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Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA)Standing Committee Meeting on Political and

and Special Committee Meeting forCreation of Asian Parliament

27 Oktober - 1 November 2018Gwadar, Pakistan







I. PENDAHULUAN Sidang Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) Standing Committee On Political Affairs and Special Committee On Creation of Asian Parliament telah berlangsung pada tanggal 27 Oktober - 1 November 2018 di Gwadar - Pakistan. Sidang ini dihadiri 23 negara anggota APA yaitu Bahrain, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Oman, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Turkey

A. Dasar Pengiriman Delegasi

Partisipasi Delegasi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR-RI) dalam sidang tersebut didasarkan pada Surat Keputusan Pimpinan DPR-RI Nomor: 181/PIMP/I/ 2018-2019 tanggal 22 Oktober 2018.

B. Susunan Delegasi Adapun susunan anggota delegasi adalah sebagai berikut:

Yth. Drs. Hasrul Azwar, MM. Ketua Delegasi/ F-PPP/ A-507


Yth. Drs. SB. Wiryanti Sukamdani, CHA Anggota Delegasi/ F-PDIP/A-144

Yth. Susi Marleny Bachsin Anggota Delegasi/F.P.Gerindra/A-337

Selama mengikuti persidangan, Delegasi DPR RI didampingi oleh satu sekretaris delegasi dari BKSAP.

C. Maksud dan Tujuan Pengiriman Delegasi Maksud Pengiriman Delegasi DPR RI ke APA Standing Committee On Political Affairs and Special Committee On Creation of Asian Parliament adalah: · Berpartisipasi dalam forum APA dalam rangka bertukar pandangan dan pengalaman

terkait isu Politik dan rencana pembentukan Parlemen Asia; · Untuk memperjuangkan sejumlah rancangan resolusi yang terkait dengan politik

guna kepentingan nasional; · Menghasilkan laporan dan rekomendasi untuk kemudian dibahas dan diputuskan

dalam Sidang Pleno APA. Tujuan Pengiriman Delegasi DPR RI ke APA Standing Committee On Political Affairs and Special Committee On Creation of Asian Parliament adalah: · Mengakomodasi kepentingan Indonesia melalui kerjasama dengan sesama Parlemen

Asia; · Untuk memperkuat peran diplomasi DPR RI dalam forum parlemen di kawasan

Asia; · Untuk mendukung penguatan APA sebagai wadah bertukar praktik cerdas dan

pandangan khususnya peran parlemen terkait isu-isu regional dan global terutama terkait politik.

II. AGENDA SIDANG Agenda APA Standing Committee On Political Affairs and Special Committee On Creation of Asian Parliament ini sebagai berikut: 1. Adoption of the Agenda 2. Election of the Bureau 3. Opening remarks by the Chairperson 4. Report of the APA Deputy Secretary General 5. Consideration and recommendations on the Draft Resolutions:

· Draft Resolution on Towards an Asian Parliament


· Draft Resolution on Good Governance · Draft Resolution on Good Parliament Practices · Draft Resolution on Rule of Law and Judicial Empowerment · Draft Resolution on Advancing Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia · Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments and Governments Together for Prosperity in

Asia · Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments unwavering support for the Palestinian People · Draft Resolution on Democracy for Development (as to be introduced by Senate of

Pakistan) 6. Any other matters


A. Jalannya Persidangan

Persidangan dibuka oleh H.E. Mr. Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani, Ketua Parlemen Pakistan yang menyampaikan ucapan selamat datang kepada para peserta sidang dan menegaskan Sidang APA Standing Committee On Political Affairs and Special Committee On Creation of Asian Parliament akan membangun kerja sama lebih lanjut dan kolaborasi menuju kekuatan politik dan ekonomi di benua terbesar (Asia). Pertemuan Special Committee for Creation of Asia Parliement (SCCAP) akan membantu menyusun rencana pembentukan Parlemen Asia dan memasuki abad untuk perdamaian dan kesejahteraan bagi Asia. Keputusan untuk menyelenggarakan Sidang APA di Gwadar tidak hanya menawarkan beberapa tantangan tetapi juga banyak


kesempatan tidak hanya ditingkat lokal dan nasional tetapi juga ditingkat regional dan internasional. Optimisme untuk membuat konsensus terbaik dalam upaya untuk mencapai yang kita cita-citakan sebagai masa depan Asia yang ideal. H.E. Mr. Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani juga memberikan gambaran potensi kota dan pelabuhan Gwadar yang akan terus dibangun sesuai master plan dibawah platform CPEC untuk menjadi ikon pembangunan pakistan secara umum. Pada rangkaian Opening Ceremony, Deputi Sekjen APA Dr. Ali Khorram yang menetapkan H.E. Mr. Shibli Faraz, Senator dari Pakistan sebagai Pimpinan Sidang, Jenderal Nipot, dari Parlemen Thailand sebagai Wakil Ketua dan H.E. Chhit Kimyeat dari Parlemen Kamboja sebagai Rapporteur. Deputi Sekjen APA Dr. Ali Khorram mengumumkan bahwa berdasarkan proposal yang diajukan dalam Rapat SCCAP, Sekretariat APA akan berkomunikasi dengan semua Anggota Parlemen untuk mendapatkan pandangan mereka tentang pembentukan kelompok kerja di Parlemen Asia. Deputi Sekjen APA menambahkan bahwa tindakan tersebut akan dilakukan dalam konsultasi dan koordinasi dengan Ketua Komite Tetap Bidang Politik.

B. Partisipasi Delegasi DPR RI

Persidangan berjalan lancar dan sangat positif. Delegasi secara aktif memberikan pandangan dan masukan untuk finalisasi draf resolusi terkait. Draf tersebut akan diajukan ke APA Executive Council Meeting dan akan diadopsi pada Sidang Pleno APA yang akan dilaksanakan pada akhir tahun 2018 di Turki.


