possible answers. However, students are required to give only 5.

3b) a. collect b. bully c. discriminate d. vote


Answer Keys3c) 1. war 2. disease 3. racism 4. famine 5. respect 6. adopt Review 3

1) 1. have been part 2. because they have 3. these differences 4. will receive them 5. see black cats as 6. if they see a black 7. highest venerated 8. carry the spirit 9. might not feel 10. going to keep

2) famine, racism, bullying, disease, illiteracy, poverty1. illiteracy 2. bullying 3. racism 4. famine 5. poverty

3) a. palmistry b. numerology c. astrology d. (Extra picture) e. tarot f. tasseography

4a) 2. find 3. travel 4. do 5. work 6. live 7. fly 8. gets 9. are 10. becomes 11. live

4b) Student’s own answers

5) 1. the hardest 2. the fastest 3. more carefully 4. more actively 5. the earliest

6) 1. What are you going to do today at 6:30 / at 6:30 today? 2. What will you study after secondary school? 3. Have you ever studied French? 4. How long have you lived in the same house? 5. Where might you live in ten years?Student’s own answers

Final Review

1) 1. are you doing 2. ’m looking 3. Can I 4. What are you doing 5. swimming along 6. could swim 7. was 8. How old were 9. I think 10. who are these

2a) 1. so helpful 2. Last week 3. was cooking 4. There was 5. turned off 6. been a substitute 7. looks after them 8. legally adopted 9. goodbye 10. than 40 children 11. Why does 12. have a family 13. he will suffer 14. better opportunities 15. should help

2b) 1. Why does the author admire her friend? 2. Who did he receive last week? 3. What was he doing when the telephone rang? 4. What was there at the hospital? 5. How long has he been a substitute father?

2c) a. 2 b. 5 c. 1 d. 3 e. 4

2d) 1. g 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. f 6. e 7. d 8. j 9. h 10. i

3) 1. loves 2. doesn’t mind 3. rains 4. practises 5. has participated 6. has won 7. won 8. prefers 9. gave 10. played

4) 1. shouldn’t 2. have to 3. must 4. mustn’t 5. don’t have

5) 1. are going to visit 2. arrive 3. will see 4. might 5. should 6. don’t 7. will write 8. would like 9. might 10. are going to

6) 1. the earliest 2. faster 3. the slowliest 4. more happily 5. the fastest

7) a. poverty, world problem b. donate, solidarity c. check-in, travel d. beach, place e. keep calm, reaction

Reading Comprehension 1

1) 1. foreign 2. benefits 3. discovering 4. right 5. workout

2) 1. remember – forget 2. difficult – easy 3. learning – teaching 4. new – old 5. complex – simple 6. different – same 7. better – worse 8. right – wrong 9. loves – hates 10. quickly – slowly

3) a. critical thinking 3 b. problem solving 3 c. communication 3 d. lack of memory e. multitasking 3 f. memory 3 g. boredom

4) 1. We all know speaking a foreign language is useful. 2. Connecting new grammar rules, words and sounds is complex. 3. People who speak many languages are better at multitasking.

Reading Comprehension 2

1) 1. noticed 2. accelerated 3. searching 4. drove off 5. cul-de-sacs 6. neighbourhood 7. abducted 8. followed 9. on foot 10. unforgettable


Answer Keys2) a. 5 b. 3 c. 2 d. 4 e. 1

3) 1. Josh and Andy, were 2. A five-year-old girl, was 3. About 100 people, were 4. Policemen with their dogs, were 5. A maroon car, was 6. A girl, was 7. Andy, was 8. Josh, was 9. The girl’s mother, was

Reading Comprehension 3

1) 1. so doctors and other non-medical volunteers 2. there are very strict safety and security regulations 3. but it can also be very stressful 4. you have never Heard of 5. such as extreme heat or cold 6. you must be a bit crazy 7. because I wanted to help people 8. is not for everybody 9. tiring and frightening 10. I have chosen this way

2) Picture b and d

3) 1. Their purpose is to give medical assistance to people in distress. 2. They work in places of active conflict or in post-conflict areas.

4) amazing 3, stressful, tiring, frightening, exciting 3, life-changing 3, challenging 3, rewarding 3

5) a. Paragraph 2 b. Paragraph 1 c. Paragraph 3 d. Paragraph 4 e. Paragraph 2 f. Paragraph 3 g. Paragraph 5 h. Paragraph 2

Reading Comprehension 4

1) 1. Friends 2. Technology 3. Communication

2) 1. A teenager. / An adolescent. 2. For teenagers. / For adolescents. 3. In a teens magazine. / On a website for teenagers.

3) a. Paragraph 4 b. Paragraph 1 c. Paragraph 2 d. Paragraph 3 e. Paragraph 44) worried, angry, bored, anxious

Reading Comprehension 5

1) Suggested answers: A teacher. Because she/he describes the possible changes in education. /

A computer specialist. Because she/he describes the benefits of new technological developments.

2) access to education, distance, classes schedule

3) 1 and 5

4) 1. Students will have classmates. 2. Students will have face-to-face classes at different times. 3. Students will have virtual and face-to-face interaction. 4. Classrooms and libraries will change their appearance. 5. Classrooms and libraries might look more like coffee shops in the future.

5) Suggested answer: There will always be students and teachers.

Reading Comprehension 6

1) A. 3 B. 4 C. 1 D. 6 E. 2 F. 5 G. 8 H. 9 I. 10 J. 7

2) 1. Suggested answer: Pablo had a nightmare and his father woke him up. 2. Suggested answer: Pablo was in a cave with dark figures. 3. They could read his mind. 4. They were friendly. 5. They asked him three questions. 6. He felt his father’s arm. 7. Because he had an English test and he was worried about it.

3) a. 1 b. 9 c. 6 d. 5









