Download - Head Transplant


Bretzner Martin2013


“ Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus ” - Mary Shelley (1818)

Adapted in 1931 by James Whale ; “ It’s Alive ! ”

“ Herbert West – Reanimator ” – H.P. Lovecraft (1921)

Adapted in 1985 by Stuart Gordon

Monkeys & DogsMonkeys & Dogs

Robert J. White, American neurosurgeon

Isolated brain

Electrical Activity

Necessity to transplant the head/body

Meanwhile in Soviet Meanwhile in Soviet RussiaRussia

Sergei Bryukhonenko & the stand-alone dog head

Vladimir Demikhov & the two-headed dog

Off With Their Off With Their Heads !Heads !

1963, Robert J. White : First successful head transplant on monkeys


Could hear, smell, taste, bite, blink

The Mad ScientistThe Mad Scientist

Sergio Canavero, Italian neuroscientist

Surgical Neurology International journal, June 2013

Quadriplegia : usage of fusogens (PEG - Chitosan)

Feasible for a mere $10 Million


Cannulation of carotids and vertebral arteries

Exsanguination of the head

Profound hypothermia ( <20°C )

Clean cut of the spinal cord coated with fusogens

2 min to fuse the spinal cords

Sew the vessels, esophagus, muscles, skin…


Recipient : quadriplegic with multi-organ failure, progressive muscular dystrophy…

Donor : brain dead, same sex and corpulence, immunotype, no systemic disorder


Life extension and organ traffic

Genetic inheritance

Creation of chimera

Organ shortage


Although being very controversial, head/total body transplant is a subject that needs to be considered as it is a theoretically feasible procedure and a possible remedy to horrible yet incurable conditions.