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Chakra Mastery: Warrior Archetype

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I've always felt like I came a little late to the party, out of synch with those around me. It felt like everyone had it all figured out, living the happily ever after. There I was trying different things, taking all sorts of classes, exploring new avenues yet not really clear about where I was going with all this seemingly unrelated interests and experiences pulling me along. There was a part of me that knew to just keep following my heart.

I studied nursing and learned about the human body and healing with traditional medicine. I studied environmental engineering and learned about nature, natural forces, human impact on them, and healing the earth. I studied alternative health and learned to work with the mind-body-spirit flow for holistic healing. I studied energy medicine and learned the human energy system and healing with energy. The common thread was healing and the integration of all systems in order to uniquely empower each individual.

The interconnectedness of what I have learned allows me to fully step into my soul purpose passionately. I know that as we move forward in this time of great change we must look at the whole picture and what that means for us individually and collectively. We must learn to master tour own Human Energy System in order to navigate quickly, efficiently, and successfully through these changes. It is the key to unlocking our greatest potential.

At the core of the Human Energy System is the chakra system.

They are a series of energy vortexes that process energy and are connected to the meridians or energetic pathways that move through the body, the energy points where the meridians cross commonly known as acupuncture points.

The chakras connect with the subtle energy bodies that make up your aura, and the web of energy often referred to as the matrix of collective consciousness. This is the very basic synopsis of the Human Energy System.

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This report will give you a basic knowledge of the 3rd chakra, what it is, how it functions, and how it affects your life.

There are hundreds of minor chakras throughout your body, much like in your circulatory system the major components are your heart, veins, arteries, and blood; within that system are more intricate subsystems. The same is true of your energy system.

Each of the 7 major in body chakras are tuned in to a particular physical and emotional aspect. The out of body chakras are more focused on the movement and processing of the different types of energy.

Just like we have preferred dominant hand We all have a preferred dominant chakra this provides an energetic profile that forms our perceptions . There are many factors that play into your energy profile and though it's foundational it is not a static thing it can change and evolve with you.

This is the beginning of a journey in self discovery, self healing, and self realization so sit, back relax, (you can't get it wrong!) and enjoy. Apply what you learn fine tuning it to suit your unique situation and needs. I'm happy to be sharing the journey with you.



Chakra Mastery: Warrior Archetype

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Chakra Front Opens Us To Back Opens Us to1st Chakra Meet survival needs

Healthy family relationships Energy for life purpose

Abundance worthiness Vibrant health

2nd Chakra Creativity Birthing (both physical and

of ideas, projects, business, etc.)


Healthy and full adaptations to life changes

3rd Chakra Personal power Self esteem Confidence

Aligning conscious and unconscious beliefs

Strong energy flow –emotional, mental, and physical

4th Chakra Dreams Compassion Relationships

Blending the physical and the Divine

5th Chakra Wisdom Responsibility Expression

Choosing how we express ourselves

Accepting others ideas

6th Chakra Insight Vision

Self directed fate Self perception Seeing the path and

what it takes to walk it

7th Chakra Oneness Accessing the Divine

Oneness Connecting to higher self Altering perceptions of

reality8th Chakra Past guiding decisions

Past choices and use of gifts Patterns of the past

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9th Chakra Expressions of caring for others caretaking vs. care giving

Soul beliefs regarding humanity, universal love, global issues

10th Chakra connection with nature, natural healing

grounding in ancestry

integrating nature and natural cycles into life

11th Chakra use of energy to impact your life and world

transmutation of energy

beliefs about transmuting energy

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Power Play

3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra

Traditional Name: Manipura

Flower: 10 petal lotus

Color: Yellow

Mantra: Ram

Element: Fire

Crystal: Malachite or Citrine

Essential Oil: Lemon or Rosemary

The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra or Manipura. It's located below the rib cage at the solar plexus below the sternum. This chakra is where your personal power resides. It’s where parental and societal messages are held. This is the center that where you balance your personal power and where you answer the question ‘who am I?’ This is the energy for how you present yourself to the world. The essence of this chakra is all about confidence, self esteem, ego, and personality.

Feelings and Emotions

The solar plexus chakra is focused on self identity, who you are, and how you present yourself to others. When we connect with the power of this chakra you easily move forward with enthusiasm and commitment. This is where you hold the personal vision and clarity needed to guide you.

It is with this energy that you are able to keep the ego in check using it to function in everyday life and not allowing the ego to run the show. This chakra is where your confidence and self

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esteem flows from. It is here we work with blending the internal and external influences in our lives.

A well balanced solar plexus chakra presents as a happy, self respecting, vital, and flexible state of being. There is a strong sense of personal power, healthy patterns of behavior, and the ability to engage with others in a confident yet approachable manner. This is the mood center that helps to form our personality.

Blocks in the Solar Plexus Chakra can result in,

Persistent Thoughts of:

Being less than Dissatisfaction Powerlessness Superiority Hiding or blending in

Patterns of Behavior:

Self sabotage Inability to stand up for self Inflexibility Judging others Aggression

In many cases an under active solar plexus chakra can show up as timidity, aloofness(the cold fish), a passive or indecisive manner, self isolation, also a feeling of being deprived or invisible.