Delegasi DPR RI secara aktif memberikan masukan-masukan terhadap draf resolusi, antara lain: Yth. Drs. SB. Wiryanti Sukamdani, CHA selaku Anggota Delegasi DPR RI dalam pembahasan Draft Resolution on Towards an Asian Parliament menyampaikan sikap Indonesia yaitu mengusulkan agar Anggota Parlemen dari tiap-tiap negara anggota APA juga mendiskusikan lebih lanjut mengenai pembentukan Parlemen Asia tidak hanya dengan Pemerintah mereka masing-masing tetapi juga untuk kelompok masyarakat yang lebih luas termasuk para ahli dan akademisi, praktisi bisnis serta politisi, untuk mendapatkan wawasan tentang dampak ekonomi dan sosial politik yang ditimbulkan sebagai akibat dari pembentukan Parlemen Asia. Hasil dari diskusi di masing-masing negara ini kemudian diserahkan kepada Special Committee on the Creation of Asian Parliament (SCCAP) sebagai bahan pertimbangan


Dalam pembahasan Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments Unwavering Support for the Palestinian People Yth. Susi Marleny Bachsin menyampaikan beberapa pandangan


Indonesia yakni mengusulkan penambahan paragraf penguat pada Draft Resolusi ini yang secara garis besar menekankan pentingnya dukungan berkelanjutan bagi terciptanya negara Palestina yang merdeka dan berdaulat sesuai dengan solusi Dua Negara yang tertuang dalam resolusi PBB dan mangharusutamakan isu Palestina menjadi persoalan yang dibahas oleh parlemen-parlemen di Asia. Disamping itu juga perlunya mendukung setiap langkah pemerintah Palestina untuk mendesak agar Israel mengikuti ketentuan dan resolusi yang selama ini telah dikeluarkan oleh PBB. Pokok-pokok Draft Resolusi yakni: 1. Draft Resolution on Towards an Asian Parliament

Draft Resolusi (Drafres) ini merupakan bagian dari misi APA untuk membentuk Parlemen Asia. Indonesia dalam posisi tidak menolak usulan Parlemen Asia, namun, langkah yang dibangun harus dilakukan secara kolektif dan dengan terlebih dahulu membangkitkan kesadaran memiliki Asia. Penciptaan Parlemen Asia tidak akan berarti apapun tanpa membentuk pemerintahan yang bersatu dalam konteks Asia. Skema integrasi Asia juga sedikitnya membutuhkan proses yang tidak mudah mengingat situasi Asia yang sangat heterogen dibandingkan Eropa maupun Afrika. Drafres ini memberikan dukungan pada Special Committee on the Creation of Asian Parliament (SCCAP). Drafres juga mendukung langkah demi langkah dan upaya inklusif yang dilakukan SCCAP dalam memajukan kerja sama melalui konsultasi dengan seluruh parlemen anggota APA. Drafres ini juga mencoba mendekati integrasi Asia dengan isu-isu bersama yang dihadapi antara lain seperti lingkungan, pengentasan kemiskinan, konektivitas perdagangan dan regional. Drafres mengusulkan pembentukan grup sub-regional di APA untuk mewakili perspektif masing-masing dan masukannya ke SCCAP dengan kaitan pembentukan Parlemen Asia.

2. Draft Resolution on Rule of Law and Judicial Empowerment Drafres ini membahas mengenai penguatan supremasi hukum, perangkat peradilan dan potensi kerja sama di bidang hukum. Drafres juga menekankan penguatan institusi dengan menghormati supremasi hukum. Selain itu, Drafres juga mendesak parlemen anggota APA untuk mematuhi Hukum Humaniter Internasional (HHI) melalui pemberlakukan legislasi yang tepat dan mekanisme pengawasan yang memadai, mengingat HHI adalah prasyarat untuk melindungi korban dari konflik bersenjata.

3. Draft Resolution on Good Parliamentary Practices Drafres ini merupakan upaya untuk memberikan penekanan pada meningkatnya peran parlemen di era ini, sehingga dengan demikian, ia memerlukan pranata dan tatacara yang baik untuk memastikan agar peran parlemen dapat maksimal. Drafres pada umumnya berisi mengenai poin-poin yang perlu dilakukan oleh parlemen agar bekerja dalam sistem yang baik dan efektif. Drafres mendesak agar ada transparansi dalam pola komunikasi publik dengan menjamin akses media kepada sistem administrasi yang ada, dan untuk mengembangkan situs dan saluran siaran masing-masing.


Drafres juga mendorong anggota APA untuk merancang pola penjangkauan yang efektif untuk berinteraksi dengan publik, termasuk, masyarakat sipil. Drafres juga berbicara mengenai usulan untuk mengadopsi langkah-langkah meningkatkan kepercayaan publik atas integritas anggota parlemen, termasuk melalui penerapan kode etik dan transparansi dalam mengelola partai politik dan pendanaannya. Namun demikian, secara keseluruhan, isi daripada Drafres ini merupakan pengulangan daripada Drafres tahun lalu.

4. Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments’ Unwavering Support for the Palestinian People Drafres ini merupakan bagian “kelaziman” dari APA untuk memberikan dukungan kontinyu bagi Palestina. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir isu Palestina mengalami perkembangan cukup signifikan. Pada 2012, Sidang Umum PBB memberi pengakuan kepada Palestina sebagai sebuah negara, meskipun dalam status bukan anggota dan hanya menjadi pengamat yakni melalui status: Non-member Observer State (dengan 138 mendukung, 9 menolak dan 41 abstain).1 Pengakuan Palestina sebagai sebuah negara juga semakin banyak dilakukan oleh negara-negara di dunia. Pada 2014, Parlemen Prancis mengakui Palestina sebagai sebuah negara dalam voting simbolik untuk menekan pemerintah lebih aktif dalam isu tersebut menyusul voting simbolik sebelumnya yang dilakukan Parlemen Inggris dan juga Parlemen Spanyol. Sementara Swedia pada 2014 mengakui Palestina sebagai sebuah negara dan menjadi negara Uni Eropa pertama di Eropa barat yang mengakui Palestina. Tujuh negara anggota UE lainnya telah mengakui Palestina sebagai sebuah negara yakni Bulgaria, Siprus, Slovakia, Hungaria, Malta, Polandia dan Romania. Negara bukan anggota UE, Islandia sebelumnya adalah satu-satunya negara di Eropa Barat yang telah mengakui Palestina.2 Drafres APA ini berisi poin-poin di antaranya: mendesak seluruh negara anggota APA untuk mendukung dan memperlakukan Palestina sebagai anggota penuh PBB; mencela segala pelanggaran hukum internasional yang mengancam perdamaian dan keamanan internasional termasuk aksi terorisme dan kejahatan terorganisir, dan pelanggaran HAM yang dilakukan Israel di Palestina; mendorong komunitas internasional untuk menekan Israel untuk segera melepaskan tahanan Palestina termasuk anggota Parlemen Palestina, membongkar seluruh permukiman illegal; Drafres juga mengapresiasi keputusan Uni eropa untuk tidak membeli segala produk apapun yang dihasilkan di kawasan permukiman yang berada di daerah pendudukan dan mengimbau negara anggota APA untuk melakukan hal serupa.

