Download - Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.

Page 1: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.

Hallmarks of the Renaissance

The “Isms”

Page 2: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.

What are the characteristics of the Renaissance?

The “isms”:

humanism (and classicism)



scientific naturalism

Page 3: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.

Humanism intellectual movement based on study of the classics

(classicism) humanities (liberal arts): grammar, rhetoric, poetry, ethics,


renewed interest in man and new view of humankind believed in human potential and glorified man’s dignity man depicted in art as the center of the world

civic humanism: application of humanist education to civil service

vs. Middle Ages – learning confined largely to Christian monasteries; subordination of humans to God; human body should be covered up, not glorified (Christian worldview)

Page 4: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.

Humanism (Classicism)

Bramante, Tempietto, San Pietro in Montorio,Rome, 1508

Page 5: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.


Pico della Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man:

“O supreme generosity of God the Father, Ohighest and most marvelous felicity of man! Tohim it is granted to have whatever he chooses,

tobe whatever he wills.”

Page 6: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.

Humanism (Classicism)

Michelangelo, David, 1504(marble statue)

Page 7: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.


new emphasis on individual achievement

belief that the individual ought to be free to think, speak, and act for himself

vs. Middle Ages – cooperation within small communities; individual achievement subordinate to religious faith/piety (Christian worldview)

Page 8: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.


Titian, Portrait of Emperor

Charles V atMuhlberg, 1548(oil on canvas) Renaissance portraiture

Page 9: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.


Titian, Portrait of Empress

Isabel ofPortugal, 1548(oil on canvas) Renaissance portraiture

Page 10: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.


Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper, 1498 (fresco) each of the 12 apostles has a different, individual expression

Page 11: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.


increasing concern with the material rather than spiritual world

material values: money/wealth, material goods, leisure time/activities

vs. Middle Ages – focus on the spiritual world/Kingdom of Heaven (Christian worldview)

Page 12: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.


Pieter Bruegel, Peasant Dance, 1568 (oak on panel)

Page 13: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.


Boccaccio (1313-1375), The Decameron:

“Niccolò’s son, Filippo, being a young man and a bachelor, was wont sometimes to bring thither a woman for his pleasure, and after keeping her there for a few days to escort her thence again. Now on one of these occasions it befell that he brought thither one Niccolosa, whom a vile fellow, named Mangione, kept in a house at Camaldoli as a common prostitute. And a fine piece of flesh she was, and wore fine clothes, and, for one of her sort, knew how to comport herself becomingly and talk agreeably.”

Page 14: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.


Hans Holbein, The

Ambassadors, 1533

(oil on wood)

Page 15: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.

Scientific Naturalism

close observation and study of the natural world geometry / proportions / space / laws of perspective anatomy

realistic portrayal of natural world

vs. Middle Ages – less realistic and more stylized; focus is on representation of God rather than representation of God (Christian worldview)

Page 16: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.

Scientific Naturalism

Raphael, School of Athens, 1510 (fresco) laws of perspective

Page 17: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.

Scientific Naturalism

Leonardo da Vinci, Study of a woman’s hands, date unknown (drawing)

Leonardo da Vinci, Larynx and legs,

1510 (drawing)

Page 18: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.

Scientific Naturalism

Leonardo da Vinci,Vitruvian Man, 1492 (pen and ink) study of ideal


Page 19: Hallmarks of the Renaissance The Isms. What are the characteristics of the Renaissance? The isms: humanism (and classicism) individualism secularism scientific.

Scientific Naturalism

Fra Angelico, The Annunciation,

1432(tempera on wood)