Download - Innovator Spring 2010

  • 8/7/2019 Innovator Spring 2010







  • 8/7/2019 Innovator Spring 2010


    Deans note 1

    GLoBaL tRaVeL anD eDUCatIonaL

    oPPoRtUnItIes 2

    stRanGeR In a stRanGe LanD 4

    neW PRoGRaMs to DeVeLoP

    MatH anD sCIenCe eDUCatoRs 8

    teaCHeR PRePaRatIon FeatUReD In nY tIMes 10

    FaCULtY HIGHLIGHts 12/15

    teaCHeR eDUCatIon seMInaRs 14

    stUDent PRoFILes 16

    aLUMnI PRoFILe: JoHn DIBIaGGIo 20

    snaPsHots 22

    In MeMoRIaM : eRIC DeY 23

    aWaRDs 24

    CLassnotes 27

    DeVeLoPMent RePoRt 28

    in thiS iSSue





    On the cOver: Participants in the Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates program on the Coromandel Penninsula in New Zealand.

    Photo by Kathryn Young

  • 8/7/2019 Innovator Spring 2010


    U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I C H I G A N S C H O O L O F E D U C AT I O N 1

    I was recently honored to be asked to serve a second ve-

    year term as dean o the University o Michigan School o

    Education. Tis comes at an important moment or the

    School o Education as we take stock o our strengths and

    opportunities and set priorities or the coming months and

    years. Our strategic assessment and goal setting is taking

    place within the context o a public education system that

    is challenged by persistent inequities, demands or higherstandards, resource demands, layers o policy, and changing

    ideas about educational goals, learning, and schools.

    Faced with these challenges, we want to be strategic about the

    role that we play in the U.S. public education system. Working

    with our world-class aculty and students, we have articulated

    a central goal that orients the work o the school: to make the

    study and improvement o educational practice, along with the

    teaching and learning o practice, our raison dtre. In other

    words, our research, teaching, and service must contribute tothe improvement o practicethat is, teaching and learning,

    and the interactions, sense making, and dynamics that shape

    teaching and learningand to improvements in the teaching

    and learning o practice.

    Virtually every other eld o proessional practiceincluding

    medicine, law, and nursing, to name a ew exampleshas

    designed systematic proessional education. All o these elds

    study and rene their programs on a regular basis. Tey

    track the eects o proessional training and they are able to

    show that they can produce skilled proessionals on whom

    the public can rely or quality help and service. Proessional

    training in education is ar less reliable, with too many

    students lacking teachers who are able to help them learn.

    Deans note

    Bearing this need in mind, our recently rened mission

    intertwines research, teaching, and service, and centers on:


    concerning the improvement o teaching and learning,

    with a ocus on the mechanisms and dynamics that result

    in high student achievement.


    proessional training in education or teachers, school

    leaders, and higher education proessionals.


    undergraduate mission o the University o Michigan by

    providing opportunities or undergraduates to learn

    about education.


    and doctoral programs that provide thorough knowledgeo practice, excellent training in education research, and

    links to proessional education programs so that graduate

    students are prepared to contribute to the training o

    education proessionals.

    As you read through this issue o Innovator, you will see

    examples o how we are enacting this core work, leading the

    way with a ocus on the study and improvement o teaching

    and learning.

    Deborah Loewenberg baLL

  • 8/7/2019 Innovator Spring 2010


    w w w. S O E . U M I C H . E D U S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I C H I G A N S C H O O L O F E D U C A T

    S ummer 2 0 0 9

    Aot ea r oa N ew Z ea l a ndIn May and June 2009, Cathy Reischl, clinical associate

    professor of education practice, and Kathryn Young,coordinator o the undergraduate secondary teachereducation program, led a group o een undergraduatestudents to Aotearoa New Zealand. Tis trip was part otheUniversityofMichiganGlobalInterculturalExperience

    or Undergraduates program. Students learned about therole o language and culture in schooling in their ownand others lives in Michigan and in the lives o Maori(indigenous people) and Pakeha (people o Europeanorigin) children, youth, and teachers in schools in AotearoaNew Zealand.

    Te students developed a critical comparative perspectiveon the role o language and culture in schooling andcommunication skills in cross-cultural settings. Studentslearned through internships in elementary and secondaryschools, home stays, readings and workshops, conversations

    with university students and aculty, and journeys togeological and historical sites. Seven o the een studentswere education majors (six rom the School o Educationand one rom UM-Flint).

    Te travelers kept a blog during their journeys. Below areexcerpts rom that blog:

    Kia Or a , e ver yone!Antwaun: Weve certainly had quite the experience so ar.Te rst part o day started in Detroit, MI, except or Brian,Megan, Mary, and Nicole, who joined us in L.A. While inL.A., we shared our hearts with one another, including $4gummy bears. And then, we boarded our time machineandsettledintoourseats.Twomeals,threemovies,and

    thirty-ve dierent sleeping positions later we arrived onthe other side o the world.

    Megan: she said that as teachers we are not expected tobe cultural experts, but we are expected to have a working

    knowledge o cultures. Tis was encouraging to me becauseas I am beginning to think about culturally responsivepedagogy, I have been wondering how to be intentionalwith my students and their cultural backgrounds. It is a bitintimidating to think about all the dierent backgroundsI may come across as a teacherto know that I am notexpected to be an expert in every culture that I cross, onlyexpected to learn as much as I can, is comorting. It is alsocomorting to know that here in New Zealand they havethe same kind o worries and questions as I do.

    Mary: Monday morning was our rst day working atMassey High SchoolInstead o going to Period 1, wewent to a Powhiri on the Marae at the school. When wewere taking o our shoes beore entering I began to hearthe students perorming a haka. Instead o walking insideand immediately sitting down, we walked all the way to theback o the Marae to pay respect to the members honoredon the back wall who have passed away. We had to walkright past the students perorming the haka and I reallywish I could have just stopped and watched. Based onwhat I could hear and see out o the corner o my eye, itseemed like the most powerul, intense haka I have seen

    on the trip thus ar. Dave did a great job representingspeaking or our group during the Powhiri, and we aup and sang Hail to the Victors which everyone seto enjoy.

    Kathryn: We were perplexed by the laccompetition between students. It was amazing that New Zealand students have automatic admito university i they meet the predetermined criTis seemed very oreign to the U-M stud

    S ummer 2 0 10 G l ob a l S t yle !In the next ew months o 2010, School o Educaculty members are making additional global traveeducation opportunities available to students.

    NORWAYJanet Lawrence, associate proessor o heducation, and Michael Bastedo, associate proesseducation, are hoping to take a group o seven doc

    Continued on

    Photos by Kathryn Young

  • 8/7/2019 Innovator Spring 2010


    w w w. S O E . U M I C H . E D U S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I C H I G A N S C H O O L O F E D U C A T

    International traveler Bill Heenan is no stranger to the

    pages o the Innovator. As a senior at the University

    o Michigan in 1975, working towards his bachelor o

    arts degree with a major in social studies and teaching

    certication, he participated in a teacher exchange with

    Sheeld University. Aer graduating, Heenan served

    as a Peace Corps volunteer in Chad. Tese experiences,

    chronicled in the September 1976

    and January 1978 editions o the

    Innovator, respectively, motivated

    him to return overseas throughout

    his career as an educator.

