Download - HOLSWORTHY HIGH SCHOOL March...teacher(s) to arrange the interview times. If you are unable to attend but would like to speak with the teacher(s) please contact the teacher(s) directly

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HOLSWORTHY HIGH SCHOOL Website: http://www.holsworthy-

Schools in our contemporary times are becoming

much more complex and busy. There are more

demands on us through the devolution of decision

making. This increase in autonomy means there

is an equivalent increase in the amount of report-

ing we will be required to do. It is easy for

school leaders to become focused on these ad-

ministrative tasks and lose sight of the real func-

tion of our schools.

I can only talk about our school and the focus is,

and always will be to produce competent, well

equipped young men and women who can confi-

dently take their place in society. We are always

working toward improving our practices and

therefore improve the assistance we can give to

our students. We want to create a school where

students can really be the best they can possibly


I recently read about a ‘leader’ in the field of vio-

lin making. His name - Antonio Stradivari.

This man made violins that are still the best mon-

ey can buy.

Stradivarius did this by working every day to do

his best. He never did a poor job. He never

thought to himself that he could cut corners or do

less than his finest work. Every violin he made

was a masterpiece and his name will live for as

long as people play his wonderful instruments.

We aim to do the same.

We don’t make violins but we help make charac-

ter. We are not Antonio Stradivari but we take

the lessons he lived by.

So we ask ourselves, what do we:

Expect from ourselves and our students? Want

for ourselves and our students? What sort of

school do we want Holsworthy to be known


We understand that a violin is a piece of wood

but we humans are far from being perfect. But

we are all special, unique and precious. The one

thing we can be is our best.

In my last message I talked about character and I

always mention this when I address the students,

both on assembly and when we are in an inter-

view. The constant message is that we are always

being watched. It is easy to be motivated to do

your best work when someone is watching or

when you need a good mark. But the real test of

excellence of character is what we do when no

one is looking.

- J R Frew


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The future

belongs to

those who believe

in the beauty of

their dreams

Eleanor Roosevelt

guides for parents , and helpers including drama-

tists, dancers prospective scientist s and mathema-

ticians and the others in the various faculty areas

all are to be congratulated. The student speakers

Maddison Heath, Jessica McLean, Skye Charlton,

Jeremy Arp did a fantastic job. Likewise Hayley

Thomas who chaired the meeting were all a credit

to the school and themselves.

Parent teacher night is for year 7 and 12 is coming

up Monday the17th March and it will be a good

opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers.

- M Fry


- Years 7, 9 and 11

Progress on our new Commercial Kitchen is

going well, it has now been painted and a new

vinyl floor laid ready for the stainless steel

benches and stoves to be installed. The process

should go quickly from now on as the prepara-

tion work is completed. The lift is completed

going to music and is now ready to use.

High school is about learning independence and

resilience. In order to cope with what the world

will place before those leaving school in the fu-

ture. Students must be allowed to develop the

strength of character to deal with the many issues

that may arise. They should ignore minor or an-

noying characteristics of those around them.

Petty clashes of personality can be overridden by

focussing on friends or classwork. Learning to

turn off Facebook, Instagram or Click is charac-

ter building. Blocking those who do not use those

media correctly and by always treating people as

we would like to be treated ourselves are good


As I said in the last newsworthy it is important

that parents are aware that schools do not have

insurance. If a student has an accident at school,

medical costs are not covered by the school. The

school does have ambulance cover and the trip to

the hospital is covered from the school in the

case of emergencies. There are insurance compa-

nies with which parents can take out policies to

insure students at school. The annual cost of a

Student Cover policy is just $29. If a student

wants a letter they can be obtained from the front


We had our Year 6 into 7 Information Evening

on Monday. It was a great evening with a good

attendance of parents and Year 6 students. Those

parents and students I spoke too really enjoyed

the night. The students who stayed back during

the night did a great job, the SRC students were

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Photo Day The Holsworthy High School Photo Day will be on Friday 14 March 2014. A catch up day will be held on Friday 21 March for students who are absent on the 14th. * School Photos will be taken in the school hall. * Students need to be in FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM. * All students will be photographed as an individual portrait and the photos will be in

the form of a Year Book. * Year 12 will have a group year photo and muck up photo. * Each student will receive an envelope and must present this and the money to the

photograph company on the day. Money will not be collected by the school before this date and orders will not be accepted at school after this day.

* Change will not be available on photo day. * The school has selected the Photo Book Pack which features all the individual photos

of the student in the year, plus student portraits, all personalised for the student. There are a number of options available indicated in the flyer enclosed with the Advanced Life order form envelope.