5. Draft Resolution on Building Prosperity in Asia Through Friendship and Cooperation Draf resolusi (Drafres) ini merupakan bagian dari perkembangan draf resolusi APA pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya yang menitikberatkan pada Friendship and Cooperation in Asia. Sebagai hasil dari isu persahabatan dan kerja sama di Asia


tersebut, pada 2007, APA telah menghasilkan Declaration on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia. Beberapa poin dalam drafres tersebut berisi di antaranya mengenai: desakan kepada anggota APA untuk menyalurkan bantuan kemanusiaan dalam bentuk apapun ke masyarakat yang rentan/korban di negara-negara yang terlibat perang; mengimbau agar seluruh negara di Asia mendorong upaya diplomatik untuk meredakan ketegangan politik dan menggunakan segala cara untuk menghindari meningkatnya kontroversi-kontroversi yang dapat merusak prinsip persahabatan dan kerja sama di Asia; Drafres juga berbicara mengenai pentingnya upaya diseminasi publik, hingga peran lembaga pemikir, institusi akademis hingga pusat riset untuk mempromosikan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam Deklarasi Prinsip-Prinsip Persahabatan dan Kerja Sama di Asia.

6. Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments Governments Together for Prosperity in Asia Drafres ini merupakan perkembangan dari resolusi-resolusi sebelumnya yang dimiliki APA terkait interaksi antara Parlemen dan Pemerintah di negara-negara Asia. Sejumlah usulan baru terkait isu tersebut mencuat pada Drafres kali ini di antaranya mengenai: usulan untuk membentuk Grup Parlemen APA yang terdiri dari Delegasi Anggota Parlemen yang mengajukan diri dengan supervisi dari Wakil Presiden APA untuk Urusan Politik untuk berkomunikasi dengan organisasi antarpemerintah dan antarparlemen yang relevan dengan pandangan untuk menyamakan pandangan dan mempertimbangkan inisiatif bersama dalam hal isu-isu global maupun regional, termasuk dalam hal pembentukan Parlemen Asia; mendesak parlemen anggota APA untuk menyampaikan potensi, aktivitas dan pencapaian besar dari APA sebagai organisasi antarparlemen terbesar di Asia kepada pejabat tinggi/senior pemerintah masing-masing.

7. Draft Resolution on Good Governance Drafres ini terbilang baru dalam pembahasan isu-isu di APA. Tata kelola yang baik saat ini telah menjadi isu global yang terlihat dengan munculnya dialektika global dalam Open Government Partnership (OGP) maupun Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDGs) khususnya Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). Adapun beberapa poin dalam Drafres dimaksud adalah: menyambut masuknya isu tata kelola di dalam SDGs untuk memajukan masyarakat yang adil dan berkeadilan; menekankan kembali bahwa tata kelola adalah kunci dalam mencapai pembangunan ekonomi, sosial dan institusional yang inklusif; mengakui bahwa transparansi dalam segala bentuk dan manifestasinya, bebas, media yang bertanggungjawab, hak untuk mendapatkan informasi dan masyarakat sipil yang kuat adalah pilar dari tata kelola; mengusulkan agar anggota APA menyediakan indikator untuk tata kelola.

8. Draft Resolution on Democracy for Development Drafres ini merupakan drafres baru yang diajukan oleh Senat Pakistan. Maksud dari Drafres ini adalah agar para anggota parlemen negara-negara yang tergabung dalam APA mengukuhkan dan mengkampanyekan pentingnya penguatan Demokrasi


dalam rangka membangun masyarakat yang beradab, adil dan makmur, ditengah-tengah tantangan-tantangan bagi pembangunan seperti konfllik dan kekerasan yang masih terjadi di beberapa negara Asia. Bahwa pembangunan tidak bisa semata-mata pencapaian pertumbuhan ekonomi saja tetapi juga hendaknya mencakup aspek-aspek penguatan tatanan masyarakat sipil dalam suatu negara.

C. Hasil-hasil yang dicapai

1) H.E. Mr. Shibli Faraz, Senator dari Pakistan yang dinominasikan oleh Pejabat

Presiden Pakistan dan Ketua Senat sebagai Pimpinan Sidang membuka pertemuan dan meminta Dr. Khorram (Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal) untuk menyampaikan laporan Sekretaris Jenderal. Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal menyampaikan laporan terkait hal-hal substantif tentang gagasan Parlemen Asia yang berjudul: The Foundations of An Asian Parliament telah menjadi dasar untuk pertimbangan lebih lanjut dari semua Anggota Parlemen APA. Dia menyebutkan bahwa SCCAP telah mengadakan beberapa pertemuan. Semua Anggota Delegasi menyatakan dukungannya untuk mempromosikan gagasan Parlemen Asia sebagai potensi besar yang ada di Asia dan khususnya di Parlemen Asia. Dr. Khorram menyatakan bahwa mereka juga menggaris bawahi tantangan yang berat dan prasyarat penting yang dihadapi dalam pembentukan Parlemen Asia dan mereka menekankan bahwa pembentukan Parlemen Asia adalah proyek jangka panjang dengan berbagai aspek yang perlu dieksplorasi dalam banyak diskusi, konferensi dan pertemuan yang akan datang.

Dr. Khorram mengadakan sesi tanya jawab untuk pertimbangan Anggota Parlemen, misalnya : 1) Apakah Parlemen Asia memiliki sifat forum atau karakteristik eksekutif? 2) Apakah Legislatifnya wajib untuk semua Anggota APA Parlemen atau tidak? 3) Apakah Anggota Parlemen APA siap untuk mendelegasikan sebagian

kewenangan mereka ke Parlemen Asia? Dr. Khorram mengusulkan bahwa kita harus mencoba untuk menguji proyek

pembuatan anggaran pada awalnya di APA dan kemudian mengaplikasikan praktek terbaik ke Parlemen Asia dimasa depan.

Saat ini kami memiliki beberapa kesulitan untuk mendapatkan reaksi dan tanggapan dari semua Anggota Parlemen APA terhadap model kontribusi pembayaran. Untuk mengatasi kesulitan ini yaitu penyediaan anggaran sebelum proyek pembuatan anggaran Parlemen Asia, Dr. Khorram menambahkan bahwa Parlemen Asia adalah tujuan akhir dari APA dan kami berterima kasih kepada Senat Pakistan atas upaya berkelanjutan untuk mempromosikan ide ini. Pada akhirnya Anggota Parlemen APA diminta untuk mengirimkan usul mereka ke Sekretariat APA untuk lebih benyak pertimbangan dalam Pertemuan SCCAP setelah memasukan pandangan pemerintah mereka terhadap Parlemen Asia.

