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Initial Ideas and Feedback

Hannah Mizen

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Idea 1Summertime food.This idea is all based around the theme of summer, all the recipes being related to summer,

starters, mains and desserts. All these recipes will be light and tasty, to suit hot summers. The starters will be things like bean salads, ciabattas and mozzarella, peas, sundried tomatoes, starters predominantly being cold. The mains include veggie BBQs, the recipe include veggie marinade to make quorn and tofu taste better, rice dishes, veggie burgers and chips, veggie Mexican dishes that are good for sharing like tacos or quesadillas. Desserts would be cold also, like ice-pops, veggie jellies, ice-cream sundaes, cake, interesting fruit puddings.

The theme is summertime so I want the colour scheme to be bright but not too much. I want green grass to be the major colour and then bright neon summer colours to compliment it. The pictures of food would be minimalist and cut out, so they would over-lap borders or other images. The cards would be matt, but the images would be spot varnished and the title of the recipe would be embossed.

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Feedback 1What do you like about the idea? I really like all the food ideas. All the food is relevant to summer, and there is a wide variety of different foods.

What areas of the idea could be developed? Could have expanded a little more on the layout and design of the cards.

What do you find interesting about the idea?The recipe ideas are interesting. Also liked the idea of embossing the title, I thought that that was an interesting suggestion.

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Idea 2Autumn food.This theme would be all based around autumn, the colours on the recipe card would include

all recipes that include the seasonal autumn vegetables and fruits, like, pears, apples, damsons, medlars, pears, quince, plums, chestnuts, elderberries, artichoke, aubergine, beetroot, broccoli, butternut squash, carrots, celery, courgette, fennel, garlic, kale, leeks, onions, potatoes, turnips, watercress, celeriac, kohlrabi, pumpkin, jerusalem artichoke, parsnips, chicory, beetroot, cauliflower. The recipes will be warming meal, like broths and casseroles, pies, pastry, potato, cheese, roast, gravy, soup, bread. Also warm puddings like sticky toffee pudding, bread and butter pudding, fudge cake, lots of luxurious indulgent food that will warm you up.

The colour scheme will be matching the seasonal vegetables, purples, dark greens, oranges, reds, browns. This is all going to be set out in a rustic style and and photos of food will be taken in a rustic style to match the theme and colour scheme.

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Feedback 2What do you like about the idea? I like the idea of the colour scheme, and the rustic style is good. I also like how the ingredient ideas are all seasonal foods, making the recipes relevant to the Autumn theme.

What areas of the idea could be developed?Again, could have expanded more on layout.

What do you find interesting about the idea?The suggestion of using specifically seasonal ingredients is interesting.

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Idea 3Pastel theme.This idea would be based around cakes, vegan cakes and treats, each recipe card is a

different cake that is made with ingredients that are suitable for vegans, which would be unusual as vegans can’t eat dairy or eggs. The kind of theme would be delicate cakes, to make it look ‘angelic’ and ‘perfect’ with big victoria sandwich cakes to small individual french fanices. These would be iced in a pretty way for presentation and to entice people to try and make these recipes.

The colour theme is pastel so light pinks, greens, blues, whites, oranges and greys, all to keep a minimalist, tidy theme, but for also it to look pretty, perfect and feminine. The set out of the pictures and heading will be a matte finish on everything, then pictures would be spot varnished and headings would be embossed and the border.

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Feedback 3What do you like about the idea?I like the idea of the colour scheme being pastel colours. I like the ideas about varnishing and embossing some parts of the cards as well.

What areas of the idea could be developed?Could find more ideas for different types of cakes that can be made vegan.

What do you find interesting about the idea?The idea of creating recipe cards for vegan cakes is interesting.

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Idea 4Veggie school dinner.This theme is based around the novel and nostalgic idea of school dinners, but these

recipes are tasty and nice unlike school dinners. The meals would be classic like veggie fish and chips, rice pudding, veggie sausage and mash, stew, pie, toffee puddings. The recipe card could be set out in the menu style or a old school kind of style, with lined paper and ink blotches, the font could look handwritten. The pictures of the food could look like they have been stuck on with sellotape to give it a nostalgic feel. And the name of the recipe could be placed in a school logo style.

