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KKK PICThe United States federal government should substantially curtail its domestic surveillance except for surveillance of white supremacist hate groups.

White extremist radicalism is on the rise and it is getting harder to trackBy Judy L. Thomas 2015 Only a matter of time? Kansas City Star Steven McQuilliams wouldnt hurt a fly and was a loyal volunteer, his friends and others say. He performed at Renaissance festivals, dog-sat for neighbors. But in November, McQuilliams, 49, fired more than 100 rounds at several buildings in Austin, Texas, where he had moved from Wichita. The targets included a police headquarters, federal courthouse and Mexican consulate. After police shot and killed him, they found his map pinpointing nearly three dozen targets, two of them churches. Authorities said McQuilliams who had the words Let Me Die written on his chest held racist and anti-Semitic beliefs. Police Chief Art Acevedo called McQuilliams a homegrown American extremist. Hate was in his heart, he said. In many ways, McQuilliams is the face of domestic extremism today: nondescript, placid, a helpful neighbor. The wall between extremism and mainstream has really come down significantly, said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University-San Bernardino. Domestic terrorists used to be easier to identify. Twenty years ago, after the shocking wake-up call of the Oklahoma City bombing, authorities began cracking down on a subculture of extremist groups, many arming themselves in preparation for a showdown with what they saw as an oppressive federal government. The numbers of such groups sharply declined. But today, at a time when much of law enforcements focus has shifted from domestic to foreign terrorism, a network of extremism is again spreading throughout the land. Were just a penny dropping away from one or more McVeighs, said J.J. MacNab, an author who for two decades has been tracking anti-government extremists, referring to the Oklahoma City bomber. And this time, extremists are harder to track. Anti-government groups are more loosely organized, making them more difficult to infiltrate. White nationalist groups have few strong leaders and are splintering. And while groups sometimes seem to fight one another as much as their perceived enemies, that only adds to the noise that law enforcement tries to monitor. Theres no head to this thing, said Leonard Zeskind, president of the Kansas City-based Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, who has monitored extremist groups for decades. Without leaders, theyre out there under no ones control.Continued surveillance is key to combat these groups the plan stops itFBI 12 (Domestic Threat: White Supremacy Extremism, 5/22/12, Accessed May 20, 2015, Bureau has been investigating the criminal activities of white supremacy extremists like Ku Klux Klan members since as early as 1918. Todays extremists are more challenging than ever.Theyre affiliated with a variety of white supremacy groups, and they can be motivated by any number of religious or political ideologies.Were also seeing more lone offenders and small, violent factions of larger groups at work, which makes detection of these crimes tougher.White supremacy extremists specifically target racial, ethnic, and religious minorities; the federal government; and in some instances, even each other. Their tactics include assault, murder, threats and intimidation, and bombings. They also commit other kinds of crimeslike drug trafficking, bank and armored car robberies, and counterfeitingto fund their hate-filled activities. Over the years,the federal government has successfully charged white supremacy extremists using a number of federal statutes, including civil rights violations, racketeering, solicitation to commit crimes of violence, firearms violations, explosives violations, counterfeiting and forgery, and witness tampering.In recent months, the FBI has led or participated in several significant investigations involving violence or attempted aviolence by self-admitted white supremacists. A few examples: In February 2012,an Arizona man was sentenced to federal prison after pleading guilty to possessing and transporting improvised explosive devices near the U.S.-Mexico border. Details In January 2012, the last of four Arkansasdefendants charged with firebombing the home of an interracial couple was sentenced to federal prison. Details In December 2011,a Washington man was sentenced to 32 years in prison for attempting to bomb a Martin Luther King, Jr. Unity Day march in Spokane. Details In May 2010,an Oregon man pled guilty to mailing a hangmans noose to the home of the president of a local NAACP chapter in Ohio. Details Moving forward,we seethreekeys to turning back the ongoing scourge of white supremacy extremism: Ourincreased emphasis on thelawfulgathering, analyzing, and sharing of intelligenceon current and emerging trends, tactics, and threats.Lack of Monitoring Allows White Supremacy to Run RampantScaminaci 09 [James Scaminaci III, September 25th, 2009,]If you put the FAIR-inspired Washington Times article into context, the white supremacists in the Radical Rightincluding John Tantons networkare preparing for revolution and secession which are code words for a racial civil war to create a white Christian theocracy. The context of Minutemen bearing arms to intimidate immigrant workers and children; of bringing weapons to town hall meetings; threatening to kill union workers who come to the same health care town hall meetings; threatening to come armed at the next Tea Party march on Washington, D.C.; threatening a million man, armed militia march on D.C.; threatening to kill federal law makers who do not vote to make English the official language; Chuck Norris call to fly a revolutionary flag for a revolutionary movement; and, the right-wing smear of liberal treachery all lead to the conclusion that comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants could be the last straw for the white supremacist movement. That Causes a Race WarRowan 96 [Carl T. Rowan, Washington Post, The Coming Race War in America]If decent Americans become afraid to stand up to the threats and violence of the white supremacists, things will become worse very fast. Pierce and his followers will believe that they are in what he calls "a revolutionary phase" in which the federal government "can be defeated." The conflict that I foresee will be as crazily complex as it will be violent, cruel, and heinous. We now see the skinheads and Ku Klux Klansmen emboldened in their campaigns against blacks, Jews, Catholics. We see the Muslims at war not only against Jews, but against the Italian mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, and against America as a whole, as reflected in terrorist bombings. We hear black students talk about "the basis of truth" in a speech full of anti-Semitic invective by Nation of Islam minister Khalid Muhammad at Kean College in New Jersey. We see blacks in political struggle with Hispanics. And from Los Angeles to Detroit to New York, we see a growing underclass at war against "the establishment." This dreadful upsurge in hurting and hatred in America, the increase in murders that are both random and born of rage, flows in part from the denied but obvious racism and contempt for the poor that were so venomous during the Reagan years, and before that from the spineless neglect and indifference of the Nixon and Ford years. But that is history. A race war of destructive proportions that will shock the world is probable because of these facts.