2) Dalam diskusi tentang Parlemen Asia, Anggota Parlemen menyampaikan berbagai usulan topik yang sedang dibahas yaitu mengenai berbagai contoh untuk model parlemen asia mulai dari council of europe, Arab Union, Uni Eropa dan lain-lain. Beberapa anggota parlemen menekankan perlunya mendirikan sub komite dibawah payung sekretariat APA dan juga mengirimkan wakilnya untuk menghadiri Kelompok Kerja.


3) Pertemuan SCCAP membuka pembahasan tentang Toward an Asian Parliament dan Delegasi Pakistan mempresentasikan amandemen baru. Namun karena amandemen tersebut tidak disampaikan pada saat yang tepat, maka disetujui untuk menunda pertimbangan amandemen baru pada pertemuan Political Standing Committee berikutnya.

4) Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal APA mengumumkan bahwa berdasarkan proposal yang diajukan dalam Rapat SCCAP, Sekretariat APA akan berkomunikasi dengan semua Anggota Parlemen untuk mendapatkan pandangan mereka tentang pembentukan kelompok kerja di Parlemen Asia, dan menambahkan bahwa tindakan tersebut akan dilakukan dalam konsultasi dan koordinasi dengan Ketua Political Standing Committee.

5) H.E Dr. Khorram menyebutkan bahwa APA Standing Committee On Political Affairs and Special Committee On Creation of Asian Parliament memiliki 8 (delapan) draf resolusi untuk dipertimbangkan dan diadopsi sebagai draft, yaitu : - Draft Resolution On Draft Resolution on Towards an Asian Parliament - Draft Resolution on Good Governance - Draft Resolution on Good Parliament Practices - Draft Resolution on Rule of Law and Judicial Empowerment - Draft Resolution on Advancing Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in

Asia - Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments and Governments Together for

Prosperity in Asia - Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments unwavering support for the Palestinian

People - Draft Resolution on Democracy for Development (as to be introduced by Senate

of Pakistan) 6) Draft Resolusi tentang Democracy for Development yang diusulkan oleh Senat

Pakistan direkomendasikan untuk ditunda, karena diperlukan lebih banyak diskusi dan musyawarah dan para peserta sidang mendukung penundaan tersebut.

7) Ketujuh Draft Resolusi ini dibahas satu persatu dan setelah dilakukan diskusi dan dilakukan beberapa modifikasi perubahan, diselesaikan dan akan diteruskan ke Dewan Eksekutif.

8) Dalam Sesi Penutup disampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut: a) H.E. Chhit Kimyeat dari Parlemen Kamboja sebagai Rapporteur

mempresentasikan Laporan Komite Tetap Untuk Urusan Politik. b) Ketua Penyelenggara telah menyampaikan pernyataannya pada pertemuan

tersebut. c) Sebagian besar Delegasi Parlemen-Parlemen yang hadir mengucapkan terima

kasih kepada penyelenggara sidang (Parlemen Pakistan) untuk Hospitalitas yang sangat menyenangkan.

9) Seluruh 7 Draft Resolusi, Pidato Upacara Pengukuhan, Laporan SG ke Pertemuan SCCAP dan pernyataan lain dianeksasi ke Laporan yang disajikan oleh Sekretariat APA.

10) Dalam sidang ini juga disampaikan dukungan penuh oleh negara-negara APA kepada rakyat Palestina. Beberapa negara peserta termasuk Indonesia dan khususnya


negara-negara Arab sepakat meminta penghapusan kalimat “East Jerusalem” di dalam konsep resolusi untuk menyampaikan pesan kuat kepada masyarakat internasional bahwa Al-Quds As-Sharif/Yerusalem) tetap menjadi Ibu Kota Palestina sesuai kesepakatan 1967.

D. Bilateral Meeting dengan Parlemen Timor Leste dan Parlemen Iran Disela-sela sidang, Delegasi Indonesia menerima permintaan Pertemuan Bilateral dari Delegasi Parlemen Timor Leste dan Delegasi Parlemen Iran. Hal-hal yang dibahas dalam pertemuan tersebut diantaranya sebagai berikut: 1) Delegasi Parlemen Timor Leste

a. Penyampaian harapan bagi dukungan Indonesia untuk Timor Leste menjadi anggota permanen APA

b. Peningkatan kerjasama Bilateral terutama bidang pertanian, pendidikan dan pariwisata.

c. Timor Leste menyampaikan selalu mendukung Indonesia dalam berbagai forum internasional seperti pencalonan Indonesia menjadi anggota tidak tetap PBB beberapa waktu yang lalu.

2) Delegasi Parlemen Iran a. Parlemen Iran menyampaikan ucapan belasungkawa atas musibah jatuhnya

pesawat Lion Air, gempa bumi dan tsunami di Palu dan gempa bumi di Lombok,

b. Parlemen Iran menyampaikan beberapa hal sebagai berikut: a) Nuklir Iran masih disoroti oleh masyarakat internasional khususnya Amerika

Serikat dan sekutunya b) Masalah pelanggaran HAM c) Masalah Terorisme

c. Iran menyampaikan usulan penjajakan kerjasama perbankan dengan Indonesia sehingga perdagangan kedua negara lebih dapat ditingkatkan.


a. Pelaksanaan Sidang APA Standing Committee On Political Affairs and Special Committee On Creation of Asian Parliament yang telah berlangsung pada tanggal 27 Oktober - 1 November 2018 di Gwadar – Pakistan, berjalan lancar dan sukses dan menyepakati tujuh draf resolusi yang akan diadopsi pada Plenary APA terdekat.

b. Delegasi DPR RI telah memberikan masukan strategis dalam persidangan tersebut dan dijadikan sebagai bagian dari draf resolusi yaitu terkait Toward an Asian Parliament dan Asian Parliaments Unwavering Support for the Palestinian People.

c. APA merupakan salah satu forum sangat positif dalam bertukar pandangan dan praktik cerdas antar-parlemen kawasan khususnya terkait isu politik dan rencana pembentukan Parlemen Asian.


d. Sidang diakhiri dengan mengadopsi Report of Standing Committee on Political Affairs beserta delapan draft resolusi untuk dibawa ke Sidang Pleno ke-11 APA di Turki pada Tahun 2018

B. Saran

a. Diperlukan pendalaman lebih lanjut atas draf-draf resolusi sebelum diadopsi pada Sidang Umum APA terdekat, yaitu melalui penyampaian draf-draf tersebut ke stakeholder yang relevan.

b. Mempersiapkan susunan delegasi yang lengkap dengan semaksimal mungkin.

