Download - Internet Security_corrections 24.7.09. Keep the consistent structure - xyzfrg (change Posodobi to Posodobi) Change A1 to Si.mobil ok 2.


Internet Security_corrections Keep the consistent structure -> xyzfrg (change Posodobi to Posodobi) Change A1 to Si.mobil ok 2 CLIENT CORRECTIONS 3 Change naslednji to Naslednji ok 4 without, (comma) ok Please use capital letter -> Tedensko Days in our language are written in small letters (torek) ok In the next slide you have all examples needed for this part 5 *Have in mind that we couldn't change many things in Notepad text file for the client because every Word/sentence has its own code: e.g.: 01,0124,datotek/i/e je/sta/so okuenih/i/e in je/sta/so bilo/i/e shranjenih/i/e v karanteno. We divided each example in 5 sentences (page 30) 6 If you choose Vsak teden in the right picture, the outcome shown on the page 28 should look like this -> Tedensko v ponedeljek ob uri Tedensko v torek ob uri Tedensko v sredo ob uri Tedensko v etrtek ob uri Tedensko v petek ob uri Tedensko v soboto ob uri Tedensko v nedeljo ob uri All the examples for time: uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri uri If you choose Vsak mesec in the right picture, the outcome shown on the page 28 should look like this -> Meseno 1. ob uri 2. ob uri 3. ob uri 4. ob uri 5. ob uri 28. ob uri 29. ob uri 30. ob uri 31. ob uri If you choose Vsak dan in the right picture, the outcome shown on the page 28 should look like this -> Dnevno ob uri Remove na! ok Dates: Capital letter at the beginning: Pregled ok Capital letter at the beginning: Nobena datoteka.. ok Capital letter at the beginning: Aktiven ok ALL THE EXAMPLES FOR V KARANTENO depending on the number of viruses that has been found: 0 virusov v karanteni 1 virus v karanteni 2 virusa v karanteni 3 virusi v karanteni 4 virusi v karanteni 5 virusov v karanteni n+1 virusov v karanteni ALL THE EXAMPLES FOR THIS SENTENCE: 0 datotek je okuenih 1 datoteka je okuena 2 datoteki sta okueni 3 datoteke so okuene 4 datoteke so okuene 5 datotek je okuenih n+1 datotek je okuenih 7 I changed this please write the sentences new in the language file: 120,124,127 the place where show the number of viruses is %d Please write something like: viruses in quarantine: %d Change nameeno to -> nameena. ok Change ob to -> ez ok What is this or better why is this here? it is an information text, I forgot this, now its ok 8 Please add a space between the words -> vohunskimi (spyware) programi ok without. (dot) ok 9 I think it would look better if this text is moved a bit up Remove this (we already asked for this) ok 10 Is this OK?, should or can this be in Slovene language? 11 It is ok. It is always in english in every language OK 12 OK 13 OK 14 Please change to -> Da Please change this to -> Ne 15 Sorry i cant change, it is windows system language. I think your system is english Change to -> 2 uri nazaj ok Please remove question mark ? ok 16 OK 17 Please change to -> V redu i think you run the programm on an english system, this text is from windows And belongs to your system language Change to -> 2 uri nazaj ok 18 OK 19 OK 20 Please change to -> 15. uro ok All examples for writing time: uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro uro Please change to -> 15. uro ok We didnt change the word uri to uro in Notepad because they are often used and we dont know exactly which one is the right for this example 21 OK 22 OK Should this be active? If you change some configurations it will be active 23 OK 24 OK 25 OK 26 Here are some mistakes we noticed in Notepad, but havent found in slides: #LangString RemoveGuardXEnd ${LANG_GERMAN} "Deinstallation erfolgreich. $(^Name) wurde von ihrem System entfernt!" LangString RemoveGuardXEnd ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Uninstallation completed successfully. $(^Name) removed from your system!" LangString RemoveGuardXEnd ${LANG_SLOVENIAN} "Odstranjevanje je bil uspeno. Program $(^Name) je bil uspeno odstranjen iz sistema. -> here should be bilo instead of bil #LangString RebootFailed ${LANG_GERMAN} "Systemneustart fehlgeschlagen. Bitte staren Sie Ihren Computer neu." LangString RebootFailed ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Reboot failed. Please reboot your computer manually." LangString RebootFailed ${LANG_SLOVENIAN} "Ponovni zagon raunalnika ni uspel." Raunalnik ponovno zaenite rono. -> Why is there a mark in the middle of text? #LangString GetDotNetError1 ${LANG_GERMAN} "Download abgebrochen - Installation kann ohne DotNetFramework Version ${DOTNET_VERSION nicht fortgesetzt werden!" LangString GetDotNetError1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Download aborted - Setup Wizard can not continue without DotNetFramework version ${DOTNET_VERSION installed!" LangString GetDotNetError1 ${LANG_SLOVENIAN} "Prenos je preklican. arovnik za namestitev ne more nadaljevati, e program DotNetFramework, razliice ${DOTNET_VERSION} ni nameen. -> We removed comma before the word razliice 27 #LangString InstConfirmHead ${LANG_GERMAN} "Installation besttigen" LangString InstConfirmHead ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Confirm installation" LangString InstConfirmHead ${LANG_SLOVENIAN} "Potrdi namestitev -> It would be better: Potrdite namestitev #LangString SettingsText ${LANG_GERMAN} "${PRODUCT_NAME kann im Hintergrund Ihr System berwachen und bieten Ihnen so den optimalen Schutz vor mglichen Virenattacken. Sie knnen die Einstellungen spter jederzeit unter 'Guard' ndern. LangString SettingsText ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${PRODUCT_NAME will watch over you system. To achive ideal protection against viruses.\r\nYou can change your settings everytime under 'Guard'." LangString SettingsText ${LANG_SLOVENIAN} "Program ${PRODUCT_NAME} bo nadzoroval va system in nudil idealno zaito proti virusom.\r\nlahko nastavitve kadar koli spremenite v razdelku Zaita. Change system to sistem # LangString SettingsLicenseError ${LANG_GERMAN} "Fehler beim registrieren Ihrer Lizenz. Stellen Sie eine Verbindung zum Internet mit Ihrer 'DataCard' her. LangString SettingsLicenseError ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Registration error occurred. Establish a connection to the internet with your 'DataCard'. LangString SettingsLicenseError ${LANG_SLOVENIAN} "Pri registraciji licence je prilo do napake." Povezavo v internet vzpostavite prek vae "podatkovne kartice, USB modema ali prenosnika z vgrajenim modemom. Why is this sign again in the text? 28 #LangString Instmsi ${LANG_GERMAN} "Microsoft Installer Version ${MSI_VERSION.x erforderlich. Setup kann nicht fortgesetzt werden. $\n$\nBitte laden Sie sich von der Microsoft Seite die MSI Version ${MSI_VERSION herunten und fhren die heruntergeladene Datei auf Ihrem System aus. $\nSie werden jetzt auf die Microsoft Update Seite weitergeleitet...$\n$\n" LangString Instmsi ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Microsoft Installer Version ${MSI_VERSION.x is required. Cannot continue Setup Wizard. $\n$\nPlease download MSI Version ${MSI_VERSION from Microsoft and start the downloaded file! $\nYou will now be transferred to the Microsoft Update page...$\n$\n" LangString Instmsi ${LANG_SLOVENIAN} "Zahtevan je program Microsoft Installer razliica ${MSI_VERSION.x. arovnik za namestitev ne more nadaljevati. $\n$\nPrenesite MSI razliico ${MSI_VERSION z Microsoftove spletne strani in zaenite prenseno datoteko. $\nOdprla se bo stran s Microsoftova posodobitvami...$\n$\n -> change to preneseno 29