Download - Glossary of a Pictorial Cyclopedia of Philippine Ornamental Plants by Domingo Madulid

Page 1: Glossary of a Pictorial Cyclopedia of Philippine Ornamental Plants by Domingo Madulid

-ICUMINATE - Tapering to an acute point, the sides incurved.

-{CHENE - A small, dry, 1-seeded, indehiscent, seedlike fruit.

-{CLITE - Sharply pointed, the sides straight, not incurved.

-{D\TNTITIOUS - Out of the proper or usual place.

.L\DROPHORE - A colurnn of united stamens.

-{\THER - The part of the starnen whiclt contains the pollen.

-{PEX - The summit or tip of the organ.

-{PPENDAGE - Any added part.

-{PPRESSED - Pressed to the stem.

-{REOLA - A small area marked out on a surface; a srnall pit.

-{ROID - A plant of the family Araceae.

A5SYMETRIC - A flower having some parts different in form,

size, or degree of connation from others of the same whorl

so that it is incapable of division in any plane into two

equal, similar halves.

.{TTENUATE - Narrowed gradu aIIy,

CLADOPHYLL - A flattened branch having the form and function

of a leaf, but arising in the axil of a minute, bractlike, often

caducous, true leaf.

CONES - A dense and usually elongated collection of sporophylls(cone scales) and usually bracts on a central axis, the whole

forming a detachable, hornogenous body.

CONIFEROUS - Cone-bearing.

CONVEX - A more or less rounded surface.

CORDATE - Heart-shaped.

CORIACEOUS - Resembling leather in texture.

CORM - A solid underground bulb.

COROLLA - The second set of floral organs, composed of petals,

usually the showy part of the flower.

CORONA - A body shaped like a'crown.

CORRUGATED - Wrinkled or drew into folds.

CORYMBOSE - In corymbs, or colylnblike in form.

CORYMB - A compound, flat or convex, open inflorescence,

the outer flowers opening first.

CRENATE - An edge with rounded teeth.

CRENULATE - Minutely or slightly crenate.

CREST - An elevation or ridge on the summit of any organ.

CRO\rNS - See corona.

CULM - The hollow, jointed stem of the grasses.

CULTIGEN - A plant or group of apparent specific rank, known

only in cultivation, with no deterrnined nativity, presurnably

having originated, in the forrn in'yhich we know it, under


CULTIVAR - A horticultural variety or race that has originated

and persisted under cultivation, not necessarily referable to

a botanical species, and of botanical or horticultural irnportance,

requiring a name.

CUNEATE - V/edge-shaped.

CUSPIDATE - Tipped with a sharp and stiff point.

CYME - A flat or convex, open, courpollnd flower cluster, the

inner flowers opening first. ..

CYMOSE - Furnished with cyme or cymelike.

DECUMBENT - Reclining on the ground.

DECURRENT - Leaves prolonged on the stem beneath their


DENTATE - Toothed, the teeth sharp and pointing outward.

DEPRESSED - Flattened or as if pressed down from above.

DISTICHOUS - Two-ranked.

DRUPE - A stone-fruit, that is the outer part soft, fleshy or

fibrous, the inner part hard and bony.

ELLIPSOID - A solid body showing an ellipse in longitudinal

section and a circle in cross section.

ELLIPTIC - Oval or oblong with the ends regularly rounded.

ENDEMIC - Confined to a lirnited are or locality; said of a

species with limited distribution.

-{URICLED - Earshaped lobe or appendage, as

at the base of some leaves and petals.

-l\11 - The angle on the upper side between


.L\ILLARY - Occuring in an axil.

BfSAt - Belonging or attached to the base.

the projections

a leaf and the

BERRY - A fleshy, indehiscent, few- to many-seeded fruit.

BIFID - Two-cleft to about the rniddle.

BIFOLIOLATE - A compound leaf of two leaflets.

BIL.IBIATE - Having two lips, as sorne corollas

BIPINNATE -'Iwice pinnate.

BISEXUAL - Having both stamens and pistils.

BLdDE - The expanded part of a leaf.

BRACT - The small leaf or scale from the axil of which a flower

or its pedicel proceeds.

BRACTEOLES - A bract seated on the pedicel or flower-stalk.

BRISTLE - A stiff, sharp hair, or any slender body of sirnilar


BROMELIAD - A plant of the family Bromeliaceae.

BUDDING - The uniting of bud with a stock.

BULB - An underground stem composed of scales.

BULBIL - Small bulb, borne above ground, usually axillary.

BL:TTRESS -A projecting support.

CAL\T - The outer envelopes of the flower.

C${PANULATE - Shaped like a bell.

CAPITATE - Having^ globular apex.

CAPSULE - A dry, 1- to rnany-celled seed-vessel of a cornpound


C-{,RYOPSIS - The one-seeded fruit or grain of grasses.

CATKIN - A scaly bracted, usually flexous spike or spikelike

inflorescence of cyrnules.

CL{DODE - Leaflike branch.



Page 2: Glossary of a Pictorial Cyclopedia of Philippine Ornamental Plants by Domingo Madulid


ENTIRE - The rnargins continuous.