V. PENUTUP A. Anggaran

Biaya yang digunakan untuk melakukan perjalanan 3 (tiga) Anggota, 1 (satu) Sekretaris Delegasi adalah Rp 323.919.350- (Tiga ratus dua puluh tiga juta Sembilan ratus sembilan belas ribu tiga ratus lima puluh rupiah )

B. Kata Penutup

Demikianlah pokok-pokok Laporan Delegasi DPR-RI ke Sidang APA Standing Committee On Political Affairs and Special Committee On Creation of Asian Parliament yang berlangsung pada tanggal 27 Oktober - 1 November 2018 di Gwadar – Pakistan. Ucapan terima kasih kami sampaikan kepada pihak-pihak terkait Duta Besar RI di Islamabad dan Konsulat Jenderal RI di Karachi dan jajarannya atas dukungan dan bantuan yang diberikan selama Delegasi DPR RI mengikuti sidang maupun selama berada di Karachi dan Gwadar, Pakistan.

C. Keterangan Lampiran

Laporan ini dilengkapi oleh lampiran hasil-hasil persidangan sebagai berikut : a. Report of the Standing Committee On Political Affairs and Special Committee On

Creation of Asian Parliament b. List of Participants c. Agenda d. Programme e. Draft Resolutions

Jakarta, November 2018 Ketua Delegasi DPR RI,



Drs. Hasrul Azwar, MM. A - 507


Asian Parliamentary Assembly

Report of the Standing Committee on Political Affairs

30 October 2018 Gwadar - Pakistan

1. The Meeting of the Standing Committee on Political Affairs convened in Pearl-Continental Hotel in Gwadar at 11:00 hours on Monday, 30 October 2017. 2. Delegations from Bahrain, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Oman, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Turkey attended this Meeting.

3. In Inaugural Ceremony, there were eight speakers as follows:

· Welcome remarks by Mr. Amjed Pervez, Secretary Senate of Pakistan · Remarks by Dr. M. R. Majidi, Secretary General of APA · Remarks by Madam Asmun Erdogan on behalf of APA President · Remarks by H. E. Mushahidullah Khan, Representative of Leader of Opposition · Remarks by H.E. Mr. Syed Shibli Faraz, Leader of the House, Senate · Remarks by H.E. Mr. Martin Chungong, Secretary-General of IPU · Remarks by Amanullah Khan Yasinzai, Governor of Balochistan · Opening Address by Honorable Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani, Acting President of Pakistan and

Chairman Senate of Pakistan

The texts of speeches are attached.

4. The next meeting was Special Committee for Creation of Asian Parliament. Honorable Shibli Faraz who was nominated by Acting President of Pakistan and the Chairman of Senate as the Chairman of the Political Standing Committee


opened the meeting and asked Dr. Khorram to deliver the report of Secretary-General. Deputy Secretary-General pointed out that the APA Secretariat substantive report on the idea of the Asian Parliament entitled: The Foundations of an Asian Parliament has been the basis for further consideration of all APA Member Parliaments. He mentioned that the (SCCAP) has held its meetings on different occasions. All Member delegates expressed their general support for the promotion of the notion of Asian parliament in the light of the great potentials which exist in Asia and particularly in Asian Parliaments. Dr. Khorram expressed that they also underlined the formidable challenges and crucial prerequisites facing the creation of an Asian Parliament and they all emphasized that the creation of Asian Parliament is a long term project with various aspects of which needs to be explored in many discussions, conferences, and meetings to come. Dr. Khorram raised some questions and answered them for the consideration of Member Parliaments. For example, should the Asian Parliaments have forum nature or executive characteristic? Whether its legislatives are compulsory for all APA Member Parliaments or not? Are APA Member Parliaments ready to delegate a part of their sovereignty to Asian Parliament? He proposed that we should try to test budget-making project at first in APA and then transfer the best practice to the future Asian Parliament. At present, we have some difficulties to get the reactions and responses of all APA Member Parliaments to the Model of Payment or Assessed Contribution. Overcoming this difficulty and providing the budget be prior to budget-making project of Asian Parliament. Dr. Khorram added that Asian Parliament is the ultimate goal of Asian Parliamentary Assembly and we are thankful to the Senate of Pakistan for its continued efforts to promote this idea. At the end he said, APA Member Parliaments were requested to send their communications to the APA Secretariat for more deliberation in SCCAP Meeting after incorporating their government’s point of views on Asian Parliament.

5. The Chairman opened the Meeting for discussion on Asian Parliament. Member Parliaments deliberated the topic at hand. They discussed range of models from Council of Europe to Arab Union, EU and etc. Few Members stressed the necessity of establishing a sub-Committee under the umbrella of APA Secretariat and also to nominate a person to attend such open ended working group.

6. The SCCAP Meeting opened the Resolution on “Towards an Asian Parliament” and Delegation of Pakistan presented new amendments. Due to the


fact that those amendments were not presented in time it was agreed to defer the consideration of new amendments during the next Political Standing Committee.

7. On Tuesday 30 October 2018, the Political Standing Committee was opened and Dr Khorram presented the Agenda for its adoption. After the adoption of the Agenda, the following members of Bureau were elected:

Senator Shibli Faraz was elected as Chairman on the basis of APA customary procedure. General Nipot of Thailand as Vice Chair and Senator Chhit Kim Yeat of Cambodia as Rapporteur.

8. Deputy Secretary-General announced that on the basis of proposals raised in SCCAP Meeting, APA Secretariat will communicate to all Member Parliaments to get their views on the establishment of a working group on Asian Parliament. He added that such measure will be conducted in close consultation and coordination with the Chairman of Political Standing Committee.

9. H.E. Dr. Khorram, mentioned that the Standing Committee had 8 Resolutions for consideration and adoption as the draft.

