
2. DOES YOUR EMPLOYEE SCREENING POLICY ALLOW YOU TO ONLY HOOK THE WORM? 3. PLAYAGAME 4. 81% of people in a study lied about themselves during job interviews. Participants in the study told an average of 2.19 lies per 15-minute interview. Brent Weiss and Robert S. Feldman of the University of Massachusetts. 5. South African crime statistics 800 000 arrests in 2012/2013 352 513 convictions 44% convicted How many crimes were undetected or not reported? What is the value of a criminal record check? 6. 41% of employers reported a loss of productivity as a result of a bad hire, and 36% acknowledged a noticeable hit on employee morale. CareerBuilder 7. What Bad Hires Really Cost Companies 69% of employers report they have been adversely affected by a bad hire 41% estimate the cost to be more than $25,000, 24% estimate the cost to be more than $50,000. Why do bad hires happen to good people? Needed to fill the job quickly (43%) Insufficient talent intelligence (22%) Fewer recruiters to help review applications (10%) Failure to check references (9%) Lack of strong employment brand (8%) Made a mistake (26%) new CareerBuilder study 8. The programme should include the following: Pre-employment screening In-service screening Integrity assessments Truth verification tests Hot line Third party / contract employee screening People Risk Database 9. iFacts CV Verification Services include but are not limited to: Criminal Record Checks Credit Checks Verification of Qualifications Verification of Drivers Licenses Verification of Company Office information Online integrity tests 10. Contact us for more information [email protected]