EPIPHYTIC - Relating to epiphytes.

EQUITANT - Used of conduplicate leaves that overlap one another

in two ranks, forming afan, as in many species of lris.

EVEN-PINNATE - No odd terrninal leaflet.

FASCICLED - Growing in a bundle or cluster.

FIBROUS - Composed of fibers.

FIDDLE-SHAPED - Violin-shaped.

FILAMENTOUS - Threadlike

FILIFORM - Thread-shaped.

FISSURED - Cleaved.

FLACCID - Lirnp, flabby.

FLEXUOUS - Zigzag, bent or curved alternately in opposite

' directions.

FOLLICLE - A simple pod, opening down the inner suture.

FUSIFORM - Spindle-shaped.

GLABROUS - Smooth, in the sense of having no hairs, bristles,

or other pubescence.

GLAUCESCENT - Slightly glaucous, or bluish gray.

GIAUCOUS - Covered with a bloorn, that is, with a fine, white,

wilry powder that rubs off.

GLOBOSE - Nearly spherical.

GRAFTING - The union of carnbiurn layers of two woody stern,

one of the stock and the other of the scion.

HASTATE - Halberd-shaped.

HERBACEOUS - The texture of an herb as opposed to woody.

HYBRID - An organism which is the result of a cross between 2

varieties, species, or genera.

IMBRICATE - Overlapping one another.

INCISED - Deeply and irregularly cut.

INDEHISCENT - Not splitting open.

INDIGENOUS - Native to a givenarea, as opposed to an introduced

or exotic species.

INFLORESCENCE - The arrangenent of the flowers of the plant.

INVOLUCML - Of, relating to, or resembling an involucre.

INVOLUCRE - A whorl or set of bracts around a flower or an


KEEL - A projecting ridge on a surface, like the keel of a boat;

the two anterior petals of a papillionaceous corolla.

LABELLUM - Tlre odd, usually enlarge petal in the orchids and

some other flowers.

LACEMTE - l}fifi rnargins appearing as if torn.

LAMINA - The expanded part or blade of a leaf.

LANCEOLATE - Lance-shaped.

LAX - Loose in arrangement, the opposite of crowded.

LAYERING - A rnethod of vegetative propagation where the

stems arc placed on top of the ground and covered with

soil until roots are produced at the nodes.

LIGULE - The strap-shaped corolla in many Compositae; the thin

appendage at the apex of the leaf-sheaths of most grasses.

LIMB - The border of a corolla.

LINEAR - Narrow, many times as long as broad, the rnargins


LOCULICIDAL - Capsules opening by splitting through the back

of each cell.

MARCOTTING - To pLopagate a plant by marcottage.

MARCOTTAGE - Air layering.

MEGASPOROPHYLL - A sporophyll that bears megaspore; in

angiospenns, a carpel.

MEMBRANACEOUS - Thin and soft, of the texture of rnernbrane.

MESOCARP - The middle layer of the fruit.

MONOECIOUS - Male and fernale flowers borne on the flowers.

MUCRONATE - Tipped with an abrupt short point.

NERVES - A name for the ribs or veins of leaves.

NODDING - Bending so that the summit hangs downward.

NODE - The joints of a stem, or the part bearing the leaves or


OBLANCEOLATE - The reverse of lanceolate, the broader end

toward the top.

OBOVATE - A flat inversely ovate body, the broad end upward.

OBTUSE - Blunt or round at the end.

ODD-PINNATE - Pinnate with terrninal leaflet.

OFFSETS - Is a sinilar but short prostrate branch with a tuft ofleaves at the end which rest on ground, there takes root

and at length becomes independent.

OFFSHOOT - A lateral branch of the main stem.

ORBICULAR - Circular in outline.

OVATE - Like a longitudinal section of an egg, with the broader

end downward.

PANICLE - An open and branched inflorescence.

PANICULATE - Arranged in panicles, or like a panicle.; pANTROPIC - Occuring in tropical region.

PAPILLATE - Covered with small

PEDICEL - The stalk of a single flower.

PEDICELLATE - Borne on a pedicel.

PEDUNCLE - A flower-stalk, whether of a single flower or of aflower cluster.

PELTATE - A shield-shaped leaf, whatever its shape, when the

petiole is attached to the lower side, somewhere within the


PENDANT - Hanging, overhanging

PENDULOUS - Somewhat hanging or dooping.

PERIANTH - The calyx and corolla collectively.

PETAL - A single part of a corolla.

PETIOLE - The stalk of the leaf.

PFFYLLODES - An expanded, leaflike petiole with no true blades,

as in some species of Acacia.

PINNATE - A compound leaf in which the leaflets are arranged

along the sides of a common petiole.

PLAITED - Interlaced in a regular pattern.

PLICATE - Pleated (folded lengthwise several tirnes).

POD - Especially of the fruit of the Leguminlsae, a dry, usually

dehiscent, few- to rnany-seeded fruit of a single sirnple carpel.

POMEGRANATE - Fruit with a thick rind and many seeds.

PRICKLE - A small, weak spinelike outgrowth of the bark or

epidermis rather than of the wood.


