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In the past 60 years, vaccines helped eradicate one disease

(Smallpox) and are close to eradicating another (Polio). Vaccines prevent more than 2.5 million deaths each year. The impact of child vaccines is magnified when used in conjunction with other health efforts like antibiotics, oral rehydration salts, bed nets, and vitamins. New and underutilized vaccines could avert nearly 4 million deaths of children under the age 5 by 2015. Vaccines cause ―herd immunity‖, which means if the majority of people in a community have been vaccinated against a disease, an unvaccinated person is less likely to get sick because others are less likely to get sick and spread the disease. Vaccines helped reduce measles deaths globally by 78 percent between 2000 and 2008. In sub-Saharan Africa, deaths dropped by 92 percent in the same period.

There are existing vaccines that could stop rotavirus and pneumonia—two conditions that kill nearly 3 million children under the age of 5 every year. New or improved vaccines are currently being developed for HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases. Researchers estimate that a viable malaria vaccine could be ready for children in the developing world as early as 2015. Not all vaccines are given as shots. Vaccines for rotavirus and polio, for instance, are distributed orally. The GAVI Alliance has supported the immunization of more than 288 million children and as a result averted more than 5 million child deaths since 2000. Most diseases prevented by vaccines are no longer common in the United States. If vaccines weren’t used, just a few cases could quickly turn into tens or hundreds of thousands. Reference:

KIDS BE AWARE, INC. September 2013

Volume 3, Issue 7

Our Mission and Vision

The Mission of Kids Be Aware is to unite the community in which we serve, to support parents in educating their children to lead healthier lives. By developing the whole person (body, mind, and soul) through education, Kids Be Aware will promote individual wellness among our peers and those of our children in a fun and engaging way.

The Vision of Kids Be Aware is to enable children to grow and develop the whole person through proper nutrition, physical activities, and healthy lifestyles.

Table of Contents

CEO’s Corner ............... 2

Highlights ......................... 2

Featured Articles:

Healthy Recipes ............. 3

Body Wellness................ 4

........................................... 5

Facts About Vaccines

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CEO’s Corner...

We are the healthy alternative for your children. Keep us in mind.

The current need of this organization is to get a new location up and running and resume our activities. Together, we can raise disease awareness among children and parents.

I thank you in advance for your support and hope that you find it in your heart to help us decrease health disparities among our children. We strive to bring better life to all and we work hard everyday to accomplish this.

“Teach me about health so that Tomorrow I may teach others” Together we can!

Cheers and Peace to You!

Jeannette Bryant, CEO Kids Be Aware, Inc.


We are still exploring relocation options and whether or not to classify ourselves as daycare.

We are definitely not a daycare and we are going to steer clear from being called one. However, we are looking into falling into the category of fitness, health and nutrition. This one comes with its own set of requirements but that will help our bottom line and keep us from spending overhead costs we do not have.

Each day, we learn from our mistakes and from the trial and error in order to come out on top.

As we continue to move forward and abide by the regulations, we have come to realize that our activities will run more smoothly when we distinguish our self from the competition. As a nonprofit, we always think we are not a business and should not run like one, but that is just a stigma. A non profit is a business and should be run as a business. Regardless of whether we make a profit, we have to think, and act, as if we were a multi-million dollar business.

In doing this, we will have what it takes to make our organization successful. There is a board meeting coming up

this week and I call on to the board to help us classify this entity so that we can fit a classification and finally open our doors for business once and for all. We mean business, we are a body of people that work very hard to make a difference in children’s life and we hope to accomplish this with the help of all people, known or unknown.

We are eager to partner with organizations all around town whose mission and vision is in line with ours. While we are pleased in the many milestones of our organization, we are working hard each day to better our program and to reach out to the community to let them know that we are a helping hand and we are here to help the success and health of our children.

We have faced many rough patches as we work towards opening our center, but we are working around it to find better ways to sustain our organization. Ever since we took over the Cummings propriety space back in March, we have been faced with tremendous challenges and because of these challenges and resistance, we have developed new ways in helping us become successful.

We hope that as we move away from these challenges, we will accomplish what we have been working for.

We are seeking NEW Enrollment!

We are seeking Volunteers for various roles.

Contact us and Volunteer!

“We strive to partner with

schools, churches, and

organizations to focus on the

health and well-being of our



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Healthy Recipes for children Fire Roasted Chile and Garlic Chicken Burgers The easiest way to make a burger healthier is to sub out the beef with

chicken in order to skip out on the saturated fat. This recipe adds tons of flavor with the roasted chiles, and piles on more with the garlic. Simply leave out the bacon to go easy on your waistline and you’re good to go. Use a multi-grain or whole wheat bun to make it a complete meal.

Paleo Curry Meatballs The curry sauce on these gives them a unique flavor

that’s unusual in the world of meatballs. These are dairy free for all of you Paleo enthusiasts, and they end up as a healthy option even for those that aren’t following the Paleo diet. If you’re looking for low-carbs you can make a meal out of them, and if not you can balance these out with some nice whole wheat pasta or a baked potato.

Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili No taco shells need-ed to enjoy

this chili. It uses chicken instead of beef so you’re getting all of the flavor you’d want, but without worrying about added fat from ground beef. The beans are there, as you’d expect, but you may want to add some bell peppers to get some more veggies included. The corn and beans are your carb source. Overall a hearty meal you can eat with a fork.


