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  • 7/30/2019 GWA ES DT V5 I15


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    Volume 5, Issue 15

    Dec 20th 2012

    The Academy promotes inquiring, knowledgeable, reecve, and caring learners who develop personal skills to create a

    beer and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Reected in a variety of dened outcomesand assessments, our divisional I.B. programs support students to become compassionate, lifelong, and acvely involved

    learners who recognize the dierences among people and will contribute to a beer future global society.

    What A Great Week to be a Proud Principal!

    Every week is a busy week at GWA-Dubai. This week has been exceponally busy for us as we head into the winter

    break at a screamingly high pace. Teachers, teaching assistants, students and parents have come together in many

    dierent ways to celebrate learning across the school. Our students have been showcasing, exhibing, demonstrang,

    public speaking, listening, experimenng and, importantly, enjoying, a huge variety of culminang experiences this


    Celebrang Readers! Students in Grades 3, 4 and 5 this week parcipated in the GWA Reading Challenge our own

    compeon in the lead up to the Emirates Literature Fesval Readers Cup. Excitement was high and the library was a

    place of noisy cheering as teams of students competed against each other to answer quesons about the two books

    that they have been reading over the past 3 weeks. Thank you to Miss LJ, Mrs Atkinson and all of the volunteer reading

    coaches for your enthusiasc support of this event. It was great fun for all involved, and more importantly, enthusiasm

    for reading has increased as a result of this compeon. Congratulaons to our winners who go through to the next

    round of the compeon.

    Celebrang Arsts! Creang their personal art exhibion was the focus for all students in Grade 2 this week as they

    wrapped up their unit of inquiry on how arsts express themselves through visual arts.A dazzling display of visual arts

    has capvated visitors all week, with parents invited to view the artwork, meet with the arsts and be guided through

    the various pieces of art on display. Visitors to the gallery were able to see pieces inspired by Kandinsky, Van Gogh,

    Picasso and other great arsts, as well as read real stories that inspired the dierent works of art. Congratulaons

    Grade 2 on an impressive exhibion.

    Celebrang Sciensts!Parents and special guests were treated to science exhibits and demonstraons at

    the Grade 4 science fair this week. Students in fourth grade undertook their own scienc invesgaons

    into chemical changes and very condently presented the results of their experiments and inquiries to

    their visitors. Their chemistry experiments included creang lava lamps, elephant toothpaste and

    exploding rockets while students were able to demonstrate their scienc skills observaon,

    collecon of data, creang and tesng hypotheses, and drawing conclusions.

    Connued on page 2.

    Sunday, Jan 6 Monday, Jan 7 Tuesday, Jan 8 Wednesday, Jan 9 Thursday, Jan 10

    Day 6

    Classes resume

    Day 1

    Student Council

    Meengs 3.45 pm

    Day 2 Day 3

    Pre-kGr 1 Assembly 8.45

    am - 9.15 am

    Day 4

    Gr2Gr5 Assembly 8.45

    am9.15 am
  • 7/30/2019 GWA ES DT V5 I15


    GWA-Dubai has BOTH an all-school building evacuaon plan and an all-school

    lockdown plan

    The school evacuaon plan and a pracce drill to exit the buildings is conducted once a month. Those drills

    are unannounced at random mes each month. A pracce drill was conducted while the CIS Accreditaon

    Team was on our campus and following the observaon received a commendable mark of excellence on

    the wrien exit report. A school lockdown plan is also in place. This plan is included in the red emergency

    folder in every classroom. That drill has a script that teachers are required to read to students regarding the

    pracce and why we do such drills. An announced all-school lockdown is conducted twice a year. All

    pracce drills take no longer than 20 minutes and regular classwork resumes once an all

    clear is announced. Interested parents may preview a red emergency le and its

    contents at any me. Health, safety, and welfare of our enre school community remains

    an eminent priority.

    The 2011 KDHA/DSIB inspecon results reected an OUTSTANDINGmark to GWA in this category.

    Celebrang Athletes! It was a pleasure seeing our Grade 4 and 5 football teams being recognised with cercates of

    parcipaon on assembly this morning. They have worked hard for the last couple of months, at football pracces

    and giving their best during their matches. Their success has come with a lot of hard work and commitment, from all

    players and their coaches. Well done!

    Celebrang Winter through Music and Fesvals!

    Our hearts were touched and spirits lied with incredible music

    making both the EC-Grade 1 and Grades 2-5 assemblies this week. We were entertained by the PYP Orchestra, an

    MYP singing ensemble, PreKs accompaniment of Jingle Bells while the school sang along, and the sweet singing of our

    Swedish community with Santa Lucia. What a great way to celebrate and acknowledge winter fesvals and

    celebraons from around the world. The Winter Fesval hosted by GWAPA was a huge success, with cultural displays

    of Haj, Diwali, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year drawing the aenon of students from across the school. Take

    some me to read the New Year wishes on our tree in recepon. It was a truly internaonal celebraon of winter

    fesvals. Thank you to our Music department for the wonderful assemblies, and to our energec Parent Associaon

    for bringing the Winter Fesval to life.

    With so many reasons to celebrate learning in every area of our school, you can see why I am feeling like a very proud

    principal this week!

    We have a truly incredible school.

    Wishing you all a wonderful, resul, fun-lled winter holiday, and for those of you celebrang, Merry Christmas! I look

    forward to seeing you when school reopens, on January 6th

    , 2013.


    Megan Brazil

    Elementary Principal

    Congratulaons to Grade 3AH on

    winning the Green Dragon this weekin assembly!

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    Thank you GWAPA!

    Click hereto view more photos

    from the Winter Fesval.
  • 7/30/2019 GWA ES DT V5 I15


    Over the past week, the recepon areaand the Gallery Walk have been brightlydecorated with examples of Grade 2 art!

    Grade 2 students presented a range ofpieces, that reected their learning aroundusing dierent elements of art. Their nalsummave task was also shown throughartwork on a canvas, and a wrien piece.Parents and teachers came to discuss the

    artwork with the Grade 2 arsts.

    Thearsts explained topics such as whicharst they were inspired by, how they

    used the elements of art to express theiremoons and their personal reecons on

    their work.

    Grade 2 Teachers would like to thank eve-ryone very much for supporng Grade 2

    we know you are as proud as we are ofour ARTISTS!

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  • 7/30/2019 GWA ES DT V5 I15


    December 20 Early dismissal 12pm

    December 23January 3 Winter Break

    January 6 Classes Resume

    January 15 Gr2 Gr5 Sports Day

    January 21 Music Concert KG2Gr2 , 9am10am

    January 31

    ECGr1 Sports Day

    February 10 Quarter 2 Reports Issued

    February 22 GWA Internaonal Day

    Our theme for Internaonal Day this is year is FOOD!

    Dont forget to bring back those special mementos

    from your home countries for your Internaonal Day

    stand we will be forwarding more info in the New


    If you would like to sign-up for Internaonal Day, click

    the link below for instrucons on how to join in as

    either a parcipant or a country stand organizer!

    Over the break take pictures of

    everything you see that is EXCITING,COOL, OR JUST NEW. You never know

    what the winning picture will look

    like It could be yours.