ü Draft Resolution on “Towards an Asian Parliament”

ü Draft Resolution on “Good Governance” ü Draft Resolution on “Good Parliamentary Practices” ü Draft Resolution on Rule of Law and Judicial Empowerment

ü Draft Resolution on Advancing Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia

ü Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments and Governments Together for Prosperity in Asia

ü Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments’ Unwavering Support For The Palestinian People

ü Democracy for Development. 10. The Resolution on Democracy for Development, which was tabled by the Senate of Pakistan assessed that needed more discussion and deliberation so Dr Khorram recommended deferring it to the next


Political Standing Committee for further consideration. The participants supported the recommendation and the Chairman decided so. 11. The other seven draft resolutions were presented one by one and after some discussions and applying some modifications, they were finalized to be forwarded to the Executive Council. 12. Concluding Session: a) The Report of the Standing Committee on Political Affairs was presented to the Meeting by H.E. Mr. Chhit Kim Yeat, Rapporteur b) The Gwadar Chairman Statement was presented to the Meeting c) Most of delegations thanked the Host for very enjoyable hospitalities. 13. All seven Resolutions, Speeches of Inaugural Ceremony, the SG Report to SCCAP Meeting and other statements are annexed to this Report.

Draft Resolutions of Standing Committee on

Political Affairs

1. Draft Resolution on “Towards an Asian Parliament” .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

2. Draft Resolution on “Good Governance” ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3. Draft Resolution on Rule of “Law and Judicial Empowerment” Error! Bookmark not defined.

4. Draft Resolution on “Good Parliamentary Practices” .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

5. Draft Resolution on Building Prosperity in Asia Through Friendship and Cooperation Error!

Bookmark not defined.

6. Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments and Governments Together for Prosperity in AsiaError!

Bookmark not defined.

7. Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments’ Unwavering Support for the Palestinian PeopleError!

Bookmark not defined.

Version 3

As of 30 October 2018


Draft Resolution on “Towards an Asian Parliament”

SC- Political/ Draft Res/2018/17 29 October, 2018

We, the Members of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly, Recalling the document titled “Foundations of an Asian Parliament” prepared by the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) Permanent Secretariat in May, 2014; Further recalling the Lahore Declaration adopted on 3rd Dec, 2014 by APA Plenary that established the Special Committee on the Creation of the Asian Parliament (SCCAP), to consult with Member Parliaments in order to formulate a road map for Asian Parliament, reflecting the emergence of the Asian Century; Emphasizing that the creation of an Asian Parliament is a long term objective, various aspects of which need to be explored as stipulated in the report of APA Standing Committee on Political Affairs held on 2 June 2016 in Jordan; Welcoming the decision made in the meeting of the SCCAP convened in Jordan in June 2016 and approved by the 9th APA Plenary meeting in 2016, that the SCCAP will function under the APA Standing Committee on Political Affairs; Recalling the discussion of the SCCAP meeting held on 29 November 2016, Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia; Therefore,

1. Reiterate our resolve to continue efforts and support the fulfilment of SCCAP’s objectives;

2. Support the step by step and inclusive efforts of the SCCAP in promoting cooperation through consultation with Member Parliaments on common issues such as environment, poverty alleviation, trade and regional connectivity amongst others;

3. Support the creation of sub-regional groups in the APA for providing input to the SCCAP. The Sub-Regional groups for the purpose of the Asian Parliaments shall submit their input through the APA secretariat to the SCCAP which will place a report containing the proposals before the Standing Committee on Political Affairs before every plenary;


Draft Resolution on “Good Governance” SC- Political/ Draft Res/2018/18

29 October, 2018 We, the Members of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly,

Realizing that good governance is inextricably linked to sustainable development which leads to stability and prosperity;

Recalling, UN Commission on Human Rights Resolution No.2005/68 of 20 April 2005, UN Human Rights Council Resolution No.7/11 of 27 March 2008 on “Good Governance for the Promotion of Human Rights” and as well as the “United Nations Millennium Declaration”;

Recognizing the importance of good governance in the achievement of SDGs as one of means to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies;

Recalling the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1969, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1976, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1976, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, 1979, the Convention against Torture, 1987, the Convention on the Rights of Child, 1990, which provides every citizen, irrespective of gender, religion or race, a right to take part in the public affairs;


1. Reiterate that good governance is a key to achieving inclusive economic, social and institutional development;

2. Recognizes that transparency in all its forms and manifestations, free, responsible media, right to information, popular participation in government, and a vibrant civil society are the pillars of good governance;

3. Suggests that Member Parliaments may provide indicators for good governance;

4. Stresses upon the Member Parliaments to identify gaps in governance which may lead to poverty, injustice and terrorism resulting in the weakening of democratic institutions;

5. Calls upon Member Parliaments to ensure as appropriate enhanced participation of women, youth and persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities in the national political process;


Draft Resolution on “The Rule of Law and Judicial Empowerment” SC- Political/ Draft Res/2018/19

29 October, 2018 We, the Members of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly,

Recalling the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, which are indispensable foundations for a more peaceful, prosperous and a conflict free world;

Recognizing that the rule of law is essential for all states equally, and respect for and promotion of the rule of law and justice are the guiding principles for every state;

Further recognizing that all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, have a right to be accorded equal protection of the law and to be treated in accordance with the law, without any discrimination;

Recommending all members States Reaffirming the duty of all Member States to settle their international disputes through peaceful means, including, negotiation, dialogue, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and judicial settlement;

Further reaffirming that the rule of law is essential for independence of judiciary and the protection of human rights can be realized through the empowerment of the judiciary;

Convinced that the rule of law and sustainable development are inextricably linked and mutually reinforcing, and are an essential prerequisite for the realization of all human rights and fundamental freedoms;


1. Stress the importance of civilian capacity development through rule of law;

2. Stress the importance of institutional strengthening by maintaining the rule of law;

3. Urge Member Parliaments to ensure compliance with international humanitarian laws, as they are an indispensable prerequisite for improving the situation of victims of armed conflict, through enactment of appropriate legislation and development of oversight mechanisms;

4. Commit to ensure that impunity is not tolerated for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity or for violations of international humanitarian law and gross violations of human rights law, based on the principles of international cooperation and non-interference of States in the internal affairs of other States, in accordance with international law;


5. Encourage the promotion of a system of justice which incorporates the full range of judicial measures to ensure accountability, justice, provide remedies to victims, reconciliation, and establish independent oversight;

6. Reiterate our strong and unequivocal condemnation of terrorism, violent and extremism in all its forms and manifestations, committed by whomever, wherever and for whatever purposes, as it constitutes one of the most serious threats to the rule of Law; and

7. Emphasize the importance of our continued efforts for promotion of the rule of law in all its aspects, and to take steps to strengthen the rule of law for realization of peace and security, human rights and development.


