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9 myths of innovation

# innovation is a talent

no, it’s a muscle. it can be trained, but not the way you think

creative people do the innovation and they’re in R&D

no, everyone can innovate, because every-one gets frustrated - innovation is taking place right now across the organization - you just dont hear about it


innovation is about growing, expanding and adding

no, this is “the problem of addition” the healthiest thing a person can do is not start exercising, but to stop smoking

strategic subtraction - growth follows


innovation just requires creativity

no, primarily it’s a result of problem-solving skills


it’s about generating ideas

no, it starts by asking challenging questions and seeing problems from a fresh perspective


it requires lots of resources and freedom

no, innovation is born out of vexing problems, perspective shift and limited resources


you need to reward people financially

no, this is one of the biggest killers of innovation, along with a sense of good/bad, right/wrong, which just lead to fear


innovation must focus on the customer

no, it’s is also about saving money, saving time and making work more effective and meaningful


innovations need to be wild and crazy, 100% new

no, the iphone was a slow innovation, coming out of ipods, touch screens and laptops, combining them was a small idea - all good ideas, big or small, should be acted on