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The overactive solar plexus chakra can show up as aggressive, judgmental (of self and/or others), or domineering behavior for example the one who is always right. It can also be exhibited with stubbornness, being critical, a love of power, and the inability to feel satisfied.


The solar plexus chakra balances the liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, kidneys, and adrenal glands. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the solar plexus chakra are:

Digestive issues Food Allergies Nervousness Diabetes Stomach ulcers Liver Problems Kidney problems Fatigue

Activities to Activate the Solar Plexus Chakra:

Mind Puzzles Getting some sunshine Learning something new Books that are thought provoking

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Realigning and Cleansing

If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas focusing on the solar plexus chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be of value(in conjunction with your current plan) getting the energy moving.

When you breathe into the solar plexus chakra visualize yellow light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counter clockwise then clockwise. Adding the following affirmation:

My doubts and fears about my personal power and control are dissolving. I completely release them with ease and grace.

I am free to step into my power in a healthy uplifting way. It is safe for me to shine my light for all to see.

There is a harmonious flow of power, confidence, and self esteem in my life

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

o Am I having difficulty focusing and concentrating?o Do I have difficulty making decisions?o Am I overly concerned with what others think?o Do I believe that ‘to get the job done’ I must do it myself?

If you answered yes to any of the questions you may have a block in the solar plexus chakra. You can cleanse and realign the energy in your solar plexus chakra by doing the cleansing above or any activity that feels right to you. You may want to change the affirmations using the language you used when answering the questions.

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Warrior Archetype

Angelic: Uriel

Animal: Lion

Archetype: Warrior (thinker, servant (negative), lion, conductor)

Astrological: Aries, Leo, Mars, Sun

Body: Stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine

Chakra: 3rd, Solar Plexus

Color: Yellow

Core Words: Self-empowerment, choice, self-confidence, authenticity, personal identity

Location: Just below sternum

Sanskrit: Manipura

Overview: The Warrior Energy Profile focuses on duality with self and others, being yourself and being part of the whole. There is a developing of a sense of individuality, inner strength, and self-worth. This is where you define your character with authenticity and congruence. Instincts are felt here (a gut feeling). This is the seat of your Sense of Self and the freedom to express it in the world.

Strengths: Your strong suit is empowerment; stepping into personal power in a way that is powerful and positive. The Warrior embodies freedom to choose and doing so with integrity and authenticity. You tap into a wellspring of strength and resilience using your willpower to succeed. You are naturally organized and can tune in to common sense as well as your gut instinct.

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Weaknesses: You can struggle with self-doubt and giving away your power. This will result in you keeping your dreams and goals small. There is also a tendency to use your power to manipulate, control, or exploit others/situations. Because you have a strong pull toward freedom you can be judgmental especially with those you perceive as not living up to their potential.

Money: The Warrior manages money well. For you, money is a means for evaluating success. When it comes to finance, you are organized and analytical.

Career: Focus on careers that utilize your analytical, organizational, and structural skills. A few fields that might be well suited to you are accounting, law, education, and technology.

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What's Next?

Now that you have the basics down, what do you do with it? There are numerous ways to apply this information in your life with real tangible results (talk about making the invisible visible!). I'll cover the top five ways to apply this to your life.

1. Take a look at your primary Chakra Energy Profile. How do these qualities support or hinder you? Is it situational; more evident in certain relationships, at work, or at home? Make note of where your attention is drawn. What feels true for you, what does not, and what are you resisting?

Now take a look at your supporting Chakra Energy Profiles; go through the same process. Are there areas you want to enhance or reduce the energy? Focus on these areas when doing your chakra cleansing either drawing more energy in or slowing down the flow.

2. Look at an area you have a recurring problem or struggle in. Now take your lowest scoring Chakra Energy Profile and see what qualities you could enhance to help you come to a solution. For example, if the 5th chakra was your lowest, how is communication showing up? Is there a way to bring greater clarity to your communication both speaking and listening?

3. Think of a goal that you want to achieve. What qualities will you need to help you achieve that goal? Draw on the energy of those chakras to infuse your goal with the energy of those specific qualities. For example, if you want to attract a relationship you may want to draw on the energy of the solar plexus chakra so you stay confident in who you are.

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4. Look at your work life; are your values being expressed? Are your strengths being utilized? Look at how you can shift your perception to expand how you see your work. What are your intentions behind your work? Consciously draw energy into the chakras that will support you.

5. Cleanse your chakras daily. Just like you shower, brush your teeth, and comb your hair your chakras need regular cleansing. It doesn't take long – a couple of minutes of consciously moving the energy through your chakras will do wonders. Not only will it keep the energy moving, it will also connect you with your energy field making it easier to tell when there is a disruption.

Tuning in to your Human Energy System is a vital of part of a successful well balanced life. It has far reaching effects and does not take a lot of time. As you explore, you maybe be surprised at what you discover and how easily it's incorporated into everyday life. As you adapt and expand on your practice I would love to have you share any new ways or adaptation that you discover. You can share on the blog at or email me, Cathy atinspiredsoulalliance dot com.