Draft Resolution on “Good Parliamentary Practices”

SC- Political/ Draft Res/2018/20 29 October, 2018

We, the Members of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly:

Noting the ever increasing and assertive role of parliaments in public affairs and in the promotion of democratization for ensuring good governance;

Taking into account the fact that 181 states have adopted parliamentary systems for managing their national affairs;

Noting the cardinal role that parliaments play in a democratic polity and in addressing issues of public importance;

Recognizing that parliaments must be truly representative, transparent, accessible, accountable and effective in its functions;


1. Urge APA Member Parliaments to adopt transparent modes of public communications, through ensuring access to their administrative system and to develop their own websites and broadcasting channels;

2. Further urge APA Member Parliaments to devise effective outreach mechanisms for engagement with public, including, civil society, with a view to ensure their meaningful contribution in the legislative processes;

3. Call upon APA Member Parliaments to adopt measures for ensuring public confidence in the integrity of parliamentarians, through enforceable codes of conduct and transparency in managing the affairs of political parties and their funding;

4. Encourage APA Member Parliaments to streamline their legislative process by encouraging public hearing in respective constituencies;

5. Call upon APA Member Parliaments to ensure their effective participation at regional and international forums with a view to promote transnational collaboration amongst Member Parliaments, and to devise a strategy towards this end by the APA;

6. Also call upon APA Member Parliaments to ensure their oversight of the executive, particularly, in the formulation of international policy, and to make recommendations to their respective governments towards a peaceful settlement of international disputes;


7. Urge APA Member Parliaments to adopt positive measures for ensuring a meaningful participation of women, minorities and marginalized communities in their working;

8. Call upon APA Member Parliaments to promote inter-parliamentary cooperation through formation of friendship groups and working groups on issues of common interest;

9. Further Call upon APA Member Parliaments to encourage developing democracies through sharing their experiences and best parliamentary practices and provide technical and other required support with a view to facilitate their process of democratization.


Draft Resolution on Building Prosperity in Asia

Through Friendship and Cooperation SC- Political/ Draft Res/2018/21

29 October, 2018

We the Members of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly

Recalling relevant APA resolutions on Advancing the Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia (APA/Res/2015/01—11 December 2015); Resolution on Measures and Methods of Materialization of Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia (APA/Res/2014/01— 3 December 2014); Resolution on Consolidation of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia (APA/Res/2013/01-- 9 December 2013); Resolution on Reinforcing the Declaration on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia (APA/Res/2010/09—30 November 2010); Resolution on Pursuing Implementation of the Declaration on the Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia (APA/Res/2008/09, 29 November 2008) and Resolution on the Friendship Pact in Asia; (APA/Res/2007/06, dated 19 November 2007); Text of the Declaration on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia (APA/Res/2007/06/Annex, 19 November 2007);

Relying on deep-rooted ties of history, geography, culture, economy, politics, and civilization which bind Asian nations together;

Recognizing the amity and the friendly relations among the Asian Nations, Parliaments, and States as an indispensable asset which need to be further strengthened by all kinds of inter-governmental; inter-parliamentary as well as inter-national interaction and cooperation;

Deploring the current widespread war and violence in West Asia which undermine peace and security and entail massive killing and indiscriminate targeting of innocent people;

Offering in Good Faith all our capacities and capabilities in parliamentary diplomacy for mediation, reconciliation, and supporting dialogue with a view to promoting friendship and cooperation and contribute to peaceful resolution of conflicts in Asia;

Emphasizing the fundamental role of democracy and human rights in the promotion of friendship and cooperation in Asia and calling upon all Member Parliaments and their respective Governments to ensure equal and non-discriminatory access of their citizens to civil rights;

Reiterating the importance of the Declaration on the Principles of Friendly Relations in Asia as a proper framework for promoting peace and prosperity in Asia;

Encouraging further expansion of friendly relations including cultural, diplomatic, scientific, and commercial relations among all Asian States and further interaction among Asian Parliaments and Nations in pursuance of the purposes of the Declaration;


1. Call upon all Member States to focus on exchanging cultural experiences and deepening social communication through holding forums and events under the umbrella of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly, for the positive objectives that benefit the Member States;

2. Urge collective and concerted efforts by all Asian States whose parliaments are APA Members to provide humanitarian assistance of all kinds to the vulnerable people in war- torn countries;

3. Call Upon all Asian States to direct their diplomatic efforts at reducing political tensions and utilize all ways and means within their power to avoid and de-escalate controversies which have potential to undermine principles of friendship and cooperation in Asia;

4. Urge Asian Parliaments to disseminate information about the APA Declaration on the Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia by all available means including parliamentary and state publications, parliamentary friendship groups, public programs, etc.

5. Decide that every Member Parliament would motivate public and private media networks, websites and the like at local and national levels to engage in promoting and spreading the word about the content, importance and positive results of the adoption and implementation of the APA Declaration on the Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia;

6. Encourage Asian academic institutions, think-tanks and research centers, universities and educational institutions, as well as professional associations throughout Asia to take part in promoting and adhering to the tenets and guidelines enshrined in the APA Declaration on the Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia,

7. Call upon all APA Member Parliaments to inform the APA Secretariat of measures they have taken in promoting the APA Declaration on Principles of Friendship and Cooperation in Asia,

8. Request the Secretary-General to continue his consultations and coordination with the APA Member Parliaments as well as interested Asian organizations and academic institutions for promoting further activities and joint initiatives pertaining to Friendship and Cooperation in Asia.


Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments and

Governments Together for Prosperity in Asia

SC- Political/ Draft Res/2018/22 29 October, 2018

We the Members of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA),

Recalling APA resolutions on Mobilizing Interactions Between APA and Asian Governments (APA/Res/2015/02—11 December 2015); Engaging APA with Asian Governments and Inter-Governmental Organizations (APA/Res/2014/02); Asian Parliaments and Governments: Together for Solidarity and Prosperity in Asia (APA/Res/2013/02 –9 December 2013); Measures for Enhancing Cooperation Between APA and Asian Governments (APA/Res/2010/11, 30 November 2010) and resolution on Enhancing Cooperation Between Asian Parliamentary Assembly Member Parliaments and Their Governments for Implementation of APA Decisions (APA/Res/2008/10, 29 November 2008);

Emphasizing the need to foster closer coordination and cooperation between APA and Governments of APA Member Parliaments;

Encouraging Member Parliaments to consider endorsing and adopting common legislations on issues of mutual interest to both APA and Asian Governments;

