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Initial Pitch

Eda Ozdemir

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Genre• My magazine genre will be Pop music.• I chose Pop because I have found out from research that included my

survey that pop is mainly preferred by many people, besides this is also my ideal genre of music. I also believe that this genre relates well with my target audience.

• My magazine will include interviews with Pop artists, new releases, reviews, stories/Articles related to Pop artists, upcoming Pop music events.

Similar Magazines:

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Target AudiencePsychographics:

-Interest in Pop music-Middle social class


Name: Ahet OzdemirAge: 20From: LondonStudies at University of Westminster, she is now currently in her last year. She used to have a part time job in JD when she was studying her A levels in sixth form. She is also very artistic! Interests: Pop music, fashion and shopping, going out with friends.Hobbies: Used to do karate, loves reading and art.

Demographics:-Females aged 16-21

-Socio Economic Class: D & E

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Similar Magazines

• My magazine will be similar to these magazines, the only different thing is that my magazine will be a music magazine.

• The things that will be the same are the layout, composition, so where each convention will be placed. It will be a monthly magazine, meaning that the front cover will be less busy.

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Masthead Ideas

• Replay – relates well to music and songs, by referring to the replay button.

• Repeat – I thought repeat will be suitable for a music magazine masthead as it easily links to music. When you think of the word repeat, you immediately think ‘music’.

• Shuffle- this word relates to songs, when you think of ‘shuffle’ you think of songs, different genres of music, however my magazine will only be based on pop.

• Play – I like this masthead idea because it easily links to music and its short and snappy.

• TuneIn – this masthead sounds classy and very unique to other magazines.

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I created a poll on my website, and got people to vote which masthead they thought was the best, and most appropriate for a pop magazine. Most people voted ‘repeat’. I think the typography is suitable for a music magazine, and is also most importantly easily read.

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£3.80My music magazine will be an expensive monthly

magazine, with means it will be available to buy every month. It will be less busy with professional


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• The music genre I will base my magazine on will be pop music.

• Potential target audience will be young adults.• The unique selling points will include celebrity gossips, fact

files, release dates of latest singles/albums.• My front cover will always have a famous artist at the

current date on it in the Pop genre, male or female. I could mainly use male celebrities in my front pages as my target audience is females and they are most hooked to the magazine if there is an attractive male on the front cover.

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Colour Scheme

• Colour scheme will be different on each issue, each colour scheme will include 3 colours, such as cream, burgundy tones. It is also important that the colours match with the models outfit.

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• As my music magazine will be sold monthly, each time you buy a magazine every month you will receive a coupon. For every 5 coupons you win a free CD featuring all the latest pop songs.

• Plus if you are subscribed to my magazine, it will be delivered to your door every month, by being subscribed you benefit from 25% discount.

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Story Ideas

Story ideas for my double page spread:

• First story- Dream come true!- How Lana became a pop star.

• Second story- Breast Cancer Alert- Lady Gaga with the cases of breast cancer.

• Third Story- Whitney Houston’s last words.

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• These models are all between the ages 16-21.

• They will be suitable to model for my teenage pop magazine.

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I have many locations in mind of where I will take my photos for my magazine.

• Green Screen• Bedroom

• Park with loads of trees

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Social Networking Sites


TV Advert

Through marketing my magazine on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, I will be directly reaching my target audience of 16-21 year olds, as they most commonly used these websites to socialise.

Those within my target audience over the age of 17 who drive are more likely to see my billboards in their daily routine, which will be bright and eye-catching, attracting them to buy my magazine.

Advertising my magazine on TV would reach a very large audience and grab a lot of attention . My target audience would be very likely to see it, however this is the most expensive form of advertising out of my choices so may be unsuitable, and is a possible choice to consider after my magazine has been out for a few months and has brought in money.

Posters advertising my magazine can be situated in various places where you would find my target audience such as schools, colleges etc. this is the cheapest form of advertising making it easiest to do, and also allows me to target various places.

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Marketing & Advertising

Social NetworksI have created a Twitter page and a Facebook like page for my pop magazine.• @retunemag•

I have created these pages to promote my magazine, and so that it is recognised. It is an easy way of advertising.‘Retune’ magazine will also be advertised on billboards.

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Publishers & Distributers

• I think that the company EMAP will distribute my magazine as the company EMAP mainly distributes magazines with a young target audience.

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