    Aer the Peace Corps, Heenan

    worked as an editor or the Federal

    Government in Washington DC,

    obtained a dual masters o arts

    degree in teaching English and

    teaching French at the School

    for International Training in

    Brattleboro, and then went to


    English as a Foreign Language

    instructor in the 1980s and 90s.

    He then returned to teaching in the

    U.S. at the New Mexico Department

    o Correctionsuntil the events o

    September 11, 2001, seemed to call

    him back to international service.

    9/11 was my personal wake-up call, Heenan recalls. In a

    part o the world where I had been warmly received in thepast, something had changed, and I wanted to s ee i I could

    help in some way. Perhaps as an experienced educator, I

    should help those new to the classroom.

    I also wanted to perect my Arabic so that I would have

    a better understanding o what the average person on a

    Middle-Eastern street was thinking, he adds. Little did he

    Stranger in a strange landknow that the educational management responsibilit

    was about to assume would preclude his having his

    time to study language ormally, but he soon discov

    that some people on the streets spoke passable Engl

    even taxi drivers with relatives in Dearborn. By

    Arabic every day, he deepened his survival knowled

    the language.

    My experiences as an undergraduate at U o M and

    working in Saudi Arabia really opened my eyes to was going on in the world, and I have never lost the d

    to travel and gain new insights into how people per

    the world, he explained.

    When Heenanrst arrivedin Yemens capitalSan

    the summer o 2008, he was surprised by the inte

    o a chaotic capital city composed o car horns, dus

    Bill Heenan, BA,


    writes about

    his experiences




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    smog, minarets, satellite dishes, mud-brick tower houses,

    construction cranes, and two million people.

    Heenan had come to work as an assistant director o the

    Exceed Language Center. Still reeling rom culture shock,


    now in charge o the s chool because the managing director

    was leaving because o an unexpected illness. For the next

    six months,Heenansuper vised20 Yemenisupport sta

    and 50 instructors teaching 1,600 students. Few o these

    instructors held internationally recognized Teaching

    English-as-a-Second-or-Other-Language credentials, so

    Heenan had to bring them up to speed.

    Many instructors badly needed to learn how to teach all

    the language skills more communicatively, Heenan recalls.

    In other words, instead o emphasizing memorization and

    grammar, they needed to get students to interact more

    with each other in true-to-lie situations using English.

    However, what made the training process easier and

    rewarding or everyone was that these teachers were utterly

    dedicated, eager to improve and share their enthusiasm

    with their students, he added.

    Coming rom all over the mostly rural nation, the students

    represented a cross-section of Yemeni society: high-

    school students, housewives, armers, and government

    and business employees. Tey considered attending classes

    a privilege.

    Tey attended every day and took advantage o every

    opportunity to practice, including visiting me in my oce,

    Heenan recalls. Tey were hungry to learn, especially

    the women who were just entering the labor orce in that

    conservative society. Although most were clad in the

    black ankle-to-neck black abaya and some with the hijab

    head covering everything but their eyes, they showed greatdeterminationand couragein their eorts to improve



    per-capita income remains under $1,000 a year, only

    hal o its 22 million people are literate, and almost one-

    third are unemployed. A working knowledge o English

    is a ticket to upward mobility. Certicate holders rom

    language institutes can work in government ministries and

    international aid agencies or obtain lucrative positions as


    Aer Exceed, Heenan served as training director and

    thengeneral managerof theYemen-AmericaLanguage

    Institute (YALI), Yemens largest and mostprestigious

    English-language school. In part, its popularity was due to

    the support o the U.S. Embassy since the school opened

    in 1975. In this position, Heenan was responsible or 65

    instructors and more than 3,000 students.

    ForanytrainerinYemen,theworkis cutoutforhim

    or her, especially in helping teachers to nd ways to

    encourage their students to read and write, Heenan

    said. Te teachers are up against the countrys poverty,

    a shortage o bookstores, and high illiteracy rates. Teres

    also little reinorcement at home to read, meaning that

    reading is one o the toughest language skills or students

    to learn and one o the most challenging to teach.

    As a result of his management experiences at YALI,

    Heenan gained great respect or education administrators:


    criticism, ensuring that subordinates do not lose ace and

    that all sta members eel that they have been consulted

    beore major decisions were made.


    command was not always respected, Heenan explained.

    Sta members would oen bypass their own direct

    supervisors to bring grievances or complaints to my

    attentionor my superiors would bypass me to talk directly

    to a lower-level supervisor and his or her subordinates.

    For me these practices were one o the most challenging

    aspects o the job.

    Unortunately, due to a deteriorating security s ituation, the

    U.S. Embassy severed its ties to the school in October 2009.

    Heenan believes that was a poor decision, saying that the


    riends, spread goodwill, and give the U.S. a positive image

    in the country than any other American aid initiative I

    knew o.


    connection between the U.S. Embassy and YALI was

    abandoned.Kidnappings andattacks onforeigners were

    taking place just outside the capital, Heenans European

    colleagues were starting to pack, and the international



    Sanaa, population two million, sprawls along a dusty,

    scrub-covered high plateau. Hal o the France-sized nation

    is a bewildering jumble o mountain villages controlled

    by competing tribes, where the authority o the central

    government has little impact. In other words, there are a

    lot o places or the bad guys to hide.

    Te inability to travel throughout this ascinating historic

    land, the requent Embassy warnings to avoid public places

    and vary routes home, and reports o an uprising near the

    Saudi border and secession in the south made lie outside

    o work increasingly dicult, Heenan recalls. Work itsel

    became more stressul as bomb threats were phoned in

    and classes disrupted. We couldnt continue to be eective

    educators and provide quality language training cut o

    rom the lives o the people we were supposed to be serving

    and preoccupied with our own saety.

    Heenan adds that the quality o lie in general was

    also going downhill ast. According to him, Sanaa was

    experiencing long power blackouts, and the government

    said that the groundwater would run out within 5-10


    Now, saely teaching at a charter high schoo

    Albuquerque, New Mexico, Heenan laments the atte

    Yemen has received lately in the news, notably

    Christmas Bombers connection to the country. Alth


    on the warship USS Cole in 2000, the country was m

    tentative progress toward educating and empl

    its people, especially its women, when he rst arr

    European tourists were visiting the historic sites o

    ancient, multiaceted land, and American college stu

    were lling the Arabic-language schools in Sanaa.

    I had just started to experience success with

    teachers and was beginning to untangle in my min

    complicated web o grievancespolitical and social

    could have spawned terrorist groups, Heenan conc


    the terrorist threats and deal with huge related socia

    environmental problems. Te job o teaching En

    well must continue without interruption. Tese e

    were doing so much to oster a cordial relation

    with America with this part o the Middle E

    Bill Heenan, BA in social sciences and Certicate, 76, has more than six years working in the Middle East. He curteaches high school classes at the Gordon Bernell CSchool in Albuquerque, NM, and is the Middle East Acorrespondent or the online newspaper Yohear Bill talk about his experiences in Yemen on the U-M Awebsite on Podcast 71: Bill Heenan, Adventure in Yeht tp : / / a lu m ni . u m ic h . e du / podc a s t s / ? e p i so de ID =5

    Photos and text by Bill Heenan

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    w w w. S O E . U M I C H . E D U S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I C H I G A N S C H O O L O F E D U C A T


    science and math teachers prepared at the University o

    Michigan School o Education. Each o the programs

    oster collaboration between programs at the School o

    Education and programs oered through the College oLiterature, Science, and the Arts (LSA).

    Oneproject isthe W.K.Kellogg FoundationWoodrow

    Wilson Michigan Teaching Fellowship program,

    which is being oered at six Michigan universities. Te

    ellowships will help prepare teachers enrolled in graduate

    education programs statewide or success in their careers

    and encourage their proessional development aer


    Te overall goal o the program is to prepare 240 teachers

    over two years beginning in 2011. Te teachers will earnmasters degrees and will train in and be placed in hard-

    to-sta middle and high schools in Michigan. As part o

    this special program, the U-M School o Education will

    prepare 20 teachers each year.

    Were excited to participate in this program not only

    because we share the ultimate goalsimproving young

    New Programs to DevelopMAth ANd ScieNce educAtORS

    peoples learning in mathematics and sciencebut also

    because we believe rmly that the key is to develop

    innovative ways to train teachers who have both strong

    academic knowledge and excellent clinical preparation,

    said Deborah Ball, dean o the School o Education and

    William H. Payne Collegiate Proessor in E ducation and

    Arthur F. Turnau Proessor.

    Tis program will allow us to extend the work weve

    been doing over the last several years to undamentally

    redesign teacher education here at U-M and to attract

    excellent candidates to become teachers o math and



    Education and coordinated through the IDEA Institute

    (U-M Instructional Development and EducationalAssessment), a collaborative eort o LSA and the School



    ve-year pathway to open up the pipeline or students

    toconsiderK-12teaching careers.rougha number

    o early experience programs, rst- and second-year

    LSA undergraduates can partner with teachers in the

    community to work with them on developing lessons or

    direct classroom implementation and then design and

    teach in IDEAs summer science camp program. Students

    will then apply to join a sequential degree program, in

    which they will earn their LSA bachelor o science degree

    in science or mathematics ollowed by a masters degree

    in education, and teacher certication.

    Te Robert Noyce Fellowship program is similar to the



    Tese two IDEA/School o Education programs willinvolve about twelve students each year.

    Photos by Mike Gould

    to arn mor abo Ko Fonaon-Woorow Wson Man tan Fowsp


  • 8/7/2019 Innovator Spring 2010


    w w w. S O E . U M I C H . E D U S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I C H I G A N S C H O O L O F E D U C A T

    University o Michigan School o Education Dean Deborah

    Loewenberg Ball and other aculty and sta who help to


    eatured in the cover story o the March 7, 2010, NY imes



    knowledge and thinking about the actors that contribute

    School o Education Teacher

    Preparationeatured inNw York tms Maan

    to quality, eective education and comes to the conclusion

    that is well-known in education circles: its the teacher that

    matters. When researchers ran the number in dozens o

    dierent studies, she writes, every actor under a schools

    control produced just a tiny impact, except or one: whichteacher the student had been assigned to. Some teachers

    could regularly li their students test scores above the

    average or children o the same race, class, and ability


    Te lengthy article then ocuses on some o the current

    ideas about how to improve the quality o teaching and the

    author highlights Ball, her history o investigating eective

    teaching, and the School o Educations eorts to combine

    a ocus on broad teaching skills with appropriate content


    In addition, to Ball, Francesca Forzani, doctoral student


    Bass, Samuel Eilenberg Distinguished University Proessor

    o Mathematics & Mathematics Education, and his work on


    in the article.

    In the article, Ball discusses her early work lming and

    analyzing her own teaching when she was a third-grade

    mathematics teacher:

    Her goal in flming her class was to capture and then

    study, categorize and describe the work o teaching

    50Class ReuniWeek5oth50th Reunion for the Class of 1960Thursday, October 14Registration and hospitality room at the Michigan League,Gala Dinner with Emeritus Pin Presentation to the class of 1960

    Friday, October 15Registration and hospitality room at the Michigan League, campus bus tour,University-wide lectures presented by U-M faculty and staff

    Saturday, October 16

    Go Blue Homecoming Tailgate and Michigan vs. Iowafootball game

    Sunday, October 17Tour of Michigan Stadium

    School and college events throughout the weekend. 866.998.6150 Registration begins early June.

    the knowledge and skills involved in getting a

    class o 8-year-olds to understand a years worth o

    math. Her somewhat surprising conclusion: Teaching,

    even teaching third-grade math, is extraordinarily

    specialized, requiring both intricate skills and complex

    knowledge about math.

    This led to her urther consideration o the relationship

    between content knowledge in a discipline

    (mathematics, biology, English, etc.) and pedagogical

    knowledge. Ball theorized that what is necessary or

    eective teaching is neither a union nor a subset o

    these types o knowledge, but rather a third, related

    area: knowledge or teaching. For mathematics,

    she theorized that it included everything rom the

    common math understood by most adults to math

    that only teachers need to know, like which visual

    to use to represent ractions (sticks? blocks? a pi

    o a pizza?) or a sense o the everyday errors stud

    tend to make when they start learning about neg

    numbers. At the heart o MKT, she thought, wa

    ability to step outside o your own head. Teac

    depends on what other people think, Ball told

    not what you think.

    Te article, Building a Better eacher, can be found

    online at


    Some of Balls early work, recorded on video and

    discussed in the article, is available for viewing at

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    w w w. S O E . U M I C H . E D U S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I C H I G A N S C H O O L O F E D U C A T


    The Michigan Merit Curriculum put into place new high school

    graduation requirements or students who entered the 8th

    grade in 2006. Every school subject, rom mathematics to

    social studies, was assessed. Increased expectations in areas

    o mathematics, science, and English and oreign languages

    were intended to ensure that Michigans high school graduates

    have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in college

    or the workplace. In each o these areas, the availability o the

    content was not what was novelit was the higher demands on

    students that were new. An exception was the new requirement

    or a year o world history and geography.

    World history is a rapidly growing eld in both scholarship and in

    schools, an approach to history that seeks a global perspective

    on the past by identiying and analyzing large, even global,

    patterns. Local, national, and regional events or stories are then

    seen as illuminating and infuencing those larger patterns.

    Prior to 2008, the Michigan Department o Education did not

    assess world history, nor was it included in any substantive way

    in Michigans benchmarks. Few schools oered world history

    classes and even ewer teachers had training in world history.

    Suddenly, a host o history and social studies teachers across

    Michigan were compelled to teach a subject with which they

    had little amiliarity.

    The School o Educations Bob Bain, associate proessor o

    history and social studies education and 26-year veteran high

    school history and social studies teacher, chaired the state

    task orce that recommended the world history and geography

    requirementbut he had reservations at the outset: When

    we delivered the recommendation and the state adopted the

    content expectations without providing curricula, proessional

    development, and assessments, I said this is reorm on the

    cheap, he recalls.

    The lack o and need to prepare good world history teachers

    is arguably history/social science educations most pressing

    need, he says. And hes helping to bring the universitys

    resources to bear on meeting this need.

    While the university is able to provide current students with world

    history training, the ranks o history teachers currently working

    throughout Michigan need additional, specialized training to

    enable them to eectively teach the world history requirement.

    Bain, with his doctorate in history, with his extensive experience

    teaching high school, and with his interest in pedagogy, is the

    ideal person to work on a solution to the problem. Working with

    postdoctoral ellow Lauren McArthur Harris, Bain has brought

    together experts rom across the university, including members

    o the universitys History Department, International Institute,

    and the Eisenberg Institute or Historical Studies, to provide

    a series o proessional development workshops or Michigan

    history teachers.

    Harris believes the School o Education is the perect host or

    these activities: There are a lot o people in the school who

    think a lot about content and about ways to teach that content.

    We think about how to bring content and pedagogy together

    and help teachers both learn more about the content and learn

    ways to teach their students, she says.

    Bain points out that, just as the world history requirement is

    somewhat revolutionary, so is this approach to proessionaldevelopment. Historically, proessional development has been

    done in one o two ways. One is that you bring in content experts

    and hope the teacher will translate the new knowledge into

    lessons that are accessible to the students. The second way

    has been to not ocus on content, rather to ocus on methods o

    instruction in a content-neutral way, he explains. We say you

    cant do methods without content, or content without methods.

    Theyre absolutely, inextricably linked. Our work is always at the

    intersection o how it is that people know and how it i s that you

    help people come to know.

    They plan to oer eight dierent proessional development

    programs over our years, each ocusing on a dierent era in

    global history and geography. These World History Institutes

    began in all 2009 and will continue to 2013.

    Just as Bains experiences make him the perect individual or

    developing and implementing these activities, he asserts that

    the university and the School o Education are uniquely suited

    to provide the resources to enable the institutes. This is an

    example o the kind o collaboration that we think is absolutely

    crucial, he says. Collaboration between people who research

    and study teaching and learning and people who study content,

    working together to pool their resources to support K-12 learningin Michigan. Were a state institution with a responsibility to

    provide services to area schools.

    I it takes a village to raise a child, Bain says, it takes a

    university to raise a teacher.

    I i ill i cild

    I ii i c

    - b bi

    students rom the Center or the Study o Hand Postsecondary Education to the meetithe Consortium o Higher Education Resear(CHER) being held at the University o Oslo in2010.

    Working with international colleagues CHER, Lawrence and Bastedo helped to organ opportunity within the conerence or dostudents to submit papers relating to EuroIntegration. Because the response was overwheand many more students submitted papers thebe accommodated within the CHER conerLawrence and Bastedo are coordinatinadditional meeting, just or the doctoral studthe day prior to the CHER conerence.

    chiNASusan Neuman, proessor o educand Kevin Miller, professor of education

    professor of psychology, are leading a G

    Intercultural Experience or Undergradopportunity, taking a group o 14 undergradto Beijing in May. Te U.S. students are curinvestigating the ways that preschool progprepare children or school. A counterpart groChinese students is examining the same procChinese preschool programs. During the vistwo groups o students will discuss similaritiedierences between the two countrys approto this unction.

    hAWAiiCathy Reischl and Kathryn Y

    invigorated by last years experiences in Zealand, will take 14 undergraduates to in native Hawaiian communities in June aof another Global Intercultural Experienc

    Undergraduates. Te students will support reand math instruction in a Hawaiian summer s

    program, participate in service projects, andabout the lives o native Hawaiian children.will also work with two teachers, one o whoSchool o Education alumna. Jeremy DeMin

    Jessica DeMink Carthew (AB 02, AM 05,CE

    05)willworkwiththeU-M studentsatKaMiddle School.

    Continued from page 3

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    w w w. S O E . U M I C H . E D U S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I C H I G A N S C H O O L O F E D U C A T

    eTeacherEducation Initiative(TEI) atthe University

    o Michigan School o Education is redesigning the waysteachers are educated, trained, and prepared or theproession and practice o teaching. Tis year has beentremendously successul as the project continues to buildonfoundationsconstructedsincetheTEIwasfoundedin


    In a year when the media turned its spotlight on the

    perpetual work o improving education in the UnitedStates,therewereanumberofTEI-relatedstoriesinthe

    news. On January 3, 2010, National Public Radio aireda story that ocused on the medical-rounds model inwhich student teachers observe veteran teachers as theyimplement specic examples o good teaching. Severalnews stories covered the announcement o the schoolsparticipationintheW.K.KelloggFoundationWoodrow

    Wilson Michigan Teaching Fellowship, an initiative

    designed to increase the numbers and quality o science,technology, engineering, and mathematics teachers. Andon March 7, 2010, Deborah Loewenberg Ball, dean othe School o Education, William H. Payne CollegiateProessor, Arthur F. Turnau Proessor, and directoroftheTEI,wasfeaturedinalengthyarticleintheNew

    York imes Magazine.Fellow TEI-aliatesHymanB ass,

    Samuel Eilenberg Distinguished University Proessor oMathematics & Mathematics Education, and FrancescaForzani, doctoral student and associate director o theprogram, were also quoted in the NY imes article.

    Onecomponentofthe TEIthathasbeenimportantto

    theprogressis theannualseminarseries.e Teacher

    Education Seminar Series was developed during the rstyearoftheinitiative.OneofthecentralideasoftheTEIwas that we were going to use it as an opportunity tolearn, says Forzani. We werent just going to redesign theteacher preparation program here at the school, we wereall going to learn about all o the issues involved and thenlearn about how to make the changes. Te seminar series isone o the ways that we gain knowledge. We bring togetherpeople in semi-ormal way and it osters conversation andlearning.

    Each year, the series has a theme. Te rst year it was aboutthe history o attempts to reorm teacher education in thiscountry and what could be learned rom those previousattempts. David Cohen, John Dewey Proessor o EducationandprofessorofpublicpolicyattheGeraldR.FordSchool

    ofPublicPolicy, andGary Fenstermacher, professorof

    education, emeritus, presented in the inaugural seminar,discussing their personal experiences. Tey warned o thechallenges o the work and spoke o t he need or increased

    capacity, sustained will, and unding.

    Te second year brought speakers to illuminate the waysthat other proessions, such as dentistry and nursing,organize themselves to teach novices.

    In the third year, the topics centered on the role o ethicsintheworkofteaching.Inthatyear,membersoftheTEI

    worked throughout the year to develop, dra, and discussa document detailing ethical obligations or teachers. Asthe document began to take shape, several meetings wereconvened at which people rom throughout the schoolwere invited to collaborate on dras o the document.Te ethical obligations that were identied are now beingintegrated into the curriculum o the schools new teachereducation program.

    Tis year, with a theme o Learning to Reach All Learners,the seminars have ocused on the intersection o teachingspecic school subject areas with issues o equity anddiversity. Te series is designed to assist our eorts toconstruct a practice-ocused curriculum or learning toteach all pupils.

    Next years theme hasnt been chosen yet, although somepossibilities are being discussed. Forzani says, we try tothinkaboutwhatwereworkingonintheTEIthatweneed

    help with, and in which areas well benet rom outsideperspective and expertise, and also about whats timely.Ideas or next year include assessment o teaching practice,laboratory schools, and implications or teacher educationin recent discussions o national core standards.

    tc edci smi

    bi i expi d Ppci


    sp DJdi

    Ld hi

    edci Pm

    The Center or Higher and Postsecondary Education has been

    around or over 50 years, says Stephen DesJardins, proessor

    o higher education, in those 50 years, our mission has been to

    study postsecondary and higher education institutions, to look

    at what they do, how they do it, and how eective they are

    at doing the things that they do. And by doing so, we try to

    aect policy and change in terms o improving the education

    and research thats done in these institutions.

    This past year, DesJardins succeeded Deborah Carter as

    director o the schools Center or Higher and Postsecondary

    Education (CSHPE).

    The center is very highly regarded, he says, and the rst

    item on the agenda is keep the program highly regarded, so

    its about qualitythe quality o the aculty that we have, o the

    students that we bring in, and o the things we do in ter

    research and service.

    Faculty members aliated with the center are engaged

    number o important activities within the university that cap

    on their expertise with higher education. One o these is

    universitys Achievement and Graduation Gap Task

    which is cochaired by SOE Dean Deborah Loewenberg B

    by Lester Monts, senior vice provost or academic aairs

    The University o Michigan, like many other institutions,

    long-time gap in graduation rates between minority and

    students, explains DesJardins, and weve been meetin

    doing some research over the past academic year to tr

    gure out how were going to reduce that gap.

    In addition to DesJardins and Ball, SOE aculty members S

    Dynarski, associate proessor o education, and Ed St.

    Algo D. Henderson Collegiate Proessor o Higher Educ

    are active members o the task orce.

    Another example o where CSHPE aculty members int

    and expertise intersect with institutional need is with on

    projects with the U-M College o Engineering. DesJ

    and a number o center aculty members are collabo

    with engineering aculty colleagues to improve engine


    DesJardins, who joined the school in 2002, has ocuse

    research on enrollment management: why people c

    certain colleges, the transitions they make rom high s

    to college, and what happens to them while theyre in co

    Recently he has also worked to increase the schools reso

    and strengths in quantitative research methods.

    In an announcement o DesJardins appointment as di

    Dean Deborah Loewenberg Ball said I am condent that

    will bring terric skills and vision to this role, and will help de

    the centers programs, aculty, and students. I am condenthe centers next years will be signicant ones, and will bu

    the work they have done under Deborah Carters lead

    during the past three years let me take this opportun

    thank Deborah or her commitment and service to the c

    and the awesome job she has done as director. The cente

    made important progress under her leadership and it has

    a real pleasure working with her.

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    in a southwestern Detroit school who was obvidisinterestedinhearingTaylorslessonaboutinatihelpthe studentsunderstand,Taylormodeledbartein which one party had chickens but wanted an iPodthe other party had an iPod to trade. At the end ohour-longlesson,Tayloraskedthepreviouslyuninvstudent what he thought and the young man gave anod o his head and said that it was kind o cool.

    Withregardtohisownengagement,Taylorisenthuabout the opportunities available through the Univo Michigan. I was able to see William Julius Wilsonis like Te Man or sociology. Recently, I was able tGwenIllfromathird-rowseat!

    Tere are a lot o amazing opportunities and resources here, he says. And its still possible to n

    lost. A lot o people worry that with a big university, tget lost in the shufe. But not hereI I go into the teedoce,theyknowwhoIamtheysayHeyTaylordo you want to see? Te school has a small commubut huge resources through the university. Its small it ought to be small and its big when it needs to be

    When people think of improving K-12 education bysupplying better teachers, they usually think o dramatictalesofinner-cityschools.TaylorCasarez,whohasbeendoing some teaching in southwestern Detroit, agreesthat great teachers are sorely needed in urban schoolshowever he wonders i the spotlight on cities might notbe leaving rural schools in the dark. I worry about whoslooking out or small towns, many with their own ruralpoverty problems, he says. I eel like theres a real need

    in small towns.

    It was in his own small-town school in Hastings, Michigan,where he had his rst inspiration to become a teacher:It was my reshman year o high school and the teacherasked me to lead a class discussion on Soviet Russia. So Im

    Monique is exactly where she wants to be, although shesnot content to stay hereshes looking ahead: Ever sinceninth grade, she says, Ive wanted to be a teacher. I knewthats what I wanted to do and ever since then Ive beenworking to get there.

    And now, she adds, Im almost there.

    Monique was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. Likemany at the School o Education (SOE), she remembers

    ondly a teacher who made a dierence in her lie and whoinspires her as she strives to become that gure who canhave such an impact on young peoples lives: Ms. White,

    she says, believed in me. Te world is lled with so manypossibilities and you can do whatever you put your mindtoand it really helps to have someone who believes inyou.

    As a teacher, Monique wants to be that role model andsource o energy and ability or others: My whole thing isto be empowering and encouraging, she says. I want kidstoknowthatitsOKtobethatsmartkid.AnditsOKtobe

    that not-so-smart kid and work or what you want.

    Because she is a woman on a mission, Monique chose

    to become a Preerred Admissions student at SOE.While many teacher candidates apply to the school as

    tayLor CasarezBachelor o Arts with Certication, SecondaryTeacherEducation

    asking questions and encouraging people to participateand it was cool to see people start to gure it outand tobe the person helping people gure it out.

    Aer a number o similar experiences, he elt called to thevocation. Or, as he puts it, I thought it might be somethingcooltodowithmylife!

    And he continues to believe hes on the right track: Ido have to get up early when I student teach. Detroit isa ways away, but I wake up on those mornings with theexcitement that Im doing something important enough

    that I want to devote my whole lie to it. Im getting up togo do something I love doing.

    AswhenTaylorwasafreshmaninhighschool,leadinghisrst class discussion, its engaging students that makes himeel successul. He tells a story about an 11th-grade student

    Im on a mission to getout and begin teaching.

    Im getting up to go dosomething I love doing.

    STUDENT PROFILEMonIque JuLIa gayLesBachelor o Arts with Certication, SecondaryTeacherEducation

    sophomores, preerred admits indicate their plabecome SOE students on their initial application tUniversity o Michigan. Preerred admits dont taking proessional courses until their junior yeathey become part o the SOE community rom day otheir rst year, bonding with their ellow SOE preadmit students at special events and getting linked SOE advisor who can help them choose the appropcourses so that they can graduate within our years awell-prepared or teaching.

    For Monique, graduating in our years is very impoIm on a mission, she says, to get out and begin teacIm eager to get out and get into my classroom.

    In early 2010, Monique was lmed by the university or acalled In Our Own Words. Moniques video can be

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    Christopher says that his riends and amily have alwaystold him that hes a very logical person and he believes its avalid description: I like things to make sense, he says.

    For Christopher, the road he has taken and the experienceshe has had throughout his education initially provided himwith a wealth o why do things work like that questionstotryandmakesenseof.Questionsaboutwhoispreparedor higher education, what acilitates or impedes theirparticipation in college, and what actors are involved instudents successul completion o a program.

    Coming rom a small town in Southern Caliornia wherecollege-going was not the norm, he initially had to grapple

    Once upon a time, Shelley wanted to earn a doctorate inEnglish literature. She was working towards this goal at theUniversity o Virginia but decided maybe she should stopat a masters and see i she even enjoyed teaching. Whileteaching at a community college not long aer graduating,she was struck by the transormative power o education:At the community college, I saw traditional studentsinteract with middle-aged divorcees who were going backto school, we had vets and ex-convictsa snapshot o

    people rom all walks o lie.

    Teyd say things like I never thought I could go backto school and now I believe in mysel and I can see that

    ChrIstoPher JaMes neLLuMPublic Policy in Higher and PostsecondaryEducation PhD Program

    sheLLey strICkLanDPublic Policy in Higher and PostsecondaryEducation PhD Program

    with questions about the value o higher education, as wellas with more specic questions such as how to completethe FAFSA.

    He collected additional about higher education through ajob he took working with student services while earninghis undergraduate degree. He also realized that some opeople with him behind the student services counter werepeople who had made working with students a careerand that he could join them, helping students to developand thrive.

    Christopher considered this career path and entered amasters degree program in student counseling. Whileearning this degree, he worked two part-time jobs at hisschoolone in student services, the other in academic

    I have a bright uture and could have a career. Educationgives people a sense o hope and possibility and a sense ocommunity thats broader than themselves.

    Tis clicked or me, she says, and I knew this wassomething I wanted to be part o. I eel like its mycalling.

    Switching rom English to education was not an overnightdecision, however. Shelley worked in higher educationor 13 years beore applying to the School o Education.During this time, she worked rst at Michigan StateUniversity, thenat KennesawState University, andlateratEmoryUniversity,bothinGeorgia,developingadeepunderstanding o the operation o universities and anexpertise in higher education development.

    I knew this was somethingI wanted to be part o. I eellike its my calling.

    I realized that I couldthink systematicallyabout the issues...



    aairs, and he wondered why these two unctiohigher education seemed so divided in their unctiopriorities. It was also during this time that he triehand at research, and liked it: I realized that I couldsystematically about the issues that I saw, I ound nothat I enjoyed ithelping to make sense o thingsthat I was good at it.

    Tus, with his longstanding interest in quesurrounding equity in access to and success in heducation, he came to the Center or the Study o Hand Postsecondary Education.

    Christophers research interests have continued to eand now, in his second year in the program, his cuinterests center on community colleges, on commcollege student outcomes, and on the promise o commcolleges as an academic opportunity equalizer.

    He eels good about the work here. What we do hereatheoreticalwe dont simply develop statistical mbut we take those models and try to make sense o ththe larger social and policy context.

    Timeand circumstances combinedto produce aopportunity or Shelley at the School o Educatwhile she was considering the schools oer o admiProessor John Burkhardt, who directs the NatForumonHigherEducationforthePublicGood,bat the school, called her to say that U-M was creatinundergraduate internship program in developmenthat, given her experience, this would be a perect por her to work on and learn rom during her studiewas right. Te program, initially unique to the Univo Michigan, has been highly successul and has spaimitators at other universities.

    Now in her ourth year at the school, Shelley is deepthe research or her dissertation, a qualitative stuthe development experience and expertise o commcollege presidents.

    All photos in the Student Prole section were taken by

    Mike Mouradian

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    Center for the study of higher and postseCondary eduCation Chinese Visitors

    Te Executive Education Program in Higher Education Finance Management, designed by the Center or the Study o Higher and PostsecondaryEducation, hosted chie nancial ocers o universities located in Liaoning Province in China in September 2009. Te program amiliarizedparticipants with the diverse policies and practices that aect the nancing o higher education in the United States and the managemento the University o Michigan resources, in particular. Te 25 Chinese participated in lecture discussions with CSHPE aculty and U-Madministrators and visit other institutions located in Southeast Michigan to talk with nance pers onnel about issues o mutual interest.


    deborah Loewenberg baLL reappointed to a seCond fiVe-year term as dean

    In the early months o 2010, Deborah Loewenberg Ball was oered and accepted a second ve-year appointment as dean o the School oEducation. On March 25, 2010, more than 200 students, sta, aculty, alumni/ae, and colleagues gathered in secret to surprise Ball and oertheir congratulations and support.

    brandon professionaL resourCe Center and arChiVe groundbreaking pLanned

    With groundbreaking scheduled or August 2010, the school is close to exploring the opportunities the Brandon Proessional Resource CandArchive,atwenty-rst-centuryeducationlibrarymadepossiblebyagenerousgifromJanandDavidBrandon(ABED74CERTecenterwillhousedigitalrecordsofprofessionalpractice.Totheserecords,userswillappendtheirexperiencesthroughdigitalannoadding value to the records. Te center will also provide study and collaboration space to School o Education Students. Collabointeractive activities with media, as shown above, will be aciliated and enhanced in the new cutting edge acility.

    In Memoriam

    eriC dey, 1962 - 2009

    In September, a arewell reception at the

    School o Education was held in honor oEric Dey, who had accepted a position at

    the University o Virginias Curry School

    o Education that oered him exciting

    new opportunities related to his work on improving teaching and learning in h

    education. This occasion or members o the school and the university comm

    to wish him well and say goodbye proved to be sadly ortuitous. Eric collapse

    died in November 2009 while en route to the annual meeting o the Associati

    the Study o Higher Education (ASHE) in Vancouver. The shocking and sad nehis passing traveled quickly and conerence attendees rom across the eld o h

    education expressed condolences and sorrow. The Association o American Co

    and Universities posted a remembrance o Eric on their website.

    Erics career at the University o Michigan School o Education began in 1993

    associate proessor and culminated in his recent promotion to ull proessor. Eri

    a long history o service to the school, serving in a variety o roles including: s

    advisor to the dean on research on undergraduate teaching; senior advisor to the

    or budget; executive associate dean; and associate dean or research. A nocontribution to not only the university but to higher education on the whole w

    collaboration on research related to the educational eects o diverse student b

    which was used to inorm the Supreme Courts decision supporting the continui

    o armative action in college admissions.

    Erics legacy, however, would not be complete without mention o his insuppre

    sense o humor, generosity, and caring or others. Many o us have ond stories

    jokes, the many ways he showed others he cared, and his incredible considerat

    other people. He will be missed by his many colleagues, students, and riends.

    survived by his partner, Casey White, his ather, and sister.

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    Samuel Eilenberg Distinguished University Professor

    of Mathematics & Mathematics Education Hyman Bass was elected to membership in the NationalAcademy o Education or his pioneering eorts instudying the mathematical knowledge used in teaching.

    MichAel BAStedO

    Associate Professor of EducationMichael Bastedo was a visiting scholar at the Centre deSociologie des Organisations at the Institut dtudesPolitiques de Paris. He researched university rankingsand presented his work on institutional stratication in

    Paris and Lausanne.

    PeRcY BAteS

    Professor of Education

    Percy Bates was selected as the National CollegiateAthletic Association representative in the McLendonMinority Athletics Administrators Hall o Fame.

    YAA cOle

    Doctoral Student in Educational Studies




    BethANY dAvilA

    Doctoral Student in the Joint Program in English and


    Bethany Davila was awarded the David and LindaMoscowPrizeforExcellenceinTeachingCompositionin


    BetSY dAviS

    Associate Professor of Education

    Betsy Davis was choosen to receive the 2009 PattishallAward. Endowed in the School o Education in 1993byEvanG.andHelenG.Pattishall,thisawardisto

    encourage early career aculty with the pursuit o theirresearch.

    awarDs Faculty and StudentsRichARd AlFRed

    Associate Professor of Higher Education

    Richard Alred was named editor o a new book series oncommunity college education. Te American Council onEducation established the series.

    lAuRA Aull

    Doctoral Student in the Joint Program in English and

    Education Laura Aull was awarded the David and Linda MoscowPrizeforExcellenceinTeachingCompositioninTeaching


    JeNNY SeAlY BAdeeDoctoral Student in Educational StudiesJenny Sealy Badee was inducted into the Edward A.BouchetGraduateHonorSociety,whichrecognizes

    outstanding scholarly achievement and promotesdiversity and excellence in doctoral education and theproessoriate.

    BOB BAiN

    Associate Professor of History and Social Studies Education Bob Bain was elected as a trustee by the National Councilo History Education. He was also selected by theOrganization o American Historians as a distinguishedlecturer in history and history education, and he receivedtheU-MProvosts2010TeachingInnovationPrize,

    which honors aculty who have developed innovativeapproaches to teaching that incorporate creativepedagogies.

    deBORAh lOeWeNBeRg BAll

    Dean of the School of Education, William H. Payne

    Collegiate Professor in Education, and Arthur F.

