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Dr.Geeta Khanna M.D. M.D.( Pediatrics); MIAP Consultant Peadiatrician Adolescent Health Ambassador-2013

Scholastic Backwardness In Adolescent

Dr.Geeta Khanna M.D.( Pediatrics); MIAPConsultant Peadiatrician

Realization of an individuals potential is one of the basic aims of education. The development of cognitive, affective and psycho motor skills forms the essence of holistic growth. Positive attitudes, self esteem, self image, goal setting an values are intrinsic in the process of development. The new age technological advancements have brought many a blessings but the dwindling priorities have severely marginalised the process of holistic development. Increased competition ,job recession, imbalances leading to greater stress and anxiety.

It has been seen/noticed/ observed that:Children especially in the 15-18 age group faced a lot of stress which was not necessarily related to academic performance but also due to the transitional phase of growth from childhood to adulthood also termed as adolescence.There was almost complete absence of person with whom the children could share their problems .The students experienced tremendous amount of pressure to excel Unable to cope with situations some students even contemplated extreme steps.

Pressure to perform.First Exposure to public examination.Inadequate preparations Or even normal exam related stress

The Reasons could be varied :Commonly Occurring Problem in children with prevalence rate between 10-30% in children (Shendy & Kapur 1998, Rozario 1988) Under recognized Problem.Parents/Teachers/Society ill equipped to understand the issue.Untrained/Undertrained Physicians to recognize the issue.

Scholastic Deterioration In Adolescent: Causes & Effects5Medical ProblemsVisual Defects/ hearing deficits.Epilepsy Especially Uncontrolled Seizures Needs testing of Intelligence and Other cognitive Functions.Chronic Diseases- Hepatic/Cardiac/Renal.Preterm/Low Birth Weight 3 times likely to be low achievers.Medications- Antiepileptic Drugs Drowsiness SB.Causes

10% OF University Students have Serious Psychological Problems Short Periods of Psychotherapy.20 % suffer Temporary Psychosomatic disorders affecting Immunological Digestive and Dermatological systems. Most of which are linked to Pre-Exam Stress.Disorders Include ADHD/Conduct Disorder/ Oppositional Defiant Disorder/ Emotional Disorder/Depressive Disorder.

PSYCHIATRIC ILLNESS:Established Co-Relation between Intelligence and School Backwardness. Mental retardation results in poor school performance.IQ in range of 70-90 SB.10% of children who have normal IQ Specific Developmental Disorders of Scholastic Skills/Learning Disability.Poor reading SkillsPoor Math SkillsLearning DifficultiesTimid Personality

PSYCHO EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMSRole of Dysfunctional Families Child rearing/Discipline/Providing Security/Helping Child Development( These Functions Gets Disrupted)Parental Involvement at School Level Academics/Extracurricular ActivitiesOver expectation of ParentsOver restriction Vs Excessive FreedomRecognizing Difference in FamilyBackground is Critical :DivorceDisrupted FamiliesUnsupportive Anti-Educational and culturally deprived family


Influence of Peers & Student CultureAfter School EnvironmentAcademic MotivationSkeptical About benefits and associated with learning.Poor Emphasis of School on learning/motivationPoor Family Values


The Personality of children who are scholastically backward is riddled with many abnormalities like Inattentiveness and withdrawal from class activity.Poor rapport with teacher. Lack of personal initiative and involvement .Negative feelings and actions.Restlessness

Alarm Signals


Learning Disability.Cascade Effect Of SBScholastic Backwardness AggressionAnxiety DepressionAnswer- Life skills The problem of aggressiveness in inevitably linked with the child early trainings. reward and punishment play an impartment role in disciplining the child. The child wants to strike out when he feels angry but at the same time he looks up to the parents for love and approval.

When a child is punished for aggressiveness, anti social or assaultive behavior, gradually he /she begins to accept restrictions and do what is expected. depending upon the severity of the punishment it may also happen that a child may become even more aggressive.


When things go in the desired way one elated other wise one tends to feel depressed. These shift in mood are not mental disorders.Over depressed mood Diminished interest or pleasure in most activates . Significant weight loss or gain.Insomnia or excessive sleepiness.Persistent fatigue .Feeling or helplessness,worthlessness and guilt .Inability to concentrate or make decision .Change in HabitHeadaches or stomach aches .Recurrent thought of suicide or preoccupation with death.


It is the feeling of apprehension tension uneasiness in a situation when some kind of danger is expected . Anxiety comes from within ,from one, unconscious and it is associated with a lack of self confidence and feelings of inferiority and helplessness.ALARAM SIGNALS If the childs fear inhibits the performance Does the teacher believe that the child known's more than his/ her test performance.

If the child shows physical symptoms of a panic attack (in form of shortness of breath, dizziness,faintness,palpitation,shaking,profuse sweating discomfort etc.) before a test .

ANXIETYConduct disorders are characterized by a repetitive and persistent pattern of dis-social, aggressive or defiant conduct which is not age appropriate and is not at par with the social expectations. ALARAM SIGNALS Repeated lying or stealing Cheating Gang activates. Association with a group of children who do wrong and bad things (stealing, drinking ,beating others etc.) Temper Tantrums like shouting ,crying, beating others roll on floor screaming etc.

Conduct Disorder

To Identify the Cause Child/Family/EnvironmentNeed of Intelligence testing for all children Detailed Analysis of Intelligence profile Childs potential and WeaknessAnalysis of Child Study SkillsLiasion with other professionals[Psychatrist,Psychologist,Social Workers, Speech Therapists]Maintain Good liasion with SchoolMedication in cases of ADHD, Depressive Disorder, Anxiety Disorders.

Helping Student with Scholastic BackwardnessBeing positive always helps. If the child scored poorly say okay. You had some difficulty with this ,lets look at what made the question so hard .Praise studying Help the child in planning the study schedule .Help him/her determine what areas need more attention and those that require less.Teach the child to organize the work .Do some relaxation exercises .


To gather information that will rule out possible reason for SB/Child behaviourSpecialist Gathers information about school performance/medical Records/Environment at schoolInformation on Childs ongoing Behaviour listed in DSMChild teachers Past/Present to rate observations.Parents are asked to describe their child behaviour on a rating scaleAssess Medical reason if any/Presence of Chronic Illness/Epilepsy and use of MedicationsLook for the presence of ADHD Its Role in SBMeasure Verbal and Mathematical Abilities and Achievement in specific subject areas for scholastic abilities assessment.

Steps in clinical Diagnosis and InterventionIdentify the CauseCounselingAssessment of Chronic problems Severity MedicationsPsychotherapyCognitive behavioral TherapyParenting Skill TrainingSupport of School AdministrationPeer SupportSocial Skill TrainingSystem of rewards And PenaltiesBuild up life skills

TreatmentLife skill are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life .It is a persons ability to maintain a state of well being and to demonstrate this while interacting with others .

LIFE SKILLS Components Of Life Skills

SELF AWARENESS:This is an introspective techniqre which enables an individual to recognize ones strength and weaknesses, likes and dislikes .EMPATHY : The ability of a person to be able to understand another persons viewpoint even if one is not familiar with it .Effective Communication:The ability of the person to be able to express herself /himself clearly in all cultures and situations e.g needs ,fears dreams .Decision Making: This relates to decisions that need to be made by the students at every stage in their life regarding choice of a stream at the tender age of 16 years or the sorting of priorities in relation to academics or other activities.

Life Skills Contd..Critical Thinking: This enables an individual to deal constructively with problems that can cause mental stress.Coping with Stress :One of the major areas of concern . It teaches the student the ability to recognize the causes of stress and to be able to handle it in the desired manner .

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