The colours would be blues, blacks, creams, grey, white, red, it would be set out in a messy, novel way, to give it personality, but still so that it was easy to read. All the recipe cards would have a running colour theme like blue and red like school colours to match them all together.

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Feedback 4What do you like about the idea?I like all of the design ideas, such as text looking hand written and images looking stuck on.

What areas of the idea could be developed?

What do you find interesting about the idea?The idea of having school dinner themed recipe cards is very interesting.

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Idea 5 Indian theme.This theme is all to do with Indian cuisine, seeing as there are a lot of curry veggie

dishes this will give more option. The curries on the recipe cards will range from different heats, to not very spicy to very spicy, kormas to chicken boonas, giving people more options and flavours to try out. Also there is a pudding recipe that is very sweet and luxurious ice-cream, but this is going to be a vegan alternative.

The colours on the card are going to be very bright and vibrant, which is in Indian tradition. There will be pictures of the meals, placed simply, so the colours don’t overpower it and become too much to look at. The font of the heading will be extravagant, but the text for the actual recipe will be clear, simple and easy to read and follow. The theme could also include decorative art kolam, the Deepavali, the floral patterns, which would make the cards more appealing and interesting.

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Feedback 5What do you like about the idea?Curry is a good idea as it gives us a lot of recipe options. It is also a good idea to create a vegan alternative to ice-cream.

What areas of the idea could be developed?Colour scheme may be too messy and with images may become over crowded.

What do you find interesting about the idea?Your idea of featuring decorative art is interesting

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Summary of FeedbackWhat do you agree with from your feedback?I agree that maybe on idea 5 the recipe card could become too much with all the colours and if we were to go with that one we would need to make sure the colours and design doesn’t take away from the actual recipe. I also agree I needed to expand more on the actual layout of the card, where thing could be placed, the shape of the card etc. I agree with the liked and interesting points, as I think each idea is relevant and has scope to continue to become a good product.

What do you disagree with from your feedback?On idea 3 where they said ‘I could find more vegan cakes’. This is very limited on what kind of vegan cakes you can make because of the disappearance of the dairy and eggs, and the replacements may not work well with a large variety of cakes.

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Idea EvaluationWhich idea that you came up with is your favourite and why?My favourite idea is the summertime food idea. I like this because I believe it has a lot of scope and room to improve and make it even better. I like the vibrant colours and the design theme, I think it would look professional and fun. I also like the kind of food we could put on the card, like the starters, main and dessert. I think this will appeal to a large target market audience, and even entice meat eaters. Which idea, that your team came up with, is your favourite and why?My favourite idea that my team came up with was the student scrimping idea. I liked it the most because of how relevant it is to our age range in the target market. We have more experience and so we know what students like and dislike. I also liked it because it does encourage young people to look after their self, to make quick, cheap easy meals instead of just having junk food and meat all the time. I think that this idea has potential to turn into a campaign and make a difference to young, independent adult’s diets.

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Developed Idea 1: Mood board

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Developed Idea 1: Basic layout

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Developed Idea 1: fontsFor the headings, like the name of the dish, recipe, method, ingredients I think that a bold font is always the most necessary and effective. They stand out the most and this is also where the reader’s eyes are drawn to first. So I thought that to be in keeping with the theme of summer, the font still has to be relaxed.

For the rest of the text, like the actual method and the writing the ingredients is in a relaxed and handwritten style of font, to keep with the theme of relaxed summer, but the writing can’t be too much and be easily readable

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Developed idea 1: recipes

• Broad bean, barley & mint salad• Watermelon & feta salad with crispbread• Courgette & halloumi skewers• Carrot & sesame burgers• Tikka skewers• Baked nectarines with almonds & Marsala• Lemon posset with sugared-almond shortbread• Eton mess stacks• Pineapple sorbet with fresh mango

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Developed Idea 2: mood board

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Developed Idea 2: layout

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Developed Idea 2: fonts

The fonts should be like a childs writing or handwriting that isn’t posh, just normal. But this has to be easy to read and clear, but still give a nostalgic, school feel. The font should be the same all the way through, but the headings will be a bigger size, to stand out, they could also maybe be bold or underlined, I think the headings being underlined would give a more school feel to the recipes.