* You may view these and more options at * Family photo envelopes are available from Ms Booker in Visual Arts Could students please be aware that: Sporting teams/Dance/Debating will have a separate photo day later in the year at the start of Term 3. Thankyou Ms Booker

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New HSC Prescriptions 2015-2020

The HSC Prescriptions for the HSC changes every

five years and in 2015 to 2020 new Prescriptions

have been allocated. Holsworthy HS applied to

write a unit of work based on the new Prescriptions

HSC texts and we were successful in our

application for this project. This is an exciting

project for the writing teams to create units of

learning for the new HSC English prescriptions list.

The units will include a rationale to explain the

approach used in the unit, analysis of the module

rubric, teaching and learning activities, assessment

tasks, marking criteria and suggestions for related

texts. After a successful plenary session we are off

and running on this project. These units will be

shared on the Curriculum Support website for all

other schools to implement and use. This is a

wonderful opportunity for the English Faculty to

work on such an important and collaborative

project. It will definitely enhance our teaching and

learning of our senior students.

Such Sweet Sorrow by Bell’s Shakespeare

An in school excursion has been organised for

Years 7, 8, 9 and the Drama Ensemble to attend

Bell’s Shakespeare’s production of Such Sweet

Sorrow Period 2 Friday 21st March in our school

Hall. All students have received a permission note

and information regarding this production. A very

talented drama troupe from Bell’s Shakespeare will

perform William Shakespeare’s most famous play

Romeo and Juliet taking us through the highs and

low of this great love story. This play is examined

in a Taste of Shakespeare unit in Year 7 and in a

detailed study in Year 9. We encourage all students

to attend to experience and appreciate live theatre.

Students are required to pay the $9. To the front

office and return the permission form to the English

Faculty by Friday 14th March.





Our school Drama Ensemble which commenced in

2013 is a fast growing group of students keen to

express themselves, work as a team, engage in

creative ideas and display their talents to small and

large audiences. They work on voice, movement,

mime and improvisation through thinking, feeling

and moving. They received very strong recognition

when they performed last year both at MADD night

and our formal school assembly. If students wish to

join this extra curricula group they are to meet Ms

Mikhail in the Performing Arts space lunch times on


What is new English K-10 Syllabus? How does it

impact English 7-10?

1. Teaching grammar through the new English

K-10 Syllabus (7-10)

2. Putting the basics into context: spelling,

punctuation, handwriting and comprehension


3. Realising the opportunities for teaching litera-

ture through the new English K-10 Syllabus


Subtle but important changes in objectives and

outcomes with more explicit focus on:


Complex forms of punctuation

Comprehension strategies

New focus on:

Consolidation of handwriting skills in Stage 4

Conventions for citing and referencing

Spelling and word origins

Appreciation of the English language

Asians texts

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural-


The new English Syllabus commenced this

year for Years 7 and 9 and in 2015 for Years 8

and 10.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parents and Teachers will have an opportunity to

meet at our first Parent Teacher Night for the year on

Monday 17th March from 4pm to 6pm for Years 7,

12 and nominated students in our school hall.

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High school

Helping with homework You can:

help your child with assignments,

but don’t do the work for them as

this doesn’t help your child to learn

let the school know of any family

situation that may interfere with

home work

chat to your child’s teacher if your

child is finding homework too


help your child to have a regular

time each day to do their


help your child manage their time

when they have lots of


at the same time

help your child research

information on the internet by

directing them to useful sites,

such as

encourage children to re-read their

writing to check for spelling and


Sometimes it’s easier to find ways to

improve writing when it’s read aloud.

Encourage and praise all of your

child’s efforts.

More information at:


Nominated students will receive a request for Parent

Teacher interview in the mail whilst Year 7 and 12

students will receive a Parent/ Guardian letter

regarding the interviews and a booking sheet at

school. This is an opportunity for you to discuss

your child’s needs with the teacher(s). This is the

beginning of an important partnership between your

child, class teacher and the school.

To book interviews, please ask your child/ren to

take the booking sheet attached to the letter to the

teacher(s) to arrange the interview times. If you are

unable to attend but would like to speak with the

teacher(s) please contact the teacher(s) directly to

organise a convenient time.

A 2nd Parent Teacher night will be held for Years

8 to 11 and nominated students Term 2 Week 3

Monday 12th May 4pm till 8pm.

Ms Portolan and the English Faculty

Parent tips

Starting high school

Here are some resources to help you and your child adapt to high school. The information includes articles and videos on homework

planning, dealing with maths and helping kids who are struggling with reading.

Student conduct when travelling

When travelling on the bus or train between home and school your child must obey certain rules, such as giving up their seat to adults and

disabled passengers. Find out more:


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From the



Representative Sport News

Congratulations to the following students,

for gaining a position in the Hume Zone


Girls Basketball:

Aleksie Manese and Caitlin Winyard.