Page 3: Glossary of a Pictorial Cyclopedia of Philippine Ornamental Plants by Domingo Madulid

!r:rl Y - Bearing small sharp projections as in the rose.

ffiTfATI - Lyrng flat on the ground.

?SELDOBLJISS - A thickened or bulbiform above-ground stem

n certain orchids, varying from globose through clavate to

loog o'lindrical according to species.

ISILDOSTEM - False stem.

ItULt[nfT- Covered with fine and short or almost imperceptible


FTTESCENT - Hairy or downy, especially with fine and soft

hzirs or pubescence.

Pt1.P - The soft part of plants especially of fruits.

PLIICTATE - Marked with small dots or glands.

QLILTED - Lined or covered with quilt.

R{CEME - A flower-cluster, with one-flowered pedicels arranged

along the sides of a common peduncle.

R{CEMOSE - In raceme or racerne-like.

RACHIS - The axis of an inflorescence or other body.

RECEPTACLE - The axis of a flower or the common axis orsupport of a head of flowers.

REFLEXED - Bent outward or backward.

REMFORM - Kidney-shaped

RETUSE - An obtuse apex somewhat indented.

RHIZOMES - A rootstock.

RHOMBOID - Shaped somewhat like a rhombus or rhomboid,

i.e., like a parallelogram with two opposite obtuse angles.

RJND - Bark, peel or crust.

ROOTSTOCKS - Rootlike stem on or under ground.

ROSETTE - An arrangement of leaves radiating from a crown or

center and usually at or close to the earth, as in dandelion,


RUSSET - Reddish brown color.

SACCATE - Bag-shaped.

SAGITTATE - Like an arrowhead with the basal lobes pointing


SATVERFORM - Said of garnopetalous corolla with a slender

tube and an abruptly expanded flat lirnb, as that of Phlox;" hypocrateri-forrn.

SCABROUS - Rough or harsh to the touch.

SCANDENT - Clirnbing.

SCAPE - A peduncle rising from the ground or near it, and

bearing one or more flowers.

SCHIZOCARP - A dry, dehiscent fruit that splits into two halves,

each half called a rnericarp, as in most Umbelliferae u in Acer.

SCURFY - Covered with minute scales or branlike particles.

SEPAL - A division of the calp.

SEPTUM - A partition.

SERMTE - The margin cut into sharp teeth pointing forq/ard.

SERRULATE - Same as the last, but with fine teeth.

SESSILE - Without any stalk.

SILIQUE - The two-carpelled fruit peculiar to the Cruciferae, in

which two valves fall away,leaving a longitudinal central

replum; the term is usually restricted to long fruits of this

type, three or more times longer than wide.


SINUATE - A deeply wavy rnargin.

SPADIX - A fleshy spike of flower.

SPATHE - A bract which encloses an inflorescence as in the


SPATULATE - shaped like spatula, that is oblong, much narrowed

at the base.

SPICUIATE - Possessing or covered with spicules.

SPIKE - An inflorescence like a raceme but with sessile flowers.

SPINOSE - Thorny.

SPORANGIA - A receptacle or body where the spores are produced.

SPUR - Any projecting appendage of a flower.

STAIvIENS - The rnale organs of the flowers.

STILT - Stiff and pompous

STIPULATE - Furnished with stipules.

STIPULE - The appendages, on each side of the base of a certain


sToLoN - A stem that is growing horizontally along the groundsurface.

sroLoNIFERouS - Producing stolons, that is, reclining and

rooting stems.

SUBULATE - Awn-shaped, tapering to a sharp point.

SUCCULENT - Plant having juicy or watery tissues.

SUFFRUTESCENT - Slightly shrubby or woody.

SUTURE - The line of junction of contiguous parts grown together.

SYNCARP - A compound "fruit" composed of the rnassed, often

more or less coalescent, fruits either of a single flower (an

aggregate "fruit"), as in Magnolia,, or of several flowers (a

nrultiple "fruit"), as in pineapple (Ananas) or Pandanus.

TENDRILS - A slender, usually coiled, organ used for clirnbing.

TERETE - Long and round. i

TERMINAT - Borne at, or belonging to, the extremity or summit.

TERNATE - In threes.

TOMENTOSE - Clothed with matted wooly hairs.

TOOTHED -'Furnished with teeth or short projections of any

sort on the margin.

TRIFOLIATE - Having three leaves.

TRUNCATE - As if cut-off at the top.

TUBERCLE - A srnall, rounded excrescence or projection on an


TUBER - A thickened portion of a subterranean stem or branch,

provided with buds on the sides.

TUFT - A dense head of leaves or flowers

TUFTED - Adorn with tuft

TUNICATE - Having concentric coats or layers, as the bulb ofan onion.

TURBINATE - Top-shaped.

TURGID - Swolen, distended.

UMBEL - The umbrella-like fonn of inflorescence.

UNDUIATE - I(ravy-rnargined.

UNISEXUAL - Having stamens or pistils only.

URCEOLATE - Urn-shaped.

UTRICTE - A small, thin-walled, one-seeded fruit.

VARIEGATED - Blotched or marked with various colors.