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Submitted by:

Arijit Goswami

Engineering student


Page 2: Ideate


Go to school, get your degree, get a job.  Does this traditional path from education to employment make sense today for the hundreds of millions of learners around the world? The task for this assignment is to generate as many ideas as possible for the problem statement crafted last week.

The main problem was the lack of proper infrastructure, poor quality labs, no focus on practical knowledge, no idea of what market demands and poor non-beneficial curriculum.

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Most obvious solution

Skill based workshops Teach what

companies need

application based teaching

Lessons on how markets work

Research culture in universities

Real world challenges to be solved in colleges

allow students to choose subjects according to their interests

Curb practice of taking notes from teachers

Encourage to research information from library books and the Internet

Develop critical reading and analytical skills in students

soft skill sessions

No to grade oriented education

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Modifications of previous solutions

Feedback from employers Involve employers in

curriculum design

Government support to companies giving internships

Update syllabus regularly

International student exchange programmes

Online forum for free counseling

Webinars by market experts

Take examples from education curriculum of developed nations

Assignments that encourage critical thinking and reasoning

Research culture in universities

Competitions to test practical skills

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Perspectives of a 5 year


Teach what companies need Enable

students to learn at their own pace

Teaching by demonstrations

Lessons useful for future career to be taught at young age

Learning by observation, rather than cramming

English to be medium of education around India

Reducing parental and peer pressure to perform well

better practical sessions

Encourage innovation

No to marks oriented education

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Without spending any


industry academia collaborations

Students' evaluation of schools

Students' evaluation of teachers

Free career counseling students after high school

Extracurricular activities can help in holistic development

Team activities in colleges to teach team working skills

Counseling by alumni of college

Social networking through LinkedIn

Involve industry to donate equipments to institutes

Expert talks by eminent people in colleges

Teach networking skills to students

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 If I had an unlimited budget

better infrastructure Tie ups with

companies for industrial training

High quality instruments

State of the art labs

Hire teachers from abroad

Campus of foreign universities in the nation

Vocational training to students

Films to highlight this issue

Expert talks on youth and careers

Training sessions in companies for new employees

Internships at renowned universities

Make the college labs like those of NASA & MIT

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If I had infinite powers

Call aliens to revamp education system Go inside their realm of

study e.g. electronic devices

Build a machine to feed vital data into their minds

Build a machine to segregate rote learners

Make a device to secretly reveal the skill requirements of each company

Constitutional rule for companies to necessarily give training to students

Make the college labs like those of NASA & MIT

Opening up avenues for all types of less preferred careers

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Tie ups with companies for industrial training

I think that the tie-ups with various companies would be of immense help as it would put the college students in a similar atmosphere that they would face once they are out of their institutions. It would also let them cope up with the vigour and rigour of the corporate sector and they would learn what the market demands. Moreover, the companies would be able to hone to hone those qualities of the individual which are to be expected from a prospective employee.

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Involve employers in curriculum design

I think that involving the prospective employers in curriculum design can be of immense help. The employers know exactly what they want from their prospective employee. The industry experts can be roped in to ask for their suggestions, that can help revamp the education curriculum of the nation. This way the students would be taught exactly those aspects which a company looks for in the individuals walking out of their colleges.

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Entry of foreign universities in the nation

The entry of foreign universities in the nation would be a boon for the education sector. These institutes would certainly bring their expertise in education that they have earned over the years. They would definitely maintain the reputation of their campuses in foreign lands, to maintain their status in the world rankings and in turn would help to improve the education system of the nation.

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