Boys Basketball:

Gabriel Alhambra, Tristan Watson, Dylan

Payne, Shawn Roberts, Mitchell Mawson,

Neil Mediarto and Rae Sabando

Congratulations to the following students,

for gaining a position in the Sydney South

West Regional teams.

Boys Baseball:

Jaedan Cavill, Corey Adams and Grant


Boys Volleyball:

Raymond Va’a

Good luck to all representing Holsworthy

High School at such competitive levels.

Mr Sampson

Math Lab is a Year 7 initiative to address the following:

* Introduce students in Year 7 to the many

aspects of Mathematics found in diverse contexts

* Make Mathematics more fun and hence


* To steer away (for one period) from regular

class work and make the students look forward to diverse concepts in the subject

* Introduce skills such as Thinking

Mathematically’ and ‘Problem Solving’

Maths Boost has finished this year and I would like to thank Mr Tan, Mr Osborne, Mr Wiles, Mr Abhi-lash and Mr Rao. They gave up their time each Wednesday afternoon to assist students with homework, assignments, questions and study. I would also like to acknowledge the students who took advantage of this initiative.

* The concept here is to provide professional and

free Mathematics tutoring to students at HHS

* Target students will be Years 7-10 and at all


* It will run for approximately 1 hour between

3.00pm and 4.00pm on Wednesday afternoons in the Mathematics Block and will be staffed by at least two Mathematics teachers.

* It is expected that students will come prepared

with questions and/or concepts they are having problems with.

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Now that we are nearing the end of term

one, it might be time to think how well you

are settling into your studies and if you re-

quire a little extra help with your subjects.

Remember that Homework Club and Maths

Boost are available after school each week –

see me if you would like a permission note

for either of these FREE services within the

school. If you have moved to Holsworthy

from interstate you may wish to utilise the

Education Assistance that provides up to 14

weeks reimbursed tutoring services for a va-

riety of subjects. For further information

you may contact me or refer to

Ms Brown and I are seeing many new faces

at the Volunteering Team meetings on Tues-

day A. That’s fantastic! Visit the Learning

Centre during lunch to find out how you can

positively contribute to society and add valu-

able information to your resume. The Volun-

teering Team has members from yrs 7 to 12,

so come along and assist us with our latest

Sister School project. See separate flyer.

Every Friday HHS offers FREE breakfast

hosted by our Breakfast Cub. Junction

Works – Wattlegrove kindly sponsors our

school and provides us with a wholesome

breakfast including; fruit, cereal, toast, pop-

pers, bacon, eggs… If you would like to add

Defence Transition Mentor

Autumn Update

hours to your Volunteering Awards, please

see Ms Brown or myself for further infor-

mation. See separate flyer.

Year 7 Defence students will be having their

Pizza Lunch at the end of the term. This is

where you invite a friend to a free pizza

lunch in the Learning Centre so I get to meet

and see who you have connected with in your

first few months in high school. I will visit

your year assembly in the coming weeks.

Defence Community Organisation (DCO) is

hosting a free Coffee and Cake morning tea

if you have a partner that is “Absent from

Home”. This will take place on Thursday 20th

Mar 14 at 1030h at Moorebank Sports Club.

Please RSVP via their email address

[email protected]

Veterans and Veterans Family Counselling

Service (VVCS) will conduct a Post Traumatic

Stress Disorder (PTSD) information session

at Revesby Workers Club on Thursday 27

Mar 14 between 0930h and 1600h. Morning

Tea and Lunch are provided on the day.

Please RSVP via 8633 2700 or 1800 011 046

to register.

Until next Newsorthy……… keep well………….oh

and keep studying.

Ms Maria Leetham

Defence Transition Mentor

[email protected]

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In the future

there is only


Year 7s WELCOME!

Holsworthy High School’s Warhammer 40K Gaming club is continuing its tradition of weekly gaming events after school hours. These events are supervised on school grounds in the English Block. Events/Games are held every Thursday from 3pm til 5pm and students are required to stay for the duration of the events. The events are free, however students are encouraged to donate $1 for each event which is spent on prizes, equipment etc.

Miniatures, rulebooks, scenery, dice etc, are supplied by the club, as well as a limited number of paints and brushes. Students are encouraged to bring their own armies, which can be left with Mr Rad in the English staffroom before school. Games include, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Zombicide and Space Hulk. The Warhammer 40k club runs many campaigns throughout the year.

See Mr Radwanowski in English block for permission note.

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Ms Sproats Yr7 Mr Wiles Yr8 Mr Fernandez Yr9

Ms Condell Yr 10 Mr Lukins Yr 10 Mr Spyroulias Yr 11

Mr Amerikanos Yr 12 Ms Brown Yr 12

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What a busy term so far. Every student should have now settled in. 5 years ago I undertook the Year Advisor role and what a fantastic role it has been. It gives me great pleasure to see the class of Year 11, 2014 as senior students.