Cha Cha Bowl

The bright mix of colors makes this a great dish to whip up when you have company over, and no one will suspect that

you’re passing off healthy food on them. The ingredients are all freshly made, and retain their healthy status by not being cooked. The rice and beans supply some good carbs, the chicken is the protein adder, and there are yummy veg-gies like zucchini. The healthy fats from the av-ocados mean you’ll feel full and fight body fat.

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Prepping Your Child’s Body for the Changing Seasons Well, it is almost upon us….the changing of the seasons. By now, you and your child have taken the steps to transition from summer and to the return of your children to school. On the heels of school are the changing seasons and the period of time where more children become ill and miss multiple days from school. This is believed to be due to the increased amount of time spent with children and adults who may have come to school sick.

It is not unusual for parents to send their child to the school for the first time only to discover that their child has become ill shortly thereafter. Why is this? This is because of the exposure to germs and pathogens that ―incubate‖ for a brief period after exposure. After the incubation period, the individual

then shows signs of becoming ill.

The common cold and strep throat are two culprits that tend to inflict illness upon young children. Parents may not be fully aware that vaccinating your child against common childhood diseases may not keep your child from catching the common cold or strep throat. According to the researchers at WebMED, the average child will catch 6 to 10 colds per year. It is possible to help prevent the number of colds your child gets by taking a few simple steps: obtain a flu vaccine for your child. Teach your child to wash his or her hands several times a day – especially after using the restroom and before eating. Parents should also teach their children to use a tissue when sneezing and to cover their mouths when coughing. This helps to prevent the transmission of airborne particles to others. One note of caution here- hand sanitizers only work with the first usage- it does not continually kill germs with repeated use. Hand washing with soap and water is the BEST method of killing germs. Colds that progress with muscle aches and fever may actually be the flu! Your child needs to stay home!

Strep throat is caused by a bacteria and children with and without tonsils can get strep throat. The bacteria that causes strep generally has to ―incubate‖, or ―grow‖ for a period of about 2-5 days before you see symptoms. In order to know if your child has strep, you will have to take them to your doctor to be evaluated. It is possible to have a sore throat and not be strep.

While both examples- the common cold and strep throat, can make your child ill and uncomfortable, there are a few things we can do to work towards prevention:

1. Develop a regular habit of hand washing with soap and water. Teaching children to wash their hands after toileting, and before meals, can decrease the exposure of germs into a child’s body.

2. Start a regular routine of adding a multi-vitamin to your child’s diet each and every day. Additional vitamin supplements may not be necessary- just one multi-vitamin developed for children, will help to boost your child’s immune system.

3. Teach your children to wear appropriate clothing for the temperature of the day. If it has become cold, wet, and windy, your child will probably fare better with a jacket and hood, boots, or shoes made for wet weather, and an umbrella. Children often do not dress for the weather…you can take a jacket off if it becomes warm!

4. Pump up your daily diet! Add fresh fruits loaded with Vitamin C to boost your child’s immune system and to help offset the attack of cold germs that are often present when children get together.

5. Make sure your child gets the recommended number of hours spent sleeping. The body needs rest and along with rest, your child needs to be taught to take a bath daily and staying on top of regular hygiene can aid in our fight against disease!

Parents, now is a good time to develop a backup plan for who can help care for your child if they are sick and you have to work!

If your child becomes ill, please consider the following:

1. Keep your child home if they are running a fever, have muscle aches and show signs, or symptoms of the flu or strep.

2. Contact your doctor for an appointment- get evaluated.

As fall and winter approach, we at Kids Be Aware are wishing you a wonderful transition to the changing seasons and for a healthy school year!


Susan Ruiz, Chair Kids Be Aware, Inc.

Body Wellness


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Curcio, G., Ferrara, M., & De Gennaro, L. (2006). Sleep loss, learning capacity and ac-ademic performance. Sleep Medicine Re-views, 10(5):323-37.

National Sleep Foundation (2013). How much sleep do we really need? Retrieved on August 15, 2013 from

Sadeh, A., Gruber, R. and Raviv, A. (2002). Sleep, neurobehavioral functioning, and behavior problems in school-age children. Child Development, v.73(2), pp. 405-417.

Teel, P. (2007). If Your Child Has Problems, It May Due to Lack of Sleep.Psych Cen-tral. Retrieved on August 17, 2013, from

Is your Child Getting Enough Sleep?(cont.)


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We are on the Web!

Visit us at:


KBA Board Members

Jeannette Bryant CEO [email protected] 781-354-2701

Tiffany Henderson Treasurer [email protected] 678-431-6543

Susan Ruiz Chair [email protected] 301-302-4215

Teresa Godley-Chase Co-chair [email protected] 240-515-4222

Renee Sullivan Co-Chair [email protected] 478-718-1306

Regina Rainey Board Member [email protected] 864-303-2151

Kids Be Aware, Inc.

P.O Box 2173

Woburn, MA 01801

Monthly Highlights

“We strive to partner with schools, churches,

and organizations to focus on the health and

well-being of our children”

We are looking for Volunteers.

All volunteers must submit to

a Cori/Sori Check before

working with children. Visit

our website or come in our

location and start volunteering


Kids Be Aware, Inc

Being relocated. Stay

tune for more to


We welcome any donations to help us with the

expansion of our program

To donate to our organization please use this link: