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Induction Image ConnotationsBY GEORGE GIBBS

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This image connotes strength in the physical way but could also be interpreted as mental strength if including the student board in the left corner which may connote that one is looking to advance their mental strength by taking it upon themselves to seek education.

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This image shows the plain reality of poverty with somebody having to sit on the dirty floor, however with the glimpse of the trophy cabinet in the corner, it could also be argued to connote that no matter of past achievement, almost anybody can land up in a situation such as poverty. The high camera angle on this shot adds to the effect that the subject matter may be low on the social and/or monetary ladder.

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This image could simply be seen to denote as graffiti, however a possible connotation may be that the person who wrote this may be hiding behind a veil of irony, but really they are searching for something that is missing in the life. Love.

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As in many formats, the eye is often used to connote fear. Perhaps this is because of the wide array of forms it may take and the experiences that it views. A close up shot has been used to focus on the eye to connote that fear is often overpowering.

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This over the shoulder shot has been used to connote desire in the context that no matter how big or how small the desire may be, every single one of us will always desire something that we cannot have. This is boosted by the anonymity of this over the shoulder shot as we do not know who the person is in the shot and so it can be seen to be interpreted as a concept rather than an individual.

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Danger is a part of everyday life and although this image directly denotes danger, a deeper meaning can be interpreted. From a personal perspective, danger is an important element in the living of any life and with the health and safety boom of the 21st century, it may even be necessary to put oneself in that danger simply in order to feel ‘something’.

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This close up shot can be seen to connote the presence of weakness and the events that may lead to it. The flower has died and because of this, the petals have begun to disperse, leading the base of the flower to become bare and weak. This analogy can be applied to the weakness one may feel after the death of a loved one who departs their life, leaving one with a feeling of loss. The close up was used because like real weakness, it may only be seen when extremely close to an individual as it may be masked at a distance.

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I chose this image because of the deeper meaning that can be gathered. Yes, it can be denoted as a lone individual, which may be portrayed as loneliness, however, there is a secondary meaning that can be gathered with deeper thought. Loneliness is always portrayed in a negative manner, however, it should not only be judged this way. Loneliness means ultimate freedom. No restriction on what one may wish to do because of the involvement of others. This image connotes this exact angle and shows that if correctly balanced, moments of loneliness can be bliss.

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This image connotes friendship in the simplest of ways. The fact that the object being pointed at is out of shot simply shows that what is being looked at is irrelevant of the intended meaning of the shot. The connotation of friendship comes from the sharing of conversation and enjoyment, no matter how simple the object of conversation may be. Friendship is simple. All that is needed is a common interest that can bring people together.

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The use of white in connoting purity is common place, particularly among western society. The anonymity of the person in the image means that the focal point becomes the individual daisy layered onto the white background. A sense of brightness in an otherwise bare image is used to connote the purity that can be found almost anywhere, particularly in the untouched nature that is becoming ever smaller in this over-industrialised world.

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Greed is connoted in this image in its simplest form; monetary. The blur in this image is used to connote that greed can often turn into anger and that it is not a desirable trait if one is attempting to portray themselves in this way. It could also be connoted that greed can overwhelm one’s own thoughts and that rather than being inherently controlled by the individual, it could be seen to take over the otherwise balanced thought process and change the behaviour of the individual for the worse.

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