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Developed idea: Recipes

• Cheesy three veg pasta bake recipe• Hash browns recipe• Pita pizzas• Roasted vegetable stack with tomato• Pumpkin soup• Vegetarian Roast Dinner• Vegan Rice Pudding• Vegan Sticky Toffee Pudding

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TreatmentIdea Treatment:

Theme: school dinner theme This theme is based around the novel and nostalgic idea of school dinners, but these recipes are tasty and nice unlike school dinners. The meals would be classic like veggie fish and chips, rice pudding, veggie sausage and mash, stew, pie, toffee puddings. The recipe card could be set out in the menu style or a old school kind of style, with lined paper and ink blotches, the font could look handwritten. The pictures of the food could look like they have been stuck on with sellotape to give it a nostalgic feel. And the name of the recipe could be placed in a school logo style.

The colours would be blues, blacks, creams, grey, white, red, it would be set out in a messy, novel way, to give it personality, but still so that it was easy to read. All the recipe cards would have a running colour theme like blue and red like school colours to match them all together.

Audience: my audience is going to be middle age adults-young adults. I want the theme to give off a nostalgic feel, taking the audience back to their childhood, school dinner days with all the classic recipes. So the audience will be people who went to school in Britain, as this is what it is based on and people from other countries may not get the concept because they never experienced it. It will be based at both male and females, so the set out is unisex, with gender neutral colours.

Production Methods: The production methods are going to include the printing which will be either off-set lithography or gravure, depending on budgets and prices. The card will be encapsulated to make it wipeable and so it lasts longer. I will use recycled card to print the recipe on. The headings will be embossed and maybe some parts could be die cut. Some areas like images could be spot varnished to give the card a more luxurious and expensive.

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Assessment of final ideasSuitable for audience? Yes this idea is suitable for its audience. The theme of school dinners would make adults and young adults nostalgic. The meals are traditional so will remind adults and young adults of what they used to eat back in school. Though the theme is quite immature, the food sounds like more sophisticated variations making it more appealing to adults.

Suitability for client?The idea meets the need of the client as all the food is vegetarian, and some is vegan. The client has also asked for ideas to be creative, and I think this idea fulfils that requirement. They also asked that we use recycled card, which you have taken into consideration too with this idea.

Appeal of the design:All of the design ideas are fun and interesting. They relate to the theme of school dinners well. The recipe ideas are well though out as they are all vegetarian or vegan adaptations of traditional school dinners, and they all sound more appealing than traditional school dinners. I also like the idea of using a school logo to present the recipe title.

Timescales for production:I think we will have time to complete the recipe cards. Though there are quite a few specialist bit of work involved in creating your idea I still think it is plausible. Your idea is well though out, so I doubt we would run into any problems in the production process and find that we’d have to change ideas which will enable us to save time.

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Cost of any specialist work (laminating, varnishing, die-cutting):It may cost us more to purchase recycled card than regular card. It may also cost to encapsulate the card. Embossing the headings, die cutting and spot varnishing images may also be expensive work.

Practical to produce in large runs?Due to the amount of specialist work that may be done on the recipe cards, it may not be very practical to produce in large quantities. It may take quite a long time to produce. It could potentially be quite expensive also.

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Assessment of final ideasAvailable resources:We have access to paper, printers and perhaps laminators. We also have computer software that can help up create the card designs.

Quality factors:If we put a lot of focus onto the special work such as embossing, the quality of other aspects may be neglected due to needing to save time.

Legal and ethical issues:I don’t see any legal or ethical issues. If we use Quorn in any of the recipes though perhaps we will have some copyright issues, though that may only be is we use their logo on the cards without their permission.

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Final Group Idea

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Final TreatmentIdea Treatment:



Production Methods:

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Rationale for final ideaExplain why you have decided to go forward with your chosen idea.