    Turnau Professor

    Deborah Loewenberg Ball received the Michigan StateUniversity College o Educations Distinguished AlumniAward, given annually to alumni who have distinguishedthemselves by obtaining the highest level o proessionalaccomplishments and who possess the highest standardsofintegrityandcharactertopositivelyreectandenhance

    the prestige o Michigan State University. She was alsooered and accepted a second ve-year appointment asdean o the U-M School o Education.

    hANNAh dicKiNSON

    Doctoral Student in the Joint Program in English and

    Education Hannah Dickinson was awarded the David and LindaMoscowPrizeforExcellenceinTeachingComposition


    month Community o Scholars ellowship at the InstituteforResearchonWomenandGender.


    Associate Professor of Education and Associate

    Professor of Public PolicySusanDynarskireceivedtheRobertP.HuGoldenQuill

    Award, bestowed by the National Association o StudentFinancial Aid Administrators. Tis rewards contributionsto the literature on student nancial aid. She was alsoelected to the board o the American Education FinanceAssociation.


    Associate Professor of Educational Studies and

    Information Sciences

    Barry Fishman received the U-M Provosts 2010TeachingInnovationPrize,whichhonorsfacultywho

    have developed innovative approaches to teaching thatincorporate creative pedagogies.

    clAiRe FOSteR

    Undergraduate Student in Elementary Education


    3.5 or higher), is a James B. Angell Scholar (all As or twoconsecutive terms), as has made the Deans List (top 15students within the School o Education).

    ANNe RuggleS geRe

    Gertrude Buck Collegiate Professor of Education,

    Professor of English Language and Literature, and

    Arthur F. Turnau Professor


    Proessor. Tese proessorships are designed to honortenured aculty whose exceptional commitment to

    and investment in undergraduate teaching has had ademonstrable impact on the intellectual development andlives o their students.

    BRiAN giRARd

    Doctoral Student in Educational Studies




    BeNJAMiN guNSBeRg

    Doctoral Student in the Joint Program in English a

    Education BenjaminGunsbergwonaMichiganGraduateFello

    at the Institute or the Humanities or the 2010-201academic year.

    PAtRiciO heRBSt

    Associate Professor of EducationPatricio Herbst was choosen to receive the 2009 PattiAward. Endowed in the School o Education in 1993byEvanG.andHelenG.Pattishall,thisawardisto

    encourage early career aculty with the pursuit o theresearch.

    OzAN JAquette

    Doctoral Student in the Center for the Study of Hi

    and Postsecondary EducationOzan Jaquette was awarded a R ackham PredoctoralFellowship.

    JOSePh KRAJciK

    Professor of EducationJosephKrajcikwaschosenbytheNationalAssociati


    their Distinguished Contributions to Science Educatthrough Research award. He also received the JohnH.DArmsFacultyAwardforDistinguishedGraduat


    Education and was chosen to serve as the co-editor oJournal o Research in Science Education.

    diANe lARSeN-FReeMAN

    Professor of Education, Professor of Linguistics


    Mildenberger book prize, awarded by the ModernLanguage Association, or her bookComplex SystemApplied Linguistics. Te book was co-authored with LCameron.

    Larson-Freeman was also selected to receive a FulbrDistinguished Chair at the University o Innsbruck;

    was awarded an honorary doctorate in the humanitiby Hellenic American University in Athens; and wasthe plenary speaker at the American Association orApplied Linguistics conerence in March 2010. Herpresentation was titled Complex, dynamic systems: new transdiscliplinary theme or applied linguistics?

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    PeteR APPelBAuM, AM 87, edd 92One o Peter Appelbaums books, Childrens Books or Grown-Up eachers: Reading and Writing Curriculum Teory , receivedthe Outstanding Book Award in the curriculum studiesdivision o the American Educational Research Associationin 2009. Appelbaum is proessor o education, coordinatoro mathematics education and curriculum studies, anddirector-at-large o the undergraduate curriculum at ArcadiaUniversitys Department o Education.

    dAvid BRANdON, ABed 74, ceRtt 74David Brandon was named U-M athletic director earlier thisyear. Brandon played ootball under Bo Schembechler, hasserved as a regent o the university, and was chairman andchie executive ocer o Dominos Pizza Inc.

    BRuce gAlBRAith, BMuS, ceRtt 62, AM 63BruceGalbraithwasinductedtotheUniversityofMichigan

    School o Music, Teatre, and Dance Hall o Fame. He is theormer director o the Interlochen Arts Academy (MI) andretiredheadmasterofParkTudorSchool(Indianapolis,IN).Heand hiswifeKarenwinterin Bonita Springs,FL, and

    summer in Celina, OH. Tey are parents o three and areproud grandparents. In Florida, he serves on the boards othe SW Florida Symphony and Chorus, the Bach Ensemble oNaples, and Canterbury School (Ft. Myers).

    liSA KuRtz, AB, ceRtt 08Lisa Kurtz was selected by the Alliance for Excellent

    Education, a ederal policy and advocacy organization, tospeak at an event in November 2009 at which they releaseda brie on the need to reorm teacher education. Te groupocused on advocating or underserved secondary students.Te brie is titled eaching or a New World: PreparingHigh School Educators to Deliver College-and Career-Ready


    High School. At the event, she discussed how the Univo Michigan prepared her, especially in methods and litand how she implements her education and training iclassroom.

    RicARdO MAeStAS, Pd 2000Ricardo Maestas was selected or the presidency o SuStateUniversityinAlpine,Texas,inlate2009.Priorto

    he served our years as the vice president or studenuniversity relations and dean o students at the New MTech.

    MAtt MilitellO, ABed, ceRtt 92

    Aer graduating in 1992, Matt Militello practiced as a teand administrator and earned urther degrees at Mic

    State University (MA MSU, 97 and PhD MSU, 04) years beore becoming a proessor in educational leadat the University o Massachusetts at Amherst (200In 2008 he moved to North Carolina State University

    rst book, Leading with Inquiry and Action: How PrinImprove eaching and Learning, was published recenta second book, Principals eaching the Law: 10 Legal LYour eachers Must Know, will be coming out this summ

    hANS SOWdeR, MA 95HansSowderwasnamedtheScienceTeacheroftheYe

    2009bytheMichiganScienceTeachersAssociation.SoteachesatYpsilantiHighSchool,whereshesbeenteacor ten years.

    chRiStiNe A. YAldA, ABed, ceRtt 76SincegraduatingfromU-Min1976,ChristineYaldataugh

    several years beore attending Boston University Law SAer 13 years practicing law, including a position as a trial attorney, she returned to academia to obtain a PJustice Studies rom Arizona State University. She hasatGrandValleyStateUniversity(GVSU)since2004.InshereceivedtheGVSUOutstandingAcademicAdvisin

    StudentServices Award,a GVSUGraduate StudentFMentor Award, and the state-wide Michigan AcaAdvising Associations Faculty Advisor Award.

    CLass notes

    wed love to hear rom you. Send us nes about your

    achievements and experiences. Send us your comments

    and advice.

    Our address is:

    Ofce o Development & Alumni Relations

    U-M School o Education, 610 East University, Suite 1001

    Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1259

    email:[email protected]

    Staying in touch


    FANi lAueRMANN

    Doctoral Student in the Combined Program in

    Education and PsychologyFani Lauermann received a 2010 Student ResearchExcellence Award at the European Association orResearch on Learning and Instruction conerence inAmsterdam.

    elizABeth MOJe

    Professor of Education

    Elizabeth Moje received the U-M Provosts 2010TeachingInnovationPrize,whichhonorsfacultywho

    have developed innovative approaches to teaching that

    incorporate creative pedagogies.