1. Urge all Member Parliaments to inform relevant high-ranking officials of their respective governments of the great potentials, activities, and achievements of the APA as the largest inter-parliamentary organization in Asia and report thereon to the Secretariat for circulation;

2. Decide to form APA parliamentary groups comprising nominated delegates from volunteer Member Parliaments under the supervision of the APA Vice-President for Political Affairs and in full coordination with the APA Secretariat, to hold contacts and meetings with relevant inter-parliamentary and inter-governmental organizations, with a view to converging points of view and considering possible joint initiatives pertaining to regional and global issues, including the creation of an Asian Parliament;

3. Encourage Member Parliaments to seek the views of their respective Governments on the subject of Asian Parliament and to contribute to the work of the APA Special Committee on the Creation of Asian Parliament (SCCAP) by providing their points of views and analyses of the subject matter;


4. Request APA Member Parliaments to identify and describe their priority desirable topics for receiving training, as well their capabilities to offer training and best practices, and share them with other Parliaments through the APA

Secretariat, in order to organize training programs on exchanging best practices and learning from each other;

5. Request the Vice-President for Political Affairs to report to the Executive Council and the Plenary Sessions on his/her activities pertaining to the formation of working groups from interested Member Parliaments to focus on the implementation of APA decisions on political affairs;

6. Request the Secretary-General to expand the scope of its contacts and communications with inter-governmental as well as inter-parliamentary organizations who work on issues relevant to the items on the APA agenda in order to facilitate further interaction and joint efforts on common grounds with a view to enhancing cooperation between Asian Parliaments and Governments and report thereon to the next session of the APA Standing Committee on Political Affairs and the Executive Council.


Draft Resolution on Asian Parliaments’

Unwavering Support for the Palestinian People SC- Political/ Draft Res/2018/23

29 October, 2018

We, the Members of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly,

Recalling APA Resolutions on Supporting Palestinian State and Protecting Rights of Palestinian People, (APA/Res/2013/03, 9 December 2013); Violations of International Humanitarian Law in the Palestine and the War Crimes Committed By the Zionist Regime in Gaza (APA/Res/2009/01, 8 December 2009); and Humanitarian Crisis in Palestine Particularly in the Gaza Strip (APA/Res/2008/08, 29 November 2008); and the catastrophic humanitarian impact of the aggressive war on the Gaza Strip in July 2014 Also recalling the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, including resolutions 242 (1967), 252 (1968), 267 (1969), 298 (1971), 446 (1979), 465 (1980), 468 (1980) and 1322 (2000), 2334 (2016), and resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and other relevant international documents;

Inspired by the Principles and objectives enshrined in the APA Charter and the relevant APA resolutions;

Committed to contribute to the promotion of peace and security at regional and global levels on the basis of justice and the rule of law;

Affirming the responsibility of the international community to support implementation of resolutions and recommendations of the United Nations Security Council; the UN General Assembly; the Human Rights Council; and the APA pertinent to the situation in Palestine, particularly in Al-Quds Al-Sharif (East Jerusalem);

Supporting the struggle of Palestinian nation against Israeli occupation by its all means to liberate its land and establish an independent Palestinian State with al-Quds al-Sharif as its capital;

Denouncing the transfer of the American Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem in disregard of the principles and rules of international legitimacy and UNSC Resolutions;

Expressing serious concerns on Israel’s lack of commitment to abide by resolutions and recommendations of the UN Security Council, the General Assembly, the Human Rights


Council, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, and the APA regarding the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, particularly in Al-Quds Al-Sharif;

Reaffirming the applicability of the fourth Geneva Convention relative to the protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the occupied Palestinian territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif (East Jerusalem);

Recognizing that Israel’s severe violations of international humanitarian law and of the human rights of Palestinian people undermine international efforts towards achieving a just and lasting peace in the region;

1. Urge all Members of the APA to support and treat the State of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations

2. Denounce all violations of international law which threaten international peace and security including all acts of terrorism and organized crimes; and violations of human rights committed by the Israeli occupying forces in Palestine.

3. Encourage all members of the international community to take up with the pressure on Israel to immediately release all the Palestinian prisoners including the Members of the Palestinian Parliament and condemns the Israeli Knesset's failure to respond to the fact-finding and investigation committees established by the Inter-Parliamentary Union on prisoners in Israeli jails as evident in the International Parliamentary meeting in St. Petersburg; dismantle all illegal settlements as well as the entire separating wall and put an end to confiscating Palestinian lands.

4. Declare all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, including expropriation of land and properties which tend to change the legal status of Jerusalem as invalid and bearing no legal effect on their original status.

5. Condemn Israel’s continuation of building settlements defying applicable international law particularly Security Council resolution 2334 of December 2016; disregarding the legitimate rights of the Palestinian People including their right to resist and protest against foreign occupation of their lands; and hampering international efforts towards achieving a just and lasting peace in the region;

6. Express grave concerns on the suppression and injustice, as well as continuing violence practiced against the Palestinian people, particularly women and children, in the occupied Palestinian territories under the Israeli occupation including East Jerusalem, and in the Syrian Golan occupied by Israel;

7. Call Upon all members of the APA and the United Nations as well as all regional and international organizations concerned, particularly the United Nations Security Council and the International Criminal Court to address, under the UN Charter and the Rome Statute, the crimes against humanity and the war crimes committed by Israel in Palestine which threaten the international peace and security;


8. Condemn the closure of the PLO diplomatic mission in Washington in retaliation for the membership of Palestine to the International Criminal Court;

9. Praise the decision taken by the European Union not to purchase any products produced in the settlements based in the occupied territories and call on states of the APA Member Parliaments to act in a similar way and affirm the full support for international boycott movement against Israeli occupation;

10. Rejecting attempts practiced by the Zionist entity to change the historical, cultural and demographic characters of the occupied Palestinian land, especially the city of Jerusalem in general and Al_Aqsa mosque, in particular, also refuse the Knesset bill in attempt to divide Al_Agsa mosque both in time and place,

11. Reject the unlawful resolutions adopted by the Israeli Kennesit such as Judaization of the Jerusalem, the Citizenship Loyalty Law, denying the State of Palestine, the rights of Palestinian People in the occupied territories, the Jewish Nation-State Law and the deduction funds for Palestine State which violate Articles 89 and 98 of Geneva Convention;

12. Reject and condemn US decision to end its financial contribution to UNRWA.

13. Call Upon the international community to fulfill its pledges to rebuild infrastructure and rehabilitate people in Gaza, which have been destroyed by Israeli forces, and to support the Palestinian economy in the occupied Palestine.

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