Students have all been emailed their assessment booklets and are responsible for getting their assessment tasks in ion time.

Below are a few initiatives we offer at Holsworthy High School:- * Homework club every Tuesday between 3—4pm * Mentoring program where students can nomi-

nate a teacher to help them with their study skills and essay writing.

I am very proud of your achievements so far, With students participating in the Volunteering program and Reading Literacy program. We have students involved in the Max Potential Program and the formal / fundraising committee is up and running.

Lastly with the assistance o the PE staff, we have organised a Year 11 Sport-a-thon on 4/4/14. This is a great way for every Year 11 student to fundraise for their jerseys and formal ticket in 2015. The sport-a-thon will be taking place between 4pm and 10pm. Students must bring their permission notes in and pay $25.

‘Good job’ to the students involved in the TJW Youth Clicks committee who are passionate about supporting the development and inclusion of other young people living in Liverpool.

So Year 11, planning is key—planning for any event leads to success. Mr Spyroulias

I can report that the start of this year has been less challenging for our year group than last year. They have settled in well this year and appear to be performing well in their classes. School uniform has been looking excellent this year.

At the start of every year there are many opportunities for students to join a sporting team or group. Being part of our school and year group does create a sense of belonging, but even more so in a team situation. I urge students to listen closely to announcements during assemblies to be aware of these opportunities, and to get involved.

On a further note, all students have been issued with a School diary this year. I ask students to use their diary as it can help them keep track of their homework, assessments and school events, etc. In addition, an e-version of this will be available shortly so that students, teachers and parents can access and edit student diaries.

Best wishes for 2014, Mr S.Wiles Year 8 Advisor

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Year 12’s, Sir and I can start to see many of you are starting to realise that we are approaching the pointy end of your 12 years of study. Most of you seem to be taking your job as a student seriously and we commend you for your efforts. For those that are not taking their studies seriously, focused more on their social life or more importantly if you want to find ways you can improve your study techniques the following are some ideas to assist you.

*The learning centre (out the back) will now only be for senior students, not for games and socialising. So please feel free to come up any recess or lunch to work individually or in small groups.

*University of Western Sydney is running April holiday free study and HSC sessions in the following subjects: General Maths, Advanced Maths, Standard English, Advanced English, Business Studies, Legal Studies, Biology, PDHPE and study techniques. To register go on to the UWS website and search for Free HSC Study Sessions.

*Maths Boost and Homework club are now running for 2014 for those seeking extra free support.

*Regularly see your mentors for help and advice.

*Use your time wisely in study periods in the learning centre.

* And do not take unnecessary days off for social reasons.

Many of you have been seeing me as your Career Adviser, for those that wish to see me

please book an appointment with me to ensure I have a full hour with you undistracted. Many students are now starting to explore not only courses they may wish to enter, but which campuses they like and scholarship opportunities for 2015. Please do not leave your careers appointments to the last minute.

We have booked and deposited our formal venue which is ‘The Star Room’ Darling Harbour. Unfortunately our previous venue has cancelled formals altogether and alternative venues within our budget and geographically desired area where either too big or too small. Sir and I are very excited about your new venue since it is very stylish, just like year 12. Do not forget to pay your term contribution of $50.00 unless you have done so. By the end of term 2 2014the following will need to be paid in full:

No jersey= $ 220.00 With jersey= $300.00 Partner and extra =$109.00

We are still selling ice blocks until it is too cold so please see me for a shift. As always it is a pleasure to be your year advisers. Stay organised, stay focused and give everything your best.

Ms Brown and the gold medallist for women’s figure skating at Sochi Mr Amerikanos

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Please ensure Student and Family information

is up to date

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fx 82AU Casio Scientific


The next meeting of the P & C for 2014 is at 5.15pm on March 10 in

the Learning Centre

We would like to encourage all parents to

attend and find out in more detail what happens at our


Below is a list of P & C meetings scheduled for

the rest of 2014

April 7 May 12

June 16 TBC August 11

September 8 October 13

November 10 December 8

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Dates to remembER - 2014

Reminder: Students need to arrive at school by

8:40am for roll call each day.

Monday 10 March P + C Meeting

Tuesday 11 March Zone Swimming Carnival

Friday 14 March School Photos

Monday 17 March Regional Swimming Carnival

Monday 17 March Parent Teacher Night for Years 7, 12 and nominated students 4 - 8pm.

Friday 21 March Bell Shakespeare Years 7, 8, 9 and Drama Ensemble.

Friday 21 March School photos catchup day

Wednesday 26—Friday 28 March Yr 7 Camp

Thursday 3—Friday 11 April Yr 12 Half Yearly exams

Friday 4 April Yr 7 and Yr 9 Boys vaccinations

Monday 7 April P + C Meeting

Friday 11 April Last day of Term 1