    Professor of EducationPamela Moss was selected as a ellow by the AmericanEducational Research Association. Tis program isintended to recognize excellence in research and beinclusive o the s cholarship that constitutes and enricheseducation research as an interdisciplinary eld.

    MOllY Ott

    Doctoral Student in the Center for the Study of Higher

    and Postsecondary EducationMolly Ott received the 2010 Susan Lipschutz Award,whichisgivenbyRackhamSchoolofGraduateStudiesto

    promising women scholars who demonstrate exceptionalscholarly achievement, a delight o learning, a s ense osocial responsibility, and a lively interest in her academiccommunity.

    ANNeMARie SullivAN PAliNcSAR

    Professor of Education, Jean and Charles Walgreen

    Professor of Reading and Literacy, and Arthur F.

    Turnau ProfessorAnnemarie Sullivan Palincsar was selected as a ellow bythe American Educational Research Association. Tisprogram is intended to recognize excellence in researchand be inclusive o the scholarship that constitutes andenriches education research as an interdisciplinary eld.

    edWARd SilveR

    William A. Brownell Collegiate Professor of Education

    and Professor of Mathematics in the College of

    Literature, Science, and the ArtsEdward Silver received the Lietime Achievement AwardfromtheNationalCouncilofTeachersofMathematics

    and he received the Distinguished Alumnus Award romtheDepartmentofMathematics,Science,andTechnology

    at Columbia University.

    edWARd St. JOhN

    Algo D. Henderson Professor of Higher Education

    Edward St. John was selected as a ellow by the AmericanEducational Research Association. Tis program isintended to recognize excellence in research and beinclusive o the s cholarship that constitutes and enricheseducation research as an interdisciplinary eld.

    JeFF StANzleR

    LecturerJe Stanzler and a colleague rom the School oInormation, Maurita Holland, gave a showcasepresentation about their Michigan Matters project at theMay 2009 Enriching Scholarship Conerence.

    ShelleY StRicKlANd

    Doctoral Student in the Center for the Study of Higher

    and Postsecondary Education

    Shelley Strickland received a graduate student award romtheU-MPhiKappaPhichapter.Amongothercriteria,



    excellence in all elds o higher education and to engagethe community o scholars in service to others.

    viticiA thAMeS

    Doctoral Student in Educational StudiesViticiaamesreceivedtheKing/Chavez/Parks


    KAReN WixSON

    Professor of EducationKarenWixsonwaselectedtotheReadingHallofFame.

    Election to this g roup is based on broad proessionalreputation in the eld, signicant research contributions,and an extensive publication record.

    MOllY YuNKeR

    Doctoral Student in Educational StudiesMollyYunkerwasawardedaFulbrightPostdoctoral

    Fellowship to conduct research at the Weizmann Instituteo Science in Israel rom all 2010 through all 2012.

  • 8/7/2019 Innovator Spring 2010


    2 8 w w w . S O E . U M I C H . E D U S P R I N G 2 0 1 0

    together to develop, test, and implement instructional

    activities and curriculum materials that can be used to

    prepare eective beginning teachers. Our research-based

    system o proessional education will help guarantee

    that all schoolchildren in the United States are taught by

    competent, eective teachers who can help them succeed

    at high levels.

    In order to lead the way with this twenty-rst-century

    teacher preparation program, we need twenty-rst-century

    teaching and learning spacesnot a small requirement in a

    building that was built in the 1920s. Plans are now underway


    halls with state-o-the-art technology, improve spaces or

    research and collaboration, update laboratories, and build

    new acilities such as a digital library and archive. Tis will

    be an expensive undertaking, but one that is necessary to

    model innovative educational environments worthy o aworld-class teacher preparation and educational research


    I hope that you will join me, make a gi, and cast a vote o

    condence or our uture.

    Tank you or your support.


    Michael S. Dubin

    Director o Development and Alumni Relations

    On May 1, I had the great pleasure o attending Spring

    Commencement and welcoming our newest graduates as

    alumni o the School o Education. Tese newly minted

    alumni are beginning their careers as K-12 teachers,

    college and university aculty, educational administrators,

    policymakers, and researchers. Some will use their

    training in education as a resource or making a dierence

    in business, science, or the arts. But all will join their

    ellow alumni44,000 strongas the Leaders and Best

    in education.

    It was no small eat to prepare these talented graduates

    or the challenging and oen shiing roles as educational

    proessionals. It took a tremendous community o

    nationally and internationally esteemed aculty, committed

    and visionary sta, and distinguished alumni all working

    together to provide the world class education or which

    Michigan is known.

    It also took a wealth o resources.

    And each year, as state appropriations shrink, we rely more

    and more on support rom people like youalumni and

    riends o the school who make gis, both big and small,

    to enable us to lead the way in transorming educational

    practice and policy. As we look ahead to the coming

    months and years, this support is more critical than ever.

    We are undertaking important work both to redesign

    teacher education at the University o Michigan and

    to contribute to the proessional education o teachers

    more broadly. Our aculty and students are working


  • 8/7/2019 Innovator Spring 2010


    CongratulationsTo OrSoo o EtoGrtes

  • 8/7/2019 Innovator Spring 2010


    INNOVATORUniversity o Michigan School o Education

    610 East University Avenue

    Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1259


    Of ThE univERSiTy Of michiGan

    Julia Donovan Darlow, Ann Arbor

    Laurence B. Deitch, Bingham Farms

    Denise Ilitch, Bingham Farms

    Olivia P. Maynard, Goodrich

    Andrea Fischer Newman, Ann Arbor

    Andrew C. Richner, Grosse Pointe Park

    S. Martin Taylor, Grosse Pointe Farms

    Katherine E. White, Ann Arbor

    Mary Sue Coleman, ex ofcio

    nosrto Po StteetThe University o Michigan, as an equal opportunity/afrmative action employer, complies

    with all applicable ederal and state laws regarding nondiscrimination and afrmative action,

    including Title IX o the Education Amendments o 1972 and Section 504 o the Rehabilita-

    tion Act o 1973. The University o Michigan is committed to a policy o nondiscrimination

    and equal opportunity or all persons regardless o race, sex, color, religion, creed, national

    origin or ancestry, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression,

    disability, or Vietnam-era veteran status in employment, educational programs and activi-

    ties, and admissions. Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the Senior Director or

    Institutional Equity and Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator, Ofce o Institutional Equity, 2072

    Administrative Services Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1432, 734-763-0235, TTY

    734-647-1388. For other University o Michigan inormation call 734-764-1817.

    INNOVATOR is published by the

    University o Michigan School o Education

    Ofce o Communications

    lEadERShiP TEam

    Of ThE SchOOl Of EducaTiOn

    Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Dean

    Joseph Krajcik, Associate Dean, Research

    Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar, Associate Dean,

    Academic Aairs

    Henry Meares, Assistant Dean

    OfficE Of cOmmunicaTiOnS

    Kathryn Bieda, Secretary

    Robert Brustman, Director o Communications

    Marti Dalley, Special Events Manager

    Elena Godin, Web Administrator

    Mike Gould, Mike Mouradian,

    Kathryn Young, Photographers

    Yvonne Pappas, Designer/Art Director